How How many many ste steps ps are are ther there e in the the probl problem em sol solv ving ing meth method od as suggested by the QCFI.
How How man many y tool tools s have have bee been n reco recomm mmen ende ded d by the the QCF QCFII whic which h are are in use while practising problem solving method?
Name the tool that has use many times while solving a problem.
Name Name the the tool tool use used d to enab enable le und under erst stan andi ding ng of of the the proc proces ess s / flo flow w and locate a problem.
Flow diagram
Nam Name the the tool tool use used to diff differ ere entia ntiate te betw betwee een n vital ital and and triv trivia iall causes.
Pareto chart
Name the chart that shows the planning activity.
Milestone Chart.
What What is is the the step step of of the pro probl blem em sol solv ving ing meth method od that that is to to be carried out to find all the possible causes.
Iden Identi tifi fica cati tion on of of cau cause ses. s.
What What is is the the step step of of the the prob proble lem m solv solvin ing g meth method od to to be fol follo lowe wed d immediately after the “Developing solutions”.
Foreseeing resistance
Nam Name the the diag diagra ram m that that repre represe sent nts s grap graphi hica call lly y the the rela relati tion onsh ship ip between two variables.
Scat Scatte terr Dia Diagr gram am
10. 10.
Nam Name the the tool tool that that can can be used used while while elim eliminat inatin ing g abno abnorm rmal al variation variation in process process output by distinguishing distinguishing variations variations due to assignable causes from those due to chance causes.
10) 10) Cont Contro roll chart chart
In PDCA PDCA Cyc Cycle, le, when when P indi indicat cates es ‘Plan ‘Plan’’ D indica indicates tes ‘Do’, ‘Do’, what what do do C and A indicate ?
11) CHECK and respectively
Name the part of the PDCA Cycle in which “Regular Implementation” step of problem solving method can be cited..
12) ACT
Which is a strategy for defect prevention?
13) Statistical Process Control.
What What are are the two two Jour Journal nals s publis published hed by by JUSE JUSE whic which h becam became e the household names as per Dr.J.M. Juran?
14) Statis Statistic tical al Quality Quality Control Control and GEMBA to QC.
"Evolu "Evolutio tionar nary y progre progress ss plus plus cont continu inuous ous imp improv roveme ement nt as a way of functi function" on" known known as as m?
15) Quality Management Revolutionary progress.
16. 16.
From From whic which h year year the most most cruc crucia iall brea breakt kthr hrou ough gh came came in the Modern Quality Movement?
16) 16) 1931 1931..
What is the third step of Six Sigma method of solving problem?
17) Analyse
18. 18.
Who Who was the the firs firstt to argue argue that that "Qua "Quali lity ty shou should ld be cons consid ider ered ed at all stages of the process and not just within the manufacturing function".
18) Dr.A.V Dr.A.V.. Feigenbau Feigenbaum. m.
Which Which are are the the prob problem lem solvin solving g techn techniqu iques es that that are are being being used used by the system analysts, to ensure that all aspects involved in the process are covered, while programming for the computer?
19) Flow Flow Diagra Diagram. m.
Who has given given the the state stateme ment nt that that "The "The age age of of exces excessiv sive e cauti caution on is over. One who cannot cannot enter enter the new age by cross crossing ing the bridge, cannot be a top Manager" .
20) Dr. K. Ishi Ishikaw kawa. a.
21. 21.
The The parti partime me stan standa dard rds s publi publish shed ed in USA USA at the time time of II Worl World d War.
21) Z -1 -1 stan standar dards? ds?
22. 22.
Whic Which h type type of grap graph h is used used to sho show w the tre trend nd for for the tota totall data data and for each component of the total?
22) Stratagraph Stratagraph or Areagraph. Areagraph.
What is the process of sharing human mind?
23) Education.
As Dr. Deming, what is the heart of transformation?
What What was was the the primar primary y impor importan tance ce given given by by Europ Europe e or USA USA duri during ng implementation of Quality Circles, and which caused the declining journey in these countries?
26. 26.
As per per Dr. J.M. J.M. Jura Juran n collec collecti tion on of infor informa mati tion on or gener generat atio ion n of information begins and ends with? Which will describe the inherent variation in the process? As per per Dr. Dr. Jura Juran's n's twelve twelve step steps s metho method d of solv solving ing prob problem lem,, what what is the twelve steps? Who was was award awarded ed the the Nation National al meda medall of Techn Technolo ology gy by Presid President ent Bush? For For chron chronic ic proble problem, m, Dr. Dr. Juran Juran sugge suggest sted ed.. proj proj ect by proje project ct method. What is the first step to follow in this approach? Which Which is is the the first first need need of Masl Maslow' ow's s theory theory of hiera hierarch rchy y of hum human an needs which will satisfied by joining QC activity?
27. 28. 29. 30. 30. 31.
32. 32.
24) It is the release of intrinsic motivation by creating joy, pride, happiness. 25) Importance to organisational improv improveme ement. nt. No proper proper attention paid to improvement of people: 26) 26) Ques Questi tion ons. s. 27) Control limits. 28) Monitor Monitor Control Control system. system. 29) Dr. J.M. J.M. Jura Juran. n. 30) Proof Proof of of the need. need. 31) 31) Soci Social al Nee Need. d.
Who Who has give given n the stat statem emen entt that" that" As long long as ther there e is a work work place, QC Circle activities must be continued. They are not a final for this particular movement" ? Who Who has has deve develo lop p the the meth method ods s for for on-l on-lin ine e and and offoff-li line ne Quali Quality ty Control? When When did did the Boar Board d of Direc Directo tors rs of JUSE JUSE form formall ally y resol resolve ved d to create create the Deming Deming Prize Prize in comme commemor morati ation on of Dr. Deming Deming's 's contribution to the Japanese industries and for encouragement of Quality Control development in Japan? In which which concep conceptt comm common on econo economi mic c object objective ive is to increa increase se good good processes and outputs from a given amount resources input? When When Piggy Piggy Back Backing ing is sugg sugges este ted d by the lead leader er dur during ing QC meeting? What is the name of the inaugural issue of JUSE's journal? In 1950s, 1950s, afte afterr world world war war II, Statis Statistic tical al Qualit Quality y Contr Control ol was was taught taught to the Japanese by whom?
32) Dr. K. Ishi Ishikaw kawa. a.
In which year Quality Circle was born in Japan?
39) 1962
Who introduced Quality circles in Japan?
40) Dr. K. Ishisawa
Which organisation first introduced Quality circles in India?
41) BHEL
When was QCFI established?
42) 1982
43. 43.
What What is the the philo hilos sophy ophy of Quali uality ty Circ Circle le as per per Dr. Dr. K. Ishi Ishik kawa awa ?
PDCA cycle is named after whom
43) 43) Self Self dev develop elopm ment ent & mutua utuall development. 44) Dr. W. E. Deming
Who choose the leader of Quality Circles?
45) QC members
What is the the prime ime objective of the QC in attending the convention?
46) To learn learn from from other Quality Quality Circles.
47. 47.
What What is the the name name of the char chartt that that carri carries es plan planni ning ng acti activi vity ty with with time estimation?
47) 47) Gant Ganttt Char Chartt or Miles Milesto tone ne Chart.
How many many probl problems ems can be taken taken by a Qual Quality ity Circ Circle le at a time time for for solving?
48) 48) One One only only..
49. 49.
Whet Whethe herr Qualit Quality y Circl Circle e leader leader shoul should d be rota rotate ted d after after fixed fixed time interval or fixed?
49) 49) Shou Should ld be Rota Rotate ted d afte after r Fixed time interval.
Where was QC Circle born?
50) Japan
Who pioneered the Quality Circle in the world?
51) Dr. K. Ishikawa.
“Quali “Quality ty cont control rol should should be part part of Mana Managem gement ent contro control”, l”, Who said said this?
52) Dr. J. M. M. Juran Juran..
33. 33. 34. 34.
35. 36. 36. 37. 38.
33) Dr. Geni Genichi chi Taguc Taguchi. hi. 34) 34) Dec. Dec. 1950 1950..
35) Statistical Statistical Process Process Control Control.. 36) When Brainstorming seems to slow down. 37) Gemba to QC. 38) Dr. W. E. Demi Deming ng
What type of tool is used for problem solving mainly?
53) Elementary system.
When was revised concept of QCC introduced?
54) 1995
What is the first step to start QC function.
55) Identifying one’s own work related problems.
Who is the originator of modern graphic method?
56) T. H. Lambert.
What type of graph is Pareto Diagram?
57) Compound graph.
What is Lorenz curve in Pareto diagram?
58) Cumulative percentage
What is the use in making Cause and effect diagram?
59) To find out the Relation between cause and effect.
In the the 12 step steps s of Qual Quality ity Circ Circle le funct function ioning ing,, what what is the the sequen sequentia tiall position of Data analysis?
60) 60) VII VII Ste Step p
Who is famous for logical approach of thinking?
61) Socrates.
Who has made four steps of Deming Wheel into six steps?
62) Dr. K. Ishikawa.
63. 63.
Whic Which h type type of chec check k shee sheett is usef useful ul in the the final final test test of pro produ duct ct at the end of manufacturing line?
63) Produc Productt qualit quality y assura assurance nce check.
Genera Generally lly data data are of two two types types.. One One is ‘Mea ‘Measur surabl able e Data’, Data’, what what is is the second one?
64) Attrib Attribute uted d data data
Pareto Pareto Diag Diagram ram is a tool tool to help help in in differe differenti ntiati ating ng probl problems ems/ca /cause uses s into two major groups. What are they?
65) Vital few and useful useful many
Whose Whose resp respons onsibil ibility ity is is to conv convene ene stee steerin ring g commit committee tee meet meeting ings s periodically and regularly?
66) Co-ord Co-ordina inator tor..
67. 67.
What What is the the next next ste step p after after ‘dev ‘devel elop opin ing g solut solutio ion n in the cha chain in of problem solving steps?
67) Foreseeing resistance.
At what step, normally, Quality Circles use Flow Diagram?
In modi modifie fied d Demin Deming g Wheel, Wheel, ‘Pla ‘Plan’ n’ is divide divided d into into two two parts. parts. One One is, is, ‘Decide on the objective and targets’; what is the other one?
68) While defining the problem. 69) Decide methods of achieving the objective.
70. 70.
What What is the the nam name of tool tool/t /tec echn hniq ique ue to depi depic ct a proc proces ess s in graphical or pictorial way?
70) Flow Flow Diagra Diagram. m.
Name th the to tool th that is is us used fo for se separation of of da data in into ca categories ies.
71) Stratifica ication.
What What is is the the next next ste step p afte afterr ‘find ‘find out out roo roott caus causes es’’ in the the cha chain in of of problem solving steps?
72) Data Data Anal Analys ysis. is.
During During ident identifi ificat cation ion of prob problem lems s in Quali Quality ty Circl Circle e Meetin Meeting, g, which which type of brainstorming is more useful?
73) Round Round Robin Robin meth method. od.
Who introduced Cause and Effect Diagram?
74) Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa
Who chooses the Facilitator of Quality Circles?
75) Steering Committee.
Mr. Alex Alex Osbor Osborn n of USA USA deve develop loped ed a techn techniqu ique e in 1950 1950s s to solv solve e advertising and marking problems. Name the technique.
76) Brains Brainstor tormin ming. g.
77. 77.
77) Cause Cause & Effect Effect Diagram Diagram..
Whic Which h was the firs firstt of its kind kind in statis statisti tica call syste system m where where verb verbal al info inform rmat atio ion n and and not not nume numeri rica call data data were were used used for for prob proble lem m analysis? What is the quality as per Dr. J. M. Juran?
What is the full form of CWQC?
Name the types of flow diagram?
79) Company Wise Control. 80) Hi H igh Level,
78) Fitness for use. Quality Matrix,
81) 81) Slip Slip Met Metho hod. d.
If you you want want to collec collectt the idea ideas s of cust custome omers rs or or sugge suggesti stions ons from from your customers from all over India, which type of Brainstorming will help you for this purpose? Can we use historical data? If yes, where and if no, why?
What is the difference between New 7 tools and Old 7 tools?
83) Old 7 tools ar are el elementary statistical tools to be used for problem solving. New 7 tools are based on verbal data mostly used by Manage Manageme ment nt for solvin solving g complex problems.
84. 84.
As per per Shewh Shewhar art, t, the the varia variati tion on in proce process ss is due due to two two cause causes. s. What are their names.
84) Chance cause Assignable Cause.
Who was the Presid President ent of JUSE JUSE when when first first time time Dr. Deming Deming was invited in Japan?
85) Ichiro Ichiro Ishika Ishikawa wa
Who wrote the book ‘Out of Crisis’?
86) Dr. Demimg.
How many steps are in Japanese style CWQC?
87) Seven
88. 88.
As per Ishi Ishik kawa, awa, ‘th ‘theory eory of sampl ample e surv urveys eys’ comes omes in one one category of statistical method. Name the category.
88) 88) Inte Interm rmed edia iate te Method.
What is the another name of ‘Discrete variables'.
89) Discontinuous Variables.
90. 90.
Who Who show howed Dr. Juran uran that that the the salar alary y of Gene Genera rall Motor otor’s ’s executives is in line with Pareto’s theory? What What sho shoul uld d be the the recom recomme mend nded ed num numbe berr of cla class sses es or or grou groups ps for for 627 627 obse observ rvat atio ions ns for for freq freque uenc ncy y dist distri ribu buti tion on for for maki making ng Histogram?
90) 90) Merk Merk Hale Hale..
Can Can Histo istogr gram am be use used for for showi howing ng relat elatio ion n betw betwee een n two two variables?
92) No
92. 92.
93. 94. 94.
How many types of control charts ?
82) Yes, if relevant and to compa ompare re the the pas past and and present data.
Stat Statis isti tica call
91) Ten
93) Two, variable& attributes.
Your Your frie friend nd has no know nowledg ledge e abou aboutt your your plan plantt and and power ower generation system. Which type of Flow Diagram will be useful to tell them about the process in the simplest way? In which decade cause and effect diagram was used first time? and effect diagram, where
94) High level Flow Diagram. Diagram. 95) 1940s
Is there any type of cause brainstorming is not required?
96) 96) Ther There e is no such such type type of C & E Diagram.
97. 97.
Your Your coll collea eagu gue e wants wants to take take loan loan from from the the compa company ny.. He is requesting you to make flow diagram showing the steps in the process as it moves through various departments. Which type of flow diagram will be better for this purpose?
97) Matrix Matrix Flow Flow Diagr Diagram. am.
98. 98.
Whic Which h type type of the the check check she sheet ets s is meant meant to be plac placed ed in the the drawing or sketch of the product so that location of defects that can be identified and investigated?
98) 98) Defe Defect cts s Sheet.
What is full form of CEDAC?
99) Ca Cause And Effect Diagram Diagram With Addition Addition of Cards.
100. 100.
Where Where we we use attr attribu ibutes tes type type cont control rol char chartt ?
Who has given Quality Trilogy?
We may count defects in a product / To classify the product quality. 101) Dr. Juran.
Name the graphical presentation ion to show relationship between
Loca Locati tion on Chec Check k
Scatter Diag iagram.
two variables. 103
What What does itit indicat indicate, e, If coeff coeffici icient ent of corr correla elatio tion n of two varia variable bles s is 0.8?
103) There is st s trong positive correlation .
104 104
The The Round Round Robi Robin n metho method d of Brain Brain Stormi Storming ng is also also calle called d by another name. Name the method.
104) Structured method.
Which Which type type of Histog Histogram ram indic indicate ates s the mixtur mixture e of several several proce process, ss, conditions or output of several days mixed together in a lot? Give the name only.
Who was described as “The man who discovered quality”?
To honour honour Dr. Dr. Deming’ Deming’s s contrib contributi ution, on, the Japa Japanes nese e establi establishe shed d in 1957, the Deming prize to be given for two major categories. What are those categories?
106) Dr. W. Shewhart 107) A) To individual accomplishment statistical theory.
Plateau Type
A. an for in
B) To companies fo r accomplis accomplishment hment in statistical statistical application. 108
Who brought the statistical quality to India?
108) Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.
What is the Matsushita Company’s slogan of learning?
109) Learn from all, lear learn n from from supe superv rvis isor ors, s, lear learn n from from peer peers, s, lear learn n from from subord subordina inates tes,, learn learn from society.
110. 110.
Give Give the name name of magazin magazine e in which which Dr. Ishika Ishikawa wa wrote wrote that that the study group be renamed as ‘Quality Control Circles’?
111. 111.
Who has has given given the statem statement ent “ We make make people people before before we make make the product”.
Dr. Ishikaw Ishikawa a divides divides statist statistical ical methods methods into three three categor categories ies one is Elem Elemen enta tary ry Stat Statis isti tica call Meth Method od.. What What are are the the othe otherr two two categories.
Intermediate Statistical 112) Method. ii) Advanced Statistica ical Method.
What is the purpose of Histogram?
113) Histogram is a graphical representation of a freque frequency ncy distri distribut bution ion whic which h is a sum summary mary of variat variation ion in a produc productt or process.
114. 114.
As per per Mr. Mr. J.P. J.P. Guil Guilfo ford rd what what are are the five five key key concerning human ability to be creative?
As per Mc Gregor, which theory applies to Quality Circle concept?
114) Fluency, Flex Flexib ibil ilit ity, y, Orig Origin inal alit ity, y, Awareness, Drive. 115) “Y” Theory
Which disease we classify in ABCDEG Category?
117. 117.
Which Which compan company y supplied supplied steel steel for constr construct ucting ing Howrah Howrah Bridge Bridge in Calcutta?
Tata Steel.
In which year the Howrah Hanging Bridge was opened for public?
How many many Prime Prime Minist Ministers ers of of independen independentt India took their their birth birth in Pakistan?
120. 120.
Do you know know the city city where where 2 state capita capitals ls and union union territ territory ory capital are functioning?
elem elemen ents ts
111) Mr. Matsushita (The proprietor of Matsushita Corporation) i)
Who compiled a series of Joke Books?
122. 122.
Whic Which h neig neighb hbou ouri ring ng count ountry ry decl declar ared ed Hocke ockey y as Nat Nation ional Game? ame?
123. 123.
Do you you know know the name name of the the lady who who got Padm Padmash ashree ree Award Award from President of India and associated with QCFI?
121) Singh. 122) 122)
Paki Pakis stan. tan.
123) Ms. Poonawalla 124) Indian Institute.
Lil a
Please write full form of ISI.
Do you you know know the name of our emeritus emeritus President President who served served the the responsibility of Governor of Tamil Nadu?
125) Rao.
What is the full name of QCFI?
When was it established?
126) Quality Circle Forum of India. 127) In the year 1982
How many chapters does it have throughout India?
Name the concepts on which QCFI has given special focus.
Who is the president of QCFI?
131. 131.
Name Name the stalwa stalwart rt in the field field of Quali Quality ty who was was descri described bed as “the man who discovered quality”.
129) Five-“S”, Kaizen and Quality Circle. 130) Dr. R. C. Agarwal. 131) Dr. W. A. Shewhart.
132. 132.
PDCA PDCA cycle cycle is known known as Deming Deming Wheel. Wheel. Origin Originall ally y whose whose idea was it?
132) Dr. Shewhart.
What are the two important aspects of Quality Circle Concept?
133) Planning and Problem Solving Technique.
134. 134.
“Fiv “Fivee-S S” is an inte integr grat ated ed Japan apanes ese e Conc Concep eptt for for Housekeeping. It has five steps. What are those steps?
134) Organising, neatness, cleaning, stan standa dard rdar ardi disa sati tion on and and discipline.
135. 135.
Why is the the conc concept ept named named ‘Five ‘Five-S’ -S’ ?
136. 136.
When When ‘cleanin ‘cleaning’ g’ activi activity ty is called called as “SEISO “SEISO”” by the Japanese Japanese in their language, what is called by them for the activity “Discipline”?
Who is the father of “Five-S” concept?
Takashi Osada
138. 138.
When When we are in a place place whic which h is very very neat and and clean, clean, we cann cannot ot throw anything there even if our normal habit is not caring for cleanliness. Why has our behaviour changes?
138) It is because the condition condition prevalent prevalent there will will make make our behavi behaviour our odd and we start following the standard set.
139. 139.
Name Name the step in Japan Japanese ese langua language ge which which means means “Sorti “Sorting ng out between wanted and unwanted items in a place and removal of the unwanted”
140. 140.
“Use “Use of Tag” Tag” is a metho method d of sortin sorting. g. What What do the red red tag and yellow tag indicate?
140) Red tag indicates for for unne unnece cess ssar ary y item items s while while yell yellow ow tag tag for for the the items that are unnecessary.
141. 141.
Whil While e ‘SEI ‘SEIRI RI’’ help helps s us to deci decide de what what are are the the item items s needed needed,. ,. What does ’SEITON’ help?
141) ‘SEITON’ helps us to decide the way where the thing are to be
prop proper er
Shri P. S. Mohan
Japanese in their language call the steps as SEIRI, SEIRI, SEITON SEITON,, SEISO SEISO,, SEIKETSU and SHITSUKE. So the name “Five-S” arrived by taking the first first letter letter ‘S’ of all all these five activities.
QUESTION & ANSWERS BANK placed so that our working becomes smooth.
142. 142.
‘DMAIC ‘DMAIC’’ is a method method for problem problem solvi solving ng . What does does each each letter letter stand for?
How do Quality Circle works?
144. 144.
Quality Quality is confo conforma rmance nce to specif specifica icatio tion, n, Fitness Fitness for for use – who defined it this way.
Dr. J. M. Juran
Who is the originator of the concept of KAIZEN?
Masaaki Imai
What is the principle on which Kaizen is based?
146) The principle of contin continuou uous s improv improveme ement nt in order order to progre progress ss and advanc advanceme ement nt in the field field of life.
147. 147.
In order order to create create enviro environme nment nt for continu continuous ous impro improvem vement ent who should have a greater role?
147) Top & Management.
What does the word KAIZEN signify?
How many steps we use to solve any problem?
148) ZEN – better) 149)
What is the first step to solve the problem?
“Quality “Quality control control should should be part part of of Managem Management ent control control”, ”, Who said this?
What type of tool is used for problem solving mainly?
152) Elementary statistical system.
When was revised concept of QCC introduced?
What type of graph is Pareto Diagram?
154) graph.
Who has made four steps of Deming Wheel into six steps?
Dr. K. Ishikawa.
Pareto Pareto Diagram Diagram is a tool to to help in in differentiat differentiating ing problems problems/caus /causes es into two major groups. What are they?
156) Vital useful many
157. 157.
What What is the the name name of tool tool/t /tec echn hniq ique ue to depi depict ct a proc proces ess s in graphical or pictorial way?
Flow Diagram.
What is the quality as per Dr. J. M. Juran?
Fitness for use.
159. 159.
As per Shewh Shewhart art,, the variat variation ion in process process is due due to two causes. causes. What are their names.
159) Chance cause and Assignable Cause.
Who wrote the book ‘Out of Crisis’?
Dr. Demimg.
In which decade cause and effect diagram was used first time?
Is there any type of cause brainstorming is not required?
What is full form of CEDAC?
162) There is no such type type of C & E Diagram. 163) Cause And Effect Diagram With Addition of Cards.
Mention Mention the 2 steps steps of 12 steps steps under under the the check check activ activity ity ?
The Round Robin method of Brain Storming is also called by
and effect diagram, where
142) D – De Define, MMMeas Measur ure, e, A – Analyse, I – Impose, C – Control 143) Meet periodically and regularly.
KAI – Change bett better er (cha (chang nge e for Twelve
150) Identification of problem 151) Dr. J. M. Juran.
fe w
Foreseen probab probable le resist resistanc ance e and Trial implementation. 165) Structured
another name. Name the method.
Which type of of Histogram Histogram indicates indicates the the mixture mixture of sever several al process, process, conditions or output of several days mixed together in a lot? Give the name only.
Plateau Type
Who brought the statistical quality to India?
167) Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis.
What is the purpose of Histogram?
168) Histogram is a graphical representation of a freque frequency ncy distri distribut bution ion whic which h is a sum summary mary of variat variation ion in a produc productt or process.
Do you you know know what indicates indicates in the the central central line line of control control chart? chart?
170. 170.
Do you you know know the name name of the the lady who who got Padm Padmash ashree ree Award Award from President of India and associated with QCFI?
Target or standard or mean value in a process control.
170) Ms. Poonawalla
Lil a
Do you you know know the name of our emeritus emeritus President President who served served the the responsibility of Governor of Tamil Nadu?
171) Shri P. Rammohan Rao.
Who is the father of “Five-S” concept?
Takashi Osada
How many steps we use to solve any problem?
In which tool we use upper/ central an and lower liline ?
Control chart
Name the types of flow diagram.
175) Detail
High level, Matrix,
Question-Answer bank for the Quality Circle knowledge evaluation at the time of the case study presentation 176. 176. To make make Caus Cause e and and Effe Effect ct Diag Diagra ram m whic which h met metho hod d we we use used d? 177. (In case QC has used used flow diagram),which type or diagram you have used ? 178. 178. On what what step steps s in prob proble lem m solv solvin ing g you you have have cond conduc ucte ted d brainstorming session? 179. Ho H ow have you collected data analysis ?
180. Have you used stratifica stratification tion anywhere anywhere in your project? project? If yes, where ? 181 181. Whic Which h type type of Cau Cause and and Effe Effec ct Diagr iagram am hav have used used ?
182. Wh W hat are the objectives using the Flow Diagram ?
183. Who is expected to participate in Brainstorming ?
176. 176. Brai Brains nsto torm rmin ing. g. 177. 2.QCS 2.QCS must have have knowledge knowledge of High High Level Flow Flow Diagram, Matrix flow Diagram and Detailed Flow Diagram to use flow Diagram and answer as per actual use. 178. 178. All stages stages,, because because idea generati generation on is requir required ed essential in every stage. 179. If data is collected sa say yes. (QCS should make it a practice practice to carry out data based exercise exercise while while solving each and every problem). 180. Yes, in Pareto, Diagram of Piechart. 181. 181. Judge udge wants ants to know now whe wheth ther er the the QC QC is is aw aware are of of 3 types types of CED (Cause (Cause & Effect Effect Diagrams Diagrams ). Here Here they they shou should ld give give the corr correc ectt name name of diag diagra ram m out out of a ) Disp Disper ersi sion on Anal Analys ysis is Type Type b) Prod Produc ucti tion on Proc Proces ess s Classification Type Type c) Cause Enumeration Enumeration Type . 182. a) To know sequence of activities in any process or work. b) To identify non value adding activities c) To pinp pinpoi oint nt wher where e probl problem em lies lies in the the entir entire e process. d) To know know how man many y activ activit itie ies s are requi require red d to be carried out. e) To know know whethe whetherr the the respo responsi nsibili bilitie ties s can can be be share shared. d. 183. Every me member, Le Leader, Dy Dy, Le Leader is is expected to to participate in every Brainstorming session.
184. Why should should Quality Circle Circle members members collect collect data in problem 184. QC members members should collect collect Data Solving process ? a) To kno know w con condi diti tion ons s befo before re QC QC b) To know know wher where e and what what corr correct ective ive acti action on is needed c) To cross cross check check gap between between Judgeme Judgement nt and reality reality d) To know know the impac impactt of correc corrective tive actions actions taken by QC 185. 10. 10. Do you use the stratifica ication at Home ? Where ? 185. Yes, we do use use str stratification at hom home whe when we spend our salary under various heads.
186. When have have you made made Milestone Milestone Chart, Chart, what what is the use use of this 186. Milestone Milestone Chart Chart is made on selection selection of a problem problem chart? while defining the problem selected, to plan manage time of problem solving process. 187. What benefits have you got in your your life by adopting QC? We We got many benefits by adopting QC such as
187. 187. 1) We learnt learnt that for every every probl problem, em, there there are number of causes, which are to be identified to develop solution. 2) We do not get upset when a problem is experienced, but we feel enthused to solve. 3) QC memb member ersh ship ip has has enha enhanc nced ed our our sinc sincer erity ity and and enthusiasm. 4) We have developed attitude of problem prevention 5) Our public speaking skills are improved. (QCs may give anyone or two benefits while answering)
188. How you have set the target (if target is set)?
188. Target is set on the basis of past data and estimated potentiality of improving upon the past data.
189. 189. Who has made made all these these transpa transparen rencie cies s (If presen presented ted by 189. Most of us are able to make slides, slides, however major transparency)? or slides? responsibility has been taken by Mr (write actual name) 190. How much time have you taken to make this model (If model is presented in Oral & Visual Presentation)?
190. We have taken taken days in making making this this model, but but we have have chosen chosen to do it after working working hours hours to keep keep up productivity of our day to day work.
191. What do you mean by tangible gains?
191. Ta Tangible gains means Quantifiable gains
192. 192. Nam Name las last four four proj projec ects ts whic which h your our circ ircle has has solv olved? ed?
192. 192. QCs may may giv give e titl titles es of of thei theirr last last pr proje ojects cts maj major or or or minor will do.
193. H ow ow much time this project has taken to solve?
193. This pr project ha has taken mo months (QC should ke keep in in view starting and ending date of project, while answering because Judge wants to see whether your reply tallys with dates given by you).
194. When have your Quality Circle members taken this problem?
194. While answering give date of starting of your project.
195. Th T his problem belongs to which category?
195. This pr problem be belongs to to A category , which is is in in purvie purview w of Qualit Quality y Circle Circle member members. s. (If your your proble problem m belongs to B, answer so ). 196. Our facilitator helps a) In directing us to the source of data b) He tells us where we need to take a corrective action. c) He helps us in getting the facilities where management sanction is essential d) He checks our case study and enlightens us on scope for improvement e) He gets the rehearsals of our case study done. (QCs (QCs shou should ld give give answ answer ers s from from the the abov above e poin points ts depending upon time available). 197. My ro role in in th this pr project wa was da data co collection, or or preparing case study or writing minutes and follow up. (Answers should be given out of above or any additional activity the member does),
196. W ha hat help are you getting from facilitator?
197. What was your role in this project'?
198. Ho H ow you have found out root causes?
198. We have found out root causes, after validation, by using Five whys or why-why technique.(QCs should know that that Five Five-w -why hys s & why why are are the the name names s of the the same same technique) because some Judge might ask what is the difference between Five-whys and why-why technique
199. 199. What are are vita vitall few few and and usef useful ul many many in your your Pare Pareto to diag diagra ram? m?
199. 199. Answ Answer er will will diff differ er from from case case to case case basis. basis. QC should give 80% of Pareto as vital points and 20% as useful many.
200. What are the names of Causes & Effect Diagrams?
200. Names of of th three ty types of of Ca Cause & Ef Effect Dia Diag grams are 1) Dispersion Analysis type 2) Production Process : Classification Type 3) Cause Enumeration Type 201. In Pareto Diagram, Diagram, right side side of Y -axis represe represents nts percentage. This axis is called 2Y -2Y -axis.
201. In Pareto diagram, diagram, which side of Y-axis (left / right) represents represents percentages? What is it called? 201. How many causes causes / sub causes to be shown in cause & Effect Effect diagram?
201. As regards regards number number of causes causes and sub sub cause causes, s, there cannot be any rule or standard because the number may vary from project to project.
202. 202. . Out of old seven seven Problem Problem Solving Solving Tools Tools which tool tool is not 202. Brainstorn1ing. database. 203. What type of graph you have used in your project?
203. The answer may vary from QC to QC (QC may answer the name of graph they have used) Line graph, Bar graph, Compound graph (if Pareto used) Piechart etc can be common answers
204. 204. Whic Which h too tools ls and and tec techn hniq ique ues s you you have have used used in your your proj projec ect? t?
204. 204. Here Here,, the the mos mostt comm common only ly use used d tech techni niqu ques es are are Flo Flow w Diagram, Brainstorming, Data collection, Graphs, Pareto Diagram, Stratification, Cause & Effect Diagram, however the (QC should answer as per their use).
205. How much time, the trial implementation has taken?
205. The tri trial imp implementation has has tak taken day days or sh shifts (QC should ensure that their answer tallys with .the data of Trial implementation).
206. During During development development of solution, solution, what other other ideas came came but failed?
206. The answer will differ from case case study to case case study. QCs should failed ideas or solution in their action plan and highlight FAILED with Red colour. The QC member can show in the event of a question about failed ideas.
207. 207. What What precau precautio tions ns you you are taking taking to main maintai tain n the status status of of 207. We are using Milestone Milestone chart and we display in our project? work place on notice board. This display reminds us to attend activities as per planning. 208. Why are you attending this convention?
208. We are attending this convention to learn from other Quality Circles, to know our weak areas and how we can improve our performance.
209. 209. How many case case study study presen presentat tation ions s you have seen seen in this this convention?
209. Give the number number of case study study presentatio presentations ns you have seen in the convention you are attending.
210. Wha What benefit you have got by solving this problem?
210. We hav have got got tan tangible and and int intangibl ible ben benefits its by solving this problem, which are as per our slide No … and…… 211. The ob objective of of se selecting th this problem is is cl clarified in in our study under the title WHY DID WE SELECT THIS PROBLEM? (QC member should, quickly, show that slide from slide sorter).
211. What is the objective of selecting this problem?
212. 212. Can Can we use use Pare Pareto to Diag Diagra ram m for for sele select ctio ion n of prob proble lem? m? How? How?
212. 212. Yes Yes we can can use Pare Pareto to Diag Diagra ram m for sele select ctio ion n of problem by categorising and interpreting data relevant to problems into descending order
213. 213. Why Why your your com company pany has has sele select cted ed your your case case stud study y for for 213. 213. Our compa company ny has select selected ed our case case study for presentation in-convention? presentation in this convention because we have chosen a chronic problem persisting for many years. Our team has carried out excellent data, based study which di splays high level of team work and excellent use of techniques with very impressive colourful slides all resulting into a series of tangible and intangible benefits. Moreover we had won award at the inhouse competition held in our company. 214. What is the the benefit benefit you personally personally got by by joining joining Quality Quality Circle Circles? s? 214. By joining joining a Quality Quality Circle Circle 1) I have have learn learntt to get get alon along g with with peop people le,, whic which h my family members appreciate. 2) I am convi convince nced d that that each each and every every empl employe oyee e must must voluntarily take up responsibility of doing every work of total quality, which helps even at Home. 3) I have developed consciousness in using better quality of language while communicating with all. 4) 1 have learnt to control my motions and I keep cool. 215. Wh W hy this name is chosen to your QC? 215. The answer to this question will vary from QC to QC hence QCs should discuss in advance why they have chosen this name of QC. Ideally, QCs should carry out this exercise while naming their QCs under the Title. "Why this name is chosen for our QC?" 216. To the leader: Since when are you leadership of your QC? Is leader rotates in QC?
217. When your QC meet day and time? Are you satisfied with .this Periodicity & Time?
216. The leader should should give date of this leadershi leadership p and inform the evaluator that he is the fourth (or whatever number number)) leader leader of his QC becaus because e leader leadershi ship p is very very much Rotateable. 217. Answer Answer to this Question Question will will vary from QC QC to QC. Day and Time of weekly meeting (if weekly otherwise fort fortnig night htly ly)) shou should ld be info inform rmed ed.. You You may may say say Yes Yes if satisfied with the periodicity and time.
218. 218. What What is the the mean meanin ing g of volu volunt ntar aril ily y & auto autono nomo mous us in QC? QC?
218. 218. The The mean meanin ing g of Volu Volunt ntar ary y mean means s that that peo peopl ple e work work according according to their own wish and Autonomous Autonomous means the power or right of self government.
219. Is it necessary that company should have Quality Improvement teams for Executives along with QC ?
219. Yes, it is necessary necessary to hove Quality Quality improvemen improvementt team, (QITS) for executives along with QCs because the proble problems ms uncle' uncle' previe preview w of manage managemen mentt can also also be solved solved by QITS QITS This This will will accele accelerat rate e speed speed of proble problem m solving and enthuse QC members.
220. 220. Do you you thi think nk Qual Qualit ity y Circ Circle le can can be prac practi tice ced d at at Home Home ?
220. 220. Yes, Yes, I do thin think k that that QC can can be prac practi tice ced d at Home Home..
221 221. Do you part partic icip ipat ate e in QC quiz quiz Lead Leader er Foru Forum m? Why Why ?
221. 221. Yes Yes I part partic icip ipat ate e both both in QC Quiz Quiz and and Lead Leader ers s foru forum m because QC Quiz enhances my knowledge due to regular read readin ing g of QC lite litera ratu ture re and and trai traini ning ng mate materi rial als s and and participation in leaders forum make me conscious about my role as leader to make it performance oriented.
222. Apart from manufactu manufacturing ring industry, industry, where where else else QC is practic practiced? ed?
222. Apart from manufactu manufacturing ring industr industries, ies, QC is is practic practiced ed in Hosp Hospit ital als, s, Hote Hotels ls,, Bank Banks, s, Soci Social al Orga Organi nisa satio tions ns,, Schools, Rural areas, police Department etc.
223. Na N ame some Quality gurus, you know?
223. Dr W.E. Deming, Dr JM Juran, Dr. Dr. K. Ishikawa etc. 224. CW C WQC is Company Wide Quality Control and TQM is Total Quality Management. 225. Yes, I know new definition of Quality Circle brought out by JUSE in 1995 after 33 years of experience. (QC members should learn the new (Revised) d e t asking you to describe, you will be able to respond confidently).
224. What is CWQC or TQM? 225. Do D o you know new definition of QC?
226. 226. What What type type of motiv otivat atio ion n you feel feel is requ requir ired ed for for QC? QC?
226. 226. I fee feell Qua Quali lity ty Circ ircle shoul hould d fr freque equent ntly ly get get tra train inin ing g on on variou various s aspect aspects s of QC and opport opportuni unity ty to attend attend state state leve level, l, Nati Nation onal al and and Inte Intern rnat atio iona nall conv conven enti tion ons s for for motivation.
227. How QC started in your organisation? Can you suggest some method ?
227. QC started started my organisation organisation as per the guidance guidance of QCFI on How to launch and institutionalise QC.
228. 228. Can Can you you give give me a gene genera rall stru struct ctur ure e of QC in your your comp compan any y?
228. 228. Gene Genera rall stru struct ctur ure e of QC in my orga organi nisa sati tion on is exactly the one received by QCFI for Indian Context.
229. 229. Do you have have stee steerin ring g comm committ ittee ee in your your comp company any? ? What What is it?
229. 229. Yes, Yes, we do have steeri steering ng commit committee tee,, consist consisting ing of all Heads of various departments, which meets once in every month to review progress of our QCs, strengthen dormant or slow QC and to discuss matters related to policy so that guidance can be given to QCs as and when required. 230. 230. How you you will will propagat propagate e QC movem movement ent in your company company or 230. I will propagate QC movement movement in my company company and outside? outside by sharing my knowledge, experiel1ce of various benefits with very meagre investment. 231. 231. Plea Please se tell tell me what what are are 10 10 Pro Probl blem em Solv Solvin ing g Tec Techn hniq ique ues? s?
231. 231. The The Ten Ten Prob Proble lem m Sol Solvi ving ng Tech Techni niqu ques es are are . I. Flow Diagram 6. Pareto Diagram 2. Brainstorming 7. Cause and Effect Diagram 3. Data Collection 8. Scatter Diagram 4. Graphs 9. Histogram 5. Stratification 10. Control Chart
232. Do you know about New 7 Tools? What are they ?
232. Yes, Yes, I do know the Seven New Tools. They are, 1. Affinity Diagram 2. Relation Diagram 3. Tree Diagram 4. Matrix Data Analysis 5. Matrix Diagram 6. Process Decision Programme Chart (PDPC) 7. Arrow Diagram
233. 233. What What is the the main main diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n old old and and new new 7 tool tools? s?
233. 233. Main Main diff differ eren ence ce betw betwee een n Old Old and and New New Seve Seven n Too Tools ls is that majority of Old Seven Seven tools are based on Statistical Data whereas all New 7 Tools are non-statistical.
234. Ho H ow many types of Graphs you know?
234. I know 11 types of graphs out of which 4 types are commonly used graphs and Line, Bar, Pie chart & Pictorial Graph.7 types are special purpose graph which are 1 Belt graph 2 Radar Chart 3 Compound graph 4 Strata graph 5 Float graph 6 Zee graph 7 Pyramid Graph.
235. 235. What What key eleme elements nts J. P. Guilfo Guilford rd identi identifie fied d by brains brainstor tormin ming g?
235. 235. Mr, Mr, JP Guilfo Guilford rd identi identified fied five five key elements elements in Brainstorming which areI. Fluency 2. Flexibility 3, Originality 4. Awareness 5. Drive
236. 236. What What is the meanin meaning g of stratif stratifica icatio tion? n? When When you will will strati stratify? fy?
236. 236. Strati Stratific ficati ation on means means catego categoris risatio ation n or classif classifica icatio tion n or separation of data into groups. We use stratification when we have a long list of mixed problems, rejections, causes etc to be short listed.
237. Wh What is the purpose of Scatter diagram?
237. The pu purpose of of a Scatter Di Diagram is is to to fifind ou out relationship between two variables.
238. 238. How many many shapes shapes of Histogra Histogram m you know? know? What What is ideal ideal shape?
238. I know seven seven shapes of Histogram Histogram The ideal shape is symmetrical Type or Bell shaped
239. Who originated control chart? How it is useful?
239. Control C ha harts we were o ri riginated b y Dr Dr. W al alter A Shewhart an Engineer in the Bell Telephone Laboratories, USA in 1924. Control Charts are useful in process control.
240. How many types of control charts you know?
240. There are two types of control chart 1) Variable Control Chart 2) At\ributes Control Chart
249. it?
249. Deming Deming Wheel is the basis for the problem problem solving solving process, which has four stages such as Plan, Do Check and Act. Dr. K. Ishika Ishikawa wa added added two steps. steps. a) Decide Decide method of achieving the objectives and targets b) Carry out educational training.
What is the Deming Wheel? What steps Dr. Ishikawa added to
250. What is the activity plan? How you will show it?
250. Activity p la lan i s no nothing but t he he Milestone C ha hart, which which is used to monitor monitor time frame frame of every problem problem solving process
251. It is necessary to use alt tools in a case study?
251. Yes, itit is is necessary to us use se seven basic tools in al all major problems, but in minor problems all tools need not be used,
252. What is hitch hiking?
252. Hi Hitch hiking is generating ideas from others ideas.
253. What is differenc difference e between between a Milestone Milestone Chart Chart and and Activit Activity y Chart?
253. There is no difference Milestone Chart Chart and Activity Chart are two names of the same chart.
254. 254. What What is the differ differenc ence e betwee between n Milest Milestone one Chart Chart and Gantt Gantt 254. In Milestone Milestone Chart Chart (he activities activities are one after after the Chart? other i.e. every next activity is done after the previous activity is completed, whereas in Gantt Chart we can show simultaneous activities also. 255. Wh What is the type of a Pareto graph?
255. A Pareto graph is a compound graph in which Bar and line graph are shown in the same graph.
256. 256. Who Who was was the the orig origin inat ator or of Demi Deming ng Cycl Cycle e or POCA POCA Cycl Cycle? e?
256. 256. Dr. Dr. Walt Walter er A. Shew Shewha hart rt was was the origi origina nato torr of the the Oeming Cycle or POCA Cycle
257. 257. What What is the the nam name e of of the the symb symbol ol use used d at at S' S' Ten Tenni nina nall Sym Symbo bol. l.
257. 257. ART ART and and END END of of a Flow Flow Diag Diagra ram m
258. How many types of flow diagram ?
258. 3 types , High level, Matrix , Detailed