Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Sixth Judicial Region BRANCH __ Mambusao, Capiz PETITIO !OR T"E RE#ISTR$TIO RE#ISTR$TIO O! %RE#ISTERE& '$& 'OC$TE& $T $T M$J$'%&, S$PI$, S$PI$, C$PI( LAND REGISTRATION CASE NO. N(LRC)-01-17 ELDEN C. BONILLA, Petitione), *+e)sus* THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF CAPIZ, Respondent x*****************************************************************************************x
PETITION PETITIONER, b- and th)ough counsel, unto this "ono)able Cou)t )espectfull- a+e) that. / Petiti Petitione) one),, E'&E C 0OI''$ 0OI''$,, is a !ilipino, !ilipino, of legal age, age, ma)) ma))ie ied d and and a )esi )eside dent nt of Ma1a Ma1anl nlud ud,, Sapi Sapian an,, Capiz2 3 Resp Respon onden dentt is the Regi Regist ste) e) of &eeds &eeds of Capiz Capiz 4hic 4hich h )d has an official add)ess at 5 !loo), Capiz #o+e)nment and 0usiness Cente), !uentes &)i+e, 6788 Roxas Cit4he)e it ma- be se)+ed se)+ed 4ith summons and othe) cou)t p)ocesses at the gi+en add)ess2 5 Petitione) ne) is applpl-ing fo) the )eg )egist)at )ation of the un)egiste)ed land located at Ma1anlud, Sapian, Capiz 9sub1ect lot:2 “A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 143, Cad. 133, Capiz Cadastre (AP-06(AP06-003 003!3" !3" sit#ate sit#atedd i$ t%e &ar &ara$' a$'a a o) *a+a$ *a+a$#d, #d, *#$iipait o) apia$, Pro/i$e o) Capiz, sa$d o) Pa$a. Pa$a. &o#$ded o$ t%e ., ao$' i$es 1-, 2 Lot 1330 o$ t%e ., ao$' i$es -3-4-5 2 Lot 13 o$ t%e N., ao$' i$es 6-!
2 Lot 136 a$d o$ t%e E., ao$' i$e !--1 2 Lot 134, a o) t%e Cad. 133 Capiz Cadastre. 7 7 7 Co$tai$i$' a$ area o) 89R8: 89O;AND E<98 9;NDRED =8: (30,60" s>#are ?eters ?ore or ess.@ ; Petitione)*$pplicant and his p)edecesso)s*in*inte)est has been on open, peaceful, continuous, uninte))upted possession in the concept of an o4ne) of the abo+e* desc)ibed p)ope)t- since time immemo)ial
PRAYER <"ERE!ORE, it is )espectfull- p)a-ed that the Registe) of &eeds of Capiz issue an o)iginal ce)tificate of title of the lot located at Ma1anlud, Sapian, Capiz )egiste)ed in the name of the petitione) . Othe) 1ust and e=uitable )eliefs a)e li>e4ise p)a-ed fo) 3? June 38/?, Roxas Cit-, Capiz, Philippines
ATTY. ELDRAHN LIAM BARREDO Counsel fo) the Petitione) 0u)gos St)eet, Roxas CitPTR o //3;5?@86*5/*/?@Roxas CitI0P OR o /35;6@8A*87*/?@Roxas CitMC'E Compliance o B*?A6;53/@8;*3?*/? $tto)ne-s Roll o 863;5A
VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION Republic of the Philippines: P)o+ince of Capiz : ss Cit- of Roxas :
I, E'&E C 0OI''$, of legal age, afte) ha+ing been duls4o)n in acco)dance 4ith la4, depose and state that. / I am the petitione)@applicant in the abo+e*stated case2 3 I caused the p)epa)ation of the fo)egoing petition2
5 I ha+e )ead the contents the)eof and the facts stated the)ein a)e t)ue and co))ect of m- pe)sonal >no4ledge and@o) on the basis of copies of documents and )eco)ds in m- possession2 ; I ha+e not commenced an- othe) action o) p)oceeding in+ol+ing the same issues in the Sup)eme Cou)t, the Cou)t of $ppeals, o) an- othe) t)ibunal o) agenc-2 6 To the best of m- >no4ledge and belief, no such action o) p)oceeding is pending in the Sup)eme Cou)t, the Cou)t of $ppeals, o) an- othe) t)ibunal o) agenc-2 A If I should the)eafte) lea)n that a simila) action o) p)oceeding has been filed o) is pending befo)e the Sup)eme Cou)t, the Cou)t of $ppeals, o) an- othe) t)ibunal o) agenc-, I unde)ta>e to )epo)t that fact 4ithin fi+e 96: da-s the)ef)om to this "ono)able Cou)t
S%0SCRI0E& $& S
ATTY. ELDRAHN LIAM BARREDO ota)- Public 0u)gos St)eet, Roxas CitPTR o //3;5?@86*5/*/?@Roxas CitI0P OR o /35;6@8A*87*/?@Roxas CitMC'E Compliance o B*?A6;53/@8;*3?*/? $tto)ne-s Roll o 863;5A &oc o *2 Page o '2 0oo> o V2 Se)ies of 017