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Results and Discussion
;ass of metal ;ass of calorimeter ;ass ;ass of calo calori rime mete terr and and wate waterr ;ass of water ina >inall temp temper erat atur uree of the the sys syste tem m Temper mperat atur uree chan change ge of the the metal Temper mperat atur uree chan change ge of the the calorimeter and water :eat gained by the water :eat gained by the calorimeter :eat gi$en up by the metal
162.30 g 65.60 g 1. 1.70 70 g 134.40 g 0.215 ca cal!" =1.7 =1.7 "! 3.0 "! 11.5 11.5 "! "! ?70.2 !" 5.5 !" 04.2 cal 41.74225 cal ?45.425 cal 0.102 calg!" 0.110 calg!" 0.00= calg!" 7.27 A
Table 1 below shows all the raw and computed data recorded from the experiment. Table 1. Raw
and computed data of specific heat of metals experiment
In this experiment, the masses of the metal, the calorimeter, and water were first obtained by using the trip triple le beam beam bala balanc nce. e. The The mass mass of the the wate waterr was was comp comput uted ed by subt subtra ract ctin ing g the the mass mass of the the empt empty y calorimeter from the mass of the calorimeter and water. The standard of the specific heat of aluminum is 0.215 cal!". #i$en that the calorimeter used in the experiment is made out of aluminium, hence, it can be said that the calorimeter used has a specific heat of 0.215 cal!" as well. %fter the empty calorimeter was filled with cold water water,, its initi initial al temper temperatu ature re was was measur measured ed before before dropping the metal inside it. The initial temperature of the the meta metall was was meas measur ured ed as well well by plac placin ing g the the thermometer inside the bea&er while it was still on the hot plate, ma&ing sure that the thermometer hits the surfac surfacee of the metal. metal. 'n the other hand, hand, the final final temperature of the system was obtained by measuring the temperature of the metal as soon as it was placed inside the calorimeter filled with cold water. It is now call called ed temp temper erat atur uree of the the (sys (syste tem) m) beca becaus usee the the temperat temperature ure of the metal, water, and calorime calorimeter ter is being measured wherein it is assumed that the three now ha$e the same temperature as each other.
The change in the temperature of the metal was calculated by subtracting its initial temperature from the final final temper temperatu ature re of the system system.. The The change change in temper temperatu ature re of the calori calorimet meter er and water water,, on other other hand hand,, was was comp comput uted ed by subt subtra ract ctin ing g its its init initia iall temperature from the final temperature of the system. To compute for the heat gained by the water, the following formula was used * +water -m!T/ water here* m mass of the water ! specific heat of water T temperature change of calorimeter and water y substi substitu tutin ting g the the euati euation on with with the $alues $alues abo$e, the heat gained by the water can be computed.
04.2 cal The formula below was used to compute for the heat gained by the calorimeter* +calorimeter -m!T/ calorimeter here m mass of the calorimeter ! specific heat of calorimeter T temperature change of calorimeter and water The heat gained by the calorimeter was computed as shown below*
Qcalorimeter= ¿
41.74225 cal The heat gi$en up by the metal can be expressed as the negati$e $alue of the sum of the heat gained by the water and water and the heat gained by the calorimeter, thus gi$ing us the euation, 8 -+water 9 +calorimeter /. /. :ence, to compute for the heat gi$en up by the metal the following formula is used*
Q metal =−( =−(Qwater + Q calorimeter )
Qmetal =−( =−(904.2 cal + 41.7225 cal) 845.425 cal %s soon as all the $ariables are obtained and the heat gi$en up by the metal, which is denoted by + metal, is correctly computed, the experimental specific heat of the metal metal can can now be sol$ed sol$ed by using using the formul formulaa below.
C metal=
−(Qwater + Qcalorimeter) m ∆T
∨C metal =
Qmetal m ∆ T
error =
/ gC ° x 100 0.110 cal / gC ° 0.008 cal
error =7.27
The specific heat of the metal was computed as shown below.
C metal =
– 945.9425 cal =0.102 cal / gC ° ( 132.60 g ) (−70.2 C ° )
This computation gi$es us the experimental specific heat of the metal, which is to be compared to the standard specific heat of the metal. It is necessary to compare these two as it is critical in assessing whether there were drastic, minimal, or no errors that occurred or were in$ol$ed in performing the experiment. The comparison of these two uantities is done by computing for the absolute error and the percentage error. The absolute error is computed by simply subtracting the experimental specific heat of the metal from the standard specific heat of the metal. The percentage error, on the other hand, is the absolute error di$ided by the standard $alue. %pparently, the metal bloc& that our group got was made out of steel. :ence, we are to compare the $alue of our computed experimental specific heat to the standard specific heat of steel, which has the $alue 0.110 calg!". The computation for absolute error is done as follows* %bsolute error
error =
Absolute error x 100 Standard value
ased on the computations done abo$e, it can be said that our percentage error, ha$ing the $alue of 7.27A, is considerably small as our lab instructor ga$e us a percentage error range with 20A being the maximum percentage error. 7.27A is definitely a considerably small $alue compared to 20A. %lthough our percentage error is considerably small, ha$ing said that it is far from the maximum percentage error which is 20A, it still seems to be a little bit far from Cero which indicates that we may ha$e made some errors during the execution of the experiment. There may ha$e been some systematic errors upon performing the experiment which include faulty calibration of measuring instruments such as the triple beam balance, as it is poorly maintained. This may ha$e affected the measurements obtained by the researchers. This may ha$e made caused the researchers to ma&e some mista&es in measuring the weight of the metal bloc&, water, and calorimeter, which definitely affects all computations in$ol$ed in obtaining the results. If the errors made were not caused by defects in the instruments, it can be said that the errors may ha$e been due to the faulty reading of instruments by the researchers. This includes parallax error, which is caused by the user reading an instrument at an angle, resulting in a reading which is either too high or too low compared to the correct $alue. 'ther errors may include random errors. !ommon sources of random errors are problems in estimating a uantity that lies between the graduations of an instrument and the inability to read an instrument because the reading fluctuates during the measurement. The researchers encountered these problems in using the thermometer. In measuring the temperature of the metal while it was inside the bea&er which was placed on the hot plate, the readings were fluctuating, which caused confusion in reading the measurement. ;oreo$er, some of the temperature measurements were in between the graduations of the thermometer which caused us to estimate some $alues. The errors stated abo$e may possibly be the reason why we obtained a $alue of 7.27A in computing for our percentage error. ut o$erall, a 7.27A percentage error is not so bad. The results we obtained were reasonably close to the standard $alue.