Om Sree Vaache Namaha Om Sree Brihaspataye NamahaOm NamahaOm Sree Gurubhyo Namaha
Sarvatobhadra Chakra P.V.R. .V.R. Narasimha Narasimh a Ra o, Jyotish Guru, SJVC (This article is a e!tract "rom the book titled # $Vedic %strolo&y' %strolo&y' % te&rated %pproach) authored by Shri P.V .V.R. .R. Narasimha Rao* a Seior +yotish Guru o" S+VC at ,S%* ad published by -s. Sa&ar Publicatios* No'/0* Ved -asios* +apath* Ne1 2elhi 3 445554 i 2ecember 05556
2e"iitio' Sarvatah means “everywhere” or “entirely”. Bhadra means “auspicious” or “well”. Sarvatobhadra chakra is a chart that shows allround wellbein! and all kinds o" auspicious and inauspicious results.
#here are $ % $ & '( s)uares in the chart. *iddle + s)uares on the outer borders contains + nakshatras each. bhi-it the last )uarter o" /ttarashadha0 is included amon! the nakshatras. #he innermost 1 s)uares contains weekdays and ti this lunar days0. #he notation re!ardin! tithis is2 (0 #he entry 3anda represents ( st , 4 th , (( th , (4 th , 5( st and 54 th tithis. 50 #he entry Bhadra represents 5 nd , + th , (5 th , (+ th , 55 nd and 5+ th tithis. 60 #he entry Jaya represents 6 rd , ' th , (6 th , (' th , 56 rd and 5' th tithis. 70 #he entry 8ikta represents 7 th , $ th , (7 th , ($ th , 57 th and 5$ th tithis. 10 #he entry 9oorna represents 1 th , (: th , (1 th , 5: th and 6: th tithis. 8asis are also included in the chart. Some consonants are listed in the s)ures -ust inside the border border s)uares. ll the s)uares lyin! on dia!onals dia!onals o" the chart, e%cept the central s)uare o" the chart, contain vowels. #here are (4 vowels and 5: consonants that are covered. ;e see that (4 vowels0 < 5: consonants0 < (5 rasis0 < 5' nakshtras0 < 1 tithis and weekdays0 & '(. Vedha' ;hen a planet occupies a nakshatra, it causes vedha obstruction0 on the contents o" the s)uares alon! 6 lines. ;e can draw one vertical or hori=ontal
line and two crossward lines startin! at the nakshatra. Contents o" the s)uares on the lines have vedha "rom the planet. 7!ample 4' >et us say Saturn is in 9unarvasu. ;e see that 9unarvasu is on the eastern border. ?rawin! a hori=ontal line to the west "rom it, we see that the consonant h, rasi Cn, vowel au, tithis Bhadra 5 nd , + th , (5 th , (+ th , 55 nd and 5+ th 0, weekdays *onday and ;ednesday, vowel am, rasi Sc, consonant y and constellation *oola are on this line. So Saturn in 9unarvasu causes vedha on all these. ?rawin! a crossward line to the northwest "rom it, we see that the consonant k, rasis #a and r, consonant d and constellation 9oorva Bhadrapada are on this line. So Saturn in 9unarvasu causes vedha on all these. ?rawin! a crossward line to the southwest "rom it, we see that the consonant d alveolar0, consonant m and constellation /ttara 9hal!uni are on this line. So Saturn in 9unarvasu causes vedha on all these. There are some special priciples2 (0 planet in the "irst )uarter o" @rittika or the last )uarter o" Bharani has vedha on the vowel “a” which is in the northeastern corner. similar thin! applies to all the vowels in corners. 50 A" an vowel has vedha, its similar vowel e.!. a and aa, i and ee, u and uu0 also has vedha "rom the same planet. 60 Some consonants are not covered in this chart. 9lanets in rdra have vedha on !, chh and n! nasal0. 9lanets in asta have vedha on h, n alveolar0 and th alveolar0. 9lanets in 9oorvashadha have vedha on dh dental0, ph and dh alveolar0. 9lanets in /ttara Bhadrapada have vedha on th dental0, -h and nch nasal0. 70 A" a planet has vedha on one o" the "ollowin! pairs o" consonants, it has vedha on the other one too2 b vD s sh palatal0D kh sh alveolar0D - yD n! tr. ,si& Sarvatobhadra Chakra' ;e should "ind the "ollowin! in the atal chart2 (0 the constellation occupied by *oon or any special tara 50 the rasi occupied by la!na or any house o" interest 60 the "irstEprominent consonant and vowel in the nativeFs name 70 the tithi o" birth -anma tithi0 or a special tithi 10 the weekday o" birth -anma vaara0 ;e should study the vedha caused on these by di""erent planets in their transit. Vedha by bene"ics *oon, *ercury, Jupiter and Venus0 is "avorable and vedha by male"ics Sun, *ars, Saturn, 8ahu and @etu0 i s un"avorable. A" several transitin! bene"ics have simultaneous vedha on several natal points listed above, then !ood results may be e%pected. *ale"ics, on the other hand, !ive bad results. An addition to considerin! -anma nakshatra, we can consider special nakshatras related to the matter o" interest. Suppose we want to "ind the transit results related to career. #hen we can take karma nakshatra o" natal chart and see the vedhas on it in transit chart. Similarly, we can take the tithi correspondin! to the matter o" interest. or e%ample, we can take “karma tithi” lunar day o" pro"ession0 instead o" -anma tithi when "indin! transit results related to career. 8eaders should re"er to the "irst chapter "or t he procedure o" "indin! tithis. @arma tithi is a little di""erent "rom normal tithi. #o "ind karma tithi, we multiply the di""erence between *oonFs lon!itude and SunFs lon!itude with (: and reduce the product to a value between :H and 64:H by addin! or subtractin! multiples o" 64:H0. ;e divide it by (5 and add ( to the )uotient. #hat !ives a number between ( and 6: and that represents “karma tithi”. @arma tithi chan!es (: times as "ast as normal tithi. Similarly “dhana tithi” lunar day o" wealth0 chan!es twice as "ast as normal tithi. ;e can "ind a tithi "or several matters. #he tithi relevant to the
matter o" interest should be used when "indin! vedha o" transitin! planets on tithis 3anda, Bhadra, Jaya, 8ikta and 9oorna0. >et us take an e%ample. A" the (: th house, karma nakshatra, karma tithi and -anma vaara all have the vedha o" a couple o" transitin! bene"ics, then some !ood developments may take place in the nativeFs career. A" they have the vedha o" a couple o" male"ics instead o" bene"ics0, then we can e%pect setbacks in the nativeFs career. An this manner, we study the impact o" transits on important tithis, -anma vaara, important nakshatras and important houses in natal chart. A" -ust one natal re"erence has vedha "rom -ust one planet, we cannot make any predictions. But, i" 56 natal re"erence have vedha "rom a couple o" bene"icEmale"ic transit planets, then we can be more con"ident. owever, a prediction should be made only i" dasas and #a-aka charts also show an event. 7!ample 0' >et us consider the death o" John . @ennedy, Jr. #he data o" birth and death were !iven earlier. Janma tithi is Sukla shtami ' th tithi0 and it belon!s to the Jaya !roup. Janma vaara is #hursday ( . Jama nakshatra is ?hanishtha. Vainasika nakshatra destruction0 is in nooradha. 3aidhana nakshatra constellation o" death0 is in Bharani. A" all these natal re"erence points have vedha "rom a couple o" natural male"ics, then death is more likely on other days. I" course, one will not die whenever this happens, but this will increase the chances o" death. 1
s per the western calendar, riday came at midni!ht and the native was born at (5255 am. owever, a new day starts at sunrise "or indus. So it was still #hursday. An the transit chart, Saturn is in naidhana nakshatra Bharani. *ars is in Swati. 8ahu is in sresha. @etu is in Sravanam. A" we draw crossward lines "rom @etu in Sravanam and Saturn in Bharani, we can see that they intersect in the s)uare containin! Jaya and #hursday. So -anma tithi Jaya0 and -anma vaara #hursday0 have vedha "rom @etu and Saturn. Janma nakshatra ?hanishtha has vedha "rom @etu in Sravanam and 8ahu in sresha. Vainaasika nakshatra nooradha also comes under the vedha o" Saturn in Bharani and 8ahu in sresha. #he house o" accidents Cp, which is the 6 rd house "rom > in natal chart, comes under vedha "rom @etu in Sravanam and *ars in Swati. Considerin! that several key natal re"erences are comin! under the vedha o" a couple o" male"ics, un"avorable results are possible. Considerin! the involvement o" naidhana and vainaasika nakshatras, death is possible. 7!ample 8' >et us consider 8a-iv GandhiFs ascension to power in Andia on Ictober 6(, ($'7. t the time o" the event, Jupiter was in 9oorvashadha, Venus was in Jyeshtha, *ercury was in Visakha and *oon was in Sravanam. >et us see i" they have vedhas on any important natal re"erences. ere are the vedhas2 (0 Jupiter and *ercury both have vedha on 3anda and Sunday. Sunday is the weekday o" birth. #he tithi o" power 1 th 0 is Sukla Shashthi 3anda !roup0. 50 *ercury and *oon both have vedha on ?hanishtha abhisheka nakshatra constellation o" coronation0. 60 Jupiter and Venus both have vedha on S!, which is the 1 th house o" power in natal chart. 70 *ercury and Venus both have vedha on >ibra, which contains G> in natal chart. G> is the seat o" power. So -anma vaara, an important tithi, an important nakshatra and two important rasis in natal chart have vedha "rom two bene"ic planets each. #his is conducive to !ettin! political power. 7!ample 9' >et us continue with the same native. 8a-iv GandhiFs party lost ma-ority in the elections o" 3ovember 55, ($'$.
;hen he became AndiaFs 9rime *inister in ($'7, Jupiter was in 9oorvashadha. 9oorvashadha is karma nakshatra constellation o" pro"ession0. t the time o" *r. GandhiFs de"eat in ($'$, Saturn was in that constellation. >et us "ind vedhas by transit planets on the same natal re"erences considered in the last e%ample2 (0 3anda and Sunday have vedha "rom 6 male"ics2 Saturn in 9oorvashadha, 8ahu in ?hanishtha and @etu in sresha. 50 ?hanishtha is bhisheka nakshatra constellation o" coronation0. At is occupied by 8ahu and @etu has vedha on it. 60 #he 1 th house o" power in the natal chart, S!, has vedha "rom *ars and Saturn. or these reasons, transits were un"avorable "rom the point o" view o" political power. So *r. GandhiFs party lost power.