Installation information Primary Component BC-INS-UNX Installation Unix Secondary Components Summary Symptom ******************************************************** * * SAP NetWeaver 2004s Installation on UNIX * This SAP Note is not updated any longer (see the Caution! * section below)! * ********************************************************* Other terms SAPinst, UNIX, SAP NetWeaver 2004s Reason and Prerequisites Problems discovered after the publication of the installation guide ============================Caution!================================== ============================Caution!============= ===================== Ramp-Up - SAP Note. This SAP Note is outdated. The related installation guides have been removed fr om SAP Service Marketplace. Refer to SAP note 1052298 for NW 7.0 SR3 or SAP note 972262 for NW 7.0 SR2 instead. ============================Caution!============= ========================= ===Caution!================================== =====================
Solution DO NOT CHANGE OR ADD INFORMATION TO THIS NOTE ! If you want to contribute something, please send a mail to: Klaus Billig
[email protected] Always use the latest documentation version (see SAP Service Marketplace at "ser" See also related SAP Notes "SAP NetWeaver 2004s Installation on UNIX:
" for database-specific information: 851169 848436 847174 858969
SAP NetWeaver 2004s Installation on UNIX:Oracle SAP NetWeaver 2004s Installation on UNIX: MaxDB DB6: SAP NetWeaver 2004s - Installation on UNIX SAP NetWeaver 2004s Installation: IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
Sections of this note are:
1. General (1) 2. Pre-Installation (2) 3. Installation (3) 4. Post-Installation (4) Contents Date Section Description ------------------------------------------24/OCT/06 4 Java: Error message when you close SAPinst GUI 19/OCT/06 4 Java: Wrong default value of property "ume.usermapping.u nsecure" 29/MAY/06 1 Installing additional usage types or software units (ramp up customers only) 29/MAY/06 1 Installing the Java Add-In for ABAP (ramp up customers only) 18/APR/06 3 Installing dialog instance(s) for an SAP system upgraded to SAP NetWeaver 2004s 10/APR/06 4 ABAP, ABAP+Java: Check value of parameter rdisp/bufrefmode in DEFAULT.PFL 04/APR/06 3 Error FSL-02015 Node does not exist 06/MAR/06 1 Running ADS with non-supported platforms 27/MAR/06 4 (PI): PI-specific SLD configuration 27/Mar/06 4 (PI): Increase number of dialog work processes 21/MAR/06 4 ABAP, Java ADS: Correction to installation documentation: paths to ADS configuration documentation 06/MAR/06 1 Running ADS with non-supported platforms 28/FEB/06 1 New SAPCAR for products based on SAP NW 2004s 01/FEB/06 4 DI post-installation: Restart needed after post-installation of SPS 5 and 6 before importing build-plugins. 26/JAN/06 3 (PI): Do not use PI user names for SLD dialogs 25/JAN/06 3 Java: SAPinst aborts in step getUMEConfiguration (HP-UX B11.11 only) 15/DEC/05 4 ABAP: Correction to installation documentation: Do not transport German via SMLT 13/DEC/05 4 Java: JSPM: sapstart cannot be found 05/DEC/05 3 ABAP: UNICODE conversion error 24/NOV/05 3 SP2-0310: Datei "ora_scr_tmp.sql" cannot be opened 24/NOV/05 4 DI: Missing permission in SLD Data Supplier 21/NOV/05 1 Typing error: quicklink /sapnotesnw2004s 15/NOV/05 3 ABAP+Java: User name ADMINISTRATOR too long 04/NOV/05 4 Java EP: Set Shared Folder for KM in Cluster 02/NOV/05 4 ABAP: Increase number of work processes 27/OCT/05 4 BI Java: Adjustments after Template Installer run 26/OCT/05 4 SP04: Adobe Forms: Apply SAP Note 891202 24/OCT/05 3 SAPinst GUI crashes during installation 24/OCT/05 1 Apply media for SP stack installation! 24/OCT/05 4 Java: Problems with http response J2EE SP04 19/OCT/05 3 Java on Linux PPC64 : SAPinst aborts during deployment of usage types / software units 12/OCT/05 4 PI, DI: Certain operations fail in DTR or in XI with a NullPointerException 11/OCT/05 4 PI: Change exchangeProfile parameters for central SLD 11/OCT/05 4 PI: Change RFC Connections to the SLD 30/SEP/05 3 Shell output: successful..child <> has crashed 30/SEP/05 3 Java: installation stops at 'SLD configuration' 30/SEP/05 4 PI: Setting SLD Parameters for Multiple Nodes (HA) 29/SEP/05 3 Java: Error: security exception (SP4 only)
28/SEP/05 27/SEP/05 15/SEP/05
3 3 4
15/SEP/05 07/SEP/05 24/AUG/05
3 4 3
05/AUG/05 08/JUL/05 08/JUL/05
4 3 3
ABAP: Error: service 'sapgw50' unknown Java: loading jperflib failed() PI: CTC Step: Maintaining a Business System for the Integration Server Error: empty package path EP: Error in std_server0.out SAPinst 701 only: Always set the DISPLAY environment variable Return value 8 for function /usr/sbin/usermod - adm Space requirements for ESS development ERROR 2005-06-20 18:50:40 FSL-06002 Error 1060 Error messages in SDM logs
This note contains information relevant to the following installation types (usa ge types): AS-ABAP (ABAP) AS-Java (Java) AS ABAP and AS-Java (ABAP+Java) Business Intelligence (BI) Development Infrastructure (DI) Enterprise Portal (EP) Mobile Infrastructure (MI) Process Integration (PI) Each entry is marked with a prefix (ABAP, Java, ABAP+Java, BI, DI, EP, MI, PI) t o make clear which installation type the information applies to. If there is no prefix, the information applies to all types.
===================================================== 1 General ===================================================== --------------------------------Installing additional usage types / software units (ramp up customers only) If you want to install additional usage types or software units, make sure that the SP stack level of the SCAs equals the SP stack level of the SAP system. Caution: The installation of additional usage types or software units is not yet released for ramp up. We recommend you to make sure that you have applied at least the SP stack level corresponding to SR1 (SAP NetWeaver 2004s: SPS 06, mySAP Business Suite 2005 SR1 : SPS 03) before you install additional usage types/software units. For more information, see SAP Note 910485. --------------------------------Installing the Java Add-In for ABAP (ramp up customers only) Procedure 1. Make sure that you have applied at least the SP stack level corresponding to SR1 (SAP NetWeaver 2004s: SPS 06, mySAP Business Suite 2005 SR1: SPS 03) 2. Ins tall the Java Add-In as described in the Java installation guide for your SAP sy stem. 3. If the SP stack level of your ABAP system is higher than the SP stack l evel corresponding to SR1, you have to patch the Java Add-In after the installat ion accordingly.
---------------------------------Running ADS with non-supported platforms Adobe document services (ADS) are currently not supported to run natively on all platforms supported by SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver, in particular 64-bit platforms. To use ADS in SAP landscapes set up on non-supported platforms, you have to inst all an additional stand-alone AS Java on a platform supported by ADS. For more information, see SAP Note 925741. ----------------< D027171 FEB/28/06 >--------------New SAPCAR for products based on SAP NW 2004s SAPCAR has been made downward compatible for all Releases. Due to this change, older versions of SAPCAR can no longer unpack the current SAR files. To unpack t he archives, you need at least SAPCAR 700 or SAPCAR 640 with patch level 4 or hi gher. For the latest SAPCAR version, see SAP Service Marketplace at wdc. For more information, see Note 212876. ----------------------------------Typing error: quicklink /sapnotesnw2004s There is a typing error in the chapter "Information Available on SAP Service Mar ketplace": The correct quicklink is /sapnotesnw2004s. ( /sapnotes2004s is wrong!). -----------------------------------Apply media for SP stack installation Note: The ABAP stack of a newly installed NetWeaver 2004s is on ABAP SP01. The Java stack of a newly installed NetWeaver 2004s is on Java SP04. After the installation of your SAP system has finished successfully, you have to apply "Media for Support Package Stack Installation" to patch the system to SP0 4. See "Media List for SAP NetWeaver 2004s" on SAP Service Marketplace at http://se ======================================================= 2 Pre-Installation ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------Installing dialog instance(s) for an SAP system upgraded to SAP NetWeaver 2004s If you want to install a dialog instance for an SAP system upgraded to SAP NetWeaver 2004s, do the following: ABAP+Java system ================ 1. Edit DEFAULT.PFL. a) Insert a line with the parameter 'rdisp/msserv_internal = 'and set it to a free port number. 2. Edit the central services instance prof ile. a) Set the parameter 'rdisp/msserv' to 0. b) Insert a line with the paramet er 'rdisp/msserv_internal = 'and set it to the port number that was assigned bef ore to rdisp/msserv. c) Restart all instances. Example:
======== ¦DEFAULT.PFL Before: ... rdisp/msserv = sapms ... After: ... rdisp/msserv = sapms rdisp/msserv_internal = ... ¦Central services instance profile: Before: ... rdisp/msserv = 4711 ... After: ... rdisp/msserv = 0 rdisp/msserv_internal = 4711 ...
Java system =========== 1. Edit the central services instance profile. 2. Set the parameter 'rdisp/msse rv' to '0'. 3. Insert a line with the parameter 'rdisp/msserv_internal = 'and se t it to the port number that was assigned before to rdisp/msserv 4. Restart the central services instance. Example: ======== Central services instance profile: Before: ... rdisp/msserv = 4711 ... After: ... rdisp/msserv = 0 rdisp/msserv_internal = 4711 ... ABAP system ============ 1. Edit DEFAULT.PFL. 2. Insert a line with the parameter 'rdisp/msserv_internal = 'and set it to a free port number. 3. Restart all instances. Example: ======== DEFAULT.PFL Before: ... rdisp/msserv = sapms ... After:
... rdisp/msserv = sapms rdisp/msserv_internal = ... ================================================== 3 Installation ================================================== -------------------------------Error FSL-02015 Node does not exist. Symptom: You copied the installation DVDs to disk. You get the error FSL-02015 Node does not exist. Solution: Make sure that the paths to the location of the copied DVDs do not do not contai n any blanks. ----------------------------------On the installation dialogs for the local SLD, do NOT use the following PI user names: XIREPUSER XIDIRUSER XILDUSER XIAPPLUSER XIRWBUSER XIAFUSER XIISUSER LSADMIN ----------------------------------Java: SAPinst aborts in step getUMEConfiguration (HP-UX B11.11 only) Symptom : SAPinst fails in step name getUMEConfiguration. The following line can be seen near the end of sapinst_dev.log : ... CJS-30158 Error when running UMConfiguratorLoad. See output of logfile umconfigurator.log: ' ... umconfigurator.log contains lines similar to the following ones: ... Jan 12, 2006 7:01:02 AM Info: UME configurator ( called for action "query" PerfTimes : loadNativeLayer: loading jperflib failed() //exe/ specified file is not a shared library, or a format error was detected. Jan 12, 2006 7:01:11 AM Info: Using SID "" for secure storage Jan 12, 2006 7:01:12 AM Info: Found current configuration file "dataSourceConfiguration_database_only.xml" Jan 12, 2006 7:01:12 AM
Info: Query function
returns data source configuration code: 100 Jan 12, 2006 7:01:12 AM Info: Operation executed successfully ... , where: is the SAPSID for the system is the global filesystem mount (/sapmnt location by default) Solution : 1. Stop SAPinst 2. Make a backup of the control.xml file from your installation directory 3. Open control.xml and search for : this. queryUMEConfiguration = function(jcoProperties) 4. Inside this block, go to the following line (searching forward from the last point for app.exceptionOccured() should do): if (app. exceptionOccured()) throw new NWException("nw. runUmConfi guratorLoad", logFilePath, app.getOutput()); 5. Replace this line with the following one: if (Number(retval) < 100) throw new NWException("nw .runUmConfigur atorLoad", logFilePath, app.getOutput()); 6. Start SAPinst, choose the same installation option and confirm that you want to continue your old installation. ---------------------------------ABAP: UNICODE conversion error Symptom: During the import into a UNICODE system the following error occurs (for example in the SAPCLUST.log): myCluster (63.2.Imp): 2085: (Warning:) inconsistent field names(source): physica l field K1N05 appears as logic K1N5. myCluster (63.2.Imp): 2086: (Warning:) further investigation recommended myCluster (63.2.Imp): 1924: error when checking key field consistency for logic table TACOPC . myCluster (63.2.Imp): 1927: logic table is canonical. myCluster (63.2.Imp): 1930: received return code 2 from c3_uc_check_key_field_de scr_consistency. myCluster (63.2.Imp): 1224: unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table TACO PC . myCluster (63.2.Imp): 8032: unable to acquire nametab info for logic table TACOP C . myCluster (63.2.Imp): 2807: failed to convert cluster data of cluster item. myCluster: CLU4 **00001** myCluster (63.2.Imp): 319: error during conversion of cluster item. myCluster (63.2.Imp): 322: affected physical table is CLU4. (CNV) ERROR: code page conversion failed rc = 2 ---------------------------------------------------------| | RSCP - Error | Error from: Codepage handling (RSCP) | code: 128 RSCPENOOBJ No such object | Dummy module without real rscpmc[34] | module: rscpmm no: 2 line: 75 T100: TS008 | TSL01: CPV p3: Dummy-IPC p4: rscpmc4_init `---------------------------------------------------------Cause: This problem is caused by incorrect data which should have been removed from the
source system before the export. Solution: There are two possible workarounds: 1. Modify DDL.TPL ( = ADA, DB2, DB4, DB6, IND, MSS, ORA) BEFORE the R 3load TSK files are generated; search for the keyword "negdat:" and add "CLU4" and "VER_CLUSTR" t o this line. 2. Modify the TSK file (most probably SAPCLUST.TSK) BEFORE R3load import is (re)started; search for the lines starting with "D CLU4 I" and "D VER_CLUSTR I" and change the status (i.e. "err" or "xeq") to "ign" or remove the lines. ---------------------------------------------------SP2-0310: Datei "ora_scr_tmp.sql" cannot be opened Symptom: sapinst cannot read file ora_scr_tmp.sql to check some status of the database. Cause: This error only occurs if sapinst did not add the user ora to group "sapi nst" during the input phase of the installation. Solution: 1. Edit /etc/group. 2. Add user ora to the group "sapinst". 3. Restart S APinst and continue with the installation. --------------------------------ABAP+Java: User name ADMINISTRATOR too long Symptom: Error message "User name ADMINISTRATOR is longer than the maximum length of user s for ABAP systems (12 characters)" Cause: This error only occurs if profiles exist in directory /sapmnt//profile but /usr/sap//SYS/profile (or whole directory /usr/sap/) does not exist. To make sure that this is the cause, look at the creation date of these profiles and directories. Solution: 1. Go to the log directory and open the file keydb.xml 2. Search for t_NW_accou nts (This is the table where the (at least most) user data stuff is stored) 3. C ontinue search from here for J2EEAdmin 4. Change in this table row the value of * field "name" from "Administrator" to "J2EE_ADMIN" * field "groups" from "Administrators" to "SAP_J2EE_ADMIN" 5. Search backwards for t_NW_accounts (to make sure you search the following in the right table...) 6. Continue search from here for J2EEGuest 7. change in this table row the value of * field "name" from "Guest" to "J2EE_GUEST" * field "groups" from "Guests" to "SAP_J2EE_GUEST" 8. Restart SAPinst and continue the installation. -------------------------------------SAPinst GUI crashes during installation Symptom: SAPinst GUI crashes during the installation without error message Solution: Restart SAPinst GUI as described in chapter "Starting SAPinst GUI Separately" in
the installation guide of your SAP solution. ------------------------------------Java on Linux PPC64 : SAPinst aborts during deployment of usage types / softwar e units Symptom: You find an error like the following in the deployment log: 2005 8:51:36 PM Info: Starting: Initial deployment: Selected development component 'ess/lwegp'/''/'MAIN_ERP05VAL_C'/'114934' will be d . 2005 8:51:36 PM Info: SDA to be deployed: /usr/sap/QE1/JC01/SDM/root/o rigin/ 2005 8:51:36 PM Info: Software type of SDA: J2EE 2005 8:51:36 PM Info: ***** Begin of SAP J2EE Engine Deployment (J2EE Application) ***** 2005 8:54:25 PM Info: Begin of log messages of the target system: 4 20:51:36 ******************************************************** 4 20:51:36 - Start updating EAR file... 4 20:51:36 - start-up mode is lazy 4 20:51:37 - EAR file updated successfully for 311ms. 4 20:51:37 - Start deploying ... 4 20:51:38 - EAR file uploaded to server for 550ms. 4 20:54:25 - ERROR: Not deployed. Deploy Service returned ERROR: java.rmi.RemoteException: ERROR : ; nested exception is: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at rnal( Code)) etc ... 4 20:54:25 *********************************************************** 2005 8:54:25 PM Info: End of log messages of the target system. 2005 8:54:25 PM Info: ***** End of SAP J2EE Engine Deployment (J2EE Application) ***** 2005 8:54:25 PM Error: Aborted: development component 'ess/lwegp'/''/'MAIN_ERP05VAL_C'/'114934': exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service: i.RemoteException: ERROR : ; nested exception is: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ge ID: loyerImpl.performAction(DeploymentActionTypes).REMEXC) 2005 8:54:26 PM Info: J2EE Engine is in same state (online/offline) as it has been before this deployment process. 2005 8:54:26 PM Info: Deployment was successful 2005 8:54:26 PM Info: Summarizing the deployment results: 2005 8:54:26 PM Error: Admitted: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/ 2005 8:54:26 PM Error: Admitted: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/ 2005 8:54:26 PM Info: OK: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/ 2005 8:54:26 PM Error: Admitted: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/ 2005 8:54:26 PM Info: OK: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/
2005 8:54:26 PM Info: OK: /4s_busin_java/J2EE_OSINDEP/UT_ERP/ 2005 8:54:26 PM Error: Processing error. Return code: 4 Background: This is a general exception which is caused by the limitations of the Java VM of the J2EE Engine. A Java VM is always assigned a fixed maximum memory size. If the software needs more memory than this maximum, Java throws this outOfMemory error. Solution: You assign more maximum heap size to the Java VM using For more information, see SAP Note 759669. -------------------------------------Shell output: successful..child <> has crashed Symptom: The installation finished successfully. However, you get an error message like t he following from the shell: INFO 2005-09-07 07:26:22 [iaxxrfcimp.cpp:1065] CAbRfcImpl::performFunctionCall Function call was successful. iauxsysex.c:316: child 20474 has crashed. Executable directory is /tmp/install/sapinst_exe.20472.1125993883. Contact Support. iaextract.c:814: child has signaled an exec error. Keeping directory /tmp/install/sapinst_exe.20472.1125993883 installationn was finished: hwi039:root# cat installationSuccesfullyFinished.dat ind finished 07_Sep_2005_07_48_39 Solution: You can ignore this message. -----------------------------------Java - installation stops at 'SLD configuration' Symptom: SAPinst stops at installation step 'SLD configuration' (sapinst step configSLDMa inLocalImportContent). You find an error like this in sapinst_dev.log: TRACE [iaxxejsexp.cpp:196] EJS_Installer::writeTraceToLogBook() NWException thrown: nw.configError: J2EE Engine configuration error. DIAGNOSIS: Error when configuring J2EE Engine. See output of logfile java.log: 'JSE'. ERROR
2005-09-14 12:39:16 CJSlibModule::writeError_impl() CJS-30059 J2EE Engine configuration error. DIAGNOSIS: Error when configuring J2EE Engine. See output of logfile java.log: 'JSE'. TRACE
[iaxxejsbas.hpp:451] EJS_Base::dispatchFunctionCall() JS Callback has thrown unknown exception. Rethrowing. ERROR
2005-09-14 12:39:16 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:653]
showDialog() FCO-00011 The step configSLDMainLocalImportContent with step key NW_Onehost ind ind ind ind 0 0 SAP_Software_Features_Enablement i nd ind ind ind 6 0 NW_CONFIG_SLD ind ind ind ind 2 0 configSLDMainLocalI mportContent was executed with status ERROR . After having pressed 'Retry', you find an error like the following in sapinst_de v.log: "CJS-30059 J2EE Engine configuration error. DIAGNOSIS: Error when configuring J 2EE Engine. See output of logfile java.log: ' xception: CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS: Namespace sld/import/temp0 already exists'." Reason: The SLD import was successful but SAPinst does not realize that the SLD is running already. Solution: Press 'Retry'. If SAPinst stops again with the same error, you can skip this ste p as follows: Start sapinst with the option: sapinst SAPINST_SKIP_ERRORSTEP=true or search in keydb.xml for the string "SAPINST_INST_STATUS" and then for "ERROR" an d set it to "OK". To check that SLD is already running and that the import of the CR content was successful, proceed as follows: 1. Open a browser window. 2. Go to http://:/sld/. 3. Click 'Adminis tration'. 4. Click 'Details'. 5. Click 'Data'. 6. Check 'SAP CR Content Version (sld/active)'. ---------------------------------Java - Error: security exception (SP4 only) This error is fixed with SP5. Symptom: You find an error message like the following in callSdmViaSapinst.log : .... Unexpected - cannot create a configuration. at (PolicyRoot .... Solution: You apply the following workaround: 1. Download the zip file '' attached to this SAP Note. It co ntains the files PolicyRoots.class and PolicyConfigurations.class 2. Update the existing files in all folders where security.jar exists: j2ee\cluster\server \bin\services\security j2ee\cluster\dispatcherbin\services\security a) Open security.jar using any archiving tool (for example WinRAR or WinZIP). b) Go to c) Replace existing PolicyRoots.c lass and PolicyConfigurations.class with the downloaded ones. Copy the modified security.jar to all places where this f ile needs to be available
-----------------------------------ABAP - Error: service 'sapgw' unknown
Symptom: You are installing a standalone gateway and get the error "service 'sapgw50' unk nown" Solution: 1. Insert the missing port manually by adding the following line to /etc/servic es: sapgw 33/tcp # SAP System Gate way Port 2. Continue the installation ------------------------------------------------Java - loading jperflib failed() Symptom: You get an error message like the following in sapinst.log: CJS-30059 J2EE Engine configuration error. DIAGNOSIS: Error when configuring J2EE Engine. See output of logfile umconfigurator.log: ' Aug 22, 2005 3:21:24 PM Info: UME configurator ( UMConfiguratorLoad) called for action "setup" PerfTimes : loadNativeLayer: loading jperflib failed() /usr/sap/sapinstFiles/install/ specified file is not a shared library, or a format error was detected. Solution: Restart sapinst and choose 'Continue old installation'. ------------------------------------------------Error: empty package path Symptom: You entered no package path in the field "Package Location" on SAPinst screen "S APinst DVD / CD Browser > Software Package Request" and pressed "Next". Then you find the following error in sapinst.log: ........ ERROR 2005-09-12 21:24:51 FCO-00048 An empty package path was returned by the CD server. ERROR 2005-09-12 21:24:51 MUT-03025 Caught ESAPinstException in Modulecall: ESAPinstException: error text undefined. ..... Background: There is a bug in the CD server that allows the user to enter no package path wh ich results in an error. This bug will be fixed with Service Release 1. Solution: Press "Retry" and enter a valid package location. ------------------------------------------------SAPinst 701 only: Always set the DISPLAY environment variable Symptom: When you run SAPinst 701 on UNIX, there exists a known bug that prevents the GUI facilities to start. This also applies if you start the GUI separately on a remote host. Workaround: Set the DISPLAY environment variable to :0.0, where is th e host where the SAPinst GUI will be started. -----------------------------------------------Error in sapinst_dev.log: Return value 8 fo function /usr/sbin/usermod
- adm Symptom: You are performing the installation of a distributed system on HP-UX or Solaris. SAPinst aborts with error "Error text undefined" sapinst_dev.log: Return value of function /usr/sbin/usermod - ad m is 8. Solution: 1. Stop all instances of the SAP system which have already been installed on th e installation host using the command stopsap r3 . 2. Make sure t hat no processes are running any more under user adm and that user adm is not logged on to the installation host. 3. Press "Retry". 4. Restart a ll instances of the SAP system on the installation host using the command starts ap r3 . 5. Continue with the installation. ------------------------------------------------If you get the following error message, you can ignore it: ERROR 2005-06-20 18:50:40 FSL-06002 Error 1060 (The specified service does not exist as an installed service. ) in execution of a 'OpenService' function, line (266), with parameter (SAPOsCol). This will be fixed with next service release. -----------------------------------------------Error messages in SDM logs If you find error messages like the following in the SDM logs, you can ignore th em: .... Error: : Location of software component '' / ' / '' / ' ' unknown./ Error: : system compone nt version store not updated. .... For more information, see SAP Note 828978. ===================================================== 4 Post-Installation ===================================================== ------------------------------------------------Java: Error message when you close SAPinst GUI Symptom: Sapinst has finished successfully. However, an error like the following is writt en on the console when you close Sapinst GUI: iauxsysex.c:317: child /tmp/sapinst_exe.4584.1159433231/sapinst (pid 4585) has c rashed. Executable directory is /tmp/sapinst_exe.4584. 1159433231. Contact Support. iaextract.c:814: child has signaled an exec error. Keeping directory /tmp/sapins t_exe.4584.1159433231 Solution: You can ignore this error message. -------------------------------------------------Java: Wrong default value of property "ume.usermapping.unsecure" Symptom: SAPinst has set a wrong default value for property "ume.usermapping.unsecure" Solution: Correct this by setting the custom value as described in SAP Note 984683. Otherw ise there will be problems after applying Java support packages.
---------------------------------------------------ABAP, ABAP+Java:Check value of parameter rdisp/bufrefmode in DEFAULT.PFL After the installation, you must check the value of the parameter rdisp/bufrefmo de in DEFAULT.PFL: For an SAP NetWeaver 2004s system without dialog instances, the value must be set to 'sendoff,exeauto'. For an SAP NetWeaver 2004s system with dialog instances, the value must be set to 'sendon,exeauto'. For more information, see SAP Note 14754. ---------------------------------------------------(PI): Increase number of dialog work processes After the installation has finished, you need to increase the number of dialog w ork processes to at least 5. ---------------------------------------------------(PI): PI-specific SLD configuration You need to perform the following additional post-installation steps fora PI-spe cific SLD: Mapping Security Role to User 1. Log on to the Visual Administrator of the J2EE engine of the SLD host. 2. Ch oose Cluster -> Server -> Services -> Security Provider. 3. In the Runtime tab, choose Policy Configurations and then the column Components, and select the comp onent*sld. 4. Switch to the Security Roles tab to display th e assigned roles. The user SLDAPIUSER already exists with its security role LcrInstanceWriterLD. 5 . Switch to edit mode and add user PIAPPLUSER with the same role LcrInstanceWrit erLD. Note: For For information on the UME actions, see the Post-Installation Guide - SLD of SAP NetWeaver 2004s, section Configuring SLD Security, at > Media Library Maintaining SLD Connection Parameters (ABAP API) 1. Log on to the SAP XI Integration Server System as user DDIC and call transac tion SLDAPICUST. The screen Maintain SLD Access Data is displayed. 2. Choose Dis play <-> Change and proceed as follows: a) Choose Insert Row. b) Enter the conne ction parameters to the SLD: Host Name: Port: User: PIAPPLUSER Note: For a central SLD, make sure you use the user with security role LcrInsta nceWriterLD. Password c) Set your entry as Primary. Note: Only the entry marked as Primary is active. d) Save your settings. --------------------------------------------------ABAP, Java ADS: Correction to installation guides: paths to ADS configuration documentation Post-Installation Steps for Adobe Document Services (Manual Procedure): For detailed configuration documentation see the configuration guide for Adobe D ocument Services on SAP Service Marketplace at> Interactive Forms Based on Adobe Software --> Media Library--> Documentation--> Adobe Document Services - Configuration Guide NW 2004s in the SAP Library at>
SAP NetWeaver Library --> Technology Consultant's Guide--> Additional Cross-NetWeaver Configurations--> Adobe Document Services - Configuration. --------------------------------------------------DI: You need to restart the J2EE instance after NWDI SPS 5 and 6 post- installat ion steps of template DI before you import build-plugins into the created track. For details see SAP Note 919942. --------------------------------------------------ABAP: Correction to installation documentation: Do not transport German via SMLT Correction to chapter "Installing Additional Languages": ... 2. Perform the language transport using transaction SMLT: Note: German is already available in the system. You do not have to transport it via SMLT. a) Classify the language b) Schedule the language transport ... --------------------------------------------------Java: JSPM: sapstart cannot be found Symptom: Patching of a Java standalone system fails. You find the following error in the JSPM_PROCESS_1_01.LOG : /usr/sap/QE1/JC01/exe/sapstart: not found Cause: There is no sapstart file in that directory. Solution: 1. Stop JSPM 2. Copy the sapstart file from /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run to the directory for the instance executables /usr/sap//JC< instance_number>/exe. 3. Restart JSPM --------------------------------------------------DI: A missing permission in SLD Data Supplier leads to the case that the SLD can not be registered Therefore you cannot set the name reservation function for t he use of the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure in usage type DI (you can not choose to "Enable Name Reservation for NWDI") in the SLD name reservation. Proceed as follows: 1. Log on to the Visul Administrator. 2. Choose -> Server -> Services -> SLD Data Supplier. 3. Choose tab "CIM Client Generation Settings" 4. Grant the privilege "" 5. Save your settings. 6. Open the SLD web UI. 7. Choose "Administration". 8. Stop and start the server. The SLD has now registered itself. The name reservation button appears. --------------------------------------------------(Java) EP: Set Shared Folder for KM in Cluster After an EP installation on a SAP J2EE Engine cluster, you need to adapt the pat h to the shared configuration folder for Knowledge Management (KM). If the path is incorrect, KM icons are not displayed and services do no start up.
On each machine in the cluster: 1. Log on to the portal 2. Choose System Administration -> System Configuration -> Knowledge Management -> Content Management -> Repository Managers -> File Sy stem Repository 3. Select the etc repository and choose Edit. 4. Set the paramet er for Root directory as follows: /sapmnt//global/config/cm/etc 5. To ensure that the correct path is preserv ed during an upgrade, also enter the path in the file (without etc ). The file is located under /sapmnt//global/config/cm Change the value of the parameter System.SharedFolder parameter to /sapmnt//global/config/cm 6. Restart the SAPJ2EE engine to activate the cha nged settings.
--------------------------------------------------ABAP: Increase number of work processes Increase the profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_dia from 2 to 4 for each ABAP applica tion server instance. --------------------------------------------------BI Java: After the Template Installer has run, you need to make the following ad justments: 1. In your Solution Manager System, call transaction SOLAR02 and choose SAP Cus tomizing Implementation Guide -> SAP NetWeaver -> Business Intelligence -> Repor ting-relevant Settings -> BEx Web -> Integration into the Portal -> Create BI Sy stem in the Portal. 2. Change the message server (has to be the BW backend syste m instead of the J2EE engine). --------------------------------------------------If you want to use Adobe Forms (with SP04), you have to apply SAP Note 891202. ------------------------ -------------------------Java: Problems with http response J2EE SP04 Symptom: You experience problems with http response for usage types / software units depl oyed on J2EE Engine SP04 Solution: Proceed as described in related SAP Note 889436. ------------------------ -------------------------PI, DI: Certain operations fail in DTR or in XI with a NullPointerException Solution: Proceed as described in related SAP Note 859465. ------------------------ -------------------------PI: Change exchangeProfile parameters for central SLD 1. Open the local Exchange Profile by entering the following URL in your Web br owser: http://:/exchangeProfile where is the HTTP port of the J2EE engine The following naming convention applies: 500. 50000, for e xample, if your Java instance is 00.) PISUPER logon data are required. 2. Choose Connection and change the following connection parameters to point to the central SLD: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
------------------------ -------------------------PI: Change RFC Connections to the SLD 1. Make sure that the following RFC destinations have been defined for the conn ection between the Integration Server and the SLD: ¦LCRSAPRFC ¦SAPSLDAPI The program ID (LCRSAPRFC_ or SAPSLDAPI_, respectively) must correspon d to an entry under JCo RFC provider for the J2EE Engine. Note: If you connect to an already existing (central) SLD, you have to change th e gateway options and program IDs here. 2. Make sure that an RFC destination has been created on the local J2EE Engine with the same program ID and gateway options used on the ABAP side for the LCRSA PRFC and SAPSLDAPI destinations ( and , for exa mple). Entries are case-sensitive here. Note: If you connect to an already existing (central) SLD, you have to create th is RFC destination on the J2EE Engine, where your central SLD is running, and no t on your local J2EE Engine. ------------------------ -------------------------PI: On systems with multiple nodes, you have to set the value BufferInstance in the SLD profile to false and then start the SLD server. Note: You have to set this parameter before the Template Installer is started. -----------------------------------------------PI: Make sure that for the business system with the role of the Integration Server, the Integration Server URL contains the (ABAP) host and port of the Integration Server and not the host and port of the central or local SLD. -------------------------------------------------EP - Error in std_server0.out Symptom: After installation of EP Usage of NW2004s errors like the following can be found in std_server0.out: ... Service caf~eu~es~conn~km started. (38204 ms). service caf~eu~es~conn~abap ================= ERROR ========= Service started. (5091 ms). ... Login :Aug 10, 2005 12:16:41... ...p.portal.ivs.semantic.systemLandscape [SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_29] Fatal: Failed to create initial folders for system landscape Aug 10, 2005 3:34:38 PM ...ClientInspector.registerDefaultClient [SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_7] Fatal: error in register: wmlClient Aug 10, 2005 3:34:38 PM ...ClientInspector.registerDefaultClient [SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_7] Fatal: error in register: pieClient Aug 10, 2005 3:34:38 PM ...ClientInspector.registerDefaultClient [SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_7] Fatal: error in register: nokiaS80Client Problem: While getting started, the ABAP connector tries to connect to a (not available)
back end system QPT. The log file reports these failed attempts: The ABAP connec tor does not start. This problem will be fixed with the service release of NetWeaver 2004s. Solution: Set property 'numberOfConnections' of service caf/eu/es/conn/abap to value '0' a s described in SAP Note 868264 by using the VisualAdministrator. ----------------------------------------------Space requirements for ESS development If you want to customize or develop own applications based on ESS please enlarge your database (tablespace, container, ...) by 3000 MB before. Affected Releases Software Component Release From Release To Release And subsequent SAP_BASIS 70 700 700 Related Notes 1052298 Inst.NW 7.0 SR3/Business Suite 2005 SR3-UNIX 972263 Inst.NW 7.0(2004s)SR2/Business Suite 2005 SR2-UNIX/Oracle 925741 Adobe document services (ADS) with non-supported platforms 921594 (Outdated)Inst.SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) SR1 - UNIX:Oracle 921593 (Outdated) Inst. SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) SR1 - UNIX 916748 Configurating BI Java with CTC: manual postprocessing
902817 Inconsistencies in cluster tables (log vs phys field name) 889436 Various issues with http response in J2EE Engine NW04s SPS4 879377 How to adjust the JVM parameters used by SDM? 874127 (outdated) SAP SCM 5.0 Server Installation on Windows Accueil FAQ Mon CV SAP Functions SAP Top Notes SAP Tables SAP Messages SAP Programs Contact Rechercher Plan du site Liens Web Powered by Joomla!. Valid XHTML and CSS.