Today, sadly, there is great confusion. Many people are being deluded by those who make Evolution the very foundation of the universe—evolution in one of several forms, all just theories. Evolution...
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To generate an SSH key pair on Windows using the PuTTYgen program: 1. Downl Download oad and install PuTTY or PuTTYgen. To download PuTTY or PuTTYgen, go to and lik the You an download PuTTY here link. !. "un the PuTTYgen program. The PuTTY #ey $enerator window is displayed. %. Set the Type o& key to generate option to SSH'! "S(. ). *lik $enerate to generate a pu+li/priate key pair.
(s the key is +eing generated, moe the mouse around the +lank area -nter a passphrase &or the priate key in the #ey passphrase +o and reenter it in the *on&irm passphrase+o.
*lik Sae priate key to sae the priate key to a &ile. To adhere to &ile'naming onentions, you should gie the priate key &ile an etension o& .ppk PuTTY priate key0.
"ight lik somewhere in the seleted tet and selet *opy &rom the menu. pen a tet editor and paste the haraters, 2ust as you opied them. Start at the &irst harater in the tet editor, and do not insert any line +reaks. 1. Sae the tet &ile in the same &older where you saed the priate key, using the .pub etension to indiate that the &ile ontains a pu+li key.
!. 3& you or others are going to use an SSH lient that re4uires the penSSH &ormat &or priate keys suh as the ssh utility on 5inu0, eport the priate key: a. n the *onersions menu, hoose -port penSSH key . +. Sae the priate key in penSSH &ormat in the same &older where you saed the priate key in .ppk &ormat, using an etension suh as .openssh to indiate the &ile6s ontent.
Below is the screen shots of how to create account on cloud.