Sap DMS – direct print of pdf drawings on Windows frontend My problem was to print a pdf from SAP document management system automatically, without user actions needed; I solved this using the classic function cl_gui_frontend_services=e!ecute giving as parameter not only the path of the file to open, but the concatenation conca tenation of the specific Adobe "eader call parameters to print and hide the main window #simply$ %p %h &' %h &' (ere it is the entire code of my function$ )*+-I.+ /_print_pdf_draw' 01 IMP."-I+2 01 3A4*5#P6.7A"& -8P5 6"A9:6.7A" 6"A9:6.7A" 01 3A4*5#P6.7+"& -8P5 6"A9:6.7+" 6"A9:6.7+" 01 3A4*5#P6.73"& -8P5 6"A9:6.73" 6"A9:6.73" 06irect Print of pdf drawings, 9indows 9indows )rontend only on ly -A45S$ draw' S545- SI+245 0 )".M draw I+-. draw 9(5"5 do
$?-emp?@ draw:mr<_filep I+-. targetf' .+A-5+A-5 >%p %h > targetf I+-. printcommand' P = Print, h = (ide 9indow dms_file:fileno = B' M.35 targetf -. dms_file:filename' d ms_file:filename' dms_file:dappl = >P6)@' dms_file:dttrg = draw:dttrg' 0save the pdf file locally A44 )*+-I.+ >3BC_6._(57.*-_-._4I5+-@ 5DP."-I+2 ps_draw = draw ps_doc_file = dms_file ' I) sy:subrc = ' 0 print the pdfE A44 M5-(.6 cl_gui_frontend_services=e!ecute 5DP."-I+2 application = >Acro"dFC'e!e@
0application = >Acrobat'e!e@ parameter = printcommand minimi/ed = >D@ operation = 1 5D5P-I.+S 0G .-(5"S = B ' 5+6I)' 54S5' 0 file not foundG 5+6I)' 5+6)*+-I.+'