Descripción: A concise description of traffic signs in Quebec
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ISO 39001Full description
Descripción: ISO 39001
Malaysia Road Traffic Volume Year 2011
final exam uthm
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One of the vital inventions of mankind is the traffic lights which up to the present are continuously still being modified for a more satisfactory result. Traffic lights are used to control …Full description
Descripción: Dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Engineering. 1. Introduction 2. Numerical Estimation of dynamic vehicle loads 3. Prediction of traffic...
Traffic Signal System Explained
Pathognomonic SignsFull description
Proske, D., Loos, S. Eurocode road traffic load models for weight restricted bridges, ESREL 2009, Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Applications – Briš, Guedes Soares & Martorell (eds), Tayl...
planet signs
Road Traffic Signs - Signals Basic Rules of the Road The rules enlisted under this category are to be meant for all the people sharing the roads. The idea behind form fo rmul ulat atin ing g su such ch ru rule les s is th that at the ro road ads s are mea ean nt no nott on only ly fo forr the dri riv ver ers s (i (in ncl clud udin ing g motorists/cyclists/motorcyclists), but are shared by the pedestrians and animals by the road side. The rules belonging to these categories are mandatory to be followed while using the roads. You can observe all the above-stated rules only if you are patient, considerate and careful..
Traffic Signals A traffic light, traffic signal or a stop light is a signaling device positioned at a road intersection to indicate when it is safe to wade through. The traffic signal passes on its information using a universal color code
Road Signals
Signs form a vital and integral part of the trafficking system for the safety of the road users. As per IRC (Indian Roads Congress) Road Signs are for indications on the road the road signs are categorized into 3 types:
Mandatory Signs or Regulatory Signs
Straight Prohibited or No Entry
One Way Sign
One Way Sign
Vehicle Prohibited in Both Directions
All Motor Vehicles Prohibited
Truck Prohibited
Bullock Cart Prohibited
Tonga Prohibited
Hand Cart Prohibited
Cycle Prohibited
Pedestrians Prohibited
Right turn Prohibited
Left Tturn Prohibited
U-Turn Prohibited
Overtaking Prohibited
Horn Prohibited
Bullock Cart & Cart Prohibited
Length Limit
Speed Limit
Load Limit
Height Limit
Width Limit
Axle Load Limit
Restriction Ends Sign
No Parking
No St Stopping or or St Standing
Compulsory Ahead Only
Compulsory Keep Left
Compu Com pulso lsory ry Tur Turn n Left Left
Compul Com pulso sory ry Ttu Tturn rn Righ Rightt
Compulsory Turn Right Ahead
Compulsory Turn Left Ahead
Compulsory Ahead or Turn Left
Compulsory Ahead or Turn Right
Compulsory Cycle Track
Compulsory Sound Horn
Cautionary or Warning or Precautionary Signs
Give Way
Righ Ri ghtt Ha Hand nd Cu Curv rve e
Left Le ft Ha Hand nd Cu Curv rve e
Righ Ri ghtt Ha Hair ir Pi Pin n Be Bend nd
Left Rev Revers erse e Ben Bend d
Steep Ste ep Asc Ascent ent
Steep Ste ep Des Descen centt
Narrow Narr ow Road Ahe Ahead ad
Road Roa d Wid Widenes eness s Ahe Ahead ad
Narrow Bridge
Slippery Road
Loose Gravel
Cycle Crossing
Pedestrian Crossing
School Ahead
Men at Work
Falling Rocks
Cro ss ss Road
Gap in Median
Side R oa oad Ri gh ght
Side Road L ef ef t
Y- In Intersection
Y- In Intersectio n
Y- In Intersection
T-In te te rs rsecti on on
Majo Ma jorr Ro Road ad Ah Ahea ead d Ma Majo jorr Ro Road ad Ah Ahea ead d
Roun Ro unda dabo bout ut
Left Le ft Ha Hair ir Pi Pin n Be Bend nd
Righ Ri ghtt Re Reve vers rse e Be Bend nd
Stagger ed ed In te ter se section Stag ge gered I nt ntersectio n
Dang Da nger erou ous s Di Dip p
Hump Hu mp or Ro Roug ugh h Ro Road ad
Barr Ba rrie ierr Ahe head ad
200 20 0 Me Metter ers s
50-1 50 -100 00 Me Mete ters rs
200 20 0 Me Metter ers s
Informatory Road Signs
Advanced Direction Sign
Re-Assurance Sign
Destination Sign
Place Identification Sign
First Aid Post
Resting Place
Eating Place
No Through Road
No Through Side Road
500-10 100 0 Me Mete ters rs
Park This Side
Park This Both Side
Parking Lot Taxis
Parking Lot Auto rickshaws
Parking Lot Cycle rickshaws
Parking Lot Cycles
Parking Lot Scooters and Motorcycle
Barrier Ahead
Hand Signals
Hand Signals or Manual Regulation Signs are the gestures used to regulate traffic on the road using the hand movements. movemen ts. Traffic policemen use these actions to Regula Regulate te traf traffic fic particu particularly larly at inters intersectio ections ns while the driver drivers s use these signals to Notify the other users on the road about his intentions. Based on the person these Can be categorized as:
Traffic Police Hand Signals
To start one sided vehicles
To stop vehicles coming from front
To stop vehicles approaching from behind
To stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from front and behind
To stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from right and left
To start vehicle approaching from left
To start vehicles coming from right
To change sign
To start one sided vehicles
To start vehicles on T-Point
To give VIP salute
To manage vehicles on T-Point
Hand Signals by Drivers
I intend to move in to the left or turn left
I intend to move out to the right or changing the lane or turn right
I intend to stop
I intend to slow down
Indicating the car following you to overtake
Road Markings and Pavement Markings
Road markings or pavement markings were introduced in 1920s. Initially, they were used to indicate the road's centerline. But, as they traffic increased, so did the roads and the lanes and later with the multi lane roads they were used to define lanes. With the times, they too have evolved a lot adorned with the information to aid motorists in passing saf ely ely..
Road Marking or Pavement Marking Signs
Centre Line Marking For A Two Lane Road
Lane Line And Broken Centre Line
Centre Barrier Line Marking For A Four Lane Road
Centre Barrier Line Marking For A Six Lane Road
Double White/Yellow Lines: Used where visibility is restricted in both directions. Neither stream of traffic is allowed to cross the lines.
Combination Of Solid And Broken Lines: •
If the line on your side is broken, you may cross or straddle it. OverTake - but only if it is safe to do so.
If the line on your side is continious you must not cross or straddle it.
Stop Line: A stop line is a single solid transverse line painted before the intersecting edge of the road junction/ intersection.This line indicates where you are required to stop when directed by traffic officer, traffic light of stop sign. Where a pedestrian crossing is provided, the stop line is marked before the pedestrian crossing.
Border or Edge Lines: These are continuous lines at the edge of the carriageway and mark the limits of the main carriageway upto which a driver can safely venture.
Parking Prohibited Lines: A solid continuous yellow line painted on the kerb or edge of the carriageway along with a "No-parking" sign indicates the extent of no-parking area.
Yellow Box Junctions or Keep Clear: These are yellow crossed diagonal lines within the box. The vehicles should cross it only if they have a clear space available ahead of the yellow box. In this marked area vehicles must not stop even briefly. Pedestrian Crossings These are alternate black and white stripes painted parallel to the road generally known as zebra crossing. Pedestrians must cross only at the point where these lines are provided and when the signal is in their favour at controlled crossings.You must stop and give way to pedestrians at these crossings. Pedestrian crossings are marked to facilitate and give the right of way to pedestrians.