Shooting or Mêlee Activation
Activate a unit of
Activate a unit of Levy
Hearthguards or a Warlord.
(two units i f the discarded die was a
Gain one Attack or one Defence Die (three if you discarded a and you have •
'ÜaRing t(je Cross
" 1
mfoofy£an§ •
• Ttfje Siege i
U n t i l the end of the turn, the movement of your models is increased by 3Z5 for foot troops and by p for mounted troops.
Your unit removes all its Fatigue at the end of the step 7 of this mêlee. I f used on Pilgrims, immediately re-roll the SAGA Die spent for this ability and place it on your Battleboard.
Activate each of your units for a Movement or a Shooting.
mmmmmm ISY^
• peascmt's CrusaSe • Orders or Orders/Reaction
Any activated unit that did not engage an enemy i n mêlee or does not cause at least one casualty with a Shooting, takes a Fatigue after its activation.
& | * § &l • Borpfaeum •
• Xscafon •
U n t i l the end of the current turn, your Pilgrims
engaged in mêlee generate Attack Dice as i f they
May only be used on a unit of at least 4 Knights
were Warriors.
that engaged an enemy in mêlee.
May only be used on your Warlord or Knights.
Gain three extra Attack Dice (if you have • f o r t ï t u b e , gain five Attack Dice instead).
Gain five Attack Dice (plus five Defence Dice if a ^ 3 was discarded).
Discard up to three Fatigues i n total from up to three different units.These units may not engage an enemy unit in mêlee this turn.
m TjKctor?! • Mêlee May only be used on a unit of at least 4 Knights that engaged an enemy in mêlee. Reduce your armour by two. During step 5, the Defender must discard three
I &\
• tfje <5recrt Cit? • Shooting/Reaction May not be used on Levies. Increase your Armour by one. I f you have I J o r t t t U O C , your unit also gains three extra Defence Dice.
I %] s
• Ttfje Bospfiorus • Activation
successful Defence Dice.
• Btrtfi of a &ing5otn • Mêlee Your unit may re-roll all Attack Dice that fail to hit their target.
ftJ*J4) }0eones
ta6aiïeros & Jinetes
Activation }£>oof
Activate a mounted unit.
Activate a unit on foot.
Activation/Reaction Immediately after an enemy
Comficrt }0oof
Melee,or Shooting/Reaction
Roll two extra SAGA Dice.
Gain one Attack or one Defence Die
activation has been resolved,
(two i f the discarded die was a £ ^ )
activate one of your mounted unit for a movement.
t#ms>-. *»•
<&pportunity §§ot Activation/Reaction Use this ability after an enemy unit has ended its movement within i D of one of your unit and not engaged in mêlee. Your unit immediately resolves a shooting against the enemy unit, i f possible.
• • • • M
Activation/Reaction Play when a unit wifh at least one Fatigue is activated for a Movement or a Shooting. The activation is canceled and the unit may not be activated again this turn.
€x(jausting f igfyt Mêlee or Shooting/Reaction During this mêlee or shooting, any unit that rolls more than 6 Attack Dice will take an extra Fatigue at the end of the mêlee or shooting and may not be activated again this turn.
ft. O
Bcrttfe Cfiaos
If the target enemy unit loses at least one model dur ing step 5 o f this Shooting, it may not be activated until the end o f the current t u r n .
MÊ -
Burning Sun
desperate facties Melee/Reaction Each enemy unit engaged in this mêlee takes one Fatigue, but generates two extra Attack Dice.
Choose a warband. Take all Fatigue tokens on that warband and redistribute them between the warband's units, with no more than two Fatigue per unit. Discard any Fatigue that could not be placed.
Xigfit ioorses Activation
Activate for a movement one of your mounted unit that is equipped w i t h javelins. This unit may shoot once before moving and once after its movement, but on different targets each time.
Choose an opponent. For each SAGA Die above five that the opponent currently has on his Battleboard,
The armour o f the units shot at is reduced by one for the resolution o f these shootings.
designate one non-Warlord enemy unit of his warband. This unit may not be activated this turn.
£ O ^ Spcmisfj ^erfi&p
BroRen tommanb'
I f all enemy units in this mêlee have one or more Fatigue and none of your units in this mêlee has any, the enemy units will only generate half their normal number of Attack Dice during step 1 of this mêlee.
A chosen opponent player must discards as much SAGA Dice from his Battleboard as his Warlord generated at the start o f this turn.
r é
wm ~g i
> 6 J *
Activate a unit of Hearthguards or a Warlord.
Activate a unit of Warriors.
Activation }£>oof
tombat }£>oof
Mêlee or Shooting/Reaction
Roll one extra SAGA Die, plus one extra SAGA Die per PIETY you have.
Gain one Attack or one Defence Die, plus one extra Die for each PIETY you have.
}£>rcrpers Orders You may place any number o f dice in this box. Discard more dice that your current PIETY to gain one PIETY. M A Y ONLY BE TRIGGERED ONCE PER T U R N
% Q 01 Xrmour of faitfj Mêlee or Shooting/Reaction Gain two Defence Die (tour if the discarded die was a ).
6o5 is HOercifuf
for tfje true Cross
Play this ability after an ennemy shooting has been resolved and one of your units has suffered at least one casualty.
May only be used on a Brother unit that is e with at least twice as much enemy models that it has. Reduce an enemy unit's A r m o u r by one, plus one for each PIETY you have, with a m i n i m u m of 2.
Activate the target unit for a movement. I f this unit engages mêlee with the shooting unit, each of its models generates one additionnal Attack Die during step 1 of the mêlee.
Tflartyrs Mêlee If at least one of your Brother is eliminated during this mêlee, discard all Fatigue from your unit at the end o f the step 8.
"Cfjis is TOy Bo5y... Bfaspfjemous XOax Ocv Melee/Reaction Discard the PIETY token. One o f your Brothers unit (or your Warlord) engaged in this mêlee generates three extra Attack Dice for each PIETY lost.
tfje BooR
Discard your token. U n t i l the end of the game, your PIETY is considered as equal to 0.
Mêlee Remove from one of your unit engaged in this mêlee
one Fatigue plus one extra Fatigue per PIETYyou have. That unit gains a number of Attack Dice equal to the number of Fatigues removed i n this way.
• O ...t(jisis710^Bfoo5 Activation
Xepent, Sinners Melee/Reaction If one of your Brothers unit is engaged with Levies. remove a number o f enemy Levies as casualties equal to twice your PIETY. Do not resolve any
Beus X)uft
further steps of this mêlee i f there are no enemy
models engaged in mêlee after the resolution
U n t i l the end o f the current turn, your opponent may not use any Fatigue from your mounted units to reduce their movement and no Activation/Reaction abilities might be used to react to their activation.
Mêlee The next «X» SAGA abilities played by any player during this mêlee are cancelled. «X» being your number o f PIETY.
of this ability.
Activate one friendly unit plus one extra unit per PIETY you have. A n y mounted unit activated this way and that chooses a movement activation increases its movement by 3 - Each activated unit that does not engage mêlee with this activation takes one Fatigue.
C|<$ H4?b4rJy4n
Acliv4Uón Péèt
OÖj Gómb4l Péé}
Activate a unit o f Hearthguards or a Warlord.
Activate a unit of Warriors.
Activate a unit o f Levy.
Roll two extra SAGA Dice.
Mêlee, Shooting or Shooting/Reaction Gain one Attack or one Defence Dice (two dice if you discarded a ^ J ! )
otf) Piérdrjg Sbèts
I f your unit is w i t h i n M of its target, it gains a +1 bonus to all its Attack Dice.
Choose a symbol from your SAGA dice
Roll 2D6. Your unit gains a number of Attack Dice equal to the highest score.
( S, A
d roll up to four
of your unused SAGA dice.
The target unit gains a number o f Defence Dice
Any die that has the symbol you chose may be immediately placed on your Battle Board. The other SAGA dice are returned to your pool.
equal to the lowest score.
\SY^ émmmmwÊm
A Pure
Use this ability when a mounted enemy unit is activated for a Movement but before the Movement is resolved. That unit must EITHER move as close as possible to the closest of your mounted units, engaging it i n mêlee if possible, OR it must take two Fatigues and cancel its activation.
Arrows 3(_Sbi]cls
Orders or Orders/Reaction
Visjóns Orders or Orders/Reaction Your Warlord takes one Fatigue. Until the end of the current turn, each time one or more D6 are rolled to determine the effects of one of your SAGA abilities, you may add or substract one from the score of one of the dice rolled.
Mêlee Roll 2D6. Choose one of the scores rolled. Gain a number of Attack Dice equal to half that score. Gain a number of Defence Dice equal to half the score of the die you have not chosen.
VSY^ 1
Rjsé ür ö)t Crêscênl Acfivafion
Designate three of your units.
Roll 2D6. Choose one of the scores rolled.
Your opponent chooses one to take one Fatigue. The other two are activated and these activations do not generate Fatigue.
SbifÏÏrjg Stna? Orders or Orders/Reaction Roll 2D6. Designate i n each warband i n play a number o f units equal to the difference between the two dice rolled. Each o f these units must either take one Fatigue or eliminate one o f its models.
Própbêls Cursê Mêlee, Shooting or Shooting/Reaction Roll a D6 and designate one enemy unit. Any Attack or Defence Die (choose one option) rolled by that unit which results i n a score equal to the number you rolled is ignored and has no effect.
Activate for a Movement a number o f different friendly units, up to half the score o f the chosen die. Any units that engage i n Mêlee w i t h these activations generates an extra number of Attack and Defence Dice equal to half the other die score rolled.
Mtrtyf Pèöf Each time a model is sacrifked as part of the cost of a SAGA
Cbósên Orjês
Gombal Pést
ability, place a Martyr token here.
Activate a unit o f Hearthguards or a Warlord.
Activate a unit o f Warriors.
May only be used on a unit o f at least 3 models. Discard 2 Martyr tokens to add one figure to this unit (discard 4 tokens if it is a Fanatics unit). This model may not be placed within 175 o f an enemy model that does not belong to an engaged enemy unit.
Gain one Attack Dice (two if the
discarded die was a i/££jt). Each time you use this ability, you may discard one Martyr token to gain one extra Attack Die.
tik? I^jinns Activation
Activate a foot unit for a movement. This movement is Xl if moving i n open ground or SR if moving i n , from or through uneven ground.
Remove one Fatigue from each other friendly unit
Do not resolve step 8 of this mêlee. After step 7, starting w i t h the Defender, any non-exhausted unit may decide not to disengage.
I f that unit does not end this movement engaged
i f a Fanatic was sacrificed)
within SR o f the unit that sacrificed the model. (remove two Fatigues from each of these units
Any unit that disengages takes three additional Fatigues. I f there are still units on each side engaged after that, resolve the mêlee again, starting with step 1. This ability will last until one side has disengaged from the mêlee.
i n mêlee, it takes one Fatigue.
©% PislrJiclJórj Activation/Reaction Use this ability when one enemy unit has been activated, but before this activation has been resolved. Cancel that activation. I f the activated unit does not have any Fatigue, and a Fanatic was sacrificed, it takes one Fatigue.
Mêlee During step 5, after your opponent has rolled his Defence Dice, you may designate up to 3 Defence Dice (5 if the sacrificed model was a Fanatic) and force your opponent to re-roll fhem.
Alltfr Próvjdês Mêlee Compare the number of enemy models and the number of your own models engaged i n this mêlee (after sacrificing your model). I f the number o f enemy models is higher than the number o f your models, your unit gains a number o f extra Attack Dice equal to twice the difference.
P4ridJsê's Prómisê Mêlee May only be used on a unit that engaged alone an enemy unit in mêlee. D u r i n g step 4 of this mêlee, inflict to an enemy unit a number o f extra automatic hits equal to half the hits you inflicted to that unit (gain as many automatic hits as the number o f hits inflicted i f a Fanatic was sacrificed). Do not roll any Defence Dice during the step 5.
Ftttt Btöw
C|é1 SuidcU] Cbirj>
Orders Until the start o f your next turn, after the resolution of a mêlee or a shooting that has seen a unit (friendly or enemy) been destroyed, all your units within SR of that unit remove one of their Fatigue.
JrjvoJqrK» T M
Activation Roll two extra SAGA Dice (three extra SAGA Dice if a Fanatic was sacrificed) and place them on your Battleboard. OR Activate a unit (this activation does not cause any FATIGUE if a Fanatic was sacrificed)
Orders Until the start of your next, any of your units may sacrifice a friendly model within 3 instead of sacrificing one of its own models as part of the cost of an ability.
= EL. ©
->|C|A Mujabids
Acliv4lJór) PÖÖ|
Activate a unit o f Hearthguards or a Warlord.
Activate a unit of Warriors.
Activate a unit o f Levies.
Roll two extra SAGA Dice.
Gombal Pést OOJ Mêlee, Shooting or Shooting/Reaction Gain one Attack or one Defence Die (two dice if a • / ( j j ! was discarded).
óórs HF
^P^*^E I
of j
B a
£)if)c£ éf~Spê4rs
May only be used immediately after your opponent rolled his SAGA Dice.
May not be used by units equipped with ranged weapons.
Piek one unused SAGA Die of your opponent.
During the step 1 o f this mêlee, all units engaged in this mêlee only generate half their normal number of Attack Dice but gain a number of Defence Dice equal to the number of Attack Dice generated.
Until the end of the current turn, all enemy Warlords i n play lose their Determination, We Obey and Side by Side special rules.
Roll it and add it to his available dice. Take one o f your unused SAGA Dice, and place it on your Battleboard with a - "^Ji face-up.
In addition, the number of Attack Dice they generate (in mêlee or when shooting) is reduced by 2.
Sörjg öf~£)rums
Activate all your units that are not equipped with ranged weapons.
Use this ability when an opponent activates a unit to Rest.
Up to half the casualties (rounded up) you suffer during the step 5 may be removed from an enemy unit within SR (that is not the shooting unit) instead o f being removed from your unit.
Friendly F"^
Add one Fatigue to any other unit that is within SR of the resting unit (add two Fatigues instead to that unit if you discarded a ^Jj).
tmpïjijjg SpêJirs Mêlee May only be used ifyour unit has been engaged in mêlee and is not equipped with ranged weapons. Your opponent chooses: • A l l his engaged units discard half their Attack Dice OR • Your unit gets a +2 bonus to all his Attack Dice.
Orders/Reaction Until the end o f the current turn, each time your opponent activates one o f his units that is more than JU away of his Warlord, his Warlord takes one Fatigue.
Orders Designate an enemy Warriors or Levies unit made of up to 6 models and that is more than lil away o f its Warlord. Until the end o f the current turn, this unit is considered as part of your warband. If he is not exhausted, the enemy Warlord may take three Fatigues to cancel that ability.
pury öf~Swóras Mêlee May not be used by units equipped with ranged weapons. Gain a number of Attack Dice and a number of Defence Dice equal to a third of the number
2Y)o\>etnent All foot models move
in open terrain.
All mounted models move Xt in open terrain. All models move $ when moving from, in or through uneven ground or crossing an obstacle. If you move within ÏJS of an enemy model, you must engage it in mêlee. A unit that has moved earlier during the turn, and is activated to move within $ of an enemy unit must engage that enemy unit in mêlee.
Bows, slings, crossbows
Javelins, Composite bows
Number of attack dice
Armour 3
1/2 per models
Warriors Hearthguard \
1 per models
Warlord Sfjooting steps:
§%m 5ice
1) Target determination and Attack Dice
At the start of the turn, you roll:
2) Attacker then Defender use their SAGA abilities
• One SAGA die per Warrior or Hearthguard unit • Two SAGA dice per Warlord. • Minus one SAGA die for every SAGA die left on your Battleboard.
3) Attack Roll (roll Attack Dice. Target number is the enemy's A r m o u r . M a x number o f Attack Dice is equal to twice the amount o f Dice generated b y the u n i t ) . 4) Defence Roll (cancels each h i t o n a 4 or more. M a x n u m b e r o f Defence Dice is twice the n u m b e r o f hits taken)
tüitfj a maximum of 6
Mee. 5) Remove casualties
fatigue ^>ou gain fatigue for tfje foiïbwing reasons: • One Fatigue for every Movement or Shooting activation after the first Movement or Shooting activation of the turn. • One Fatigue after each mêlee. • One Fatigue if a friendly unit is removed from the game in mêlee within |3 of your unit. • One Fatigue if your unit mounted on horses ends its movement with at least one ftgure in an uneven ground. you may spen5 tfje enem-p's fatigue to: • Reduce his Movement from SR to £} or from to TZiS or from li to Jlt. • When shot at, discard one enemy Fatigue from the shooting unit to gain one Armour. • In Mêlee, discard one enemy Fatigue to gain one Armour. • In Mêlee, discard one enemy Fatigue to reduce the enemy's Armour by one. All these effects may only be used once during each Movement activation, or Shooting or Mêlee. fatigue fimit
• Light Cover allows the cancellation of hits on 3s. • Heavy Cover allows the cancellation of hits on 3s and adds one Armour to the target. • Crossbows: Reduce the Armour of the target by one. • Javelins: May shoot at the end of a Movement activation.
7Y)efee Class
Number of attack dice
Levies Warriors Hearthguard Warlord
1 per 3 models
1 per models
2 per models
TDefee steps: 0) The Attacker t h e n the Defender may use any Melee/Reaction ability. 1) D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f A t t a c k D i c e (Attacker & Defender) 2) Defender m a y reduce his A t t a c k Pool to gain Defence D i c e 3) Attacker & Defender abilities 4) A t t a c k Roll (Attacker & Defender, target n u m b e r is the enemy's
Fatigue limit
j Levies
Hearthguard and Warlord
If the number of Fatigue markers a unit has is equal or higher than his limit, it is Exhausted and cannot be activated for Movement or Shooting and loses half its Attack Dice in Mêlee.
A r m o u r . M a x n u m b e r o f A t t a c k Dice is equal t o t w i c e the a m o u n t o f D i c e generated b y the u n i t ) 5) Defence rolls (Attacker & Defender, cancel hits o n 5s. M a x n u m b e r o f D i c e is t w i c e the n u m b e r o f hits taken) 6) Remove casualties 7) Fatigue is a t t r i b u t e d 8) Loser must disengage.
iDoSifiers • A unit in Cover cancels all hits on 4s rather than 5s. • Heavy weapons: Adds +1 to the result of each Attack Dice, reduces the Armour of the unit by one during melees.
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