Content Standard
1 01 – 05 Jan
Learning Standard
Notes Refer to the program shed!"e
Transition Transition Program
# 0$ % 1# Jan
1.1.1 State the quantity by comparing.
many or e!"# $equal or not equal" an% $more or less" by: groups o objects#
one&to&one matching#
1.2 Quantity Quantity intuitively. & 15 % 1' Jan
1(2 Number value.
1.2.1 Name the numbers up to 100: (i) count objects in groups. (ii) name the number or a group o objects to represent its quantity. (iii) compare quantity o t!o groups o objects.
1.2.2 'etermine the number values up to 100:
Zero is introduced after introducing one digit numbers. Numbers 11 to 19 are introduced as ’10 and 1’ up to ’10 and 9’. Determine the group which is one until nine more than or less than. Use real obects! pictures! number lines and abacus "#1.
(i) sho! the quantity o the given number. (ii) match group o objects !ith its number. (iii) compare the value o t!o numbers. (iv) arrange group o objects in ascen%ing an% %escen%ing or%er.
## % #* Jan
1. rite numbers.
5 #' Jan % # +e,
1..1 rite numbers in numerals an% !or%s.
State the relationship "more than" an% "less than". *ny number place% in bet!een# beore an% ater.
+rain pupils to !rite numbers in n umerals an% !or%s correctly.
$hinese New %ear &olida'
1., -ombination o numbers
1.,.1 State combinations o one %igit numbers.
is 3 an% 14# / an% 24# an% 4# , an% ,4. -ombination involving t!o numbers.
1. Number sequence.
1..1 -ount numbers. 1..2 -omplete any number sequence.
-ount in ones# t!os# ives# tens an% ours in ascen%ing an% %escen%ing or%er by using various objects# pictures an% number lines.
1./ lace value.
1./.1 State the place value an% %igit value o any number.
5se various representations o place value an% abacus ,:1 to state the place value an% the %igit value.
1.3 6stimate.
1.3.1 8ive reasonable estimation or the quantiy o objects..
6stimation is ma%e by stating the quantity base% on a reerence set an% using $appro9imate"# $less than" an% $more than".
1. 7oun% o numbers.
1..1 7oun% o !hole numbers to the nearest ten.
7oun% o can be %one by using a number line.
* 5 % ' +e,
1# % 1* +e,
1. Number patterns.
1..1 ;%entiy pattern or a given number series. 1..2 -omplete various simple number patterns.
1.10 roblem solving.
1.10.1 Solve problems involving %aily situations.
$ 1' % #& +e,
' #* +e, – # Ma #(0 .SC P2RTNS
2.1 -oncepts o a%%ition an% subtraction. 10 5 – ' Ma
2.1.1 5se an% vary the relevant vocabulary in conte9t o a%%ition an% subtraction. 2.1.2 ;ntro%uce the symbol o a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4. 2.1. 5se the symbol o a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4# to !rite number sentence base% on the given situation. 2.1.1 5se an% vary the relevant vocabulary in conte9t o a%%ition an% subtraction. 2.1.2 ;ntro%uce the symbol o a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4. 2.1. 5se the symbol o a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4# to !rite number sentence base% on the given situation.
-reate situation that sho! a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4. Say the total o t!o numbers such as / an% 4 is # 1 an% ,4 is .
-reate situation that sho! a%%ition# subtraction an% 4equal to4. Say the total o t!o numbers such as / an% 4 is # 1 an% ,4 is .
11 1# – 1* Ma
T2ST 1
1- % #5 MC
3L+ M4 T2RM 1 3L4
2.2.1 *%% in the range o basic acts.
State spontaneously basic acts in a%%ition.
2.2.2 *%% t!o numbers !ith the sum !ithin 100.
5se various strategies to construct an% state basic acts in a%%ition. 5se objects# pictures# number lines# abacus ,:1 an% mental calculation to represent calculation in a%%ition
2.2.1 *%% in the range o basic acts.
State spontaneously basic acts in a%%ition.
2.2.2 *%% t!o numbers !ith the sum !ithin 100.
5se various strategies to construct an% state basic acts in a%%ition. 5se objects# pictures# number lines# abacus ,:1 an% mental calculation to represent calculation in a%%ition
2..1 Subtract in the range o basic acts.
State spontaneously basic acts in s ubtraction.
2..2 Subtract t!o numbers !ithin 100.
5se various strategies to construct an% state basic acts in subtraction.
2..1 Subtract in the range o basic acts.
1* % #0 PR
2..2 Subtract t!o numbers !ithin 100.
5se objects# pictures# number lines# abacus ,:1 an% mental calculation to represent calculation in subtraction.
1# #* – &0 MC
2.2 *%% !ithin 100. 1& 0# – 0* PR
1) ' – 1& PR
2. Subtract !ithin100
2., roblem solving. 1* #& % #- PR
2.,.1 -reate stories involving a%%ition an% subtraction !ithin 100. 2.,.2 Solve problems involving a%%ition an% subtraction in %aily lie situations.
roblem&solving s
lan a s olving strategy.
-arry out the strategy.
=oo< bac<.
5se simulations or situation mo%el.
2. 7epeate% a%%ition.
2..1 rite number sentence o repeate% a%%ition in t!os# ives# tens an% ours.
5se objects# pictures an% number lines. 5n%erstan% repeate% a%%ition as concept o multiplication.
2./ 7epeate% subtraction.
2./.1 rite number sentence o repeate% subtraction in t!os# ives# tens an% ours
5se objects# pictures an% number lines. 5n%erstan% repeate% subtraction as concept o %ivision.
&0 PR % 0) M
1$ - – 11 M 1'
1) – 1$ M #0
#1 – #5 M #* M – 10 J7N
M4 T2RM 1 3L4
&(0 +RCTNS
5n%erstan% raction as equal parts an% %eine one over t!o an% one over our o one !hole object.
.1 -oncept o one over .1.1 ;%entiy one over t!o# one over our# t!o an% one over t!o over our an% three over our. our in proper ractions.
5se vocabulary o 4hal4# 4quarter4 an% 4three quarters4 by using objects# ol%e% papers an% pictures.
11 – 15 J7N
.2 roblem solving.
.2.1 Solve problems involving %aily lie situations.
>orming one over our !ith multiple variations shoul% be emphasi?e%.
)(0 MN2
,.1.1 ;%entiy coins an% notes o @alaysian currency.
5se current money in real lie s ituation.
,.1.2 7epresent the value o money in: (i) Sen up to 7@1. (ii) 7inggit up to 7@10
7epresent value o money using abacus ,:1.
,.1 Notes an% coins 1' – #& J7N
#& #5 J7N – 1 J7L
3R R 4L +TR
#) ".1 Notes and coins
0# – 0* J7L
,.1. -onvert money in: (i) -oins up to 7@1. (ii) Notes up to 7@10
5se combination o money in the orm o notes an% coins.
M2S7R2M2NT 8 92M2TR #5
,.2 >inancial resources an% savings.
,.2.1 ;%entiy inancial resources an% savings. ,.2.2 7ecor% savings an% e9penses rom the inancial resources.
5se suitable situations.
,. roblem solving.
,..1 Solve %aily lie problems involving a%%ition an% subtraction o mon ey.
Aeore solving %aily lie problem# mechanical solving process can be %one to e9plain a%%ition an% subtraction involving: (a) Sen up to 7@1. (b) 7inggit up to 7@10.
' – 1& J7L
#* 1* % #0 J7L
*%%ition an% subtraction involving money using abacus ,:1. #-
5(0 TM2
.1.1 State time in a %ay.
.1.2 State the sequence o events in a %ay. .1 'ays an% months. #& – #- J7L
.1. Name the %ays o a !ee<. .1., Name the months o a year.
.2 -loc< ace.
7eal lie situation. 5se vocabulary to in%icate a sp eciic %ay: "tomorro!"# "to%ay"# "yester%ay" an% others.
.2.1 ;% enti y the clo c< han%s on the cloc< ace.
.2.2 ;%entiy an% state "hal"# "quarter" an% "three quarters" base% on the cloc< ace.
&0 J7L – & 79
.2. Say an% !rite time in hour# hal an hour an% a quarter hour using an analogue cloc<. #'
. roblem solving.
0* % 10 79
..1 Solve problems involving %aily lie situations.
*(0 M2S7R2M2NT
&0 1& % 1- 79
&1 #0 – #) 79
/.1.1 5se an% vary the vocabulary in the conte9t o length# mass an% volume o /.1 7elative units to liqui%. measure length# /.1.2 @easure length an% mass o objects# an% mass an% volume o volume o liqui% using non&stan%ar% liqui%s. units. /.1. -ompare the length# mass# an% volume o liqui% o t!o or more objects using non&stan%ar% units.
/.2 roblem solving
/.2.1 Solve problems involving %aily lie situations.
5se objects an% pictures to measure an% compare.
#5 9S % 0# S2PT
3L+ M4 T2RM # 3L4
3.1.1 Name the shape o cuboi%# cube# cone# square&base% pyrami%# cylin%er an% sphere.
0& – 0- S2PT -(0 SPC2
3.1 +hree&%imensional shapes. &&
3.1.2 'escribe ace# e%ge an% verte9 o three%imensional shapes
3.1. *rrange objects accor%ing to the pattern.
*rrange three&%imensional shapes to create certain shapes such as robot# ship# house.
3.1., -reate ne! mo%els using combinations o three&%imensional shapes.
10 – 1) S2PT
5se objects to un%erstan% three&%imensional shapes.
3.2 +!o&%imensional shapes.
3.2.1 Name the shape o square# rectangle# triangle an% circle. 3.2.2 'escribe straight line# si%e# corner an%
1- % #1 S2PT
curve% line o t!o&%imensional shapes 3.2. *rrange t!o&%imensional shapes &5
accor%ing to the pattern.
#) % #$ S2PT
3.2., -reate pattern base% on t!o& %imensional shapes.
&* 01 – 05 CT
3. roblem solving.
3..1 Solve problems involving %aily situations
*rrange# paste an% colour shapes to create patterns.
&0$ – 1# CT
$(0 4T MN92M2NT
.1 -ollect# classiy an% arrange %ata.
.1.1 -ollect %ata base% on real lie situation.
5se tally in collecting simple % ata.
.2 ictograph.
.2.1 7ea% an% obtain inormation rom a pictograph.
;n%icator sho!s one unit o picture represents one value.
. roblem solving.
..1 Solve problems involving %aily situation
15 – 1' CT &' #& – #- CT )0
&0 CT – & N: )1
* – 10 N: )#
1& – 1- N: )&
#0 – #) N: #) N: – &1 4S
2N4 + T32 2R 3L4