Case Description
GSM OSS Network Optimizers RNO - Radio Network Optimization
INTRODUCTION: GSM OSS Network Optimizers, LZU 108 5963, is a taskoriented course with instructor support. It is intended for people who will use RNO, R-PMO and PMR. This document contains exercises for the R-PMO. The Learning Product is task-oriented and consists of 7 cases.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the Learning Product the student will be able to: •
Handle Recording Activities for all RNO applications
Handle Recording Results for all RNO applications
GSM OSS Network Optimizers
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Case Description
Case Description
Table of Contents Topic
CASE 1: RNO COMMON FUNCTIONS .................................................1 EVENT 1.1 RNO ON-LINE HELP .................................................................................. 2 EVENT 1.2 RNO MAIN WINDOW ................................................................................. 2 EVENT 1.3 RNO SYSTEM PARAMETERS .................................................................. 2 EVENT 1.4 SORT AND FILTER .................................................................................... 3 EVENT 1.5 CREATE A NEW CELL SET....................................................................... 3 EVENT 1.6 CREATE A NEW FREQUENCY SET......................................................... 4
CASE 2: MRR - MEASUREMENT RESULT RECORDING ...................5 EVENT 2.1 CREATE NEW MRR RECORDING............................................................ 6 EVENT 2.2 SETTING MRR REPORTS PREFERENCES............................................. 6 EVENT 2.3 THE OVERVIEW REPORT ........................................................................ 7 EVENT 2.4 OTHER REPORTS ..................................................................................... 7 EVENT 2.5 SIGNAL QUALITY SURVEILLANCE.......................................................... 8 EVENT 2.6 A STRATEGY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................... 9
CASE 3: NCS - NEIGHBOURING CELL SUPPORT ...........................10 EVENT 3.1 CREATE AND SCHEDULE A NEW NCS RECORDING ......................... 11 EVENT 3.2 SETTING NCS REPORT PREFERENCES/OPTIONS ............................ 11 EVENT 3.3 FIND NEW POSSIBLE NEIGHBOURS .................................................... 12 EVENT 3.4 REMOVE POOR NEIGBHOUR RELATIONS .......................................... 12 EVENT 3.5 PROBABLE NEIGHBOURING CELL REPORT ....................................... 13 EVENT 3.6 UPDATE NETWORK USING NCS CHANGE ORDER ............................ 13
CASE 4: NOX - NEIGHBOURING CELL LIST OPTIMIZATION EXPERT ...............................................................................................14 EVENT 4.1 CREATE A NEW NOX RECORDING FROM AN EXISTING ONE .......... 15 EVENT 4.2 HANDLING THE CHANGE ORDER RECOMMENDATION .................... 15
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GSM OSS Network Optimizers EVENT 4.3 GENERATE A NOX RECORDING RESULT FROM AN EXISTING NCS RECORDING....................................................................................................... 15 EVENT 4.4 THE BARRING MATRIX........................................................................... 16
CASE 5: FAS - FREQUENCY ALLOCATION SUPPORT ...................17 EVENT 5.1 CREATE AND SCHEDULE A FAS NEW RECORDING .......................... 18 EVENT 5.2 IMPROVE FREQUENCY ALLOCATION IN CELLS................................. 18 EVENT 5.3 COMPARING INTERFERENCE BEFORE AND AFTER REALLOCATION OF FREQUENCIES ........................................................................ 19 EVENT 5.4 USING ICDM TO GET A GOOD BASE FOR FREQUENCY PLANNING................................................................................................................... 19
CASE 6: FOX - FREQUENCY ALLOCATION OPTIMIZATION EXPERT ...............................................................................................20 EVENT 6.1 HANDLING AN UPLINK FOX RECOMMENDATION RECORDING ............................................................................................................... 21 EVENT 6.2 HANDLING AN UPLINK AND DOWNLINK FOX AUTOMATIC RECORDING ............................................................................................................... 21
CASE 7: TET - TRAFFIC ESTIMATION TOOL ...................................22 EVENT 7.1 CREATE A TET RECORDING AND SELECT TEST FREQUENCIES ........................................................................................................... 23 EVENT 7.2 THE OVERVIEW REPORT ...................................................................... 23 EVENT 7.3 THE TET TRAFFIC LEVEL AND OFF-LOAD REPORT .......................... 24 EVENT 7.4 THE TRAFFIC LEVEL CHART OF SURROUNDING CELLS .................. 24
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Case Description
Objectives The objective of this case is to become familiar with the RNO On-line Help and use it to learn about common functions for all RNO applications.
Description This case will instruct in how to: - Use RNO On-line Help - Handling system parameters - Handle Recording Activities - Handle Recording Results - Create new Cell and Frequency Sets
Resources During the case you may have use of the following resource: RNO On-line Help
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GSM OSS Network Optimizers
EVENT 1.1 RNO ON-LINE HELP Examine how to use the RNO On-line Help. Guidance: Start the RNO application Select the Help menu (in the upper right corner) Select Using Help…
EVENT 1.2 RNO MAIN WINDOW The RNO main window is divided into two sections, one for Recording Activities and one for Recording Results. For all RNO applications new Recordings are started and Results are edited from this main window. Answer the following questions: Which are the different statuses for Recording Activities and Recording Results? What is the difference between a terminated and a stopped recording? Which information is to be found in the Recording Log? From the Option menu it is possible to set preferences for all RNO applications. What is controlled by the settings in the preferences? Guidance: Use the RNO On-line Help
EVENT 1.3 RNO SYSTEM PARAMETERS MRR uses a number of RNO System Parameters in order to determine how the application will work. –2–
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The RNO System Parameters dialogue box is opened by selecting the corresponding menu item, in the Options menu in the RNO main window. Examine which parameters that are common for all RNO applications Guidance: Use RNO On-line Help
EVENT 1.4 SORT AND FILTER Recording Activities and Recording Results can be filtered to show a limited number of files. Use the sort and filter function to produce a list containing only MRR Recordings and Results sorted according to start time. Guidance: View menu Select Sort and Filter (Press Help button)
EVENT 1.5 CREATE A NEW CELL SET A Cell Set is a group of cells used during a recording. The Cell Sets are common for all RNO applications. Create a new cell set. Guidance: Options menu Select Cell Sets… (Press Help button)
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EVENT 1.6 CREATE A NEW FREQUENCY SET It is also possible to create common sets of frequencies for the RNO applications. Create a new frequency set. Guidance: Options menu Select Frequency Sets… (Press Help button)
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Case Description
CASE 2: MRR - MEASUREMENT RESULT RECORDING Objectives: Be able to use MRR as a tool for tuning and troubleshooting of the GSM Network.
Description This case will help you to learn how to: - Create and schedule a new MRR recording - Generate and manage reports - Use reports for tuning Network Performance - Use reports for troubleshooting
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [1] Measurement Result Recording (MRR), User Guide 1553-CRA 114 28 Uen J1
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GSM OSS Network Optimizers
EVENT 2.1 CREATE NEW MRR RECORDING Create and schedule a new MRR recording for at least two time periods. Select an existing Cell Set or create your own. Explain the difference between the options in the “Get Result” field. What is the difference between recordings with and without Recording Thresholds? How will Recording Thresholds affect the Recording Result. It is possible to export an RNO Recording Results into a tab separated format. How can this be done and where is the export file stored?
Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [1], section 4.2
An MRR recording generates eight different reports. The layout of the reports is controlled by the default settings in the preferences. But the reports can later be reconfigured and customized to show desired Radio Characteristics. View the preferences for the eight reports. In the preferences window there is a ninth tab (Stat. Calculations). What is its purpose? Customize the preferences (in your own way) for the Overview report: Apply some statistical criteria (Stat. Calculation tab) and examine how this affects the possibilities to customize the overview report. –6–
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Case Description
Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [1], section 5.1. Use RNO On-line Help to find out about acceptable values.
EVENT 2.3 THE OVERVIEW REPORT The Overview Report shows the statistics of the measured Radio Characteristics. It is mainly used to identify cells for further investigations. Open the results of an existing MRR recording. Is it corresponding to the default settings defined in the previous event? Customize the report to show the following information: – Number of measurement reports – RXQUAL UL – RXQUAL DL – Traffic level average Use the View menu (options) to rearrange your data and create other Overview reports. Which reports can be opened from the inside of the Overview report window?
Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [1], section 5.7
EVENT 2.4 OTHER REPORTS There exist seven MRR reports, each with its own layout. From inside the report it is possible to view different Radio Characteristics. Use the view menu for this purpose. Notice that the dialog box is not the same for all reports. 02/03821-LZU 108 5963
GSM OSS Network Optimizers
Examine one by one the other (seven) reports. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [1], for the MRR: - Overview Histogram
section 5.9
- Top Ten Chart
section 5.8
- Cell Histogram
section 5.10
- Comparison Report
section 5.11
- Comparison Chart
section 5.12
- Cell Comparison Histogram section 5.13 - Trend Report
section 5.14
EVENT 2.5 SIGNAL QUALITY SURVEILLANCE MRR is a multipurpose tool and it is always up the user to decide how to use it for tuning and troubleshooting. The intention of this event is to give an example of how MRR can be used for Signal Quality surveillance. Guidance: Perform a regular recording for a part of the network that includes up to 2000 cells, and run the recording during busy hour every day for a few days. Get the results after the recording is done.
For company management
Open an MRR Overview Histogram to get a general overview of the speech quality in the network.
For Cell planners or Network Optimizers
Open an MRR Top Ten Chart to show the 10 best or the 10 worst cells.
Open an MRR Overview Report to show the UL and DL quality in the cells.
Open an MRR Histogram for cells that require further investigations.
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Case Description
Use resource [1] for detailed instructions of: MRR Overview Report, section 5.9 MRR Top Ten Chart, section 5.8 MRR Overview Report, section 5.7 MRR Cell Histogram, section 5.10
EVENT 2.6 A STRATEGY FOR TROUBLESHOOTING The real benefits of MRR become obvious when it is used to determine correlation between different Radio Characteristics. The purpose of this event is to illustrate a strategy for troubleshooting. Identify a Cell with a problem and find the probable cause to the problem
Guidance: Make several recordings on the same Cell or Cell set. Open a Trend report to se whether Signal Quality and/or Signal Strength is getting worse. If necessary do another recording using one or two thresholds
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GSM OSS Network Optimizers
CASE 3: NCS - NEIGHBOURING CELL SUPPORT Objectives: Be able to use the NCS tool to optimize neighbouring cell relations.
Description This case will help you learn how to: -
Create and schedule a new NCS recording
Generate and manage reports
Find new possible Neighbours
Remove unnecessary Neighbours
Update Network with new Neigbour Relations
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [2] Neighbouring Cell Support (NCS), User Guide 1553-CRA 114 13 Uen N2
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Case Description
Create a new NCS recording scheduled to run every day between 07.00-09.00 and 16.00-18.00. Convince yourself of how the setting of the following parameters affects the recording: -
Relative SS
Absolute SS
BA-list change interval (minutes)
Number of Test frequencies to add at each interval
Select an existing Cell Set or create your own. Select frequencies from the first order neighbouring cells and add to them some extra test frequencies. Check NCS system parameters. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [2], section 4.1
EVENT 3.2 SETTING NCS REPORT PREFERENCES/OPTIONS Select an NCS recording. Use the preferences to create a layout you find suitable for the Overview and Cell Report. What is the difference between preferences and options? Guidance: use resource [2], section 5.6 and 5.7
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EVENT 3.3 FIND NEW POSSIBLE NEIGHBOURS The Results from a recording are presented in the: - Overview Report - Cell Report - Cell Report Chart - Detailed Cell Report a, Study and try to understand the contents of these reports. b, Investigate which Reports and data that can be helpful if you want to identify new neighbours. Guidance: a, Use resource [2], section 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 b, Open the Overview Report – find a cell with a high value in the column “Time Best Undefined Neighb. was Reported.” Open the Cell Report – compare column “Reports above Rel. SS Threshold (%)”, “Reports Ranked as no 1 (%) and average SS when no 1” Open the Detailed Cell Report – check e.g. Ranking.
EVENT 3.4 REMOVE POOR NEIGBHOUR RELATIONS Open a NCS Cell Report and see if there are any Neighbour Relations to remove. Guidance: If the number of Handover attempts and the success rate is low for a Neighbour Relation, than it can be a candidate for removal.
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EVENT 3.5 PROBABLE NEIGHBOURING CELL REPORT The measurement results that are received from the mobile stations contain the BCCH and BSIC from neighbouring cells. The names of the most likely neighbours that have been recorded are listed in the Probable Cell column. Often there are duplicates of the BCCH/BSIC combination. Select the report used in event 3.3 (where new Neighbour Relations were identified). Use the Probable Cell Report to check if the suggested Probable Cell is thrust worthy. Which are the most in important parameters in the algorithm used to find the Probable cell?
Guidance: Use resource [2] section 5.5
When a Handover Candidate is identified in The NCS Cell Report it can be added to the NCS Change Order. The implementation of the Change Order is carried out by CNA (Cellular Network Administrator). Select from a NCS Cell Report some of cells suggested as new neighbours and export them to CNA. Guidance: Use resource [2], section 8.1
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GSM OSS Network Optimizers
Objectives: Be able to use the NOX tool for optimization of Cell Neighbour Relations in recommendation or automatic mode.
Description This case will help you to learn how to: -
Create and schedule a new NOX recording
Handle the change order recommendation
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [2] Neighbouring Cell Support (NCS), User Guide 1553-CRA 114 13 Uen N2
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EVENT 4.1 CREATE A NEW NOX RECORDING FROM AN EXISTING ONE Use the copy function to create a new NOX recording from an existing one. The NOX new recording window slightly differs from the NCS. Investigate how the setting of the parameters in the input fields: Type, Algorithm Options and Evaluation Period affects the recording. Check NOX system parameters. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [2], section 6.1 and 6.0.
EVENT 4.2 HANDLING THE CHANGE ORDER RECOMMENDATION The result from a NOX recommendation recording is a list containing suggestions for addition of new or removal of old Neighbour Relations. Open the result of a NOX Recommendation recording and study the Change Order Recommendation. Do not forget to examine the Change Order Evaluation report. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [2], section 7.1 and 7.2
EVENT 4.3 GENERATE A NOX RECORDING RESULT FROM AN EXISTING NCS RECORDING Use an existing NCS recording to generate a NOX change order recommendation Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [2], section 3.6
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EVENT 4.4 THE BARRING MATRIX It is possible, for various reasons, that NOX recommendations cannot be accepted. For this purpose there exists a file (the Barring Matrix) containing information about Neighbour Relations that should be mandatory or barred. Edit the Barring Matrix files and investigate if there are any restrictions specified. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [2], section 7.5
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Case Description
CASE 5: FAS - FREQUENCY ALLOCATION SUPPORT Objectives: To be able to use the FAS tool for optimiztion of the frequency plan on both Uplink and Downlink.
Description This case will help you to learn how to -
Create and schedule a new FAS recording
Improve frequency allocation in cells
Compare interference before and after reallocation of frequencies
Use ICDM to get a good base for frequency planning
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [3] Frequency Allocation Support, User Guide 1553-CRA 114 12 Uen J2
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EVENT 5.1 CREATE AND SCHEDULE A FAS NEW RECORDING Create a FAS new recording to generate a new FAS result and a new ICDM and estimated PIT with a new cell set and a new frequency set. Schedule the recording to start in 10 minutes. Check FAS system parameters.
Guidance: Use resource [3], section 4.1
EVENT 5.2 IMPROVE FREQUENCY ALLOCATION IN CELLS Practice how to improve network performance by analyzing the recording results and ordering frequency changes in the CNA application. Guidance: Use resource [3], section 5.5, 5.6, 5.12, 9.1 Select the Recording Results tab in the RNO main window and choose a recording result with Type: FAS and Status: complete Open a FAS Overview report to see if there are needs for frequency changes in the cells If there are, select the cells and open a FAS Cell Report/Chart Check if recorded data are reliable in FAS Uplink Validity Report Select the frequencies to be reallocated and add changes to Change Order Export to Planned Area in CNA
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EVENT 5.3 COMPARING INTERFERENCE BEFORE AND AFTER REALLOCATION OF FREQUENCIES After frequency changes, verification of the changes is needed by means of comparing two recordings made before and after the frequency reallocation. Note that the recordings to be compared must use the same cell set and frequency set. It is recommended to use the same periods of time as well. Guidance: Use resource [3], Section 5.10, 5.11 Select the Recording Results tab in the RNO main window and select two completed FAS recordings to be compared Open a FAS Overview Comparison report Select the cells, one at a time, to open a FAS Cell Comparison report Check the improvements
EVENT 5.4 USING ICDM TO GET A GOOD BASE FOR FREQUENCY PLANNING Practice how to record measurements to build up an ICDM to see which cells interfere each other the most. The result can be exported to a cell-planning tool as a good base for frequency planning. Explain the difference between setting up a new ICDM recording and use an Existing ICDM. Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [3], Section 4.1, Define a new FAS recording to create an initial ICDM or use an existing one to improve quality Analyze the FAS ICDM report
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CASE 6: FOX - FREQUENCY ALLOCATION OPTIMIZATION EXPERT Objectives To be able to use the FOX tool for optimization of frequency plan in recommended or automatic mode.
Description This case will help you to learn how to •
Use an uplink FOX recommendation recording
Use an uplink and downlink FOX automatic recording
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [3] Frequency Allocation Support, User Guide 1553-CRA 114 12 Uen J2
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Case Description
EVENT 6.1 HANDLING AN UPLINK FOX RECOMMENDATION RECORDING Practice how to use FOX recommendation mode to optimize frequency allocation. Check FOX system parameters.
Guidance: Use resource [3] Important steps: Create an uplink FOX recommendation recording
chapter 7
Reallocation search settings dialog box
section 7.1
Using FOX Change Order Recommendation
section 8.1
Use CNA to update frequency changes into network
section 9.1
EVENT 6.2 HANDLING AN UPLINK AND DOWNLINK FOX AUTOMATIC RECORDING Practice how to use FOX automatic mode to optimize frequency allocation. Guidance: Use resource 3 Important steps: Define and schedule an uplink and downlink FOX automatic recording, section 7 (what is different compared to previous event)
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Using the Evaluation Period
section 7.3
Using the FOX Change Order Evaluation
section 8.2
Using the Reallocation Log
section 8.3 – 21 –
GSM OSS Network Optimizers
CASE 7: TET - TRAFFIC ESTIMATION TOOL Objectives: Be able to use TET tool to find the best spot for a new site.
Description This case will help you to learn how to: -
Create and schedule a TET recording
Select test frequencies
Use TET reports
Resources OSS R9.1 Active Library Explorer. [4] Traffic Estimation Tool (TET), 1553-CRA 114 57 Uen G1
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Case Description
EVENT 7.1 CREATE A TET RECORDING AND SELECT TEST FREQUENCIES Create a new TET recording scheduled for three time periods. Define at least two different test locations including BCCH and BSIC. Check FOX system parameters.
Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [4], section 4.1
EVENT 7.2 THE OVERVIEW REPORT The Overview Report contains only information pertaining to one Test Transmitter, which is selected in the Open Report window. This window is opened automatically when an Overview Report is opened. Select any TET Recording Result and open the Overview report. Explain how the information in each column should be interpreted. Is any available information filtered in the TET preferences? Is there any possibility to filter the amount of information further, for example, if the number of investigated cells is high?
Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [4], section 5.1 Use the RNO On-line Help
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EVENT 7.3 THE TET TRAFFIC LEVEL AND OFF-LOAD REPORT This Report is used to analyse how the Test Transmitter affects the traffic situation in one single cell for each recording period. Study the Traffic and Off-Load Level Report for a cell that looks interesting. The report is based on either the Absolute SS or Relative SS. What is the case in this report? How is the report base changed from Absolute SS to Relative SS or vice versa? Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [4], section 5.2 Make sure that a recording containing several recording periods is selected and that the box for Whole Recording is ticked in the Open Report window.
EVENT 7.4 THE TRAFFIC LEVEL CHART OF SURROUNDING CELLS This report is used to illustrate the traffic level and off-load for the surrounding cells using charts. Open the Traffic Level of Surrounding Cells report. Sort the chart with the most off-loaded cell to the left. For what purpose is the duplicate function used? Guidance: Follow the instructions in resource [4], section 5.3
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