an d
&nit )*+ Qualit$ %$%te"% in IT
Lea(ne( ,%na"e
Lea(ne( decla(ation+ I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Lea(ne% ( i#natu(e
G(adin# #(id P1.
M1 M2 M3
A%%i#n"ent title
Qualit$ in A"a-on,% IT S$%te" So.t/a(e evelo!"ent
In this assignment, you will have oortunities to rovide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the age numbers where the evidence can be found. A%%e%%"ent c(ite(ia
Ex!ected evidence
A%%e%%o(,% Feed'ac0
no1 LO21 &nde(%tand t3e need .o( 4ualit$ a%%u(ance in IT %$%te"% 1.1 discuss aroriate " #ritten which$ standards for the
develoment of an I! 1. %&lains why a system systematic aroach to 'uality assurance, and 'uality
needed. 2. Discusses various ()" standards.
" 1.2
the with
risks the
develoment of an I!
develoment system
the an
data'a%e at it% cent(e1 "
describes 1.3
assurance ractices at all
systems lifecycle
systems life*cycle
+(D- as it alies to database
and then go on to e&lain how each hase of the life*cycle
assured LO*1 Be a'le to e"!lo$ %tanda(d 4ualit$ cont(ol docu"entation
* " software test lan 2.1
documentation *
for each stage of the systems
descrition +(!D
develoment * " software test reort
LO)1 Be a'le to u%e !(oect "ana#e"ent tool% 3.1
ro0ect and
management tools
lan secic resources
1. "
imortance of ro0ect management
roduction 3.2
suitability of tools used to
'uality I! systems.
the b
develoment of an I! system.
* a #ork reakdown (tructure * a 4"5!! chart
A%%e%%"ent c(ite(ia
Ex!ected Evidence
Feed'ac0 6note on Me(it7i%tinction i. a!!lica'le8 6
M2 Identify and aly strategies
aroriate solutions
1. %7ective
have been made. 2. "n e7ective aroach to study and research
M* (elect8design and aly
has been alied 1. /elevant theories and techni'ues have been alied 2. !he
methods8techni'ues M)
has been 0ustied 1. "n aroriate
structure and method
aroriate ndings
technical language has been accurately used to resent the ndings. 2. -ommunication
taken lace in familiar and unfamiliar conte&ts 9
1. -onclusions have been
re;ection to evaluate
own work and 0ustify
synthesis of ideas and
valid conclusions
have been 0ustied 2. !he validity of results has
* !ake resonsibility
using dened criteria 1. (ubstantial activities
for managing and organising activities
have been lanned, managed and organi
managed Demonstrate 1. (elf*evaluation
convergent8lateral8 creative thinking
been has
taken lace 2. Problems
(ummative feedback
Si#natu(e I> 4rading -heck$
-omments if any$
"gree Disagree
Modify grade to Date
I9 Si#natu(e
DGs, >C( taes, software, videos and toys. Ce learned that eole wanted to have the ability to buy anything over the internet so he catered to their needs. y 1AAA e
LO21 &nde(%tand t3e need .o( 4ualit$ a%%u(ance in IT %$%te"% 1.1
discuss aroriate standards for the develoment of an I! system
Qualit$ A%%u(ance +QA$ A
)uality assurance is a rocess based aroach whose rime ob0ective is to revent defects in deliverables in the lanning stage to avoid rework, which costs a lot. )uality assurance is a roactive rocess and it emhasi
In 'uality audit, a team of e&ternal e&erts come and review the rocess and rocedures. If they nd any discreancies, they will suggest corrective action. !hey may also suggest an imrovement in the rocess. )uality audit is a very good tool to ensure that the best ractice and aroved rocedures are being followed.
In rocess analysis you analy
techni'ues which hel you nd ideas, hel you make decisions, and rioriti
A"a-on 3a% 'een %ucce%%.ul in i"!le"entin# QA+ "ma
In 1AA?, the site had two to*level categories$ books and music. "s additional categories were added +such as video and gifts, the hori
In 1AAA and 2, the site continued to e&and* adding more categories and stretching the tab system to its limit. #hen J*shos, !oys K 4ames, %lectronics, and e*-ards wer e added, there was no longer any room for the ama
In 2= "ma
%!/" (CHPPI54 -"/! HP!IH5( "s shown above, a few otions are included on the shoing cart age that make the user feel comfortable. @irst, if a user changes their mind about a articular urchase, they have the otion of deleting it from their cart. ut deleting is a rather nal act, so they have the alternative of saving it for later, too. Lou could call this a “soft delete”$ it removes the item from the shoing cart but kees it on the userGs shoing cart age under a list of saved items, where the user can easily add it back to their cart at any time.
-C"54% H/ D%%!% I!%M( H5 (CIPPI54 P"4% !he userGs control continues in subse'uent stes of the urchase. !ake a look at the ne&t image. !he user sees this when selecting a shiing otion, which likely means they are already committedNor nearly committedNto buying the roduct.
#hen choosing a shiing method, the user is given the otion, with a fairly rominent button, to “Change quantities or delete”. :on seeing the shiing methods, the user could very well need these otions, so having the button available now is helful and reassuring.
/%MI5D%/ !C"! E-H5!I5:%F DH%( 5H! M%"5 E@I5" D%-I(IH5F
"fter the user has added a roduct to their cart and selected a shiing method, they review a summary of their order and click a button to
“Continue” with their
urchase. !hat button takes them not to a conrmation of their order but rather to one nal age where they actually make their urchase. !o ensure that the user knows this is not the “nal” ste, a helful reminder is ut directly below the “Continue” button, informing them that the nal order will be conrmed after one last summary. %*commerce develoers could learn from the e&amle set by "ma
Develoers should add en3ance"ent% to t3e %3o!!in# ex!e(ience t3at "a0e
t3e u%e( .eel co".o(ta'le and in control.
Qualit$ Cont(ol +QC$ )uality control is concerned with the oerational activities and techni'ues that are used to fulll the 'uality re'uirements. )uality control functions start once the ro0ect work has begun. )uality control is a reactive aroach and hels you nd defects in deliverables. !he ob0ective of the 'uality control rocess is to make sure that the deliverables are defect free and accetable as er the 'uality re'uirements. If the deliverable has a defect, you will take any suitable corrective action. !he 'uality control rocess has two ob0ectives. !he rst ob0ective is to nd any defects in the roduct and correct them. !he second ob0ective is to validate the deliverable. )uality assurance and 'uality control are deendent on each other. !he 'uality control rocess receives inut from the 'uality assurance rocess, and in turn gives its feedback to the 'uality assurance rocess so that the 'uality assurance can validate the oerational rocess. @or e&amle, if the ro0ect team nds a defect during the ro0ect e&ecution, they will correct it and the feedback will be sent to the 'uality assurance team. !he 'uality assurance eole will investigate the cause of this defect and they will take corrective and8or reventive action in the rocess so this defect will never haen again in the future. Hnce the rocess is udated, the 'uality control eole will follow the rocess dened by the 'uality assurance team so the defect does not recur.
Sea(c3+ (earch algorithms are very imortant for the success of "ma
(earch based on Product name, brand name or something more broadly, the category. @or e&amle -amera, -anon %H( =D, electronics, etc.
(earch /esults have to be relevant
Di7erent sort otions have to be available* based on rand, Price, and /eviews8ratings etc.
@or multi*age results, there are otions to navigate to them
"lso search haens in many laces. Please take the search drilling down into multile levels into consideration when validating this functionality. @or e&amle$ #hen I search on the home age, I might see something like this$
#hen navigating to categories and go to a sub*category, maybe movies, this is
what it should be$
:(oduct detail% :a#e+ Hnce a user nds a roduct either through search or by browsing or by clicking on it from the homeage, the user will be taken to the roduct information age$
Image or images of the roduct
Price of the roduct
Product secications
-heck out otions
Delivery otions
(hiing information
In stock8Hut of stock
Multile color or variations otions
S3o!!in# Ca(t+
!his is the enultimate stage before the user commits to the urchase.
"dd items to the cart and continue shoing
If the user adds the same item to the cart while continuing to sho, the item count in the shoing cart should get incremented
"ll items and their totals should be dislayed in the cart
!a&es as er location should be alied
" user can add more items to the cart* total should re;ect the same
:date the contents added to the cart* total should re;ect that too
/emove items from the cart
Proceed to checkout
-alculate (hiing costs with di7erent shiing otions
"ly couons
DonGt check out, close the site and come back later. !he site should retain the items in the cart
-heck di7erent ayment otions If allowing check out as 4uest, simly nish the urchase and rovide an otion to register at the end
/eturning customers O ogin to check out
:ser sign u
If storing customer -redit card or any other nancial information, erform security testing around this to make sure it is secure.+P-I comliance is a must
If the user is signed u for a long time, make sure the session is timed out or not. %very site has a di7erent threshold. @or some, it is 1 minutes. @or some,
it might be di7erent. %mails8!e&t conrmation with the order number generated
;3$ QA and QC i% needed< o
Cut Co%t% = Save Ti"e+ In business, time is money. !ime invest in setting u 'uality control rocesses and olicies at the front end, saves time in the long run. %very emloyee will know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. #ith a 'uality management system in lace, the system ensures mistakes are few and far between, which saves both time and money.
Inc(ea%e% Cu%to"e( Sati%.action$ #ith a 'uality management system in lace, customers will receive better services from your business. Lour customers will e&erience the best your business has to o7er from beginning to end when all members of your comany focus their energy on
'uality. Reduced Ri%0 $ y emhasi
I"!(oved :(oduct Qualit$+ !he overall 'uality of roducts and services will imrove through system management as well. #hen emhasis on 'uality, roduction 'uality control becomes the key focus of business from roduct develoment to delivery and on through to customer satisfaction.
Reduced Re%!on%e Ti"e+
#hen things do go wrong, a 'uality
management system will have best ractices in lace to address roblems immediately as they arise. Lou wont have to waste time and money guring out solutions because a 'uality system will have dened roles of resonsibility in lace ahead of time when roblems arise.
)uality assurance and 'uality control are closely related and their ob0ective is also the same, i.e. to deliver a defect*free roduct. oth rocesses are an integral art of a 'uality management lan and comlement each other. @ailing to aly either of them will result in a failure of 'uality management on the ro0ect.
i%cu%%e% va(iou% SQA %tanda(d%+ So.t/a(e 4ualit$ a%%u(ance +SQA consists of a means of monitoring the software engineering rocesses and methods used to ensure 'uality. ()" encomasses the entire software re'uirements
develomentrocess, denition, software
design, coding, source
rocesses code
control , code
reviews, software conguration management, testing, release management, and roduct integration. ()" is organi??? or a model such as CMMI and IEEE@SA.
ISO >??? !he ISO >??? of 'uality management systems standards is designed to hel organi
!hird*arty certication bodies rovide indeendent conrmation that organi
today. !he I(H A series are based on eight 'uality management
rinciles. * -ustomer focus * eadershi * Involvement of eole * Process aroach * (ystem aroach to management * -ontinual imrovement * @actual aroach to decision making * Mutually suortive sulier relationshis Ca!a'ilit$ Matu(it$ Model Inte#(ation 6CMMI8 -aability Maturity Model Integration +-MMI imrovement
administered and marketed by -arnegie Mellon :niversity +-M: and re'uired by many DoD and :.(. 4overnment contracts, esecially in software develoment. -M: claims -MMI can be used to guide rocess imrovement across a ro0ect, division, or an entire organi
rocesses$ Initial, Managed and Dened. -urrently suorted is -MMI >ersion 1.3. -MMI is registered in the :.(. Patent and !rademark
Hce by -M:. -MMI currently addresses three areas of interest$ * Product and service develoment N -MMI for Develoment *
+-MMI*D%>, (ervice establishment, management, N -MMI for (ervices +-MMI*(>-, and
Product and service ac'uisition N -MMI for "c'uisition +-MMI* "-).
ro0ects. @ew if any rocesses in laceQ successes may not be *
reeatable. evel 2 O softw are ro0ect tracking, re'uirements management, realistic lanning, and conguration management rocesses
are in laceQ successful ractices can be reeated. evel 3 O standard software develoment and maintenance rocesses
(oftware %ngineering Process 4rou is in lace to oversee software rocesses, and training rograms are used to ensure *
understanding and comliance. evel O me trics are used to track roductivity, rocesses, and roducts. Pro0ect erformance is redictable, and 'uality is consistently high.
evel 6 O the focus is on continuous rocess imrovement. !he imact of new rocesses and technologies can be redicted and e7ectively imlemented when re'uired. o. Elect(ical and Elect(onic% En#inee(%
A%%ociation 6IEEE@SA8 !he Institute of %lectrical and %lectronics %ngineers (tandards "ssociation +I%%%*(" is an organi
nanotechnology, information assurance, and many more. I%%%*(" has develoed standards for over a century, through a rogram
consensus. !echnical e&erts from all over the world articiate in the
develoment of I%%% standards. I%%%*(" is not a body formally authori
standards bodies +"merican "5(I, 4erman DI5, Baanese BI(-, etc.. Maturity levels in -MMI for services$ * Maturity evel 2 * Managed * Maturity evel 3 * Dened * Maturity evel * )uantitatively Managed * Maturity evel 6 O Htimi
()" has a host of benets. It ensures that that software built as er ()" rocedures are of secied 'uality. ()" hels to o o o o
%liminate errors when they are still ine&ensive to correct Imroves the 'uality of the software Imroving the rocess of creating software -reate a mature software rocess
assess the risks associated with the develoment of an I! system which
has a database at its centre. a :(ivile#e A'u%e :sers may abuse legitimate database rivileges for unauthori
b In!ut Inection 6Fo("e(l$ SQL Inection8 !here are two ma0or tyes of database in0ection attacks$ 1 () In0ection that targets traditional database systems and
2 5o() In0ection that targets ig Data latforms. () In0ection attacks usually involve inserting +or Ein0ectingF unauthori
d Sto(a#e Media Ex!o%u(e acku storage media is often comletely unrotected from attack. "s a result, numerous security breaches have involved the theft of database backu disks and taes. @urthermore, failure to audit and monitor the activities of administrators who have low*level access to sensitive information can ut your data at risk. !aking the aroriate measures to rotect backu coies of sensitive data and monitor your most highly rivi leged users is not only a data security best ractice, but also mandated by many regulations. e Ex!loitation o. 9ulne(a'le Mi%conf#u(ed ata'a%e% It is common to nd vulnerable and un*atched databases, or discover databases that still have default accounts and conguration arameters. "ttackers know how to e&loit these vulnerabilities to launch attacks against your organi
g enial o. Se(viceenial o. Se(vice +Do( is a general attack category in which access to network alications or data is denied to intended users. Do( conditions can be created via many techni'ues. !he most common techni'ue used in database environments is to overload server resources such as memory and -P: either by ;ooding them with an e&cessive number of 'ueries, or with a smaller volume of well*crafted 'ueries that consume a disroortionate amount of system resources +e.g., because they lead to recursive look*us or table oerations. !he result in either case is the sameQ the resource* starved servers become unresonsive and, in some instances, even crash. !he motivations behind Do( attacks are often linked to e&tortion scams in which a remote attacker will reeatedly crash servers until the victim meets their demands. #hatever the source, Do( reresents a serious threat for many organi
ata'a%e Ri%0% Solution% efned !here are many di7erent categories of solutions$ RDiscovery and "ssessment locate where database vulnerabilities and critical data reside. R:ser /ights Management identies e&cessive rights over sensitive data.
RMonitoring and locking rotect databases from attacks, unauthori
Scan .o( 9ulne(a'ilitie%$ :nderstanding vulnerabilities that e&ose databases to inut in0ection is essential. Malware may be looking to e&loit known database vulnerabilities, making un*atched databases an easy target. #eak authentication rules can enable an alication*layer Do( attack by granting access to a database without needing a assword. :se vulnerability assessment tools to detect security vulnerabilities, miscongurations, and missing vendor atches. /isk scores hel rioriti
Miti#ate 9ulne(a'ilitie%$ If vulnerability is discovered and the database vendor hasnGt released a atch, a virtual atching solution should be used. "lying virtual atches will block attemts to e&loit vulnerabilities without re'uiring actual atches or changes to the current conguration of the server. >irtual atching will rotect the database from e&loit attemts until the atch is deloyed. "gain, focus on atching high*risk vulnerabilities that can facilitate a Do( or inut in0ection attack. "naly
i%cove( ata'a%e Se(ve(% $ In order to build and maintain an inventory of databases and isolate sensitive data contained within them, organi
Anal$-e i%cove($ Re%ult%$ /eview database discovery and classication results to
monitored.Identify and -lassify (ensitive Data$ Hnce you have constructed a catalog of databases, it is critical to understand which databases contain sensitive data. (can the ob0ects, rows, and columns of databases to inoint sensitive data. :se data classication solutions that are aware of data tyes such as credit cards, email addresses, and national identity numbers, and which enable users to add custom data tyes as well. -lassication results should include the IP address and host name of the asset, and indicate the e&istence of sensitive data on that server. "utomatically identifying sensitive data and ersonally identiable information hels narrow the scoe of security and comliance e7orts. b &%e( Ri#3t% Mana#e"ent
A##(e#ate Acce%% Ri#3t%$ (can databases for both granted and rivileged user rights and e&tract details such as the actual access right +e.g. (%%-!, D%%!%, -H55%-!, etc, who granted them, who received those rights, and ob0ects to which rights have been granted. "ggregating user rights into a single reository hels streamline the reorting and analysis of user access to sensitive data. %nrich "ccess /ights Information with :ser Details and Data (ensitivity$ "dding information related to user roles and their database behavior adds considerable value to user rights 31
analysis and hels
Revie/ and A!!(ove7Reect Individual &%e( Ri#3t% $ Perform an organi
c Monito(in# and Bloc0in#
Real@Ti"e Ale(tin# and Bloc0in#$ Monitor all database access activity and usage atterns in real time to detect data leakage, unauthori
(ecurity olicies are useful for not only
detecting e&cessive rivilege abuse by malicious, comromised, or dormant users, but also for reventing most of the other to ten database threats.
etect &nu%ual Acce%% Activit$ $ %stablish a comrehensive role of each database userGs normal activity. Monitoring for deviations from these baselines enables detection of Do(, malware, inut in0ection, and anomalous activities.If any user initiates an action that does not t their role, log the event, generate an alert
or block the user. -reating activity*based user roles increases the likelihood of detecting inaroriate access to sensitive data.
Bloc0 Maliciou% ;e' Re4ue%t%$ ecause web alications are the most common vector for initiating an inut in0ection attack, another imortant line of defense will be your #eb "lication @irewall +#"@. " #"@ will recogni
Monito( Local ata'a%e Activit$ $ D"P solutions can audit and monitor the activities of your most highly rivileged users O database and system administrators. !hese users have been granted the highest levels of access to your databases and, therefore, re'uire close attention. (hould they abuse their rivileges or become comromised by malware, the risk of data theft and damage to your organi
9alidate ata'a%e :(otocol%$ everage database activity monitoring solutions that can analy
d Auditin#
Auto"ate Auditin# /it3 a A: :lat.o(" $ Imlement a D"P solution that delivers the erformance, scalability, and ;e&ibility to meet the needs of the most demanding environments. " D"P solution can address most of the weaknesses associated with native audit tools$
utie%+ D"P
administrators, making it ossible to searate audit duties from routine system administration. In addition, they oerate indeendently of the database server and are invulnerable to rivilege elevation attacks carried out by non*administrators.
C(o%%@:lat.o(" Auditin#+ D"P solutions suort database latforms from multile vendors enabling uniform standards and centrali
:e(.o("ance+ eading D"P solutions can leverage high erformance aliances that have
Ca!tu(e etailed T(an%action%+ !o suort regulatory comliance re'uirements, advanced fraud detection, and forensic analysis, D"P solutions can cature audit logs that include details such as source alication name, comlete 'uery te&t, 'uery resonse attributes, source H(, source host name, and more.
Gene(ate Re!o(t% .o( Co"!liance and Fo(en%ic% $ (ummari
industry and government regulations which can be customi
A(c3ive Exte(nal ata $ "utomate the long*term data archival rocesses.:se solutions that can be congured to eriodically archive data to e&ternal mass storage systems. Data should be otionally comressed, encryted, and signed rior to archival.
Enc($!t ata'a%e%$ %ncryt sensitive data across heterogeneous database environments. !his allows you to secure both roduction and backu coies of databases, then audit the activity of and control access to sensitive data from users who access databases at the oerating system and storage tiers. y leveraging database auditing along with encrytion, organi
discuss 'uality assurance ractices at all stages of the systems
develoment lifecycle
(D- is a rocess followed for a software ro0ect, within a software organi
" tyical (oftware Develoment life cycle consists of the following stages$
Sta#e 2+ :lannin# and Re4ui(e"ent Anal$%i% /e'uirement analysis is the most imortant and fundamental stage in (D-. It is erformed by the senior members of the team with inuts from the customer, the sales deartment, market surveys and domain e&erts in the industry. !his information is then used to lan the basic ro0ect aroach and to conduct roduct feasibility study in the economical, oerational, and technical areas. 39
Planning for the 'uality assurance re'uirements and identication of the risks associated with the ro0ect is also done in the lanning stage. !he outcome of the technical feasibility study is to dene the various technical aroaches that can be followed to imlement the ro0ect successfully with minimum risks.
Sta#e *+ efnin# Re4ui(e"ent% Hnce the re'uirement analysis is done the ne&t ste is to clearly dene and document the roduct re'uirements and get them aroved from the customer or the market analysts. !his is done through .(/(. . (oftware /e'uirement (ecication document which consists of all the roduct re'uirements to be designed and develoed during the ro0ect life cycle.
Sta#e )+ e%i#nin# t3e !(oduct a(c3itectu(e (/( is the reference for roduct architects to come out with the best architecture for the rodu ct to be develoed. ased on the re'uirements secied in (/(, usually more than one design aroach for the roduct architecture is roosed and documented in a DD( * Design Document (ecication. !his DD( is reviewed by all the imortant stakeholders and based on various arameters as risk assessment, roduct robustness, design modularity , budget and time constraints , the best design aroach is selected for the roduct. " design aroach clearly denes all the architectural modules of the roduct along with its communication and data ;ow reresentation with the e&ternal and third arty modules +if any. !he internal design of all the modules of the roosed architecture should be clearly dened with the minutest of the details in DD(.
Sta#e + Buildin# o( evelo!in# t3e :(oduct In this stage of (D- the actual develoment starts and the roduct is built. !he rogramming code is generated as er DD( during this stage. If the design is erformed in a detailed and organi
Sta#e 5+Te%tin# t3e:(oduct !his stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern (D- models, the testing activities are mostly involved in all the stages of (D-. Cowever this stage refers to the testing only stage of the roduct where roducts defects are reorted, tracked, &ed and retested, until the roduct reaches the 'uality standards dened in the (/(.
Sta#e + e!lo$"ent in t3e Ma(0et and Maintenance Hnce the roduct is tested and ready to be deloyed it is released formally in the aroriate market. (ometime roduct deloyment haens in stages as er the organi
!hen based on the feedback, the roduct may be released as it is or with suggested enhancements in the targeting market segment. "fter the roduct is released in the market, its maintenance is done for the e&isting customer base.
SLC Model% !here are various software develoment life cycle models dened and designed which are followed during software develoment rocess. !hese models are also referred as U(oftware Develoment Process ModelsU. %ach rocess model follows a (eries of stes uni'ue to its tye, in order to ensure success in rocess of software develoment. @ollowing are the most imortant and oular (D- models followed in the industry$ •
#aterfall Model
Iterative Model
(iral Model
ig ang Model
!he other related methodologies are "gile Model, /"D Model, /aid "lication Develoment and Prototying Models.
ATABASE SLC " database is usually a fundamental comonent of the information system, esecially in business oriented systems. !hus database design is art of system develoment. !he following icture shows how database design is involved in the system develoment lifecycle. 3A
Imlementation are the hases that you concentrate on in the Database Design course. !he other hases are brie;y described. !hey are art of the contents of the (ystems "nalysis and Design courses, for e&amle. !here are various methods of how the di7erent hases of information system design, analysis and imlementation can be done. Cere the main tasks or goals are described but no method is introduced.
a8 ata'a%e :lannin#
!he database lanning includes the activities that allow the stages of the database system develoment lifecycle to be reali
!he ma0or aims of the database system !he urose of the database system o !he suorted tasks of the database system o !he resources of the database system '8 S$%te"% efnition o
In the systems denition hase, the scoe and boundaries of the database alication are described. !his descrition includes$ o o o
inks with the other information systems of the organi
!he ma0or user views are also described. i.e. #hat is re'uired of a database system from the ersectives of articular 0ob roles or enterrise alication areas.
c8 Re4ui(e"ent% Collection and Anal $%i% During the re'uirements collection and analysis hase, the collection and analysis of the information about the art of the enterrise to be served by the database are comleted. !he results may include eg$ !he descrition of the data used or generated !he details how the data is to be used or generated "ny additional re'uirements for the new database system o d8 ata'a%e e%i#n o o
!he database design hase is divided into three stes$ o o
-oncetual database design ogical database design 1
Physical database design
In the concetual database desi gn hase, the model of the data to be used indeendent of all hysical considerations is to be constructed. !he model is based on
In the logical database design hase, the model of the data to be used is based on a secic data model, but indeendent of a articular database management system is constructed. !his is based on the target data model for the database e.g. relational data model. In the hysical database design hase, the descrition of the imlementation of the database on secondary storage is created. !he base relations, inde&es, integrity constraints, security, etc. are dened using the () language.
e8 ata'a%e Mana#e"ent S$%te" Selec tion !his in an otional hase. #hen there is a need for a new database management system +DM(, this hase is done. DM( means a database system like "ccess, () (erver, My(), Hracle, MongoD, 5o() In this hase the criteria for the new DM( are dened. !hen several roducts are evaluated according to the criteria. @inally the recommendation for the selection is decided.
.8 A!!lication e%i#n In the alication design hase, the design of the user interface and the alication rograms that use and rocess the database are dened and designed. g :(ot$!in# !he urose of a rototye is to allow the users to use the rototye to identify the features of the system using the comuter. !here are hori
rototyes. " hori
38 I"!le"entation During the imlementation hase, the hysical reali
i8 ata Conve(%ion and Loadin# !his hase is needed when a new database is relacing an old system. During this hase the e&isting data will be transferred into the new database.
8 Te%tin# efore the new system is going to live, it should be thoroughly tested. !he goal of testing is to nd errorsV !he goal is not to rove the software is working well.
08 O!e(ational Maintenance !he oerational maintenance is the rocess of monitoring and maintaining the database system. Monitoring means that the erformance of the system is 3
observed. If the erformance of the system falls below an accetable level, tuning or reorgani
Bi# ata Ba%ic%
! h e te rm E b ig da ta F re f e r s n o t o nly to la rge da ta s e ts , bu t a ls o to t he fr am ew or ks , te ch ni 'u es , an d to ol s us ed to an al y< e it . It ca n be collected through any data*generating rocess such as social media, ub li c uti lit y inf ras tr uct ur e, and
sea rc h eng ine s. ig
dat a ma y be
either semi*structured, structured, or unstructured.
!y ica lly bi g da ta is a na l y < e d a nd co ll e ct e d at s e ci c int e r v a ls , b ut real*time big data analytics collect and analy
to o7 er instant insigh
to users.
Pros of /eal*!ime ig Data @ir st , it
al lo ws
si gn ican tl y
"m a< on
mi ti gat es
de te ct
ag ai ns t
er ror s an d fr au d 'u ic kl y. !h is
lo ss es .
(e co nd ,
r ov id es
ma 0o r
advantages from a cometitive standoint. /eal*time analysis allows "ma
addition, data collected is valuable and o7ers "ma
it ma y be us ed
Proon ents of
big data oint
to r ov id e cu tt in g* ed ge he al th ca re.
out that healthcare organi
electronic medical records and data from wearables to revent deadly hosital infections, for e&amle. !o these roonents, rivacy cannot trum the lives big data
might save.
-ons of /eal*!ime ig Data "s valuable as this kind of big data can be, it also resents serious challenges. @irst is the logistical issue. -omanies hoing to use big data will need to modify their entire aroach as data ;owing into the comany becomes constant rather than eriodic$ this mandates ma0or st ra te gi c ch an ge s fo r ma ny bu si ne ss es . 5e &t , rea l* ti me bi g da ta demands the ability to
conduct sohisticated analysesQ comanies who
fail to do this correctly oen themselves u to imlementing entirely incor re ct stra tegi es org ani
@urthe rmo re,
cur re ntly
able to handle real*time analysis.
Hn e of th e bi gg es t co nc er ns ma ny la y eo l e and
o li ti ci an s ha ve
about real*time analysis of big data is rivacy. -ivil liberties advocates have attacked the use of big data from license late scanners and drones, for e&amle. !he idea is that authorities should not be able to circumvent constitutional rotections against unreasonable searches.
LO*1 Be a'le to e"!lo$ %tanda(d 4ualit$ cont(ol docu"entation 2.1
Produce 'uality control documentation for each stage of th e systems
develoment lifecycle A@ SOFT;ARE TEST :LAN 6ST :8 " test lan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a roduct or system meets its design secications and other re'uirements. " test lan is usually reared by or with signicant inut from test engineers. Deending on the roduct and the resonsibility of the organi
Design Verication or Compliance test * to be erformed during the develoment or aroval stages of the roduct, tyically on a small samle of units. Manufacturing or Production test * to be erformed during rearation or assembly of the roduct in an ongoing manner for uroses of erformance verication and 'uality control. Acceptance or Commissioning test * to be erformed at the time of delivery or installation of the roduct. Service and epair test * to be erformed as re'uired over the service life of the roduct. egression test * to be erformed on an e&isting oerational roduct, to verify that e&isting functionality didnt get broken when other asects of the environment are changed +e.g., ugrading the latform on which an e&isting alication runs.
21 Sco!e o. T3e Te%t% 1.1 !he web site develos by "ma
*1 Te%tin# Envi(on"ent+ 2.1 !esting sites$ "ll the site develo by "ma
Microsoft word 213 Microsoft ro0ect 213 %clise Mars
#eb(erver Designtool BDW DM( Herating (ystem
5etbean ?.1 4lasssh(erver.1 Photosho-(9 BDW 1.? Microsoft()(erver212 #indows ?.1, 1, inu&
2.3 Cardware -lient (erver
?latos,6desktos /euseone28=availabledesktoto simulate the server for testing and deloyment
2. /esources #orker !est Manager
(ecic/esonsibilities8-omments Provide management oversight /esonsibilities$ rovide technical direction, accu'uire aroriate resources Management reorting =
!est Designer
Identies, riorities and imlements test cases /esonsibilites$ generate test lan,
evaluate e7ectiveness of test e7ort %&ecutesthe test /esonsibilites$ e&ecutes tests, log results, recover from errors,
!est (ystem "dministrator
document defects %nsures test environment and assets are managed and maintained /esonsibilites$ administer test management system, manage
worker access to test system Identies and denes the oerations, attributes /esonsibilites$ identies and denes the test class, identies and denes
the test ackages Imlements and unit tests the test classes and test ackages /esonsibilites$ create the test classes and ackages imlemented in the test suite
2.6 Particiating organi
)1 Te%t etail 6Fo( Eac3 Te%t8+ 3.1 !est identication$ !est web site, test :I, test server ?
3.2 !est ob0ective$ "ll of the re'uirement function 3.3 -ross* reference to relevant design document and the re'uirement document$ /e'uirement Document, "nalysis Document, -oding Document, Design Document, Database Document 3. !est class$ admin class, user class, search class, order class, ayment class, insert class, delete class, udate class, login class, register class. 3.6 !est level +unit, integration or system tests a :nit$ (tates, transaction, data ;ow, functionally, :I b Integration$ "PIs, error handling, functionally, erformance c (ystem$ (tates, !ransaction, data ;ow coverage, functionally, :I, error handling, oeration, reliability,date8time, locali
A1 &%e( Te%t ca%e a !est case of og in and og out :se case b @ail to login the system when roviding invalid username c @ail to login the system when roviding valid username and invalid assword d @ail to login the system when roviding emty username e :ser logs in the system using an account is being blocked f /ecover assword g :ser /egister 5ew "ccount #ith >alid Information h :ser /egister 5ew "ccount with one or some or all elds are emty B1 Ad"in Te%t Ca%e a !est case of og in and og out :se case b @ail to login the system when roviding invalid username c @ail to login the system when roviding valid username and invalid d e f g
assword @ail to login the system when roviding emty username /ecover assword "dmin add roduct with valid information @ail to add roduct with name that already e&ists in the system
h @ail to add roduct when one or some or all elds are emty i @ail to add roduct when inutting secial character+s to one or some or all elds 0 :date a roduct with valid information A
k @ail to udate a roduct with name that already e&ists in the system l @ail to udate roduct when one or some or all elds are emty m@ail to udate roduct when inutting secial character+s to one or some or all elds n :date cancel o Delete roduct Delete cancel
C1 Sea(c3 :(oduct Te%t Ca%e a (eacrh Product by Product 5ame $ 4ood search b (eacrh Product by Product 5ame$ %mty search c (earch Product by Product 5ame $ #rong (earch 1 S3o!!in# Ca(t Te%t Ca%e a "dd Product to (hoing -art b /emove Product from (hoing -art c -hange )uantity d (elect Delivery Htion e Payment (ystem f Pay 5ow Process g -ancel Hrder E1 B(o/%e(% Te%t Ca%e a Internet e&lorer 11 b Microsoft edge c 4oogle -hrome +lastest version 3.= (ecial re'uirements$ Measurements of resonse times, (ecurity re'uirements$ @ast resonse time and good erformance, all the re'uirement met the standard of security 3.? Data to be recorded$ Les
1 Te%t Sc3edule 6Fo( Eac3 Te%t o( Te%t G(ou!8 includin# ti"e e%ti"ate% .o( t3e .ollo/in#+ .1 Prearation$ 1 week .2 !esting$ 3 weeks .3 %rror correction$ 9 weeks . /egression test$ 1 week
B @ SOFT;ARE TEST ESCRI:TION 6ST8 !he test design is carried out on the basis of the software test lan as documented by (!P. !he test rocedures and the test case database8le may be documented in a Esoftware test rocedureF document and Etest case leF document or in a single document called the Esoftware test descritionF +(!D
21 Sco!e o. T3e Te%t% 1.1 !he web site develos by "ma
*1 Te%t Envi(on"ent 6Fo( Eac3 Te%t8 2.1 !est identication$ (oftware !est Plan +(!P 2.2 (oftware Documentation tool (cheduling tool ID%
Microsoft word 213 Microsoft ro0ect 213 %clise Mars
#eb(erver Designtool BDW DM( Herating (ystem
5etbean ?.1 4lasssh(erver.1 Photosho-(9 BDW 1.? Microsoft()(erver212 #indows ?.1, 1, inu&
2.3 Cardware 61
-lient (erver
?latos,6desktos /euseone28=availabledesktoto simulate the server for testing and deloyment
2. /esources #orker !est Manager
(ecic/esonsibilities8-omments Provide management oversight /esonsibilities$ rovide technical direction, accu'uire aroriate resources
!est Designer
Management reorting Identies, riorities and imlements test cases /esonsibilites$ generate test lan,
evaluate e7ectiveness of test e7ort %&ecutesthe test /esonsibilites$ e&ecutes tests, log results, recover from errors,
!est (ystem "dministrator
document defects %nsures test environment and assets are managed and maintained /esonsibilites$ administer test management system, manage
worker access to test system Identies and denes the oerations, attributes /esonsibilites$ identies and denes the test class, identies and denes
the test ackages Imlements and unit tests the test classes and test ackages 62
/esonsibilites$ create the test classes and ackages imlemented in the test suite
)1 Te%t ca%e% 6Fo( Eac3 Ca%e8 )12 &%e( Te%t ca%e a !est case of og in and og out :se case
!est case$ user logs in successfully with valid username
and assword !he user is logged in correctly after roviding correct
Preconditions (tes
username and assword !he user is at the homeage or the log in age Provide valid username in the username te&tbo& Provide valid assword in the assword te&tbo&
%&ected results
-lickuser on log in button to the secic homage after that !he is redirected user
b @ail to login the system when roviding invalid username 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding invalid
/e'uirement Preconditions (tes
username !he user is at the homeage or the login age !he user is at the homeage or the log in age Provide invalid username in the username te&tbo& Provide valid assword in the assword te&tbo& or let assword eld emty
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he user is redirected to the error age with a warning E#e can not nd an account with that usernameF 63
c @ail to login the system when roviding valid username and invalid assword 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding valid
username and invalid assword !he user is not logged in when roviding valid username
Preconditions (tes
and user invalid assword !he is at the homeage or the log in age Provide valid username in the username te&tbo& Provide invalid assword in the assword te&tbo&
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he user is redirected to the error age with a warning ELou have rovided invalid username or asswordF
d @ail to login the system when roviding emty username 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding emty
/e'uirement Preconditions (tes
username !he user is not logged in when roviding emty username !he user is at the homeage or the log in age Provide emty username in the username te&tbo& Provide invalid assword in the assword te&tbo& or let assword eld emty
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he user is redirected to the error age with a warning ELou must rovide username and asswordF
e :ser logs in the system using an account is being blocked 5ame
!est case$ :ser logs in the system using an account is
being blocked :ser can not log in the system using account is being
Preconditions (tes
blocked " given account is being blocked by logging in fail 3 times Provide username of given account being blocked Provide assword of given account being blocked 6
%&ected results
-lick on log in button :ser is redirected to the error age with a warning E!his account is being blocked. Please wait for 3 minutes or contact the administratorF
f /ecover assword 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$/ecoverassword !he user lost or forget assword :ser clicks on E@orget asswordF
!he system warns the user about recovering assword -hoose the security 'uestion from the dro down list (ecify the answer of the security 'uestion in the te&t bo&
%&ected results
-lick on /ecovery assword button !he system issues the message indicates the assword has been reset to default assword Eabcd123F and warns the user to change their assword for the ne&t log in !he assword is reset to the default assword Eabcd123F !he system redirects user to the log in age
g :ser /egister 5ew "ccount #ith >alid Information 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$/egister5ew"ccount !he user wants to register new account :ser clicks on E/egisterF
!he system redirect user to register age Providevalidusername Provide valid assword Provide valid hone number Provide valid email address Provide valid home address
%&ected results
-lickuser on /egister button !he is registed to the system successfully. !he system redirects user to the log in age
h :ser /egister 5ew "ccount with one or some or all elds are emty 5ame
!est case$ :ser /egister 5ew "ccount with one or some or
/e'uirement Preconditions
all elds are emty !he user wants to register new account :ser clicks on E/egisterF
!he system redirect user to register age Provideemtyusername or8and Provide emty assword or8and Provide emty hone number or8and Provide emty email address or8and Provide emty home address and
%&ected results
-lick on /egister button !he system redirects user to the error age !he user is not registed to the system successfully. " warning message should be shown ELour account is not registed, lease ll all eldsF
3.2 "dmin !est -ase a !est case of og in and og out :se case
!est case$ admin logs in successfully with valid username
and assword !he admin is logged in correctly after roviding correct
Preconditions (tes
username and assword !he admin is at the admin login age Provide valid username in the username te&tbo& Provide valid assword in the assword te&tbo&
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he user is redirected to admin control anel age
b @ail to login the system when roviding invalid username 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding invalid
/e'uirement Preconditions (tes
username !he admin is at the admin login age !he admin is at the admin login age Provide invalid username in the username te&tbo& Provide valid assword in the assword te&tbo& or let assword eld emty
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E#e can not nd an account with that usernameF
c @ail to login the system when roviding valid username and invalid assword 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding valid
username and invalid assword !he admin is not logged in when roviding valid username
Preconditions (tes
and invalidisassword !he admin at the admin log in age Provide valid username in the username te&tbo& Provide invalid assword in the assword te&tbo&
%&ected results
-lick on log in button !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning ELou have rovided invalid username or asswordF
d @ail to login the system when roviding emty username 5ame
!est case$ @ail to login the system when roviding emty
username !he admin is not logged in when roviding emty
Preconditions (tes
username !he admin is at the admin login age Provide emty username in the username te&tbo& Provide invalid assword in the assword te&tbo& or let 6=
assword eld emty %&ected results
-lick on log in button !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning ELou must rovide username and asswordF
e /ecover assword 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$/ecoverassword !he admin lost or forget assword :ser clicks on E@orget asswordF
!he system warns the admin about recovering assword -hoose the security 'uestion from the dro down list (ecify the answer of the security 'uestion in the te&t bo&
%&ected results
-lick on /ecovery assword button !he system issues the message indicates the assword has been reset to default assword Eabcd123F and warns the admin to change their assword for the ne&t log in !he assword is reset to the default assword Eabcd123F !he system redirects admin to the admin log in age
f "dmin add roduct with valid information 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!est case$ "dd new roduct with valid information "ll elds are lled with valid data !he webage that allows admin to inut information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name in the te&tbo& Provide roductGs rice in the te&tbo& Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& Provide roductGs image in the icture bo&
%&ected results
Provide roductGs descrition in the te&tbo& -lick on add button !he new roduct is added to the system 6?
g @ail to add roduct with name that already e&ists in the system 5ame
!est case$ @ail to add roduct with name already e&ists in
/e'uirement Preconditions
the system "ll elds are lled with valid data !he webage that allows admin to inut information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name in the te&tbo& +which already e&ist in the system Provide roductGs rice in the te&tbo& Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& Provide roductGs image in the icture bo& Provide roductGs descrition in the te&tbo&
%&ected results
-lick on add button !he new roduct is not added to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to add roduct to the system. !he roduct name that you have rovided already e&ists in the systemF
h @ail to add roduct when one or some or all elds are emty 5ame
!est case$ @ail to add roduct when one or some or all
/e'uirement Preconditions
elds are emty 5ot all elds are lled with valid data !he webage that allows admin to inut information of
roduct is dislayed Provide emty roductGs name in the te&tbo& or8and Provide emty roductGs rice in the te&tbo& or8and Provide emty roductGs category in the selection bo& or8and Provide emty roductGs image in the icture bo& or8and Provide emty roductGs descrition in the te&tbo& and 6A
%&ected results
-lick on add button !he new roduct is not added to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to add roduct to the system. Lou must rovide all informationF
i @ail to add roduct when inutting secial character+s to one or some or all elds 5ame
!est c ase$ @ ail t o a dd roduct w hen i nutting s ecial
/e'uirement Preconditions
character+s to one or some or all elds "ll elds are lled with data !he webage that allows admin to inut information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs rice containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& Provide roductGs image in the icture Provide roductGs descrition containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& and
%&ected results
-lick on add button !he new roduct is not added to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to add roduct to the system. (ome elds contain secial character+sF
0 :date a roduct with valid information 5ame /e'uirement
!est case$ :date roduct with successfully "ll elds are lled with valid data 9
!he webage that allows admin to udate information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs rice in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& or8and Provide roductGs image in the icture bo& or8and Provide roductGs descrition in the te&tbo& and
%&ected results
-lick on udate button !he roduct is udated to the system
k @ail to udate a roduct with name that already e&ists in the system 5ame
!est case$ @ail to udate roduct with name already e&ists
/e'uirement Preconditions
in the system "ll elds are lled with valid data !he webage that allows admin to udate information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name in the te&tbo& +which already e&ist in the system or8and Provide roductGs rice in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& or8and Provide roductGs image in the icture bo& or8and Provide roductGs descrition in the te&tbo& and
%&ected results
-lick on udate button !he roduct is not udated to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to udate roduct to the system. !he roduct name that you have rovided already e&ists in the systemF
l @ail to udate roduct when one or some or all elds are emty 5ame
!est case$ @ail to udate roduct when one or some or all elds are emty 91
/e'uirement Preconditions
5ot all elds are lled with valid data !he webage that allows admin to udate information of
roduct is dislayed Provide emty in the te&tbo& or8and Provide emty roductGs rice in the te&tbo& or8and Provide emty roductGs category in the selection bo& or8and Provide emty roductGs image in the icture bo& or8and Provide emty roductGs descrition in the te&tbo& and
%&ected results
-lick on udate button !he roduct is not udated to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to udate roduct to the system. Lou must rovide all informationF
m@ail to udate roduct when inutting secial character+s to one or some or all elds 5ame
!est c ase$ @ail t o u date roduct w hen i nutting s ecial
/e'uirement Preconditions
character+s to one or some or all elds "ll elds are lled with data !he webage that allows admin to udate information of
roduct is dislayed Provide roductGs name containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs rice containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& or8and Provide roductGs category in the selection bo& Provide roductGs image in the icture Provide roductGs descrition containing secial character+s in the te&tbo& and -lick on udate button 92
%&ected results
!he roduct is not udated to the system !he admin is redirected to the error age with a warning E@ail to udate roduct to the system. (ome elds contain secial character+sF
n :date cancel 5ame /e'uirement
!estcase$:datecancel #hen admin decides to cancel udating, the system must
allow him8her to sto oeration !he webage that allows admin to udate information of
(tes %&ected results
roduct is dislayed -lickonudatebutton !he roduct is not udated to the system !he admin is redirected to him8her main age
o Delete roduct 5ame /e'uirement
!estcase$Deletearoduct #hen admin decides to delete the selected roduct, the
system remove that from the system !he webage that allows admin to delete information of
roduct is dislayed "dminchoosea roducttodelete >eriry that the system retrieves and dislay the roduct information for admin and romts message to conrm the deletion of the roduct "dmin conrm to delete the selected roduct by clicking
%&ected results
on delete button !he system deletes the selected roduct from the system
Delete cancel 5ame /e'uirement
!estcase$Deletecancel "ll elds are lled with data 93
#hen admin decides to cancel deletion, the system allows
admin to cancel the oeration "dminchoosea roducttodelete >eriry that the system retrieves and dislay the roduct information for admin and romts message to conrm the deletion of the roduct
%&ected results
"dmin click on cancel button !he selected roduct is not deleted from the system :ser is redirected to his8her main age
3.3 (earch Product !est -ase a (eacrh Product by Product 5ame $ 4ood search 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$(earchProduct (earch te&tbo& is lled with roduct name #hen user decides to search a roduct, the system allows him8her to search
:sers navigate to (earch te&tbo& :sers enter roduct name
%&ected results
-lick on search button !he system show user the result age with 1 matching roducts along with their information
b (eacrh Product by Product 5ame$ %mty search 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$%mty(earch (earch te&tbo& is not lled with roduct name #hen user decides to search a roduct, the system allows
him8her to search :sers navigate to (earch te&tbo& :ser does not enter roduct name
%&ected results
-lick on search button !he user is redirected to the error age, a warning 9
message is show E5o search term was entered. Please enter roduct nameF c (earch Product by Product 5ame $ #rong (earch 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$#rong(earch (earch te&tbo& is lled with une&isted roduct name #hen user decides to search a roduct, the system allows
him8her to search :sers navigate to (earch te&tbo& :sers enter une&isted roduct name
%&ected results
-lick on search button !he user is redirected to the error age, a warning message is show E5o matches found. Please try againF
3. (hoing -art !est -ase a "dd Product to (hoing -art 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!est case$ :ser "dd Product to (hoing -art :sers choose roduct to add to cart #hen user decides to add a roduct, the system allows
him8her to add roduct to cart :sernavigatetoroduct
%&ected results
-lick on E"dd to -artF button !he system add roduct to userGs shoing cart " message should be shown ELour roduct is added to cartF
b /emove Product from (hoing -art 5ame
!est case$ :ser /emove Product from (hoing -art
/e'uirement Preconditions (tes
:sers choose roduct to remove from cart !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart :sers navigate to their shoing cart
:sers choose a roduct they want to remove from cart %&ected results
-lick on E/emove from -artF button !he system remove roduct from usersG shoing cart " message should be shown EProduct is removedF
c -hange )uantity 5ame
!est case$ :ser -hange )uantity of Product in (hoing
/e'uirement Preconditions (tes
-art :sers change 'uantity of roduct in cart !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart :sers navigate to their shoing cart :sers choose a roduct they want to change 'uantity in cart
%&ected results
-lick on ETF or E*F button !he system should change 'uantity of roduct in cart.
d (elect Delivery Htion 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions (tes
!est case$ (elect Delivery Htion :sers want to choose a delivery otion !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart :sers navigate to their shoing cart :sers choose a delivery otion from drodown list
%&ected results
-lick on E-hooseF button !he system add delivery otion to shoing cart
e Payment (ystem 5ame /e'uirement
!estcase$Payment(ystem :sers want to choose a ayment method for their
shoing !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart
:sers navigate to their shoing cart :sers choose a ayment method from drodown list -lick on E-hooseF button 99
%&ected results
!he system add ayment method to shoing cart
f Pay 5ow Process 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$Pay5owProcess :sers want to choose ay now rocess !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart
:sers navigate to their shoing cart :sers choose a ay now
%&ected results
-lick on E-heckoutF button !he system add the order to the delivery system and remove all roducts from shoing cart. " message should be shown ELour roduct+s is on the way. !hank youF :sers are redirected to the home age
g -ancel Hrder 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions
!estcase$-ancelHrder :sers want to cancel order !here is at least one roduct in the shoing cart
:sers navigate to their shoing cart -lick on E-ancelF button !he system should remove all information in usersG
%&ected results
shoing cart :sers should be navigated to the homeage
3.6 rowsers !est -ase a Internet e&lorer 11 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions (tes
!estcase$Internete&lorer 11 :sers want to load age in internet e&lorer 11 Internet e&lorer 11 browser is already installed Hen internet e&lorer 11 browser 5avigate to address bar and inut the address
Press E%nterF button !he browser should load age successfully such as$
Lin0% o o o o
Internal inks %&ternal inks Mail inks roken inks
Fo("% o o o
@ield validation %rror message for wrong inut Htional and Mandatory elds
ata'a%e o
!esting will be done on the database integrity.
Coo0ie% o
!esting will be done on the client system side, on the temorary Internet les.
:sers should be navigated to the homeage
b Microsoft edge 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions (tes
!estcase$Microsoftedge :sers want to load age in Microsoft edge Microsoft edge browser is already installed HenMicrosoftedge 5avigate to address bar and inut the address E"ma
%&ected results
Press E%nterF button !he browser should load age successfully such as$ 9?
Lin0% o o o o
Internal inks %&ternal inks Mail inks roken inks
Fo("% o o o
@ield validation %rror message for wrong inut Htional and Mandatory elds
ata'a%e o
!esting will be done on the database integrity.
Coo0ie% o
!esting will be done on the client system side, on the temorary Internet les.
:sers should be navigated to the homeage
c 4oogle -hrome +lastest version 5ame /e'uirement Preconditions (tes
!estcase$4oogle-hrome :sers want to load age in 4oogle -hrome 4oogle -hrome browser is already installed Hen4oogle-hrome 5avigate to address bar and inut the address E"ma
%&ected results
Press E%nterFshould buttonload age successfully such as$ !he browser
Lin0% 9A
o o o o
Internal inks %&ternal inks Mail inks roken inks
Fo("% o o o
@ield validation %rror message for wrong inut Htional and Mandatory elds
ata'a%e o
!esting will be done on the database integrity.
Coo0ie% o
!esting will be done on the client system side, on the temorary Internet les.
:sers should be navigated to the homeage
1Te%tin# :(oce%% @ Ho/ t3e te%t i% (un @ %te! '$ %te! Instructions for inut, detailing every ste of the inut rocess Data to be recorded during the tests 51 Action to Be Ta0en in Ca%e o. :(o#(a" Failu(e 7 Ce%%ation 1 :(ocedu(e% to Be A!!lied Acco(din# to T3e Te%t Re%ult Su""a($
C @ SOFT;ARE TEST RE:ORT 6STR8 Document that records data obtained from an e&eriment of evaluation in an organi
21 Te%t Identifcation Site Sc3edule and :a(tici!ation 1.1 !he web site develos by "ma
(ecic/esonsibilities8-omments Provide management oversight /esonsibilities$ rovide technical direction, accu'uire aroriate resources
!est Designer
Management reorting Identies, riorities and imlements test cases /esonsibilites$ generate test lan, evaluate e7ectiveness of test e7ort
%&ecutesthe test /esonsibilites$ e&ecutes tests, log results, recover from errors,
!est (ystem "dministrator
document defects %nsures test environment and assets are managed and maintained /esonsibilites$ administer test management system, manage
worker access to test system Identies and denes the oerations, attributes /esonsibilites$ identies and denes the test class, identies and denes the test ackages =1
Imlements and unit tests the test classes and test ackages /esonsibilites$ create the test classes and ackages imlemented in the test suite
1.9 Hther articiants$ 5one 1.= !ime invested in erforming the tests$ "ril 1 st 21= to Buly 1st 21=
*1 Te%t Envi(on"ent 2.1 (oftware Documentation tool (cheduling tool ID%
Microsoft word 213 Microsoft ro0ect 213 %clise Mars
#eb(erver Designtool BDW
5etbean ?.1 4lasssh(erver.1 Photosho-(9 BDW 1.?
DM( Herating (ystem
Microsoft()(erver212 #indows ?.1, 1, inu&
2.2 Cardware -lient (erver
?latos,6desktos /euseone28=availabledesktoto simulate the server for testing and deloyment
2.3 Prearations and training rior to testing$ (enior (ystem "nalyst
)1 Te%t Re%ult% 3.1 /ationale for decision "fter e&ecuting a test, the decision is dened according to the following rules$ =2
OD+ !he test sheet is set to UHWU state when all stes are in UHWU state. !he real result is comliant to the e&ected result.
NOD+ !he test sheet is set to U5HWU state when all stes of the test are set to U5HWU state or when the result of a ste di7ers from the e&ected result.
NOT R&N+ Default state of a test sheet not yet e&ecuted. NOT COM:LETE+ !he test sheet is set to U5ot -omletedU state when at least one ste of the test is set U5ot /unU state.
3.2 !est case result +for each test case individually
A1 &%e( Te%t ca%e TASD !est case of og in and og out :se case @ail to login the system when roviding invalid
username @ail to login the system when roviding valid username
and invalid assword @ail to login the system when roviding emty
username :ser logs in the system using an account is being
blocked /ecover assword :ser /egister 5ew "ccount #ith >alid Information :ser /egister 5ew "ccount with one or some or all
: F F
elds are emty
B1 Ad"in Te%t Ca%e TASD !est case of og in and og out :se case @ail to login the system when roviding invalid
username @ail to login the system when roviding valid username and invalid assword @ail to login the system when roviding emty =3
username /ecover assword "dmin add roduct with valid information @ail to add roduct with name that already e&ists in the
: : :
system @ail to add roduct when one or some or all elds are
emty @ail to add roduct when inutting secial character+s
to one or some or all elds :date a roduct with valid information @ail to udate a roduct with name that already e&ists
F :
in the system @ail to udate roduct when one or some or all elds are
emty @ail to
character+s to one or some or all elds :date cancel Delete roduct Delete cancel
F : F
C1 Sea(c3 :(oduct Te%t Ca%e TASD (eacrh Product by Product 5ame $ 4ood search (eacrh Product by Product 5ame$ %mty search (earch Product by Product 5ame $ #rong (earch
1 S3o!!in# Ca(t Te%t Ca%e TASD "dd Product to (hoing -art /emove Product from (hoing -art -hange )uantity (elect Delivery Htion Payment (ystem
Pay 5ow Process -ancel Hrder
E1 B(o/%e(% Te%t Ca%e =
TASD Internet e&lorer 11 Microsoft edge 4oogle -hrome +lastest version
1 Su""a($ Ta'le% .o( Total Nu"'e( o. E((o( T3ei( i%t(i'ution and T$!e%
T:ES I5P:! HP%/"!IH5 D"!""(% C:M"5
STAT&S OD 2 ? ?
NOD 22 ? ?
51 S!ecial Event% and Te%te(%, !(o!o%al% 6.1 (ecial events and unredicted resonses of the software during testing$ none 6.2 Problems encountered during testing$ none 6.3 Proosals for changes in the test environment, including test rearations$ none 6. Proosals for changes or corrections in the test rocedures and test case les$ yes
LO)1 Be a'le to u%e !(oect "ana#e"ent tool% 3.1 aly ro0ect lanning and management tools to lan secic resources and re'uirements for an I! system develoment =6
a %&lain the imortance of ro0ect management to the roduction of high 'uality I! systems. Pro0ects are comleted by teams of eole who are secially chosen for their skills, knowledge and otential to contribute to the nal result. !he team is led by a ro0ect manager. Ce or she is resonsible for keeing the ro0ect tasks on schedule, communicating with all stakeholders and managing resources O the eole, money, tools and time needed to achieve the goal. !he ro0ect manager is the centre of the ro0ect and the driving force behind the team. !he disciline of ro0ect management is e&tremely versatile and can be adated to any business or industry. Its strength is focused teams of e&erts who can 'uickly adat, organise and troubleshoot, meaning that most roblems can be resolved eciently. Cere are three reasons why ro0ect management is imortant to modern businesses.
Hu"an .ocu%ed !odays emloyees are no longer satised with comfortable, rote work for which they need not take any resonsibility. In fact, many eole are looking for more creative, emowered and hands*on ositions where they can make a real imact. Pro0ect* based organisations rovide this since they focus on goals and outcomes rather than working according to the clock. !his makes it a more logical and stimulating structure for skilled eole. In addition, since ro0ect management relies so much on good communication, the disciline emhasises the need to focus on the realities of working with eole O mistakes and successes, good and bad days, con;icts and so on. /esearch has roven that the more understanding and ;e&ible an emloyer is, the more devoted, roductive and hay the sta7 are. =9
Flexi'le 'ut %t(uctu(ed Pro0ect management erfectly combines the two needs of organisations O rst, to be adatable to changing circumstances, and second, to be structured, redictable and organised. 4ood ro0ect managers send a lot of time ensuring that everybody knows what their resonsibilities are and when re'uirements are due. !hey are also masters at adating these schedules if something goes wrong, or things roceed better than e&ected. Pro0ect*based organisations can be adated much more easily than other business structures since whole teams can shift together to accommodate changes.
Ecient " core ro0ect team with an e&cellent manager can be much more ecient than a whole stable of workers because, as a cohesive and dedicated unit, they can focus all of their energy on the task at hand. @ewer eole can accomlish a single ro0ect, meaning that human resources are freed u for other work. Hne of the essential concets of ro0ect management is balancing the three re'uirements of cost, time and 'uality O a ro0ect needs to be under budget, delivered by the deadline, and of suciently high 'uality. Hften, however, these three factors are in con;ict and not all of them can be achieved at onceQ a ro0ect may be running late due to some unavoidable delays, or the 'uality desired may re'uire more money than was initially budgeted for. " good ro0ect manager balances these three factors and roduces the most ecient result ossible. Hn to of that, good lanning and organisation can save a lot of mistakes, confusion, backtracking and delays O all of which decrease the eciency of an organisation. Planning for risks is ine&tricably linked to ro0ect managementQ the sooner these can
be avoided, mitigated or reared for, the better for the team, ro0ect and organisation as a whole.
b Produce$ !ask 5ame
:(oectInitation +1. Cardware +2. (oftware +3. Database(erver +. #eb(erver +6. #ait@rame
*?da$% 3days =days 3days 1days =days
Tue27)72 !ue18381= !hu18681= @ri181381= Mon181981= @ri18281=
e%i#nin# +1. +2. +3. +.
)?da$% 2=days 2?days 2days 26days
T3u*7*72 ;ed)72572 !hu28281= @ri38181= @ri28381= !ue38181= Mon281381= @ri38181= !hu28A81= #ed381681=
5da$% 29days 2= days 29days 2?days 2? days 3days 12days
;ed*72572 Tue7272 #ed281681= #ed382281= #ed 281681= !hu 382381= #ed281681= #ed382281= #ed281681= @ri38281= #ed282281= @ri 383181= #ed38181= !ue81181= Mon8381= !ue81?81=
5da$% 26days 3 days 2? days
;ed)72572T ue57272 #ed381681= !ue81?81= !ue 382181= Mon 68181= #ed 382281= @ri 82?81=
ack%nd @ront%nd Debug /eview
evelo!in# +1. ComePage +2. og in * /egister Page +3. ProductPage +. (earchPage +6. (hoing-artPage +9. PaymentPage +=. CelPage Te%tin# +1. +2. +3.
(oftware!estPlan (oftware !est Descrition (oftware !est /eort
S$%te" e!lo$"ent and Maintaine +1. Costing +2. -onguration +3. !raining
5 da$% =days =days 3days =?
Mon27)?72 !hu18681= @ri181381= !ue181=81= @ri182=81= Mon18381=
;ed )7*>72 Tue 57)?72 #ed382A81= !hu8981= Mon8381= !ue81181= Mon8381= @ri681281=
(uort and Maintaine
32 days
1 a #ork reakdown (tructure
Mon 81=81=
!ue 68381=
2y a M 1 , = y a M ,1 19 r " , 9 2 ra = 1, 6 ra =M 1 , 2 1 be @= 1, 2 2 anB = 1 , 1 n aB
2 1 1 1 3 6 2 1 A 1 9 1 ? ? 2 2 2 1 = 2 A1 1 1 3
h is n @i tr t(a oi atr u D
e m a 5 ks !a ks d a! oM ID
7 2 n o M 7) 72 e u T $a d ? *
n io t a itn It c
8 816 uh !8 38 1 e !u s ayd 3
er a w d e arC (o :
38 811 i @8r 68 1 hu! s ayd =
e ar tw of(
811 e !8u 31 81 r@i s ayd 3 r e rve ( sae ba atD
=82 1i8 @r 18 on M ayd 1
r ver e( b e#
81 n o M 8 28 1i @r sy a d =
e m ar @ ti a#
7) d e ; 7* 7* u 3 T $a d ? )
81 83 i @8r 822 u !h ya d =2
813 e !u 388 2 r@i ya d ?2
8 1 3i8 @r 82 no M ya d 2
38 de # 8A 82 u !h ya d 62
d dn # n in %n %t gu w e # k n b i ac @ro D e / ev %i e
72 B e u T 7* d e ; $a d 5 B
# in ! o l v e
38 ed # 28 d e # ya d 92
823 u !h 28 d e # ya d =2 gae P ert igs e / * in
e ag P e m o og C
38 ed # 28 d e # ya d 92
gea P ct ud Pro
8 28 3i @r 28 d e # ya d ?2
81 833 i @r 28 d e # ya d ?2
e ag P hc r (ea
eg a Pt ar g ni (ho
81 e !u 38 d e # ya d 3
eg a P tn e m Pay
81 e !u 8 no M ya d 21
72 5 e u T 7) d e ; $a d 5 B
eg a P l e C
anl P ts !e e ar # n tw %ti (of e
81 eu ! 38 d e # ya d 62
68 n o M 823 e !u ya d 3 it i crs e D ts !e e ar tw (of
8? 2 i8 @r 38 d e # ya d ?2 rt o e/ ts e! er a tw (of
7) 5 e u T 7) d e ; $a d 5 B d n a t n e $" o l! e " %te $S
89 8 u !h 38 d e # s ayd =
g ni st o C
81 eu ! 8 n o M s ay d =
oin t ra gu on -
82 861 i @r 8 n o M ya d 3
836 e !u 8 no M ya d 32
g inn i !ra
en ait ina M dn a tr o (u
2 3 6 9 = ? A 1 11 21 31 1 61 91 =1 ?1 A1 2 12 22 32 2 62 92 =2 ?2 A2 3 13 23 33
2 a 4"5!! chart
3 a -ritical Path Method
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t
628+ 6*8+ 6)8+ 68+ 658+
:(oect Initation e%i#nin# evelo!in# Te%tin# S$%te" e!lo$"ent and Maintaine
628+ :(oect Initation
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t
+1. +2. +3.
Cardware (oftware Database (erver
+. +6.
#eb (erver #ait @rame
6*8+ e%i#nin#
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t +1.
+2. +3. +.
@ront %nd Debug /eview
6)8+ evelo!in#
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t +1.
Come Page
+2. +3. +. +6. +9. +=.
og in * /egister Page Product Page (earch Page (hoing -art Page Payment Page Cel Page
68+ Te%tin#
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t
+1. +2. +3.
(oftware !est Plan (oftware !est Descrition (oftware !est /eort
658+ S$%te" e!lo$"ent and Maintaine
C(itical :at3$ Sta(t
+1. +2. +3. +.
Costing -onguration !raining (uort and Maintaine