VSAFKO_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSAFKO_CN) - Version: Order header data for PP orders VSAFVC_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSAFVC_CN) - Version: Operation in order VSEBAN_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSEBAN_CN) - Version: Purchase requisition VSAFPO_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSAFPO_CN) - Version: Order items in PP or ders VSCAUFV_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSCAUFV_CN) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View VSKOPF (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSKOPF) - Version: Header - general data for a version VSVBAK_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSVBAK_CN) - Version: Sales document: Header data VSPLAF_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSPLAF_CN) - Version: Planned order VSVBAP_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSVBAP_CN) - Version: Sales doc ument: Item data VSRPSCO_CN (/sap-tables/detail?id=VSRPSCO_CN) - Version: Cumulation table for project reporting ..... - ..................................
Full list of SAP PS Simulation tables PS-SIM (/sap-tables/list?module=ps-sim)
Information System tables
RPSCO (/sap-tables/detail?id=RPSCO) - Project info database: Costs, revenues, finances TCNT (/sap-ta bles/detail?id=TCNT) - Project Information System: PS Info Profile TPIK3 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TPIK3) - Assignment Table: Cost Elements -> Value Categories CNDB (/sap-tables/detail?id=CNDB) - File to save s election versions (INDX) V_TCNT (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_TCNT) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View RPSQT (/sap-tables/detail?id=RPSQT) - Project info database: quantities TCJO1 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCJO1) - Parameters for Transferring Totals Records TCNDB (/sa p-tables/detail?id=TCNDB) - Profile: Database parameters in Project Info System TCNDS (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNDS) - Structure overview - Project Info System TCNVG (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNVG) - Project Information System: Version Comparison Criteria PSMERK (/sap-tables/detail?id=PSMERK) - Characteristics for summarization w/o class., Project System BIW_CSH_CV (/sa p-tables/detail?id=BIW_CSH_CV) - Conversion Table for Payments TCNVAT (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNVAT) - Variable overviews: Texts for applications TCNVD (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNVD) - Variable overviews: Data fields TCNVDT (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNVDT) - Variable overviews: Data field texts ..... - ..................................
Full list of SAP PS Information System tables PS-IS (/sap-tables/list?module=ps-is)
Dates tables
PRTE (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRTE) - Scheduling Data for Project Item TCXPS (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCXPS) - Control parameters for WBS scheduling TCXPT (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCXPT) - Text table for TCXPS (W BS scheduling)
Revenues and Earnings tables
COES (/sap-tables/detail?id=COES) - CO Object: Sales Order Value Line Items
AD01DLI (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01DLI) - Dynamic items (DI) AD01DLIEF (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01DLIEF) - DI flow: Individual flow COER (/sap-tables/detail?id=COER) - Sales Order Value Revenue AD01DLISF (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01DLISF) - DI Flow: Totals Flow TEBCO (/sap-tables/detail?id=TEBCO) - CO/SD Interface: Pro duct Number Determination from CO KFPK (/sap-tables/detail?id=KFPK) - Document Header: Transfer Pric e Agreement/Allocation VPKHEAD (/sap-tables/detail?id=VPKHEAD) - Sales Pricing Header Data VPKDLI (/s ap-tables/detail?id=VPKDLI) - Sales Pricing Dynamic Items EBII (/sap-tables/detail?id=EBII) - CO/SD document flow: billed portions o f expense items AD01C_CHK (/sap-tab les/detail?id=AD01C_CHK) - DIP profile: Check function AD01C_PRTX (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01C_PRTX) - DIP profile: Texts AD01FILTVAR (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01FILTVAR) - Filter Variants AD01SRC (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01SRC) - DIP: Sources AD01STRUCTVAR (/sap-tables/detail?id=AD01STRUCTVAR) - Structuring Variants ..... - ..................................
Full list of SAP PS Revenues and Earnings tables PS-REV (/sap-tables /list?module=ps-rev)
Material tables
TCNIF (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNIF) - Assembly item/WBS element as signment BOM transfer RSADD (/sap-tables/detail?id=RSADD) - Additional fields for reservation RSDBS (/sap-tables/detail?id=RSDBS) - Index of purchasing documents for individual customer stock LFINFX (/sap-tables/detail?id=LFINFX) - Assignment delivery information to Project System objects RSPSP (/sap-tables/detail?id=RSPSP) - Index: Reservations for WBS elements/Sales order items LFINF (/sap-tables/detail?id=LFINF) - Delivery information Project System GRPGA (/sap-tables/detail?id=GRPGA) - Assignment of W BS elements to MRP W BS elements TCNRFP (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNRFP) - Reference Point for BOM transfer GRPGV (/sap-tables/de tail?id=GRPGV) - Validity of grouping WBS elements for plant/MRP group TCNIFP (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNIFP) - Profile for BOM transfer TCNIFPT (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNIFPT) - Language Dependent Text for BOM Transfer Profile TCNIP01 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCNIP01) - Control stock/account assignment for interface EBOM/PS PSLI (/sap-tables/detail?id=PSLI) - Reference: Delivery from project
Claim Management tables PS-CLM CLM_IAOM_EXAT (/sap-tables/detail?id=CLM_IAOM_EXAT) - Ext. Attributes o f an Ext. Object (Single Obj.Controlling) CLM_IAOM_CSC (/sap-tables/detail?id=CLM_IAOM_CSC) - Controlling Scenario fo r Determining Claim CLM_ORD_TYPE (/sap-tables/detail?id=CLM_ORD_TYPE) - Notification Type Assignment - Order Type PRCLAIM (/s ap-tables/detail?id=PRCLAIM) - Codes for Claim Long Texts
SMPS (/sap-tables/detail?id=SMPS) - Specific PS Data in Monitor TECPPS (/sap-tables/detail?id=TECPPS) - CO Versions for Project Preliminary Costing TZIN2 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TZIN2) - Intere st Doc ument:Segment Int.Indicator & Valuation Category TZIN3 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TZIN3) - Intere st Doc ument: Currency Type Segment TPI03 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TPI03) - CO Objects: Date of Last Interest Run TZIN1 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TZIN1) - Document Header Data from Source Do cument (PS Int.Calc.) TZIN4 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TZIN4) - Intere st Doc ument: "Objects Affected" Segment PRECP2 (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRECP2) - ECP: Subobjects, KLVAR/KALNR TPI02 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TPI02) - Interest Calculation Profile and Interest Indicator TSR01 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TSR01) - Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules V_T003O_N0 (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_T003O_N0) - Generated Table for View V_T003O_N0 V_T003O_N1 (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_T003O_N1) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View V_T399X_N0 (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_T399X_N0) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View V_T399X_N1 (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_T399X_N1) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View V_TCJ41_7 (/sap-tables/detail?id=V_TCJ41_7) - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View ..... - ..................................
Full list of SAP PS Costs tables PS-COS (/sap-tables/list?module=ps-cos)
Structures tables
AFAB (/sap-tables/detail?id=AFAB) - Network - Relatio nships PRPS (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRPS) - WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data SMLG (/sap-tables/detail?id=SMLG) - Sta ndard milestone group SMLT (/sap-tables/detail?id=SMLT) - Standard milestone description PROJ (/sap-tables/detail?id=PROJ) - Project definition PRHI (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRHI) - Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer) TCJ04 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCJ04) - Person in Responsible for Project MLST (/sap-tables/detail?id=MLST) - Milestone COSPP (/sap-tables/detail?id=COSPP) - Transfer of the Order in the COSP Table to the Project COSSP (/sap-tables/detail?id=COSSP) - Transfer of the Order COSS Table to the Projec t PSTX (/sap-tables/detail?id=PSTX) - PS Texts (Header) TCJ1T (/sap-tables/detail?id=TCJ1T) - Project Types PRTX (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRTX) - PS Texts (W BS) PLAB (/sap-tables/detail?id=PLAB) - Relationships PRPSS (/sap-tables/detail?id=PRPSS) - Standard WBS Element (WBS element) - Master Data ..... - ..................................
Full list of SAP PS Structures tables PS-ST (/sap-tables/list?module=ps-st)
Public Sector Contract Accounting tables
DPSOB_BP_ACC (/sap-tables/detail?id=DPSOB_BP_ACC) - Data for Contract Object for Each Partner & Cont. Acct Cat. DPSOB (/sap-tables/detail?id=DPSOB) - Contract Object in Collection and Disbursement DFMCAINV (/sap-tables/detail?id=DFMCAINV) - Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Header Data TFMCA003 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TFMCA003) - Invoice Types
DFMCAINVPOS (/sap-tables/detail?id=DFMCAINVPOS) - Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Items FMOPBL (/sap-tables/detail?id=FMOPBL) - Document Reference IS-PS <=> IS-PS-CA TFMCA004 (/sap-tables/detail?id=TFMCA004) - Parameters for Main/Sub-Transactions DFACTS (/sap-tables/detail?id=DFACTS) - OBJNR to Facts
Business Planning tables
UPB_RETRACT (/sap-tables/detail?id=UPB_RETRACT) - Structures for Plan Data Retraction UPB_SY_HIERARCHY (/sap-tables/detail?id=UPB_SY_HIERARCHY) - Implemented Hierarchies UPB_YT_HIERARCHY (/sap-tables/detail?id=UPB_YT_HIERARCHY) - BW Hierarchies: Header Data
Confirmation tables PS-CON CNSE_AFVG_PROT (/sap-tables/detail?id=CNSE_AFVG_PROT) - Log Table for NETWORK ACTIVITY Search Application CNSE_PRJECT_PROT (/sap-tab les/detail?id=CNSE_PRJECT_PROT) - Log Table for PROJECT Searc h Application CNSE_PRPS_PROT (/sap- tables/detail?id=CNSE_PRPS_PROT) - Log Table for W BS ELEMENT Search Application CNSE_RESB_PROT (/sap-tables/detail?id=CNSE_RESB_PROT) - Log Table for MATERIAL COMPONENT Search Application