Rotating equipment operating procedures: Centrifugal pumps start-up: Inspect whether all the mechanical jobs are over. motor during decoupling condition. No load test of the motor De-energie the motor for coupling with pump. Clean pump suction strainer and self coolant strainer !if an"# $stablish bearing cooling water flow $stablish seal steam s"stem. Commission seals coolant s"stems to seals and chec% for lea%s. Chec% bearing housing oil level and chec% the oil content is free of foreign material. Rotate the shaft b" hand for free movement. Chec% the coupling guard intact or not. Chec% the pump ba" is clean and clear. Chec% and remove all the foreign materials li%e cotton waste & used gas%ets 'nd bolts l"ing in and around pump area. (eep discharge valve and warm up valve in closed position. open suction valve slightl" and ensure that the casing is full of liquid b" priming. war m up condition b" opening warm up 'fter wards %eep the pump in warm valve slightl". Chec% for lea%s and open suction valve full".)ot bolting of flanges are to be done.Close the warm up valve. $nergie the motor and start the motor and chec% the pump direction & Rectif" if the direction is incorrect. Chec% the discharge pressure. *pen the discharge valve slowl" while watch the discharge pressure and 'mps in the ammeter. 'fter stead" state is attained chec% the flow &temperature of the bearings and vibration readings. Chec% for gland+seal lea%s for tightness. C,D related blinds on pumps are to be blinded. pdate the blind register.
hut down : /irst close the discharge valve then onl" stop the pump. 0hen to %eep warm up condition warm up valve is to be opened slightl". If the pump is to be released for maintenance proceed as follows Close suction warm-up and discharge valves. Close seal oil s"stems to pump. (eep the pump for cool down. /lush the pump content to C,D after deblinding the concerned blinds . Depressurise the pump for blinding. Close cooling water to bearings. Close seal steam s"stem. *pen pump bleeder and chec% for passing of valves before handing over to maintainance for blinding. ,lind suction&Discharge &warm-up seal oil and seal steam s"stems. Cut off electrical suppl" to pump motor before handing over to maintenance. 1ump under repair sign board is to be tagged +displa"ed.
0rouble shooting problems: ' . 1ump is not developing pressure due to improper priming or cavitation 2. Chec% bleed +vent pump casing. 3. Chec% the line up of the s"stem +suction. 4. Chec% the suction strainer. 5. Chec% the level where the pump is ta%ing suction. 6. Chec% pump coupling and pump rotation. 7. Chec% the temperature of the liquid. ,. nusual sounds 2. Chec% coupling gaurds. 3. Chec% pump&motor fan gland and motor guard. 4. Chec% for pump cavitation. 5. 8et it further chec%ed b" rotar" after stopping the pump.
C. Raise of bearing temperature:
2. Improper lubrication due to low oil level 3. Insufficient bearing cooling water to bearing housing. 4. top the pump if the temperature is more than 96 C and inform to rotar" to chec% the pump and to do acid cleaning of ,C; lines and bearing housing s"stem. D. nusual sounds : 2. Chec% the foundation bolts. 3. Chec% the fan cover for looseness. 4. top the pump to chec% alignment. $.
=anual up datation topic details I !a# 1umps > 0urbines seal repairs: 2. Isolate suction&discharge and warm up valves 3. 'llow the s"stem to cool down and then flush it with cutter to C,D through casing after removing blinds on cutter and C,D of the concerned. 4. 'fter ensuring the stoc% becomes light depressurie it to C,D +*;.*pen pump vent +D+d 18 point value for proper depressuriing. 5. ,linding is to be done for proper isolation on +C&D+&warm up &flushing oil &seal oil &seal steam and C,D lines and update blinds register. 6. isolate power to the pump. 7. Isolate steam to the turbine .If depressurie and blind it on steam side. 9. Issue permit &Decouple turbine +pump after ensuring the above. ?. (eep equipment under maintenance displa" board. Note: disconnect instrument thermocouples as per rotar". I !b# 'fter the seal replacement on pump + 0urbine: 2. Chec% ,C;& seal s"stem& seal oil s"stems and remove an" foreign materials in and around pump +turbine basements 3. Remove blinds on s+c &d+s &warm up & C,D& seal s"stems&seal oil and flushing oil. $nsure proper gas%ets are installed. 4. Close pump vent &open casing drain to *;+C,D. 0hrottle pump discharge 18 drain valve to remove air. 5. *pen flushing oil slightl" to fill casing and to remove air from D+ 18 point. 6. *nce oil is coming through D+ 18 point close it. 'lso close casing drain to C,D+ows and chec% pump blind flanges with /<* 1r !@ (g+Cm3# for lea%s. 7. Depressure the cutter to *;+C,D and open pump warm up valve slightl" for warm up condition!onl" for hot service pumps#. 9. 'llow rotar" to do hot alignment. ?. 'llow maintenance to do hot bolting on blind flanges.
@. 'fter hot alignment and coupling fiAing& chec% for free movement of shaft. 2.Chec% no load before coupling as per rotar"+$lectrical and isolate power. 22.'fter ensuring all the jobs are over power to motor is to be released . team blind to turbine is to be removed. 23.Chec% the direction of the motor while placing the pump+0urbine. 24.;hen all the above factors are o% place the pump +0urbine and see the performance. 25.%eep casing drain to C,D+*; blind. 26.$nsure updating of gas%ets and blind registers . 27.Remove equipment under maintenance displa" board. II !a# 1ump + 0urbine suction strainers cleaning repeat steps 2&3&4&5&6&7 and ?. !b# after pump+turbine suction strainers cleaned follow the steps 2&4&5&6&7&22&24&25&26 and 27. III !a#: <18+ Naphtha pumps repairs: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Isolate suction&discharge and warm up valves Isolate self coolant lines. Depressurie the content to flare through casing vent to flare . 1rovide steam hose connection pump D+ 18 point. 'fter ensuring gas is depressuried close casing vent to flare& *pen casing drain to *; and chec% if an" gas is coming. 7. *bserve passing of valves during depressuring to flare through of lines. 9. $nsuring s"stem is depressuried blind +C&D+ &self coolant &casing C,D+*; and flare s"stems &update blind register. ?. Isolate power to the pump and disconnect steam hose. @. Issue permit to rotar" to carr" out the seal replacement job. 2.(eep equipment under maintenance displa" board. Note: Inform instrument people to chec% and repair seal pot pressure and low level switches if an".
III !,#: ;hen seal replacement job is over 2. 1rovide steam hose at pump D+ 18 point. 3. Chec% self coolant s"stems. 4. Chec% and remove all foreign materials in and around pump basement area. 5. Remove blinds on +C &D+&self coolant s"stems. 6. *pen steam and pressure test the pump for blinding flange lea%s. 7. Close vents and bleeders. 9. During slight steam purge open suction valve and casing vent to flare for some time& and close steam completel". ?. Close casing vent to flare after some time. @. *pen casing drain to displace condensate if an". 2.,lind pump casing drain to *;+C,D. 22.chec% for no load test before fiAing coupling as per rotar" + electrical. 23.;hen all jobs are over release power to motor and chec% direction of pump. 24.1lace the pump online slowl" and chec% the performance. 25.$nsure updation of blind and gas%et registers. 26.Remove equipment under maintenance displa" board.
B, /eed suction +coarse+fine filters cleaning 2. Isolate strainers inlet and outlet valves. 3. 'llow the filters for some time to cool down !min 2 hr up to 3 hrs # 4. *pen flushing oil and flush the filter to C,D to dilute the stoc% for some time. ;hen stoc% is diluted close /<* and drain C,D+*;. 5. Realease to maintenance for cleaning after ensuring no valve is passing. 6. During depressuriing allow maintenance to do alternate bolting also.
trainer commissioning: 2. *nce the strainer is cleaned chec% the strainer ph"sicall" before fiAing. 3. 'llow the maintenance to fiA the strainer with new gas%et. pdate gas%et register. 4. 1resuure test the gas%et with flushing oil after fiAing and depressure it to C,D+*;. 5. lowl" open strainer I+< valve to displace the strainer content to C,D for some time. 6. 0hen slowl" open outlet valve and leave it for some time to ensure proper displacement of inside stoc% without atarving the running pump. 7. allow maintenance to do hot bolting of strainers flange. 9. ;hen ever"thing is normal then open inlet and outlet valves wide open and isolate the other one. (eep it as standb" after flushing. ?. (eep /<* and C,D blinds and update blind register.
Depressuriing&teaming and commissioning of coolers&condensers and eAchangers for tube lea%s 2. Isolate inlet and outlet valves. *n shell and tube and open b"pass valve. 3. Depressurie the content to C,D+*; after removing blind. 4. Cooling water is to be depressured to intermediate sewer. 5. 1rovide steam connection on shell side vent and start initial steaming. 6. 'fter ensuring sweat steam and non passing of isolation valves stop steaming and blind both sides shelland tube inlet and outlet lines and update blind register. 7. 'gain carr" out final steaming for 3 to 4 hrs then stop steam. 9. again put blinds. ?. 'llow maintainance to carr" tube lea% jobs. @. Care should be ta%en while bundle is pulled out and when fiAing and dropping of components. /or eAchanger : 2. Isolate I+< &*+<&warm up valves&0Bs on shell and tube sides and open b"pass. 3. team connections are to be given to vents and depressurie to C,D+*; on both sides. 4. $nsuring sweat steam and non passing of isolation valves blind both shell and tube sides I+< and *+l. 5. Release eAchanger for dropping components after closing steam valve. Disconnect it onl" after final staming for 3 to 4 hours. 6. ,lind C,D lines and update blind register. Commissioning of steam gens : 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.
'fter the maintenance jobs are over connect steam hoses on shell and tube side vents. Deblind the shell and tube sides. team test the blinding flanges at 6 to 7 (g+Cm 3. ;hen there is no lea% deblind /<* and C,D blinds. Cutter flush to C,D+*;. Remove all steam hoses and cap off vents. ,uild up levels in steam gens and B32 upto 4 .
?. @.
22. 23.
24. 25.
26. 27. 29.
(eep steam gen vents open. 'fter filling with cutter displace cutter to C,D+*; with R through top of the bundle. $nsuring cutter is displaced open I+< and *+< valves slightl" %eeping b"pass in wide open condition.lowl" open I+< and *+< valves and slowl" close b"pass of one steam gen. (eep 53B32 warm up open. *bserve steam gen pressure and temperature and slowl" open steam *+< valves. lowl" close R side b"pass and steam gens one b" one online. Close local vent and %eep the steam pressure control on s"stem finall". Chec% for lea%s for flanges if an". ,lind C,D+*; and /<* lines. pdate gas%et and blind register.
)otwell off gas routing to 53 /2 : 2. Chec% all hotwell burners readiness. 3. Chec% the hot well off gas s"stem from hotwell to heater and flame arrestors. 4. Drain the liquid content at flame arrestoe and catch pot. 5. (eep the hotwell off gas plug coc% in close position. 6. Reset hotwell offgas DB and chec% the s"stem once again for lea%s and free of liquid content. 7. During this activit" one person at heater one person at hotwell and one person at feed pumps 1' has to coordinate with =*I person for effective operation . 9. $nsure the s"stem is o% and light up pilots of hotwell off gas burners and main gas fires before routing hotwell off gas. ?. (eep one hotwell off gas burner plug coc% valve open and close hot well vent slowl". @. $nsure hot well off gases are burning in the burner . *bserve this flame then light up all four burners. 2.lowl" close the hot well vent and observe the flame pattern in the heater. 22./inall" chec% the s"stem and vacuum of the column after routing.
ID fan placing : /ield observation : Chec% readiness of ID fan for lube oil level&motor&suction and discharge dampers openings&cooling water and circulating oil s"stems & foreign material removal and stac% damper opening. =*I observation : 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Chec% whether the furnace arch temperature is E5 (eep fuel cutoff . (eep ID fan fail b"pass and interloc%s in b"pass mode. start the fan from field.
Introduction of bottom stripping steam to the columns!'tmos ans vac#: 2. During the introduction of bottom stripping steam to the column ensure whether the shell vave & C+B&,+1 and D+ isolation valves are closed or not. 3. ,efore introduction of steam drain the condensate from + and D+ bleeders of the C+B. 4. 'fter ensuring that the s"stem is condensate free open the C+B b" 3 to 4 and ensure dr" steam from the drains. 5. 0hen crac% open the shell valve of the column. 6. *pen shell valve and control valve graduall" for the introduction of steam to the column. 7. Chec% whether oil is being bac%ed up during this activit". 9. lowl" establish the steam flow. ?. /inall" chea% for lea%s.
Crude feed pump change over procedure: 2. /irst ta%e clearance from C11 as it is a )0 pump. 3. Chec% all the parameters li%e ,C;& seal stream &self coolant s"stem &suction valve opening and discharge valve closed position. 4. Chec% the pump basement for foreign materials removal. 5. Inform the field person to start the pump after C11 clearance. 6. tart the pump and adjust the discharge pressure around 39 (g+Cm 3 b" opening the discharge and simultaneousl" close the running pump discharge valve graduall" so that the discharge pressure 102222 is maintained at 39 (g+Cm 3 & also watch the amps of the two pumps 7. ;hen the running pump discharge is full" closed and amps become lower side stop the feed pump after ta%ing permission from control man in =*I. 9. chec% for lea%s after changeover of pumps.
Crude feed booster pump change over procedure: 2. Chec% all the parameters li%e ,C;& seal stream &self coolant s"stem &suction valve opening and discharge valve closed position. 3. $nsure the discharge is full" closed and in warm up condition. 4. Close warm up after readiness of pump and motor&ta%e out feed pass C+B from '1C mode to operator mode. 5. Reduce desalter pressure to 22.6 (g+Cm 3 6. (eep pass flow low low and desalter low pressure trip in b"pass mode during this activit". 7. ta%e clearance from C11 as it is a )0 pump. 9. tart the pump and adjust the discharge pressure around 43 to 45 (g+Cm3 b" opening the discharge and simultaneousl" close the running pump discharge valve graduall" so that the discharge pressure 53102223 is maintained at 22 to 23 (g+Cm 3 & also watch the amps of the two pumps. ?. ;hen the running pump discharge is full" closed and amps become lower side stop the feed pump after ta%ing permission from control man in =*I. @. chec% for lea%s after changeover of pumps. 2. (eep the stand b" booster pump warm up condition. necessar" trips online after the activit".
1ower failure: 2. *pen 'tmos flare control valve b"pass to control the top pressure b" observing the 53B24 *+) pressure gauge. 3. top /eed & ,ooster pumps and ta%e out all fires. 4. ,"pass desalter and stop water injection. 5. Run top refluA pump on b"pass mode. 6. top all stripping steams& R+Ds &pumps and chemical injections. 7. close B32 ,/; shell valve. B, field activit": 2. *pen b"pass of 57)B272 on B3 and control 57C2 pressure b" observing the 53B3 *+) pressure gauge. 3. 0a%e out all fires and ,/; injection to passes. 4. %eep top refluA on b"pass mode and stop all pumps. 5. Close all rundowns. 6. Close 57/2 emergenc" steam& stripping steams to 57c2 and 57c3. 7. Close ,/; to steam gens and desuperheater. 9. *pen =1 and <1 steam gens vents.
/luid coupling oil coolers change over F $ach fan is having two coolers for circulating oil. *ne is in online and other is stand b". If the online cooler performance is poor then the stand b" is to be ta%en online to reduce circulating oil temperature. 0he following steps are to be followed 2. (eep /D /'N ' fail b"pass & /D /'N , fail b"pass /D /'N '+, fail b"pass and interloc%s 1,662&1, 669 in b"pass mode. 3. Combustion air fail 1, 664 in b"pass. 4. /uel cutoff in b"pass!1, 666# 5. (eep stac% damper in open condition. 6. 0hen establish cooling water flow through stand b" cooler b" pinching down 4 wa" valve on inlet and outlet lines with out affecting flow to running fan.!observe 53/0623#. 7. ame wa" adjust circulating oil flow b" watching the meter 53/062. 9. 'djust flows on water and oil and slowl" close the flows through running cooler and increase stand b" cooler./inall" establish flows through the stand b" cooler. 0his wa" the fan does not get starvation of flows either on circulating oil or water side. ?. 0hen chec% the temperature ph"sicall" and also observe lea%s on the s"stem. @. /inall" %eep all trips in online position.