?. ons onsue uelo lo @rt @rti! i!a a . +ell +elly y Bous Bouste tea' a' 9. *u$a *u$ann nne e ,ac ,acob oby y 8. 5sui *e *eiko C. Gert Gertru ru'e 'e Beck Becket ettt 7D. )ose'hine 7D. )ose'hine (rac*enmarrie' (rac*enmarrie' an' li0e' /ith in 1apitan
CHAPTER 16 Various Various Titles Tit les “First Filipino” –Leon Ma. Guerrero (in his book of the same title) “Great Malayan” – because of his race “Philippine Patriot” – Austin rai! (one of the "rst bio!raphers of #i$al) !reat e%emplar& a mo'el Filipino to many Filipinos only national hero of the Phils. – to most Filipinos a!alo! a!alo! hrist hrist or a saint saint – realm realm of the supernatural •
• •
Titles which denigrate Rizal “Last *paniar'” *paniar'” – +ick ,oa-uin (contrast to Guerreros First Filipino) #i$al up to his last moment 'eclare' that he /as not a traitor to *pain #i$al aske' not to be shot at the back because he ne0er betraye' *pain consi'ere' him a traitor an' *paniar's consi'ere' an in!rate for ha0in! stu'ie' in *panish institutions an' he use' his kno/le'!e to sprea' e0il propa!an'a a!ainst *pain. #i$als family bene"tte' from 1ominican A'ministrators of alamba 2state onser0ati0e *paniar's sa/ #i$al as a “rabble rouser” “Filipino 3amlet” –for his contra'ictin! 0ie/s “an Americansponsore' hero” –author an' historian #enato onstantino others score' #i$al for his wanderlust /omani$er #i$al /as the father of A'olf 3itler an' Mao 4e'on! •
• •
• • •
+as Rizal desering to be the ,ational Hero @ther national heroesE 7. An An'r 'res es Boni Bonifa faci cio o ne0er /on a sin!le battle 'urin! ' urin! Phil. #e0olution si'in! /ith one faction le' to his ouster as lea'er an' his e%ecution by fello/ Filipinos :. 2mil 2milio io ,aci ,acint nto o <. Ap Apol olin inar ario io Mabi Mabini ni >. Marc Marcel elo o 3. 3. 1el 1el Pil Pilar ar 2milio A!uinal'o ple'!e' alle!iance to 5* a month after bein! capture' in Palanan& sabela apparatus tryin! to seek collaboration of Filipinos /ith ,apanese The -ili'ino “Ha$let” fa0ore' Reolution fa0ore' Reolution an' at times stuck to Re!or$s re0olutionbloo' re0olutionbloo' in his han'sH reformhopeless hopes for reforms but 'espairs /hen not obtainin! these pre'icts re0olution but fears its comin! Filipinos mi!ht be morally unprepare' /hen in'epen'ence is obtaine' “The slaes o! toda% $ight be the t%rants o! to$orrow”#i$al to$orrow” #i$al a'0ocate' "rst the inculcation of moral 0irtues •
• •
The “Loes” o! Rizal #i$als relationships /ere mostly serial relationships simultaneous relationship /ith Leonor Valenzuela" Valenzuela" Vicenta #bardaloza and Leonor Riera /hen he /as a stu'ent in 5* but he settle' /ith Leonor #i0era (he remaine' faithful) often en'e' painfully for him har' for him to reco0er& faile' to tell *e!un'a 6ati!bak his feelin!s in 7898 Leonor #i0era /as !oin! to marry English$an Henr% &i''ing& &i''ing & he /rote to (lu$entritt that (lu$entritt that he felt like losin! his min' accor'in! to Trinidad& Trinidad& #i$al /as center of attraction& able to mi% /ith them an' chaperone' chaperone' them on their shoppin! trips 7. *e!u *e!un' n'a a 6ati 6ati!b !bak ak :. Leon Leonor or ;al ;alen en$u $uel ela a <. ;icen icenta ta =ba =bar' r'al alo$ o$a a >. Leono eonorr #i0er i0era a Lesser *nown3 7. ,uli ,ulia a chil chil'h 'hoo oo' ' crush •
• •
+as Rizal an A$erican.$ade Hero/ many Filipinos subscribe' to this belief they belie0e' that he ne0er fa0ore' re0olution or in'epen'ence for the Phils. instea' he fa0ore' a -uiet e0olutionary process that in0ol0es e'ucation. 3istorian Esteban de 0ca$'o attribute' the American han' in choosin! #i$al o0er all other heroes to the statement ma'e by o2 en2 +illia$ Howard Ta!t a''resse' Ta!t a''resse' to the Filipino members of Phili''ine Co$$ission Trinidad Pardo de Taera" (enito Legarda an' )ose an' )ose Luzurriaga. Luzurriaga. “An' no/ !entleman& you must ha0e a national hero.” • •
onsi'ere' in the 'eliberation of merits /ereE Marcelo 3. 1el I#i$al /as the choice of Pilar the committee General Antonio Luna 2milio ,acinto
Graciano Lope$ ,aena An'res Bonifacio
Gen. 2milio A!uinal'o issue' a 'ecree on 4ec2 5" 1787 'eclarin! 1ec.
from its oppressors an' /ill lea' the belie0ers to a utopian society. belie0e' that the Phils. /ill be the ne/ ,erusalem b2 :anta ;glesia hea'e' by -eli'e :alador or A'o ;'e belie0e' that #i$al /as a supernatural bein!. 3e /as capture' an' sentence' to 'ie in 7CD9 le' an arme' stru!!le a!ainst the Americans in the early :D th century 3is follo/ers reporte' seein! their 'ea' lea'er talkin! /ith #i$al >2 :a$bahang Rizal ?Rizal
[email protected] establishe' by (asilio Aro$in in uyapo& +ue0a 2ciJa tau!ht his follo/ers to honor #i$al /ho /as appointe' by Bathala to re'eem the Filipino race. also sai' that #i$al /as like hrist /ho oKre' his life to sa0e mankin'.
Rizal Eleated to the :u'ernatural/ 12 ;glesia -ili'ina ;nde'endiente< Phil2 ;nde'endent Church consi'ere' him as one of its saints foun'er ;sabelo de los Re%es a'0ocate' “canoni$ation” of #i$al alon! /ith < martyre' priests :e't2 5=" 18>they /ere canoni$e' ;sabelo de los Re%es" )r2 (became @bispo Ma%imo or *upreme Bishop of the hurch) sai' that the canoni$ation of #i$al /as an e%pression of intensely nationalistic phase of the 'e0elopment of church an' #i$al is presently not anymore honore' as a saint of the church
=2 (athalis$o ?;nang 9ahiwaga@ the name of the !roup 'eri0e' from Bathala foun'e' by Venancio P2 +agan man must sa0e his soul to reap happiness in &alualhatian /hile e0il ones /oul' be con'emne' to eternal pain in Casanaan hrist /as reincarnate' throu!h #i$al #i$al /as not kille' instea' he left the Philippines for hina 'is!uise' as a hinese. teaches that the Philippines is for Filipinos only an' that there shoul' be no rich or poor Philippines /ill become a kin!'om an' all monarchs /ill come from here e%iste' in Mt. Banaha/& 1olores& Mt. Arayat (Pampan!a) an' Mt. *an 1ie!o (Batan!as)& all consi'ere' as holy mountains man has < spiritsE 7. Caluluuaintelli!ent soul :. 4iwasensiti0e soul <. La%go0e!etati0e soul
52 9illennarian grou's consi'ere' #i$al as another Tagalog Christ (Kristong Tagalog) they /ere forme' because of the belief that at the en' of a millenium or century& the /orl' /ill en' an' a messiah /oul' arri0e to re'eem the /orl'. @nly belie0ers /oul' be sa0e'. A'olinario 4e la Cruz (3ermano Pule) –foun'er of Co!radia de :an )ose portraye' to be hristlike& e%ecute' by -uarterin! like the biblical lamb taken to the slau!hter.
2Adarnista A6A ;glesiang Pili'ina foun'e' by Candida (alantac (nan! A'arna& C<year ol' /i'o/) #i$al is a !o' of Filipino peopleH he /as a true !o' an' true man hea0en an' hell e%ist an' are /ithin us ca0es of (ongabon" ,uea EciBa ('/ellin! place of ,eho0ah or Go') four persons in Go' namelyE the Father& the *on& the 3oly *pirit an' the Mother abo'e of the sectE ca0es of Bon!abon
a2 Anting.anting grou's in 9t2 (anahaw #i$al /oul' one 'ay return as the messiah of the Filipinos an' /ill re'eem the nation
62:agrada -ili'ina e%istin! in an'elaria& ue$on foun'ersE Puricacion an' :eero Aiela
belie0es that there are > persons in one Go'E the Father& the Mother (Mary)& the son (hrist) an' the 3oly *pirit #i$al is the secon' hrist an' /ill succee' hrist in the secon' comin! there is no hell an' the suKerrin!s of this /orl' maybe consi'ere' as hell borro/e' only the sacrament of baptism an' there are no other sacraments an' no ministers asi'e from late foun'ers D2+atawat ng Lahi on the hill calle' Lecheria (outsi'e alamba) establishe' by Arsenio de uz$an an' )ose (aricanosa in Masbate in 7C7>& transferre' in Lecheria in 7C< re!istere' in the Bureau of ommerce in May 7C>> 'e Gu$man /as #i$al himself #i$al 'i' not 'ie an' present in the +e/ ,erusalem (Mt. Makilin! to Mt. Banaha/ mas has soul but is 'iKerent from #i$al /ho is !o'. • •
All sects ha' borro/in!s from atholicism ommon 'enominatorE 7) oncept of a man !o'& :) re'emption a/aits man at the en'& <) *ense of patriotism The -oreign View o! Rizal *outheast Asian peoples sa/ #i$al as e%emplar of Malayan race. “Renaissance $an” 1eputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar ;brahi$& pointin! to #i$als 0irtue of selfimpro0ement Phili''ine Reolution Asias "rst nationalist mo0ement for in'epen'ence inspire' 9ohandas andhi (n'ia) an' :un #at.sen (hina) .:at%agrahanon0iolent approach rule' by truth (Gan'hi) #i$al Monument in iamen& hina (homelan' of 1omin!o Lamco) :uehiro Techo translate' +oli Me an!ere to ,apanese Mi 5ltimo A'ios /as -uote' in the halls of the 5* on!ress by #epresentati0e Henr% Allen Coo'er to con0ince la/makers that Filipinos /ere not barbarians “How could these people be savages when there is one among them who wrote a work this sublime?” Phil. @r!anic Act of 7CD:allo/in! formation of Phil. Le!islature compose' of FilipinosH con0ene' in 7CD9 2urope 'iKerent streets Berlin “ )ose Rizal :tra(e” (*trasse) *painreplica of Luneta monument in Ma'ri'
o2 PolaieBa an' Archbisho' ,ozaleda ha0e a han' in #i$als 'eath they blame' the “(lac* :'ain” for the 'eath Phili''ine 4isaster (Desastre Filipina) lost of the Philippines #omania #i$al /as compare' to its national poet 9ihai E$inescuH a monument /as setup in Bucharest (#omanias capital) The :tor% o! the Rizal 9onu$ents 12 4aet" Ca$arines ,orte 7st monument in 78C8 by fello/ masons inau!uarate' on 1ec.
2 A$erican Colonization Act ,o2 5=> *ept. :8& 7CD7 !rantin! use of public lan' in Luneta for statue of #i$al monument committeeE 7. eo'oro #. =an!co :. Mariano LimJap <. Ma%imino Paterno >. #amon Genato ?. 1r. Ariston Bautista . omas G. 1el #osario international 'esi!n competition for the monument laste' 7CD? to 7CD9 propose' monument P7DD&DDD there /ere >D entries 1st 'rize . Al 9artir de (agu$ba%an GP" (talian Carlos ,icoli) /as not implemente' because he /as not able to raise fun's 5nd Prize 9otto :tella GP5" (Richard &issling of */it$erlan') implemente' monument /as inau!urate' 1ec.
n 7C7& in commemoration of the birth centenary of #i$al& Architect )uan ,a*'il built a stainless steel '%lon built aroun' obelisk but later on remo0e'. ransferre' to the boun'ary of Parana-ue an' Pasay ity alon! #o%as bl0'. until 7C8Ds. #i$als remains /ere taken by &nights o! Rizal from ,arcisas house in Binon'o an'
taken to the *ala Marmol (Marble 3all) of A%unta$iento (uilding in ntramuros on 1ec. :C& 7C7:H remains staye' in an o0erni!ht 0i!il before taken by 5* stu'ents.