In this document you will find a tutorial/manual on how to restore a previously created image for an up-board and installing the boot-loader.Full desc...
CS804B, M2_3, Lecture Notes
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Inhoudsopgave 1
Restoring Re storing the image...... image................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............................. ................... 2 1.1
Resto estoring ring the boot boot-loar -loarder.. der...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... ............. .............. ............... .......... ..14 14 2.1.1 Loading the boot-loader from the !I-shell.................................... !I-shell.................................... .....14 2.1.2 2.1.2 Re-installi e-installing ng the boot-loader boot-loader on the ma"hine.......... ma"hine................. .............. ............... .............14 .....14 2.1.# $esting the boot-loader.......... boot-loader..................... ...................... .................................................. ....................................... 1%
1 Res esto tori ring ng th the e ima image ge &ere 'ou will (nd instru"tions to restore the earlier "reated image onto another up-board.
Boot Bo otiing the Cl Clon oneZ eZil illa la so sofftw twar are e
In order to restore the previousl' "reated image we will have to use CloneZilla on"e again. Read below steps to "omplete the restoration pro"ess) *tap *tap 1. *tap *tap 2. *tap #.
+rab +rab 'our 'our boo bootab table le ,*B-d ,*B-driv rive e with with Clon CloneZ eZilla illa la"e la"e it it in the up-boa up-board rd 'ou 'ou wish wish to to rest restor ore e Re/st Re/start art the the upboar upboard d and boot boot into the Clone CloneZilla Zilla softwar software. e.
Restoring the image
0hen 'ou boot into the CloneZilla software 'ou will get to the following s"reen)
ress Enter Enter in order to pro"eed 0e simpl' "hoose the default 3Cloneilla live 5efault settings6 7+8 1924:;<=>6 but 'ou "an "hoose an' option 'ou want /
Cloneilla software will start booting)
8fter this pro"es is "ompletes 'ou will have to "hoose 'our language)
*impl' "hoose whatever language 'ou desire6 but I will "hoose English English
?e:t 'ou will need to "on(gure the @e'mapping for 'our @e'board)
&ere I will "hoose 5on>t tou"h @e'map in order for m' mapping to remain the same6 but on"e again "hoose whi"h 'ou need. $he wiard wiard will now as@ as@ in whi"h wa' wa' we want to to use the softwar software) e)
*tartACloneilla *tartACloneilla will simpl' open a +,I with a wiard6 whereas whereas the nterAshell will allow 'ou to use a shell for "on(guring. &ere I will "hoose *tartA"loneilla
In the above menu 'ou will have to "hoose if 'ou>re going to use an image or a dis@-to-dis@ "lone. 0e>ve made an image in the previous do"ument so here we pi"@ devi"e-image and press nter. ?ow i twill as @us to "hoose where the image is lo"ated)
*in"e we>re using a ,*B-drive to restore the image we will "hoose) local_dev. local_dev .
B' pi"@ing the above option 'ou will see the following s"reen)
8s 'ou "an read here6 now we need to insert the ,*B-drive that "ontains the image If 'ou didn>t do do this alread'. Wait for about fve seconds, 8nd then ?ow insert the ,*B-drive with the image6 Wait press nter. ?ow 'ou>ll see a s"reen "ontaining the drives that are available to the ma"hine. Y ma"hine. You ou should see the the name of the the USB-drive that contains contains the image here. here.
?ow simpl' press C$RL-C to e:it this s"reen. In this following s"reen we need to "hoose our Image repositor'6 this is the drive where our image is lo"ated.
In m' "ase this was sdb1 but this "ould dier. $his is where 'ou need to "hoose 'our ,*B-drive with the image on it.
If 'ou>ve pi"@ed the right option 'ou should see the name of the image in the following s"reen as followed)
Pay attention: Don’t press “Enter” on the image, instead, simply press the button when you an see the image fle name! 0hen the bla"@ s"reen at the bottom appears6 press nter.
?ow a new s"reen opens where 'ou "an pi"@ the wiard mode for restoring)
&ere we "hoose for the option) Beginner_mode. Beginner_mode . ?e:t we "an "hoose what to do with the software)
*in"e we want to restore the image ba"@ on to the up-board we will "hoose the option restoredisk.
In the following menu 'ou will have to "hoose whi"h image 'ou want t orestore to the up-board. Make sure to pick the correct image based on what you want to do with the up-board .
In this "ase there>s onl' one option available so we simpl' press Enter Enter ?ow we need to "hoose the destination dis@ for the image)
$here should onl' be one option option in this menu) mmbl"# $%!&'()*n"nown)model)+++++ i"@ this option and press nter Cloneilla will as@ if 'ou>re absolutel' sure 'ou want to restore this image6 press nter
0hen 'ou see above s"reen6 press nter
ress the ' @e' and press nter
n"e again6 press the ' @e' and press enter
n"e 'ou>ve "ompleted above steps "loneilla will show some information in the shell and start the restoration pro"ess6 whi"h will loo@ as followed)
?ow 'ou "an leave the up-board and wait for the restoration pro"ess to be "ompleted)
n"e it>s all done 'ou will get to the above s"reen6 where 'ou need to press Enter Enter
Lastl'6 we will have to "hoose what to do with the up-board. *in"e the restoration pro"ess is now "omplete we will have to "hoose powero or reboot
5uring the start-up 'ou will get the following message)
n"e 'ou get this message6 remove both usb-drives both usb-drives and press enter
2 Res esto tori ring ng the the bootboot-lo loar arde derr *in"e the boot-loader doesn>t get installed b' onl' restoring the image6 we will have to do this manuall'. In order to do this we will need to "omplete a "ouple of steps) 1. Loading Loading the the boot-loa boot-loader der from from the the !I-shell !I-shell 2. Re-installi e-installing ng the boot-lo boot-loader ader on on the ma"hine ma"hine #. $esting esting the boot-loa boot-loader der
1.1.1Loading the boot-loader from the !I-shell !irst6 we will have to load the boot-loader from the !I-shell. $his is the shell that will load on"e 'ou>ve restarted the up-board. In order to do this 'ou "an follow these simple steps) *tap *tap *tap *tap
1. 1. 2. 2. #. #. 4. 4.
$'pe) FS01 and press enter. enter. $'pe) dir EF! and press enter. $'pe) cd "linu#distro$ and press enter. $'pe) grub#%&.e' and grub#%&.e' and press enter.
!ollowing these steps the boot-loader should start and 'ou "an "hoose 'our linu: installation. In m' "ase this would be) (ubilinu# )*U+,inu# ?ow the up-board will boot into 'our linu: distro. ( If you don’t know the name of your distro, after tep - you can simply type “ls” “ls” to see the dierent !les in "#I$ %here should be one folder that has the name of your distro$ &
1.1.2Re-installing 1.1.2Re-install ing the boot-loader on the ma"hine ?ow 'ou "an boot into the Linu: distro 'ou "an re-install the boot-loader. !irstl' 'ou will have to login as a user. n"e 'ou>ve logged in follow these steps) *tap 1. 1. *tap 2. 2.
$'pe) sudo su and su and press Enter Enter $'pe) grub-install +dev+mmcblk0 and press Enter Enter
If ever'thing went o@a'6 the following message should appear) -
Installation !nished$ 'o error reported
?ow the boot-loader is ba"@ in pla"e and should wor@ li@e before.
1.1.#$esting the boot-loader $o $o test the boot-loader6 boot-loader6 simpl' restart restart the up-board up-board and see if it boots boots into the boot-loader. If this doesn>t wor@ tr' to re-do the previous steps on"e again and see if it wor@s then.
#or me I had to re-install the boot-loader twice in order for it to work