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Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering SLIIT
CE3610– Environmental Engineering Year 3 Semester Semeste r 2 - 3rd August-8th November 2015 Batch 1
Assignment submission format for report on Field visit Learning Outcomes to be covered from the assignment
LO1. Classify different water quality parameters for different uses LO3. Apply the sustainability principles in pollution control
Each student is expected to submit a single report on self-reflections on both visits highlighting the Importance of environmental engineering concepts for a civil engineer (title) Word limit – 1500 1500 max What to include Submission cover sheet, title page (should contain the title (bold, 18 Times New Roman), other information on the cover in 12 TNR, 2.0 spacing), 1.0 Introduction- write the role of a civil engineer in the society (250-300 words) 2.0 Observations/experience on visit to CEA and Biyagama water treatment plant (500-600 words) 3.0 Reflections – write write your reflections in relation to the learning outcomes 1 and 3 mentioned above. (pl refer to the document documen t on reflective writing uploaded in the course cou rse web) – (500-600 (500-600 words) 4.0 References The referencing style for this unit is Chicago. All the figures and pictures if any should be placed separately in an annexure.
Format of the first sheet
Importance of environmental engineering concepts for a civil engineer
Report based on field visits to Central Environmental Authority, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka and NWSDB-Biyagama drinking water treatment plant
Margins – standard, font- 12 TNR, spacing 1.5.
Date – 25th September before 4.00 pm Where - Submit to the assignment box in 5th floor office
Marking Rubric
Quality of Introduction
Excellent (100%)
Very Good (75%)
Good (50%)
Supporting details specific to visit fully
Supporting details specific to visit is covered to a great extent
Some details are nonsupportin g to the visit
Satisfact ory (25%)
Unsatisfa ctory
Details are somewha t sketchy. Do not support visit
Unable to find specific details
Visit 1
Visit 2
how reflections are justified wrt LO1
how reflections are justified wrt LO2
Quality of references
Quality of overall presentation of report
Ability of following the given instructions
Supporting details specific to visit fully
Fully comply
Supporting details specific to visit is covered to a great extent
Comply to a great extent
Some details are nonsupportin g to the visit
Details are somewha t sketchy. Do not support visit