Safety equipment of shipping should be available on all types of ship and it must comply with the regulations of SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea). There are two groups of safety equipment system, namely; Life Safety System and Fire extinguishing System. Perlengkapan keselamatan pada kapal harus tersedia pada semua jenis kapal dan harus sesuai dengan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh (Safety
keselamatan pemadam kebakaran. Life safety systems is aim to protect and aid the life while fire extinguishing system is aim to protect and assistance of the dangers of fire on ship. The safety equipment which is need varies according to: Sistem keselamatan jiwa bertujuan untuk melindungi dan memberikan pertolongan kebakaran
jiwa sedangkan system keselamatan pemadam bertujuan
pertolongan dalam
keadaan darurat diatas kapal. Perlengkapan
keselamatan yang dibutuhkan berubah- ubah berdasarkan:
Jenis kapal
Jarak (kedekatannya) dengan pantai A person must not operate a recreational ship unless all safety equipment required to
be carried on board is easy to reach and well maintained and serviced. Everyone on board must know what safety equipment is carried, where it is stored and how it works. Seseorang tidak harus menoperasikan peralatan kapal kecuali seluruh perlengkapan keselamatan yang harus dibawa diatas kapal. Perlengkapan- perlengkapan ini harus mudah untuk dijangkau dan dirawat serta di dipelihara dengan baik. Setiap orang yang ada dikapal
harus tahu apa- apa saja alat perlengkapan keselamatan yang dibawa, dimana alatalat itu ditempatkan dan bagaimana alat itu bekerja. The number of safety equipment on ship should fulfill the number of crew on the ships. There are some safety must be carried by the ship, they are: Jumlah perlengkapan keselamatan yang ada diatas kapal harus memenuhi jumlah ABK yang ada dikapal. Ada beberapa perlengkapan keselamatan yang harus dibawa oleh kapal, diantaranya 1. INFATABLE LIFERAFT In generally, Infatable Liferaft only called life raft and Indonesian sailor called it as a helper raft. Maybe some people who have ever rise on the ship also have ever seen this tool perched in the hull of board , but do not understand what the function of this tool. When the emergency happened these things is very important. It use when the passengers or crew should leave the ship. This situation called Abandon Ship. Pada umumnya, inflatable liferaft hanya disebut liferaft dan pelaut Indonesia menyebutnya sebagai rakit penolong. Mungkin, beberapa orang yang pernah naik kapal pasti juga pernah melihat alat ini bertengger dilambung kanan kiri kapal, tetapi tidak mengerti kegunaan dari alat ini. Ketika terjadi keadaan darurat, benda
penumpang atau ABK harus meninggalkan kapal. Keadaan ini disebut Abandon ship.
For the ships which have length more than 100 m is required to put a life raft with the capacity for 6 people in the front of the ship. On the life raft, there are some survival equipment. And on the tube (capsule) of life raft, it’s contained of the name of ship identification, port of registry and capacity. Life raft has a cantilever construction in the deck which can easily to launched, or automatically separated when the ship sank. Untuk kapal yang memiliki panjang lebih dari 100 m harus meletakkan liferaft dengan kapasitas untuk 6 orang di bagian depan kapal. Diatas liferaft, terdapat beberapa perlengkapan survival. Dan diatas tabung (kapsul) pada life raft terdiri dari identifikasi nama kapal, pelabuhan registrasi dan kapasitas. Life raft juga memiliki konstruksi cantilever yang terdapat pada dek kapal yang dapat memudahkan alat ini untuk diluncurkan atau secara otomatis terpisah ketika kapal tenggelam. The works of this tool is by pressing hydrostatic release units which contained in one part of the life raft. Cara kerja alat ini adalah dengan menekan hydrostatic release unit yang terdiri darisatu bagian pada life raft.
Hydrostatic Release Unit
By pressing this part, automatically life raft will fall into the water and expands, after expanding perfectly then the tool is ready to use.
Dengan menekan bagian ini, secara otomatis life raft akan terjatuh ke dalam air dan mengembang, setelah mengembang secara sempurna kemudian alat ini siap untuk digunakan.
Liferaft setelah mengembang Life raft after expands
1. LIFE JACKET Lifejackets are the most important piece of safety equipment on any recreational vessel. Life jacket is the float which is used by the crew or passenger to floating their self in the water when the ship in emergent. Life jacket also should fulfill the requirement and should be equipped with the whistle and light. Life jaket adalah bagian dari perlengkapan keselamatan pada kapal. Life jaket adalah pelampung yang digunakan oleh kru atau penumpang untuk mengapungkan diri mereka di atas permukaan air ketika kapal dalam kondisi darurat. Life jaket juga harus memenuhi persyaratan dan harus peluit dan lampu.
di lengkapi dengan
The color of the float should be orange and add the material reflective in order to be visible at the night. In the ships for the passenger, it’s an obligatory for the crew to show how to use life jacket. Warna dari pelampung ini harus orange dan ditambah material reflective agar dapat dilihat pada malam hari. Untuk kapal penumpang menjadi
bagaimana cara menggunakan life jaket.
2. LIFEBUOY Life buoy is the tire of buoy that is used to help people who splashed into the sea. This buoy is equipped with a strap along 27.5 m, there are some buoy which is equipped with the smoke signals and lights that can light
digunakan untuk menolong orang yang terjatuh ke dalam laut. Pelampung ini dilengkapi dengan tali sepanjang 27.5 m, ada juga beberapa pelampung yang dilengkapi dengan sinyal asap dan cahaya yang bisa bercahaya secara otomatis.
It is used when the condition of light is low; Holmes light will automatically diffuse the light when floating in water. This tool is facilitating the rescue team to locate the position of the victim. On the
buoy was written the name of the ship and port of registration. For ships which have a bridge deck or high buildings should be equipped with the launcher buoy rapidly from the bridge deck. Benda ini digunakan ketika kondisi cahaya lemah; holmes light akan menyebarkan cahaya
memudahkan tim penyelamat untuk menemukan posisi dari korban. Diatas pelampung juga ditulis nama kapal dan pelabuhan registrasi. Untuk kapal yang memiliki
Life boat is the boat that uses to help the crew or passenger which is carried by the ship. This tool made from wood, fiber, or a metal which have a water tank to add the float of the life boat. Lifeboat equipped with some equipment for life saving in case of emergency at sea. This boat will be relegated into the water by using david to save the passenger when the fall into the water.
Life boat is derived b using David. It’s small, quick and agile. It makes this boat become one of the mainstay tool for rescue the victims who fell into the water.
EPIRB (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon) is placed in the free area of obstruction like on the bridge. After the ship sank the tools automatically detached from the stand and float in the surface water. Then this tool automatically will emit a signal that is captured by the satellite INMARSAT (International Mobile Satellite Organization.).This signal will be forward to the beach station, so the position of the ship will be known immediately.
Scheme of ERIPB signal 5. RADAR TRANSPONDER This tool looks like a EPIRB but actually the tool is much different with the Erips although they function is almost same.
This tool also will emit the signal; here is the different between transponder radar with Eripb signal. Eripb signal only capable to capture by the radar of the ships around this tool and later the ship which receive this signal can provide helping directly.
Radar transponder 6. IMMERSION SUIT Immersion suit is use to prevent the wearer get the loss of the body heat of hypothermia after they oscillate at the sea, because they wait for helping that never came.
Pyrotechnics is used to attract the visual attention of the rescuers because these tools emit light or smoke, so rescuers can see clearly and immediately
There are some kinds of equipment pyrotechnics as follows: a. Parachute Signal
Parachute signal is used at night by pulling the trigger to launch the rocket upwards and emit bright red light in the sky. b. Red Hand Flare
The difference between parachute signal and red hand flare is Red hand flare does not launch upwards, but only on hold in the hand. And the holder just enough to waving this tool to attract the attention of rescuers c. Smoke Signal
Smoke signal is usually used when the disaster happened during the day, the presence of a parachute signal and red hand flares which worked less maximal during the day will be solve by smoke signals. The smoke that coming out from the tool is able to attract the eye in the middle of bright sun. If we concerned, the color of all the safety equipment is orange. It aims to help the rescuer easier to search of the victims. That’s some examples of safety equipment on ship.