Gurps Return Cards from Basic Set 2nd EditionFull description
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Companies with plants in multiple locations typically have the requirement to transfer stock between plants. The STO (stock transport order) process is used to handle this transfer systemati…Full description
Hon. Patricia A. Sto. Tomas vs Rey Salac, et. al 685 Phil. 245 (2012)Full description
This song is free for everybody, just asked for a copy. I just love this song. I've been trying to search for the composer of this song. unfortunately, haven't found him/her yet.Full description
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STO Configuration StepsFull description
Companies with plants in multiple locations typically have the requirement to transfer stock between plants. The STO (stock transport order) process is used to handle this transfer systematically i...Descripción completa
Companies with plants in multiple locations typically have the requirement to transfer stock between plants. The STO (stock transport order) process is used to handle this transfer systemati…Descripción completa
Return STO - SAP Overview Generally, Stock movement happens between storage location to storage location, plant to plant or company code to company code. Inclusion of delivery cost, tracking of transit stock can be achieved through STO. Stock shipped out of receiving plant to customer /retailer may receive back to the receiving plant as a return. gain, this return product has to be sent back to supply plant for any rectification, because customer shipping plant can!t rectify the product. This document shall address how the return process happens in STO.
Business Need • •
"roduct return from #ustomer "roduct damage during transit
Process fow The process starts with the creation of $ormal STO till the receipt of return product by issuing plant.
Normal STO: % Create STO % Create shipment delivery % "ost Goods Receipt % #reate &illing 'if applicable( % "ost Invoice (if applicable) Return STO: % #reate )eturn STO % #reate shipment delivery - Post Goods Receipt in MM Rote % "ost Goods )eceipt in S* )oute % #reate &illing 'if applicable( % "ost #redit Invoice 'if applicable(
Key organization structure #ompany code + --- 'Intra company code( Supply plant Storage loc + -- ---0 )eceiving plant storage loc + 1-- ---2 warehouse number % 'if applicable( Normal STO Process
3420$5 STO of 6& document type is created with the 7ty 2--.
890-&5 Outbound delivery is created
89-2$5 "ost Goods issue % "rere7uisite create Transfer order 'Optional(
Transfer order is created.
"ost goods issue in 89-2$ is done.
"O history shows complete inter company STO process.
Stock overview shows, 2-- 7ty. is transferred to plant 1-- 'storage location ---2( through STO with delivery.
Out of 2-- :ty, 0-- :ty is issued to #ustomer 'through 33 )oute(
Stock 7ty reduced in plant 1-- 'shipping plant to customer(
#ustomer reported defect in shipped 7ty of 0--. The 7ty of 2-- received back to the plant 1--
Stock is received back to plant 1--. $ow this 7ty 0-- needs to be sent back to supplying plant -- for rectification.
Return STO Process 3420$5 )eturn STO is created with the same parameters like normal STO. )eturn indicator needs to be selected.
3*-5 Stock list in )eceiving plant shows negative 7ty due to return
890-&5 *elivery for return STO is created.
3IGO % G)5 Goods receipt is performed with reference to the outbound delivery. here, system automatically default 0;0 movement type based on return indicator in return STO.
3&1T5 fter goods receipt against outbound delivery, return stock is placed in stock in transit.
89-2$5 "ost Goods receipt is done ' <"ost Goods issue< in case of normal S TO(
342$5 The complete return history is shown below. movement type related to intracompany STO are 0;0 and ;=0 'in case of inter company STO movement types are 0;0 and ;=(
33&45 Stock overview shows defect product is being returned to supply plant '--(
>or intra company code STO return, the process ends with posting goods receipt in 89-2$. In case of inter company code STO, the process ends with internal credit memo because of billing.
onclusion ?ith the above process and customi@ation steps, S" logistics consultants would understand the return STO process and hopefully this would serve a better content for them .