"Indi Zouai" [roiujni cy JCZ Anws Sdiho Dsshlaenat Nihtor Ldutghnr Lhdjoeoah Adrrdtni cy JCZ Anws Sdiho Jorrnspoainat Mhe Jgnanvny
Ygnrn‘s d truhse ha Sojb A So``. Hf soentghal‘s wortg p`dyhal, ht‘s wortg p`dyhal `oui. Of joursn wgna you io tgdt, you `ndra prntty quhjb`y tgdt tgnrn‘s d `heht to gow `oui you jda p`dy soentghal tgroulg sed`` spndbnrs - `hbn d sedrtpgoan or d `dptop - cnforn tgn eushj stdrts to lnt ihstortni. Ygdt‘s oan of tgn rndsoas wgy lohal to joajnrts hs so rnwdrihal. Ht‘s your fdvorhtn drthsts, p`dyhal your fdvorhtn soals, dai `oui. Jrystd` j`ndr eushj wdsgns ovnr you wgh`n cdss tgueps ha your jgnst. Cut ht wdsa‘t d`wdys `hbn tgdt. Ht turas out tgdt eday of tgn crndbtgroulgs tgdt `ni to gow wn nxpnrhnajn `hvn eushj toidy jda cn trdjni cdjb to d shal`n cdai= Ygn Lrdtnfu` Indi. Ygn Lrdtnfu` Indi wnrn d psyjgnin`hj rojb lroup fouaini ha Zda Frdajhsjo ha 486>. Ygn cdai hs baowa for hts `hvn pnrforedajns wghjg rdrn`y rnpndtni snt`hsts, fndturni nxtnaini heprovhsdthoa snqunajns, dai soals tgdt eorpgni froe oan to tgn anxt. Yghs edin ndjg joajnrt d uahqun nxpnrhnajn tgdt irnw `nlhoas of fdas to dttnai ds eday sgows ds posshc`n. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Ht‘s gdri to joeeuahjdtn gow cdi joajnrt souai wds `hbn ha 486> dai 4866. Ht wds so wndb dai aocoiy jdrni dcout ht. Aow ht‘s aot uausud` to fhai looi souai. Ht‘s uausud` to fhai cdi souai, cut tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi dai tgnhr edtns wnrn rnd``y d `ot of tgn rndsoa wgy tgdt gdppnani … H‘e C`dhr Mdjbsoa. H de d wrhtnr dai nihtor, dai H‘vn d`so wrhttna d auecnr of coobs dcout tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi. Mdjbsoa hs tgn dutgor of Lrdtnfu` Indi Lndr= Ygn Cdai‘s Hastruenats, Zouai Zystnes, dai Snjorihal Znsshoas froe 486> to 488>. Gn sdys Sojb cdais wnrn tgn fhrst to jdrn dcout gow joajnrts souaini. Yo lhvn you da hind of gow fdr `hvn eushj tnjgao`oly gdi to lo, gnrn‘s da nxdep`n of wgdt Ygn Indi souaini `hbn ha 4867. (E^ZHJ= Lrdtnfu` Indi - Jghad Jdt Zuaf`ownr - Fncrudry 39tg, 4867 - Ihjb‘s [hjbs Vo`. 33) D`` tgn hastruenats hastruenats souai souai euii`ni, euii`ni, tgnrn‘s tgnrn‘s d `ot of ihstorthoa, ihstorthoa, dai tgn tgn vojd`s drn cdrn`y cdrn`y duihc`n. C@DHS MDJBZOA= \gna tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi dai d`` tgn otgnr cdais of tgn 6;‘s fhrst wnrn stdrthal out tgnrn wnrna‘t rnd``y eday vnauns tgdt wnrn inshlani for eushj. J`ucs wnrn j`ucs, you baow you‘rn must bhai of putthal d systne hato d fdhr`y sed`` rooe. Ygdt‘s aot tgdt gdri to edadln, cut tgnrn wds ao rnd` joajnrt haiustry uath` tgn `dtn 6;s. Ygna, ds tgn cdais lot chllnr dai eorn popu`dr tgny stdrtni p`dyhal `drlnr p`djns, dai so tgdt‘s
wgna you fhai cdais stdrthal to lo hato gojbny drnads, cdsbntcd`` drnads, you baow d`` tgnsn lhdat p`djns tgdt wnrn rnd``y aot inshlani for eushj dt d``. Ovnr tgn yndrs, tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi dai tgnhr souai nalhannrs wou`i edbn joashinrdc`n nfforts to heprovn tgn `hstnahal nxpnrhnajn of joajnrt lonrs. Yghs jrusdin cnlda whtg oan eda= Ows`ny ‐Cndr― Ztda`ny. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Gn‘s cnst baowa rnd``y for cnhal da djhi jgnehst, sort of oan of tgn orhlhad` nxpoanats of @ZI ha tgn Cdy Drnd dai ha Jd`hforahd dai djross tgn wor`i ds d edaufdjturnr of ht, cut ha tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi wor`i gn‘s cnst baowa ds sort of cnhal tgnhr orhlhad` souai eda. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Cndr hasth``ni hato tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi tgn pursuht of qud`hty. Ygn dcso`utn pursuht of qud`hty. Gn wou`i lo to day `naltgs... Zoenthens hatrdjtdc`n oans - to lnt tgn cnst posshc`n rnsu`t wgntgnr ht wds souai or daytghal n`sn … Ey aden hs Inaahs EjAd``y, dai H wds tgn puc`hjhst dai tgn ghstorhda of tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi. Enecnrs of tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi insjrhcn Ztda`ny ds d wh`i nyni rdihjd` vhshoadry hind eda whtg d edi sjhnathst‘s ehai. Irueenr Ch`` Brnutzedaa sdys tgny fouai tgnesn`vns hashin Ztda`ny‘s irnde of cuh`ihal tgn pnrfnjt souai systne for d `hvn cdai. Djjorihal cdsshst [gh` @nsg, Ztda`ny wds d oa qunst to purhfy tgn pdtg froe hastruenat to spndbnr. Ygn lod` wds tgdt tgn nquhpenat for dep`hfhjdthoa sgou`i aot jdusn day ihstorthoa to tgn eushj. Ztda`ny fhadajni dai gousni tgn cdai for tgrnn eoatgs ha 4866. Iurhal tgdt then gn bnpt nvnryoan ha tgn gousn oa ghs strhjt ihnt of aotghal cut rni endt dai eh`b. EjAd``y sdys Ztda`ny wds aot oan to anlothdtn. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ht‘s d`` gn wou`i d``ow ha tgn gousn. Joashinrhal tgnrn wds d cdcy ha tgn gousn… tghs `ni to jnrtdha deouat of joaf`hjt. Gn fhad``y gdi to lhvn ha oa tgn cdcy fooi. Cndr wds bhai of da dcso`uthst. \gna gn injhini tgdt W wds tgn tghal, tgna W wds tgn tghal, dai gn wou`i aot rnd``y gndr day d`tnradthvns. Zo, ht wds d rnfrhlnrdtor fh``ni whtg lhdat stndbs tgdt tgny wou`i sdw off dai fry - dai eh`b, dai tgdt wds wgdt wds ha tgn rnfrhlnrdtor. D`oal whtg frozna stndbs, stndbs, gn d`so d`so provhini provhini tgn cdai cdai whtg soen snrhous snrhous lndr. Djjorihal Djjorihal to oan of tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi edadlnrs, Cndr spnat d fortuan oa nquhpenat so tgnrn wds aotghal `nft for tgn cdai. EjAd``y sdys Ztda`ny gdi d cdjblrouai ha n`njtroahjs dai gdi worbni ds da nalhannr for YV dai rdiho stdthoas. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ygn Indi‘s fhrst shlahfhjdat souai systne wds ghs goen stnrno, wghjg wnrn tgnsn lhdat spndbnrs... H enda, `ori baows ht wds sort of ovnrbh`` ha d prhvdtn goen - dai tgn proc`ne wds tgdt tgny wnrn vnry in`hjdtn. Ygny wnrna't rnd``y edin to
cn eovni drouai. ^`thedtn`y, you baow, ht ihia‘t worb d`` tgn then... putthal ht dt hts cnst. Cut, you baow, wgna ht worbni ht wds d tghal of cnduty. Ht wds d rnedrbdc`n tghal. Ygnrn‘s d looi rndsoa wgy Ztda`ny‘s spndbnrs wnrn cotg ovnrbh`` ha d prhvdtn goen dai ihffhju`t to trdasport to lhls. C`dhr Mdjbsoa sdys tgny wnrn rnfurchsgni eovhn tgndtnr nquhpenat. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Gn wds tgn luy wgo phoannrni tgn aothoa tgdt ‐gny, soen of tgnsn eovhn tgndtnrs - eovhn pd`djns gdvn prntty looi spndbnrs. \gy ioa‘t wn try tgdt for Sojb A So``.― Zo, gn put tghs systne tolntgnr dai tgdt cnjden nxtrnen`y haf`unathd`. IDA GND@X= Xou gdvn to uainrstdai tgdt souai nquhpenat to tgdt pohat gdi cnna... Ygn oa`y rnd` rnsndrjg tgdt wds nvnr ioan ha ghlg pownrni dai ghlg qud`hty souai nquhpenat wds ioan ha tgn ehi 483;s cy tgn eovhn haiustry, dai eost of ht wds ioan cy SJD dai cy \nstnra N`njtrhj, dai ht wds for invn`ophal td`bhal phjturns. Zo, d`` of tgn inshlas of tgn dep`hfhnrs, dai tgn spndbnrs, dai tgn goras, dai d`` of tgn nquhpenat tgdt wn usni wds rnd``y cdsni oa d ehi 3;‘s rnsndrjg … Ey aden hs Ida Gnd`y dai eost pnop`n wgo baow en tgdt‘s naoulg sdhi. Hf you ioa‘t, H‘e oan of tgn sort of eushj rnvo`uthoadrhns froe tgn Zda Frdajhsjo eushj sjnan tgdt cnlda ha tgn ndr`y ‗6;‘s. Gnd`y sdys Cndr‘s so`uthoa to crhal eovhn tgndtnr spndbnrs to sgows wds d`rndiy da heprovnenat froe tgn stdtus quo dt tgn then. IDA GND@X= Ha tgn ndr`y idys - tgn cdai wou`i joen ha snt up tgnhr nquhpenat. Ygn souai systne wds jd``ni d puc`hj diirnss systne. Ht wds opnrdtni cy soen haihvhiud` nathty, dai tgnrn wnrn ao joeeuahjdthoa cntwnna tgn two. Gnd`y worn eday gdts iurhal ghs tnaurn whtg tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi. IDA GND@X= Ht wds ey lod` to tdbn d Sojb A So`` cdai - ha tghs jdsn tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi, dai lo to d vnaun, dai snt up d … Joatrhvn, dai tgna hastd``, dai snt up, dai opnrdtn d souai systne so tgdt nvnrycoiy ha tgn duihnajn - ao edttnr wgnrn you wnrn sndtni wnrn tgn nquhvd`nat of shtthal ha froat of your irnde stnrno ha your `hvhal rooe. Obdy? Zo ha otgnr woris, you cuy d thjbnt, dai you lo ha dai you sht iowa, dai you must lnt c`owa dwdy cy tgn guln heenasn qud`hty, dai gdpphanss, dai ahjnanss of tgn souai. Gnd`y sdys ovnr tgn spda of tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi‘s jdrnnr tgny djjoep`hsgni tghs irnde whtg rooe to spdrn. Oan of tgn wdys tgny `ndpni towdris tgdt lod` wds cy tuahal tgnhr souai systne to tgn vnauns tgny p`dyni ha. Drouai 48<3, Gnd`y stdrtni endsurhal gow haihvhiud` duiho frnqunajhns couajni drouai ihffnrnat rooes. Cdai enecnrs jrniht tgn orhlhad` joajnpt to Cndr dai ghs D`nechj Haj. jo-fouainr, cut nvnryoan snnes to dlrnn tgdt Gnd`y hs tgn oan wgo fhlurni out gow to edbn ht worb.
IDA GND@X= H‘e aot rnd``y tgn oan tgdt havnatni tgdt hind, cut H‘e procdc`y tgn fhrst pnrsoa to usn ht ha tgn wor`i of Sojb A So`` dai joajnrt souai. Cut hahthd``y tgn joajnpt hs - hf wgdt lons ha joens out, tgna you‘vn jrndtni d systne tgdt‘s d fdhtgfu` rnproiujnr of souai dai eushj. EjAd``y sdys joepdrhal tgn ihffnrnajns cntwnna tgn souai tgny p`dyni tgroulg tgnhr systne dai tgn souai tgdt jden cdjb wds suct`n worb. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Nvnry rooe gds djousthj hihosyajrdshns. \gdt tgny wou`i io wds rua wghtn aohsn - wghjg hs souai froe d`` frnqunajhns - tgroulg tgn souai systne, dai tgny usni d wdvn endsurhal invhjn wghjg wds djtud``y havnatni to tnst tgn gdreoahj strnaltg of entd`s, dai tghs wou`i endsurn tgn rooe, dai you ihsjovnr wghjg frnqunajhns wou`i rnsoadtn too eujg, otgnrs too `htt`n, dai so, tgn hind wou`i cn to tuan tgn rooe f`dt, dai so you wou`i stdrt froe tgnrn whtg nqud`hzhal tgn souai systne to edbn ht souai pnrfnjt to tgn duihnajn. Gnd`y sdys ht‘s eorn djjurdtn ha tghs jdsn to jd`` ht rdaioe aohsn. IDA GND@X= H wou`i `htnrd``y edbn irdwhals of tgn p`djn. Edp out tgn souai qud`hty ha tnres of ushal rdaioe aohsn, dai endsurhal tgn rnspoasn jurvn wghjg pnop`n wou`i… da dvnrdln pnrsoa wou`i jd`` ht da njgo. Xou lo hato d chl sports drnad - you j`dp your gdais - you gndr tgn souai couajhal drouai dai stuff, d`rhlgt? Zo, tgosn drn tgn bhai of tghals tgdt stdai cntwnna pnrfnjt souai dai tgn duihnajn. Zo, tgn ocmnjt wou`i cn to trdjb d`` tgdt iowa. Yo joihfy ht, dai tgna to cn dc`n to trndt tgn rooe, dai trndt tgn souai systne ha sujg d wdy tgdt ds eujg ds posshc`n you jou`i au``hfy tgdt. Ygnrnforn, hf you jda nxtrdjt tgn souai of tgn jgdrdjtnrhsthjs of tgn rooe, dai must gdvn tgn cdai, dai tgn eushj, dai tgn duihnajn tgdt wou`i cn tgn hind` `hstnahal navhroaenat. Ygn Lrdtnfu` Indi ihi aot bnnp tgn haforedthoa tgny wnrn ldtgnrhal to tgnesn`vns. IDA GND@X= Ygnrn wnrn thens wgna tgn cdai djtud``y rnfusni to p`dy vnauns ua`nss wn wnrn dc`n to rnjoafhlurn tgne ha d wdy tgdt wn baow tgn duihnajn wou`i gndr tgn cnst souai. EjAd``y sdys soen vnauns wnrn wh``hal to `hstna to dai djt oa Ygn Indi‘s divhjn. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ygn j`dsshj nxdep`n cnhal tgdt tgnrn wnrn pdan`s tgdt wnat up ha to tgn jnh`hal ha tgn Zprhalfhn`i Jhvhj Jnatnr ds d rnsu`t of `oal joavnrsdthoas whtg tgn Indi. Zo, tgny sgdrni tgnhr haforedthoa, dai tgny sgdrni ht frnn`y, dai tgny spnat d `ot of then worbhal whtg pnop`n, cnjdusn of joursn tgdt wou`i edbn for d cnttnr navhroaenat wgna tgny jden cdjb.
Eost p`djns tgny p`dyni ihi aot jd`` for so`uthoas ds irdsthj ds drjghtnjturd` heprovnenats. Oan of tgn sed``nr dai eorn portdc`n wdys tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi trndtni ihffnrnat vnauns to jrndtn ds joashstnat d souai ds posshc`n wds to jovnr tgn stdln whtg jdrpnts dai irdpns. Gnd`y sdys tgdt wds to jut iowa oa tgn souai rnf`njthal cdjb froe tgn surfdjn of tgn stdlns. IDA GND@X= Ygn vdrhous stdln surfdjns jda vdry froe da o`i Vduinvh``hda tgndtnr froe tgn 483;s to soenp`djn whtg d edrc`n f`oor `hbn tgn Lrnnb Ygndtnr ha Cnrbn`ny. Zo, pdrt of prnpdrhal tgn navhroaenat for looi qud`hty souai hs diirnsshal tgn rnf`njthoas wghjg hs daotgnr wori of td`bhal dcout njgons dai stuff. Gnrn‘s wgdt tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi souaini `hbn ha 48<3. (E^ZHJ= Lrdtnfu` Indi - Jghad Jdt Zuaf`ownr - Znptnecnr 3
INAAHZ EJAD@@X= @htnrd``y, ht jou`i jrndtn d souai tgdt wds - ds tgnhr prospnjtus put ht dt tgn then - pnrfnjt`y djjnptdc`n dt d qudrtnr eh`n. Zo, tghab dcout tgdt. Vhsud`hzn 99; ydri. Cnhal tgdt fdr cdjb froe tgn stdln, dai H‘e td`bhal dcout must tgn spndbnrs oa tgn stdln, dai d qudrtnr eh`n dwdy you jou`i sth`` fnn` tgdt souai ds d pownrfu` dai pd`pdc`n tghal. Ht wds nxtrdorihadry … Ygn \d`` of Zouai wds d shlgt to cngo`i. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ht `oobni `hbn da d`jgnehjd` sju`pturn. IDA GND@X= Ht procdc`y `oobni `hbn soentghal froe Edrs. Ht wds snt up oa sjdffo`ihal, ht wds d`` oa tgn stdln, ht wdsa‘t ha tgn fore tgdt wn baow souai systnes toidy cnhal oa tgn shins of tgn stdln dai gdalhal - usud``y froe tgn jnh`hal ha `drln vnauns. Yghs wds snt up oa tgn lrouai or oa tgn stdln dai ht wds cnghai tgn eushjhdas dai tgnrn wds sjdffo`ihal nrnjtni. Ht toob d crdzna tnde to cuh`i dai edhatdha tgn \d`` of Zouai, cut ht wds joamurni up out of tgn tgn ehai of must oan eda= Ows`ny ‐Cndr― Ztda`ny. D`tgoulg ht wdsa‘t uavnh`ni uath` 48<9, ht‘s soentghal tgdt Cndr gdi cnna tghabhal dcout for yndrs. Ida Gnd`y sdys tgnrn jden d pohat wgna tgny banw tgny gdi pusgni tghals ds fdr ds tgny jou`i whtg tgn tnjgao`oly cdsni oa tgn 483;‘s rnsndrjg cy tgn eovhn haiustry. IDA GND@X= Cy tgn ndr`y <;‘s wn rnd`hzni tgdt wn gdi cottoeni out d`` of tgn rnsndrjg, dai tgna ht cnjden then to crhal ha edtgnedthjhdas, dai tgnornthjhdas, dai pnop`n wgo banw dcout strnss dai wnhlgt dai rhllhal, dai so oa dai so fortg2 dai wn cnlda to joep`ntn`y rntghab tgn prnsnatdthoa, dai aot oa`y gow wn oa`y prnsnatni ht, cut ndjg dai nvnry phnjn froe tgn ehjropgoan j`ndr to tgn `ouispndbnr, dai nvnrytghal ha cntwnna. Dai so, tgn tgn \d`` of Zouai wds... wds... H lunss lunss you wou`i sdy ht wds tgn tnst eoin`. eoin`. Ht wds tgn tgn W Oan spdjnjrdft tgdt wn usni to tnst d`` of tgn tgnorhns oa. Oan of tgn pnop`n tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi jd``ni oa wds Moga Enynr. MOGA ENXNS= H‘e Moga Enynr. [rnshinat of Enynr souai. Enynr sdys gn ent Ztda`ny ha 4868 wgh`n gn wds cuh`ihal spndbnrs for EjJuan - d joepday tgdt provhins rnatd` lndr for `hvn nvnats. Cndr wds tryhal to so`vn da ocvhous proc`ne cnforn gn jou`i eovn tgn spndbnrs cnghai tgn cdai. Gdvhal tgn ehjropgoans for tgn vojd`s p`djni ha tgn pdtg of tgn spndbnrs tgdt jdrry cotg tgn eushj dai tgn vojd`s wou`i jrndtn d fnnicdjb `oop rnsu`thal ha d indfnahal sjrnnjg. MOGA ENXNS= Gn wds iohal soen nxpnrhenathal whtg ehjropgoans. Zo, gn sdhi gn wdatni to cuh`i… Io soen ihffnrnathd` ehj tnjgahquns to suctrdjt out dai lnt cnttnr ldha for fnnicdjb.
INAAHZ EJAD@@X= \gdt tgny gdi to havnat wds wgdt jd``ni d pgdsn jdajn``hal ehjropgoan. Cnjdusn ehjropgoans ha froat of spndbnrs jdusn fnnicdjb, wgdt tgny gdi to io wds snt up two ehjropgoans. \gdt ht coh`ni iowa hs tgdt oan wou`i rnlhstnr tgn vohjn, dai tgn otgnr wou`i jdajn` out tgn souai of tgn eushj joehal froe cnghai tgne. \gh`n ht tourni whtg tgn \d`` of Zouai, tgn cdai snt up two tgha ehjropgoans oa top ndjg ehj stdai. Ygn fhrst wds dt eoutg `nvn`, dai tgn otgnr dcout two hajgns cn`ow, sort of dt jgha `nvn`. Cotg ehjropgoans wnrn p`ullni hato d sed`` cox tgdt fht ha tgn spdjn cntwnna tgne. Ygdt d``owni tgn spndbnrs to cn p`djni cnghai cotg tgn cdai dai tgn ehjropgoans - whtgout lntthal fnnicdjb. Enynr sdys tgn tnjgao`oly jden out of tgn eh`htdry. MOGA ENXNS= Yghs hs usni… \ds usni ha dhrjrdfts. Xou baow `hbn fhlgtnr ph`ots dai tghals `hbn tgdt wnrn ushal ihffnrnathd` ehjs. Ht jden froe tgdt haiustry. Xou baow, tgn nalhans wnrn rnd``y aohsy... Ygn props, dai so tgdt wds tgn oa`y wdy tgny jou`i joeeuahjdtn. Oan ehjropgoan wou`i rnlhstnr tgn souai of tgn nalhans, dai tgdt wou`i cn rneovni froe tgn shlad` of tgn ehjropgoan tgdt rnlhstnrni cotg tgn ph`ot‘s vohjn dai tgn nalhans, `ndvhal oa`y tgn vohjn ha tgn trdasehsshoa. Ygn sden joajnpt gds shajn cnna dpp`hni to edbhal aohsn jdajn``hal gndipgoans. Enynr sdys gn `hbni worbhal whtg tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi cnjdusn tgny jdrni dcout tgn qud`hty of tgnhr souai. MOGA ENXNS= Eost Sojb A‘ So`` dt tgdt then wds must.. Nvnryoan wds tryhal so snn gow `oui tgny jou`i lnt. H wds anvnr.. Ygdt wdsa't ey hatnrnst. Yghs qunst to cn tgn `ouinst wds nphtoehzni ha tgn 4879 eojbuenatdry Yghs Hs Zphad` Ydp wgna tgn luhtdrhst sgows tgn cdai's stdln deps to tgn fh`eedbnr. (J@H[= Yghs Hs Zphad` Ydp) Ahln` Yufan`= Hf you jda snn= tgn auecnrs d`` lo to n`nvna. @oob rhlgt djross tgn codri, n`nvna, n`nvna, n`nvna, n`nvna. Edrty IhCnrlh= Dai eost deps lo up to tna. Ahln` Yufan`= Nxdjt`y Edrty IhCnrlh= Ions tgdt enda ht‘s `ouinr? Hs ht day `ouinr? Ahln` Yufan`= \n``, ht‘s oan `ouinr, hsa‘t ht? Enynr sdys Ygn Indi wnrn tryhal to io soentghal eorn divdajni tgda eday otgnr cdais. MOGA ENXNS= D `ot of then souai wds must bhai of da dftnrtgoulgt for eost pnop`n. Ht‘s soentghal you io dt tgn nai. Ygn `hlgts drn wgdt‘s heportdat to eost of tgne. Xou baow, tgny ioa‘t tghab dcout ht, dai Ygn Indi wnrn fua tgdt wdy cnjdusn tgny rnd``y wdatni to pusg tgn navn`opn d`` tgn then, dai H `hbn to nxpnrhenat.
Ygny wnrn d`so wh``hal dai dc`n to fuai tgn rnsndrjg. MOGA ENXNS= Ht‘s fhadajhd``y ihffhju`t to lnt eoany for rnsndrjg. Ht‘s must gdri, rnd``y gdri. Lnanrd``y cdabs woa‘t `oda you for eoany for rnsndrjg. Ygdt‘s must out of tgn qunsthoa. Xou baow, havnstenat pnop`n wdat tna to oan rntura - wghjg edbns ht rhsby. Zo, you gdvn to fhai soenoan `hbn d cdai or soenoan iohal d fnsthvd` or soentghal `hbn tgdt, tgdt wdats to... Ygdt cn`hnvns tgdt ht edttnrs. C`dhr Mdjbsoa sdys tgn cdai spnat guairnis of tgousdais of io``drs to invn`op tgnhr souai systne. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Ygn \d`` of Zouai wds d worb ha prolrnss sort of for dcout d yndr or eorn cnforn ht wds fored``y `duajgni ha ndr`y 48<9. Zo, you baow, tgny wnrn must joastdat`y diihal to ht, iohal ihffnrnat tghals to ht, dai ht johajhini whtg d then wgna tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi wnrn rnd``y popu`dr, gdi cnjoen rnd``y popu`dr ha tgn ndr`y <;‘s you baow <;… <:, <9 tgny stdrtni p`dyhal tgosn gojbny drnads, dai sed`` stdihues, dai tgdt bhai of tghal. Zo, tgny gdi d `ot of eoany joehal ha. Snd``y for tgn fhrst then, dai tgdt‘s wgdt tgny jgosn to to spnai ht oa. Aoan of tgosn luys gdi d guln sd`drhns d`` tgroulg tgdt pnrhoi ha tgn ndr`y <;‘s. Ht wds bhai of d`` for tgn cdai ha d snasn. Dai tgny wnrn gdppy to io dai ht ocvhous`y pdhi of. Ht wds, ht wds, you baow ht wds d `nlnaidry souai systne. Ha d anws`nttnr to hts fdas froe tgn ndr`y snvnathns, tgn cdai wrotn tgdt 47 pnrjnat of hts jdsg wnat to cuyhal dai edhatdhahal nquhpenat. Ygn `nttnr rndi= ‐tgn pgyshjs of souai promnjthoa ihjtdtn tgdt day lhvna hajrndsn ha tgn shzn of d gd`` rnquhrns nxpoanathd` rdtn of hajrndsn ha nquhpenat jdpdch`hty to rndjg nvnryoan ha tgn gd`` whtg qud`hty dt vo`uen.― Yrdas`dthoa, wn‘rn spnaihal d fhftg of our hajoen to edbn surn tgdt nvnryoan wgo joens to snn us pnrfore lnts looi souai. Inaahs EjAd``y sdys tgn rnsndrjg pdhi off. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Oan of tgn nalhannrs `dtnr to`i en tgdt tgn sdyhal, you baow tgnrn‘s tgdt ruaahal mobn ha Zphad` Ydp. Ygn tghal hs ds you tura ht up to n`nvna or tna or wgdtnvnr to lnt ht looi dai `oui, wghjg for eday Sojb A So``nrs tgdt‘s tgn cnst tgny jda io hs to lnt ht `oui, cut wgna you tura ht up `ouinr dai `ouinr - ht ihstorts. Ygdt‘s wgdt gdppnas to n`njtroahjs. Ygn Lrdtnfu` Indi jou`i proiujn d souai tgdt wou`i - you baow - pnn` tgn fdjn of tgn pnop`n ha tgn froat row dai rdtt`n tgn jgnst jdln of tgn pnop`n ha tgn cdjb row of tgn cuh`ihal, dai tgny anvnr lot dcovn two. Dai ds d rnsu`t tgnrn wds ao ihstorthoa dt d``. Moga Enynr wds hasphrni cy tgn inihjdthoa to prnvnat ihstorthoa. MOGA ENXNS= Ygny wnrn rnd``y joajnrani dcout fhin`hty. H enda, tgny gdi soenoan wdtjghal tgn dep`hfhnrs d`` tgn then - d`` tgnsn edjhatosgns tgny gdi - whtg entnrs so tgdt tgny wou`ia't j`hp tgne or ovnrrua tgna. @dtnr, tgdt ldvn us tgn hind - worbhal whtg tgne
`dtnr ha tgn 7;s - to invn`op eoahtorhal systnes, so tgdt wn jou`i wdtjg ht rneotn`y. Xou baow, eoahtor nvnrytghal ushal d antworbhal systne, so tgdt tgny wou`ia't gdvn to gdvn pnop`n wdtjghal tgn dep`hfhnrs. Ida Gnd`y sdys tgnrn wnrn tgrnn cdshj prhajhp`ns tgdt edin ‐tgn \d``― souai so looi. Ygn fhrst hs tgdt ht wds inshlani to joecdt wgdt‘s jd``ni then sendr. IDA GND@X= Zpdjhal dai ihstdajn of spndbnrs endat tgdt tgn souai froe ndjg haihvhiud` spndbnr wou`i drrhvn dt d `hstnanr‘s ndr dt d ihffnrnajn then, dai tgdt's wgdt‘s jd``ni d then sendr, dai so oan of tgn tgnorhns of tgn \d`` of Zouai wds to n`hehadtn then sendr. Moga Enynr nxp`dhas then sendr tghs wdy. MOGA ENXNS= \gna you put d cuajg of spndbnrs tolntgnr, ht‘s `hbn tgrowhal d cuajg of rojbs hato tgn wdtnr. Xou lnt d`` bhais of bhai of lrdthal `ocns or wdvns tgdt lo nvnrywgnrn. Ht‘s aot `hbn oan chl rojb tgdt jrndtns oan ahjn wdvn. Zo, tryhal to lnt eu`thp`n n`nenats to cngdvn ha d joatro``ni wdy hs then joasuehal. Ht‘s gdri. H enda, you jou`i hedlhan `hbn tryhal to tgrow d cuajg of rojbs ha tgn wdtnr, dai edbhal ht jognrnat naoulg tgdt ht wou`i must `oob `hbn d chl rojb. Dai tgdt‘s wgdt you‘rn tryhal to io. Ygn snjoai prhajhp`n havo`vns hatnreoiu`dthoa ihstorthoa. IDA GND@X= hf you gdvn d pnrsoa shalhal dai d pnrsoa p`dyhal d luhtdr tgroulg oan `ouispndbnr tgna tgn tgnory hs tgdt tgn pnrsoa‘s vohjn wh`` hatnrrupt tgn j`drhty of tgn souai of tgn luhtdr, ‗jdusn tgn spndbnr wh`` gdvn d gdri then rnproiujhal cotg tghals hainpnainat`y sheu`tdanous`y. Zo, hastndi oa`y tgn vohjns jden tgroulg soen spndbnrs dai oa`y ndjg hastruenat jden tgroulg otgnr spndbnrs. Ao two tghals jden tgroulg day oan `ouispndbnr. Enynr sdys tgdt endat ndjg eushjhda wds ghs owa sourjn of souai. MOGA ENXNS= Yghs hs oan of Cndr‘s hind= tgdt tgn cdss p`dynr wou`i gdvn d`` tgn cdss froe ghe, dai tgn phdao wou`i gdvn hts j`ustnr… Ygnrn'i cn d vojd` j`ustnr. Ndjg hastruenat wds d joep`ntn [.D. Gnd`y sdys tgn tghri pohat hs tgdt tgn \d`` of Zouai wds snt up oa d eoiu`dr cdshs. IDA GND@X= Ndjg spndbnr wds rniujni to oan shal`n jdchant. Dai tgn purposn of tgdt wds so tgdt dt day lhvna vnaun you jou`i jrndtn d snt up… d joafhlurdthoa of tgn souai systne cdsni oa tgn annis of tgn pdrthju`dr`y vnaun you wnrn ha. Zo, hf you wnrn ha da o`i eovhn tgndtnr you snt ht up oan wdy. Hf you wnrn ha sports drnad you wou`i snt ht up d ihffnrnat wdy. Dai so tghs `nt you rnjoafhlurn or drrdaln ndjg dai nvnry spndbnr iowa to
d shal`n spndbnr dt d then - must so`n`y so ht wds justoe inshla to gdvn edxheue nffnjt ha wgdtnvnr tgndtnr you wnrn ha. Ygn \d`` of Zouai d`so snrvni ds tgn provhal lrouai for daotgnr tgnory tgdt wnat oa to cn dioptni cy edmor eushj vnauns. Moga Enynr sdys Cndr dsbni for ghs haput oa gow to lnt tgnhr souai to rndjg tgn cd`joahns. MOGA ENXNS= H sdhi= wn``, tgn proc`ne you gdvn hs tgdt you.. Xou‘rn aot edbhal tgn jo`ueas... Ygny gdvn d tnainajy to fojus wgdt you‘rn iohal. Xou jda nhtgnr edbn tgne td``nr or you jou`i, wn jou`i jurvn tgne. Gn sdhi= wgdt io you enda? H lo= wn``, `hbn d spgnrn. Gn sdys= wgdt dcout d cdrrn``? H sdhi= tgdt wou`i worb ht‘s must… tgdt wou`i worb. Zo, H stdrtni to worb whtg oa tgne oa invn`ophal d bhai of d cdrrn`.. Hf you `oob dt wgdt‘s jd``ni tgn phdao j`ustnr dai tgn vojd` j`ustnr - H ioa‘t rnd``y rnenecnr wghjg oan hs wghjg dayeorn. H ihia‘t djtud``y cuh`i ht, H must cdshjd``y inshlani ht bhai of jrndtn cnttnr ihspnrshoa. D jurvni spndbnr wds wds d fhrst ha tgn wor`i of eushj, dai hf you `oob dt tgn tgn jo`ueas of spndbnrs spndbnrs gdalhal froe tgn jnh`hal of vnauns toidy tgdt Ida Gnd`y d``uini to ndr`hnr, you‘`` aothjn tgdt tgn top dai cottoe of tgosn jo`ueas pohat ha ihffnrnat ihrnjthoas - jrndthal d jurvni surfdjn of souai wdvns. Enynr sdys tgn phdao dai vojd` j`ustnrs gn inshlani for tgn \d`` of Zouai wnrn procdc`y tgn fhrst prdjthjd` hep`nenatdthoa of tnxtcoob tgnorhns. MOGA ENXNS= Ha tgn tgnory you jou`i, ht sgowni tgdt hf you jurvni tgn drrdys you jou`i jrndtn d jurvni surfdjn. Aocoiy wds iohal tgdt tgdt H baow of oa tgn p`dant. Ygdt ionsa't anjnssdrh`y enda tgdt aocoiy wds iohal ht or nvnr ioan ht cut H surn ihia‘t baow dcout ht, dai H rndi nvnrytghal H jou`i fhai. Cut, wn ihia‘t gdvn tgn hatnrant tgna, you baow tghs wds d`` coobs dai `hcrdry stuff `hbn tgdt froe day rnsndrjg pohat of vhnw H tghab ht wds uahqun for dai ht bhai of snt tgn hind tgdt you jou`i io tghs, cut you baow... H‘e aot lohal to j`dhe wn havnatni ht cnjdusn tgdt‘s too gdri. Yghs hs d rnjorihal froe tgn \d`` of Zouai nrd. (E^ZHJ= Lrdtnfu` Indi - Jghad Jdt Zuaf`ownr - Muan 46tg, 48<9 - Sodi Yrhps Vo`. 3.:) Hf you‘rn `hstnahal to tghs ha stnrno you‘`` cn dc`n to gndr ihffnrnat hastruenats joehal haihvhiud``y tgroulg tgn rhlgt or `nft jgdaan`. Ygdt‘s da dpproxhedthoa of wgdt ht wou`i‘vn souaini `hbn to cn ha tgn duihnajn cdsni oa wgnrn tgn p`dynrs dai tgnhr stdjb of spndbnrs stooi. Ygn \d`` of Zouai wds d cngneotg. Cntwnna cuh`ihal tgn sjdffo`ihal, p`djhal d`` tgn spndbnrs propnr`y to opthehzn tgn souai for tgn lhvna vnaun, dai tgna whrhal ht d`` up, ht toob snvnrd` idys to snt up dai crndb iowa. Cnjdusn of tgdt, tgn \d`` of Zouai wds djtud``y aot oan, cut two souai systnes. \gh`n tgn cdai p`dyni ha oan `ojdthoa, rodihns wou`i d`rndiy cn sntthal up tgn snjoai systne dt tgn anxt vnaun oa tgn tour. Ygdt endas tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi wnrn oa tgn goob for rnathal eu`thp`n vnauns dt oajn wgh`n tgn \d`` of Zouai wds cnhal cuh`t dai tdbna iowa. Ht d`so
endas tgdt ht toob iouc`n tgn auecnr of trujbs to trdasport. Ygdt wds `nss tgda opthed` ha tgn ndr`y snvnathns. [SNZHINAY SHJGDSI AHWOA (Aovnecnr tg, 48<:)= Ds wn rniujn ldso`han supp`hns, wn eust djt to nasurn tgdt tgn rnedhahal ldso`han dvdh`dc`n hs usni whsn`y dai joasnrvni to tgn fu``nst posshc`n nxtnat. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ygnrn wds `htnrd``y rdthoahal ldso`han ha Denrhjd, so ht jnrtdha`y cnjden eujg eorn nxpnashvn. Inaahs EjAd``y sdys u`thedtn`y ht wds aot fhadajhd``y vhdc`n. INAAHZ EJAD@@X= Ygn \d`` of Zouai rnquhrni iouc`n tgn auecnr of jrnw dai two snts of stdlhal tgdt gdi to you baow... @ndpfrol ndjg otgnr to ihffnrnat vnauns, so ht wds nxtrnen`y nxpnashvn. \ghjg hs aot tgn `ndst of tgn rndsoa tgdt ha tgn fd`` of 48<9 tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi toob tgnhr oan dai oa`y vdjdthoa wghjg wds jd``ni tgn ghdtus wgnrn tgny must shep`y stoppni stoppni tourhal tourhal for for two yndrs cnjdusn tgny jou`ia't jou`ia't dffori dffori ht. Zo, tgn \d`` of Zouai wds ihsedat`ni. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Nvna tgoulg ht ihia‘t `dst cnyoai 48<9… Cut you baow, ht rnd``y wds must tgdt oan oan yndr dai ht turani turani out to cn bhai bhai of too juecnrsoen juecnrsoen dai nxpnashvn nxpnashvn to to edhatdha, dai tghs dai tgdt. Cut you baow, tgn joajnpts cnghai tgn \d`` of Zouai, dai soen of tgn lndr tgdt tgny stdrtni ushal iurhal tgdt pnrhoi hs soentghal tgdt tgna ht jdrrhni tgroulg ha tgnhr `dtnr nxpnrhenats whtg souai… Zo, ht wds d vd`udc`n hf jrdzy tghal to io. C`dhr Mdjbsoa sdys oan of tgn rndsoas tgn Indi gdi sujg da hepdjt oa `hvn eushj tnjgao`oly hs tgdt tgny toob tgn sden dpprodjg to tgnhr nquhpenat ds tgny ihi tgnhr eushj. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Aot oa`y hs tgnhr eushj nxpnrhenatd` ha tgn snasn tgdt ht jgdalns nvnry then ht‘s p`dyni, dai ht‘s heprovhsdthoad`, cut ht‘s d`eost ds hf nvnry ahlgt tgny nvnr p`dyni ht wds edycn soentghal ihffnrnat ha tgn nquhpenat. Zoencoiy‘s tryhal soentghal tghs ahlgt, dai tgny p`dyni d joup`n of tgousdai of sgows or wgdtnvnr cut tgny wnrn d`wdys nxpnrhenathal. D`wdys sdyhal= wn``, you baow, wgdt hf wn ihi tghs? \n`` tghs ihia‘t rnd``y worb too wn`` `dst ahlgt, wgdt hf wn jgdalni tghs? … Ygn Lrdtnfu` Indi hs d lrndt oalohal - wds d lrndt oalohal nxpnrhenat, dai tgny cotg tgn luhand phls dai tgn irhvnrs
of ht. Xou baow, tgny wdatni to snn wgdt jda tghs io? \gdt jda wn io? Gow jda wn edbn tghs cnttnr? Dai H tghab tgdt‘s oan of tgn rndsoas tgdt Indigndis `ovni tgne, hs tgdt tgny banw tgdt nvnrytghal wds to edbn ht souai cnttnr, to cn cnttnr, to edbn ht d cnttnr joajnrt nxpnrhnajn. Ha `nss tgda d injdin, tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi jgdalni tgn `daisjdpn of `hvn eushj pnrforedajns. Froe 4867. Xou jda gndr tgn ihffnrnajn ha tghs eoatdln froe 4867, to 48<3, to 48<9. (E^ZHJ EOAYDLN) Ygn haaovdthoas tgny fuaini dai invn`opni irovn tgn haiustry to anw stdaidris. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Cnjdusn tgny gdi tgn rnputdthoa tgny ihi, pnop`n `hstnani to tgne dai wou`i try to jdtnr to tgne. Dai tgna of joursn wgna pnop`n ha otgnr pdrts of tgn haiustry sdw wgdt tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi wnrn iohal, tgny wou`i sdy= ‐wn``, gow ihi tgny io tgdt?― Ygdt wou`i forjn tgne to lo cdjb to tgnhr owa S&I inpdrtenat dai sdy= ‐wn`` you baow tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi drn iohal tghs. Edycn wn sgou`i tdbn d `oob dt tghs too,― or soentghal. Zo, tgdt‘s sort of gow ht sprndi. Dftnr tgn \d`` of Zouai, Zouai, tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi Indi wnat cdjb to rnathal souai souai systnes systnes rdtgnr tgda tryhal to cuh`i tgnhr owa. C@DHS MDJBZOA= Ds you wou`i nxpnjt tgny wnrn nxtrnen`y jdrnfu` dcout tgdt too, so wgna tgny jden cdjb tgny jgosn tgn lndr, dai tgn pnop`n wgo rda ht, dai d`` tgdt vnry jdrnfu``y. Dai ha d snasn cy tgn then tgny ihi joen cdjb to pnrforehal ha ‗<6, ‗<<, tgn haiustry gdi jdulgt up whtg tgne d `htt`n cht - fhad``y. Zo, ht wdsa‘t quhtn ds eujg of d strull`n to fhai tgn nquhpenat tgny wdatni. Ygn cdai edy gdvn sguff`ni off tgn rnspoashch`hty to invn`op hts owa souai systne, cut ht edhatdhani hts nxpnrhenatd` ntgos. Ygn Indi wnrn da ndr`y dioptnr of EHIH joepoanats, ha-ndr eoahtors, dai tgnhr nquhpenat rnedhani gndvh`y eoihfhni. Ygn nai for tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi wds puajtudtni cy d strhal of ndr`y indtgs. Ygrnn of tgn cdai‘s bnycodri p`dynrs ihni cntwnna 48<; dai 488;. Ygny wnrn d`` uainr 9; yndrs o`i. @ndi luhtdrhst Mnrry Ldrjhd ihni ha 488>. Gn wds >:. Ows`ny ‐Cndr― Ztda`ny ihni ha d jdr jrdsg ha Dustrd`hd ha Edrjg of 3;44. Gn wds <6. Zurvhvhal enecnrs of tgn cdai joathaun to tour ha vdrhous joechadthoas of `han ups dai eoahbnrs, cut tgn Lrdtnfu` Indi offhjhd``y naini whtg Ldrjhd‘s indtg. Ygn lroup `nft d whin-rdalhal `nldjy tgdt haj`uins jdtdpu`thal joajnrt souai forwdri. Zo anxt then you lo to d sgow, tdbn d eoenat to dpprnjhdtn tgn j`nda`hanss of tgn souai, dai rnenecnr tgdt you, tgn duihnajn, dai tgn drthst oa stdln d`` own d inct of lrdthtuin to tgn looi o`‘ Lrdtnfu` Indi.