Pentru a descarca intrati pe | Clubul Studentilor Medici USMFFull description
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The 4 hour work week/saptamana de lucru de 4 ore de tim ferriss Outliers/exceptionalii de Malcolm Gladwell Rework de jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson Metode de publicitate testate de John Caples Inteligenta emotionala de Daniel Goleman Psycho Cibernetics de maxwell Maltz Totul despre psihologia persuasiunii de Robert Cialdini Crash it! De Gary Vaynerchuck Cum sa-ti faci prieteni si sa devii influent de Dale Carnegie Eficienta in 7 trepte de Stephen R. Covey Drive: ce anume ne motiveaza cu adevarat de daniel H. Pink Linchpin de Seth Goldin 80/20 de Richard Koch Buyology de Martin Lindstrom The speed of trust de Stephen MR Covey Getting things done de David Allen The power of less de Leo Babauta (blogul zen habits) Think and grow rich (de la idee la bani) de Napoleon Hill Tata bogat, tata sarac de Robert Kiyosaki Small is the new big de Seth Godin Arta razboiului de Sun Tzu Cum sa-ti comunici eficient punctul de vedere in30 de sec sau mai putin de Milo Frank Starea de flux.Psihologia experientei supreme de Mihaly Csikszentmihaly Gandirea laterala de Edward de Bono Consilierul de incredere de Charles Green, David Maister, Robert Galford