Java Remote Desktop Control
Actual Client Desktop
Screen shot client side
Remote Image of the Connected Client Desktop
Screen shot server side
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur1
Java Remote Desktop Control
: Intel Pentium compatible or above
: 4MB free space
Hard Disk
: 50 MB free space
4.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION Operating System Programming language
: MS DOS / Windows 95/ Linux : Java2 ( JDK 1.2)
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur2
Java Remote Desktop Control
DESIGN SPECIFICATION The proposed system is going to be developed using Java is platform independent. Thus it will run under any operating system like Windows or Linux. The system explorer is mainly concentrated on the development of an application that is used to explore computers in a network. The main part of the application is a GUI that is used to browse other machines in the network. The GUI should be developed using Java Swing. The system should be modularized into a client part and a server part so that each part could be run separately. The server part should acts as the file server for the local client as well as the remote server. The client part should provide a GUI for easy user interaction. All request from the client are passed to the local server only. Requests to the remote server are forwarded by the local sever.
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur3
Java Remote Desktop Control
Background One of the biggest challenges in this project is finding a way to move the mouse pointer, simulate key stroke and capture the screen. After spending some time I found a great class, Robot class that does all that I need. In addition, using serialization to send screenshots from client t o server and to send server events like mouse move, key press, key release helped me a lot to write clean and simple code instead of sending images and events in raw data format over the network.
Robot Class Methods
mouseMove - Moves the mouse pointer to a set of specified absolute screen coordinates given in pixels mousePress - Presses one of the buttons on the mouse mouseRelease - Releases one of the buttons on the mouse keyPress - Presses a specified key on the keyboard keyRelease - Releases specified key on the keyboard createScreenCapture - Takes a screenshot
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Java Remote Desktop Control
Program Parts 1. RemoteServer This is the server part which waits for clients connections and per each connected client, a new frame appears showing the current client screen. When you move the mouse over the frame, this results in moving the mouse at the client side. The same happens when you r ight/left click mouse button or type a key while the frame is in focus.
2. RemoteClient This the client side, its core function is sending a screen shot of the client's desktop every predefined amount of time. Also it receives server commands such as "move the mouse command", then executes the command at the client's PC.
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur5
Java Remote Desktop Control
Using the Code In order to run the program, you need to download and on two different PCs, then extract them. In one of the PCs say PC1, run RemoteServer.jar which is located under dist folder using the following command: Collapse | Copy Code >>java -jar
You will be asked to enter port number for the server to listen at, enter any port number above 1024, for example 5000. On the other PC say PC2, execute RemoteClient.jar using the following command: Collapse | Copy Code >>java -jar RemoteClient.jar
You will be asked to enter server IP, enter IP address of PC1, then you will be asked to enter port number, enter the same port you entered above, e.g. 5000. Now, in PC1 you have full control over PC2 including moving the mous e, clicking the mouse, keys stroking, viewing PC2 desktop, etc.
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur6
Java Remote Desktop Control
Coding Structure RemoteServer ServerInitiator Class
This is the entry class which listens to server port and wait for clients connections. Also, it creates an essential part of the program GUI. ClientHandler Class
Per each connected client, there is an object of this class. It shows an InternalFrame per client and it receives clients' screen dimension. ClientScreenReciever Class
Receives captured screen from the client, then displays it. ClientCommandsSender Class
It listens to the server commands, then sends them to the client. Server commands include mouse move, key stroke, mouse click, etc. EnumCommands Class
Defines constants which are used to represent server commands.
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Java Remote Desktop Control
RemoteClient ClientInitiator Class
This is the entry class that starts the client instance. It establishes connection to the server and creates the client GUI. ScreenSpyer Class
Captures screen periodically and sends them to the server. ServerDelegate Class
Receives server commands and executes them in the client PC. EnumCommands Class
Defines constants which are used to represent server commands.
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Java Remote Desktop Control
Code Snippets 1) RemoteClient Connect to Server System.out.println("Connecting to server .........."); socket = new Socket(ip, port); System.out.println("Connection Established.");
Capture Desktop Screen then Send it to the Server Periodically
In ScreenSpyerclass, Screen is captured using createScreenCapture method in Robot class and it accepts a Rectangle object which carries screen dimension. If we try to send image object directly using serialization, it will fail because it does not implement Serializableinterface. That is why we have to wrap it using the ImageIconclass as shown below: while(continueLoop){ //Capture screen BufferedImage image = robot.createScreenCapture(rectangle); /* I have to wrap BufferedImage with ImageIcon because * BufferedImage class does not implement Serializable interface */ ImageIconimageIcon = new ImageIcon(image); //Send captured screen to the server try { System.out.println("before sending image"); oos.writeObject(imageIcon); oos.reset(); //Clear ObjectOutputStream cache System.out.println("New screenshot sent"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } //wait for 100ms to reduce network traffic try{ Thread.sleep(100); }catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }
Receive Server Events then call Robot Class Methods to Execute these Events while(continueLoop){ //receive commands and respond accordingly System.out.println("Waiting for command"); int command = scanner.nextInt(); System.out.println("New command: " + command); switch(command){ case -1: robot.mousePress(scanner.nextInt()); break;
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Java Remote Desktop Control
case -2: robot.mouseRelease(scanner.nextInt()); break; case -3: robot.keyPress(scanner.nextInt()); break; case -4: robot.keyRelease(scanner.nextInt()); break; case -5: robot.mouseMove(scanner.nextInt(), scanner.nextInt()); break; } }
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur10
Java Remote Desktop Control
2) RemoteServer Wait for Clients Connections //Listen to server port and accept clients connections while(true){ Socket client = sc.accept(); System.out.println("New client Connected to the server"); //Per each client create a ClientHandler newClientHandler(client,desktop); }
Receive Client Desktop Screenshots and Display them while(continueLoop){ //Receive client screenshot and resize it to the current panel size ImageIconimageIcon = (ImageIcon) cObjectInputStream.readObject(); System.out.println("New image received"); Image image = imageIcon.getImage(); image = image.getScaledInstance (cPanel.getWidth(),cPanel.getHeight(),Image.SCALE_FAST); //Draw the received screenshot Graphics graphics = cPanel.getGraphics(); graphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0, cPanel.getWidth(),cPanel.getHeight(),cPanel); }
Handle Mouse and Key Events then Send them to the Client Program to Simulate them
In ClientCommandsSenderclass, when mouse is moved, x and y values are sent to the client but we have to take into consideration the size difference between clients' screen size and server's panel size, that is why we have to multiply by a certain factor as shown in the following code: public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { doublexScale = clientScreenDim.getWidth()/cPanel.getWidth(); System.out.println("xScale: " + xScale); doubleyScale = clientScreenDim.getHeight()/cPanel.getHeight(); System.out.println("yScale: " + yScale); System.out.println("Mouse Moved"); writer.println(EnumCommands.MOVE_MOUSE.getAbbrev()); writer.println((int)(e.getX() * xScale)); writer.println((int)(e.getY() * yScale)); writer.flush(); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("Mouse Pressed"); writer.println(EnumCommands.PRESS_MOUSE.getAbbrev()); int button = e.getButton(); intxButton = 16; if (button == 3) { xButton = 4; } writer.println(xButton); writer.flush(); }
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur11
Java Remote Desktop Control
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("Mouse Released"); writer.println(EnumCommands.RELEASE_MOUSE.getAbbrev()); int button = e.getButton(); intxButton = 16; if (button == 3) { xButton = 4; } writer.println(xButton); writer.flush(); }
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { System.out.println("Key Pressed"); writer.println(EnumCommands.PRESS_KEY.getAbbrev()); writer.println(e.getKeyCode()); writer.flush(); } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { System.out.println("Mouse Released"); writer.println(EnumCommands.RELEASE_KEY.getAbbrev()); writer.println(e.getKeyCode()); writer.flush(); }
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur12
Java Remote Desktop Control
FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS The Technology is growing very fast and in the Networking environment the administrator had to control the whole thing. Remote system controlling has huge potential in the Internet-based and service-oriented architectures .To survive from the competition each system has to produce some modifications to it in the future. New features will provide the system a new fresh look, by which it can attract a lot of Administrators. Due to this reason it's necessary that the system need to be modified according to the users requirements. Some of the future enrichments are as follows >
The utility at present meant for intranet environments and has a wide range of application areas like virtual classrooms
Next generation of this utility package is supposed on internet based applications
Further variations aim to include added capabilities such as controls and more user controls on Remote Machines
A request queue for the serverv to handle multiple simultaneous requests for the same file
Compressing the file before sending them to a requested system and decompressing on reception
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur13
Java Remote Desktop Control
Ample options are there in now a day s operating systems it to execute applications at the remote end. The basic services used by these operating systems today promote executions of the applications at the remote end with just restricted access. PROBLEMS WITH THE EXISTING SYSTEM
Administrator is not having full control
There is no provision to reboot or shutdown
Supports only one remote command on the remote machine at the same time
Never gets the feeling that we are using the remote machine
We cannot capture the remote systems Desktop
Utilities like Telnet and remote control programs like Symantec's PC anywhere let you execute programs on remote systems, but they can be a pain to set up and require that you install client software on the remote systems that you wish to access. By using this users can save time by accessing data from remote systems. But using this all the users are not able to access the desktop of the remote machine The user will never get the feeling that they are working in the remote machine. Other problems are Administrator is not having full control over the systems in the LAN. There is no provision to shutdown or reboot remote system. There is no way to use the processor of the remote machine directly
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur14
Java Remote Desktop Control
1.1 INTRODUCTION This program allows any computer to control other P Cs remotely Remote DesktopControlleris a client-server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktop. This software enables you to get a view of the remote machine desktop and thus control it with your local mouse and keyboard. It can be used to perform remote system control and Administration tasks in Unix, Windows and other assorted network environments. When the connection between a client and a server is first established, the server begins by requesting from the client , which typically results in the user being prompted for IP addressthe client end. The server and client then exchange messages to negotiate desktop size and frame size.
Fig. 1 – “ Remote client and server con nection ”
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Java Remote Desktop Control
Sr. No.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Table. 1 – “ Name of Table ”(11-Italic)
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur16
Java Remote Desktop Control
Java Remote Desktop (jrdesktop) is an open source software for viewing and/or controlling a distance PC. Besides then screenshots, keyboard and mouse eve nts transfer, jrdesktop includes many additional features (like: file transfer, data compression, color conversion, ...). jrdesktop uses RMI (Remote Method Invocation) with SSL/TLS to establish a secured connection between the viewer and the server. Java Remote Desktop (jrdesktop) is intended to run across different platforms (based on JVM).
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur17
Java Remote Desktop Control
A Project Report On “Java
Remote Desktop Control ”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the d egree
Mr. DarshanDhanrajPurohit Mr. VinayVijaykumarMaslekar Mr. Amar Mohan Vasekar Mr. AmolSatyavanBandgar UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. Prashant S Bhandare
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur18
Java Remote Desktop Control
CERTIFICATE The Project report entitled “Java Remote Desktop Control ” submitted by
Mr. DarshanDhanrajPurohit Mr. VinayVijaykumarMaslekar Mr. Amar Mohan Vasekar Mr. AmolSatyavanBandgar is approved for Diploma in Computer Engineering from SVERIS’s College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur .
Name of Guide
Name Of Project Co-ordinator
(Prof. Prashant S Bhandare)
(Prof S. S. Kadganchi)
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Prof. Kawale S. M.
Prof. Misal N.D.
(Head of Department)
Department of Computer Engineering
Name of External Examiner - ________________________ Sign of External Examiner - __________________________
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur19
Java Remote Desktop Control
Date Place
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sence of gratitude to my guide , Prof. P. S. Bhandare for his constant support ,motivation, valuable guidance and immense help. During the entire course of this week. Without his\her constant encouragement, timely advice and valuable discussion, it would have been difficult in completing this work. I would also like
acknowledge Computer Engineering Department who provided me the facilities for completion of the project. I am thankful to him for sharing his\her experience in the research field with me and providing constant motivation during entire project. I would also like to express my gratitude to all my friends who helped me a lot for completion of my midterm project work.
Mr. VinayVijaykumarMaslekar
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur20
Java Remote Desktop Control
Basic Edition
Communication through RMI Multiple Sessions Multiple User Interfaces Multihomed Server
File Transfer
Clipboard Transfer
Color Quality
Image Quality
Data Compression
Screen Functions
Control Functions
Connection Details
Remote Host Properties
SVERI’s College of Engg. (Poly), Pandharpur21