Nokia Siemens Networks Managed Services RTWP Optimisation Processes – VHA RAN
Day to Day Performance Management & Optimisation – VHA RAN
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2NO3 3'ennai4 PM MSP4
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Day to Day Performance Management & Optimisation – VHA RAN
Doc&ment Review -ersion:
Drat .,"
Proced&re Owner: 0&t'or)s+: Release Date:
W'en approved
0pproved (y: (y: Reviewed (y: Distri(&tion 1ist:
2NO3 3'ennai4 PM MSP4
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Type o doc&ment:
Process Man&al
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Disclaimer T'is p&(lication is conidential and 'as (een prepared and written (y -odaone Paciic 1imited or one o its related (odies corporate )6-odaone 7&tc'ison 0&stralia6+, 5t is s&(*ect to copyrig't, No part o t'is doc&ment may (e disclosed4 copied4 reprod&ced4 stored in a retrieval system or transmitted wit'o&t prior written permission rom -odaone 0&stralia,
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Doc&ment 3ontrol Title:
0cti8One Optimisation Processes
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Document Review T'is doc&ment will (e s&(*ect to periodic review, review, 5t is t'e responsi(ility o t'e Doc&ment Owner to initiate and control t'e review process, T'e review interval s'o&ld (e no greater t'an si8 mont's,
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Ta(le o 3ontents Doc&ment 3ontrol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ Ta(le o 3ontents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9 ",
P&rpose ! Scope,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#
RTWP 0nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;
/," /,% /,/ /,9
Tool 0ccess,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 0nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 0ctions ! O&tcomes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; Tracking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;
3overage 0nalysis – P37R 0nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<
9," 9,% 9,/ 9,9
Tool 0ccess,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,< 0nalysis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,< 0ctions ! O&tcomes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,< Tracking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<
Reerences,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= Deinitions>2lossary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,". 0ppendices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""
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P&rpose ! Scope T'e scope o t'is doc&ment is to descri(e process o Day to Day Perormance Management ! Optimisation cond&cted (y t'e Regional MSP ?ngineering teams as it relates to met'ods and proced&res t'at can (e &sed (y t'e 0cti8One Tool
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5nternal $ 2NO34 MSP ?8ternal $ -70
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RTWP 0nalysis
7ig' RTWP in /2 cells impacts on &ser t'ro&g'p&t as well as accessi(ility or @1 R0As, Aased on c&rrent -70 network setting t'ere is no accessi(ility will (e o(serve d&e to 'ig' RTWP4 (&t &ser e8perience rom t'ro&g'p&t point o view and also retaina(ililty will (e impacted directly,
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Tool 0ccess
Tools are &sed or tro&(les'ooting are: i,
NodeA 1MT
PRS &s&ally is &sed to monitor network perormance and e8tract t'e list o all cells wit' 'ig' RTWP iss&e, Nastar is &sed to perorm 'istory c'eck and identiy aected spectr&m NodeB LMT is t'e main tool &sed to analyse antenna (ranc' perormance and identiy deected part, 0lso t'is tool will 'elp to c'eck TM0 conig&ration and atten&ation setting,
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7ig' RTWP meas&red via / co&nters in PRS )Report Bordia /2 BP5+C
T'ese co&nters represent Ma8>Min>0verage RTWP d&ring meas&rement period and t'e val&e is average o all receive pat' or meas&red o(*ect, Min val&e o t'is co&nter capt&res minim&m d&ring meas&rement period and r&nning t'is report in daily (ases will give t'e minim&m RTWP w'ic' is capt&red d&ring minim&m network load and it will (e incl&ded all e8ternal load apart rom /2 internal load, Normal range or min RTWP is (etween $"." and $".< d(m and val&es 'ig'er and lower t'an t'is needs attention, 1ow val&e or min RTWP like $""#d(m represents disconnected R pat' or a<y antenna4 TM0 or any ot'er element o antenna (ranc', Ot'er reason or low val&e can (e wrong setting o TM0 atten&ation, 7ig'er val&e or t'is co&nter will (e res<s o e8ternal intererence o wrong setting o TM0 atten&ation,
Nastar is &sed to identiy real time RTWP level or eac' antenna (ranc' as well as identiy main and diversity dierence, RTWP capt&red rom Nastar E@MTS @plink 5ntererence 0nalysis Task is cell (ases, Nastar keeps record on RTWP )(ased on setting+ or &p to % weeks and can (e &sed to c'eck RTWP sit&ation d&ring (&sy 'o&r and midnig't to disting&is' (etween /2 internal intererence and e8ternal intererence,
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LMT of NodeB 'as t'e same &nctionality as Nastar @plink intererence 0nalysis (&t only in real time (ases, O&tp&t o 1MT s'ows RTWP or m<iple carrier as well as antenna (ranc'es in t'e same window and tro&(les'ooting will (e easier, 1MT o NodeA also is &sed to track RTWP sit&ation d&ring tec'nicians visit rom t'e site and any type o work on antenna (ranc' as it is real time meas&rement,
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NodeA 1MT is t'e (est tools to ad*&st TM0 atten&ation setting as well, 5n s&mmary4 1MT is &sed to: $
Monitor RTWP or dierent carrier and (ranc' in radio &nit
Monitor RTPW d&ring tec' work in site on antenna side to detect a<y4 swap and etc,
3onig&re TM0 setting correctly to avoid incorrect RTWP meas&rement and main diversity iss&e,
NodeA 1MT Rx Frequency Scanning is related to spectr&m meas&rement w'ic' scans reG&ency in %.. k7H steps to identiy poll&ted range in case o e8ternal so&rce,
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Steps to analyse RTWP iss&e is e8plained in attac'ed slide
-S,MinRTWP is t'e main trigger point or RTWP work in t'e "cellC -S,MeanRTWP also will (e impacted in case o any p'ysical o setting iss&e (&t is not t'e main trigger point, Mean val&e o RTWP can (e aected (y 'ig' load in t'e cell and optimiHation steps or t'is iss&e are dierent t'an t'is g&ideline,
MinRTWP will trigger operation in two sit&ations4 "$ 7ig' RTWP %$ 1ow RTWP Hig R!"P triggers w'enever e8ternal intererence is impacting network as well as a<y or wrong setting related to TM04 atten&ation and etc, Report to identiy low 'ig' RTWP is (ased on daily resol&tion and needs to (e availa(le or co&ple days and any contin&es 'ig' RTWP or MinRTWP )'ig'er t'an $"..d(m or more t'an / days+ , Report is &sed to e8tract BP5 in PRS located in ErootIkordiaIBordia /2 BP5 E, Report need to (e r&n in @cell level and daily resol&tion and any cell wit' RTWP J$"..dAm will (e s&(*ect to t'is proced&re,
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Ne8t step is to monitor RTWP sit&ation rom 1MT,
5dentiy Radio &nit related to @cell:
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RTWP Monitoring &nction o 1MT is located &nder Real$time Speciic Monitoring older
Aased on location o radio &nit 4 apply setting )in case o reporting to 03M0 is needed4 it is possi(le to record all meas&rement (y c'ecking (o8 ne8t to E0&to Save and speciy t'e location o log ile+, Aase on n&m(er o carrier 'ave (een conig&red on t'is (oard4 t'e o&tp&t will (e displayed in o&tp&t window
5normation w'ic' will (e e8tracted rom t'is c'art is: $
1evel o RTWP or dierent carrier and antenna (ranc'4 so in case o % carrier4 t'ere will (e 9 c'ard, 3arrier . and " and or eac' carrier Primary )w'ic' is T>R port+ and also Secondary )top port in R@ w'ic' is R+
Dierence (etween main and diversity to concl&de possi(le setting > pl&m(ing iss&e
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o atten&ation and splitter e8istence, 5n case o 'ig' Min RTWP4 t'e (est tro&(les'ooting is to t&rn OFF TM0 and remove all atten&ations )i TM0 e8ists+4 in t'e meantime monitor RTWP rom 1MT or any c'anges )TM0 can (e powered rom t'e same R@ or ot'er &nit as well ot'er NodeA in t'e location or e8ternal so&rce,so or t'is operation is necessary to 'ave site STD 'andy or do&(le c'eck t'e sol&tion in t'e site, 0ter removing all t'ese setting and t&rn OFF TM04 i RTWP come (ack to accepta(le level4 t'is is t'e res<s o wrong atten&ation setting o TM0)in very rare sit&ation t'is can (e sign o swap eeders+ 4 and ater reviewing o STD 4 it can (e corrected, )Reer to TM0 setting section+ and tro&(le s'ooting is over or t'is case,
0ter t&rning OFF TM0 and removing all atten&ations4 still Min RTWP stays 'ig'er t'an normal level4 in t'is case tro&(le s'ooting contin&es in 1MT, 0s it can (een seen rom proced&re low4 / dierent sit&ations can (e identiied rom RTWP c'artC -
One carrier has high RTWP o
One branch has high RTWP o
@s&ally t'is is t'e res<s o narrow (and e8ternal intererence on t'e carrier and &rt'er analysis can (e done (y scanning R reG&ency rom 1MT tools ER FreG&ency scan &nction , t'is tool will s'ow impacted spectr&m range or reporting to 03M0,
@s&ally t'is is res< o wrong connection )pl&m(ing error+ or wrong TM0 and parameters setting or atten&ation, For analyses t'is4 it is important to make s&re TM0 is OFF and atten&ations are set to Hero4 so any dierence in (ranc'es will (e t'e res< o connection error in t'e site )internal o e8ternal error+
!! carriers and branches be!ong to sector ha"e issue o
Wide (and e8ternal intererence 5ntererence rom 2=.. in case @=.. and intererence rom @<#. in case @=.. Str&ct&ral iss&e like e8istence o e8ternal o(*ect in t'e ront o antenna or any kind o antenna a<y,
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0s it can (e seen rom t'e c'arts4 dierence (etween main and diversity is d(m or t'is cell w'ic' is t'e res<s o wrong setting, Setting related to atten&ation availa(le in command E1ST RAR0N37
#ow R!"P is t'e res< o mainly wrong setting as well as pl&m(ing iss&e )a<y splitter4 TM04 disconnected *&mper and so on+ in t'e site,
For 1ow RTWP iss&e t'e irst step is to monitor (ot' antenna (ranc' or t'e cell and compare RTWP level (ot' period o time,
7ere is t'e e8ample o cell wit' (ot' antenna (ranc' RTWP level i8ed to ""%d(m d&ring all 'o&rs
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Main reason or t'is kind o (e'avio&r is connection iss&e as well as TM0 a<y, Monitoring -SWR alarm in t'e same time will give (etter idea regarding eliminating connection loss reason as (ot' (ranc' act in t'e same way4 and t'e site is carrying traic wit' very 'ig' drop4 so TM0 a<y will (e 'ig'lig'ted ,For t'is speciic e8ample as it can (e seen Mean 4 Ma8 and Min val&e or RTWP is same and t'is implies (ot' (ranc' 'ave t'e same iss&e and t'is cannot (e d&e to connection loss as or t'is speciic e8ample t'ere is no -SWR iss&e4 so 'ig' possi(le reason can (e TM0 a<y,
For some o site low RTWP come rom wrong conig&ration as diversity s&pposed to (e in non$operation mode )e,g, 5A3 cells+, For t'is kind o cells4 diversity (ranc' rom 1MT RTWP monitoring will (e displayed as i8 $""% or $""#d(m and main (ranc' wit' varia(le RTWP, Filename: Day to Perormance Management ! Optimisation Date modiied: "#$May$"%
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0ctions ! O&tcomes
Klikely outcomes and changes (parameter, tilt, etc.) that can be made to drive optimisation>
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Kwhere changes need to be tracked, Opti Tracker, etc.>
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3overage 0nalysis – P37R 0nalysis
Khigh level view of pilot pollution causes.
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Tool 0ccess
KHow and where to access the tool and how to activate the relevant modules>
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KHow to conduct the analysis, what to look for, symptoms, evidence>
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0ctions ! O&tcomes
Klikely outcomes and changes (parameter, tilt, etc.) that can be made to drive optimisation>
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Kwhere changes need to be tracked, Opti Tracker, etc.>
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Reerences Provides reerences to ot'er doc&ments or processes applica(le to t'is proced&re, Optionally provides reerences to s&pplementary doc&ments t'at s&pport or provide additional inormation to make t'e Proced&res doc&ment eective,
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Deinitions>2lossary T'e ollowing introd&ces some o t'e terms and acronyms &sed in t'is doc&ment: M$P
Managed Service Providers
2lo(al Network Operations 3entre
-odaone 7&tc'inson 0&stralia
Perormance Management
5normation Tec'nology 5normation 1i(rary
-al&e 0dded Service
Radio 0ccess Network
Mean Time To Repair
Network Planning ! OptimiHation
Responsi(le4 0cco&nta(le4 S&pport4 3ontri(&te4 5normation
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0ppendices TM configuration guide!ine ReG&ested tools and inormation to perorm TM0 conig&ration: $
0ccess to NodeA 1MT
Site detail design ile
MM1 command access
Setting o atten&ation and power switc' or TM0 is (ased on site STD and any miss$matc' (etween STD and acta&l conig&ration may ca&se perormace iss&e or alarm generation, TM0 &nit (ased on STD power &p rom connected R@ or %2 R@ or e8ternal so&rce, T'is operation will e8plain t'e setting or dierent sit&ations, #$ R%& "$ 1og in to NodeA 1MT and start monitoring RTWP or speciic (oard, %$ R&n command E1ST 0NT?NN0PORT to make s&re 01D power switc' is OFF or (ot' ports in R@
/$ R&n 3ommand E1ST RAR0N37 to make s&re all atten&ation parameters val&e is . or all ports
9$ Record t'e val&e or RTWP or (ot' ports rom 1MT RTWP monitoring window, #$ T&rn ON power swit' (ased on site STD )only one port power needs to (e set to ON or most o TM0 type+, $
Monitor RTWP or any step c'ange, T'e delta val&e (etween RTWP val&e (eore activation and ater is t'e gain o TM0 in R@ port w'ic' will 'elp to set acc&rate atten&ation val&e, 5 step c'ange in RTWP o(seved go to step ""
5n case no step c'ange is o(served4 t'is can (e t'e res<s o wrong
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implementation o site vs, STD or TM0 a<y, <$ 1ist alarms in site and c'eck or alarm n&m(er %#/. and %#/",in case o TM0 a<y or wrong activating o power rom wrong port4 t'ese alarms will apear in t'e list,
=$ T&rn OFF port again wit' command S?T 0NT?NN0PORT and activate or t'e ot'er port in R@ and perorm all steps rom n&m(er , ".$ 5n case non o port in R@ can create step c'ange in RTWP4 trying to power &p rom %2 R@ will 'elp to identiy t'e iss&e)pra(a(ly wrong conig&ration+4 ot'erwise site visit is needed to rectiy possi(le iss&e, T'is operation is terminates 'ere, ""$ Set ports atten&ation (ased on t'e val&e o step c'ange in RTWP wit' command EMOD RAR0N37 and parameter E0TT?N , please note steps are .,#dAM, "%$ RTWP val&e m&st (e red&ce (ack to t'e val&e (eore activating TM04 ine t&ning o parameter E0TT?N is needed ot'erwise, "/$ Monitor alarms in t'e site, "9$ 0tten&ation setting is needed or ot'er antenna (rac'es are s'aring t'e same antenna system, T'is can (e identiy rom siteLs STD,
'$ R% Depends on TM0 type 4 2SM (ypass or not4 t'e TM0 setting may vary, For 2SM (ypass TM0 w'ic' is t'e most common setting4 t'e proced&re will (e: (- Open 1MT o /2 cell w'ic' will &se TM0 and monitor RTWP, '- Make s&re TM0 power is OFF or /2 R@ )c'eck step % and / o proced&re or E/2 R@ mentioned a(ove+
3- Make s&re TM0 power setting is OFF rom %2 R@, @se command E1ST ATSR@AP and c'eck parameter E ANT_A ALD Power Switch” or “ANT_B ALD Power Switch “ 4- Make sure TMA attenuation is 4 for 2 !" with co##an$ “LST BTS!%"BP” an$ &ara#eter “Antenna Tri'utar( ) *actor “ +- Tune ,N TMA &ower '( settin “ANT_A ALD Power Switch” to ,N an$ #onitor !T.P for 3 ce// an$ o'ser0e an( ste& chane in !T.P1 - Set attenuation settin &ro&er/( 'ase$ on ste& chane in !T.P an$ a&&/( to 3 !" as e&/aine$ in ste& )) of &roce$ure for “3 !"” Filename: Day to Perormance Management ! Optimisation Date modiied: "#$May$"%
-ersion .,%
Note: Not or &rt'er distri(&tion and )s&(*ect to alternate agreement+ t'at NSN doc&ments Page /. o /" reerenced in t'e Proced&res Man&al remains NSN property,