Descripción: Winning roulette strategies for online gamblers. Unique roulette systems. Tips, tricks, and techniques to win more.
Winning roulette strategies for online gamblers. Unique roulette systems. Tips, tricks, and techniques to win more.Full description
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Roulette Betting Strategies Two Popular Systems By Bill Burton Ads: Play Roulette Casino Roulette Roulette Table Table Roulette Game Roulette Wheel Roulette Betting Strategies Roulette Layout Roulette is a negative epe!tation game" #n the Ameri!an double $ero wheel% the house has a &"'( edge and there is no betting strategy or system that !an !hange the house edge" )* you see any advertisements *or a system that !laims to beat the game o* Roulette don+t waste your money" These !laims are *alse" #ver the years some o* the greatest minds in history have tried to devise a system to beat the game" Albert ,instein studied the problem o* how to beat the game o* Roulette" A*ter spending time on the problem he !on!luded that it !ould not be done and he was -uoted as saying% .The only way to beat Roulette is to steal the money when the dealer/s not loo0ing". )n a sense% he was !orre!t" 1is point was that there is no way to employ some mathemati!al !on*iguration o* bets to over!ome the house edge" Although there is no strategy *or beating the game% many players li0e to employ a set betting pattern when they play Roulette" )nstead o* dropping !hips all over the layout they pre*er to ma0e bets that !over multiple numbers along with a straight bet on a single number in hopes o* grinding out small wins while allowing them to play longer" 1ere are two popular Roulette betting strategies *or playing the inside numbers" )* you are un*amiliar with the inside bets% loo0 at this Roulette step by step" 2ouble Street 3uad Strategy With this strategy you will ma0e wagers on two double streets along with a -uad or !orner bet and one straight up number" By using this betting pattern you are !overing 45 numbers numbers on the layout and there will not be more than *ive ad6a!ent slots on the wheel that are not !overed" 7ou will be wagering si !hips per spin" 7ou will put two !hips on ea!h o* the double streets and one !hip on the !orner bet and straight number" 7ou !an sele!t your *avorite number to play straight up" ) li0e to play the number *ive so here are the numbers ) use" Two !hips on the double street to !over: 48% 44% 4'% 49% 4% 4& Two !hips on the double street to !over: ';% '<% 98% 94% 9'% 99 #ne !hip on the !orner to !over: 45% 4;% '8% '4 #ne !hip on the number &" =7ou !an pi!0 your *avorite number but it should be one that is not !overed by one o* your other bets"> The Pay #** The double street pays & to 4" 7ou 7ou have two !hips on it% so you will !olle!t ten !hips i* the ball lands on one o* the numbers !overed by your double street bet" 7ou will have a pro*it o* si !hips" =7ou will lose *our !hips" Two *rom your other double street and one *rom your -uad bet and one *rom your straight up bet"> The Corner?3uad bet pays ; to 4" )* the ball lands on one o* these *our numbers you will have a pro*it o* three !hips" =7ou =7ou will lose *our !hips on the double street wagers and one
!hip on the straight number"> The straight up number pays 9& to 4" )* the ball lands on your number you will have a pro*it o* 98 !hips" =7ou will lose *our !hips on the double street wagers and one !hip on the !orner bet"> @ive 3uad Strategy With this strategy you will ma0e *ive -uad?!orner bets along with a single straight up number" With this betting pattern you are !overing '4 numbers on the layout" )* you sele!t a straight up number that is in!luded in one o* your !orner bets% you will only be !overing '8 numbers" 7ou will put a single !hips on ea!h o* the *ollowing !orner bets: &% (% ;% < 48% 44% 49% 4 45% 4;% '8% '4 '&% '(% ';% '< 9'% 99% 9&% 9( Bet one !hip on your *avorite straight number" The -uad bet pays ; to 4 so i* the ball lands on one the numbers in any o* you -uad bets you will !olle!t will ma0e a pro*it o* three !hips" 7ou !olle!t eight but lose *our on your other -uad bets and one on your straight up bets" The straight up number pays 9& to 4" )* the ball lands on your number you will have a pro*it o* 98 !hips" =7ou will lose *ive !hips on the *ive !orner bet"> Both o* these strategies are designed to etend your time at the table" 7ou will not get ri!h as you are only grinding out small pro*its on ea!h winning spin" )* you want to try *or a bigger win you !an add one !hip to the bet that wins in hopes o* having repeating numbers" 7ou !an also vary the spe!i*i! numbers that you use *or the double street or !orner bets" ,periment with your own betting patterns" 7ou won+t get ri!h but you will have *un" #ne *inal tip is to always try to play at a *ull table" This will slow the game down and redu!e the time your money is at ris0% while in!reasing your !omp time"
Roulette So*tware The strategy !on!ept o* roulette so*tware is to bet on a single number all the time" That sele!ted number must not be !hanged until you have a win" ow% it is unli0ely that the number is hit on your very *irst spin" The ball may not even *all into it on your tenth spin" But what i* ) told you that the Roulette umber so*tware is going to try that very number up to 4;& times That would improve the odds *or winning immensely% wouldn+t it
7ou+ve read that right" Roulette umber so*tware is going to sti!0 with betting on one single number up to 4;& times" )* that number hits only on!e% you are not only a big
winner% but additionally also re!over all your previous losses"
Consider this: a ,uropean Roulette wheel has 95 numbers on it" The wheel is spun 4;& times" That is a multiple o* *ive times the total amount o* numbers on the wheel" )t is sa*e to assume that on average ea!h number hits home on!e every 95 spins% yet you+re spinning the wheel up to 4;& times" That leaves you plenty o* room *or *eeling !on*ident that your !hosen number ought to !ome up at least on!e% doesn+t it
) even o**er you proo* that this strategy is e**e!tive by giving you the opportunity to download the @R,, edition o* my roulette so*tware% so you !an !onvin!e yoursel* that it really wor0s"
1ow Du!h 2oes the Roulette So*tware Bet on ,a!h Spin A!tually% you won+t need to worry about that at all" The roulette so*tware does all the ne!essary !al!ulations *or you and de!ides on the optimal betting amount" 1owever% i* you want to learn how the so*tware does this and what the ea!t betting strategy is% you !an *ind a detailed des!ription in the ESe!ret behind the Roulette SystemF bonus% whi!h you+ll get *or @R,, together with your !opy o* the li!ensed edition so*tware"
Why 2oesn+t the Roulette So*tware Bet on Dore Than ust #ne Single umber Dany players tend to su!!umb to the idea that their !han!e o* winning will in!rease immensely i* they+re betting on more numbers with the roulette so*tware" 1owever% this is a wrong move i* you want to win in the long term" 7es% your !han!es in!rease in the shortHterm when you+re playing multiple numbers% but shortHterm winnings !an 6ust as easily and -ui!0ly be lost again i* you !ontinue to pursue that betting strategy using multiple numbers" 7ou need to !on!entrate on longHterm winnings i* you want to stri0e it ri!h" ) will prove to you below through mathemati!s why that is so:
Let+s assume you play 95 spins and ea!h number on the wheel lands 6ust on!e during those 95 spins" 7ou are betting I4 on number 8 throughout all spins" When the ball lands on 8 you+ll win I9& =I9( H I4 J I9&>" But you+ll lose I4 *or ea!h o* the other 9( numbers?spins" That means that a*ter those 95 spins you+ve ended up with a total net
loss o* I4 =I9& won H I9( lost J H4I>"
ow let+s play that eample through again" This time you+re betting on ' numbers during ea!h o* those 95 spins" Let+s say you+re betting I4 on number 8 and I4 on number 4" When the ball lands on 8 or 4 you+ll win I9 =I9( H I' J I9>" But but you+ll lose the I' total bet *or all other 9& numbers" At the end o* those 95 spins you there*ore have in!urred a total net loss o* I' =I9 ' H I9& ' J H'I>"
We+re going to raise our sta0e now% shall we #0ay% now let+s say you+ll bet on 48 numbers during ea!h spin o* those 95 spins" 7ou pla!e a I4 ea!h on number 8% 4% '% 9% % &% (% 5% ; and <" When the ball lands on either o* these numbers you+ll win I'( =I9( H I48 J I'(>" But you+ll lose the I48 total bet *or all other '5 numbers" A*ter 95 spins you+ve now su**ered a total net loss o* I48 =I'( 48 H I48 '5J H48I>"
See how your losses mount the more numbers you play )t+s a mathemati!al !ertainty and the idea that the more numbers you bet on the higher your winnings will be is simply a mis!on!eption that doesn+t wor0" The unsha0able *a!t is that you losses be!ome eponentially higher the more numbers you play" )* you bet I4 on '8 numbers% you+ll have lost I'8 a*ter 95 spins" There is nothing you !an do about it"
)t+s been proven through thousands o* re!ords that the above is true in the long term and o* !ourse under the assumption that ea!h number really lands on average on!e every 95 spins" Betting on multiple numbers at the same time is a *undamentally wrong de!ision *or longHterm winning" The per*e!t solution% however% is betting on only one single number and sti!0 with it" That/s why you need to try this roulette so*twareK