Advanc dvanced ed Conf onfiigurat uratiion Guide uide Service Desk for Service Providers SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1 February 2010
Contents 1 Introduction
2 IBas IBase Installed Ba Base Mana Manage geme ment nt
Crea reating IBa IBases
2.2 2.2
Assignin igning gB Bus usine ines ss Pa Part ners ners
3 Organiza rganizationa tionall Mode Modell 3.1
Gene nera rall Info Informa rmatio tion n
3.2 3.2
Basic Set ti ngs ngs for Orga Organiza nizati ti ona onall Mode Modell
Config nfigu uratio ration n Op Options tions
3.3. 3.3.1 1 Cr eat ing Or Or ganiza ganizatt ional Roo Roott s
3.3. 3.3.2 2 Assig Assigning ning Att Att r ibute ibut es t o Root oot Orga Organiza nizatt ional ional Unit Unit s
3.3.3 3.3.3 Cr eat ing in g an Or Or ganizati ganizationa onall St St r uct uct ure ur e for t he Ser vice vi ce De Desk sk
3.3. 3.3.4 4 Extending the Or ganiza ganizati ti ona onall Model Model
4 Produc roductt Ma Mainte intena nanc nce e 4.1 4.1
Cr eati ng a Base Hier Hier archy and and R Roo oott Cat egory
16 16
4.1. 4.1.1 1 Assig Assigning ning Ca Cat egory gory Hier Hier ar chy to t o the Appli Applica catt ion
4.1.2 4.1.2 Cr eat ing in g a Cat egor gor y for Se Ser vice vi ce Pr oduct oduct s
4.1. 4.1.3 3 Cr eat ing Ser vice Pr oduct oduct s
Config nfigu uratio ration n Op Options tions
4.2. 4.2.1 1 Import Impor t ing Hier Hier ar chies, hies, Cat egor gor i es, and Pr Pr oduct oduct s fr om R/ R/ 3
4.2. 4.2.2 2 Cr eat ing Subc Subca at egor gor ies
4.2. 4.2.3 3 Ser vice Pr Pr oduct oduct s for Ser vice Contr act s
5 Ser vice Leve Levell Agree Agreeme ment nt 5.1 5.1
Ser vice Contr act s and Es Escalation calation Mana Manage geme ment nt
23 24
5.1. 5.1.1 1 General neral Des Descri pti on
5.1. 5.1.2 2 St ructur e of a Ser vice Contr act
5.1.3 5.1.3 How to t o Cr eat e a Ser vice vi ce Cont ontrr act
5.1. 5.1.4 4 Det er mini ng Ser vice Contr acts (Contr (Contr act Det er mination) minati on)
5.2 5.2
SAP St anda ndarr d SLA SLA Es Escalati calation on Mana Manage geme ment nt
5.2. 5.2.1 1 Response ponse Profi Profile le
5.2. 5.2.2 2 Service Profile
5.2. 5.2.3 3 Automat Automat ic Monitor ing of Se Servi ce Leve Levell Agreeme Agreement nts s
5.2.4 5.2.4 Confi guring guri ng a Per i odic Job for Act Act ion Pr oce ocessi ssi ng (Only (Only Relevant Relevant if i f Using Esc Esca alati on Mechanisms) 6 Supp uppo ort Tea Team De Determinati terminati on
45 49
Prere rereq quisite isites s
Config nfigu uratio ration n Ste Steps ps
6.2. 6.2.1 1 Support upport Tea Team Pa Par tner Funct unct ion
6.2. 6.2.2 2 Cr eat e an an Or Or ganiza ganizatt ional ional Model Model
6.2.3 6.2.3 Set Up De Dett ermination ermi nation Rule Rule for Suppor Supportt Team Team
6.2. 6.2.4 4 Support Tea Team De Det er mination minati on Te Test
The following descriptions partially represent an extended explanation of the current basic Customizing. They thus provide a more detailed explanation, as well as information on additional optional functions within the Solution Manager. You will find information and notes concerning settings and adjustments, most of which, however, can also be found in the implementation guide. Chapter 2 explains important IBase settings, especially how to create an IBase and assign important Business usiness Part Part ners to t o the t he IBase IBase components. component s. Chapter 3 provides relevant information about the set up of an organizational model, which is a very importan import antt aspect pect for cont contrac ractt and support support t eam eam determination. determinati on. Chap haptt er 4 describes describes how to creat creat e s service ervice products product s and introduces int roduces t he relevant configurati confi guration on options opti ons.. Service Level Agreements and SLA Escalation Management are explained in Chapter 5. Information about about how to set up contrac contr actt determination determinati on and auto automa matt ic monitoring monit oring of Service Leve Levell Agreeme Agreements nts is is also provided in this chapter. The last chapter of this guide deals with Support Team Determination. Important configuration sett ings are explaine explained: d: configurat configurat ion prerequ prer equisites isites,, determina determi natt ion rule, r ule, support support t eam eam partner part ner func f unctt ion, etc.
IBas IBa se Install Install ed Bas Base Ma Manag nage eme ment nt
You can use installed base management to assign objects (application systems in this scenario) to cust cust omers. omers. Examples xamples of ways in which whi ch you can can use this t his cust cust omer infor i nformati mation on include: i nclude:
To identify the precise object for which a problem is being reported
To find f ind out more details det ails for a process process (such (such as as a visit) visit )
To provide technicians with information regarding the object in question and its components
To document changes made to objects
An installed base (IBase) comprises general data and components. For every IBase, you can create any number of components components and subcompo subcomponents. nents. Component Components s can can be products (from (f rom t he product mast mast er), t ext it i t ems, ems, other ot her IBas IBases, es, or user-def user-defined ined objects.
In this scenario, the IBase models the customer’s system landscape, first and foremost the SAP systems with their respective system ID, installation number, and client. Data from support messages is compared with the IBases so that the right IBase and the right customer are found automatically and entered enter ed in t he servi service ce proces process.
2.1 2. 1 Cr eati ng IBa IBases
SAP menu: Master Data -> Installed Base -> Create Installed Base Or transac t ransaction: tion: IB51
1. To crea creatt e an IBas IBase, e, procee proceed d as as follows: 2. Call the trans transaction. action. 3. Select the t he IBas IBase ec category ategory (01 Installed Install ed Base). ase). 4. Choos hoose e Enter. 5. On the next next screen, creen, enter a descript descript ion for f or the t he IBas IBase e (for (f or instanc inst ance, e, IT Landsca andscape). pe). 6. Struc tr ucture ture t he IB IBa ase as you wish wish (using (using text text item it ems s). To To do so, so, enter t he required required short short text on the Text tab page (for instance, CRM systems). 7. Double-click ouble-cli ck CRM syst syst ems and and on tthe he Text Text t ab pag page, enter one of t he cus custt omer’s omer’ s CRM syst syst ems (for instance, ABC Development system CRM 3.1) as the short text. 8. In the text text item, item, wh whic ich h repre repres sents an SAP sys system tem,, ente nterr the system ystem numb numbe er, instal installa lation tion number number and client client in the t he Identifica Identif icatt ion field fi eld in the text item it em hea header. der. 9. No Nott e: The compon components ents for ide i denti ntifying fying t he cust ust omer omer sys systt em must must be crea creatt ed as t ext ext it i t ems. ems. In the Identification field, you first have to enter the system ID of the customer system, then the installati install ation on number and finally, finall y, tthe he cli client ent - separat separated ed by a spac space. e.
You must enter the system number, installation number and client as follows: <1 space> Example: ABC 1234567890 100
If the identification is not entered correctly, the system cannot identify the component from the inbound support message.
Figure 1 IBase Component
2.2 2. 2 Assig igning ning Bus Busines iness s Pa Par tners SAP menu: Master Data -> Installed Base -> Change Installed Base Or t ransac ransactt ion: IB52 You can ass assign partners part ners to t o an IB IBase ase and tthe he component s. To assign assign business part ners to t o a component: component : 1. When you you are creat creating ing or changing changing an IBas IBase, e, c choos hoose eG Got oto o -> Partner... art ner..... E Ens nsure ure that t hat you have double-clicked the IB I Base ase or component t o which whi ch you want t o ass assign partners. part ners. 2. The P Pa artner rt ner Ass Assignment ignment dialog box appe appears ars.. 3. Assign ign the part partne ners rs wit with h the required required pa partne rt nerr functions. functions. 4. Choose hoose Trans Transfer fer and and s sav ave e your your entri ent ries es..
Figure 2: Assignment of Partners to an IBase/Component
Or ga gan i za zat io i on al Mo M od el
3.1 3. 1 Gene neral ral Infor Infor ma mation tion In CRM, Organizational Management is a flexible tool that lets you model your enterprise’s functional organizati organizational onal structur str ucture e as an organiza organizatt ional plan. Two elements element s a are re available:
Organizational units, which represent how the company is structured in terms of function (such as departments, groups, and so on)
Posit osit ions, which represent represent how differ dif ferent ent f unctions uncti ons// t asks asks are as assigned signed to t o individual indivi dual post post s (such (such as purchasing clerk, message processor, and so on)
Figure 3 Organizational Objects
In CRM, t he main focus is on modeli modeling ng the t he sales sales and and service st st ructure. For work in t he CR CRM syst yst em, you therefore need model only the organizational data that is relevant for processes specific to sales and services.
The organizational model can be used to assign the relevant organizational units in documents automatically on the basis of attributes. For this purpose, you assign attributes to the organizational units unit s, s such uch as as t he count count ry for f or which wh ich they t hey are are responsibl responsible. e.
The system can use the attributes assigned to the organizational structure to determine the organizational units automatically as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4 Automatic Organizational Data Determination
3.2 3. 2 Basic Se Sett ings for Or gani zati ona onall Model Model You should structure the organizational model in line with the structures typically used by service providers. The basic prerequisite is one organizational unit for services and one for sales, which the system should later be able to find automatically in the service process types on the basis of their respons responsibi ibililitt ies. You thus t hus need to ass assign att ribut ri butes es t o ea each ch organiza organizatt ional unit uni t . Below is an example of an organizational model:
Figure 5 Sample Structure of a Service Organization
Organizational units are marked in bold, and some of them contain sample positions (marked in green). In an organizational model, employees can be assigned to a position.
3.3 3. 3 Con onfig figuration uration Options 3.3.1 Cr ea eatt i ng Or Or ganizati onal Roots To create the initial organizational root for a new organizational structure, you can use the IMG:
IMG -> SAP Solution Manager -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> Service Desk -> Organizational Model Or transaction PPOCA_CRM You can can specify specify t he vali validit dit y of t he hierarchy.
3.3.2 As Ass si gni ng At At tr i butes to Roo Roott Or gan anii za zati ti ona onall Uni ts You set up your organizational structure by maintaining the organizational model.
IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change Organizational rganizati onal Model Alternatively, you can use the following transaction to maintain the organizational model directly. Transaction: PPOM PPOMA_ A_C CRM
3.3.3 Cr ea eatt i ng an Or Or ganiza anizatt i onal St St r uctur e for t he Ser Servi vi ce Des Desk k IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change Organizational rganizati onal Model Or t ransac ransactt ion: PPOMA_ PPOMA_C CRM Below is i s an an example example of a simpl simple e organizati organizational onal st st ructur ruct ure e for a service service desk: desk:
Figure 6 Example of an Organizational Model in the CRM System Ass si gning At At t r i but es t o Ser vi ce Or ganizati ona onall Unit Uni t s Choose hoose the t he followi fol lowing ng pa patt h in t he IMG: IMG: IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change Organizational rganizati onal Model Or t ransac ransactt ion: PPOMA_ PPOMA_C CRM Below is a list list of t he at at t ributes ribut es t hat hat have have to be maint maintaine ained d for t he individual individual org or ganiz anizational ational units unit s in t he exampl example e model.
Service Desk (Service scenario) Tab page
Object permitted in determination
Service organization
The figures below show the settings for the organizational unit Service Desk in transaction PPOM PPOMA_ A_C CRM RM::
Figure 7 Attributes of the organizational unit Service Desk
Figure 8 Type of the organizational unit Service Desk
All lowe l ower-l r-lev evel el orga or ganiz niza at ional units unit s inheri inheritt t hese hese attri att ributes butes (exc (except ept t he determination determinati on releva r elevanc nce, e, which cannot be passed on). In this scenario, only the 1st Level Suppor Supportt organizational unit is Object permit permit ted in determination. determination.
1st Level Support (Service scenario) Tab page
Object permitted in determination
Service organization
Service team
2nd Level Support uppor t (Service scenario) Tab page
Object permitted in determination
Service organization
Service team
The BC Team and CRM Team organiz organizational ational units unit s inherit t he attri att ributes butes from fr om 2nd Level Support uppor t . Ass si gni ng At At t r i but es t o the th e Sales Or ganiza anizatt i onal Unit
Important: The sales organization is required for service ervi ce contrac contr actt s.
IMG -> CRM -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Model -> Change Organizational rganizati onal Model
Or t ransac ransactt ion: PPOMA_ PPOMA_C CRM
Sales (Sales scenario) Attribute
Reference currency
Distribution channel
Object permitt itted in deter termina ination
Figure 9 Attributes of the organizational unit Sales
Figure 10 Type of the organizational unit Sales
3.3.4 Ext xtendi ending ng the Or Or ganizati onal Model You can add as many levels to the organizational model as you wish by creating additional organizational units. You can assign different attributes to the organizational units, which can affect how how orga organiza nizational tional data data is determine determined. d. You have have to create reate pos position iti ons s in order order to be able to assign ign employees and users users to t o t he organiza organizatt ional units unit s.
Pr od od u ct Mai nt nt en en an ce
You can use products (service products) to categorize and assign services. You can also use products in contrac ontracts, ts, for instan instanc ce, t o repres represen entt servic ervice e level level agreeme reements nts in the form of respo respons nse e times. times. The following fol lowing sections sections desc describe ri be the t he basic basic settings sett ings you you nee need d t o ma make ke in i n SAP Solution olut ion Manage Managerr in order t o creat creat e products product s.
4.1 4. 1 Cr eati ng a Ba Bas se Hier archy and Root Root Cate Categ gor y SAP menu: Master Data at a -> Product Product s -> Maintai Mai ntain n Cat Categ egori orie es and Hierar Hierarc chies Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM _HI _HIE ERARCHY To create products in the CRM system, you need a base hierarchy. You have to assign every product to a category in this hierarchy. To do so:
Call transaction COMM OMM _HI _HIE ERARCHY HY.. 1. Choose New Hierarchy... Hierarchy... 2. Enter ter an an ID (for (f or instance, nst ance, SR SRVC_HIER _HIER) and a short t ext ext (for instance, Base hierarchy for service products). 3. Save your your entries entr ies and and st st ay on on the t he sa same scre screen. en.
Next, Ne xt, you need need t o creat creat e a root r oot cat cat egory egory f or t he base base hierarchy. hierarchy. This is neces necess sary if you want t o use various categories for different types of products. To do so:
1. Choose the the Create Category pushbutton. 2. Enter ter an an ID (for instance, SRVC_ROOT) and a short text (for instance, Root category for service products). 3. On t he he Category t ab pag page, ass assign t he Serv Service ice product product type to the root category ategory and remove remove the checkmark for Product/ roduct/ Object Ass Assignment Possible ossible.. These settings mean that the cat cat egori egories es below t he root cat cat egory egory can can be select select ed and ass assigned for f or service ervi ce product product s only. 4. Save your your entries entries..
4.1.1 As Ass si gning Categ Categor or y Hier archy t o the Appli ca catt i on In the IMG IM G (tran (t ransac sactt ion io n S SP PRO):
SAP Customi ustomizing zing Impl Implement ementat atiion Gui Guide de -> Cross-A oss-Appl ppliicati cat ion C Component omponents s -> SAP Product -> Pro Product duct Category at egory -> Ass Assign Cat Category egory Hierarchies Hierar chies t o Applicati Applications ons
Before efor e you can can use use the t he hierarchy as a bas base hierarchy, you need to assig assign n it t o the t he product applicat applicat ion. To do so, proceed as follows:
1. Call the t he t rans ransact ion by following foll owing the IMG pat pat h. 2. Choose Assign Hierarchies to Applications. Applications. 3. Choose New Entries. Entries. 4. Choose Product as the application and the base hierarchy you created earlier as the hierarchy (for instance, SRVC_HIER). 5. Save your your entries entries..
4.1.2 Cr ea eatt i ng a Categor ategory y for Ser ervi vi ce Pr oduct oducts s SAP menu: Master Data -> Products -> Maintain Categories and Hierarchies Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM _HI _HIE ERARCHY
1. Call up the root catego category ry you you crea creatt ed earli earlie er. 2. Below the t he root category, tegory, create create a new new category tegory for service ervice produc products by choos choosing ing the Create Category pushbutton. You should be able to use this category for all service products. If you want different categories for different types of service products, proceed as described in Creating reat ing Subcategories ubcategories.. 3. For this category, ategory, selec elect Product/ oduct/ Object Assignment Assignment Poss ossible (Category tab page). 4. On t he he SetTypes et Typestt ab page page,, assign assign the foll f ollowi owing ng set set t ypes: ypes:
Set Type
Set Type Description
View ID
Units of Measure Conv ersion
Short Texts
Basic Texts
Sales: Control Fields, Quantities
Sales: Groupings
Sales: Texts
Basic Data on Services
Process Control Fields
Def ault Values for Service Contracts
Duration of Work
Figure 11 Hierarchy Categories for Service Products
4.1.3 Cr ea eatt i ng Ser vi ce Prod Products ucts SAP menu: Master Data at a -> Products Products -> Maintai Mai ntain n Produc Productt s Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM PR01
You need need to create reate a servic ervice e produ produc ct in order order to create reate servic ervice e proces process ses, servic ervice e contr ontra acts, and service confirmations.
This example shows how to create a service product called Support (Support Hotli ot line ne). ). To do so:
1. Start t he above bove transa transaction ti on.. 2. Choose the the Creat eate e Servi Service ce pushbutton. 3. In the t he dialog box t hat appears appears,, ch choos oose e the subca subcatt egory egory you creat creat ed e earli arlier er as t he category category and and then choose Continue. Continue. 4. Enter nt er the t he product product ID (for (f or instance, i nstance, SUP UPP PORT_HOT _HOTLINE INE)) and and a descri descript ptio ion n (for instance inst ance,, Support Hotline). 5. On t he he General Data t ab page, page, ent enter er data dat a as as required. 6. On t he he Service tab page, assign the base unit of measure H (Hour) and the item category group SRVP to the product. 7. If you wish, wish, you ca can ass assign the produc pr oductt def def ault values values for service contr contrac actt s. They They ca can be overwritten in a service contract at a later stage. 8. On t he he Sales and Distribution tab page, assign the product to the Sales organization and distribut distr ibut ion channel channel 01. Enter nt er t he sales sales unit and it em cat cat egory egory group again. again. Make the t he appropriate settings in the tax area. 9. On t he he Conditions tab page, you can assign a price (0PR0) to the product. You can also define surcharges urcharges and and dis di scounts for specif pecific ic valuation valuati on types t ypes,, for f or instanc inst ance. e.
4.2 4. 2 Con onfig figuration uration Options 4.2.1 Im por t i ng Hier ar chi es es,, Categ ategor or i es es,, and Pr Pr oduc oductt s fr om R/ R/ 3
You can can import i mport hierarchies, cat cat egori egories es,, and products product s to t o CR CRM t hat you creat creat ed in R/ 3. For more information, see
4.2.2 Cr ea eatt i ng Subcateg Subcategor or i es SAP menu: Master Data at a -> Product Product s -> Maintai Mai ntain n Cat Categ egori orie es and Hierar Hierarc chies Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM _HI _HIE ERARCHY
In orde rder to crea reate prod roducts with with differe ifferen nt attribute ttributes s, you have to crea reate categ tegories ries with with the appropriate set types. You can create the categories as subcategories of the root category and group them as you wish. Category and Set Types for Service Contract Products
SAP menu: Master Data at a -> Product Product s -> Maintai Mai ntain n Cat Categ egori orie es and Hierar Hierarc chies Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM _HI _HIE ERARCHY
Charact haract eris eri st ics of t he cat cat egory: egory:
Product type = Service
Product assignment possible
Category can be selected
The category category should should contain cont ain the t he followi fol lowing ng set set t ypes: ypes: Set Type
Set Type Description
View ID
Units of Measure
Short Texts
Basic Texts
Sales: Control Fields, Quantities
Sales: Groupings
Sales: Texts
Basic Data on Services
Process Control Fields
Def ault Values for Service Contracts
Duration of Work
The following section provides a description of a service product for service contracts.
4.2.3 Ser vi ce Pr Product oducts s for Ser ervi vi ce Cont r ac actt s SAP menu: Master Data at a -> Products Products -> Maintai Mai ntain n Produc Productt s Or t ransac ransactt ion: COMM OMM PR01 Service products for service contracts differ from service products with resources in that you specify service and response profiles (Service tab page). You create them in exactly the same way as described in Section 0 "Creating Service Products".
Below are the important settings of service products for service contracts:
Each product should have a service product category and a base unit of measure assigned.
Figure 12 Service Product Settings: General Tab Page
The item category group for service products is SRVP. Optionally, you can assign service and response profiles profi les to t he service service product. product.
Figure 13 Service Product Settings: Service Tab Page
Each product should have a sales organization and a sales unit assigned. You can also assign a service and response profile to the service product. More detailed information about service and response profiles is provided in chapter 5 of this guide.
Figure 14 Service Product Settings: Sales and Distribution Tab Page
Ser vic vice e Leve vell Agr Agr eeme ment nt
The Solution Manager provides various options for monitoring the existing service messages. This is especially necessary when you have to make sure that messages are processed within the defined period of time.
In the standard system you can use the transaction monitor (transaction CRM_DNO_MONITOR) to select messages and access various indicators. In the standard system a date rule is provided in the service process (date profile SLFN_HEADER). Based on this rule (creation date + 3 days), the end date of the customer requirement (date type SRV_CUST_END) is calculated. The traffic light function, represented represented by an an indicat indicat or (red/ (r ed/gree green) n) in t he firs fir st column of the t he tran tr ans sact act ion monitor, monit or, is i s determined via the date types SRV_CUST_START and SRV_CUST_END. Red traffic light indicates that the end date has been exceeded. Green traffic light shows that the end date lies in the future. The use of contracts, positions, service and response profiles constitutes an extension of the monitoring functions, combined with auto-response methods. These functions provide you a wide range of options to define individual availability and response times for various customers in the service process. In addition to the extended options concerning monitoring, you also have the option of automatically combining escalation mechanisms. For example, when the resolution time ensured to a customer customer has has been been excee exceede ded, d, an e-ma e-mailil can be se sent to a spec specif ified ied person person to inform them of t he delay. These functions are also referred to as SLA escalation management. The figure below shows both displays in the transaction monitor. The left side shows the standard 3day rule, and the right side shows the enhanced display after using the SLA functions.
Figure 15 Results Display in the Transaction Monitor
The following chapter describes the subject of SLA escalation management in greater detail.
5.1 5. 1 Ser vi vice ce Cont ontrr ac actt s and and Es Escalati on Manag Management 5.1.1 Gene enerr al Des Descri cri pt i on The servic ervice e contr ontra act serves erves as a long-term long-term servic ervice e agreeme reement nt with the custome ustomerr conc concern erning ing the content and scope of services guaranteed within certain tolerance limits for certain sizes, for example, wit hin a predefined predefined time ti me frame. frame. You use the service-based SLA (Service Level Agreement) to agree with the customer on the modalities of the provision of services. The SLA defines the attributes (for example, content, scope, type and manner) of the service products (for example, maintenance, hotline) agreed on with the customer in the service contract. Parameters such as response time or service time are specified in the SLA. In the product master, when you process products of type Service that are planned for service contracts, you can use the set type Default Values for Service Contracts. Contracts.
Figure 16 16 Product SUPPORT_ HOTLINE, Transaction COMMPR01
You can enter default values for the two above-mentioned SLA parameters in this set type. When you selec elect the servic ervice e produc productt in a service rvice contrac ontractt item, the SLA para parame meter ter data data is transferred transferred to the cont cont ract it em, where you can can change change it , if i f neces necess sary. If you want to use other parameters, besides the SLA parameters supplied by SAP, you can do this using an additional, customer-specific set type. You process the data from the set type using the BAdI CRM RM_SR _SRV_S V_SLA_C LA_CALCTIM TIM E. The bas basic set set t ings for service contrac contr actt s are are supplied uppli ed in t he st st andard andard syst syst em via trans t ransac actt ion t ype SLFV. SLFV.
5.1.2 St r uctur e of a Ser Servi vi ce Cont ontrr ac actt A service service contract contract comprise comprises s header header and and item it em data. One service service product can can be agreed agreed on for each each service contract item, which the customer can use for a specific period of time at a specific price. Diff if f erent t ypes of servi service ces s can can be agree agreed d on as servi service ce product in a servi service ce cont contract ract it em:
an individual service (for example, hotline)
a service package, in which multiple services are combined (for example, automobile inspection)
a service service limited limit ed by value value or qua quantit ntit y (for exa examp mple, le, free advice dvice by telephon telephone e during the firs fir st three months after the purchase of software)
a service plan, in which recurring services are provided at regular intervals (for example, copy machine maintenance every 3 months)
Figure 17 Structure of the Service Contract
5.1.3 How t o Cr Cr ea eatt e a Ser ervi vi ce Cont r ac actt Prerequisites
M aintained aint ained Sold-t o P Part arty y role rol e of t he cus custt omer’s busines business s part part ner: ner: 1.
In trans transa action BP BP, s se elect lect the role role Sold-t o Part Party y of t he cust cust omer’s business business partner. part ner.
Figure 18 Role Sold-To Party
Select Sales Area Data. Data.
Figure 19 Sales Area Data
Fill-in the the Sales al es Area fields fi elds and and enter ent er a currency.
Figure 20 Maintaining Billing Data
Save your your cha chang nges es..
Servic ervi ce prod p roduct uct
Create reat e a service service product as described described in i n secti section on It will wi ll be included in t he service service contract. Alternatively, you can use the standard delivered service product.
Organizational model A service service and sale sale organizati organization on should should be maintained maint ained in the t he company’s company’s organizati organizational onal model. This could be done in transaction PPOM PPOMA_ A_C CRM RM.. For more information, please go to chapter 3 of this guide. Important: Service and sales units should be well-defined e.g., only one sale and one service organiza organizatt ion should should match the t he selec selectt ion crit eria in t he contr contrac actt determination determinati on procedure. procedure. In case that two or more suitable organizational units are found, no service contract will be determined.
How it works Service ervi ce cont contracts racts are created in i n t ransac ransactt ion CRM RMD_ D_ORDE ORDER.
Figure 21 Service Contract Creation in transaction CRMD_ORDER
SAPdelivers basic basic set set t ings for service ervi ce cont contracts racts in t ransacti ransaction on type t ype SLFV. SLFV. It can be obtained by activating BC set SOLMA OLMAN40_ N40_S SDESK_S K_SLFV LFV. Below is the SLFV definition:
Figure 22 Definition of Transaction Type SLFV
As shown below, you should should specif specify y the t he relevant business business part partners ners in the t he header header data dat a of t he servi service ce contract and add a product and its quantity as well.
Figure 23 General Data of a Service Contract
After adding the sold-to party you can go to the Organization tab of the service contract and check if sales and servi service ce organiza organizatt ions have been been determined. det ermined. More M ore details det ails are displayed in t he log:
Figure 24 Organizational Data Log
Another important aspect is to indicate the IBase components, for which the contract will be valid. To do so, you should switch to the product view of the contract and go to the Object List tab page, as shown in t he fig fi gure below. In case that the object list does not contain any entries, all components will be considered in the contract determination.
Figure 25 Indicating Relevant IBase Components
Finally, you should release the contract item(s), as shown in the following figure.
Figure 26 Contract Items Release
5.1.4 De Dett er mi ni ng Servi Servi ce Cont Cont r ac actt s (Contr (Contr ac actt Deter etermi mi nati on) Prerequisites You can can use cont contract ract determinat deter mination ion t o creat creat e business business t ransac ransactt ions in service wit h reference r eference to service contracts. Important: For SAP Solut ol utiion Manager ST 400 SP SP 19 and higher: SAP Note Not e 1400326 should be implemented in the Solution Manager system. This note ensures the contract determination in case of a maintained object list in the service contract .
In the CRM system ystem in Customiz ustomizing ing you you set the trans transaction type types according ording to how how the contrac ontractt determination is to occur in the corresponding business transaction in service (for example, service order). You make this setting in the IMG activity ###C ##Customer Relationship elat ionship Manageme M anagement nt
Transactions Basic Sett Settiings Define transaction type
using using the t he Contract Determination indicator. The following settings are also valid if you are using transaction type SLFN for service desk messages.
Figure 27 Contract Determination in SIVA
The following settings are available:
###N ###No o Cont Contract ract Determinat et ermination ion Choose this setting when you work with contracts, but you do not want to use automatic contract determinat deter mination ion for f or t he business business t ransac ransactt ion t ype concerned concerned in service process processing. ing.
###Manua ###Manuall Cont ract Determinat etermi nation ion (G) (G) Choose this option when you want to use automatic contract determination. You can still manually begin a contract search for those items of a business transaction in service which still do not have an ass assignment t o a cont cont ract. ract .
###Contract Determination at Item Level (E) With this sett ing the system ystem determin determines es all all exis existing ting contrac ontracts ts with a custome ustomerr during during creation reation of a busines business s t ransac ransactt ion it i t em (for example, example, of a s service ervice cont contract ract it i t em). For uniqueness, that is, when only one contract is found which meets the selection criteria, the system automatically transfers all relevant data from the corresponding service contract item to the business transaction. Otherwise, a separate dialog box opens with a list of all contracts found, from which you can select the desired contract item. If you have select elect ed the t he opt option ion ###Always ###Always wit wi t h Selec Selectt ion Options Opti ons in Cus Custt omizing, the select select ion window w indow is alw always ays opened opened in i n the t he business business t ransac ransactt ion. In this t his cas case, e, there t here no automati aut omatic c ass assignment will wi ll occur. occur.
###C ### Cont ract De Dett erminat ermin ation ion at Header and Item It em L Level evel (C) (C) In cont cont rast rast t o ### ###co cont ntrac ractt determination at it em level, level, here contrac contr actt determination determinati on is alr alrea eady dy poss possible when tthe he he heade aderr data dat a is entered enter ed (for example, example, the t he header header data of a s servi ervice ce order). For assignment assignment at hea header der level, however, entering enter ing the t he referenc ref erence e object is mandator mandatory. y. In t his cas case, only those those contrac ontracts are found found that have have either an objec objectt list list tha thatt contains ontains the t he referenc reference e objec objectt or an empt empt y object object lis li st . The contract search at header level only occurs when no contract has yet been assigned and no items are present present in t he business business t ransac ransactt ion in i n servi service ce..
How it works When you create a business transaction in service with a transaction type for which contract determination is activated in the transaction type definition, the system determines service contracts on the bas basis of t he following followi ng selection criteria: criteria:
Partner The cus custt omers in the t he service service cont cont ract and in the t he busin busines ess s t ransac ransactt ion must be identical. ident ical. The corresponding partner functions must therefore be provided in the corresponding partner schemas chemas of t he trans t ransac actt ion t ypes. ypes.
Sales Organization The sales organization and the distribution channel in the service contract and in the business transaction must be identical.
Servic ervi ce Organization rganizati on If a servic service e organiz organiza at ion has has been been edited in t he servic service e contract contract , it must must be identical identical t o the service ervice organiza organizatt ion in i n the t he business business t ransac ransactt ion.
Status The st st atus of t he servi service ce contrac contr actt it em must must be released. released.
Validity The date in the field for customer's requested start in the business transaction must fall within the vali validit dity y peri period od of tthe he service service cont contrac ractt item. it em.
Object List The reference object (for example, an IBase component) from the business transaction must be ent ent ered in the object object lis li st of the t he service service contrac ontr actt item. it em.
Product List If a product list exists, the system checks whether the product entered in the business transaction item is pres present ent in i n the t he product product lis li st of t he service service contr contrac actt item. it em.
Copy Control The copyin pying g of contra ontrac ct items items to the items items of a bus busine iness tran transaction in servic rvice e mu mus st be set in Customizing. The relevant information for configuring copy control can be found in the IMG: ###Customer ##Customer Relationship Management Transactions 33
Basic Settings
Copy Control for
You can use BAdI definition CRM_SERVI RVIC CE_CONTRACT ONTRACT (BA (BAdIs for service rvice contrac ontractt selec lection) tion) to integrate integrate BAdIs with which which you you can provide provide your own selec selecti tion on criteria crit eria or limit the selec election ti on criteria crit eria provided by SAP (see above).
After the system has determined service contracts, it will automatically transfer the contract data to t he bus business iness t ransac ransactt ion in service, service, or or it will wil l prompt you to selec selectt a c contr ontrac actt for t he transfer transfer from f rom a lis li st .
Contract Determination Procedure Via t he act act ion profil prof ile e (st (st andard: andard: AI_SDK_STAN AND DARD) of t he service ervi ce proce pr oces ss t ype (SLFN or SIVA) IVA) you should use action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT to define which product is automatically assigned to item level when a service servi ce mess message age is i s creat created: ed:
Figure 28 Definition of the action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT
The action acti on AI_SD AI_SDK_ADD _ADD_PR _PRODUCT shoul should d have a cont ainer element wit wi t h the t he fol f ollo lowi wing ng set settt ings:
Figure Figure 29 A I_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: I_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Container Element Overview
The initia init iall value value defines defines which produc product shou hould ld be assigned igned at item it em leve level whe when n a service ervice me mes ssage age is created.
Figure 30 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Initial Value of the Container Element
The system selects the corresponding service contracts according to the previously described criteria. The system selects only those service contract items with product lists that contain the product entered in the business transaction item. The system also selects service contract items that do not have have a product product lis li st . For For example, this thi s is the cas case wit h older contrac contr actt s. When When you selec selectt a service service contr contrac actt item, it em, dat dat a from fr om the t he service service contr contrac actt it em is copied copied to t he item it em of the business transaction in service, and both the price agreements and the SLA parameters from the service contract become active in the service process. With IMG ###Customer ##Customer Relationship Management
Basic Settings
Copy Control for
Transactions Define efi ne Copy Cont ontrol rol for Item It em Types Types you can define the copy transaction for the items.
Figure 31 Contract Determination
The detailed data of the business transaction item also has a tab page for contract data, in which an excerpt of the service contract is displayed, which means that specific data from the assigned service cont cont ract it i t em and and the t he service service cont contract ract header is displayed. displayed.
Figure 32 Contract Data in the Support Message
5.2 SAP St andar andard d SLA SLA Es Esca call ati on Manageme Management nt If the services agreed upon in the SLA cannot be performed on time, a predefined escalation process is st arted aut aut omat omat ically. ically. SAP provides a standard procedure for escalation management which you can use and enhance, if necessary. You can configure escalation management in Customizing. For more information, see the Implementation Implementat ion Guide (IMG) (IMG), under
###Customer ##Customer Relationship Management Escalation Management.
Sett ett ings ings for Service ervi ce Pr Processes ocesses
Figure 33 Implementation Guide, Transaction SPRO
You can edit the SLA parameters in the SAP Menu of t he CR CRM system under under ###Service Service ervi ce Cont ontra ract cts s and Service ervice Plan Plans s Maintain Availability and Response Times Alternati Alt ernatively, vely, you can can a also lso directly direct ly use t ransac ransactt ion CRM RMD_ D_SE SERV_SLA. RV_SLA.
Figure 34 SAP Menu
You can then edit existing profiles or create new profiles.
Figure 35 Definition of Service and Response Times
When you click on the clock icon you get an overview of the detailed settings of the profile.
Figure 36 Service Times in Detail
Important: The pure usage of holiday calendar in availability time is not supported by SLA date calculation i.e. you have to use the option "Factory Calendar" or "All Days Are Working Days".
You can also create and edit various response profiles. A response profile can be based on various indica indi catt ors and cont contain ain indivi i ndividual dual res r espons ponse e times t imes for each each cas case. e. In the standard system the response profile is based on the message's priority. Each priority is in turn assig assigned ned a respons response e duration, durati on, in which w hich the t he time t ime frame f rame is defined.
Figure 37 First Responses and Resolution Times in the Response Profile
For example, in the standard response profile a first response (SRV_RF_DURA (SRV_RF_DURA)) of 1h a and nd a resolution resolution time ti me (SRV_RR_DURA) SRV_RR_DURA) of 4h is defined for priorit pri orit y 1. 1.
Figure 38 First Responses and Resolution Times for Priority 1
The followi fol lowing ng sec sectt ion descri describes bes t he respons response e and and servi service ce profil prof ile e in greater det detail. ail.
5.2.1 Res esponse ponse Pr Pr ofi l e In t he servi service ce cont contract ract it em you can select select t he required requi red SL SLA paramet paramet ers on the t he Service Data Data tab t ab page page in set set t ype Service Agreements. Agreements. Alternatively, you can also directly call transaction CRMD_S D_SERV_SL V_SLA.
In transaction CRM RMD_ D_SE SERV_SL RV_SLA (###Maintain (###Maintain Service and Response Times) Times) you can store as many time periods with duration and time unit as you wish for every combination from the keys of the indicators
Code group
This allows you to define the initial response time (IRT) and the completion time. To edit the response times, choose a key combination in the transaction by selecting the desired row and and swit ch t o t he view for respons response e times t imes.. There you can can ent enter er as many many t ime periods as you wis wi sh for f or t he selected selected key combinat combination. ion.
For each time period you select a duration that was created in the Customizing for date management in ac activity ti vity ###Customer ##Customer Relationship Management
Basic Functions
Date Management
Define Date
Types, Duration Types and Date Rules and you also specify the duration and time unit.
When When proces processing service ervice contr contrac actt s you can can arrange arrange a respons response e profile profi le for eac each contr contrac actt it em. To do t his, his, selec selectt t he Service Data tab page at item level.
Figure 39 Items in the Contract and Service Data
You can already enter default values for the respons response e profil prof ile e when you process service products in the product master. You can change the default values in the service contract item in which the service product was a arr rrang anged. ed.
5.2.2 Servi ce Pr Pr ofi ofill e When processing service contracts you can arrange a service profile for eac each contra contr act item. it em. To To do this, t his, select the Service Data tab page at item level. You can already enter default values for the service profile when you process service products in the product master. You can change the default values in the service contract item in which the service product was a arr rrang anged. ed.
5.2.3 Automati c Monit or i ng of Servi Servi ce Level Level Agr Agr ee eement ments s By setting up escalation management you can automatically monitor when deadlines defined in the SLA parameters have been exceeded in the service process. Here you can specify which deadlines you want t o monit or using esca escalat lation ion managemen managementt and which follow-up fol low-up proce pr oces sses you would like l ike to t o tri t rigg gger er when a deadline deadli ne has been exceeded. exceeded. In t he it em cat cat egory egory (for exam example, ple, SO SOL4) of each each proces process type you can can define defi ne tthe he object object and and t ype of monitoring using the deadline profile and the action profile. In the standard system, for example, this is the monitoring monitor ing of the t he dea deadline dline "fir "f irs st respons response e unt unt il" il " using using action action SERVIC VICE_ORDER_I R_ITEM TEM_SLA_ _SLA_S START of action profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA. An additional action in the context of escalation management is the SERVI RVIC CE_ORDER_I R_ITE TEM _SLA_E _SLA_END action, which also belongs to action profile SERVIC VICE E_OR-DER_ITE _ITEM_SLA. You You use thi t his s acti action to t o defi def ine the the maximum maxi mum pr processing ti time.
Important: The start condition of the SLA monitoring actions SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_START and SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA_END should be adapted as described in SAP Not e 485574.
Figure 40 Actions of Action Profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA
The sett sett ings for t he st st andard andard it i t em cat cat egory egory SO SOL4 are are shown in i n the t he followi fol lowing ng figure. fi gure.
Figure 41 Item in the Service Contract
As standard, the Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001 is not available in the drop-down list of the PartnerDetProc f ield of t he it i t em cat cat egory egory SOL4. In I n order or der t o be able to t o select select SLFC000 0001 1 as Part Partner ner Determination Procedure, you should perform the following configuration steps: 1. Go to IMG: ###Customer Relationship Management
Functions Part art ner Process Processin ing g
art ner Det Det ermination erminat ion Procedure Procedure Define Partner 2. Select SL SLFC000 0001 1 and and go to Procedure User User on t he left : 3. Make Make the following new new entr entry y (by (by sele selec ct ing it from the t he drop down down list): list): BUS2000140 CRM ServPro ervProdu duct ctIt It em
Figure 42 Adding a new procedure user to Partner Determination Procedure SLFC0001
4. Save sett ings ings. Now you are able to t o select select SLFC000 0001 1 as Partner art ner Determinati Determi nation on Procedure Procedure in t he definit defi nition ion of t he it em categor category y SOL4. All settings for item categories can be found in the IMG under: ###C ##Customer Relationship elat ionship Manageme M anagement nt
Settiings Item Transactions Basic Sett
The configuration of the relevant background job for monitoring deadlines is described in the following section. In one variant, for example, you can configure automatic monitoring of first response times, when tthe he a appropr ppropriat iate e act action ion has been complet completed. ed.
5.2.4 Confi gur gurii ng a Per erii odi odic c Job for Ac Actt i on Proc Pr oces essing sing (Onl (Onl y Re Rel eva evant nt i f Usin Usin g Esc scalat alatii on Mechani Mechani sms) The periodic job for action processing is important for processing actions that were generated as part of esc escalation ma mana nag gem emen entt . It is t he only wa way y of ens ensuring tha t hatt the schedule heduled d actions are are carried rri ed out automatically. You ha have ve to complet complete e the foll f ollowing owing two t wo steps in order or der t o have have acti actions ons proces process sed pe peri riodically: odically:
Deff ine De ine a variant vari ant (f ( for example, example, name SLFN0001) for for t he act act ion moni monit or (C (CRMC_ACTION_JOB). OB).
Define the job (System -> Services -> Jobs -> Define Jobs). De Defi fi ning Va Var iant s for t he Ac Acti on Moni Moni tor
Call t ransac ransactt ion CRM RMC C_AC _ACTION_ TION_J JOB. OB.
In the Action Profile field on the selection screen, select profile SERVI RVIC CE_ORDE _ORDER_I R_ITE TEM M _SLA. _SLA.
Enter action status 0 (Not processed).
Select Processing Without Dialog and Allow Deletion of Actions.
Keep the remaining settings.
In the menu, choose Goto -> Variants -> Save as Variant… and enter a variant name and meaning.
Save the variant. Defi Defini ni ng Jobs
In the menu, choose System -> Services -> Jobs -> Define Job. Job .
Enter nt er a job name and and prior pr ioritit y (job class class).
Choose t he Defi Define ne st st eps pushbutt pushbut t on.
Enter ABAP program name RSPPFPROCESS and the variant you defined earlier as the variant (input help).
Save your entries.
Choose the St art condit condition ion pushbutton and then Date at e/ Time. ime. Enter the (first) planned start date/time.
In t he dialog box that t hat appears, appears, choose choose Period values and define the t he required period.
Save your entries.
When you manually execute the report, you get the following results list.
Figure 43 Results List of the Selection Reports for Actions
You can check the automatically generated e-mails in the SAP Connect interface.
Note that the actions for notification when the time has been exceeded are defined as partnerspecific. In the standard system the partner function category "Person Responsible" is defined as the addressee.
Figure 44 In the Standard Process the Person Responsible is the Message Processor
Here it might be advisable to define your own partner function in the partner profile (for example, team leader) which will serve as the addressee for this function. You must then adjust the partner function categori ategories es acco accordingly rdingly or define anot anot her her partne part nerr f unct unct ion in i n t he action. action.
Figure 45 Detail View of the Action and the Dependent Partner Function
This partner function may have to be replaced, since in the standard system the message processor would be the addressee for the information e-mail.
Additional information: SAP Not e 895546 895546:: FAQ: AQ: Partner-depende art ner-dependent nt act act ions SAP Not e 1008458 1008458:: Part Partner ner inherit i nherit ance ance process process within wit hin business business
Su p por t Te Team Det er er m i na nat i on on
6.1 6. 1 Pre rere requ quis isite ites s
For SAP Solut ol ut ion M anager ST 400 SP 20 and low l ower er:: SAP Note 1302672 should be implemented in t he Solut ion Mana M anage gerr syst yst em. This This note not e prevents prevent s an an infi i nfinit nit e loop when w hen creat creat ing a mess message. age.
Human Resources section Personnel Planning of the ZSAP_SUPPDESK_CREATE ZSAP_SUPPDESK_CREATErole role (key user role) should be maintained
6.2 6. 2 Con onfig figuration uration Ste Steps ps This section describes how to set up support team determination in SAP Solution Manager.
6.2.1 Suppor t Tea Team m Par Par t ner Functi on The Support Team partner function (SLFN003) should be part of the definition of the partner determi det erminat nation ion procedure procedure (SL (SLFC0001).
To include this partner function you should execute the IMG step Define Partner Determination Procedure: Procedure:
By select selecting ing the t he Partner art ner Det Det erminat ermi nation ion Procedure SLFC0001 (Cor (Corpor porat ate e Messa Message) ge) and af af t erwards erw ards Partner Functions in Procedure you are able able t o include include SLFN0 N000 003 3 in t he definition definit ion of SLFC0001 0001,, as shown in the t he picture below.
Further, Support Team should be visible in the header screen of the message. To achieve this, you should hould select User Interface Settings and include the Support Team partner function (SLFN0003) to the partner functions that will be displayed in the message:
6.2.2 Cr ea eatt e an an Or ga gani ni za zatt i onal Model Mod el You can create your enterprise organizational model in transaction PPOM PPOMA_ A_C CRM RM.. For more info inform rma ation tion on this this,, plea lease refe referr to chapter ter 3 of this this guide ide. Below low is an example how the the organizati organizational onal model of a servi service ce provider provi der enterpr ent erprise ise may look like. li ke.
6.2.3 Set Up Up Det Det er ermi mi nat natii on Rul Rule e for Suppor t Tea T eam m The Support Team is defined using determination rule CRM_DNO_1 (technical name AC 13200137). This his rul r ule e is i s ttrrigge ggerred by by an acti act ion (e.g. AI_SDK_STAND ANDAR ARD_ D_F FIND_PARTNER) t hat is process pr ocessed ed when w hen a Service Des Desk mess message age is saved. ved. The rule is used used t o determine t he respons responsibili ibilitt ies. ies. For exam example, ple, you could determine deter mine which w hich support support t eams eams are are res r espons ponsibl ible e for f or which whi ch SAPcomponent components s. You can can def def ine tthe he determinat determ ination ion rule r ule either eit her via the t he IMG st ep “D “ Determinat eter mination ion R Rules ules for Support Support Team” eam” or via transaction PFAC. PFAC.
Additional information: For further information on maintaining rule CRM_DNO_1 see SAP Note 616946 616946..
How to create a new responsibility is shown in the picture below:
After that you should specify the priority and the subject (for example, SAP component) of the responsibility:
Finally, inall y, you should should ass assign an organiza organizatt ional unit uni t t o the t he newly created responsibi responsibilit lit y:
The responsibilities in rule CRM RM_DNO_1 _DNO_1 can be specified according to the following attributes:
For SAP Solut ol ut ion M anager ST400 ST400 SP 19 and higher hi gher:: A new determination rule (AGS_ICT) is available, that enables you to specify responsibilities according t o three t hree more mor e att at t ribut ri butes es:: Langua Language ge,, Report Reporter er Region egion and Reporter eport er Count Country. ry.
6.2.4 Suppor t Tea Team m Determi Deter mi nati on Test Test
Create a new Service Desk message on a specific component that is included in a responsibility.
Open the message and in case of a proper configuration, you should see the responsible support team in the Service Desk message, as shown in the picture below:
Table of Fi Fi gur es Figure Figure 1 IBase Compone Component nt ................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ................................................ .............. 7 Figure 2: Assignment of Partners to an IBase/Component ..................................................................... 8 Figure Figure 3 Organiza Organization tional al Objects Objects ............................................................................. ............................................................................................................ ............................... 9 Figure 4 Automatic Automatic Organizational Organizational Data Determination........... Determination.................. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... ............... ......... .. 10 Figure 5 Sample Structure of a Service Organization .......................................................................... 10 Figure 6 Example of an Organizational Model in the CRM System ...................................................... 12 Figure 7 Attributes of the organizational unit Service Desk ................................ Desk .................................................................. .................................. 13 Figure 8 Type of the organizational unit Service Desk ................................... Desk ..................................................................... ...................................... .... 13 Figure 9 Attributes of the organizational unit Sales ................................. Sales ................................................................... ............................................. ........... 15 Figure 10 Type of the organizational unit Sales ................................. Sales ................................................................... .................................................. ................ 15 Figure 11 Hierarchy Categories for Service Products .......................................................................... 18 Figure 12 Service Product Settings: General Tab Page ....................................................................... 21 Figure 13 Service Product Product Settings: Service Service Tab Page............... ....... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. ...... 21 Figure 14 Service Product Settings: Sales and Distribution Tab Page ................................................. 22 Figure 15 Results Display in the Transaction Monitor .......................................................................... 23 Figure 16 Product SUPPORT_HOTL SUPPORT_HOTLINE, INE, Transaction Transaction COMMPR01 COMMPR01 .............. ....... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ........ 24 Figure 17 Structure of the Service Contract ......................................................................................... 25 Figure 18 Role Sold-To Party ............................... Party .................................................................. ..................................................................... ............................................ .......... 26 Figure Figure 19 Sales Area Data ................................... ..................................................................... .................................................................... ............................................. ........... 26 Figure Figure 20 Maintain Maintaining ing Billing Billing Data ...... ........................................ ..................................................................... ............................................................... ............................ 26 Figure 21 Service Contract Creation in transaction CRMD_ORDER .................................................... 27 Figure 22 Definition of Transaction Type SLFV ................................................................................... 28 Figure 23 General Data of a Service Contract ..................................................................................... 29 Figure Figure 24 Organiza Organization tional al Data Log.................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .................................. 29 Figure 25 Indicating Relevant IBase Components ............................................................................... 30 Figure Figure 26 Con Contrac tractt Items Release Release .................................................. .................................................................................... ..................................................... ................... 30 Figure 27 Contract Determination in SIVA ........................................................................................... 31 Figure 28 Definition of the action AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT ............................................................... 34 Figure 29 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Container Element Overview .................................................... 35 Figure 30 AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: AI_SDK_ADD_PRODUCT: Initial Value of the Container Container Element .............. ....... .............. ............... ............... .......... ... 35 Figure Figure 31 Cont Contract ract De Deter terminati mination.. on.................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... .................................. 36 Figure 32 Contract Data in the Support Message ................................................................................ 37 Figure 33 Implementation Guide, Transaction SPRO .......................................................................... 38 Figure Figure 34 SAP Menu Menu .... ...................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... ................................................... ................. 39 Figure 35 Definition of Service and Response Response Times .............. ....... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... ........ 39 56
Figure Figure 36 Service Service Times Times in Deta Detailil ................................... ...................................................................... ..................................................................... .................................. 40 Figure 37 First Respo Responses nses and Resolution Times in the Response Response Profile ............... ........ .............. .............. ............... .............. ...... 41 Figure 38 First First Responses and Resolution Times for Priority Priority 1 ............... ........ .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ......... .. 41 Figure 39 Items in the Contract and Service Data................................. Data................................................................... ............................................... ............. 42 Figure 40 Actions of Action Profile SERVICE_ORDER_ITEM_SLA ..................................................... 43 Figure Figure 41 Item in the Service Contract .............................................................. ................................................................................................ .................................. 44 44 Figure 42 Adding a new procedure procedure user to Partner Determination Determination Procedure SLFC0001........ SLFC0001................ ............. ..... 45 Figure 43 Results List of the Selection Reports for Actions .................................................................. 46 Figure 44 In the Standard Process the Person Responsible is the Message Processor .............. ....... .............. ......... .. 47 Figure 45 Detail Detail View of the Action and the Dependent Dependent Partner Partner Function .................... ............. ............... ............... .............. ......... .. 48