5i#toriall'- am!oanga "a# the aital of the &oro Pro%ine re#entl' re#entl' no"n a# &in$anao"hih omri#e$ 4%e $i#trit#8 Cota!ato- Da%ao,+l+- Lanao- an$ am!oanga. 9/e+ti%e Or$er No. 3: #igne$ !' Pre#. Gloria &aaagal Arro'o on ,et. 1; 2<<1 ro%i$e$ for the reorgani=ation of the a$mini#trati%e region# in &in$anao - Region I> re#entl' on#i#t# of the three (3) ro%ine# of am!oanga $el Norteam!oanga $el ,+r- an$ am!oanga ,i!+ga'. ,i!+ga'. The region al#o al#o ha# 4%e (?) (?) itie# namel' namel' 8 Daitan- Diolog- I#a!ela - Paga$ian - an$ am!oanga. Geograpy ! Pop"#atio$ The region i# i# loate$ on the the eon'mo+# am!oanga Penin#+la of &in$anao I#lan$- that lie# !et"een the &oro G+lf an$ the ,+l+ ,ea. It on#i#t# of the three am!oanga ro%ine# an$ the it' of am!oanga- an$ the !o+n$ar' !et"een the Penin#+la an$ mainlan$ i# ar ti4iall' mare$ !' the ro%ine# of am!oanga Del ,+r an$ Lanao Del Norte. Nor te. am!oanga Penin#+la ha# a total lan$ area of 1@-13 #7+are ilometer# or 1-@13-B?3.@ hetare#. am!oanga Penin#+la ha# a o+lation #i=e of 3-@
History The name of am!oanga am!oanga "a# $eri%e$ from the &ala' "or$ meaning a ot or lae of *o"er#. The original inha!itant# inha!itant# of the am!oanga am!oanga enin#+la "ere the ,+!anen# - "ho #ettle$ along the ri%er!an#. The ne/t gro+ of #ettler# to arri%e "ere &+#lim migrant# from the neigh!oring ro%ine#. The &ag+in$anaoan# an$ 0ali!+gan# "ere farmer# the Ta+#+g#- ,amal#an$ a$ao# "ere 4#hermen an$ the &aranao# "ere tra$er# an$ arti#an#.
&at "ea%ing "a# the maor o+ation of the &+#lim #ettler#. Then ame an e/o$+# of migrant# from near!' ro%ine#. 5i#torian# #a' mo#t of them ame from f rom the 6i#a'a#- Ce!+ohol- Negro#- an$ ,i7+ior. Together "ith the original #ettler#- the#e ioneer# hele$ $e%elo am!oanga $el ,+r into the a!+n$ant an$ +lt+rall' $i%er#e ro%ine that it i#.
La$g"ages The mo#t ommonl' #oen lang+age lang+age i# Ce!+ano. Al#o #oen- altho+gh in #mall erentage- are am!oang+eo- Tagalog-9ngli#h5iliga'non- &ag+in$anao- Iran+n,+!an+n-Ilongo- Cha%aano an$ Iloano. E%o$o&y am!oanga $el Norte A!o+t half of the ro%ineE# lan$ area i# $e%ote$ to agri+lt+re. Corn- oon+t- an$ rie are maor ro#. The ro%ine !eing rih in marine an$ mineral #o+re#- it# 4#h ro$+tion ha# aelerate$ thro+gh the $e%eloment of 4#hon$#. Commerial 4#hing ha# lie"i#e #tea$il' inrea#e$ thro+gh the 'ear#- "ith the 'ello" 4n t+na a# the rimar' #eie#. •
am!oanga $el ,+r AgriF!a#e$ man+fat+re of oo oil- li%e#to fee$ milling- rie orn milling- inl+$ing the roe##ing of fr+it# gift# an$ ho+#e"are# ma$e from in$igeno+# material# lie han$ma$e aerroot#- rattan- !+ri- an$ !am!oo "oo$F!a#e$ •
man+fat+re of f+rnit+re an$ f+rnit+re omonent# from "oo$- rattan- an$ !am!oo marine an$ a7+a+lt+re inl+$ing #+ort #er%ie# on#tr+tion #er%ie# an$ man+fat+re of mar!le- onrete- an$ "oo$en on#tr+tion material#. am!oanga ,i!+ga' The lea$ing in$+#trie# are in the area# of !aer'rie an$ orn milling- foo$ roe##ing- an$ rattan an$ "oo$ f+rnit+re ro$+tion. The ne" la'er# in the 4el$ are onrete ro$+t#- garment#- "a/ an$ an$le fator'- an$ other ottage in$+#trie#. &aor ro# ro$+e$ inl+$e rie- ornoon+t#- r+!!er- fr+it tree#- %egeta!le#- to!aooHee- aao- an$ root ro#. Li%e#to an$ o+ltr' ro$+tion# are re$ominantl' #mallF #ale !a'ar$ oeration#. •
To"rist Attra%tio$s The %inta ( loall' no"n a# leaFlea or #aa'an) i# a tra$itional !oat fo+n$ in the Philiine i#lan$ of &in$anao. The#e !oat# are ma$e !' aa+ an$ &oro# lining in the ,+l+ Arhielago. It ha# a #ail "ith a##orte$ %ertial olor# that rere#ent# the olorf+l +lt+re an$ hi#tor' of the &+#lim omm+nit'. The#e !oat# are +#e$ for interFi#lan$ tran#ort of eole an$ goo$#. am!oanga Cit' i# no"n for the#e %e##el#.
Daa Par an$ eah Re#ort i# loate$ in !aranga' Tag+ilon- Daitan Cit'- Philiine#. Daa ha# re#tine "hite #an$ !eah an$ mo$ern amenitie#. It i# the erfet $e#tination for tra%eler# "ho "ant# to e/iriene the !ea+t' of nat+re o+le$ "ith mo$ern failitie#. 9%er' Oto!er the #eni it' of am!oanga- a# the Cit' of Jlo"er#- ele!rate# it# gran$ ann+al am!oanga 5ermo#a Je#ti%al or the o+larl' no"n a# Jie#ta Pilar "ith 12 $a'# an$ night# of e%ent# an$ ele!ration#. The !ea+tif+l it' of am!oanga "elome# tho+#an$# to the
regionK# !igge#t- mo#t e/tra%agant ele!ration of the 'ear. The t"o $a' ele!ration# are mainl' in honor of the &ira+lo+# image of O+r La$' of the Pilar N+e#tra ,eora $el Pilar De arago#a- "hih i# al#o ommonl' no"n a# the Jie#ta PilarM at the legen$ar' Jort Pila "ho ha# a #eial 4e#ta in Oto!er.
Nota'#e Peop#e (ro& Regio$ II ro. RR &ADRID a teen ator "ho ro#e to fame in Protege The attle Jor The ig Arti#ta rea. 5e i# +rrentl' #een on the G&A Net"or. DDY AALA F the !a##i#t of The Da"nin$ie !an$ Cam!io- an$ "i$el' no"n a# the !a##i#t of the formerl' $i#!an$e$ an$ no" re+nite$ alternati%e ro !an$- the 9ra#erhea$#. Gene#i# Canlaan aa PATRICIA A6I9R Atre## an$ #inger "ho i# no" hail' marrie$ an$ ontin+ing to +r#+e her a##ion in the art# in the nite$ ,tate#.
Intro$+tion8 The fol ei Ag To!ig nog 0e!olaganM (The 0ing$om of 0e!olagan) "a# ollete$ among the ,+!anFon "ho li%e on the "e#tern #loe# of the mo+ntain range that r+n# lie a !a!one a n$ $i%i$e# the am!oanga Penin#+la- a!o%e ,in$angan a'. Part 1. Timo"a'- a $at+ of ,irangan- ha$ a "ife "ho "a# a!o+t to gi%e !irth. +t he "ante$ to go to other lae# to #haren the tool#M of hief# an$ inrea#e hi# inome. 5i# "ife ref+#e$ to allo" him to go !ea+#e there "o+l$ !e no one to a##i#t her in her la!or. +t her h+#!an$ in#i#te$ #ine the' $i$ not ha%e an'thing to #+ort their hil$ "ith. ,o the "ife 4nall' on#ente$. Timo"a' left the ing$om "ith 0a#anggolan (a $at+ of lo"er ran "ho at# a# an a##i#tant to a higher $at+) an$ 4fteen of hi# men. At the #ea#hore- he an$ hi# men got into a !oat !+t the !oat "o+l$ not mo%e. The' too thi# a# a #ign that a #ari4e "a# alle$ for. Timo"a' then !ehea$e$ one of hi# omanion# an$ after that the !oat gli$e$ fa#t o%er the #ea. The' $roe$ !' the %illage of ,aa!an$ar "ho#e "ife "a# al#o regnant. De#ite her on$ition- he al#o left her an$ "ent "ith Timo"a'.
the #ame time that the "ife of ,aa!an$ar al#o ga%e !irth to a !a!' !o'. Part 2. Timo"a'E# #on (Taae) gre" fa#t at night an$ !eame han$#omer at $a'time. At #e%en month# Taae rie$ alo+$ "itho+t #toing an$ thi# $i#t+r!e$ the "hole o+lation of ,irangan. Gagong#M "ere !eaten an$ #o eah one ame to ren$er a##i#tane. +#t then the !a!' #oe an$ a#e$ hi# mother if he ha$ a father an$ if he ha$"hat hi# o+ation "a#- "hat he $i$ $ail'- an$ "hether hi# $eath "a# a+#e$ !' an oHen#e ommitte$ !' #omeone. Qhen the !o' learne$ the real #tor'- he "a# gla$ that hi# father ha$ $ie$ "itho+t !eing ille$ !' an'one. 5i# mother later ga%e Taae the hoo an$ line- hi# inheritane from hi# father. Qith thi# he "ent 4#hing in their o"n "ater#. Qith the hel of #+ernat+ral o"er#- he a+ght lent' of 4#h. 5e "a# #oon famo+# for 4#h. +t a time ame "hen he a#e$ hi# mother for !etter lothe# !ea+#e he ha$ $ei$e$ to go 4#hing in $i#tant "ater#. Thi# #+rri#e$ the mother #ine thi# "a# the 4r#t time he ha$ e%er a#e$ for lothe#. 5e tol$ her he "a# a#hame$ to ha%e no $eent lothe# "hene%er he met #ome 6i#a'an or &+#lim girl#.
Th+# lothe$ he %ent+re$ o+t to 4#h again. Thi# time he $rifte$ to the $ee #ea. There he #a" a 4#h a# !ig a# a hill "ith gol$en #ale#. 5e hooe$ the 4#h !+t it fo+ght 4erel'. It +lle$ him for #e%en month#. Qhile the' "ere on the $ee #ea- the' "ere #een !' In the #e%enth month Taae hear$ the e/lo#ion# Di"ata Peg$eraman- go$$e## of "in$- lightning an$ an$ roar of the !ig "a%e#. 5e "a# then on the $ee th+n$er. ,he in%ite$ them to her a!o$e !+t the' #ea. An eel !arre$ hi# "a'. The eel tol$ him to go ref+#e$. Peg$eraman got angr' an$ #he #ent o+t the home for the lae "a# $angero+# an$ a$$e$ that it "in$ an$ the th+n$er. ig "a%e# aeare$ on the "a# "illing to on$+t him home !a to ,irangan. #ea an$ their %e##el !roe into t"o. The' all 5e #tr+e$ the eel in#tea$ "ith hi# #"or$ an$ the eri#he$. eel $ro"ne$. ig "a%e# ame an$ later Taae lo#t hi# !alane an$ fell into the #ea. 5e "ent $o"n The !oat- altho+gh !roen an$ "ith no a##enger#$o"n +ntil he #a" a hor#e "ith hi# hoo an$ line in #aile$ !a to ,irangan an$ informe$ Timo"a'E# it# mo+th. 5e ran after the hor#e "ith hi# ari#anM "ife of the ini$ent. The "ife "et aio+#l' +ntil (#"or$Flie nife) !+t it ran a"a'. #he felt la!or ain#. ,he ga%e !irth to a !a!' !o'- at
Part 3. 5ere at 0e!olagan he looe$ aro+n$ an$ #a" a high to"er. 5e ran + the la$$er ma$e of gol$en r+ng# till he reahe$ the to of the to"er. There he #a" a !ea+tif+l girl almo#t nae$. Qhen #he #a" him- the la$' of Pinta"an in%ite$ him in an$ oHere$ him mama7M. The' he"e$- an$ $a' after $a' he "ooe$ her. After #e%en $a'# of "ooing- #he on#ente$ to hi# oHer of marriage an $ the' li%e$ together. Part @. The ne"# a!o+t the oming of the ,+!anFon "a# #oon no"n !' t"o men name$ To"an ,ali ,atoron Domatong. Angere$- the' #+mmone$ the eole thro+gh their gagong to ill Taae an$ oHer him a# a #ari4e. The la$' of Pinto7an- "ho "a# lie a #i#ter to the la$' of Pinta"an ("ife of Taae)- a$%i#e$ Taae an$ hi# "ife to ret+rn to ,irangan. Taae ref+#e$ on the gro+n$ that he ha$ not $one an'thing "rong. 5e "ante$ to fae the $at+# an$ e/lain hi# re#ene there. +t the eole of 0e!olagan "ere alrea$' rearing to ill him. ,o he ha$ no other reo+r#e !+t to 4ght- an$ he $i$ #o "ith hi# nat+ral #trength a##i#te$ !' hi# #+ernat+ral o"er#. a in ,irangan- a $at+ name$ Tomiti! &anaon#on of ,aa!an$ar- "ho "a# !orn at the #ame time a# Taae- $reame$ that he #a" a ,+!anFon 4ghting alone in the 0e!olagan in$om. 5e reare$ to #et oH in or$er to hel him. 5e "ent to #ee if Taae "a# at home !+t the #on# of alo Lai an$ ata To!ig informe$ him that the' ha$ not !een home for #ometime. 5e roee$e$ to 0e!olagan "hile the other t"o $at+# follo"e$. Imme$iatel'- Tomiti! r+#he$ to the lae "here Taae "a# 4ghting an$ there harge$ at ,orotan Domatong +ntil the latter fell. Taae #a" Tomiti! an$ #toe$ him. 5e onfronte$ the latter an$ a#e$ him "h' he ha$ fo+ght at one "itho+t 4r#t in7+iring a!o+t the a+#e of the 4ght. Later- "hen the girl# of 0e!olagan #a" ,a+lag'a &aola- a $at+ of the lae- the' e/laine$ to him the a+#e of the "hole tro+!le. &aola remem!ere$ a romi#e he ha$ ma$e to hi# #i#ter- the la$' of Pinta"an- that an'one "ho o+l$ go + the la$$er of ari#M ("ith nifeF!la$e# for r+ng#) !e it a $og or a ig- #ho+l$ marr' the girl. 5e then alle$ all hi# $at+# to a onferene an$ tol$ them a!o+t the romi#e. Ne%erthele##- the $at+# in#i#te$ on 4ghting. ,o- ,a+lag'a artitione$
0e!olagan into t"o art#8 oneFhalf $ei$ing to 4ght- the other half !elonging to him agreeing not to artiiate in the 4ght. Qhen the $at+ of Li'oFLi'o hear$ of the 4ght- he ro$e on hi# hor#e an$ "ent to the !attlegro+n$. A# the 4ght "ent on- ,a+lag'a &aola et on !earing the $r+m- the gong# an$ the olintang#. The eole fo+ght har$ "hile the $at+ of Li'oFLi'o an$ Tomiti! &anaon "ere engage$ in han$FtoFhan$ om!at. The' ontin+e$ 4ghting +ntil all the eole $ie$. The ,irangan $at+# then roee$e$ to other ing$om# to 4ght f+rther. Part ?. The' 4r#t "ent to the ing$om of Di!alo'. The' hallenge$ it# hief- Dat+ ata7elo- to a 4ght. Lilang Di"ata- #i#ter of ata7elo- ga%e Taae a name. 5e alle$ him &aloan'ag- meaning- he 4ght# in all lae#.M In thi# ing$om- Taae an$ Tomiti! le$ the 4ght +ntil half of the eole ha$ $ie$. Then the' felt it' for the lae #o the' roee$e$ to another ing$om. The' a##e$ !' the ing$om of Pimari#an !ea+#e the eole of that ing$om "ere their in. The' "ent to the ing$om of To$ongto$ong. 5ere- the' "ere in%ite$ 4r#t to a mama7 #e##ion !efore the' #tarte$ the 4ght. The' fo+ght har$ +ntil all in the ing$om !eame lifele##. Then the on7+ering $at+# on%ene$ an$ agree$ to mo%e on the ing$om of Qalo ,a!ang r+le$ !' 9g$o$an &ag#orat an$ 9g$o$an ,a!agan. The eight $at+# ref+#e$ to 4ght an$ in#tea$ the' let onl' their #+!et# 4ght. The #+!et# fo+ght har$- !+t their $at+# +#t looe$ on. The ,irangan $at+# "ere #+rri#e$ to #ee that the men "ho "ere ille$ !eame ali%e again. After #e%en month# of 4ghting Taae got tire$ an$ fell a#lee on the !attlegro+n$. Tomiti! fo+ght alone. +#t then Taae $reame$ of a rett' girl telling him to go to the to"er of Qalo ,a!ang in the g+i#e of To"an ,ali Pala#ti to get their o"erf+l me$iine# an$ am+let#. 5e follo"e$ the in#tr+tion# in $etail. Qhen he ame !aarme$ "ith the me$iine#- the eole "hom the' ha$ felle$ $i$ not ret+rn to life an'more an$ tho#e +t to iee# $ie$. Conl+#ion. The go$ A#og thi# time looe$ $o"n an$ #a" that the other "orl$- the "orl$ of #inner#- "a# %er' 7+iet for there "a# no life an$ no 4re !+rning. 5e "ent $o"n to earth an$ tol$ &aloan'ag to #to 4ghting an$ to ret+rn to ,irangan. A#og +rge$ him to hol$ a !+log +on arri%ing home- "here eah of them "o+l$ !e gi%en hi# artner in life. A#og fanne$
the ing$om "ith hi# erhief an$ all tho#e "ho ha$ $ie$ li%e$ again. The $at+# then onferre$ an$ agee$ 4nall' to go home. on their arri%al at ,irangan- the' #a" that TaaeE# mother "a# $'ing !ea+#e of her ain in "aiting- longing for her #on. Qhen Taae i##e$ hi# mother an$ tol$ he "a# her #on- #he "a# re%i%e$. The "hole ing$om of ,irangan ame to life- tree# #tirre$- !ir$# #ang- an$ e%er'thing gre" more ali%e. The' then reare$ for the !+log. All the $at+# of the $iHerent ing$om# "ere in%ite$ an$ there the' "ere gi%en artner# in life !' their go$ A#og.
A+E# "ai#t!an$ that no one ma' !orro". Qhile the ol$ one ra"l# lie a !a!'- the !a!' i# #itting +. Jat an$ thin in a "re#tling t+##le- thin "in# the math.
then ro!!e$ !' men "ith g+n# an$ l+!#. The' then "ent !a to #ea an$ #ta'e$ there for a long time. After the on#+me$ all their #to of foo$ an$ "ater Omar !egan thining of illing an$ $'ing. ' illing "e an "a#h o+r #hame a"a'E #ai$ Omar "hile #taring into the #ae. The #tor' then "ent on mo%ing to the ara$e. Alih #a" a girl "hih re#em!le$ hi# frien$ that he ro$e "ith in the aro+#el. After on4rming that the girl he i# looing at i# reall' Jermina- hi# !rother Omar then "ent !er#er an$ +n#heathe$ hi# #"or$ an$ ille$ eole. Omar then "ent to ill Jermina !+t Alih rotete$ her an$ ille$ hi# !rother Omar.
&arat!at an$ the &aranao !' Naino!ai D. Di#omango The &aranao# are tra$itional eole "ho#e rih +lt+ral ratie# ontin+e to erle/ e%en #oial #ienti#t#. Their re#i#tane to hange i# #een not onl' in their #lo" mo$erni=ation roe##- !+t al#o their ontin+e$ faithf+lne## to +#tom# an$ !elief#.
Their ratie of the marata!at i# a mar of $i#tintion "hih mae# them +ni7+e among all other ethni gro+#. &arata!at i# e7+ate$ "ith Qhen the ol$ one $i%e#- hi# na%el i# #tiing o+t. hi'aM or #hame- honor an$ $ignit'- ran- #elfF e#teem or amorFroio-M re+tation an$ fae.M +t marata!at i# more than an' of the#e. There i# no #ingle "or$ or hra#e that an learl' $e4ne marata!at- for the &aranao# ha%e #+rro+n$e$ it THE -HITE HORSE O+ ALIH "ith man' #oioF#'hologial onet# of their ,+mmar'8 o"n. It i# $iretl' roortional to a er#onE# #oial ran. One #oial #ienti#t %ie"# it a# a !lin$ The #tor' #tarte$ of a# Alih the rotagoni#tirrational ri$e of lan an$ tri!e an$ a $ee #en#e of mo%e$ along the ro"$ "hih "a# ele!rating the er#onal honor an$ fae. The #+!#tane of fo+rth of +l' ele!ration. The' "ere e/eting a lot marata!at lie# in the #'m!ol#- #hare$ !elief#of eole in thi# e%ent !ea+#e the' lanne$ a ma## image# in the olleti%e re+tation- an$ in +!li a##a##ination in the to"n. The #tor' then "ent on moralit' of the &aranao#. Qhen o#iti%el' $irete$onentrating on the ation# an$ "hat the it gi%e# them +nit'- #trength- an$ i$entit' it #er%e# harater# are thining !efore their lanne$ illing. a# a $ri%ing fore in &aranao e%er'$a' life- !e it Alih "a# thining of hi#ho+ri an$ the a#t memorie# #oial- olitial- or eonomi. of their famil'. 5i# father "a# a+#e$ of illing a man that he $i$ not ill. Alih an$ OmarE# father "a# To #ome &aranao# the ratie of marata!at i# the ha$i !a then an$ that he atten$e$ the &ea. in#tinti%e- !+t to other# it i# a learne$ +lt+ral The Amerian# "ante$ him to #+!mit to the ratie ie$ + !' the hil$ren from the el$er#. +$gment of the Amerian#. The #tor' ontin+e$ One &aranao laime$ that he ne%er remem!ere$ "ith the life of Omar an$ Alih a# merhant#. The' !eing ta+ght !' hi# arent# to $o thi# or $o that for #ol$ their ho+#e- their !oat#- 4#hing net# an$ e%en it "a# e/ete$ of him- !+t rather he learne$ it their motherE# earl#. The' then "ore$ for Lim gra$+all' thro+gh o!#er%ation from the ol$ Ching "hih "a# a Chine#e merhant. The' "ere
&aranao#. To gi%e a !etter +n$er#tan$ing of the roe##- here i# an ill+#trati%e a#e8 A!$+l "a# #+rri#e$ one $a' to #ee hi# father together "ith #ome other male relati%e#- !ringing g+n#- an$ ro##ing the lae. 5e "a# then in the gra$e #hool. Later- ho"e%er- that one of hi# +nle# ha$ !een ille$. 5i# father ha$ gone o+t to get hi# +nleE# iller or an' of hi# relati%e#. 5o"e%er- +on the a$monition# of hi# fatherE# father- the relati%e# of the iller "ere #are$ from the %en$etta. The ratie of marata!at $oe# not !ar a er#on "ith high e$+ational attainment from illing another er#on one hi# marata!at ha# !een tran#gre##e$. There "a# one la" ratitioner "ho "a# omelle$ to ill the !rother of hi# !rotherE# iller !ea+#e of thi#. 6engeane for oneE# #+llie$ marata!at i# one of the rea#on# "h' there are man' arm' #ol$ier# "ho ha%e $ie$ in the Lanao area- e/laine$ a la$' informant. The #ol$ier# "ere +#t #o tr+#ting that the' $i$ not no" the fello" ne/t to them "a# their enem'. The' tho+ght that !ea+#e the' ha$ not $one an'thing ($iretl') to him- he "a# not in%ol%e$. +t in &aranao #oiet'- one a mem!er of the famil' i# in tro+!le- all of the relati%e# are on hi# #i$e to rotet him. &aranao# "ho are enemie# in Lanao "o+l$ temoraril' forget their animo#it' an$ !eome frien$# e#eiall' "hen the' are in a fara"a' lae. There are #e%eral &aranao "arring familie# in Lanao "ho are lo#e frien$# e#eiall' "hen the' are in &anila. The ommon a+#e for thi# hange of attit+$e i# the nee##it' to gro+ together "hen a &aranao i# in%ol%e$ in%ol%e in #ome tro+!le. +t a &aranao $oe# not +#t ill a er#on "itho+t a rea#ona!le a+#e. In#+lt or $efamation o+l$ goa$ a er#on into illing another. One thi# i# in*ite$ on him- he i# rea$' to fae hi# enem' +#t to +hol$ hi# $irtie$ marata!at.M Tro+!le ari#ing !ea+#e of girl# i# a %er' ommon a#e. 9%en a "olfF"hi#tle from a man o+l$ a+#e him tro+!le one a girl "o+l$ inform her famil' of #+h thing#. Thi# "o+l$ #et the #ene for illing an$ o+nterFilling. Oftentime#- !ea+#e of the $e#ire to +hol$ their marata!at- a illing o+l$ a+#e a %iio+# 'le for %en$etta an$ o+nterF%en$etta- one famil' a%enging $eath of a relati%e +ntil a #ol+tion i# arri%e$ at. Thi# i# "here the $at+# la' their role. Normall'-
marriage i# one of the !e#t #ol+tion# to the ro!lem. A $a+ghter or a #on of the erring art' i# marrie$ to the #on or $a+ghter of the other art'. In thi# "a'the #erie# of illing# "o+l$ !e #toe$. The girlho"e%er- ma' ha%e no right of her o"n regar$ing the eremon'. In man' in#tane#- tho+gh the girl feel# #ome re#entment o%er the arrangement- #he "o+l$ 4nall' oa/e$ into getting marrie$- !ea+#e it i# onl' thro+gh her that the on*it "o+l$ !e #ettle$. There are #ome rare a#e#- ho"e%er- "here the girl "o+l$ #tan$ 4rm on her $ei#ion not to marr' an$ "o+l$ ref+#e to oha!it "ith her h+#!an$ after the "e$$ing eremon'. In thi# a#e- the e/en#e# in+rre$ $+ring the eremon' an$ the !ri$eFrie i# ret+rne$ to the groomE# famil'. An o+t#i$er to &aranao #oiet' "o+l$ !e #+rri#e$ to 4n$ o+t that to "or a# mai$#- "hih i# %er' ommon e#eiall' among +r!ani=e$ Chri#tian gro+#- i# +nno"n among the &aranao#. 5o+#ehol$ #er%it+$e among &aranao# i# not in aor$ane "ith the aete$ more# of their #oiet'. Aor$ingl'- 4naniall' har$Fre##e$ in$i%i$+al# are re%ente$ !' "ellFtoF$o relati%e# from ren$ering ho+#ehol$ #er%ie in ret+rn for mone'- !ea+#e it i# the $+t' of the "ellFtoF$o relati%e# to e/ten$ hel to their mi#fort+nate in. Another rea#on- erha#- i# the i$ea that "oring in anotherE# ho+#e for mone' "o+l$- in #ome "a'- $egra$e an in$i%i$+al. Thi# i# e#eiall' tr+e "hen the in$i%i$+al ome# from a higher #trat+m in #oiet'. It i# not #+rri#ing- therefore- that there are &aranao# "ho are oor !+t a7+ire high e$+atione#eiall' in the 4el$ of me$iine- engineering- an$ la". ,ome of them e%en #t+$' in re#tigio+# +ni%er#itie# in &anila. Thi# i# o##i!le !ea+#e relati%e# ontri!+te to the o#t of e$+ation of a mem!er of their famil' "ho $e#ire# to #t+$'. It onl' nee$# a little oa/ing on the art of the in$i%i$+al onerne$ for there relati%e# to hi in for hi# e$+ation. 9%er' no" an$ then- reg+lar hel "o+l$ !e gi%en +ntil that er#on 4ni#he# hi# $egree. Another rea#on "h' relati%e# are "illing to hel other relati%e# to 4nane their e$+ation i# the fat that e/ten$ing hel to the#e eole i# lie an in%e#tment8 4naniall'- #oiall' an$ olitiall'- their #+e## mean# rai#ing the famil' marata!at. It i# not +nommon to hear #ome &aranao# "orr' !ea+#e a relati%e i# getting marrie$. ,ometime# e%en a lo#e frien$ "o+l$ #ho" thi# onern. The e/lanation for thi# in$ of attit+$e ma' !e gleane$
from the ratie of marata!at. Oa#ion# lie the#e #er%e a# a hannel for a &aranao to a##ert hi# marata!at in the omm+nit'. A# #+h- the relati%e onerne$ i# e/ete$ to ontri!+te hi# #hare of the e/en#e# $+ring the eremon'. At+all'- not onl' $o the#e relati%e# e/ten$ their hel on #+h oa#ion# !+t in$ee$ "hene%er the #it+ation re7+ire# it.
eletion. Relati%e# ontri!+te not onl' their energ' !+t al#o their "ealth. J+rthermore- the#e !ig"ig# in loal oliti# are al#o the lea$ing #oial 4g+re# in the #oiet'. Thi# i# !ea+#e the' ha%e the !a#i #oial eonomi root# that #+ort their olitial areer# on the loal le%el. Qith eonomi an$ olitial in*+ene in #oiet'the' are a!le to ontrol the eole- +#ing them to a$%ane their am!ition- "hile the ommon eole in t+rn reei%e hel in the form of emlo'ment.
The &aranaoE# $e#ire for larger famil' gro+ing# "or# not onl' in the tra$itional onte/t- !+t e%en in the mo$ern legal olitial #tr+t+re. 5a%ing a large famil' "o+l$ gi%e one the hane to r+n for an eleti%e o#ition in the mo$ern legal olitial #'#tem 9mlo'ment i# the mo#t ommon "a' to hel. !ea+#e the more the follo"er#- the !etter the Qhoe%er i# in o"er +#+all' #ee# to it that mo#t of hane# of "inning the rae. Thi# i# ahie%e$ in the hi# #+orter#- "ho are hi# relati%e#- get emlo'e$. +#+all' large &aranao famil' gro+ that lae# In fat- a &aranao "o+l$ e/et an a$mini#trator imortane not onl' on the on#ang+inal "ho i# hi# relati%e- to ha%e him emlo'e$- "hene%er relation#hi- !+t aSnal line a# "ell. Thro+gh interF thi# i# o##i!le- regar$le## of hi# 7+ali4ation# for marriage- a &aranao famil' o+l$ !eome a !ig the o!. 9/ten$ing hel to an +nfort+nate ralti%e in olitial gro+ that gi%e# it the hane to "iel$ term# of emlo'ment i# normal in &aranao #oiet'. olitial o"er an$ therefore $ominate an' olitial Thi#- after all- i# art of the &arata!at of the lan.