Gl bal
c h i ndler Awa Aw ard
Co petiti n Rul s July 20 4
Table of Contents 1
Contracting A thority ........................ ..................................................... ............................ 4
Pr curement orm and Procedure... ..................................................... ............................ 5 2.1
Type o Competiti n: Ideas C ompetition .................................... ............................ 5
Competition Stag s: One Sta ge Competition ............................. ............................ 5
Procedure Type:
Langua ge: Englis ...................................................................... ............................ 5
Judgin Procedur ..................................................................... ............................ 5
Information Exchange: Websi te.................................................. ............................ 5
Anony ity .............................. ..................................................... ............................ 6
pen Proce dure.............................................. ............................ 5
Declaration of Commitm nt to SIA 1 2 ................................................. ............................ 6
Pu lic procur ment markets............. ..................................................... ............................ 6
Eli ibility for p articipation.................. ..................................................... ............................ 6
Proof of suitability .................. ..................................................... ............................ 6
Due Date for Eligi ility ........... ..................................................... ............................ 7
Team composition ...................................................................... ............................ 7
Exclusions ............................. ..................................................... ............................ 7
Pri es ............................................... ..................................................... ............................ 7 6.1
Prize- oney sum................... ..................................................... ............................ 7
Number and distri ution of pri zes ............................................... ............................ 7 .2.1 Hon urable Me tions ......... ..................................................... ............................ 8 .2.2 Trav l grants ...................... ..................................................... ............................ 8
Commission .. ................................... ..................................................... ............................ 8 7.1
Declar tion of intent............... ..................................................... ............................ 8
Team uilding ........................ ..................................................... ............................ 8
Contra t terms ....................... ..................................................... ............................ 8
Remuneration ter s ................................................................... ............................ 8
Pr perty right and Publi ation ........ ..................................................... ............................ 9 .1.1 Own rship and IIntellectual Property ....................................... ............................ 9 .1.2 Licen se of Com etition Mat erial.............................................. ............................ 9 .1.3 Publi cation right s................ ..................................................... ............................ 9
Cases of Dispute .............................. ..................................................... ............................ 9
10 Jur y .................................................. ..................................................... .......................... 10 10.1
Composite ............................. ..................................................... .......................... 10
10.2 Partiality and grounds for rec sal ............................................... .......................... 10
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
11 Pa ticipants ...................................... ..................................................... .......................... 11 12 Da es ................................................ ..................................................... .......................... 12 12.1
Term o Registrati n ................................................................... .......................... 12
Deliver of Comp tition Mate ial................................................. .......................... 12
Site Vi it ................................ ..................................................... .......................... 12
Questi ns and An wers......... ..................................................... .......................... 12
Time for Project Developmen .................................................... .......................... 13
Project Submissio ..................................................................... .......................... 13
Jurying ................................... ..................................................... .......................... 13
Publica tion ............................. ..................................................... .......................... 13
13 Documents ....................................... ..................................................... .......................... 13 13.1
Competition Mater ial Provide ................................................... .......................... 13
14 En ry Require ents ......................... ..................................................... .......................... 14 14.1
Digital ata ............................ ..................................................... .......................... 14
Representation ...................... ..................................................... .......................... 14
15 Identification .. ................................... ..................................................... .......................... 15 16 Pu lic evaluat ion .............................. ..................................................... .......................... 15 17 Liability ............................................. ..................................................... .......................... 15 18 Da a Protection ................................ ..................................................... .......................... 15 19 Or er of Prec dence ........................ ..................................................... .......................... 15 20 Ap licable La and Ven e .................................................................... .......................... 15
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
1 C ntracting Autho ity The Sc hindler Gr up , a global mobility ompany s ecializing in elevator and escala or solutions is the co tracting authority. Th Schindler Group is in particular r esponsible for choosing the appr priate pro edure and the competition type, f or publishi g the call t tender, for sele cting the m embers of the jury and eventual xperts, for ndertakin the necessary clarifications, for p eparing th se Compe ition Rules (herein also referred t o as “com etition brief”), or determi ing the tot l prize-mo ey sum, f r approvin the comp tition parti ipants, for ensuring anonymit , for unde taking the t echnical c ntrol of the competitio n entries a d for establishing the su bsequent r port, as w ll as for the publication of the re ults of the compet ition. For the e tasks, the Schindle Group ask s the Chai Prof. Christiaans to be the cademic p artner. Sai of com etitions an the procedural regul tions and Schindler Group c mpetently. They advi e the Schi proced re and will moderate the jury ses sion.
of Archit cture and Urban De ign of professio als are fa iliar with t e essence ualified so as capabl of advisin the dler Grou during the entire co petition
The Sc indler Gro p and the Chair of Pr f. Christia nse consult will the ju ry in formulating the brief an d in setting the terms f the progr amme. The res ponsible c ntacts for their respec tive organi ations are the followin g: Competition Manag ment email contact: info @schindler
Ms. An drea Mure Project Leader Schindler Manage ent AG Zugerstrasse 13 6030 E ikon / Switzerland Prof. K ees Chris ti aanse Aw ard Program L eader Chair o Architecture and Urb n Design Institut of Urban esign Networ City Landscape Progra Leader F ture Cities Laborator Singap re ETH C ntre for Sustainable D evelopmen t www.fu urecities.e Ms. My riam Perret Ac ade ic Project Manager Resear h and Tea ching Assi tant Chair o Architecture and Urb n Design Institut of Urban esign Networ City Landscape
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
2 Pr ocurem nt For and Pr cedure 2.1 Type of C mpetiti n: Ideas Competition The Gl bal Schind ler Award i an idea c mpetition. The objective of an id a competition is to procure conceptua l proposals or solution s, which ar e only gen rally circu scribed and defined, without the intentio n realising the project. In this regard the aim of the Glo al Schindl r Award is to furth r the traini g of students in their discipline o f study and thus the pr omotion of young archite ts, designers and pla ners. The lobal Schi ndler Awar does not lead to a c mmission and it d oes not im ly any kind of further ork or contract arran ements.
2.2 Competiti n Stages: One S age Co petition The Gl bal Schind ler Award ill be held as a single stage com etition. Thiis will guar ntee a simple nd efficien t process.
2.3 Procedur Type: Open Pro edure All inter ested Parti ipants (as defined in ection 11 herein) wh are eligibl e to take p rt in the compet ition accord ing to Sections 5 here in, may su mit an entr y for evalu tion. The total number of Particip nts in the ompetition is unlimite d, and not ubject to a ny kind of uota or maximu m per cou try or by a y other m ans. This rocedure ill allow a iverse ran e of solutions.
2.4 L anguage: English The working langu age of the lobal Schi ndler Awar d competiti n is Englis h. All docu ents, correspondence, t e award c remony an d any other communi ation relat d to the Global Schindler Award will be in En lish.
2.5 J udging Procedur All proj cts submit ed for the ompetition will go thr ugh up to two selectio n rounds, ependent upon th e total num ber of com etition ent ies receiv d. First R und: To ensure that ll competit ion entries are judged fairly and qually, projects submitt d will first be conside ed in a for al, techni al pre-selection proce ss by the lobal Schindler Award c mpetition rganisatio and chec ed for thei complete ess. Secon Round: Projects that reach the hird selection round which ill select t elve (12) inners.
ill then be j udged by t e jury,
2.6 I formation Excha ge: Web site All rele ant inform tion regar ing the co petition or ganization, the compe tition task, nd news about t e Global S chindler A ard will be published on the official Global S chindler A ard website: A sel ection of a swers to s ecific que tions rega ding the compet ition task, hich are s bmitted vi email to t e competit on manag ment at info@s hindleraw, wi l also be p blished on the competition websiite. All Participants are adv ised to che ck the com etition we site on a r gular basi .
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
2.7 A nonymit All competition ma erial submitted shall e anonym us. No hint to the ide tity of the uthor of the proj ect shall b allowed. uring regis tration, each Participa t will recei ve a uniqu number, which n eeds to be inscribed on every do ument su mitted for t e purpose of identification. The anony ity of the P articipants in the com etition ensures fairne s, transpar ency and qual opportunity and gu arantees a objective evaluation by the jury.
3 D claration of Co mitment to SIA 142 In order to assure fair and equitable co mpetition, the contracting authorit y declares that it will follow t e The Swi s Society f Engineer s and Architects guid lines for co mpetitions. It officially states t at the SIA 142, edition 2009 is t e binding ocument. he attach d certification of the SIA confirms that the content of these C mpetition ules is in ccordance with the pr incipals of the reg lations of IA 142. This shall be an assuran ce of confi ence in th procedur s of the compet ition for the contractin authority nd the par ticipant.
4 P blic pro ureme t marke s The Gl bal Schind ler Award i not subje t of any public procedure market.. Subject to mandat ory law, no suppleme tary terms and conditi ons beside these Co petition Rules need t be con idered. No mandate result s out of the idea comp etition.
5 Eliigibility f r participation The Gl bal Schind ler Award ompetition is open for entry by e rolled stud ents as foll ws: Bachel r’s degree candidates in their fin l and/or th esis year a d Master’s degree candidates, along ith their int rnational quivalents in the field of archite ture, lands cape architecture, urban d esign and lanning. T e supervis ion by a university fac lty memb r is required for all compet ition entrie . The supervising facu lty member must be named at re gistration. One re istration is required for each tea or individ al who wi hes to part icipate. Ea h student may on ly participat e as either part of a si ngle team r individua ly. All Participants must provide n e-mail a dress through which they can b contacted. All registrations will b confirmed by email ithin seven days. Each P rticipant whose registration is ac cepted will receive an official entr y number. his entry number shall there after be quoted in all f ture corre pondence with the co mpetition manag ment. Participants who r gister to e ter the co petition a a team m st designa e one me ber of the team a a spokes erson to w om all cor esponden e will be a dressed.
5.1 Proof of s itability Proof o current en rolment at university in one of t e eligible isciplines nd student years is
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
require , as well a a confirm tion of the overseein faculty m mber. Indi ations reg rding the university, depart ent or faculty, chair a d name of the supervising facult member are require . Upon regi tration by t e Participants, an email will be sent to the name d supervising faculty member to officially cknowledg their oversight of the eligible team ia an autom atic confirm tion link which wiill be submitted to the competition m nagement.
5.2 Due Date or Eligib ility The eli ibility requi rements n ed to be fu lfilled at th day of registration an d througho t the compet ition. If the Participant do not me et the requirements it ill lead to exclusion f om the compet ition.
5.3 Team co m position Interdisciplinary te ms that in lude Parti ipants fro outside of the eligible discipline are permitt d but not andatory. If such gro ps are for ed, a mini um of on person on the team needs t o be from t e disciplin of archite cture, urba design, planning or l ndscape archite ture.
5.4 Exclusion s “A com etition ent y must be xcluded: a) fro the evaluation process, if it is n t delivere punctually, if it arrive incomplet e with respect to essential material, if it is illlegible, if it lets presu e unfair int entions, or if its author violate the princi le of anon mity; fro the awar ing of priz s, if it devi ates subst ntially from the terms specified in the co petition br ief.” (SIA 1 2, Art. 19. )
6 Pr izes A decision of the j ry with a 3 4 majority nd the ex licit agree ent of all r epresentatives of the contrac ing authori ties are required. The co traction au thority will ive the pri e to the of icial conta t person fo r any team awarded. This off icial contac t person w s designat ed at the b ginning of the compet ition. The ontracting party or managem nt team is not respon sible for di tributing th prize with in the tea .
6.1 Prize-mon ey sum A total rize sum of 150,000
SD will be awarded f r the Glob l Schindler Award.
6.2 Number a d distri ution of prizes The jur will nomin ate twelve projects, fr m which t e winners ill be sele ted. A ma imum of two representatives from eac of the twe lve (12) no inated te ms, along ith each nominated team’s upervising faculty member will b invited to attend the ward cere mony. Schindler will reimbur se the exp nses for the journey a nd accom odation of up to two tudents per nomina ed team, along with t eir official upervising faculty me ber. During he Award
eremony, the total pri ze sum of 150,000 U D will be a warded as ollows:
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
1st Priz 50,000 U D 2nd Prize 30,000 USD 3rd Priz 17,500 U D 1st Hon urable me ntion 7,500 USD 2nd Honourable m ntion 7,50 USD 3rd Hon urable me ntion 7,500 USD 6 Travel grants 5,000 USD In exce tional cas s the jury eserves the right to ad ust the distribution of t he prize a ounts.
6.2.1 Honourab le Menti ons Outstanding comp tition entri s that hav not been awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize can be awarded a hono rable ment ion with a rize sum o f 7,500 US . The jury can adapt he number and the amount of the hon urable mention durin the jury meeting.
6.2.2 Travel g r nt s 6 travel grants of 5 ,000 USD ill be awar ded to proj ects that e press an o utstanding idea in one specific topic dem nded in th Award. T e winners are asked to propose travel schedule, with content related to t heme and ims of the competitio . A documentation pa ckage of the trip and the res ltant findin gs are required once t e trip has taken plac , specific i structions or this will be issu d with the prize.
7 C mmissi n 7.1 Declaratio n of inte t The Gl bal Schind ler Award i an ideas ompetition, which will not lead to a concrete realisation or to a andate. Consequently the contr cting auth rity and th winners h ave no further recipro al obligatio n after the award cere mony and he payme t of the pri e money.
7.2 Team b uil ing As no andate re ults out of he ideas c mpetition, no terms c ncerning t he team building after the co petition ne ed to be agreed upon.
7.3 Contract t erms As no
andate re ults out of he ideas c mpetition, no contrac terms nee d to be agr ed upon.
7.4 Remuner tion ter s As the lobal Schi ndler Awar is an idea s competition, no mandate result s out of it, , no remune ration term s need to be agreed u on and no acq isition will e effected.
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
8 Pr operty rights an Public tion 8.1.1 Ownershi p and Int llectual Property The co tracting authority retains owners ip of the intellectual p operty of t e competi ion material provided to the Parti ipants of th e competitiion. “In all c mpetitions, entries remain the in tellectual p operty of t e Participa nts who m intain thei author ights. Submitted documents that belong to com petition en ries award d prizes o r honourable mentions becom the prope ty of the c ntracting a uthority.” ( IA 142, Ar . 26.1)
8.1.2 License o f Compet tion Mate rial For the exclusi purpos the co
duration of the competition, the c ontracting uthority shall grant th Participa ts a none, non-tran sferable, r vocable, r yalty-free ight to use the compe ition mater ial for the of participating in the Global Sc indler Award and to ake deriva tive works thereof for petition en ries.
ublicatio n rights
Publica ion rights f or the com etition entr ies are shared by Schindler Grou p; ETH Zur ich; and the Par icipants. S hindler Gr up and E H Zurich ay each p blish indivi dually the competition entries and their re lated docu ents with ut consent by, and accounting to , the Participants. The co tracting authority and the project authors or group of authors must be nam ed in any publication.
9 C ses of
“The jury decisions in matter of appreci ation cann t be disputed.” (SIA 1 2, Art. 28. )
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
10 Jury 1)
Mr. Bouman, le (Creativ Director f the Shen hen Bienn le of Archi tecture an Ur anism, for er Director of the Net herlands A rchitecture Institute) 2) Pr f. Liu, Dor en (Adjunct Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kon , Cofounder and Principal No e, Archite t and Urbanist in She zhen, PR ) 3) Pr f. Loo, Becky P.Y. (Pr ofessor of eography at the Univ rsity of Ho ng Kong) 4) Mr. Meng, Ya (Founder and Princip al, Urbanu , Architect and Urban ist in Shen hen, PRD) 5) Pr f. Moussavi, Farshid ( rchitect & Professor t Harvard niversity raduate S hool of De ign) 6) Dr. Provoost, ichelle (Director at I TI Internat onal New own Institu te, Crimso Architectural istorians) 7) Pr f. Rode, P ilipp (Executive Direct or, LSE Cities, Londo School of Economic and Political Scien ce) 8) Pr f. Rowe, P ter (Raymond Garbe Professor f Architect re and Ur an Design and Ha vard Unive rsity Distin uished Se rvice Profe sor) 9) Pr f. Sauerbr ch, Matthi s (Architec t, Founder and Partner of Sauerb ruch Hutto , Guest Pr fessor at Universität der Künste erlin) 10) Ms . Nicole V. heng, (Chief Designe r of CR La d Shen Zhen compan y) 11) Pr f. Yu, Kon jian (Dean of the Sch ol of Land cape Arch tecture, Pr ofessor of rban and Re ional Plan ning at Peking Univer ity, Found r and Prin ipal of Tur nscape) 12) Ja kie Han, P esident Schindler Chi a Elevator Co. Ltd. Modera tor and alt rnate juror: Prof. Kee Christiaanse, (Prof. Ir . ETHZ, Fu ture Cities Laboratory Progra me Leade r, Founder and Partne r of KCAP) The alt rnate juror will not be entrusted
ith the pre-selection f the award entries.
10.1 Composit “The ju y is comprised of: a) Qualified prof ssionals fr m the deci sive disciplines in relation to the ain tasks of the co petition (professional jury members). The professional jury members should dispose in their discipline of at least equivalent qualificatio s as requi ed from th Participa ts. b) Ot er persons freely cho en by the ontracting authority.” SIA142, A t. 10.3)
10.2 Partiality nd grou ds for r cusal “The ju y members are respo sible towa ds the contracting authority and t he Particip nts for ensuring that the competition procedure i s duly implemented a cording to the regulations specified herein.” (SIA 142, A t. 10.1) The jur evaluates the competition entrie s and deci es on the anking and the award of the prizes nd eventu l honourable mention . lt formulates the evaluation rep rt and the recom endations on how to roceed fur her. (SIA 142, Art. 10.2) “The ju y members are obliged to objecti ity as well as respect of the regu lations spe ified herein, the competition brief and the que tions-and- answers (Q&A) docu ent. They ust declare any facts t at might affect their o bjectivity.” SIA 142, Art. 10.5)
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
“Whoev er participates as a ju y member or expert r frains from any direct or indirect particip tion to the competitio . Jury me bers are prohibited fr m accepti ng any co mission related to the com etition concerned exc ept only a ommission for further consultancy of the contrac ing authority. Contacts between members f the jury a nd Particip nts in relation with th competiti n task are not per itted.” (SI 142, Art. 10.7) “The ju y can at any time con ult externa l experts for consultancy on speciial questions. Said experts retain only an advisor y function i the evalu tion proce ure and d not have he right to vote.” ( IA 142, Ar t. 11)
11 P rticipan s The co bachel archite equival
petition is open to all students in their final ear of stu y, includin thesis ye r, in a r's course nd those nrolled in a master's ourse at a orldwide niversity or college of ture, lands cape architecture, urb n design a nd plannin , and their international nts (herei referred t as “Partici pants”).
Participants must f ill in the onl ine registra tion form o n the Glob l Schindler Award we site at Registration i open fro 1 August 014 until 1 5 Novemb r 2014. Applica ions for re istration may be sub itted by in ividuals or by teams. he suppor t of a university faculty ember dur ing the co petition for every entr is mandat ory. All Participants must provide n e-mail a dress for themselves, if entering individuall , or a single ne, if enter ing as a te m, through which the can be co tacted. All applicatio s for registration will be confirmed y email wi hin seven ays. Each individual or eam whos registrati n is accep ed will rec ive an offic ial entry number. This entry n mber shall thereafter be quoted i n all future correspon ence with t he competition manag ment. Participants who apply to ent r the comp etition as a team must designate one team ember as a spok sperson to whom all correspond nce throughout the c mpetition ill be addr ssed. The int rnal distrib ution within the team f any prize s, honoura le mention s or other remune ration, as t e case may be, is the responsibi lity of the t am and willl be in no ay adjudic ted, allotte d or decid d by the c mpetition rganizers. “The following are excluded fr om particip ating in the competitio : a) an one employed by the contracting authority, ny jury member or ex pert specifi d in the co petition br ief; b) an one who is closely related or has any kind of dependence or close professional rel tionship to a jury me ber, or exp ert specified in the co petition b ief; c) an one in cha rge of the organisation of the co petition. Someo e who has provided preliminary tudies bef re the star of the co petition m y take part in the c mpetition s long as, according t o the jury, he does no derive an inadmissi le competiitive advantages from his previou activity. I any case, preliminar services end their
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
providers are to be named in he progra me and the results of their work must be m de available to all Par icipants.” (SIA 142, A t. 12.2) “Partici ants are n t allowed to contact t e contracting authorit , jury mem bers, or an expert prior to the jury de ision, with questions egarding t e competition.” (SIA 1 42, Ar t. 12.3) “Efforts of a partici ant to get a commissi on, which oes not correspond to the final recom endation of the jury a e not perm itted.” (SIA 142, Ar t. 12.4)
12 D tes 12.1 Term of R gistrati n Registr tion for th competiti n is open f om the 1st of August t the 15th o f November 2014. The registration de adline ena les the co petition o ganizers t anticipate the numbe of final compet ition entrie that will b submitted later in the competition, for gene ral organiz tional purpos s.
12.2 Delivery o f Compe ition Ma erial All the ocuments necessary or particip ting in the competitio will be av ilable on t e Schindler Web-sit www.schi dleraward. ch from th launch of hese offici l Competition Rules until co petition e tries close in January 2015. It is necessary o register f or the com etition in order t download the complete package of competition materi l. All docu ents regarding the compet ition are ex pressly for he use of ompetition entries for the Global Schindler ward compet ition only a d shall not be used fo r any other means or istributed t o third parties not particip ting in the competitio .
12.3 Site Visit Site visits are not ompulsory or expecte d, and any visits mad by particip ating team will not be reimbursed or therwise funded by th competiti n authorit ..
uestions and An wers
“The P rticipants can submit nonymous ly in writte form questions conc rning the competition brief up to the 1st of December 2014. Th contracting authority ogether wi th the assi ned consult nt, compil all questi ns and an wers (Q& )- summarised where necessary - and assemb les them within the in icated tim frame in a document delivered t all Partici ants.” (SIA 142, Ar t. 14.1 ) Answer s to comm n questions will be pu blished on the official ompetition website p riodically. The Sc indler Gro p has appointed the hair of Ar hitecture a d Urban D esign, Prof essor Kees Christiaanse at ETH Zu ich “as ext rnal exper ts and spe ialist depa tment, whi h can be consult d by the Participants for clarifica ions. These treat the information with absol te confide tiality and ensure tha anonymity is maintai ed, that th informatio n they pro ide is objective and that o transfer of ideas ta es place t rough thei advice. Th is consultation does not replace the fin l evaluatio by the jur y. These e perts do n t take part in the eval ation proced re of the jury, but pro ide the jur with a written prelimi ary techni al report.” (SIA 142,
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
Ar t. 14.2)
“lf a ma or change of the [competition] bri ef takes pl ce as a re ult of the &A round, the submis ion dead li ne must be postponed appropriately.” (SIA 142, Ar t. 14 .3)
12.5 Time for Project D velopm nt Due to he comple ity of the competition task and in order to e able scho ls to participate in the compet ition in for of a design studio, th e competition lasts for six months . It starts o the 1st of August, 2014 and l asts until t e 31st of J nuary, 2015.
12.6 Project Su bmissio The do uments of the competition entrie shall be submitted digitally on th e website. The entry deadlin is on the 1st of Jan ary 2015, t midnight (Central E ropean Wi ter Time).
12.7 J urying The official jury m eting is sc eduled to t ake place n the 5th / st of March 2015 in S enzhen, China. The pr visory date for the aw rd ceremo ny is the 2 th of April 2015. The def initive date s will be published on he Global Schindler ward webs ite as soon as they are confirmed. ww w.schindl m
ublicati n
Award inning co petition e tries and t e names of their auth rs and res pective schools will be publish d on the ebsites of chindler a d of the Global Schindler Award. Award wi ning compet ition entrie will also e entually b promoted in publications and/or advertising worldwide. Prize w inning proj cts will be presented in an exhibition as welll as in a pu lication during t he award c eremony. articipants, along with their colle e or univer sity that ar nomina ed for priz s shall not speak to edia outlet s about their nominati n or proje ts prior to the award ceremo y.
13 D cuments The co petition or ganisation will provide map base at the required scale s, as well as an introdu tion to the competitio site, as pa rt of the C mpetition ules. All d cuments necessary for parti cipation in he competition will be available n the day f the comp etition launch, following acceptance of registration appli cations.
13.1 Competiti n Materi al Provi ed Once r gistration t o enter the Global Sch indler Award has bee accepted, Participan s will receive an access key, via e ail, for the digital data on the co petition w bsite. This data contain detailed i formation bout the o rganization, the comp tition task, photograp s of the compet ition site, maps and pl ns. The P rticipants ill be able to downloa d the follo ing compet ition materi al after confirming the acceptanc of these ompetition Rules:
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
1. Competitio Rules 2. Competitio Brief 3. hematic Site Introdu tion 4. DWG and XF maps t the follo ing scales:: a. Pearl River Delta b. Shenzhen c. Sungang Quin shuihe (S ) 5. Set of site nd context photograp hs
14 E try Req iremen s The pr ject should be described in a co prehensiv storyline, narrative structure t at explains the logi al coheren ce betwee the analyt ical thoughts and the esulting d sign. Alter ative transfor mation scenarios may be tested ith impact assessme ts of their ossible spatial, social, conomic a nd environ ental con equences. Only one roposal pe r entry is allowed. Detaile informatio n about all requireme ts will be provided in the official rief. Comple te competit ion entries will consist of the following: Drawin gs 2 A-0 p nels, cont ining map in a rang of scales eg. region and blo ck scales). A range of representa ional mod s (plans, s drawings, diagram s and visualizations) s hould be u ed to expl must al o be sub itted in A3 size. This ill be the p rimary doc evaluation process .
l, inter-city,, city, neighborhood ctions, ele vations, is metric in the proj ct. This dr wing set ment set u sed during the
Suppo ting Infor ation A booklet of a max imum of 1 pages in s ize A4, con taining additional infor mation such as analysi , prelimina ry studies, calculation , narration, and the d rivation of the project through written nnotation , diagrams and drawi gs must b submitted to in additi on the dra ings, but it is of se ondary im ortance for the purpo e of evalu tion.
14.1 Digit al dat a All doc ments mu t be submi ted digitall in PDF format on the competitio n website, n order to reduce the expens es incurred by Particip ants. The ompetition entries mu st be submitted with the regi stration nu ber on ev ry page. I addition, PDF version of the p ackage including all of the ele ents (plans, diagram , visualisat ions etc.) n eeds to be submitted. Prize winning groups will be r equired to ubmit thei editable hi gh resoluti n source files within t hree (3) da s of notification of nomi nation.
14.2 Represent ation The qu lity of the r epresentat on is part f the evaluation criteri . A clear a nd underst ndable means of representation is advised. The representation can be in full color or black a d white. Models cannot be directly su mitted, but photograp s of models may be i cluded in t he drawing set.
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules
15 Id ntificati n All doc ments mu t bear the ntry numb er assigne at the registration in t he lower ri ht-hand corner. Any comp tition entri s containin g names o the Partici ants, tea names, the schools or any int to them will be excluded from the competition. The registration fo m must in lude the fol lowing information: Na es of all t am members Inf rmation about the de ignated co tact person, including e-mail, ma iling addre s and tel phone nu ber
16 P blic evaluation There ill not be a ny public e aluation of the comp tition prior o the jury ession. Th jury will udge t e competit ion entries during the fficial jury session an present th eir results, including prize all ocation, during the a ard cerem ny. The comments of the jury wil l be publish ed together with the inning proj cts.
17 Li bility To the xtent per itted by ap licable la , Schindler Group and ETH Zuric h exclude ny and all liability owards th Participants and the ffiliated universities.
18 D ta Prot ction The Pa ticipants c nsent to their person l data, whi h is provided to the c ntracting authority, being u sed for the purpose of preparing nd executing the Glo al Schindl r Award. The Participants conse nt to their personal d ta being t ansferred outside of Switzerla d and of the Eur opean Ec nomic Ar a.
19 O der of Precedence In the e vent of a di spute, the ollowing or der of prec dence shall prevail: 1. thes Competiti n Rules; 2. Que tion and A swers by the contract ing authorit y; 3. Regulations for rchitectur and Engi eering Co petitions, IA 142, e ition 2009.”
20 A plicable Law an Venue These lobal Schi ndler Awar and thes Competiti n Rules a d are gove rned by th Laws of Switze land, with ut regard to the con flict of law s provisio s. Disputes arising u der, or in onnection ith, these Competitio Rules sh ll be exclu ively subject to the juris iction of the compete t court of ucerne, S itzerland. owever, any recourse to courts of law by Participants regarding j ry decisio s is explici tly exclude .
Glob l Schindler ward – Co petition Rules