Chapter 2 : Independence
Comprehension Exercise. 1. What What impor importan tantt factor factors s made made the peop people le of the countr country y use use arms arms to oppose the colonialist? I - Imposition of taxes (pg 25 summary line !" pg 2# para. 1$ line 5" pg %2 conclusion line %& II - 'i 'iola olatio tion of of lo local cal cu custo stoms an and tra traditio tions (pg 25 summary line " pg 2# para.2$ line 1" pg %2 conclusion line 5& III III - )h )he rule rulerrs *e *egan to lose lose their eir po po+er (pg 25 summary line " pg 2# para.2$ line ,& I' - ppression on the local inha*itants$ +ho +ere made *ecome la*oure la*ourers rs (pg 25 summary line " pg 2 inside the ta*le$ , rd column /ntunam&
A. All the above.
2. )he struggle for independent through nationalism and negotiation +as largely in0uenced *y factors lie I - the the refor reformat matio ion n mo moeme ement nt in Egypt Egypt and and )ur urey and and the the spiri spiritt of of st nationalism in Indonesia. (pg ,3 ta*le 2.2$ 1 ro+& II - the aaila*ility of the mass media as a channel for expressing feelings of dissatisfaction against the foreigner. foreigner. (pg 2# under su*topic of )he 4truggle for ationali ationalism$ sm$ para. 1$ line ,$ para. ,$ line ," pg %, conclusion line %& III III - forma formall educ educat atio ion n that that +as +as stea steadi dily ly spr sprea eadi ding ng amo among ng the the soci societ ety y. (pg 2# under su*topic of )he 4truggle for ationalism$ para. 1$ line %" pg %, conclusion line %& B. I, II and III.
,. )he uprisin uprising g he led +as no+n as the 6easant 6easants7 s7 8prising. 8prising. 9e +as also among the religious leaders +ho appeal for a holy +ar against :ritish. 9is
opposition arose from the actions of the :ritish to impose a pass on local inha*itants +ho +ish to open up land. Who is he? C. Haji Abdul Rahman Limbung . (pg 2 inside the ta*le$ 1 st column )erengganu&
%. ;;;;; +as the
ectie to unite
5. /s soon as the :ritish returned to