Daily Monitoring Activities: SAP Servers SM5 1 SM5 Work Process Overview 0 System wide Work process Over. SM6 6 SM0 User active List 4 AL08 Users Logged On SML Logon Grp’s Maintenance screen G System Log Analysis SM2 1 SM1 Display & Delete locks 2 Administrate Update Records SM1 3 SM3 Overview of Job Selection 7
SAP Buffers
ST03 Perf., SAP Stats, WorkLoad
ST04 DB Performance Monitor
DB02 ST06/OS06 DB12
Tables & Indexes Monitor OS Monitor DBA Backup Logs
DB16 DB Checks
Spool Requests
: TIME_OUT, TIME_OUT, RAISE_EXCEPTION, CONVT_NO_NUMBER, Datatype : Short dumps, user pro!ems : S"aps, #$t rat$o, ma% use & $' memory : (or)!oad a'a!ys$sàD$a!o*àRespo'se t$me : Data u++er, DD Cahe - P$' Rat$o ./ua!$ty0 1$!e systems 2Reads 3 (r$tes40 (r$tes40 S/5 Re6uest 2E%eut$o's, u++er *ets, d$s) reads4, A!ert 5o* D$s) reads more due to $mproper $'de%es, d d stat$st$s a'd u++er s$7$'*0 DB02 : Ta!espae used pere'ta*e, pere 'ta*e, M$ss$'* I'de%es, Spae Cr$t$a! O8ets ST06 : CPU Ut$!$7at$o', OS 5o*, OS Co!!etor, 5AN DB12 : Ba)up I'+o, Redo 5o*s I'+o DB16 : Dead !o)s, Ta!espae a!erts SM50 : CPU, SMLG: I'sta'e Respo'se t$me9:;;;ms, D$spather /ueue, 1a
ST22 SM21 ST02 ST03 ST04
Background jobs: : Scheduling: Job name, Job class, Status, Target server, Spool recipient = Releasing jobs: Immediate||Date/Time||Operational modes||After Event|| After Job > Monitoring Jobs: Capture, Cancel, compare, copy, move
Time Delay à wp increase, operation modes. Job is running and work processes is in wait state Sm37 àcheck status job menu Long running jobs SM50 work processes in running state then contact with consultant
Client Administration ? Client Settings: Production client Open: Cross client Object changes @ Local / Remote / Export/Import Copies
TMS TMS Configuration Co'+$*ur$'* the tra'sport doma$' o'tro!!er o Add$'* systems o Co'+$*ur$'* the tra'sport routes o K type C type T type Transport from STMS OS level:
ADM :; tp addtobuffer SID pf=tp_.pfl :: tp import SID client777 pf=tp_.pfl
Applying Support Packs := Pre: Client 000 || SAP_OCS || Same level for SAP_ABA & SAP_BASIS || SAP*KXXXnn || /usr/sap/trans/log :> Process: 1. Download: SAPNET || www.service.sap.com\swdc 2. Two ways: SPAMàSupport pa)a*es Me'uà5oad Pa)a*es0 From Front-End & from Application server :? \\hostname\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in :@ sapcar –xvf Health check: SM21, ST22 =? SM51—Kernel Version snapshot Spool Administration =@ Printers Configuration: OS Level Configuration + SPAD = Spool requests Monitoring: SP01
>; >:
>= >> >?
= = = User Administration #a'd!$'* m$ss$'* author$7at$o' pro!ems Mass user at$<$t$es >0 5o)$'* - U'!o)$'* Users ?0 Cha'*$'* Pass"ords Ro!es Pro+$!es Or*a'$7at$o' 5e
Database Administration >@ Backup Strategy: Da$!y o'!$'e a'd redo !o*s a)up a'd "ee)!y o++!$'e Tape De<$e type F DST >:; Capa$tyF @; HB Tra's+er rate F >;@; HB3hour > Tablespace Administration Pre: Check free space & No backups Process: ADM à BRTOO5SàSpae Ma'a*eme'tàE%te'd Ta!espae PostF Comp!ete a)up > Updating Table statistics: CBO A'a!y7e pa)a*e DBSTATC ta!e Opt$m$7er_mode J hoose DB=;
> Database check: DB17 || DB16 || BRCONNECT || Daily activity
Database Refresh !rocess: The Proess o+ re+resh$'* the Data +rom o'e System "$th a'other System Data $s a!!ed as DB Re+resh
> Pr$mary s$teF Dataase a)up - Co'tro! +$!e a)up ?; Seo'dary s$teF ?: Ba)up o+ 'eeded $'+ormat$o' $' the Seo'dary system ?= Dataase restore ?> Co'tro! +$!e sr$pt reat$o' a'd e%eut$o' $' no mount state0 ?? Reo
=0 A!ter dataase reo0 A!ter dataase ope' reset!o*s 3 'oreset!o*sK
Disaster Recovery Site !rocess: ? Pr$mary s$teF Dataase a)up - Sta'dy Co'tro!+$!e reat$o' ? Seo'dary s$te :0 Dataase restore =0 P!a$'* o'tro!+$!e $' respet$0 Reo0 A!ter dataase ope' read o'!yK ?0 A!ter dataase at$ A!ter system arh$ $ata*ase $%$
? Dataase I'sta'e Re!"ire# $%$s @ SAP &nstallation 'aster $%$
SAP (ernel $%$ All Export $%$s $ata*ase $%$ SAPHUI I'sta!!at$o' &nstallation +S/ Solaris.: ; S(AP s$7e : a Ce'tra! I'sta'e ? Ora!e So+t"are @ Ora!e Pathes Dataase I'sta'e SAPHUI I'sta!!at$o' !ost &nstallation: I'sta!!at$o' Che) SIC, SM= User Creat$o' ; Che)$'* de+au!t pass"ords o+ Super users : I'$t$a!$7at$o' o+ CTO SE; = STMS > C!$e't Creat$o' Q C!$e't opy Q 5o*$a! system ? App!y$'* Support Pa)s a'd er'e! Up*radat$o' @ De+au!t Shedu!$'* o+ SAP Sta'dard a)*rou'd 8os SHEN SAP 5$e'se Comp!ete Dataase Ba)up Updat$'* System data $' ser<$e0sap0om3systemdata