Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
In the Name of Allah the Entirely Merciful the Especially Merciful.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and how to increase it. Secrets that are guaranteed to work with proof from the Quran and the Sunna Click below:
IMPORTANT NOTE: All the verses from the Quran that are given here are given as interpretation of the meaning. So when a sentence says “Allah said” or “Allah says” then the verses that comes after that are translated verses. Please know that the original verses that Allah has revealed in the Quran are in Arabic. Note: for comments, typos, errors in the book, questions please send me an e-mail at:
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By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 1
TYPES OF WEALTH AND PROVISION .............................................................................................................. 9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22
PROVISION (RIZQ) IN THE QURAN AND THE SUNNA .................................................................................... 20 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12
WEALTH/PROVISION IS TOO BROAD A TERM TO BE RESTRICTED TO MONEY .................................................................9 PROVISION AND EARNING .................................................................................................................................10 PROVISION IS OF TWO TYPES: EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR ..........................................................................................10 THE MOST BELOVED THING TO ALLAH IS WHEN YOU BECOME A MEAN FOR THE PROVISION OF HEARTS AND BODIES ........10 THE DIFFERENCE IN THE CONCEPT OF PROVISION BETWEEN THE BELIEVER AND THE NON-BELIEVER................................11 MONEY IS THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE...................................................................................................................11 MONEY IS PROVISION BUT IT’S ONLY ONE TYPE OF PROVISION ................................................................................11 THE CLOSEST THING TO ONE’S LIFE IS HIS PROFESSION SO ONE HAS TO MAKE SURE THAT IT IS HALAL.............................12 THE WISDOM BEHIND MAKING THE LAWFUL (HALAL) EARNING DIFFICULT AND THE UNLAWFUL (HARAM) ONE EASY ........12 CHOOSING A PROFESSION THAT PLEASES ALLAH IS A REQUIREMENT OF FAITH .............................................................13 THE GREATEST PROVISION THAT A HUMAN CAN GET IS THE PROVISION OF VALUES .....................................................14 THE FRUITS OF SPIRITUAL PROVISION START IN THIS LIFE AND CONTINUE TO THE AFTER LIFE .........................................14 PROVISION IS RIGHTEOUS DEEDS........................................................................................................................15 MONEY IS A NEUTRAL ENERGY ..........................................................................................................................15 THE RATIONING OF ALLAH UPON A SLAVE IS A RATIONING OF DISCIPLINE NOT A RATIONING OF INABILITY ........................16 THE WISDOM BEHIND GIVING SOME PEOPLE MORE PROVISION THAN OTHERS ..........................................................16 WHOEVER BECOMES TOO GREEDY FOR MONEY LOSES HIS DIGNITY AND HIS RELIGION AND BECOMES A SERVANT FOR IT ...17 MONEY IS POWER IF USED ACCORDING TO WHAT PLEASES ALLAH ...........................................................................17 MONEY IS ONE OF THE TOOLS OF GETTING CLOSER TO ALLAH .................................................................................18 IN THIS LIFE, FORTUNES ARE DISTRIBUTED AS A TEST, BUT IN THE AFTER-LIFE FORTUNES ARE DISTRIBUTED AS A REWARD....19 THE HEROISM OF A HUMAN BEING IS SUCCEEDING IN ANY TEST OF ALLAH’S TTESTS ....................................................19 POVERTY IS THREE TYPES: SPENDING IN CHARITY POVERTY, LAZINESS POVERTY AND DECREE POVERTY ...........................19
“AND THERE IS NO CREATURE ON EARTH BUT THAT UPON ALLAH IS ITS PROVISION” (HUD 11:6).....................................20 THE POOR DUE TO LAZINESS .............................................................................................................................20 IT IS MANDATORY TO WORK TO EARN PROVISION .................................................................................................21 SEEKING HALAL IS AN OBLIGATION ON EVERY MUSLIM ...........................................................................................21 PROHIBITION OF BEGGING WITHOUT A NEED .......................................................................................................22 ALLAH HAS PRAISED THOSE WHO ABSTAIN FROM BEGGING ...................................................................................22 WORKING FOR ONE’S CHILDREN AND TAKING CARE OF THEM IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP .................................................24 WORK IS AN OBLIGATION IN ISLAM .....................................................................................................................25 IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS AND AGRICULTURE......................................................................................................26 WORK IS AN HONOR NO MATTER HOW LOW-GRADED IT MIGHT APPEAR TO PEOPLE ...................................................26 HALAL MONEY IS THE CAUSE OF ANSWERED PRAYERS, HAPPY TRANQUIL LIVING AND GOOD HEALTH .............................27 A GREAT VERSE FROM THE QURAN WHICH IS THE KEY TO PROVISION .......................................................................28
SECRET #1: TAQWA (FEAR OF ALLAH AND PIETY) ........................................................................................ 29 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
DEFINITION OF TAQWA (FEAR OF ALLAH) ............................................................................................................29 STAYING AWAY FROM LUSTS IS A PART OF THE COMPLETE TAQWA ...........................................................................29 HALAL IS NOT CLEARED FOR A MAN UNLESS HE ESTABLISHES A BARRIER OF HALAL BETWEEN HIM AND THE HARAM .........30 WHOEVER FEARS ALLAH - HE WILL MAKE FOR HIM A WAY OUT OF EVERY HARDSHIP.....................................................30
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 3.5 ONE OF THE SIGNS THAT YOU ARE FEARING ALLAH IS THAT PROVISIONS COME TO YOU FROM WHERE YOU NEVER EXPECT 30 3.6 ALLAH HAS FIXED MILLIONS OF LAWS AND THINGS AND MADE PROVISION AND HEALTH DYNAMIC TO FOR THE UPBRINGING OF HUMAN BEINGS ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 3.7 LIMITED PROVISION EQUIPPED WITH THE BLESSINGS OF ALLAH SUFFICES THE HUMAN BEING AND COVERS HIS EXPENSES ..32 3.8 WHEN ALLAH GIVES, HE ASTONISHES .................................................................................................................33 3.9 WHOEVER PREFERS OBEYING ALLAH TO HIS SELF-DESIRES, ALLAH MINIMIZES HIS DISTRESS AND SNATCHES POVERTY OUT OF HIS HEART .................................................................................................................................................................. 33 3.10 IF YOU ARE GIVEN PHYSICAL PROVISION AND DEPRIVED OF SPIRITUAL PROVISION THEN KNOW FOR SURE THAT THIS IS A PLOT FROM ALLAH LEADING YOU TO DESTRUCTION ...................................................................................................................33 3.11 BESTOWAL OF ALLAH IS A TEST AND HIS DEPRIVATION IS A CURE .............................................................................34 3.12 WHOEVER FEARS ALLAH, ALLAH WILL PROVIDE FOR HIM FROM WHERE HE NEVER EXPECTS ........................................34 3.13 ALLAH PROVIDES FOR HIS SERVANT ACCORDING TO HIS (THE SERVANT’S) INTENTION ...................................................35 3.14 THE SIZE OF EACH HUMAN BEING IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH IS ACCORDING TO THE SIZE OF HIS (THE HUMAN BEING) RIGHTEOUS WORK 35 3.15 THE GREATEST RIGHTEOUS WORK IS THAT YOU SPEND HALAL MONEY TO SOLVE PEOPLE PROBLEMS .............................36 4
REASONS THAT REDUCE/PREVENT PROVISION ........................................................................................... 36 4.1 REASON #1: ADULTERY AND FORNICATION (ZINA) ................................................................................................36 4.1.1 There are Two Punishments for Zina (Sexual relationships outside legal halal marriage) ....................37 4.1.2 Every Way that Leads to Zina/Unlawful Sex is Haram ...........................................................................37 4.2 REASON #2: NOT FULFILLING THE MEASURE AND WEIGHT .....................................................................................38 4.3 REASON #3: NOT RULING BY WHAT ALLAH HAS REVEALED .....................................................................................38 4.4 REASON #4: PREVENTING ZAKAT (PREVENTING OBLIGATORY CHARITY) .....................................................................39 4.5 REASON #5: INTEREST .....................................................................................................................................39 4.6 REASON #6: SWEARING BY ALLAH FALSELY (SWEARING A FALSE OATH)....................................................................39 4.7 REASON #7: LYING ..........................................................................................................................................40 4.8 REASON #8: MONOPOLY/MONOPOLIZATION .......................................................................................................42 4.9 REASON #9: CHEATING ....................................................................................................................................43 4.10 REASON #10: DOING BUSINESS IN HARAM AND DEALING WITH HARAM ...................................................................43
SECRET #2: FEAR OF ALLAH – MONOTHEISM – HONESTY – BEING ECONOMICAL ........................................ 44 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7
STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS AND FEAR OF ALLAH ......................................................................................................44 TRUE RELIANCE UPON ALLAH AND SUBMISSION TO HIM.........................................................................................44 THE RELATION OF MONOTHEISM TO PROVISION ...................................................................................................44 CHARITY IN TERMS OF MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS AND IN TERMS OF THE ISLAMIC LAW .........................................44 LET GO OF MONEY WHICH IS DOUBTFUL, ALLAH WILL REPLACE IT WITH BETTER ONE...................................................45 DOING THE MEANS AND RELIANCE UPON ALLAH ..................................................................................................46 THE LOCATION OF RELIANCE UPON ALLAH AND THAT OF DOING THE MEANS..............................................................48
SECRET #3: CONTENTMENT ......................................................................................................................... 50 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
MONEY MUST BE KEPT CIRCULATING BETWEEN PEOPLE ........................................................................................50 THE WORLD TODAY IS BETWEEN RICH AND POOR .................................................................................................50 A BELIEVER IS CONTENT WITH WHAT ALLAH HAS SET FOR HIM OF PROVISION ............................................................51 LAZINESS IS NOT BEING CONTENT .....................................................................................................................51
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 6.5 HALAL WORK IS WORSHIP ................................................................................................................................51 6.6 THIS LIFE HAS NO MEANING EXCEPT WITH FAITH .................................................................................................52 6.7 BEING CONTENT IS OF THE BELIEVER HIGHEST LEVELS ............................................................................................53 6.8 WHOEVER IS CONTENT WITH WHAT ALLAH PROVIDED FOR HIM IS A REAL KING .........................................................54 6.9 BE CAREFUL OF SATAN WHISPERING AND CONFUSION ...........................................................................................54 6.10 ALLAH DESTROYS HARAM MONEY SO BE CAREFUL ................................................................................................55 6.11 THE SUCCESS OF THE BELIEVER IS AN OVERALL SUCCESS .........................................................................................55 6.11.1 Success at Home ................................................................................................................................55 6.11.2 Success in Health ...............................................................................................................................56 6.11.3 Success at Work .................................................................................................................................56 7
SECRET #4: MAINTAINING THE TIES OF KINSHIP .......................................................................................... 56 7.1 WHOEVER HAS RIGHTEOUS DEEDS WITH HIS TIES OF KINSHIP ALLAH INCREASES HIS PROVISION.....................................57 7.2 WHOEVER OBEYS ALLAH WITH SINCERITY WINS THIS LIFE AS WELL AS THE HEREAFTER ................................................57 7.3 WHOEVER TAKES CARE OF THE EXPENSES OF THOSE AROUND HIM ALLAH WILL PROVIDE FOR HIM IN ABUNDANCE ...........58 7.4 ALL THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OF THE WEST ARE ACTUALLY ISLAMIC NOT BECAUSE THAT THEY WORSHIP ALLAH BUT THIS IS JUST THEIR LIFE ..................................................................................................................................................................59 7.5 ASSISTING RELATIVES AND POOR PEOPLE IS ONE OF THE MARKS OF MAINTAINING TIES OF KINSHIP ...............................59 7.6 RELIGION IS NOT ONLY FASTING AND PRAYING IT’S ALSO MAINTAINING TIES OF KINSHIP AND SOCIAL CARE.....................60 7.7 THE WEST LOST THE AFTERLIFE BY THEIR DISOBEDIENCE AND SOME MUSLIMS LOST THIS LIFE BY THEIR SHORTCOMINGS AND LOST THE AFTERLIFE BY THEIR SINS ..................................................................................................................................60 7.8 DOING GOOD TO PARENTS INCREASES PROVISION AND BLESSES ONE’S LIFE ...............................................................61 7.9 THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF MAINTAINING TIES OF KINSHIP IS TO GUIDE PEOPLE TOWARDS ALLAH GLORIFIED AND EXALTED BE HE 61
SECRET #5: BEING THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL ............................................................................................. 62 8.1 GET YOURSELF USED TO THANKING ALLAH FOR THE NORMAL FAMILIAR BLESSINGS .....................................................62 8.2 TOO MUCH COMPLAINING IS AGAINST BEING GRATEFUL AND IT’S ONE OF SATAN WAYS .............................................63 8.3 GET YOURSELF USED TO SEEING THE POSITIVE ASPECTS .........................................................................................63 8.4 IF YOU WANT AN INCREMENT IN EVERYTHING THEN BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE ...............................64 8.5 WHAT IS THANKING? .......................................................................................................................................65 8.5.1 Level 1: Conceiving the Blessing and ascribing it to Allah ......................................................................65 8.5.2 Level 2: To Have Heart Full of Love of Allah ...........................................................................................68 8.5.3 Level 3: Thanking Allah by Your Organs .................................................................................................69 8.5.4 In Worldly Matters Look at those Below You and Don’t Look at Those Above You ...............................70 8.6 THIS WORLD HAS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ITS DEGREES AND THE HEREAFTER HAS BIGGER DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ITS DEGREES 70 8.7 PROOFS FROM THE SUNNAH FOR INCREASING PROVISION BY BEING GRATEFUL ...........................................................71 8.8 BLESSINGS DENIAL ..........................................................................................................................................72 8.9 THANKING WHOEVER DOES YOU A FAVOR...........................................................................................................72
SECRET #6: REPENTANCE AND SEEKING FORGIVENESS ................................................................................ 73 9.1
HARDSHIP ................................................................................................................................................................... 74
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 10
A BELIEVER WILL NOT BE PUNISHED BY ALLAH IF HE ASKS FOR FORGIVENESS AND REPENTS TO HIM ................................74 THE CONTINUITY OF THE BLESSING IS CLOSELY TIED WITH THANKING ALLAH FOR IT .....................................................74 THE KEY TO PROVISION IS WORK AND REPENTANCE. THE KEY FOR MORE IS BEING GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL ..................75 NOT ANSWERING THE PRAYERS OF SOME MUSLIMS ..............................................................................................75 THE MORE YOU ASK ALLAH FOR FORGIVENESS THE MORE PROVISION YOU GET .........................................................76 WHOEVER OBEYS ALLAH AND MAKES HIS INTENTION SINCERE ALLAH WILL RESPOND TO HIM AND GIVE HIM RELIEF ........76 A DISABLED IS HE WHO IS TOO LAZY TO SEEK WHAT HE WANTS FROM ALLAH ...........................................................76
SECRET #7: SUPPLICATION ........................................................................................................................... 76 10.1 SUPPLICATION IS THE WEAPON OF THE BELIEVER SO HE MUST USE IT A LOT ...............................................................77 10.2 WHOEVER PRAYS TO ALLAH WHILE FEARING SOMEONE OR SOMETHING ELSE WILL NEVER BE ANSWERED ......................77 10.3 MONOTHEISM IS THE FOUNDATION OF SUPPLICATION ............................................................................................78 10.4 CONDITIONS FOR ANSWERING SUPPLICATION .......................................................................................................78 10.4.1 Condition #1: Sincerity .......................................................................................................................78 10.4.2 Condition #2: Faith ............................................................................................................................78 10.4.3 Condition #3: Responding to Allah ....................................................................................................78 10.5 WHOEVER SUPPLICATES TO ALLAH BELIEVES IN HIS EXISTENCE AND HIS ABILITY..........................................................79 10.6 THERE IS NOTHING THAT INCREASES ONE’S FAITH IN ALLAH LIKE SUPPLICATION ..........................................................79 10.7 WHOEVER BELIEVES THAT ALLAH IS CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING WILL BE ANSWERED......................................................79 10.8 BEING STRAIGHTFORWARD IS THE BASIS OF SUPPLICATION ......................................................................................80 10.9 TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO ARE EXEMPT FROM ALL CONDITIONS OF ANSWERING SUPPLICATION .................................80 10.9.1 The Desperate....................................................................................................................................80 10.9.2 The Oppressed ...................................................................................................................................81 10.10 WE HAVE TO BEWARE OF THE SUPPLICATION OF THE OPPRESSED EVEN IF HE IS A DISBELIEVER IN ALLAH.....................81 10.11 THE HEROISM OF A MUSLIM IS TO BE A PHILANTHROPIST SO THAT PEOPLE ENTER ISLAM IN LARGE NUMBERS ..............81 10.12 WHOEVER GOES AWAY FROM STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS AND RIGHTEOUS WORK OFFENDS HIMSELF AND OFFENDS ISLAM 82
SECRET #8: DIFFERENT TYPES OF WORSHIP ................................................................................................. 83 11.1 TYPES OF WORSHIP .........................................................................................................................................83 11.1.1 Type #1: Prayer ..................................................................................................................................83 11.1.2 Type #2: Fasting.................................................................................................................................83 11.1.3 Type #3: Hajj ......................................................................................................................................83 11.1.4 Type #4: Serving People is Considered Amongst the Highest Forms of Worship ...............................83 11.1.5 Type #5: Obligatory Charity (Zakat) ..................................................................................................84 11.2 THE CORRECT UNDERSTANDING OF WORSHIP ......................................................................................................84 11.3 THE PROBLEMS OF MAN IS OF HIS OWN CREATION AND HE CAN REMOVE THEM BY PERFORMING ACTS OF WORSHIP ACCORDING TO WHAT ALLAH WANTS ..............................................................................................................................86 11.4 WHOEVER INVESTS HIS MONEY IN A HARAM WAY ALLAH WILL DESTROY IT COMPLETELY ............................................86
SECRET #9: READING QURAN ...................................................................................................................... 87
SECRET #11: NOT SLEEPING DURING THE TIME BETWEEN FAJR AND SUNRISE ............................................ 88
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 15
SECRET #12: GOOD MANNERS ..................................................................................................................... 89
SECRET #13: HONESTY ................................................................................................................................. 89
SECRET #14: MARRIAGE............................................................................................................................... 89
SECRET #15: IMMIGRATION......................................................................................................................... 90 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4
SECRET #16: SPONSORING (SPENDING ON) STUDENTS OF KNOWLEDGE ..................................................... 93 19.1
HONORING THE LESS FORTUNATE, THE WEAK AND THE POOR .................................................................................93
SECRET #17: THE AMAZING POWER OF CHARITY ......................................................................................... 93 20.1 CHARITY’S HIGH STATUS AND THE ELEVATION OF THE CHARITY GIVER .......................................................................94 20.2 CHARITY PROTECTS ITS GIVER FROM TRIALS, TRIBULATIONS AND HARDSHIPS ..............................................................95 20.3 THE GREATNESS AND MULTIPLICATION OF CHARITY REWARDS.................................................................................96 20.4 CHARITY PUTS OUT SINS AND ERASES THEM ........................................................................................................98 20.5 CHARITY BLESSES MONEY AND INCREASES PROVISION ............................................................................................99 20.6 CHARITY PROTECTS FROM PUNISHMENT AND IT IS A WAY TO ENTER PARADISE .........................................................101 20.7 CHARITY IS A PROOF FOR THE AUTHENTICITY OF FAITH, STRENGTH OF BELIEF AND POSITIVE THINKING OF ALLAH ............103 20.8 CHARITY PURIFIES THE SOUL FROM BAD TRAITS AND BEAUTIFIES IT WITH GOOD TRAITS .............................................104 20.9 CHARITY IS A GATE FOR ALL OTHER GOOD DEEDS ...............................................................................................105 20.10 THE ONE WHO GIVES CHARITY WILL GET THE SAME REWARDS AS THE ONE WHO PERFORMS GOOD DEEDS BECAUSE OF RECEIVING THIS CHARITY .............................................................................................................................................106 20.11 THE REWARD FOR CHARITY IS OF THE SAME TYPE OF THE CHARITY ITSELF ............................................................106 20.12 CHARITY SHADES ITS GIVER IN JUDGMENT DAY ...............................................................................................108 20.13 VOLUNTARY CHARITY COMPLETES WHAT’S MISSING FROM THE OBLIGATORY CHARITY (ZAKAT) ..............................109 20.14 CHARITY IS A TREASURE FOR ITS GIVER ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT ....................................................................110 20.15 THE REWARDS OF CHARITY CONTINUE EVEN AFTER YOUR DEATH ......................................................................111 20.16 GIFTING THE REWARDS OF CHARITY TO THE DECEASED ....................................................................................112 20.17 CHARITY COVERS UP THE SINS OF A SLAVE AND IT BRINGS THE LOVE OF PEOPLE, PRAISE AND THEIR PRAYING FOR HIM 112 20.18 CHARITY IS A WAY TO GAIN THE LOVE OF ALLAH, HIS MERCY AND HIS PLEASURE ..................................................113 20.19 GIVING CHARITY MEANS HAVING VICTORY OVER THE SATAN OF ONESELF ...........................................................113 20.20 CHARITY BRINGS PEACE OF MIND AND HAPPINESS TO ITS GIVER ........................................................................114
HOW TO DRINK FROM ZAMZAM WATER ...........................................................................................................116
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1 Types of Wealth and Provision All praise is due to Allah, and from him we ask for help and guidance and we seek refuge in him from the evil of ourselves and from the bad of our works. Whoever Allah guides then there is no one who can let him go astray and whoever Allah lets him go astray then there is neither one who can support him nor one who can guide him and I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, acknowledging his oneness of lordship, and forcing this upon whoever disbelieved and I bear witness that Mohammed may peace be upon him is his messenger. Oh Allah let your mercy and blessings come upon our master Mohammed and his family and his companions and his offspring until the judgment day. Oh Allah, teach us what benefits us and benefit us with what you taught us and increase our knowledge and show us the truth as truth and grant us following it and show us the falsehood as falsehood and grant us avoiding it and make us amongst those who listen to the speech and follow the best of it and by your mercy make us amongst your righteous servants. Bring us out of the darkness of ignorance and illusion and into the light of knowledge. Bring us out of lusts and into the paradises of closeness to you.
1.1 Wealth/Provision is too Broad a Term to be Restricted to Money Note: From now onwards we will use the term “Provision” to include “Wealth, income…etc” Economic matters are a concern for everyone these days. The human is very concerned over his life and his health, his wealth and his provision. If we take concern over provision, people usually have the illusion that provision means money and the reality is otherwise. Allah glorified and exalted be he said at the beginning of Surat Al Baqara (The Cow chapter 1:3): “Alif Lam Mim, This is the Book (The Quran) about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them,” (Al Baqara - The Cow chapter - 1:3) Provision is too broad to be restricted to money, Allah might provide you with glory and honor, Allah might provide you with fluency in speech, Allah might provide you with wisdom, Allah might provide you with money, Allah might provide you with position, Allah might provide you with knowledge. “Alif Lam Mim, This is the Book (The Quran) about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for them,” (Al Baqara - The Cow chapter - 1:3)
He also says: “Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength” (Adhariyat - The winnowing winds - 51:58)
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.2 Provision and Earning Some scholars said: Provision is what Allah decrees for his creation for their life necessities such as food, drink, clothes, shelter, ride, and so on. Also provision contains moral blessings such as safety, stability, freedom, sanity all of these are types of provision. Allah is the only one who owns the provision of his slaves and the provision of all what’s on the earth. Even one of his names is “The Continual Provider”, Arrazzaq. Allah says in Surat Adhariyat: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want them to feed Me. Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength” (Adhariyat – the winnowing winds – 51:56 to 51:58) However the scholars differentiated between provision and earning. Provision is what benefits you, the food that you eat, the clothes that you wear, the house that you live in, the wife whom you find tranquility with, your sons and daughters around you, anything that benefits you is considered provision. However earning is anything that you have earned without benefiting from it. And there is a huge difference.
1.3 Provision is of Two Types: Exterior and Interior Provision is of two types, Exterior such as aliment, food and all what benefits the body, shelter, ride…etc. and interior such as knowing Allah, connecting with him, getting close to him, approaching him, placing light in your heart by Allah glorified and exalted be he. If someone asks for proof, Here it is: Allah says in Surat Al-Wāqi`ah (inevitable chapter): “And you make [the thanks for] your provision that you deny [the Provider]?” (56:82) Knowledge of Allah is provision, Obedience to Allah is provision, reliance on Allah is provision, trust in Allah is provision and approaching Allah is provision. The first type of provision is related to the body and is limited to this life “The Dunya”. Once the human dies all exterior provisions will vanish and end. However, on the other hand, the interior provisions are beneficial during this life and in the grave as well as in the paradise that is as wide as the heavens and the earth.
1.4 The Most Beloved thing To Allah is When You Become a Mean for the Provision of Hearts and Bodies If you are granted a guiding knowledge, a teaching and directing tongue, a hand that spends in charity, and if you become a mean for delivering honorable provision to the hearts of people by acts and by speech then this is one of the most beloved things to Allah. It’s considered good deeds. That’s why the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The honest treasurer who gives willingly what he is ordered to give, is one of the two charitable persons, (the second being the owner)." (Bukhari :: Book 3 :: Volume 36 :: Hadith 461 – Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ashari)
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.5 The Difference in The Concept of Provision Between the Believer and the Non-Believer Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision” (Hud 11:6) Any creature on earth even the black ant that moves on top of a solid rock in a dark night has its provision upon Allah. There is a difference in the concept of provision between the believer and the non-believer. The believer knows and has a firm belief, according to the degree of his faith, that provision is from Allah and that he (the believer) has to do the means and then trust and rely upon Allah. Whereas the non-believer believes that provision is because of his work (the non-believer’s work). Qaarun said in the Quran “I was only given it because of knowledge I have." (Surat Al Qasas – The Stories – 28:78) This is the difference between the believer and the non-believer. The believer has a firm belief that his provision is from Allah and he (the believer) has to only do the means whereas the non-believer thinks that he himself is the creator of his provision. The believers understand that provision is money, food, clothes, shelter, and at the top levels they understand that provision is wellbeing both in religion and in worldly matters, also self-wellbeing and wellbeing of the family and the offspring. They also see provision in happiness in this life as well as the hereafter. Whereas people of Faith see that provision is when Allah keeps you away from anything except him and to keeps you close to him and to qualify you for his paradise.
1.6 Money is the Foundation of Life There is no doubt that provision gets increased and gets decreased. I will talk about 10s or maybe close to 50 reasons from the Quran and the Sunna that contribute to increasing provision. Doesn’t anyone wish that he/she has an abundance of provision? Because money is the foundation of life and because the honorable companion has a great quote that says: “How lovely is the money through which I protect my dignity and through which I get close to my Lord”. In a quick note, one of these reasons is staying in touch with your relatives (maintaining ties of kinship).
1.7 Money is Provision but It’s Only One Type of Provision Money is one type of provision. Health is provision, knowledge is provision, Obedience to Allah is provision, wisdom is provision, the righteous spouse is provision, the chaste spouse is provision, loyal obedient children are provision, shelter is provision, good reputation is provision, so if we have the illusion that provision is only money or income then this is a dangerous perception. It’s true that money is provision but not all provision it’s only one type of provision and it’s a mean to an end not the end itself. There are thousands of blessings that we enjoy and we might not consider them and we have this illusory perception that provision is only limited to money.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it One more note is that provision is what you benefit from. However, that which you don’t benefit from is earning and you will be seriously held accountable for your earnings, how you earned it, legally or illegally? Whether you earned it by being just and truthful or by deception and lying? Whether with integrity or with betrayal? Whether with reality or with illusion? Have you earned it by pressurizing and oppressing others or by your hard work? Allah Says in The Cow Chapter (Surat Al Baqara 2: 172) “O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship”
1.8 The Closest Thing to One’s Life is his Profession so One Has to Make Sure that it is Halal In fact, some of the provision that you benefit from is not lawful (Haram). For example, a fourth apple, on a fifth branch on the sixth tree in a garden somewhere in some town. This apple is meant for you and is destined for you. If you buy it then its lawful (Halal), if it’s offered to you as a guest then it’s lawful (Halal), if it’s gifted to you then it’s lawful (Halal). However, if you steal it then it’s unlawful (Haram), if you cheat for it then it’s unlawful (Haram). It’s meant for you but the way it reaches you is of your choice. The prophet Mohammed May Peace Be Upon Him said: “The trustworthy spirit [Gabriel] has inspired me [with the thought] that no soul will ever die until it will receive its full provision. Be, therefore, moderate in your request.” Because the closest thing to a person’s life is his profession then if it is a legal lawful (Halal) profession he will live relaxed and satisfied. However, if the earning of money was unlawful (Haram), from an unlawful profession that does not please Allah, from prohibited goods, or the earning was via blackmailing people or deluding them, or by frightening them. Then this is an evil earning, stay away from it.
1.9 The Wisdom Behind Making the Lawful (Halal) Earning Difficult and the Unlawful (Haram) one easy Not all provision is lawful (halal). There are doubts in the market, if you enter it without knowledge you will certainly fall in dealing with interest whether you like it or you don’t. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Make sure your food is good (halaal and bought with halaal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.” Make sure your food is Halal (good/lawful) means buy your food with money that you have earned it lawfully in a halal way, without deception, delusion, monopoly, blackmailing, or by any other means that do not please Allah glorified and exalted be he.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it For a great wisdom the lawful halal earning has been made less than the unlawful haram earning. That’s why it was said: little that makes you thankful is better than much that makes you unthankful and little that suffices you is better than much that makes you a tyrant.
The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “"Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or AdDajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter" If the lawful halal provision was easy and available in abundance, all people would approach it, not for the sake of obeying Allah, not for the love of Allah, not for the sake of hoping for his paradise. They will just approach it because it’s easy and available in abundance. But for a great wisdom, the lawful halal earning has been made difficult while the unlawful haram earning has been made so easy. For example, you might be able to steal a warehouse and steal millions, but you prevent yourself from doing so out of fear of Allah glorified and exalted be he. On the other hand, when you earn this money from a lawful halal business then this means that there is great hard work which you have done to earn money from this business that only Allah knows about. You might have an illusion that lawful (Halal) business is difficult. But he who believes in Allah and in the last day will never accept anything but lawful halal provision even if it is little. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed” (Al-Kahf – the Cave, 18:7) The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever spends the night fatigued of pursuing the Halal, spends it forgiven”.
1.10 Choosing a Profession that Pleases Allah is a Requirement of Faith Choosing a profession is a very important thing. I always used to say: Choosing a wife and a profession are the most two dangerous things in a person’s life because they are the closest to yourself. The house can be replaced but the profession is difficult to replace especially after you spend years in it and be experienced in it. Likewise, the wife, you’ll have kids from her, therefore, I always tell the youth that the heroism of a young man is in choosing two things well, choosing his wife and choosing his profession.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.11 The Greatest Provision that a Human Can Get is the Provision of Values Again brothers and sisters, there is physical provision such as food, drink, shelter, ride, rain, health, health of your body systems, your organs, your senses, clothes all of these are types of physical provision. But the greatest provision is the provision of values. Pay close attention to this: Allah says in Sura Annisa (The Women Chapter 4:113) “and has taught you that which you did not know. And ever has the favor of Allah upon you been great” Those whom Allah has given authority and made them kings, some of them don’t love Allah glorified and exalted be he, those whom Allah has given money, some of them don’t love Allah glorified and exalted be he. Allah does not love Qarun and he gave him money. Allah loves Abdurrahman Ibn Awf and Othman Ibn Affan and he gave them money. But what does Allah give exclusively to whom he loves? Allah says in Surat Al Qasas (The Chapter of the Stories 28:14) “And when he attained his full strength and was [mentally] mature, We bestowed upon him judgment and knowledge. And thus do We reward the doers of good” This means that the greatest favor that you might get from Allah is to know him. If you find him you find everything, but if you don’t find him you find nothing. Oh Allah What has he who found you lost? And what has he who lost you found? If Allah is with you then who can be against you? If Allah is against you then who can be with you? However the provision of values is in your hands. This is available to all people. This requires sound judgment and a sincere repentance to Allah and turning to him and establishing a good relation with him.
1.12 The Fruits of Spiritual Provision Start in This Life and Continue to the After Life Spiritual provision, provision of knowledge, provision of obedience, provision of connection, provision of spiritual excellence, provision of calling to Allah, These are provisions that only Allah knows. The fruits of such provisions begin in this life and continue forever. A person says my money my money, Oh son of Adam, Do you have any of your money except that which you have eaten then exhausted, or that which you dressed then worn out, or that which you have given in charity then maintained. Life has a roof, if you have a billion how much will you eat in the morning? How much will you eat in the afternoon? How much will you eat in the evening? On how many beds will you sleep? How many clothes will you dress? How many cars will you ride? Even if you have thousands of billions, life still has a roof and it’s still limited and will end with death, however the afterlife has no roof: Allah exalted and glorified be he says in Surat Al Anfal (The Chapter of the Spoils of War 8:4) “Those are the believers, truly. For them are degrees [of high position] with their Lord and forgiveness and noble provision.”
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Also he says in Surat Al An’am (The chapter of the cattle 6:132) “And for all are degrees from what they have done.” Abu Hurairah (May Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (May Allaah's peace and blessing be upon him) said, "Allaah, the Exalted, has said: `I have prepared for my righteous slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and the mind of no man has conceived.' If you wish, recite: `No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.' " (32:17) [Al-Bukharee and Muslim].
1.13 Provision is Righteous Deeds The charity that you give is provision, your attendance at this lecture is provision, speaking the truth is provision, to memorize some of the Quran is provision, to have a look at the biography of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him is provision. What did Moses may peace be upon him said when he supplied the two ladies with water? Allah glorified and exalted be he said in Surat Al Qasas (The Chapter of the Stories 28:24) “So he watered [their flocks] for them; then he went back to the shade and said, "My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.” The scholars of interpretation (Tafseer) have concluded that provision is righteous work and they have also concluded that wealth is the wealth of righteous work and poverty is the poverty of righteous work. Allah glorified and exalted be he said in Surat Al Mu’minun (the chapter of the believers 23:100) “[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back(99) That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind." No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected.(100)”
1.14 Money is a Neutral Energy Money is the foundation of life, money is neither a blessing nor a curse, it depends on the way it’s used. Money might be steps that bring you up to the highest levels or steps that bring you down to the lowest levels. Money is energy but it’s a neutral energy. Allah glorified and exalted be he said in Surat Al Fajr (The chapter of the dawn 89:15) “And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me." And he also says in the next verse “But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me." The divine answer came as a reprimanding answer : No neither my bestowal is honoring nor my prohibition is deprivation. My bestowal is a test and my prohibition is a cure. Money is the test subject you might succeed in the test of money and you might not. Money is neither absolute good nor absolute
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it evil. It depends upon how you earn it and how you spend it. Money might also be a trial and a tribulation. Allah glorified and exalted be he says in Surat Al Anfal (chapter of the spoils of war 8:28) “And know that your properties and your children are but a trial and that Allah has with Him a great reward”
1.15 The rationing of Allah Upon a Slave is a Rationing of Discipline not a Rationing of Inability When Allah rations out provision for a slave and limits his provision then one must know for sure that this rationing is not due to inability rather it’s a rationing for disciplining the slave. The proof is in this verse from the Quran Surat Ash-shura (chapter of 42:27) “And if Allah had extended [excessively] provision for His servants, they would have committed tyranny throughout the earth. But He sends [it] down in an amount which He wills. Indeed He is, of His servants, Acquainted and Seeing” He also says in Surat Al Hijr (chapter of the rocky tract 15:21) “And there is not a thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure” On the authority of abu Dharr al-Ghifari (ra), from the Prophet (saws) is that among the sayings he relates from Allah is that He [Allah] said: “O My slaves, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the Jinn of you, were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease what I possess, except what is decreased of the Ocean when a needle is dipped into it. O My slaves, it is but your deeds that I account for you and then recompense you for. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he who finds other than that, let him blame no one but HIMSELF.’ (Muslim)” In the speech after the next we will talk about the reasons and the means to increase provision all provided with proof from the Quran and the Sunna.
1.16 The Wisdom Behind Giving Some People More Provision than Others There are some people who cannot restrain from doing evil work upon having money. They think of doing evil deeds. If these people have a limited provision they will remain straight. So, being on a limited provision is a mercy from Allah for such people. On the other hand, other people spend of their provision in charity in all directions to feed the poor and the needy. Sometimes the complete believer surrenders to the decree of Allah glorified and exalted be he. He does the maximum that he can to uplift his living standards, Once he does the maximum then this is what Allah wants (to do the maximum) but if you give up without doing the means then you will be held accountable for that.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.17 Whoever Becomes too Greedy for Money Loses his Dignity and His Religion and Becomes a Servant for it When it comes to earning people are divided into three categories. Some people are busy with this life and not so busy with the afterlife these are the losers, some people are busy with the afterlife and not so busy with this life, these are the winners and some people are busy with this life as well as the afterlife and these are economical. Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "If I had gold equal to the mountain of uhud, it would not please me that anything of it should remain with me after three nights (i.e., I would spend all of it in Allah's Cause) except what I would keep for repaying debts." Also K`ab bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "Two hungry wolves sent in the midst of a flock of sheep are no more destructive to them than a man's greed for wealth and fame is to his Deen (religion).'' [At-Tirmidhi]
1.18 Money is Power if Used According to What Pleases Allah I want to mention that great quote again ““How lovely is the money through which I protect my dignity and through which I get close to my Lord”. These are two great causes that justify earning money. What I want to tell you at the end of this topic, if the way through which you earn money is according to the Divine Law (Shari’ah) of Allah glorified and exalted be he then you should be wealthy because with this money you can do a lot of righteous good deeds that someone else cannot do. Money is power, with this money you can open an orphanage, an Islamic Institute, feed the hungry, get someone married (pay for their marriage expenses), money is a huge power; as a matter of fact the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him says: “"There is no envy (acceptable) except in two (cases): a person whom Allah has given the Qur'an and recites it throughout the night and throughout the day. And a person whom Allah has given wealth, that he gives out in charity throughout the night and throughout the day." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]” Money is power and using this money you become in front of many options for righteous work that only Allah knows. So if the way through which you earn money is according to the Shari’ah (the Divine Law) of Allah you should be wealthy so that you spend it in the way of Allah (i.e. give it away in charitable causes). On the other hand if the way through which you earn money is on the detriment of your religion, your straightforwardness and on the detriment of the pleasure of Allah with you, then know for sure that poverty is a badge of honor for you, and say I seek refuge in Allah the lord of the worlds and I fear him. There are professions out there that have astounding income, but they are based on spoiling the ethics of the youth and spreading horror through the hearts of people. Search for a profession that pleases Allah.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.19 Money is One of the Tools of Getting Closer to Allah Dear brothers, one topic is left. the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) praised the Ash’aries (tribe of Abu Musa AlAsh’ari) by saying: “When the Ash’aries run short of provisions in the campaigns or run short of food for their children in Medina, they collect whatever is with them in a piece of cloth and then partake equally from one vessel. Therefore, they are from me and I am from them.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari] by Allah he did not believe, by Allah he did not believe, by Allah he did not believe, he who sleeps full while his neighbor is hungry and he knows it. The last thought is that if you have an excess of money then give some of it to he who doesn’t have money. Therefore, money is one of the tools of getting closer to Allah glorified and exalted be he. That’s why it was narrated in some divine “Athar: sayings of the companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him or the generation after them” that Allah glorified and exalted be he asks two of his servants, he (Allah) says to the first one: Oh my servant, I have given you money what have you done with it? Then the servant replies: Oh my lord I spent nothing out of it due to fear of poverty on my children. Then Allah says to him: Didn’t you know that I am the perpetual provider the firm possessor of strength? I have decreed on your children that which you have worried about them. Then Allah asks the second one and says: “I have given you money, what have you done with it?” The servant replies: “I have spent it on every poor and needy due to my trust that you are the best guardian and you are the most merciful of the merciful” then Allah replies “I am the guardian for your children after you” Dear brothers and sisters, “Allah is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful." (Yusuf – Joseph 12:64) The righteous father who earns lawful halal money and spends it on his children must be sure without a doubt that Allah will take care of his children after him. On the other hand, the father who earns money in a haram way just to give his children a luxurious life style then all the sins that his children might commit might be in the father’s record. Dear brothers and sisters, hold yourself accountable before you get held accountable, weigh your deeds before they become weighed against you. Know that the Angel of Death has passed by us to others, and he will pass by others to us so let’s be careful. The Prophet (Salallahou 'aleyhi wa salam) said: "The wise person is one who holds himself accountable and works for what comes after death. And the weak, impotent person is one whose self follows its vain desires and he (simply) puts his hope in Allah” (AtTirmithi no. 2459, Ibn Majah no. 4260 and Ahmad 4/124). And all praise is due to Allah.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
1.20 In this life, Fortunes are Distributed as a Test, but in the After-life Fortunes are Distributed as a Reward. Dear brothers and sisters, in a continuation of our topic, fortunes (money is a fortune, handsomeness is a fortune, beauty is a fortune, smartness is a fortune, power is a fortune, health is a fortune). All these fortunes are distributed in this life as a test. The wealthy is tested with money, the poor is tested with poverty. Life is limited and fortunes are distributed as a test and they will be distributed in the after-life as a reward. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Look how We have favored [in provision] some of them over others. But the Hereafter is greater in degrees [of difference] and greater in distinction.” (Al Isra’ – the night journey 17:21)
1.21 The Heroism of a Human Being is Succeeding in Any Test of Allah’s Ttests Heroism is to succeed in the test of money whether being given money or being deprived of money. If you succeed you enter the paradise of Allah forever. To elaborate more, two men who lived for 60 full years. The first one was tested with wealth and didn’t succeed, the second one was tested with poverty and succeeded, then, they both died. In the judgment day, the one who succeeded in the test of poverty deserved a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth. And the one who failed the test of wealth entered hell fire. Who is the winner in this case? On the surface it seems that the winner is the wealthy in this life. However after realizing the truth, the one who really succeeds in the after-life is the one who succeeded in the test of this life and considered money as the most important test subject. You might be tested with abundance of money, you might be tested with lack of money and poverty. Your heroism is in succeeding in any test. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him was struck with poverty and if he were not poor, the poor people would not believe him. He used to enter his house and ask, “do you have anything to eat?” they reply “no” he says “then I am fasting”. Heroism is to succeed in the test of money whether in abundance or lack thereof whether with wealth or with poverty. If you succeed then you have won.
1.22 Poverty is Three Types: Spending in Charity Poverty, Laziness Poverty and Decree Poverty To be poor because of laziness is disrepute not decree. You do not master your work, you procrastinate, you do not care about appointments, you do not care about duty, you do not care about mastering your profession. Then you will be ignorant in your life, and generally the ignorant becomes poor. Poverty due to laziness is rejected. It’s not a trait of the believer. Poverty due to laziness brings the person into disrepute. And one cannot say that that’s how Allah decreed things for me. This is just maneuvering talk. When Omar Bin Al Khattab saw poor people during the pilgrimage days, he asked “Who are you?” they replied “we are the ones who rely on Allah” he said “You lied, one who relies on Allah is one who plants a seed then relies on Allah”. Do the means, do the work , poverty of laziness brings a man into disrepute. On the other hand, a poor person who is poor by decree is excused, someone who has a disability and one of the consequences of this disability is being poor such person is excused. However, a poverty that is praised is the poverty due to spending in charity. Omar Bin Al Khattab said the prophet Mohammed
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it may peace be upon him has commanded us to spend in charity and I happened to have some money and I said to myself “Today I will precede Abubakr if I ever precede him” then I brought half of my money and the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked “what have you left for your family” he said “ a similar amount” and Abubakr brought all of his money and the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked “What have you left for your family?” Abubakr replied “I left for them Allah and his prophet” then Omar Bin Al Khattab said “By Allah I will never precede you in anything”. Abubakr spent all of his money in charity. There is poverty due to spending in charity and this is praised, there is poverty due to laziness and this brings a person into disrepute, there is poverty due to decree and this one is excused.
2 Provision (Rizq) In the Quran and the Sunna 2.1 “And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision” (Hud 11:6) When the word (Upon) comes combined with majestic name of Allah then it means that Allah has committed his high self to providing all creatures with their provision. Even a black ant, on a solid rock, in a dark night has its provision upon Allah, even an ibex on top of a mountain has its provision upon Allah.
2.2 The Poor Due to Laziness There is something that might come across your thoughts and confuses you. Aren’t there famines? The reality that completes the previous verse is this verse “It is He who made the earth tame for you - so walk among its slopes and eat of His provision - and to Him is the resurrection.” (Al Mulk – The Sovereignty Chapter 67:15) Therefore Allah’s provision that he guaranteed cannot be obtained except with work. Allah says: “And say (O Mohammed unto them): Work” (At-tawbah – The repentance chapter 9:105) That’s why the largest portion of the poor people are those who are poor because of laziness. However, the human being might be tested with a disability that prevents him from earning his provision; one who is poor due to such kind of poverty which is decreed upon him is excused. And also a person like the great companion of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him, Abubakr Assiddiq who spent all of his money in charity and left nothing for himself, the scholars called this type of poverty, the poverty of spending in charity. One who is poor due to the first type of poverty is excused, and one who is poor due to the second type of poverty is praised. However the kind of poverty which brings a person into disrepute is the poverty of laziness, the poverty of inaccuracy and lack of proficiency, the poverty of procrastination, the poverty of staying in the comfort zone, the poverty of hating work. These are things that cause poverty.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
2.3 It is Mandatory to Work to Earn Provision The provision which is guaranteed in the first verse “And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision” (Hud – 11:6). This guaranteed type of provision cannot be obtained except with work and aspiration of Allah’s favor. Allah says “It is He who made the earth tame for you - so walk among its slopes and eat of His provision - and to Him is the resurrection.” (Al Mulk – The Sovereignty Chapter 67:15). The summit of human beings, the prophets, they all used to eat because they are human beings, because they are in need of having food. However, they used to walk among the markets, they were in need of the cost of the food, and food costs are obtained by legal work. The verse from the Quran which says: “And We did not send before you, [O Muhammad], any of the messengers except that they ate food and walked in the markets”. (Al Furqan – The Criterion Chapter 25:20). The human being gets tested while working in the market, will he tell the truth or will he lie? will he master his work or will he neglect it? Will he honestly advise or will he cheat? The reason for our existence in this life is to be tested. Allah has created a need in us for food and drink, he has created a need in us for marriage, and we work because of these two needs and we get tested while working. Some of the scholars say: “We should work hard in our pursuit of the Halal so that we can eat from it, dress from it, spend on our children, brothers and sisters from it, The Halal exists as long as human beings exist. Allah says “Allah is the one who created you, then provided for you” (Ar-rum – The Romans Chapter 30:40). When Allah rations provision for his servants, then this is a rationing of disciplining not a rationing of inability. Sometimes the crops of wheat is well over 6 million tons while our need is only for 1 million ton, 6 times what we actually need, and other times the crops do not exceed 600 thousand tons. From 6 million tons to 600 thousand tons! This is according to rain level. So the divine rationing is a rationing of disciplining not a rationing of inability. Some scholars say “When a person says the truth during his pursuit of halal lawful provision then Allah will extract his halal provision from between the Haram (unlawful) provision and the doubtful one”. “between excretion and blood” (An-Nahl – Chapter of the Bee 16:66) The earth is full of Haram income and Haram sources, so whoever seeks a halal provision honestly, Allah will guide him to the Halal provision. Allah destroys haram (prohibited) money. It either gets seized, burnt, stolen…etc.
2.4 Seeking Halal is an Obligation on Every Muslim What needs to be clear is that seeking the Halal is an obligation on every Muslim. Prayer is an obligation, fasting is an obligation, Pilgrimage (Hajj) is an obligation, giving mandatory charity (Zakat) is an obligation, and the obligation that comes after the pillars of Islam is halal earning.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it We said earlier that if your profession and your job that you earn your living from is originally lawful and halal and you are using it in halal ways, and your intention behind doing it is to suffice yourself and your family, and to serve the Muslims as well as all humanity, and if it did not distract you from a religious duty or seeking knowledge or a righteous work, then this profession becomes an act of worship. In your shop, you are worshiping Allah. In your clinic, you are worshiping Allah. In your engineering office, you are worshiping Alllah. In your class while teaching students, you are worshiping Allah. In your farm while planting seeds to serve people, you are worshiping Allah. As a matter of fact you are worshiping Allah by performing your duties. The habits of the believer are acts of worship and the acts of worship of the hypocrite are sins. So, seeking the Halal is an obligation on every Muslim. Do not be impressed by a person who earns money from Haram, don’t say lucky him, don’t say what a great income he has, if the income is Haram and he spends it in charity it will not be accepted from him, and if he leaves it, it will not be blessed for him, and if something is left from it, it will be to hell fire.
2.5 Prohibition of Begging Without a Need Allah has prohibited begging without a need. However, the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him allowed begging in only three cases and these will be explained shortly. Narrated Anas Ibn Malik: a man of the Ansar came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and begged from him. He (the Prophet) asked: Have you nothing in your house? He replied: Yes, a piece of cloth, a part of which we wear and a part of which we spread (on the ground), and a wooden bowl from which we drink water. He said: Bring them to me. He then brought these articles to him and he (the Prophet) took them in his hands and asked: Who will buy these? a man said: I shall buy them for one dirham. He said twice or thrice: Who will offer more than one dirham? a man said: I shall buy them for two dirhams. He gave these to him and took the two dirhams and, giving them to the Ansari, he said: Buy food with one of them and hand it to your family, and buy an axe and bring it to me. He then brought it to him. the apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) fixed a handle on it with his own hands and said: Go, gather firewood and sell it, and do not let me see you for a fortnight. The man went away and gathered firewood and sold it. When he had earned ten dirhams, he came to him and bought a garment with some of them and food with the others. The apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) then said: This is better for you than that begging should come as a spot on your face on the Day of Judgment. Begging is right only for three people: one who is in grinding poverty, one who is seriously in debt, or one who is responsible for compensation and finds it difficult to pay. (Book #9, Hadith #1637)
2.6 Allah Has Praised Those Who Abstain From Begging Allah has praised those who abstain from begging, Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “they do not beg of people at all.” (Al Baqara – Chapter of the Cow 2:273). Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, " A Miskin is not the one who goes round begging from people and who can be turned away with a morsel or two, or a date-fruit or two. A true Miskin is he who does not find
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it enough to suffice him, does not disclose his poverty so that he might be given alms, and does not stand up to beg". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Allah has said: “The one who knows them not, thinks that they are rich because of their modesty” (Al Baqara – Chapter of the Cow 2:273) The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also praised those who abstain from begging. That’s why it was mentioned in some narrations that the Miskin “The needy” is one who doesn’t find someone to suffice him, and no one notices him so that they may give him charity, and no one asks about him, and he himself does not ask for help or beg even though he does not find what suffices him and he might be in desperate need. That is the needy whom we are commanded to help and search for. The Imam Annawawi may Allah have mercy on him saw to it that if one has what suffices him, and then begs people, then his begging is Haram (prohibited), and what he takes is haram. However, the begging of the needy is not haram, it’s not even Makrooh (disliked) but if he begs he should not humiliate himself and he should not hurt the one being requested and he should not insist on begging. This matter is very subtle and we are in a great need for it. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Three things that I swear to be true are that a man's property does not become less on account of (giving) charity; that when a man is wronged and bears it patiently, God will give him greater honor on that account; and that when a man (begs without dire need), Allah opens for him a door toward poverty." (Tirmidhi) The believer always abstains from begging, the believer is always patient. Once he takes a decision to start begging, at that time and according to the previous dangerous Hadeeth, Allah will open a door for him towards poverty. Abdullah Bin Masud reported that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “If anyone is faced with poverty and he approaches people (for redress) then his poverty will not be removed. And if anyone is faced with poverty and he turns to Allah with it then Allah will provide him sustenance sooner or later” (Ahmed 4219) It is a shame on he who complains about the Merciful (Allah glorified and exalted be he) to one who does not have mercy (human). If you are afflicted with poverty then wake up before Fajr (Dawn Prayer) and pray two units of prayer (two Rak’aats), because according to what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said in the following Hadeeth: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle may peace be upon him said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Book #21, Hadith #246). If one is afflicted with poverty let him seek help from Allah not from a human being.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Abdullah Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “The man who always begs will meet Allah in the judgment day with no flesh left on his face”. The flesh of his face fell off due to begging people too much. That’s why Narrated Az-Zubair bin Al'Awwam: The Prophet may peace be upon him said, "It is better for anyone of you to take a rope (and cut) and bring a bundle of wood (from the forest) over his back and sell it and Allah will save his face (from the Hell-Fire) because of that, rather than to ask the people who may give him or not."
2.7 Working for One’s Children and Taking Care of Them is an Act of Worship One of the first priorities of work is to work for providing sustenance for your children. You are a father and you are responsible for it. You are responsible for securing your children food, drink, clothes and education. When you work for the sake of securing your family’s provision then you are performing an act of worship. Here is the proof: Kab Ibn Ujrah narrated: "A man passed by the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) and the Companions were amazed at his eagerness and vigor (for seeking his means of livelihood). They said: 'O Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam)! Might that this vitality be spend in Allah's Cause.' The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "If he went out to earn what he supports his young children with, then he is in the Cause of Allah. If he went out to support two elderly parents, then he is in the Cause of Allah. If he went out to support himself and preserve his honor (refrain from begging people, etc.), then he is in the Cause of Allah. If he went out for the purpose of showing-off and pride, then he is in the cause of Shaytaan." [At-Tabarani] . Pay attention to this, when you go for work, tiring work, long hours of duty, subordination to a boss, honesty, perfection and dedication and after that you come back home fatigued, then you are in the cause of Allah, you are performing acts of worship. When the father meets the needs of his family he earns their hearts, he guides them and directs them. On the other hand, that lazy father who does not work, that lazy father whom whenever is asked for something he replies “I don’t have it”, his family will alienate from him to bad company. When you earn Halal money and then you spend it on your family, your children, your parents without excessiveness then this work is in the cause of Allah. Omar Bin al Khattab said: “One should not sit without seeking his sustenance and then prays and says ‘Oh Allah provide for me’”. You don’t have a job? Open the newspapers that have vacancies announcements, study all of it, get out of the house, network with people, just MOVE. Remember what Umar Bin Al Khattab said “One should not sit without seeking his sustenance and then prays and says “Oh Allah provide for me”, you have already known that the sky rains neither Gold nor Silver”. Umar Bin Al Khattab also said “"I see a man that impresses me, so I ask, 'Does he have a profession (through which he earns money)?' So if they say, 'No,' then he falls from my eyes (and I do not respect him)."”.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it In another saying of Abdullah Bin Masud “I dislike a man who is empty, he is neither working for life (Dunya) nor for the afterlife (Akhira)”. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him held the hand of Abdullah Bin Masud and it was rough due to hard work, then he (the prophet may peace be upon him) lifted it up high in front of his companions and said “This is a hand that Allah and his messenger love”. Pay attention to this, the sustenance and provision that Allah has guaranteed for you in the verse from the Quran that says “And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision” (Hud 11:6) cannot be acquired except with hard work. No work, no mastering of a profession, no development, no commitment, no performance, then you will become poor and in this case your poverty is a poverty of laziness not a poverty of decree.
2.8 Work is an Obligation in Islam That’s why dear brothers and sisters it is concluded that work is an obligation in Islam. Omar Bin Al Khattab asked one of his subordinate governors “What do you do when people bring forward to you a thief or a stealer?” the governor replied “I chop off his hand” Omar replied to the governor “Then if someone of your people whom you govern comes to me hungry or without work I will chop off YOUR hand, Allah has appointed us as successors (caliphs) for his creation so that we fulfill their hunger, cover their insecurities and nakedness and secure their professions. So if we make this available for them we earn their thanks. These hands were created to work, and if they don’t find work in obedience and good deeds they will find a variety of works in sins and disobedience. So get them busy with obedience and good deeds before they get you busy with sins and disobedience”. When we boycotted Denmark because their painters and artists disrespected the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him. A lot of researches got published about Denmark, what caught my attention was that this nation (Denmark) which does not exceed 5 million in population is feeding 50 million human beings in this world. Another thing that caught my attention was that in Japan, a single automotive company has 40,000 employees. Its income exceeds the national income of an Arab country having a population of 70,000,000 people. Do you believe that there are some accurate figures? A citizen’s duty time in some of the developing countries does not exceed 17 minutes, 27 minutes in another country and in advanced strong countries that are leading the world a citizen’s duty time is 8 full hours. You might not believe it but be realistic, a nation whose people work 8 full hours and a nation whose people work 17 minutes in a day. How will such a nation ever win over the other? This is a bothersome scientific statement. But a bitter reality is better a thousand times than a comforting illusion. Dear Brothers, Dear Sisters, become something significant, leave a legacy, this life is meant for excellence, search for work, search for a profession, search for a business, search for a job, develop your work, think of something creative. Dear brothers and sisters, that’s why work is an obligation on every Muslim. Charity is not halal it’s not permissible on someone who is not poor or needy. A strong young man is not entitled for charity; a
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it person who is not poor is also not entitled for charity. The most profound thing that I have read about the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him is that he saw a young man reciting Quran during work time. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked him “Who feeds you?” he replied “my brother” the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him replied “Your brother is more worshiper than you are”. Allah glorified and exalted be he likes the upper hand and he dislikes the lower hand. Allah does not like you to humiliate yourself before the rich. Work, search for a job, earn halal and spend in charity.
2.9 Importance of Business and Agriculture For a third time, fourth time and a fifth time and again and again, provision and sustenance are guaranteed. That’s why a trustworthy truthful businessman is in the company of the prophets may peace be upon them and in the company of the truthful and the martyrs. Who can believe amongst you that only 9 businessmen were the reason behind spreading Islam in the biggest Islamic country right now (Indonesia) that has a population of 250 million people. The truthful honest businessman is with the prophets, he is a caller to the way of Allah. He offers you a perfected item of goods, at a reasonable price, he treats you with kindness, you love him, you love his religion, you love Islam, then you become a Muslim because of him. The truthful honest Muslim businessman is along the martyrs in the judgment day, the truthful Muslim businessman is in the shade of the throne in the judgment day. The best earning is the earning of the businessmen, when Muslim businessmen talk they don’t lie, when Muslim businessmen take trust they never betray, when Muslim businessmen commit they never escape, when Muslim businessmen buy something they never depreciate it to get it at a cheaper price, when Muslim businessmen sell something they never exaggerate praising it, when people owe Muslim businessmen, Muslim businessmen grant respite, when Muslim businessmen owe people they never procrastinate. On the other hand if when they talk they lie, when they take trust they betray, when they promise they don’t fulfill their promise, when they buy something they depreciate it to get it at a cheaper price, when they sell something they exaggerate praising it and overpraise it, when they owe people they procrastinate, when people owe them they tighten on them, those kind of businessmen are straight licentious. No Muslim grows a plant then a bird or an animal eats from it but it will be considered charity for him. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him praised business and agriculture. Narrated Abu Huraira that the prophet Mohammed may peace upon him said: "Allah never sent any Prophet but he was a shepherd." His Companions said to him, "Even you, O' Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Even me. I tended the sheep of the people of Makkah in return for a few pennies." [Bukhari].
2.10 Work is an Honor no Matter how Low-graded it Might Appear to People I have heard from a scholar in Egypt that he was walking and then he saw a young man selling glasses of tea to people on the roads, and this scholar knows that this young man has a university degree. The young man told the scholar “6 years and I am without a job, so I sell these glasses of tea and I earn halal
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it money and I am happy with it” the scholar thanked this young man, praised him and invited him to his house. There is no shame in work, the shame is to steal, to lie, to cheat. Look at this young man, he has a university degree and he sells tea on the roads. Definitely, work is a thousand times more honorable than the humiliation of begging. By Allah, I swear that digging a well with a needle, sweeping the land of Hijaz with a piece of feather, transferring two huge seas from one place to another with a little spoon is better for me than begging from a mean person just to repay a debt I might have. Dear brothers and sisters, one time I was at a small car-repair shop, the owner of the shop wanted to look down upon one of his employees and told me that that man has a university degree in Mechanics. So I mentioned to him the hadeeth of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him: "No one has ever eaten any food that is better than eating what his hands have earned. And indeed the Prophet of Allah, Dawud, used to eat from the earnings of his hands." [Bukhari]. A mighty prophet eats from the earning of his hands. That shop owner wanted to degrade his worker! Work is a badge of honor for him. A time comes where education becomes just for the sake of education. Earning requires work, earning requires a profession, it’s not a problem if you don’t find a job, just work at anything else. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked what type of earning was best, and he replied: ”A man’s work with his hands and every (lawful) business transaction” Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 846.
2.11 Halal Money is the Cause of Answered Prayers, Happy Tranquil Living and Good Health Dear brothers and sisters, Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas was asked: Out of the companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him, your prayers are answered. What’s the reason? He replied “I have never raised to my mouth a bite except that I know where it came from and where it went out”. That’s why some people said: “If you spend all the night praying, it will not benefit you until you know what gets into your stomach, whether it is Halal or Haram”. That which you have eaten, where was it from? I have visited a friend of mine and his father received me. He said to me: “My age is 96 years, and yesterday I have undergone a full blood medical checkup. All results were normal”. This is weird! He said to me: “I swear by Allah that I have never eaten a Qirsh (smallest amount of currency) which is haram in my entire life. And I never deal with Haram”. Whoever lives pious lives strong. One of the scholars say: “Avoiding a Dirham (currency) which is doubtful (might be haram and might be halal) is better for me than giving 100,000 Dirhams in charity and leaving a Daniq (a type of currency) from Haram is better than 80 Hajja (pilgrimage performances) after Islam”. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The flesh and body that is raised on unlawful sustenance shall not enter Paradise. Hell is more deserving to the flesh that grows on one's body out of unlawful sustenance.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it (Ahmad)”. Whoever collects Haram money and then gives it in charity, Allah will not accept it and his sins will be held against him. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “That which is Halaal is clear and that which is Haraam is clear, and between the two of them are ambiguous matters about which many people do not know. Thus he who avoids ambiguous matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honour, but he who falls into ambiguous matters (eventually) falls into that which is Haraam, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allaah’s sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh, which, if it be whole, all the body is whole, and which, if it is diseased, all of (the body) is diseased. Truly, it is the heart.” [Related by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.]
2.12 A Great Verse From the Quran Which is the Key to Provision Dear brothers and sisters, sometimes I feel that the need for earning halal has become SO URGENT. And matters might be so tight on people, recession and unemployment might prevail. However, I swear by Allah, In Quran, there is a verse that the disappearance of the whole universe is easier for Allah than not fulfilling this verse. Allah says: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Surat At-Talaq – The Divorce Chapter 65:2) When it comes to income and provision in general: The Prophet (pbuh) once said to his Companion: “By Allah! Whosoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better than it!". Dear brothers and sisters, you say: there are difficult conditions? You say: jobs and business opportunities are few? Earnings are scarce? There is unemployment? Say whatever you want to say, but this verse cancels all of this, in any condition, at any situation, with any inputs, in any hardship. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect” (At-Talaq the Divorce chapter 65:2,3). So, deal with Allah directly, be steadfast, raise your head up, be noble, and say: My lord you are the one who said: “And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision” (Hud 11:6). And I ask you for halal provision. Young men and women need the price of a house, stable income and a spouse. They have no one but Allah. “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out”. Write this verse in the middle of your room “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out”. The disappearance of the universe is easier for Allah than not fulfilling his promises.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
3 Secret #1: Taqwa (Fear of Allah and Piety) No one does not care about abundance in his/her wealth and provision. Provision is the foundation of life. However, there are reasons, secrets, and means for this provision that are mentioned in the glorious Quran and some sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him in the Sunna. There are also reasons that block provision. In this chapter we will talk about the first secret of wealth and provision which is Taqwa (piety and fear of Allah glorified and exalted be he).
3.1 Definition of Taqwa (Fear of Allah) Taqwa is to protect yourself from the wrath of Allah and to protect yourself from his punishment and you do this by establishing a barrier that protects you from being punished and destroyed. This barrier is Taqwa. There are more than 300 verses in the Quran that speak of Taqwa. So, as a comprehensive definition, Taqwa is doing what Allah orders and abstaining from what Allah prohibits. Taqwa is not a certain form, certain dress, certain moves, certain words. Taqwa is implementing what Allah orders and abstaining from what Allah prohibits. Taqwa is the noun, Yattaqee and Yattaqoon is the verb which means to do what Allah orders and to abstain from what Allah prohibits. An ally of Allah is not one who flies in the air, an ally of Allah is not one who walks on water. A complete ally of Allah is one whom you find at the orders and prohibitions of Allah. He does what Allah orders and abstains from what Allah prohibits. One of the most accurate definitions for an Ally of Allah is: “Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Those who believed and were fearing Allah” (Yunus – Jonah 10:62,63). Taqwa is To know Allah, to obey him, to get closer to him by righteous work. Taqwa can never be just a claim. It’s a fact along with proof. The proof is the obedience to Allah. Those who just claim to have taqwa, those who just claim to be fearing Allah do not change anything. Abdullah Bin Masud may Allah be pleased with him interprets what Allah said in this verse “O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared” he (Abdullah Bin Masud) interprets it and say: Fear Allah: is to obey him not disobey him, to have gratitude towards him not ingratitude, and to remember him not to forget him.
3.2 Staying Away from Lusts is a Part of the Complete Taqwa The Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him says: “That which is Halaal is clear and that which is Haraam is clear, and between the two of them are ambiguous matters about which many people do not know. Thus he who avoids ambiguous matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honour, but he who falls into ambiguous matters (eventually) falls into that which is Haraam, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allaah’s sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh, which, if it be whole, all the body is whole, and which, if it is diseased, all of (the body) is diseased. Truly, it is the heart.” [Related by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.]
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it The definition of complete Taqwa contains doing the obligations and abstaining from the prohibitions. Moreover, the definition might also include doing what’s recommended and abstaining from what’s disliked and this is the topmost levels of Taqwa. That’s why a pious servant abstains from a lot of things that are allowed in Islam only because he thinks that they may lead him into ambiguities. In the Hadith found in the books of Al Imam Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Baiyhaqi and others, the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: "The servant will not be among the pious until he gives up and leaves things that are objectionable for things that are not objectionable and harmful".
3.3 Halal is Not Cleared for a Man Unless He Establishes a Barrier of Halal between Him and the Haram One of the things that complete the Taqwa is to protect yourself from the wrath of Allah to the extent that you pay attention to the weight of an atom, to fear Allah to the extent that you leave some of what you consider as Halal out of fear that it might be Haram. Some of the scholars said: Al Muttaqoon (those who fear Allah) were called this way only because they protect themselves from things that one does not usually protect himself/herself from.
3.4 Whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out of Every Hardship So, how does one protect oneself from the wrath of Allah? Simply put, how do you cure yourself (Allah forbid) from high blood pressure? When you know that your blood pressure is high, then you have to have Taqwa, you have to have protection and you gain this protection by having knowledge. How do you fall into ambiguities, into things that are doubtful, things that might be halal or might be haram? You fall because you have an illusion that they are allowed. How do you fall into the unlawful (the Haram)? By being ignorant of the fact that it is haram. That’s why the only way towards Taqwa is to seek Islamic Knowledge and Islamic Sciences. You know Allah through the universe, and you worship him through Islamic knowledge and sciences. Sometimes, all the doors of provision become shut at your face , no travels, no jobs, no employment, no companies, no investments, all roads are blocked. Then in this case… fear Allah, do what he orders and abstain from what he prohibits so that he brings you out of this hardship.
3.5 One of the Signs that You Are Fearing Allah is that Provisions Come to You from Where You Never Expect Dear brothers and sisters, the exit is the survival of poverty. Poverty has almost become a disbelief. And if I may expand on this quote “Poverty has almost become a disbelief” which was said by the Imam Ali may Allah be pleased with him then I would say poverty has almost become terrorism, poverty has almost become theft, poverty has almost become falling into ambiguities. The Imam Ali may Allah be pleased with him says: “the foundation of Islam and this life is four men: A scholar who is applying his knowledge, an ignorant who is not arrogant to learn, a wealthy man who is not stingy (willing to give in charity) and a poor man who does not sell his after-life for this life. So if the scholar wastes his knowledge the ignorant will become arrogant to learn and if the wealthy becomes stingy the poor will
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it sell his after-life for the life of someone else”. So, one of the signs that you are fearing Allah is that provisions come to you from where you never expect, from unexpected sources, from somewhere that you could have never imagined. The primary verse that supports this is: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Surat At-Talaq – The Divorce Chapter 65:2). I am talking to the youth, the future is unknown. One wonders: will I be able to get into university? Will I be able to specialize in something which I can live from? Will I be able to afford buying a house? Will I be able to get married? The lord of the universe, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the one who owns everything, the one who says be and it becomes, the one who says disappear and it disappears, he said: “O My slaves, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the Jinn of you, were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease what I possess, except what is decreased of the Ocean when a needle is dipped into it” (Muslim). Try it, go to the sea, get on a boat, hold a needle, dip it in the water, then pull it out. Now write for me the percentage of the water that remains around the needle to the water of the entire sea. This was the description of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him. He then said: “So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he who finds other than that, let him blame no one but HIMSELF” (Muslim). I am talking to the youth, I am talking to that one whom all the doors of provision got shut at. I am talking to he who has little provision. I am talking to he who complains of scarcity of provision. I am talking to he who complains of hardship: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Surat At-Talaq – The Divorce Chapter 65:2). But don’t try to convince me that you do fear Allah. Convince yourself. You might be able to convince me and embarrass me. If you say I fear Allah, then pay close attention, Are you really what you are supposed to be? Have you turned to Allah glorified and exalted be he? Have you given up every ambiguity (something which is not clear whether it’s halal or haram ). “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Surat At-Talaq – The Divorce Chapter 65:2). I repeat, the disappearance of the universe is easier for Allah than not fulfilling the promises of this verse for every believing young man, anytime, anywhere. Sometimes Allah follows a verse with another verse that makes it a law: “And he called out within the darknesses, ‘There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers’. So We responded to him and saved him from the distress" (Al Anbya – the Prophets chapter 21:87,88) the following verse which makes the law is “And thus do We save the believers”. At any time, in any place, the God of the companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him is also our God. This great God whom you approach, owns everything, he owns the strong, he owns
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it the water of the sky, he owns the provision of the earth, he owns our enemies, he owns our friends, he owns who is on top of us and he owns who is beneath us.
3.6 Allah Has Fixed Millions of Laws and Things and Made Provision and Health Dynamic to for the Upbringing of Human Beings Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “So plot against me all together; then do not give me respite. Indeed, I have relied upon Allah , my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight.” (Hud 11:55,56). One of the supporting verses is: “And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah , We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth;” (Al Aaraaf – The Heights Chapter 7:96). Allah glorified and exlated be he has fixed millions of things, millions of laws, he has fixed the motion of the orbits of the stars, fixed the characteristics of substances, fixed the laws of physics, the laws of chemistry, the laws of dynamics, fixed billions of laws but he made provision and health dynamic. You don’t own your health, you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow and you don’t own your provision. As if Allah glorified and exalted be he wanted provision and health to be reasons for upbringing us when he made them dynamic.
3.7 Limited Provision Equipped With the Blessings of Allah Suffices the Human Being and Covers his Expenses I again tell you young men and women, you are about to encounter life, you are in need of marriage despite this vast corruption, you are in need of a house despite the rise in house prices, you are in need of a profession that brings you income and save your face. I know for sure that there is no young man or young woman but that they aspire for work, marriage, a profession and a house. Fear Allah. Dear brothers and sisters, we have not included in our calculations what is called “Blessing”. Sometimes a limited provision comes to you but with the blessings of Allah it suffices you and covers all your expenses comfortably. Being economical in your living might be better than some business that has risks, sins and injustice. “And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah , We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth;” (Al Aaraaf – The Heights Chapter 7:96). Sometime ago, in some of the countries of the gulf, it rained as much as it would rain on Damascus for a full year. Also in a city in Africa, it rained in one night as much as it would rain in two full years on Damascus. When Allah gives, he astonishes. The rationing of Allah can never be a rationing of inability rather it’s a rationing of upbringing. “And there is not a thing but that with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known measure” Al Hijr (chapter of the rocky tract 15:21).
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
3.8 When Allah Gives, He Astonishes Dear brothers and sisters, a third verse that supports the primary verse “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Surat At-Talaq – The Divorce Chapter 65:2) is this verse: “And if only they upheld [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to them from their Lord, they would have consumed [provision] from above them and from beneath their feet” (AlMa’idah – The Table Spread Chapter 5:66). “what has been revealed to them from their Lord” is the Quran. Sometimes Allah glorified and exalted be he gives us an example. In some years we harvest wheat that amounts up to 6 million tons whereas the need of our entire country is only 1 million ton. That’s 6 times our country’s need. In some other years the total of wheat does not even exceed half a million. When he gives, he astonishes!
3.9 Whoever Prefers Obeying Allah to his Self-desires, Allah minimizes his Distress and Snatches Poverty Out of his Heart A fourth verse: “And [ Allah revealed] that if they had remained straight on the way, We would have given them abundant provision” (Al-Jin – the Jinn 72:16). Some of the scholars said: if a poor man goes through hardship then let him ask Allah to make easy halal provision for him out of what Allah has decreed. Allah says: “What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing” (Annisaa – The Women 4:147). Anas narrated the Prophet (Pbuh) as saying, “Whoever’s concern was the afterlife, Allah makes his richness between his eyes, gathers his inner self, and the worldly lifewill come to him with compliance. And whoever’s concern was for the worldly life, Allah will make his poverty between his eyes, disunite him and he will not get anything from this worldly life except what has been written for him.” (Tirmidi). “Allah will make his poverty between his eyes” means that a person will never be satisfied and will search for more by any means. “disunite him” means that the person’s mind and life will always be in different directions and not focused.
3.10 If You are Given Physical Provision and Deprived of Spiritual Provision then Know for Sure that this is a Plot From Allah Leading You to Destruction Dear brothers and sisters, sometimes man might be given physical provision and be deprived of spiritual provision. That’s why, hold your hopes up high on all types of provision. Knowing Allah is a great provision, obedience to him is a great provision, feeling completely humble and submissive to Allah while praying is great provision, when your heart becomes humble while reading Quran is also great provision, when Allah gives you money through which you cover all your needs then this is also provision. That’s why Allah said: ““Alif Lam Mim, This is the Book (The Quran) about which there is no
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them,” (Al Baqara - The Cow chapter - 1:3). “out of what we have provided for them” out of knowledge, out of strength, out of experience, out of money…etc. Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah does not wrong a believer a good deed because he is given blessings for it in this world and will be rewarded for it in the Hereafter” (Narrated by Anas Bin Malik – Muslim).
3.11 Bestowal of Allah is a Test and His Deprivation is a Cure When you see Allah providing for a servant that which the servant loves despite his sins, then know that this is a plot from Allah to lead this servant into destruction. Allah says: “So when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We opened to them the doors of every [good] thing until, when they rejoiced in that which they were given, We seized them suddenly, and they were [then] in despair.” (AlAn’aam – The Cattle 6:44). He also said: “Do they think that what We extend to them of wealth and children. Is [because] We hasten for them good things? Rather, they do not perceive” (Al-Mu’minun – The Believers 23:55,56). He also said: “And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me. But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me.” (Al-Fajr – The Dawn 89:15-16). The response from Allah is: “NO” (Al-Fajr – The Dawn 89:17). It’s not like this, neither my bestowal is honoring nor my prohibition is deprivation. My bestowal is a test and my prohibition is a cure.
3.12 Whoever Fears Allah, Allah Will Provide for Him From Where He Never Expects Dear brothers and sisters, provision is the foundation of life and every human being needs money to cover his expenses. So, if one fears Allah, Allah will prepare for him sufficient provision. Too little money is a difficult thing. Too much money is also a difficult thing. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “"Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter". Poverty has almost become disbelief. Wealth that drives you to sin is one of the biggest afflictions. Allah knows what was in the past, what’s in the present, what will be in the future and he also knows what does not exist if it were to exist how it would be. If Allah reveals to you, in the judgment day, the wisdom behind what’s happening to you, be it abundance in provision or lack thereof which you might hate, you will never stop thanking Allah day in and day out.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.” (Al-Baqara – The Cow 2:216).
3.13 Allah Provides for his Servant According to his (the servant’s) Intention Dear brothers and sisters, one of the given results of Iman (faith) is that if you ask Allah some righteous work that requires money, Allah provides for you what helps you carry out this righteous work. There are righteous works that require money that’s why those who say O Allah grant us righteous work that brings us closer to you, those who have good intentions, those who have a desire to serve Allah’s creation are hoping that Allah provides for them provision that matches their intentions. So, what needs to be mentioned is this: get OUT of yourself and into the service of Allah’s creation. Only then, Allah will enable you to serve them even if their service requires a lot of money. Allah glorified and exalted be he provides for a servant according to the servant’s intention. So, he who intends to serve his nation, solve the problems of their poor, help the sick, assist those who need to get married, Allah glorified and exalted be he will provide for him from where he never expects. There is no rule for provision. There is an Arabic poem verse that says: If provisions go along with the soundness of mind, the cattle will then die because of their ignorance. Sometimes Allah glorified and exalted be he opens a broad door of provisions that’s why the Mumin (believer) asks Allah for good halal provision that helps him carry out righteous work that brings him closer to his lord. Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Envy is not justified except in two cases: one who, having been given (knowledge of) the Qur'an by Allah and he recites it during the night and day (and also acts upon it) and a man who, having been given wealth by Allah, and he spends it during the night and the day (for the welfare of others, seeking the pleasure of Allah). Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 1350
3.14 The Size of Each Human Being in the Sight of Allah is According to the Size of his (the human being) righteous work There are some righteous works that are difficult for the mind to conceive such as building an orphanage, building an educational institution that teaches Islam, building a hospital, building accommodation for the youth, giving generously and in abundance to the poor and needy and building a developmental project that supports the Ummah. Ways that bring closer to the creator are as many as the creations. In this world, your size in the sight of Allah is as same as the size of your righteous work. When the angel of death comes to the human being, the human being regrets nothing but only one thing… the righteous work. Allah says: “[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back. That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind.” (Al-Mu’minun – The Believers 23:99,100). When one dies, one loses everything in one second. All of that which you he has collected in a life time, he loses it in one second. Once his heart stops, everything is over, all his money belong to someone else
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it now. One who regrets the most is he who lives poor to die rich. One who regrets the most is one whose inheritors enter paradise due to his money and he enters hell fire due to his money.
3.15 The Greatest Righteous Work is that You Spend Halal Money to Solve People Problems Dear brothers and sisters, you will be asked one question about your life, one question about your heyday, one question about your knowledge. However, you will be asked two questions about your money, where did you get it from? And what did you spend it on? Money is the foundation of life. The heroism of a believer is to know how to earn the Halal money and how to spend it in the right directions. The options of righteous work for he who has collected halal money are endless. If the road towards halal earning is clear and according to the law of Allah glorified and exalted be he then you should take that road because if you become wealthy out of halal money, out of legal ways then the options of righteous work available to you become endless. On the other hand, if earning money is on the detriment of your religion, on the detriment of your values and principles, then know for sure that poverty is a badge of honor for you
4 Reasons that Reduce/Prevent Provision We must dedicate a branch out of all those branches of this huge topic of provision to talk about reasons that prevent and block it. What are the reasons that prevent provision? What are the reasons that bring you closer to poverty? What are the reasons that reduce provision? This is a very important topic. If we avoid these reasons we will reap very good results. Dear brothers and sisters, there is no room for personal opinion in Islam. Islam is the religion of Allah. And if we were not provided with proofs from the Quran and the Sunna, anyone could have said anything. No man on this earth dares to base Islamic judgments upon personal opinion. We are guided and directed by verses from the book of Allah glorified and exalted be he (the Quran) and the authentic sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him. So, what are the reasons that reduce provision and bring you closer to poverty?
4.1 Reason #1: Adultery and Fornication (Zina) Adultery and fornication, or simply put, any sexual relationship outside legal Halal marriage (i.e. Zina) tops the list of reasons that prevent provision and bring closer to poverty. Allah says: “And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (Al-Isra – The Night Journey 17:32).
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it In this chapter we will use the terms adultery, fornication, illegal sex, Zina and/or “sexual relationship outside legal halal marriage” interchangeably. 4.1.1
There are Two Punishments for Zina (Sexual relationships outside legal halal marriage) There are two punishments for illegal unlawful sex, the first punishment is a direct result of having unlawful sex such as very dangerous sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV that killed tens of millions of people and now nearly 60 millions are infected with this disease and they are on their way to death. One of the reasons of absence of provision or lack thereof is adultery, fornication, illegal unlawful sex. The second punishment is that of poverty and removal of blessings. Believe it or not, I know of a story of two men who used to work in cars paint business. They went to Germany to import two cars. They came back driving those two cars. They stopped at a hotel in a town in Eastern Europe. One of them told me that after 12 midnight their doors were knocked. It was two women. The first one opened the door and allowed the first woman inside. The second one said “I fear Allah the lord of the worlds” and did not allow the woman inside. After that, they arrived at the Levant (the countries of El-Cham). The second one (the one who did not allow the woman inside) is in a continuing progress and success after success. But the first one went through hardships and he sold his shop and divorced his wife. I believe it without a doubt that one of the reasons of poverty is Zina (illegal unlawful sex). Poverty is the poverty of the heart. He who commits fornication, he who commits adultery, he who falls into unlawful sex has fallen into immorality. ““And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (Al-Isra – The Night Journey 17:32). 4.1.2 Every Way that Leads to Zina/Unlawful Sex is Haram Allah did not say do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. He said “do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse”. So anything that leads to unlawful sexual intercourse is prohibited – is haram. Being in seclusion with the opposite sex, who is Non-Mahram, without legal halal marriage is haram / prohibited. Setting your eyes free, to look at that which might attract you to fall into illegal sexual intercourse, is forbidden/haram. Watching pornography is forbidden/haram because all of that is a way towards unlawful sexual intercourse. – Note: A Mahram refers to anyone whom one is not allowed to marry such as a brother, a father, a son, a sister, a mother, a daughter, an aunt, an uncle…etc – . Lust is like a rock which is firmly fixed on top of a mountain, if you start pushing it and you think that you can push it for only one meter towards the slope then it will never stop except in the bottom of the mountain. It’s not in your control anymore. It’s not only the unlawful sexual intercourse which is forbidden. It’s also all the means to it such as staying in seclusion with the opposite sex who is a non-Mahram, setting your eyes free to look at things
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it that are haram/forbidden, mingling with the opposite sex, making friends with the corrupt, sexual arousal, all of this ends up with committing Zina, adultery, fornication and unlawful sex.
4.2 Reason #2: Not Fulfilling the Measure and Weight Dear brothers and sisters, the second reason for poverty is not fulfilling the measure and weight. Listen to the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him, he talked as if he were with us right now: “‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Umar said, “The Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, came to us and said, ‘O Muhaajiroon (emigrants from Makkah to al-Madinah), you may be afflicted by five things; God forbid that you should live to see them. If fornication should become widespread, you should realize that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their forbears never suffered.” – What’s more evident than the HIV virus now? Then the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him continues and says: “If people should begin to cheat in weighing out goods, you should realize that this has never happened without drought and famine befalling the people, and their rulers oppressing them. If people should withhold Zakaat, you should realize that this has never happened without the rain being stopped from falling; and were it not for the animal’s sake, it would never rain again. If people should break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger, you should realize that this has never happened without Allah sending an enemy against them to take some of their possessions by force. If the leaders do not govern according to the Book of Allah, you should realize that this has never happened without Allah making them into groups and making them fight one another.’“ (Ibn Maajah, Kitab al-Fitan (Hadith 4019), 2/1332. Saheeh, Silsilatul Ahadeeth as-Saheehah: 106-107) In every war in the middle east hundreds of billions of hard currency are transferred from the east to the west.
4.3 Reason #3: Not Ruling by What Allah has Revealed “If the leaders do not govern according to the Book of Allah, you should realize that this has never happened without Allah making them into groups and making them fight one another”. Such as civil wars. This is the third sin and it is one of the reasons of poverty. This is the saying of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him who never speaks from [his own] inclination as well as verses from the Quran, the speech of the lord of the worlds.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
4.4 Reason #4: Preventing Zakat (Preventing Obligatory Charity) The fourth sin is preventing obligatory charity (Zakat). The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “No people break a treaty but that there is killing between them.” (Al-Hakim - graded saheeh by alAlbani). Allah says: “Say, "He is the [one] Able to send upon you affliction from above you or from beneath your feet or to confuse you [so you become] sects and make you taste the violence of one another." Look how We diversify the signs that they might understand.” (Al-An’am – The Cattle 6:65). Look at thunderbolts, lightning, missiles, earthquakes, mines, civil wars…etc. the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No people withhold the zakaah of their wealth but rain will be withheld from the sky.” (Al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (5/209)). There are estimates that you might not believe. Only 5% of the rich Muslims pay the obligatory charity (Zakat). In another Hadeeth “There was never a people that refused to give zakah (i.e. obligatory charity) except that Allah afflicted them with famine” [Bayhaqi]. The first reason is Zina (adultery, fornication, illegal sexual intercourse), the second reason is cheating in weighing out goods and cheating in measures, the third reason is not ruling by what Allah has revealed, the fourth reason is preventing zakah (obligatory charity) and refusing to give it.
4.5 Reason #5: Interest Dealing with interest leads to poverty. Allah says “Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities” (Al-Baqarah – the Cow 2:276). He also says: “O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers. And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your principal [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged.” (Al-Baqarah – the Cow 2:278,279). Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him reported a saying of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him in which the he said: “When adultery and interest become common place in a people, then they have definitely asked for Allah’s punishment for themselves”. Adultery/Fornication/Illegal Sexual Intercourse and Interest.
4.6 Reason #6: Swearing By Allah Falsely (Swearing A False Oath) The sixth sin is swearing a false oath which in turn leads to poverty. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said “False oath destroys money” (Abdurrahman Ibn Awf, Al-Albani, Source:Saheeh Attargheeb, Page/Number:1835). The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said “False oath leaves houses in ruin” or “False oath leaves houses empty” (Abu Huraira, Al-Albani, Source: Saheeh Al Jami, Page/Number: 5391) One of the Tabi’een (The believers who have seen the companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him) said to a businessman: “O servant of Allah, fear Allah, and do not swear by Allah a
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it lot, it will not increase your provision if you swear by Allah and it will not decrease your provision if you do not”. This means that there is no need to swear by Allah that this goods costs such and such. Allah is the continual provider. Abu Qatada reported that the Messenger of Allah said: Be careful of excessive swearing in sale, because it finds market but then reduces (blessing).” (Abu Qatada, Muslim, Source: Saheeh Muslim, Page/Number:1607). The buyer might shy away and buy from you because you have sworn by Allah but Allah will destroy the blessings of this money. Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) said he heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “swearing produces a ready sale for a commodity, but blots out the blessing”. (Book #010, Hadith#3913). So, do not swear. The Imam Abu Hanifa may Allah be pleased with him used to give a Dinar (currency at that time) in charity for every oath that he takes although he is truthful. So, what can you say about those who swear by Allah falsely? It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that the Messenger of Allah (may ace he upon him) observed: three are the (persons) with whom Allah would neither speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor would look at them nor would absolve them and there is a painful chastisement for them. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) repeated it three times. Abu Dharr remarked: They failed and they lost; who are these persons, Messenger of Allah? Upon this he (the Holy) Prophet) observed: They are: the dragger of lower garment, the recounter of obligation and the seller of goods by false oath. (Book #001, Hadith #0192).
4.7 Reason #7: Lying The seventh sin is lying. Lying is an attribute of the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah says: “They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah , and it is those who are the liars.” (AnNahl – The Bees 16:105). The believer never lies, he might fall into sins due to weakness in himself, his lusts might overcome him, but lying isn’t a lust. A believer never lies. It was narrated by Abu Umama that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “The believer is naturally exposed to all traits except betrayal and lying.” (Ahmad). There is a believer who might be highly strung, that’s fine. Another believer who likes to stay at home, that’s also fine. A believer who might be over concerned about the way he dresses, that’s also fine, another believer who might be an extrovert and another who might be an introvert. All of these are traits. “The believer is naturally exposed to all traits except betrayal and lying”. Once the believer lies and betrays he is no longer a believer. The believer never lies. Dear brothers and sisters, Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “There are three types of people whom Allah will neither talk to, nor look at, on the Day of Resurrection. (They are): (1) A man who takes an oath falsely that he has been offered for his goods so much more than what he is given, (2) a man who takes a false oath after the ‘Asr prayer in
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it order to grab a Muslim’s property, and (3) a man who with-holds his superfluous water. Allah will say to him, ‘Today I will with-hold My Grace from you as you with-held the superfluity of what you had not created.’”. (Sahih Bukhari, See Hadith No. 838, Vol. 3) (Book #89, Hadith #319). That’s why even those advertisements that claim that certain goods have certain characteristics, qualities and attributes that do not actually exist, those advertisements that give the illusion that this type of goods is originally coming from a certain source where in fact it’s coming from another source. Those advertisements that give such illusions are considered lies. Dear brothers and sisters, to tag goods with a brand that doesn’t actually belong to it is very easy. Now there are some factories having state-of-the-art technology that tag cheap goods with famous brands and they sell it at a higher cost. Is there something clearer than what Hakim-bin-Hizam reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “The buyer and seller have got option so long as they do not part away. If they speak the truth and disclose (defect), they are blessed in their sale transaction, and if they conceal and speak falsely, the blessing of their sale is obliterated”. (Bukhari, Muslim). When you hide a defect in your goods, Allah will punish you. I know a person who has a car that has a dangerous defect in the engine. He sold it and he was able to hide the defect. He told me literally: “I conned him into it” – being proud of this act. He thought that he was smart. So, he sold it and bought a brand new car. He was so happy with it. In the third day, in one of Damascus neighborhoods, he was met with a severe accident and the car was totally damaged. He came to me complaining so I said to him: “Didn’t you tell me few days ago that you sold this car to someone and you hid a defect from him”. Hiding defects is Haram/Prohibited. “The buyer and seller have got option so long as they do not part away. If they speak the truth and disclose (defect), they are blessed in their sale transaction, and if they conceal and speak falsely, the blessing of their sale is obliterated”. Dear brothers and sisters, one of the most wonderful Hadeeth is: Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, “Truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man may speak the truth until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. Lying leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Fire. A man may tell lies until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” [Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Number 6308]. The believer never lies. Some parents teach their kids lying unintentionally. The father says to his child: “Tell them I am not here”. This practical talk overweighs a thousand lectures about truthfulness. People learn by their eyes not by their ears. The language of practical actions is more effective than the language of speech. A father of one of our brothers opened a laboratory for him in Egypt. While he was driving his car, he made an accident. The man in the other car was over 90 years old and he died while this brother of ours
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it was a young man. He called up the laboratory manager who works for him and he told him what happened. The laboratory manager told him: relax, just come to so and so police station. He came after an hour and everything was settled. The minutes of the accident were against the reality. They made it look like as if the person who died was the one who hit him and that it was his mistake. So, the person in charge told him to sign. He said this is not what happened. He said: just sign. He said: no I won’t. He said: that’s weird! This is the first time I try to bring a person out of a trouble and he brings himself back into it. He replied: I don’t want to survive you. I want to survive the punishment of Allah. I will not sign on anything except that which has happened. So he signed on the statement that says that he was responsible for the accident. He paid the penalty for that and he employed his children in the laboratory.
4.8 Reason #8: Monopoly/Monopolization Dear brothers and sisters, another sin is monopoly. Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him said that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “"Allah will strike whoever monopolizes the food of Muslims with leprosy and bankruptcy”. (Musnad Ahmed, Page/Number: 1/82). Dear brothers and sisters, monopoly is to withhold the selling of goods, especially food that people need. Monopoly is to withhold the selling of goods so that its price goes up. Do you believe that the consumer can be a monopolist just like the seller? How? For example, you need only one package of certain type of food in a month. You then feel that some crisis are coming. So you go and buy 5 or more packages. This consumer who buys more than his actual need and causes a scarcity in the market is also a monopolist. That’s why the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever monopolizes is a sinner” (Abu Dawud). You say sinner is not a big deal? Then listen to what Allah said: “Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were deliberate sinners.” (Al-Qassas – The Stories 28:8). The word “sinner” in Quran means that your destination is towards hell and wretched is the destination. Abdullah Ibn Omar narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever monopolizes foodstuff for forty days, he has dissociated himself from Allah and Allah has dissociated Himself from him” (Ahmed, Abu Ya’ala, Al Bazar, Attabarani). Omar Bin Al Khattab reported that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The importer is blessed and the monopolizer is cursed” (Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, Source: Takhreej Mishkat Al Masabeeh Page/Number: 3/175). So, never monopolize. A very important hadith concerning hoarding and manipulating prices has been narrated by M'aqal bin Yassar, a companion of the Prophet (peace be on him). The Umayyed governor, 'Ubaidullah bin Ziyad, came to visit M'aqal when he was bedridden due to a grave illness. After inquiring about his condition, 'Ubaidullah asked him, "Do you know of any instance of my having wrongfully shed someone's blood?" M'aqal replied that he did not. "Do you know of any instance," 'Ubaidullah continued, "in which I interfered with the prices of the Muslims' goods?" M'aqal again replied that he did not know. Then M'aqal asked the people to help him to sit up, which they did. He then said, "Listen, O 'Ubaidullah, and I
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it will tell you something which I heard from the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him). I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) say, 'Whoever interferes with the prices of the Muslims' goods in order to raise them deserves that Allah should make him sit in the Fire on the Day of Resurrection.' "Did you hear this from Allah's Messenger (peace be on him)?" asked 'Ubaidullah, and M'aqal replied, "More than once or twice." (Reported by Ahmad and al-Tabarani.) An employee has a limited income, say 10,000. You come and raise the prices. Your profits might have increased however you crashed this limited-income-employee. He has kids, he has a wife, he is an honorable straight forward man, doesn’t deal with Haram but you have put him in a very bad critical corner. You doubled your money many folds but you have put that employee into a deadlock. Never build your glory upon the ruins of others. Never build your wealth upon impoverishment of others. Never build your safety upon scaring others. Never build you dignity upon humiliating others. Allah is great Allah is in observation. This poor man might have tumor, might have kidney failure, might have a crassamentum, might have severe illnesses. Never blackmail others or extort them. Never terrify others. Never take what’s not yours. Remember, there is a great God.
4.9 Reason #9: Cheating The ninth sin is cheating. Dear brothers and sisters, categories of cheating require many many speeches. Changing goods attributes, changing the source of goods, manipulating weight…etc all of this leads to poverty. Cheating is one of the reasons of poverty. Some salesmen have a sixth sense. They can sense when a buyer is naive so they sell him the cheapest goods with the highest price and they think that they are smart. A brother told me about a person who purchased a new car and he doesn’t know what’s in it. It has a problem. So, he took it to a mechanic and the mechanic gave him a very huge and dangerous description of a problem and he asked for a large amount of money. He said that it requires three days where in fact it requires only a minute and doesn’t cost anything. The mechanic drove his family in this car to three different places. His neighbor told him, fear Allah! It takes you 15 minutes to fix it and you make it three days?! And for a huge cost?! He replied: this is business and I am the one doing the right thing here. The mechanic has a son who works in a lathe workshop, a small piece of metal got into his eye and cost his father (the mechanic) around 50,000. This is a true story. Allah is great. Who is the dumb now? It’s he who thinks that Allah does not punish. Someone said: My Lord, I disobeyed you and you didn’t punish me. He replied: My servant, I have punished you and you didn’t know. Allah might afflict you with million calamities because of your disobedience.
4.10 Reason #10: Doing Business In Haram and Dealing with Haram The last sin is dealing and doing business with Haram. There are forbidden / Haram goods, haram drinks, haram meat, uncountable things that are Haram. Once you are doing business with Haram goods then you have fallen into a great sin. Allah wants us to learn, whoever enters the market without Islamic
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it knowledge will eventually deal with interest whether he wanted so or no. Having knowledge about the Islamic judgments and rules is an obligation on every Muslim, what is Halal and what is Haram.
5 Secret #2: Fear of Allah – Monotheism – Honesty – Being Economical 5.1 Straightforwardness and Fear of Allah Fear of Allah is one of the biggest reasons that increase provision, Allah glorified and exalted be he said “And [ Allah revealed] that if they had remained straight on the way, We would have given them abundant provision” (Al Jinn – The Jinn 72:16).
5.2 True Reliance Upon Allah and Submission to Him Another reason for increasing provision is true reliance upon Allah and true submission to him.
5.3 The Relation of Monotheism to Provision Allah glorified and exalted be he made the system of the universe according to the principle of causality. He made for every effect a cause and for every cause an effect. However, people sometimes and due to weakness in their monotheism become illusory and think that the cause alone is the one that creates the effect. This is one type of Shirk (Polytheism). That’s why there are some people who rely only upon the causes and they forget the creator of the causes. Some people even take those causes as Gods like some of the westerners. Other people neglect the causes all together like some of the easterners. When the west relied solely upon the causes and forgot about Allah glorified and exalted be he they fell into Major Shirk and when the east neglected the causes all together they fell into sin. Always extremism is easy. Like when someone’s son falls into sin they beat him harshly which is easy. Any father who is away from Islam and away from wisdom and away from understanding will do this. On the other hand some fathers will not even punish their children at all. Being moderate is when your son loves you as much as he fears you. This median wise position requires a lot of effort. The median path is to take and do the causes as if they are the reason for everything and then rely upon Allah as if those causes are nothing. This is the right position when it comes to seeking provision, success at work, taking care of health, raising children. Taking and doing the causes as if they are everything and then relying upon Allah as if those causes are nothing.
5.4 Charity in Terms of Mathematical Calculations and in Terms of the Islamic Law Dear brothers and sisters, one has to work to gain provision but definitely if he becomes illusory and think that there are some means out there that bring provision despite the fact that it might be against the law of Allah then he would have fallen into major shirk. That’s why if someone desires something with a sin then what he desires becomes furthest from what he hoped for. For example if you give a loan based on interest then by using a calculator and according to mathematics your money will grow. You
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it give a loan of a 100,000 and it comes back to you more than a 100,000 however Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Allah destroys interest” (Al Baqarah – The Cow 2:276). On the other hand if you give in charity then this will decrease your money (using a calculator and according to mathematics) but in reality it’s the opposite. Allah glorified and exalted be he grows the money out of which you give charity. Zakat has been called so because it grows money. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Wealth does not decrease because of charity, and God increases His slave in honour when he forgives others. And no one humbles himself before Allah but Allah will raise him (in status).” [Sahih Muslim] The Messenger of Allah may peace be upon him said, “Allah has said, ‘Spend (on charity) O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” [Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: "Spend O Bilal, and don't ever have any fear of any decrease from the Master (Owner) of the arsh." [Ibn Masud, Source: Sahih Attargheeb]. Allah rewards a good deed ten times its value. By Allah in this Masjid a brother told me once that his cousin passed away who was a lecturer in a university. So he went to visit his children and he told them. Whatever debts your father had I would pay them. But he didn’t know how much debt he had. He thought that the debts would be somewhere between 10,000 to 20,000 and then he was surprised that they were 380,000 and he paid it all! because he promised. He told me this story in the Masjid yard and he cried. He said by Allah after few days I received profits out of a deal for some depressed goods that I had for years. Someone came to purchase it in a time that I have already given up trying to sell it. My profit was as much as the amount that I have paid to cover my brother’s debt. By Allah I have thousands of stories, this is only one. In terms of faith if you pay Sadaqa (Charity) your money will increase and this is totally against the terms of calculators and mathematics. In terms of faith if you eat interest Allah will destroy your money which is totally against calculators and mathematics.
5.5 Let go of Money Which is Doubtful, Allah will Replace it with Better One For a great wisdom, sometimes you might be offered a great amount of money which solves all your problms but it is doubtful, and taking it does not please Allah. The strong believer who has strong faith will kick all this offer away and he will say: I seek refuge in Allah, I fear Allah the lord of the worlds, By Allah this is my faith and the vanishing of the universe is easier for Allah than not replacing this doubtful money with something better which is Halal. By Allah a brother told me a story and he urged me to convey it to you. He received an offer and his profits out of this offer amount up to 200,000 Laira (Syrian Currency). However, it appeared to be that this offer is for making alcohol. He turned the offer down. The one who offered him this deal enticed
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it him with a lot of things. He swore by Allah that after 22 days he received another offer which is 100 times the Haram offer but this time it was Halal. Memorize this Hadeeth: The Prophet (pbuh) once said to his Companion: “By Allah! Whosoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better than it!". That’s why the causes alone are not enough, the means alone are not enough. The creator of those means and those causes has to give permission first. One might sometimes become illusory due to weakness in his faith and think that provision is at the hands of so and so. And he thinks that if he pleases this so and so even if with disobeying Allah, his provision will increase. And he thinks that if he displeases this so and so even if with obedience to Allah, he will be deprived of provision. What happens is that if you don’t care for the anger of this or the anger of that and you only care about pleasing Allah, only then Allah will make you subject to his care which will increase your provision although all the materialistic rules and laws of life assure that you will lose this provision. Allah is present, whatever he wishes becomes, and whatever he does not wish, never becomes. It is Allah who is the continual provider the firm possessor of strength. The reality is that you should earn your provision out of a Halal way because what Allah has, cannot be obtained by disobeying him. And if you think that if you follow the path of Allah your provision will be stopped or decreased then this is only an illusion from Satan. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “That is only Satan who frightens [you] of his supporters. So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers.” (Aal Imran, The Family of Imran 3:175). “By Allah! Whosoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better than it!".
5.6 Doing the Means and Reliance Upon Allah There is no job what shall I do? I need a job, I need income, I need marriage, I need a house. But you are sitting at home doing nothing. Allah glorified and exalted be he ordered us to do the means and then rely upon him. Not doing the means is a sin. Doing the means and relying solely upon them and forgetting Allah glorified and exalted be he is Shirk. That’s why I repeat: One should do the means as if they are everything and rely upon Allah as if they are nothing. We are coming closer to the core of the subject. Most Muslims become illusory and think that reliance upon Allah is not doing the means. The fact is that there is no conflict at all between doing the means and reliance upon Allah, not at all. There is a clear example, When the disbelievers of Quraish “Kuffar Quraish” wanted to kill the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him, the Prophet may peace be upon him did all the possible means for
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it protection, he went in a direction which is not the direction towards Al Madina, he spent three days in a cave, he prepared someone to provide him with food, he prepared someone to erase his footsteps, he prepared someone to bring him the news and he chose someone to be his guide. He did all what’s possible and despite all of this they “Kuffar Quraish” were able to know his location. The wisdom behind this is that Allah wanted to show the Ummah “the people” of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that he “the prophet” did all these means only to obey Allah but in fact he was completely reliant upon Allah. So, when Kuffar Quraish reached his location “next to the cave where he was hiding along with his companion Abubakr”. Abubakr got concerned and told the prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, if one of them were to look under his feet, he would see us” ' The Prophet may peace be upon him replied: “Abu Bakr, what do you think of two people of whom Allah is the third?'" [Agreed upon] Look at the balanced position. He did all the possible means as if they are everything and then when they reached him he never panicked and he was completely reliant upon Allah. Another example for the correct understanding of reliance upon Allah is when you come to travel. You do all the necessary checkups for your car, the tires, the oil, the breaks, you conduct a full review but deep down in your heart you have a firm belief that Allah is the only one who can make you survive. If your son becomes sick, you take him to the best doctor, you buy him good medicine, you take care of him yourself, but deep down in your heart you have a firm belief that Allah alone is the only one who cures and there is no cure but his. You have to combine between doing the means and reliance upon the Lord of the means. A man coming to the Mosque to offer his prayer dismounted from his camel and asked the Prophet (p): "Oh Messenger of Allah, do I tie it and rely (on Allah that the camel will be where I left it after I come out of the Mosque), or do I leave it here loose and rely (on Allah that the camel will be where I left it after I come out from the Mosque)?" The Prophet (p) replied, "'Iqil" (tie the camel) and then tawakal (rely upon Allah that the camel will be where you tie it when you come out of the Mosque)." There is another Hadeeth that some people become illusory about and think that it will relieve them from doing the means. "If you relied on Allah with a true reliance, He would provide for you the same as He provides birds: they set off in the early morning with empty stomachs and return back at the end of the day with full stomachs." [At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad]. The birds didn’t dwell in their dwelling, they moved, they took action, they did the means. Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him met some people from Yemen and he said: “who are you?” as he saw them beg people. They replied “We are the ones who rely upon Allah” then Omar said: “you lied, one who relies upon Allah is one who plants a seed and THEN relies upon Allah”.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Dear brothers and sisters, Imam Ahmed was once asked about a man who stays in his house or in the masjid and says I will not do anything until my provision comes to me. Imam Ahmed replied: This is a man who is ignorant about knowledge. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “"My provision has been made in the shadow of my spear and humiliation and weakness is upon those who oppose my order.” [Musnad Ahmed].
5.7 The Location of Reliance Upon Allah and that of Doing the Means Dear brothers and sisters, what is the proof that reliance upon Allah is one of the reasons for increasing provision? And by the way where is the location of reliance upon Allah? The location of reliance upon Allah is the heart and the location of doing the means is the body parts. Some of the Muslims today reversed these locations they stop using their body parts and wish in their heart that Allah provides for them. They sit idle, they don’t move, don’t work, don’t ask and deep down in their heart they wish that Allah provides for them as if it’s only about miracles. Now if you look at Muslims and taking into consideration that they are believers and that Allah has promised them victory, they have a naïve dream that Allah will create a miracle and destroy Israel and they pray “Oh Allah destroy them they can never cause failure to you”. What did “YOU” prepare? Didn’t Allah say: “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.” (Al Anfal – The Spoils of War 8:60). Now back to our question, what is the proof that reliance upon Allah increases provision? The proof is the verse from the Quran: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Attalaq – The Divorce 65:2). O young brothers and sisters, this verse is for you, you are about to face life challenges. I’m 100% sure that each and every young person needs marriage this is Allah’s law in his creation. One also needs shelter and provision. These are three goals, a profession that you obtain your provision from, a good wife whom pleases you when you look at her, safeguards herself and your wealth when you are away and obeys you when you command her. Work, wife and shelter, the way to all of that is: “And whoever fears Allah”. The vanishing of the universe is easier for Allah than fearing him and then not finding what Allah has promised of abundance of provision. Put your hope in Allah and do the means and rely upon him. The verse: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out”. We need to ponder upon “a way out”. When do you look for a way out? If you find that all doors are closed, you
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it participate in a competition and you don’t succeed, you apply for a scholarship and you get rejected, you give a business proposal and it doesn’t get accepted. All doors are closed. Allah says: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out” (Attalaq – The Divorce 65:2). After you find that all doors are closed then knock on the door of Allah as he says in the immediate next verse: “And will provide for him from where he does not expect” (Attalaq – The Divorce 65:3). It is reported that the Messenger of Allaah said: “Allaah, Our Lord, descends (in a manner befitting His Majesty) to the nearest heaven to us of this universe during the last third of the night and says: ‘Is there anyone to call upon Me so that I shall respond to him (fulfill his prayer). Is there anyone to ask of Me that I may grant his request. Is there anyone to seek My forgiveness so that I shall pardon him (and forgive his sins)’.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]. The Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: "The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are salaat al-isha and salaat al-fajr (Isha Prayer and Fajr Prayer), but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they had to crawl." [Ahmad]. The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “WHOEVER PRAYS SALAT-UL-FAJR (Fajr Prayer) IS UNDER THE PROTECTION OF ALLAH, SO DO NOT FALL SHORT WITH REGARD TO THE RIGHTS OF ALLAH, FOR ANYONE WHO DOES THAT, ALLAAH WILL SEIZE HIM AND WILL THROW HIM ON HIS FACE INTO THE FIRE OF HELL.” [Saheeh Muslim 657]. By Allah the Muslim world suffers a lot of problems that are indescribable, on top of these problems is poverty. There are some Muslim countries that are considered among the poorest nations on earth although their countries have abundance of wealth that only Allah knows. Abu Thar Al Ghifary said that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him kept on reciting and repeating the verse from the Quran: “And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect” (At-Talaq the Divorce chapter 65:2,3).” He kept on repeating it Until I felt sleepy. Then the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “O Abu Thar, if all the people take this verse, it would be sufficient for them.” [Attargheeb Wat Tarheeb]. Dear brothers and sisters, one of the biggest reasons for increasing provision is reliance upon Allah. Reliance upon Allah means taking action. Imagine a man driving a car and then it broke down. He went out of the vehicle and started praying: “Oh Allah save us”. If he prays a million times we will tell him, open the hood, look where the problem is and then ask Allah to show you where the problem is and ask him to assist you in fixing it. But not doing anything and only pray this is not acceptable, moreover it’s mocking praying. True provision and true richness are described by the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him when he said: "Whoever amongst you wakes up, secure in his house, healthy in his body, having the
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it bare amount of food that he requires for the day, then it is as if the entire world has been captured for him, with all that it contains!" [Reported by al-Tirmidhi (# 2347)].
6 Secret #3: Contentment 6.1 Money Must Be Kept Circulating Between People Because Allah glorified and exalted be he wanted money to keep circulating between people. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “so that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you.” (Al Hashr – The Exile 59:7). The essence in Allah’s way is for people to be close to each other in their living standard.
6.2 The World Today is Between Rich and Poor The world collected fortunes by few hands. Those who live in the north of the globe do not exceed 20% of the world population and they own 90% of planet earth fortunes. Those who live in the south of the globe own only 10%. They form 80% of the world population and they own only 10% of the fortunes. This world that went away from Allah’s way divided the world into two parts. One part that is so creative in spending money. One might purchase a small painting for 50 million dollars while you see whole nations that starve to death. In other countries you see 20 million sheep being shot to death just to maintain high prices. Dairy products get thrown to the see in quantities as huge as Egypt pyramids just to maintain its high prices. When human goes away from Allah’s way he becomes a monster. Citrus fruits were destroyed in some countries and nothing has been sold of it. When black people went under the fences just to eat those citrus fruits, those fruits were poisoned the next year so that when a black man eats an orange he dies. The world never suffered such racism. Some racist white men want to live alone and want others to die. When were drugs used on humans as experiments? Throughout medical history, new drugs were tested on rats first. Now in some developing countries they test them against humans. Abu Said Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet may peace be upon him said: “I give you the glad tidings of the Mahdi. He will be sent when people are divided and there are earthquakes; he will fill the world with justice and fairness just as it was filled with injustice and oppression. The inhabitants of heaven and earth will be pleased with him, and he will divide wealth equally.” (Al-Musnad, 3/37). I chose this topic because there are financial crisis. I was in Egypt and a brother told me that a Kilo of Lentils increased from 1 pound to 9 pounds. This increment in prices sucks all the income of middle and lower class population. I chose this topic because a believer has a special treatment with all crisis: Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life” (Annahl – The Bees 16:97).
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
6.3 A Believer is Content with what Allah Has Set For Him of Provision A believer is content with what Allah has set for him of provision because he has faith in the fairness and wisdom of Allah. There is great wisdom behind the distribution of provision that we might not realize. That’s why one of the scholars once said: “Our minds fall short of conceiving Allah’s wisdom”. But there IS wisdom.
6.4 Laziness is NOT Being Content Don’t misunderstand contentment. Contentment is not that you sit and be lazy and then say: Oh Allah I’m content with whatever you have provided for me. This is just laziness. I’m talking about contentment after doing your maximum effort to uplift your living standard, improve your studies, do courses, get a diploma, search for a job, you have to exhaust all means for provision. Once your efforts have reached the maximum level only then be content with what Allah has provided for you. When do you become content? After doing all that you can. That time you have to have a firm belief that if Allah reveals for you your reality when you become rich or poor you will develop huge love for him.
6.5 Halal Work is Worship After you exhaust all your effort, improve your studies, work additional work because raising children requires money, and money is the foundation of life, and when you work hard and provide for your family then you are worshiping Allah. He who wakes up before dawn and goes to his work and earns money to come back home with hands full of food, drinks, clothes and toys for his children is actually in worship. To put a bite into your wife’s mouth is considered charity for you. The upper hand is better than the lower hand (the hand giving in charity is better than the one asking for it). The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him saw a young man reciting Quran during work time. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked him “Who feeds you?” he replied “my brother” the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him replied “Your brother is more worshiper than you are”. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him held the hand of Abdullah Bin Masud and it was rough due to hard work, then he (the prophet may peace be upon him) lifted it up high in front of his companions and said “This is a hand that Allah and his messenger love”. Get a higher degree, develop your experience, enroll in a course, search for a job, uplift your income, be a successful father. I’m not asking you to get Haram money to satisfy your family however I’m asking you to uplift your experience level so that your income may increase in order to raise your children the right way.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Dear brothers, there is a hurtful word but I have to say it. If you are lazy without income, whenever something is asked of you, you say I don’t have, the children then will be alienated from you to their wealthy friends. What made this kid get away from his father? Because his father is lazy, doesn’t work, has no money at all except that sufficient for only food and drink. The kid wants a computer, I don’t have, the kids wants something legal to raise himself, I don’t have, then what do you do? I can assure you that your work where you gain your money from, your profession, your job, your clinic, your engineering office, your grocery store, your farm, if all of these were Halal and you use them in Halal ways and your intention is to suffice yourself and your family and it didn’t distract you from obeying Allah or performing your prayers or seeking knowledge then it will be considered worship. When in your store you advise people, you don’t blackmail them, you sell them proper goods at a reasonable price then you ARE in worship. Islam Enemies want to make the Muslims poor. Five Islamic countries are under occupation by foreign forces because most of them have energy but in Rwanda 800 thousand were killed in one week, the west didn’t interfere and one of their leaders said: if we were to interfere we would have saved 400 thousand but we didn’t. Why didn’t they interfere? Because there was no oil. It is very clear. Where is the oil? In Darfur, in Afghanistan wherever there is a claimed interference for human rights, for democracy you find oil. This is the west and they are excused, this is their issue to deal with but we are NOT excused to subject to their plans.
6.6 This Life Has No Meaning Except With Faith I was in a town and I visited the richest people there and I also visited the poorest Masjid. Subhan Allah those poor people were content. You might be poor having limited income and work as a clerk in a school but you are straight on Allah’s path. On the other hand, when I was with those rich people I told them in my town we have a neighborhood which is considered amongst the richest neighborhoods, one house costs about 180 million to 200 million. When sometimes I have to give them condolences when someone dies I say: who chose this marble? They say: The one who passed away, who chose those chandeliers? They say: the one who passed away, who chose this paint? They say: the one who passed away. There I said to them: This is life, it just vanishes and the righteous work remains. Nothing can be added to the word “Muslim” if he’s poor you like him because he is humble and content, if he is rich you like him because he is generous, if he is educated you like him because he uses his education to serve Islam, if he is uneducated you like him because he is simple and spontaneous. Nothing can be added to the word “Muslim” because Faith/Iman has purified his heart. As long as we don’t put those social classifications beneath our feet we will never be successful. A human being is measured by his knowledge and work. The proof is that Allah said: “Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.” (Al Mujadila – The Pleading Woman 58:11). The criterion is knowledge. The ignorant person is a kid even if he is an old man and the knowledgeable person is a grown man even if he is a kid.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it So again, when do you become content? After exhausting all your efforts. However if a student does not study and fails and then says Subhan Allah this is what Allah wants, then he (the student) is just a liar. If he studied well and then he got sick to the point where he couldn’t give the exam and failed, only then he said “Sufficient for me is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs” then this is the correct understanding.
6.7 Being Content is of the Believer Highest Levels A believer is always content. Contentment is one of the elegant states of the believer. He is content with Allah, he is content with how he looks, he is content with his health, he is content with his parents, he is content that Allah chose him to be in a certain location in a certain era. Whoever is content with little provision from Allah, Allah will be content with little deeds from him. If someone’s work is really hard, and his income is limited, his time is little, but he prays 5 times a day and he forms a strong bond with Allah through these daily prayers this is better a thousand times than someone who has nothing to do and is roaming around from Masjid to Masjid and from a scholar to a scholar and does not bring anything into practice. And he is always asking: so and so said this what’s your opinion? So and so said that, what’s your opinion? Creating a disorder. However, if one is busy with earning his provision and is performing his daily prayers and then attends only one or two lessons as much as he can then this is better than someone who is always attending lessons and not applying them.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
6.8 Whoever is Content with What Allah Provided for Him is a Real King A king once asked his minister: “Who is the King?” he said “Yourself?” he said: “No, the king is a man whom we don’t know and he doesn’t know us, he has a house where he can dwell, a wife who pleases him, provision that suffices him, if he knew us he would make an effort to please us, and if we knew him we would embarrass him”. If Allah gives a human a small house, a righteous wife, and some income that covers his expenses then he is a real king. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Be content with what Allah has given you and you will be the richest of people” [Abu Hurairah, Attirmithi]. Pay attention to this, whoever likes to be the richest of people then he should trust what’s in Allah’s hands more than he trusts what’s in his hands. One has anxiety about the future, he has bank accounts in multiple countries in all currencies, he fears that the dollar might go down. Another man has nothing but few dollars that suffice him for the month, he has nothing at all however Allah has granted him feeling and a sense of security that outweighs the first one. On one hand you find one who has huge amounts of money, he has a second citizenship just in case, didn’t leave a way but he secured it and despite all of that his heart is still full of worry, anxiety and fear. On the other hand one who has nothing but some limited income, even his house is a rented one, he has no alternatives yet he feels secured. That’s why if it pleases you to be the richest of people then trust what’s in Allah’s hands more than you trust what’s in yours. Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 5218
Narrated by AbudDarda,
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "The sun does not rise without having on either side of it two angels who call out and cause all creatures but human and jinn to hear, 'O people, come to your Lord. What is little and sufficient is better than what is abundant and causes negligence.'"
6.9 Be Careful of Satan Whispering and Confusion You know that Satan is very smart, he whispers to guide to blasphemy and disbelief in Allah. If he finds that a believer has a stronger belief than this then he whispers to guide to idolatry and associating others with Allah. If he finds that a believer has a strong belief in the oneness of Allah then he whispers to guide to major sins. If he finds that a believer has a strong obedience to Allah then he whispers to guide to minor sins. If all fails then he whispers to guide to creating disorder among the believers, e.g. “This scholar doesn’t understand leave him, go to that scholar”…etc. One of my scholars who passed away once said: “O my son, don’t bring me someone who’s moving from Masjid to Masjid bring me someone who moved from a club or pub to a Masjid”. Your heroism is not in moving from Masjid to Masjid corrupting people against their scholars. Go and convince someone who doesn’t pray at all.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Yet if all fails then the final trick of Satan is to whisper to guide to indulging in too many Mubah acts (Mubah acts are those that are neither commanded nor prohibited in Allah’s Law. There is no reward for doing it and no punishment for omitting it). Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet said: Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser'.(Bukhari).
6.10 Allah Destroys Haram Money so Be Careful How many ways are there to destroy money? Seizure is only one way. There are thousand ways. You find a mistake in human law that destroys all your money. Stealing is another way. Don’t try to be smart when dealing with Allah. Your Haram money can be destroyed even if you are at the utmost level of caution. Seizure, Unbelievable taxes, Accidents. One told me that his son rented an expensive car during the Eid’s eve and he had an accident and the cost was 800 thousand. Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Some Ansari persons asked for (something) from Allah's Apostle may peace be upon him and he gave them. They again asked him for (something) and he again gave them. And then they asked him and he gave them again till all that was with him finished. And then he said "If I had anything. I would not keep it away from you. (Remember) Whoever abstains from asking others, Allah will make him contented, and whoever tries to make himself self-sufficient, Allah will make him self-sufficient. And whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience." You can eat the best food at your house at the cheapest price and you can also enter an expensive restaurant just to show off. They say dinner is at this much high cost it’s above the level of majority of people and yet he goes to eat there only for showing off.
6.11 The Success of the Believer is an Overall Success Dear brothers and sisters, again, please don’t consider one type of success as the ultimate success. You might be straight but that’s only one type of success, you go to the Masjid that’s only one type of success but in your profession, job, or business you are very careless this is a failure. 6.11.1 Success at Home The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The best of you are the best to their wives; and I am the best to my wives”. It is not enough that you succeed in the Masjid, you have to succeed with your wife and your children in your house. Those are your children who else but you do they have? Those are gifts from Allah. If you bring them up properly then all their good deeds and those deeds of their offspring will be in your record till judgment day.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Allah says: “And those who believed and whose descendants followed them in faith - We will join with them their descendants, and We will not deprive them of anything of their deeds. Every person, for what he earned, is retained.” (At-tur – The Mount 52:21). You have to succeed with Allah, you have to succeed with your wife, you have to succeed with your children in order to be called successful. 6.11.2 Success in Health You have to succeed when it comes to your health. Like someone who’s aware about his health, walks everyday an hour or so, eats moderately, his food is well planned, has vegetables in it, away from fats. Just as an idea, heart diseases in rich countries are 8 times more than poor countries. You might be shocked but that’s due to too much meat consumption. Vegetarian Protein like hummus and beans are considered healthy. Don’t worry too much about not eating meat. Plan your meals. Don’t just buy and eat. There are foods out there that are not good for human consumption. Before you put something in your mouth, have you studied it? Fat type? Food type? There are harmful types of food. If doctors would allow me to go beyond my specialization I would say that 60% of diseases is due to lack of nutrition awareness. Food full of fat and no exercise. You see a 50 year old man having clots and diseases. Why do you see some people in their 70s and 80s but they are still fit? Where is your health awareness, where is taking care of your exercises, planned meals, daily walks, all of this is part of your success. 6.11.3 Success at Work You have to succeed at your work as well. You might be late half an hour, your boss makes you hear harsh words, you remain wounded for a whole month because of it. But you are the main reason. If you succeed at your work, if you succeed with your wife and children, if you succeed with Allah, only then I will congratulate you for success. Success wouldn’t be called so unless if it’s an overall success. Succeeding in only one aspect is not called success.
7 Secret #4: Maintaining the Ties of Kinship The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him Said: “Whoever would like to see his provision expanded and his life extended, let him maintain his ties of kinship”. Another Hadeeth is that Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever is pleased with the fact that his Rizq be increased, and his life-span be extended, then let him establish the ties of kinship” [Al-Bukari, # 5985].
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it In Islam there is no room for personal opinion, this is the religion of Allah. For every opinion ask for proof from the Quran and the Sunnah. This is the saying of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him and he does not speak of his own inclination. Extending one’s life-span means that he does righteous work which equals that work of many more years.
7.1 Whoever Has Righteous Deeds with his Ties of Kinship Allah Increases his Provision There is a weird irony, you find someone with the highest master degree in business administration and a high intelligence however his income is limited. And another one who has no knowledge and no intelligence yet he has abundance of provision. What’s the explanation for this? This is a fact. Some of them said those who have abundance of provision have righteous deeds with their ties of kinship. Even if they were sinners they will still be rewarded for their righteous deeds with their ties of kinship. Always when Allah commands his servants to carry out righteous work, if a servant does it with an intention to please Allah then he will have the rewards of this life as well as those of the after-life but if he does it just because he is good but he doesn’t intend to have the rewards of the after-life then he will definitely have the rewards of this life alone. Good deeds have good fruits and most of their fruits are in the after-life, however, Allah with his wisdom made the fruits of some good deeds in this life itself such as raising children. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous." (Al-Furqan – The Criterion 25:74). Abu Bakrah reported the Messenger Of Allaah may peace be upon him as saying: “There is no wrong action which Allah is swifter to punish in this world – in addition to the punishment which He has stored up for the wrongdoer in the Next World – than oppression and cutting off ties of kinship. [The swiftest of good deeds in retribution is the (act of) fulfilling the ties of kinship. So much so, that it is possible that a family can be evil, but their money and their numbers will increase if they fulfill the ties of kinship.]” [authenticated by Shaikh Al-Albani in as-Saheehah 918]. This is shocking, even if you are not completely abiding by the rules of the religion - Never think that I am asking you not to abide by them - but this is a “law”, he who maintains his family relations and ties of kinship, takes care of his family, his relatives, his brothers, his sisters, his cousins, takes care of the large family, he will have abundance of provision according to what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said.
7.2 Whoever Obeys Allah with Sincerity Wins this Life as Well as the Hereafter The laws of Allah apply for everyone even if a sinner applies them or even if a complete atheist applies them he will still reap its fruits. Don’t you see around you someone who does not pray at all but he has
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it compassion for his relatives, takes care of his sisters, takes care of his cousins, takes care of those around him, don’t you see that Allah provides for him in abundance as a reward? That’s why I read something 40 years ago and I will never forget it: no slave of Allah, a believer or non-believer, performs a good deed but that his reward will be taken care of by Allah either in this life or in the hereafter. It’s impossible a thousand times that you do something good to any one on earth, to any creature on earth, be it non-believer, or atheist or whatever, when you perform this good deed it does have its reward in this life and if you are a believer in Allah you will also have the reward of the afterlife. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “But whoever desires the Hereafter and exerts the effort due to it while he is a believer - it is those whose effort is ever appreciated [by Allah ].” (Al Isra – The Night Journey – 17:19). That’s why when you obey Allah with sincerity you win this life as well as the afterlife. A seeker of knowledge prefers the afterlife over this life so he wins them both but an ignorant person prefers this life over the afterlife so he loses them both.
7.3 Whoever Takes Care of the Expenses of those around Him Allah Will Provide for Him in Abundance For example, your sister has a husband who is poor so you ask about her and take care of her. Oil prices went up so you be nice to her and give her some money. By Allah I know some people who have provision that exceeds imagination, the check up on their sisters. That sister has a husband whose income is limited, or she needs an operation they take care of it. He who takes care of the expenses of those around him Allah will grant him abundance of provision. Don’t you wonder that some of the non-believing (non-believing in Allah and his messenger) countries despite their being away from Allah, despite all the sins and wrongdoing that they do, don’t you wonder that some of them are living comfortably? Can you believe that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him prophesied about this? One time I was in Australia and I heard this story of a woman who gave birth to triplets. One week passed by after giving birth and she wanted to leave the hospital, she was denied permission to leave. They said you cannot take care of these triplets. They kept her in the hospital for a full month until they trained her on how to take care of her triplets. Then they made her take care of her triplets under their supervision in this hospital so that they make sure that she can do it. Moreover, when she left for home they visited her regularly to check the way she takes care of her triplets and make sure that she does perform her duties towards them. A similar story, I was in south Sudan, in a town called Juba, this is the furthest town in the south. We visited a hospital that barely has any equipment or staff. A woman gave birth to triplets, there were no incubators, the first baby passed away. There was no milk in the mother’s breasts due to hunger, there was no medication, all three babies passed away. This is a Non-Muslim country and a Muslim Country. I
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it am not implying that I am praising the Non-Muslims, I am just trying to show you that Allah laws apply for everyone. When Mustawrid al-Qurashi was sitting with 'Amr ibn al-'As, he said, "I heard the Prophet say, 'The Hour (Judgment Day) will come when the Romans will be in the majority.' 'Amr asked him, "What are you saying?" He said, "I am repeating that which I heard from the Prophet." 'Amr said, "If you say this, it is true, because they have four good characteristics: they are the most able to cope with tribulation, the quickest to recover after disaster and to return to the fight after disaster, and are the best as far as treating the poor, weak and orphans is concerned. They have a fifth characteristic which is very good; they do not allow themselves to be oppressed by their kings." [Muslim]
7.4 All the Positive Aspects of the West are Actually Islamic not Because that They Worship Allah but this is Just Their Life I visited many western countries. By Allah all their positive aspects are in Islam, not because that they worship Allah but this is just their life. They take care of the poor, the orphans, the weak among the people, the sick. One time I visited a doctor in United States of America, he told me “we have to keep the diseased patient medical records for five years, maybe there was a mistake on our side so that his children can go to court and win a case against us if they are right”. There is responsibility. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “He who practices medicine and is not therein versed is deemed like a guarantor” [Saheeh Annasa’ee]. I just want to elaborate to you this irony, despite their blasphemy, despite their going astray and despite their refusal to believe in Allah and his messenger yet they are keen on taking care of their weak, their poor and their orphans. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Are you not granted victory and provided sustenance except because of the weak among you?” [Related by Sa’d Ibn abi Waqqas].
7.5 Assisting Relatives and Poor People is One of the Marks of Maintaining Ties of Kinship If we wanted to have victory over the strongest force on earth while we are weak the road to this is weird, the road is to give victory to he who is weaker than you, the poor , the orphan, the weak, he who does not have his daily provision, the lonely woman, the old man who has many children and limited income. Fatima Bint Abdul Malik Bin Marwan, the wife of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz went to him and found him in his prayer place and she saw him cry. She said: “Why are you crying?” He said: “Leave me alone” When she insisted to know he said: “Wo to you Fatima, I’ve been assigned the ruling of this nation and I thought about the poor who is hungry, the sick who is lost, the naked who is unknown, the orphan whose feelings are hurt, the oppressed, the stranger, the captive, the old man, the single widow, one who has many children and little income, so I knew that Allah will question me about all of them and the
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it intercessor between me and them is prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him so I feared that my case might not be accepted. That’s why I cry”. By Allah one of our brothers heard a lecture from me years ago about maintaining ties of kinship. By Allah he has a relative whom he doesn’t know, when Eid came he asked about the location of his house and went to visit him, he didn’t find him so he left him a note. This relative has high morals and ethics so he returned the visit, he found his relative living under the ground in a house having high humidity and his children have a number of chronic diseases. So he told him, this place does not suit you and your children. He told me that his relative gave him an amount of money that he bought with it a new house in the third floor towards the Qibla direction and the sun rays enter it from all directions. This is one of the trails of maintaining ties of kinship.
7.6 Religion is Not Only Fasting and Praying it’s Also Maintaining Ties of Kinship and Social Care Dear brothers and sisters, we have a huge shortcoming, we understood that religion is only praying, fasting and making thikr and Dua (supplication). We did not understand that religion is action and good deeds, we did not understand that religion is social care, we did not understand that religion is maintaining ties of kinship. By Allah there are some rich people out there who are creative in spending wealth while they have relatives who are dying from hunger.
7.7 The West Lost the Afterlife by their Disobedience and Some Muslims Lost this Life by their Shortcomings and Lost the Afterlife by their Sins I repeat for you the following: When Mustawrid al-Qurashi was sitting with 'Amr ibn al-'As, he said, "I heard the Prophet say, 'The Hour (Judgment Day) will come when the Romans will be in the majority.' 'Amr asked him, "What are you saying?" He said, "I am repeating that which I heard from the Prophet." 'Amr said, "If you say this, it is true, because they have four good characteristics: they are the most able to cope with tribulation, the quickest to recover after disaster and to return to the fight after disaster, and are the best as far as treating the poor, weak and orphans is concerned. They have a fifth characteristic which is very good; they do not allow themselves to be oppressed by their kings." [Muslim] We have to wake up dear brothers and sisters, don’t accept that your Islam be only attending Juma prayer and Khutba, By Allah whom there is no other god besides him, Religion is not only in the Masjid. Here in the Masjid you receive instructions, religion is also in your house. You might find a weak woman whom her father passed away, you find that her mother humiliates her in front of her children while the mother is Muslim!, or you find a partner whom his partner is not officially registered in the company, he trusted him, and the partner plots on getting his partner out of the company after he took his experience while he is a Muslim! This is not Islam.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
7.8 Doing Good to Parents Increases Provision and Blesses One’s Life Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Learn enough of your lineage, so that you can establish the ties of kinship, for establishing the ties of kinship increases the love amongst families and multiplies wealth and extends age” [Shaykh Al-Albani in Sahih Sunan AlTirmidhi (2/190)]. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said reported by Imams Ahmad, Abu Dawud, AtTirmithi, and Ibn Majah, "There is no sin that Allah glorified and exalted be he more readily inflicts the punishment for in this life, in addition to what Allah glorified and exalted be he keeps as punishment for the sinner in the Hereafter, than the sin of transgression and cutting off relations with relatives." In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, Lady 'Aisha, the mother of the believers, narrates, "That the Prophet, upon him be peace, told her, 'Whosoever is granted their share of gentleness has received their share of good bounty in this world and the hereafter; and honoring the ties of kinship, good manners, and good neighborliness spread prosperity amongst households and prolong the lives of people." (Ahmad 6/159 number 25298).
7.9 The Highest Level of Maintaining Ties of Kinship is to Guide People Towards Allah Glorified and Exalted Be He Dear brothers and sisters, never think that maintaining ties of kinship is just when Eid arrives you put some cards in your pockets, visit your relatives and wish that you don’t find them, you knock on the door, put the card and then leave. This is naïve. The correct understanding is to visit your relative according to an appointment, sit with him, have a conversation with him, listen to his complaints, ask about his health condition, his social status, his educational status, his financial status, does he have debts while you are strong and rich? Always the stronger and richer is the one who should start the maintenance of ties of kinship and start the good deeds towards the relatives. Give him some money, hire his son to work for you in the shop if he’s a good fit. When you visit your relatives you should also solve some of their false beliefs about religion if you know the correct beliefs, or support them financially if they are in need, you also participate in resolving conflict between family members. If you don’t think seriously about serving those around you then there is no hope in the religion that you believe in. You simply didn’t contribute anything. Do people care about your prayers? Pray as you wish, they care about your treatment towards them. So brothers and sisters, maintaining ties of kinship begins with a call, then a visit, then asking about the relatives various conditions, then helping and the highest level is to guide them towards Allah glorified and exalted be he. I know someone who heard the Khutba (speech) on maintaining ties of kinship so he invited his sisters to a weekly lesson at his house, his sisters and his nieces, the reason is that one of his sisters is having a conflict with her husband, so he gave her some money to help fix the fracture between her and her husband, this amount of money left a deep effect inside of her. She asked him to give her a weekly
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it lesson – he is not specialized in the Islamic Science – but only a lesson, a verse from the Quran and a Hadith that he explains to his sisters. He swore by Allah and told me that after a while most of his sisters committed to wearing Hijab and became steadfast on Allah’s path. This is what’s called Maintaining Ties of Kinship. Conduct a weekly meeting, or a bi-weekly meeting, ask about them, their financial status, their moral status, their Islam status if they are muslims, their educational status. If you are stronger participate by paying for the expenses of getting one of their daughters married, solve their problems. So, dear brothers and sisters, maintaining ties of kinship is the 4th secret of increasing provision.
8 Secret #5: Being Thankful and Grateful What Allah glorified and exalted be he said in the Quran is loud and clear: “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor];” (Ibrahim – Abrahim 14:7).
8.1 Get Yourself Used to Thanking Allah for the Normal Familiar Blessings When you wake up in the morning, enjoying fully functional senses, strength and/or functional organs then get yourself used to saying “O My Lord to you praise is due, praise is due to Allah who gave me life after death” sleeping is death and after it you enjoy strength and health, you see, you hear, you are able to utter words, you speak, you eat, you can afford the price of food, maybe it’s only an amount that suffices you, you have a wife in front of you who fulfills your needs for care, you have children, …etc Try to be grateful for the ordinary blessings that if only one of them goes away then life will be an unbearable hell. To give you an example, one might have unlimited concerns but he has good health, his children are in good health, his wife also is in good health and lives in a house, now May Allah Forbid if a tumor appears in his body, he would forget all his other concerns, isn’t that so? One time a king died, I said in a speech, if this king was offered the ability to go back to life to work as a clerk provided that he would be cured from his illness he would have never hesitated a single second to accept the offer. To shift from a king to a clerk provided that he would be cured from a malignant disease. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: "Whoever amongst you wakes up, secure in his house, healthy in his body, having the bare amount of food that he requires for the day, then it is as if the entire world has been captured for him, with all that it contains!" [Reported by al-Tirmidhi (# 2347)]. Not being wanted by the police or an enemy or anything of that sort, being free, having a shelter, having a key to a house, healthy, functioning hearing, sight, digestive system, heart, kidneys …etc
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
8.2 Too Much Complaining is Against Being Grateful and it’s One of Satan Ways Dear brothers and sisters, we might be drowning in blessings that are unlimited, yet we complain, we learn complaining. So where does this complaining actually come from? Listen to this verse from the Quran, Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “[Satan] said, ‘Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You – you meaning Allah]’". You find one having income in millions and then he says: “I can’t stand living in this country, business is restricted here”. Truly “You will not find most of them grateful”. He who keeps complaining and wining and forgets Allah’s favors and blessings, forgets that he was born a Muslim or Accepted Islam, forgets that he can pray in the Masjid freely without being questioned, this is a blessing that you do not know. By Allah, in some countries, if you enter a Masjid you will be questioned for just entering the Masjid. If a girl is wearing clothes that reveal half of her arms and a shirt down to her knees but with a piece of cloth covering a little bit of her hair she would be considered as wearing Hijab and then they fire all her relatives from their jobs. Wearing Hijab freely and having Masjids full of Muslims are blessings that you do not know until you lose it. That’s why one of the supplications of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him was: “Oh Allah make us recognize your blessings by their permanence not by their disappearance”. Don’t you remember 50 years ago there was a balance between major and minor countries where minor countries were enjoying all their freedom forms, and received aids in billions and if these aids became scarce from one source, another source would jump in to give more aids. Now there is only a stick without a carrot. You usually put a carrot in front of a donkey and keep a stick with you but now there is only a stick to move the nations and oppress them and take their fortunes by force and kill the nation children.
8.3 Get Yourself Used to Seeing the Positive Aspects Dear brothers and sisters, get yourself used to seeing the positive aspects, get yourself used to thanking Allah, I’m not saying forget all your tensions and your concerns. Concerns are concerns, problems are problems but don’t forget the positives. One time a man came to me consulting me in divorcing his wife. I wanted to provoke him so I said to him: Does she betray you? He said: OH NO I seek refuge in Allah from that she does not she is pure and virtuous. I said: is she unclean? He said: no she is very clean. I said: doesn’t she take care of you? He said: yes she does. Then he felt ashamed and didn’t continue his talk. So do not forget that your wife is chaste. Don’t forget that your wife is trustworthy. Don’t forget that your wife does manage a house well. Yes there might be some conflicts and differences of opinions but don’t forget all of those good qualities.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Do you know the story of that man who went into the Masjid and made a chaos and confused the companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him who were praying? What did Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him tell him after he finished the prayer? Here is the story: Reported by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih Book on the authority of Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that he came to the Masjid (mosque) while the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in the Ruku‘ (bowing in prayer), so he knelt down before he could join the row then he stood in the row. Thereupon, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him after Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer), “May Allah increase your zeal, but do not repeat it again.” Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him recognized his zeal first and then after that he said “but do not repeat it again”. A successful person does not neglect the positives in his life. Compare he who complains about his negative thinking of his wife and fear that she might betray him with he who travels long distances without having a single bad thought about his wife? Isn’t this a major blessing? Those positives that you do not pay attention to are huge blessings.
8.4 If You Want an Increment in Everything Then Be Grateful for What You Already Have “'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor];” (Ibrahim – Abrahim 14:7). If you want an increment in your status then be grateful that Allah has already given you your current status. Be grateful so that your status might increase. If you want an increment in your provision then thank Allah for the passive blessings that you have such as being healthy while the smallest diagnosis might cost you thousands. The ability to perform the slightest movement with your body requires thousands of dollars if your body were to fall sick. If Allah has protected you from all these diseases then this means that you have a passive blessing, Allah has saved you thousands of dollars. One of our brothers told me once: If a person begets a baby then this baby comes with a million Laira (currency). I said: “I didn’t understand you, explain to me?” He said: “There are babies out there who have a vein in the place of an artery where a surgeon asks for 400 thousand to perform an operation to fix it and the hospital asks for 300 thousand more and transporting the baby costs 50 thousand.” He continued: “750 thousand gone in only 2 hours!”. He who has a healthy baby is having a huge blessing. The baby might come with a disability which turns the family’s life into an unbearable hell. Always search for the positives. If you are traveling a long distance on a road full of holes and road works then what are the positives of such a road? You will never doze off on such a road. However, if the road was wide and straight you might simply doze off and then have a horrible accident. I’m just kidding. Search for the positives in your life and you will be happy and satisfied, don’t forget the favors of Allah. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it the heavens and whatever is in the earth and amply bestowed upon you His favors, [both] apparent and unapparent?” (Luqman 31:20).
8.5 What is Thanking? What is thanking? As long as thanking Allah and being grateful to him is the road towards increments, then what is thanking? If you thank Allah for your health and for the fact that your organs are well and sound then your health will increase. If you thank Allah because you have an income that allows you to live then your income will increase. If you thank Allah that you have a wife who is generally pious then your wife will be more pious. If you thank Allah that your children respect you then they will respect you more. “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor];” (Ibrahim – Abrahim 14:7). Make this verse from the Quran your slogan and your life style. But still, what is actually thanking? Thanking is in levels: 8.5.1 Level 1: Conceiving the Blessing and ascribing it to Allah Dear brothers and sisters, the mere fact of conceiving that a blessing is from Allah is one type of thanking. “Allah glorified and exalted be he blessed me and I got a higher degree”, “Allah blessed me and I got a job with an income that suffices me”, “Allah honored me with a small house but at least it’s still a house and I do have a key for it”, “Allah blessed me with pious children”. Get yourself used to saying: Allah blessed me, Allah honored me, Allah enabled me. Never ever ascribe whatever good you are in to your own abilities, you will then be like Qarun whom Allah detested. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “Indeed, Qarun was from the people of Moses, but he tyrannized them. And We gave him of treasures whose keys would burden a band of strong men; thereupon his people said to him, "Do not exult. Indeed, Allah does not like the exultant.(28:76) But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters.(28:77) He said, "I was only given it because of knowledge I have." Did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in power and greater in accumulation [of wealth]? But the criminals, about their sins, will not be asked.(28:78) So he came out before his people in his adornment. Those who desired the worldly life said, ‘Oh, would that we had like what was given to Qarun. Indeed, he is one of great fortune.(28:79) But those who had been given knowledge said, ‘Woe to you! The reward of Allah is better for he who believes and does righteousness. And none are granted it except the patient.(28:80) And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home. And there was for him no company to aid him other than Allah , nor was he of those who [could] defend themselves.(28:81)”
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it The moral is when Qarun said: “I was only given it because of knowledge I have” when he ascribed the blessings to him and forgot Allah. Allah’s response came in: “And We caused the earth to swallow him and his home”. Allah destroyed him. If your son is sick, his temperature is high and you take him to a doctor then it will be Allah who will allow this doctor to prescribe a suitable medication and this medication cures this illness. Never ascribe the cure of your son to the doctor. The doctor is just a slave of Allah. The cure is only in the hand of Allah alone. If Allah wants a person to be cured then he will inspire the doctor the right diagnosis and the right medication. Many a person complained of having kidney failure in one of his kidneys and that it has to be removed. Then what did the doctor do? He removed the functioning kidney by mistake! Dear brothers and sisters, if Allah wants an operation to succeed then the doctor will conduct it successfully. Always get used to ascribing the blessings and favors to Allah, this is not being humble, this is a fact and a reality. Dear brothers and sisters, The first level of being thankful and grateful is ascribing the blessing to Allah until this becomes a trait of yours. “Allah blessed me”, “Allah honored me”, “Allah allowed me to pray for him”, Who are you? If Allah didn’t allow your tongue to speak, if Allah didn’t provide you with memory, if Allah didn’t cast loving you in the hearts of people no one would have listened to you. That’s why one of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him statements was: “Didn’t I come to you when you were astray and Allah guided you?” He did NOT say “and I guided you”. -------------------------------------------------------Here is the story of the above statement: In another incident, after a battle, the Prophet started distributing the booty among the people. The first to receive booty and the ones who obtained the greatest number of shares were the people who had recently embraced Islam.
As soon as he had given the new converts, Prophet Muhammad ordered Zaid ibn Thabit to fetch the booty and summon people. Then he designated the shares that would be given to the people.
This distribution was carried out according to a wise policy. However, not everyone recognized and appreciated this. Some of the people of Madinah started objecting to the shares they were allotted.
The complaints began to take the form of accusations until Saad ibn Ubadah went to the Prophet and said:
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it "O Messenger of Allah, this group of the Ansar (the people of Madinah) are upset regarding the distribution of the booty. You have allotted shares to your own kinsmen and given many gifts to the Arab tribes, leaving the Ansar with nothing." The Prophet asked Saad: "O Saad, what do you think?" Saad replied: "O Messenger of Allah, you know that I am just a member of this group." The Prophet said to him: "Bring your people to me."
At this point, one might have expected the Prophet to reproach them for having doubted his justice in distributing the booty, or to chastise them for their bad assumptions about him. Instead, when the people had gathered, Prophet Muhammad faced them and he thanked and praised Allah. Then he said to them: "I have been told that you are angry with me. Didn't I come to you when you were astray and Allah
guided you? You were poor and Allah gave you wealth. Weren't you foes and Allah made you love one another?" "Yes," they answered, "Allah and His Messenger are better and more gracious." Then he said, "What prevents you from replying to the Messenger of Allah, O Ansar?" They said: "What should be the reply, O Messenger of Allah, while to the Lord and to his Messenger belong all benevolence and grace."
The Prophet said: "By Allah, I would have testified to the truth of your answer if you had answered: 'You came to us belied and rejected and we accepted you; you came to us in a state of helplessness and we helped you; a fugitive, and we took you in; poor and we comforted you.' "O people of Al-Ansar, do you feel desirous for the things of this world by which I have sought to incline these people unto the Faith in which you are already established? "Are you not satisfied, O people of Al-Ansar that the people will leave with ewes and camels, while you will go back with the Messenger of Allah to your dwellings? "By Him in Whose Hand is my life, had there been no migration, I would have been one of the people of al-Ansar. If all the people would go through a valley and path, while the people of Al-Ansar were going
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it through a different valley and path, I would go through the valley and take the path of the people of AlAnsar. "O Allah! Have mercy on the people of Al-Ansar, their children, and their children’s children." The people wept until tears rolled down their beards as they said: "Yes, we are satisfied, O Prophet of Allah with our lot and share!"
Being a prophet, he owed no explanation to anyone, however, his foresight and compassion guided his manner of addressing the situation. Rather than chastising them for doubting his justice in distributing the booty, he realized their human need to understand the reasons behind his actions, and he understood the true underlying cause for their anger which is their feeling of rejection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, the first level is to ascribe the blessing to Allah. Another clue that will make you ascribe blessings to Allah can be found in the verse from the Quran: “And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and [as] adornment…..”(An-Nahl – The Bee 16:8) Continue the verse where it says… “…And He creates that which you do not know “(An-Nahl – The Bee 16:8). So, to whom do you ascribe inventing the airplane? As an idea, to Allah glorified and exalted be he, he is the one who inspires, even the big scientists and discoverers tell you: Discovery is a flash of thought. Even some scientists said: Genius is 99% sweat – which means hard work – and 1% inspiration. In fact, everything good is ascribed to Allah, all what you are in of health, marriage, kids, intelligence is because of Allah. When you go to your house say Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah) who gave me shelter while some others don’t have shelter. When you look at the mirror and comb your hair say Thank you Allah, as you beautified my physical appearance please beautify my manners too. If you have an acceptable face, nothing repulsive about it this is also a blessing. By Allah we are sinking in blessings that are uncountable. 8.5.2 Level 2: To Have Heart Full of Love of Allah The second level is having a heart full of love of Allah. A love that exists deep down in your heart. Oh Allah thank you you gave me satisfaction, oh Allah thank you you bestowed upon me your blessings, oh Allah thank you you bestowed upon me your mercy, oh Allah thank you you bestowed upon me your patience, oh Allah thank you you bestowed upon me your forgiveness, oh Allah thank you you bestowed upon me your love.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 8.5.3 Level 3: Thanking Allah by Your Organs This is the third level and it is the most sophisticated elegant level. The first level is to ascribe blessings to Allah. The second level is for your heart to be filled with love of Allah for these blessings. The third level is to have your organs thank Allah. Allah says: “Work, O family of David, in gratitude” (Saba’ – Sheba 34:13). Feeding a cat is thanking Allah, feeding the hungry and the poor is also thanking Allah. One of our brothers is a doctor, a teacher visited him complaining from a problem in her front teeth. The cost is 60,000. She doesn’t have this much money. She said: Thank you. He told me on her way out I felt sorry for her she is a teacher. So he said to her: my sister, will you accept a gift from me? She said: Jazak Allah khair, May Allah reward you with good. He said “I spent 6 months treating her until I resolved her problem”. He said: “I’ve been living 6 months in heaven –meaning in happiness- because this work is only for the sake of Allah”. Another doctor told me: “I go to a public hospital and in the whole world public hospitals have some degree of carelessness” He continued “I treat patients as if they were in the most sophisticated hospital, the analysis, the Echo…etc” He continued “I’ve been living in heaven –meaning in happiness- because no one cares about this poor person at all, I care for him and I pay attention to the detailed aspects of his disease”. Another brother came to me from the region of Azzabadani at 12:00 AM in summer and said: “I saw a woman on the street crying and holding a baby and her husband was next to her. I stopped and I asked her, what’s wrong? She said that her baby temperature is 41 degrees. This was during the civil war, they were from Lebanon and they didn’t know anyone in Assham (the Levant). I took them to the hospital and then to pharmacies that work night shifts until the temperature went down and the situation went back to normal. Then I took them home at 4. I stayed with them for 4 hours”. He told me: “By Allah I’ve been living for two weeks in heaven –meaning in happiness- ”. Don’t you want to live in heaven? Serve people, have mercy on the weak, treat the sick, feed the hungry, take care of the orphan. The Summary: “So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work” (Al Kahf – The Cave 18:110). Honestly, in any army in the world, can a fresh soldier who joined the army recently walk into a brigade office without permission? There are military ranks. The only instance where he can walk into this brigade office is if that soldier found the brigade’s son swimming and then he was about to drown and the soldier saved him. In this case the brigade will tell the soldier MOST WELCOME, please come in, sit down, give him tea. Isn’t that so? “So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work” (Al Kahf – The Cave 18:110). Would you love to pray and cry in your prayer? Would you love to feel that Allah loves you? Would you love to feel that you are special? Would you love to feel that you are precious at the sight of Allah? Then
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it serve his servants. Don’t ask who are you? Just serve them, they are just servants of Allah. Be a human and serve whoever it is. Hadith - Bukhari 4:538, Narrated Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that”. Success door is open for all of you. 8.5.4 In Worldly Matters Look at those Below You and Don’t Look at Those Above You Look at he who is below you and don’t look at he who is above you. This is better so that you may not belittle Allah’s favors upon you. Sometimes you see a disabled man and you are not disabled, you see a son having autism but your son is normal, you have to know the negatives of those around you but with good manners. Don’t say: “Thank you Allah for not making me like them” in front of them this is considered bad manners. Just say it in your mind. You see someone who lost one of his senses, say Thank you Allah for your favors. You see an insane man, you say “thank you Allah my mind is sound”. You see someone who doesn’t have children but you do, you say “Thank you Allah for giving me children”. You see someone who has a wife but he is not happy with her but you’re happy with yours, this is a major blessing. Always try to look at those below you. On the other hand, he who visits the rich people will come out angry at Allah (except those whom Allah has mercy upon). He will say: This carpet costs millions! But he has a carpet that costs only 2 thousand.
8.6 This World has Differences Between its Degrees and the Hereafter Has Bigger Differences Between its Degrees One time I entered a man’s house. Before I enter he told me: “This set is Italian, we brought these tiles by shipment from Italia”. I didn’t like what he said so I said: “what do you say about a Surgeon and What do you say about a nurse in a hospital who has the job of cleaning patients? What about a university lecturer and a head of a department? What about a teacher on a wheel chair? What about a teacher in a village who teachers elementary school who carries his food around with him? What about a president of a chamber of commerce and a plates seller in some market? What about a general of an army and a soldier at the front row of the army in cold winter?”. Listen to the Glorious Quran: “Look how We have favored [in provision] some of them over others. But the Hereafter is greater in degrees [of difference] and greater in distinction.” (Al Isra – The Night Journey 17:21). Fortunes of this life have no meaning, and it might mean the opposite, but the levels of the hereafter are eternal levels: “Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers, In a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.” (Al-Qamar – The Moon 54:54). Therefore always try to look at those below you so that you may not belittle Allah’s favors on you. Would you like to hear an advice from heart to heart: When it comes to worldly matters, live with those
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it below you, and when it comes to the hereafter matters, live with those above you. When it comes to the hereafter matters befriend those above you, this man knows the entire Quran by heart, that man is straight on the path of Allah, this man has good deeds as huge as the mountains… when it comes to worldly matters befriend such people who are above you. Befriend those who have a stronger faith than you so that they may encourage you. But when it comes to worldly matters befriend those who are below you so that you may recognize the huge blessings that you have. If we take this concept to a larger perimeter, travel to a western country, you will find cleanliness, systems, civilization, services, airports, highways, subways, and all things are made amazingly easy. I’ve traveled to an African country. The difference between us and the most advanced country is 50 times. But the difference between us and that African country is 1000 times! Some countries out there have nothing at all, no pharmacies, no restaurants, no houses, no electricity, no water. Even at the level of countries look at those below you so that you may not belittle Allah’s blessings upon you. Prices might be high, but abroad bloods are being shed, isn’t that so? Every day in the news 30 dead and 70 wounded, 40 dead, 80 dead, 110, 200 wounded every day! If you are safe and secured then this is a blessing from Allah that no one knows about except he who lost it. Try to be thankful and grateful for what you have.
8.7 Proofs From the Sunnah for Increasing Provision by being Grateful Here are proofs from the Sunnah: 1. Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “There is no slave whom Allah grants a blessing, and then makes people needs in his hands because of it and then this slave feels irritated, but that he [the slave] would have jeopardized this blessing” [Classified as Hasan “good”, Saheeh At Targheeb page/number 2618] You might be told: “I can’t relax man”. You want to relax? You will come on the day of Judgment bankrupt. Serve people even if they annoy you night and day, even if they overburden you, because Allah made fulfilling people needs in your hands, because Allah loved you, because Allah wanted to grant you righteous work so he made people need you. So whomever Allah makes people needs with, and then he becomes irritated because of that, then he would have jeopardized these favors. Allah made you rich, and people put hopes on you, Allah made you rich so that you spend in charity. 2. Abdullah Ibn Omar narrated that the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Allah has certain people whom he has chosen for his blessings in order to benefit others, and he maintains those blessings for them as long as they spend of them in charity, if they withhold those blessings Allah will snatch those blessings from them and transfer those blessings to others” [Classified as Hasan “good”, Saheeh Al Jaami’ page/number 2164]
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it There is a house that has a lemon tree which has 500 lemons, there is a tradition in this house that if anyone needs a lemon he just has to knock the door and ask for it. An old pious woman dedicated this lemon tree for the neighborhood, whoever knocks the door asking for it she will give him. This old woman then passed away, and a young one took her place. The door was knocked once again, she said we don’t have lemon. The tree dried out and died. “if they withhold those blessings Allah will snatch those blessings from them and transfer those blessings to others”. I met someone who swore by Allah and told me that in Khan Al Sheeh (a town) there were 38 farms. In a dry year, All farms dried out and died except his farm. The shepherds used to enter these farms and the owners would expel them except him. He made a water canal for the sheep. If a shepherd comes he would allow him in along with his sheep so that they may drink. This is the only farm that didn’t dry out.
8.8 Blessings Denial “And Allah presents an example: a city which was safe and secure, its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah. So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing” (An-Nahl – The Bee 16:112). To deny Allah’s blessings and favors means being ungrateful towards them.
8.9 Thanking Whoever Does You a Favor Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever does you a favor, then reciprocate, and if you cannot find anything with which to reciprocate, then pray for him until you think that you have reciprocated him” [Abu Dawood (1672)]. Dear brothers and sisters, get yourself used to being grateful. If someone offers you flowers then write in your notes “Go and Thank so and so”. Call him on the phone and tell him: “Thank you for the flowers” even If he offers you the littlest favor.
What can be concluded from what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said above is that the word “Jazak Allah Khair” or “May Allah reward you with good” is not acceptable if you were able to reciprocate the favor. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: ““Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another.” [Al-Bukhaari]. Someone offers you a big favor and you tell him “Thank you sir”, “May Allah reward you with good”? No, this is not acceptable as long as you have the ability to reciprocate the favor with some sort of work, service or a gift. You have to reward for the favor. Only if you have no ability then Allah will accept “Thank you sir” and “May Allah reward you with good” from you.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it In the beginning of this topic we were with blessings from Allah. Now if someone serves you, makes a mission easy for you, helps you, approves something for you, then you must thank him either with a phone call or with a message or with an e-mail or in person or with a gift. When Muslims exchange gifts they love one another. Gifts remove resentment from the chest. Get yourself used to reciprocating each favor not only with just a word but with something tangible. This is the teaching of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And do not forget graciousness between you” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:237) You borrowed a book? Don’t just return it, dust it off, clean it, shine it up, beautify it and then return it. Don’t just say I’m done with your book come and take it. One time a man told his children when they were facing a library that goes from the ground up to the ceiling: “O my kids, never lend any of these books after my death, because I borrowed all of those books”. He borrows a book and never returns it, the book gets lost. So, if you do not record and write notes you will forget to return the favors. Always try to be thankful and grateful. Dear brothers and sisters, one of the signs of faith (Iman) is that you see a blessing as a huge one no matter how small it is. A person serves you or offers you a gift, then you have to reciprocate. This is part of faith. It’s not enough to just say “thank you” if you can reciprocate. Saying only “thank you” is for the weak or he who cannot reciprocate. If someone is poor and a rich man offers him a gift then the poor cannot reciprocate then in this case he can just say “thank you”. “Whoever does you a favor, then reciprocate, and if you cannot find anything with which to reciprocate, then pray for him until you think that you have reciprocated him” [Abu Dawood (1672)].
9 Secret #6: Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness One of the secrets of increasing provision is repentance, this is not a personal opinion this is backed up with proofs from the Quran and the Sunnah. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And [saying], "Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favor his favor” (Hud 11:3). That’s why prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said , pay attention to this, he said: “Whoever keeps on repenting and keeps on asking Allah for forgiveness Allah will make for him a way out of every hardship and a relief from every distress and will provide for him from where he does not expect”. [Abu Dawood, Ibn Abbas] Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “Whomever Allah bestows a blessing upon then let him thank Allah and whoever feels that his provision is late then let him ask Allah for forgiveness and
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it whoever is tensed because of something then let him say ‘There is neither change nor power except by Allah’”. [classified as good “hasan”, Source: Al Jaami’ Assagheer, page/number:8540]. These are the words of the one protected from error, these are the words of prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him.
9.1 Whoever keeps on repenting and asking Allah for forgiveness Allah will make for him a way out of every hardship People were struck by drought during the time of Omar. So, Omar went on the pulpit to ask Allah for rain but he never said anything except asking Allah for forgiveness. That’s it. He went on the pulpit and asked Allah for forgiveness. They told him: “O Amir Al Mumineen [Commander of the believers], we didn’t hear you asking Allah for rain? Where is the supplication for rain?” he replied: “I asked Allah for rain by the keys of the sky that are used to bring down rain” and then he recited the verse from the Quran: “ And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. (10) He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers(11)” (Nuh 71:10-11). Also in the verse from the Quran: “And O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in showers and increase you in strength [added] to your strength.” (Hud 11:52).
9.2 A Believer will not be Punished by Allah if he Asks for Forgiveness and Repents to Him Allah glorified and exalted be he says in the glorious Quran: “But Allah would not punish them while you, [O Muhammad], are among them, and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness. (33)” (Al-Anfal – The Spoils of War 8:33). You are in two safety zones, you are in two fortresses, either by applying the Sunnah and way of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him or by regretting and asking Allah for forgiveness. Asking Allah for forgiveness and repentance to him is one of the reasons of increasing provision.
9.3 The Continuity of the Blessing is Closely Tied with Thanking Allah For it Dear brothers and sisters, Imam Ja’far Assadiq may Allah be pleased with him said: If you have a blessing that you wanted to remain with you then say “thanks and praise are due to Allah” a lot. You have a house, a pious wife, children, certain income, certain profession…etc then say “Thanks and praise are due to Allah” a lot and these blessings will not only continue but they will increase. Allah glorified and exlated be he says: “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor];” (Ibrahim – Abrahim 14:7).
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
9.4 The Key to Provision is Work and Repentance. The Key for More is being Grateful and Thankful Now if you feel that your provision is late, you searched, you applied, you went into competitions, you searched in the advertisements around the world and you did not find a job that suits you, remember then what Allah said in the Quran: “And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. (10) He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers(11)” (Nuh 71:10-11). “send [rain from] the sky in [continuing] showers” means everything, it means you will find a job, it means you will find work, it means you will find a successful profession, it means that Allah will market your name in the business world. “He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers(11) And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers. (12)” (Nuh 71:11-12). Imam Ja’far Assadiq said: if you are tensed because of a king or a ruler (which means if you fall into trouble with an official entity such as seizure for example, or a court case or anything of this sort) then say “there is neither change nor power except by Allah” a lot as it is the key to relief and a treasure of heaven treasures. That’s why Ibn Al Arabi said the key to provision is work along with repentance (work, motion, business, job…etc) and the key for more is being thankful and grateful towards Allah.
9.5 Not Answering the Prayers of Some Muslims Here is a weird story but it actually happened. A man came to Al Hasan AlBasri complaining from drought, so Al Hasan told him ask Allah for forgiveness. The answer was only one word. Another man came to him complaining from poverty. He told him ask Allah for forgiveness. Another came to him and told him “please pray for me to grant me a pious son” he replied: “ask Allah for forgiveness”. Yet another man came to him and complained because his farm dried out. He told him “Ask Allah for forgiveness”. Then people wondered and told Al Hasan Al Basri so many men came to you complaining from different things and asking for different things and you told them all to “ask Allah for forgiveness”. Al Hasan replied: “I didn’t say anything of my own, I just followed what Allah said in the Quran that Noah ma peace be upon him told his people: ‘And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. (10) He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers(11) And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers. (12)’” (Nuh 71:10-12]. Why aren’t the prayers of some Muslims answered? They pray for Allah and ask of him night and day and things get more complicated. “What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah [due] grandeur (13)” (Nuh 71:13). The reason is that they didn’t fear Allah and didn’t glorify him. They didn’t take his commands and prohibitions seriously.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
9.6 The More You Ask Allah for Forgiveness the More Provision You Get Dear brothers and sisters, if you repent to Allah and ask him for forgiveness like what Al Imam Ja’far said and you obey him your provision will increase, and Allah will shower you with blessings from the sky. We are during years were the harvest of wheat is 6 million ton, sometimes a year has nothing at all and we seek refuge in Allah from that. It’s a painful fact. If you repent to Allah and ask him for forgiveness and obey him your provision will increase and he will shower you with blessings from the sky and he will grow blessings for you from the ground and he will grow the plants for you and make cows, she-camels and the like produce a lot of milk and he will grant you lots of wealth and children and he will make for you gardens that have various kinds of fruits.
9.7 Whoever Obeys Allah and Makes His Intention Sincere Allah Will Respond to Him and Give Him Relief Dear brothers and sisters, a lot of people ask Allah for forgiveness yet poverty increases. This is a phenomenon. If you tell people around you about this speech one of them will definitely tell you that’s not right. I ask Allah for forgiveness day and night and things just keep getting more complicated. What will you reply to him? Asking Allah for forgiveness means obeying him and quitting the sins that you ask forgiveness for. It’s not enough to ask for forgiveness only by your tongue.
9.8 A Disabled is He Who is too Lazy to Seek What He Wants From Allah Dear brothers and sisters, pay attention to this, Abu Huraira narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Book #21, Hadith #246). Allah glorified and exalted be he waits for you during the last third of the night before dawn prayer. Is there someone seeking forgiveness? Is there someone who repented? Is there someone asking something? Is there someone supplicating to me? Until the dawn. So who is the real lazy? Who is the real disabled? Who is the real fool? Who is the real stupid? It’s he who becomes too lazy to ask the creator of the heavens and earth while the creator glorified and exalted be he is waiting for him. During your 5-time-prayer you say “Allah hears those who praise him”, he hears you, ask of him immediately.
10 Secret #7: Supplication Allah loves those who insist and persist on what they are asking of Allah and in their supplications. Allah loves that his servant asks him to fix his shoe if it is ripped. Allah loves that his servant asks him for salt for his food. Allah loves that his servant asks him for all his needs. It’s all in Allah’s hands, Allah is capable
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it of everything. Your body is in his hands, your health is in his hands, your family is in his hands, your children are in his hands, those above you are in his hands, your enemies are in his hands, the tyrants are in his hands: Listen to this verse from the glorious Quran: “He said, "Indeed, I call Allah to witness, and witness [yourselves] that I am free from whatever you associate with Allah (54) Other than Him. So plot against me all together; then do not give me respite. (55) Indeed, I have relied upon Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight." (56)” (Hud 11:54-56).
10.1 Supplication is the Weapon of the Believer so he Must Use it a Lot Supplication is the weapon of the believer: “Say, "What would my Lord care for you if not for your supplication?" For you [disbelievers] have denied, so your denial is going to be adherent. (77)” (Al-Furqan – The Criterion 25:77). What does it mean to supplicate? Dear brothers and sisters, I do mean what I say, some Muslims have shortcomings when it comes to supplication. They supplicate only by their tongues and then rely upon others than Allah. There is a supplication along with Shirk (polytheism). Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him. (106)” (Yusuf – Joseph 12:106). There is a supplication along with fear from others than Allah, there is a supplication while hope is on others than Allah, all these supplications are useless and are not responded to. But when you put your entire hope on Allah alone and when you believe that Allah does everything alone and when you believe that everything is in the hands of Allah alone, that’s when your supplication is responded to: “and to Him will be returned the matter, all of it, so worship Him and rely upon Him” (Hud 11:123).
10.2 Whoever Prays to Allah While Fearing Someone or Something Else Will Never Be Answered When you believe that every single motion and every single stillness is in the hands of Allah, when you believe that there is no grantor except Allah, there is no withholder except Allah, there is no exalter except Allah, there is no abaser except Allah, there is no giver of honor except Allah, there is no giver of dishonor except Allah, when you believe that all the idols on earth and all the tyrants on earth can do nothing except if Allah gives permission, when you put hope on Allah, when you rely upon Allah, when you see that there is no one who operates this universe except Allah, when you have a firm belief in the oneness of Allah your supplication becomes correct and when your supplication becomes correct Allah will answer it for you which in turn will increase your belief.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Never supplicate to Allah while you are reliant upon so and so or this or that. Never supplicate to Allah while you think that your salvation is in the hands of someone, never supplicate to Allah if you think that someone can uplift you or bring you down, never do these things and then say “Supplication is useless”. Allah (may He be Exalted) says in the Divine Hadith: "I am the One Who is most free from want of partners. He who does a thing for the sake of someone else beside Me, I discard him and his polytheism." [Reported by Muslim]. Allah glorified and exalted be he does not accept any work in which you associate others with him. Allah does not accept a common heart.
10.3 Monotheism is the Foundation of Supplication Allah must see that your heart is free of any belief except in him, he must not see in your heart any partner for him because then he will not approach you. Allah must not see you reliant upon anyone but him, Allah must not see that you fear anyone but him. Monotheism is the foundation of supplication, when you believe that there is no God except Allah and whatever he wished will be and whatever he doesn’t will not be, when you believe that Allah is the God in the sky as well as on the earth, when you believe that all these tyrants are just some sticks in Allah’s hands he moves them as he wish. When you take an example of a noble prophet who challenged the strongest humans among his people when he said: “So plot against me all together; then do not give me respite. Indeed, I have relied upon Allah , my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight.” (Hud 11:55,56).
10.4 Conditions for Answering Supplication When you believe in the oneness of Allah your supplication will be correct. When your supplication becomes correct Allah answers it. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:186). 10.4.1 Condition #1: Sincerity Sincerely supplicating to Allah and asking him. 10.4.2 Condition #2: Faith Having true faith in Allah, having true faith in his oneness, having true faith that he does what he wants, having true faith that good and evil are in his hands. 10.4.3 Condition #3: Responding to Allah When you have faith in the oneness of Allah you supplicate, and when you supplicate sincerely you will be answered. Allah didn’t command you to supplicate to him except to answer you, he didn’t command you to ask him for forgiveness except to forgive you, he didn’t ask you to repent to him except to accept your repentance.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.” (Annisaa – The Women 4:27).
10.5 Whoever Supplicates to Allah Believes in His Existence and His Ability Supplication is the weapon of the believer. “Say, "What would my Lord care for you if not for your supplication?" (Al Furqan – The Criterion 25:77). What does it mean to supplicate to Allah? The real meaning is that you cannot communicate with someone who does not exist, you will be considered insane. Imagine entering a house where there is no one and then you start saying: “hey what do you think of so and so? How is your health?” This is unbelievable. You are not communicating with the void. If you supplicate then this means that you believe 100% in the existence of Allah. You are not communicating with someone who cannot hear you, if you are supplicating to him then this means that you are 100% sure that he hears you. You are not supplicating to someone who cannot solve your problems. If you are 2 millions in debt you will not go to a kid in kindergarten and ask him whether he has this amount. This is insane. You are supplicating to the one who exists, the one who hears, the one who is capable of answering you. You are not supplicating to someone who is strong and can hear you but doesn’t love you. There is no one who asks his enemy for a loan. So, when you supplicate to Allah then you do believe in his existence, in his hearing, in his ability, in his love for you. Supplication is the essence of worship. “Say, "What would my Lord care for you if not for your supplication?" (Al Furqan – The Criterion 25:77)
10.6 There is Nothing that Increases One’s Faith in Allah Like Supplication Believe me dear brothers and sisters, there is nothing that increases your faith in Allah like supplication. You supplicate to him directly, no one knows about it. Then things ago against what you wish, this is for your own good, Allah has responded to your supplication. Allah glorified and exalted be he gave you a practical proof. Make supplication your life style, ask him all your needs. Before you go out of the house say “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from misleading or being misled or oppressing or being oppressed or from being ignorant or bearing the result of ignorance". Before you carry out any task give up your might and your power and revert to the might and power of Allah. Before you get married ask Allah to grant you a pious wife. When you make supplication your life style, every day, every hour, upon your entrance, upon your departure, before you sleep and after you wake up and before you start your work this way you are expressing your belief in Allah. Try it out although you are not supposed to “try” when it comes to dealing with Allah you are supposed to have a firm belief right away. It’s impossible that Allah will let you down. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him narrated from his Lord that He Said: “I am as my slave expects Me to be.”
10.7 Whoever Believes that Allah is Capable of Everything Will be Answered A man told me that he traveled to the cost via the mountains, he stopped his car on top of a mountain and the valley was so deep. He went to bring food, his son kept on playing within the car until he moved
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it it by mistake and the car kept on going down in the valley. He had 5 children along with his wife, they were all about to die. He then supplicated to Allah from within deep down in his heart to make his family survive. The car stopped at the bottom of the valley and his children and his wife were safe and sound. Allah is great. I know a man who was diagnosed with cancerous tumor 25 years ago. All the doctors agreed that this tumor has no cure and the fate of this man was absolute death. This man had nothing but supplication and belief that Allah is the curer. He is my friend I know him very well. Allah did actually cure him. Supplication is your weapon. When man sometimes has a relation with a strong human, he would feel confident. Allah the greatest told you that he’s with you.
10.8 Being Straightforward is the Basis of Supplication The greatest God is waiting for you, he is waiting for you to supplicate. If there is no work, job or business he will give you work, job or business, you have no provision he will give you provision, there is no pious wife who is suitable for marriage, he will give you a pious wife who is suitable for marriage, a wife who makes you glad if you look at her and a wife who safeguards you when you are away from her, and obey you when you command her. Put your hope on Allah. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said : the messenger of Allah said: "Allah the Almighty is good and accepts only that which is good”. You cannot supplicate to him unless you become straight and apply his commands and avoid his prohibitions. “And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:186). Dear brothers and sisters, put your concerns at the doorstep of Allah, Give your requests to Allah, give all your concerns to Allah. In addition, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, has said in the Hadith: "whoever makes all concerns as only one; which is the concern of the Hereafter, Allah will suffice him from all other concerns; and this whose concerns of the conditions of the worldly life are ramified, Allah will not care in which valley he perishes" [Declared good by Al-Albani].
10.9 Two Types of People Who are Exempt from All Conditions of Answering Supplication 10.9.1 The Desperate Who is the desperate? Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him” (Annaml – The Ant 27:62). Even if the person who is desperate didn’t fulfill the conditions of answering supplication Allah will answer his supplication. He answers his supplication because he is merciful.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 10.9.2 The Oppressed The oppressed, even if he didn’t fulfill the conditions of answering supplication Allah answers his supplication because Allah is just. So, Regardless of your situation if you are oppressed or desperate Allah will answer your supplication.
10.10 We Have to Beware of the Supplication of the Oppressed Even if He is a Disbeliever in Allah Pay attention to this: beware of the supplication of the oppressed even if he is a disbeliever in Allah, as the supplication of the oppressed has no barrier between it and Allah. Never have an oppressed person supplicate to Allah against you even if he is a non-believer. Because he is a slave of Allah’s slaves. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just” (Al Maida – The Table Spread 5:8). Never let your enmity towards a disbeliever or an atheist make you oppress him. Allah listens to his supplication. Oppression is darknesses in the day of judgment. It was said that one of the closest people to Harun Arrasheed, his name was Khalid Al Barmaki, Almost the strongest man in the country, all of a sudden he saw himself in a prison. So, one visited him and said: “What’s the matter?” He replied: “Maybe the supplication of someone oppressed was answered against me”. Beware of the supplication of the oppressed person even if he is a disbeliever. Be it if he’s from your religion or other than that.To cheat someone or sell him defective goods and then claim that it’s because he has no religion? NO, in Islam Justice is Justice be it for a Muslim or for a non-Muslim. “and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. ” (Al Maida – The Table Spread 5:8). If you become just you will become closer to Allah and he will become closer to you.
10.11 The Heroism of a Muslim is to be a Philanthropist so that People Enter Islam in Large Numbers A Jew claimed that a shield was his while in fact it belonged to Imam Ali [Amir Al Mumineen, Commander of the Believers], so they stood up in front of the judge. The judge asked Imam Ali: “O commander of the believers, do you have any witnesses?” Imam Ali replied: “I have my children”. The judge replied: “Your children are not acceptable as witnesses”. It is not permissible for a son to be a witness for his father, so the judge made his decision and it was in the favor of the Jew. The Jew accepted Islam! It is unbelievable, first: this was the commander of the believers! (Amir Al Mumineen), the witnesses were his only children and the shield did belong to him, despite all of this the judge made his decision in the favor of the Jew because there were no witnesses.
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it “Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. ” (Al Maida – The Table Spread 5:8). If you do justice to a non-Muslim he might become Muslim, he might love you. By Allah a brother who was a Greek tourist in Turkey told me that during summer there was unbearable congestion. There were no hotels, not 4, not 3, not 2 and not even a single star. He knocked on someone’s door and asked: “Is there a possibility that you rent me a room?” The man replied: “of course! My pleasure the entire house is yours, I have another house anyway” he offered it to him for free and prepared for him dinner and breakfast, but where is the other house? He actually didn’t have another house he slept along with his family under a tree. So, when this tourist woke up in the morning and saw him, he immediately embraced Islam, and now he is one of the leaders in Dawah (Calling and Inviting people to Islam). What kind of manners and ethics are these? Follow Islamic teachings and people will love you and love Islam and embrace it in large numbers. On the other hand even if you pray and you do Umra every single year but all your money is Haram and you cheat people, you will drive people out of Islam in large numbers. By Allah they told me about him, he’s now amongst the top leaders in Dawah. He was a non-Muslim! Is that possible? Someone treats me and doesn’t know me and it’s 12:00 am, there is no place to sleep, he prepared for him a room, dinner and breakfast until he was satisfied and told him “I have another house” while in fact he didn’t have one. In the morning the tourist found him sleeping under a tree along with his family in a beautiful country side during summer. The moral of the story is how he convinced him to sleep over in his house and didn’t charge him anything so he was a reason for his embracing Islam.
10.12 Whoever Goes Away From Straightforwardness and Righteous Work Offends himself and Offends Islam A hostage was captured by Muslims and they treated her very well while she was fully spiteful towards them, she saw that Islam is ignorance, primitiveness, terror, a religion of murder. Despite all of that they treated her very well, their treatment to her was indescribable. She provoked them with all kinds of insults, she took off her clothes in front of them and they ran away from her in order not to look at her. She asked for scarce and rare things and they secured them for her. So when they let her out after two months according to a certain agreement. She called for a press conference and the first word that she uttered was: “I bear witness that there is no Got but Allah”. Now she is one of the leaders in Dawa and inviting to Islam in United Kingdom. You can convince people about Islam by doing good , by justice, not only by speech. Dear brothers and sisters, we do have a lot of shortcomings. Those people who insulted the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him, they did so because some Muslims insulted him before they do, so they formed an erroneous idea. “I expected that the prophet Mohammed was like his followers”. This is what the Danish artist said “I expected that the prophet Mohammed was like his followers”. That’s what
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it he expected and thought. Never blame someone else, a sign of being rightly guided is to blame oneself, we do have shortcomings. Apply Islam, be straightforward just like what Allah ordered and people will embrace Islam in large numbers. Apply Islam and apply its teachings people will embrace Islam. Get away from Islam teachings people will get away from Islam.
11 Secret #8: Different Types of Worship 11.1 Types of Worship 11.1.1 Type #1: Prayer Whenever the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him got tensed he used to rush to prayer. If Provision became scarce, lack of resources, high prices, spread of worry, life is about to come to a standstill. If poverty struck prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him he used to call “O my family O my family pray pray”. This is an advice, no job? Road is blocked? Doors are locked? Applied for many jobs all rejected? Rush to prayer and ask Allah for abundance of provision. Deal with him directly, ask him. 11.1.2 Type #2: Fasting By fasting I don’t mean only fasting from food and drinks but also fasting from sins. 11.1.3 Type #3: Hajj From Ibn Abbas in a narration ascribed to the Prophet: -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam: ‘Be regular with (in another narration: follow up) the Hajj and the Umrah since they wipe out poverty and sins, just as the furnace separates the slag from the iron.’ Also Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said, ‘Follow up between the Hajj and Umrah, because certainly succession between the two of them increases the life span and dispels poverty and sins as fire removes impurities.’ (Baihaqi).
11.1.4 Type #4: Serving People is Considered Amongst the Highest Forms of Worship Although frequent Hajj and Umrah are recommended but if you have duties that conflict with them and you performed Hajj at least once, then those duties take precedence. For example, someone having sons who want to get married, or having duties that he is not fulfilling but he’s fond of performing Hajj every year. To such a man we say: No, Hajj is enough once in a life time, or if you want to do it again it doesn’t have to be every single year. To neglect your sons and be an obstacle on their way towards marriage, to not fulfill your duties is not acceptable. Some scholars say: The Imam has the right to prevent a voluntary act of worship that leads to dropping a mandatory act of worship.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Ibn Al Mubarak saw a child take a dead bird from the garbage and take it home. He investigated the issue and he found that an entire family was starving to death, they ate from the garbage. He gave this family all what he owned and came back without performing Hajj. This is the correct understanding of worship. “The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit, and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt or stave away hunger from him. It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need, than I stay secluded in the mosque for a month.” [Tabarani, Hasan]. Understand that in Islam, serving people equals the highest forms of worship such as fasting, praying, late night praying…etc. Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him was once staying for worship (Itikaf) in the Masjid of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him and he saw a man who looked depressed, so he asked him: “What’s the matter?” the man replied: “I’m in debts that I cannot repay” Ibn Abbas said: “To whom do you owe the debts?” the man replied: “to so and so” Ibn Abbas said: “would you like me to talk to him?” the man replied: “If you wish so” Ibn Abbas stopped his worship in the Masjid and went out so one of those sitting in the Masjid for worship said: “O Ibn Abbas, have you forgotten that you are in the Masjid for worship?” Ibn Abbas replied: “By Allah I didn’t forget but I have heard the man of this grave – i.e. prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him – (and he dropped a tear) I heard him say: “It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need, than fasting a full month and staying in seclusion in the Masjid for worship”. 11.1.5 Type #5: Obligatory Charity (Zakat) Obligatory charity also increases provision. But to give zakat and steal, give zakat and cheat, give zakat and sell defective goods…etc this is not acceptable. “Say, "Spend willingly or unwillingly; never will it be accepted from you. Indeed, you have been a defiantly disobedient people." (Attawbah – The Repentance 9:53).
11.2 The Correct Understanding of Worship When you understand Islam correctly you will find out that if you perform the different types of worship in Islam according to what pleases Allah they become a reason for increasing your provision. For example, prayer increases provision but what type of prayer? Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, asked, “Do you know who the bankrupt are?” They said, “The one without money or goods is bankrupt.” So the Prophet said, “The bankrupt are those from my nation who come on the Day of Resurrection with prayer, fasting, and charity, but come also insulting, slandering, consuming wealth, shedding blood, and beating others. They will each be given from his good deeds; if his good deeds run out before the score is settled, their bad deeds will be cast upon him, then he will be thrown into the Hellfire.”
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it [Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Number 6251] The prayer we’re talking about is the prayer that causes its performer to be straight, to obey commands and avoid prohibitions. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And enjoin prayer upon your family [and people] and be steadfast therein. We ask you not for provision; We provide for you, and the [best] outcome is for [those of] righteousness.” (Taha 20:132). If we talk about fasting, what kind of fasting reaps rewards? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Maybe a fasting person will gain nothing but hunger and thirst from fasting." [Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, vol. 1, 539]. Allah doesn’t accept it if we fast and at the same time we cheat or we fast and at the same time we backbite. Abu Hurairah also reported that the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: "Allah does not need the fast of one who does not abandon false speech or acting according to his false speech [Bukhari and others]] He also reported the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him as saying: "Whoever does not abandon falsehood in word and action, then Allah Mighty and Majestic has no need [i.e. will not accept] that he should leave his food and drink".[Bukhari]. Abu Hurayrah quoted the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying, "Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah will have all of his previous sins forgiven." [Collected by al-Bukhari (Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic-English), vol.3, pp. 69-70, no. 125) ] When we speak of Hajj, what is the Hajj that’s acceptable? Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said, "Whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew." I still mention this Hadeeth a lot: In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said: The Messenger of Allah Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “A man is deprived of provision (Rizq) because of the sins that he commits.’” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 4022, classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah). In some shops you find people lower their gaze and don’t look at women, you find such a shop having provision, on the other hand another shop has no restrictions upon looking at women, full of flirting with women, Allah will not provide for such a shop. Any “Halal” business would be provided for by Allah. Beware, the same way that when Allah gives he astonishes, also when Allah takes back he astonishes. So be careful.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
11.3 The Problems of Man is of His Own Creation and He Can Remove Them by Performing Acts of Worship According to What Allah Wants Generally, your problem is from you and you can remove it by obeying Allah. The most difficult problems that the world is facing today are fabricated problems? How is that so? In an economical system, when do prices go up ten times? We have two economical possibilities. Either the consumers number go up ten times or production gets reduced to only one tenth. But without a reason, earth is earth, provision is provision, agricultural fortunes are the same, rain is the same, humans are the same. Suddenly, all over the world you find 5 times more, 15 times more what happened? There are some plotting minds that want to maintain poverty so that they remain in control. Always you find statistics that say that 10% of the world population owns 90% of the world fortunes. Abu Saeed Al Khudri narrated that the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Judgment day will not come until the earth gets filled with injustice and tyranny then a man from among my descendants or from among the people of my Household [Ahl al-Bayt, a descendant of Fatimah through Hasan], will come out; He will fill the earth with justice and fairness, just as it will have been filled with injustice and tyranny.” [Saheeh].
11.4 Whoever Invests His Money in a Haram Way Allah Will Destroy it Completely I will give you an example that a decision was made about from the Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, it’s the topic of stock market, we’re not talking about whether it’s Halal or Haram now, this is a long story. But there are whales in these markets (whales: big dishonest business men) they announce their stocks for sale, suddenly the prices go down right after their stocks get purchased. But those small investors, those who own nothing but a million or half a million, they see the prices going down, they get scared so they sell their stocks, the prices keep on going down until they reach the least amount then these whales come and buy all the stocks. They take from the small investors all their money. When those whales reap hundreds of millions from the small investors they then increase the prices. This game happens every several months. In some Islamic countries 37 thousand were admitted to hospitals because of the stock market. People lost a sum of 60 billion. I have a study that was made that says that the westerners earned back all the money that they spent on oil, they earned it back via the stock market. You are under their mercy. They increase the prices you feel happy, they drop the prices you get scared and sell what you have. This is a game that occurs every 2 or 3 months. Gold goes up one time and goes down another time. A barrel of oil went down below its original price due to a fabricated plot. I remember very well that the cost of extracting a barrel was 8.5 dollars, it went down to 6.5 dollars, today as we speak its 120 dollars! Did the original quantity of oil actually go down? No, did consumption go up? No. But these whales keep on playing with these standards while we are just following them. Majority of people invested their money in the stock market. Some people got heart attacks. So, what I’m telling you is work in an honorable
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it business or job that confirms your effort and your intelligence don’t stay under the mercy of those whales. Dear brothers and sisters, money is the foundation of life, by Allah I have uncountable stories about the destruction of man completely because he invested his money in a Haram illegal way and he didn’t consult anyone or ask anyone. Dear brothers and sisters, provision is in the hands of Allah alone. When you obey Allah when it comes to earning provision then the laws are fixed. However if your approach goes against the laws of Allah in earning your provision you will face a lot of obstacles. Obstacles that are big and crushing. So, be careful.
12 Secret #9: Reading Quran [Source of this Secret is – it’s not a part of Nabulsi speech] This is the fountain of Barakah (blessing)! But Subhan Allah, we rarely drink from it! Allah says in the Quran: “And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it…” (Surah Al-An’am, Verse 92). So read the Quran, and observe the blessings and barakah of Allah enter your life. The further we are from this Book of Guidance, the less barakah we will have in our lives.
13 Secret #10: Sending Blessings on the Prophet Mohammed May Peace be Upon Him When you send blessings and peace on the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him by saying (Allahumma Salli Wa Sallim Ala Nabiyna Mohammed – O Allah send blessings and peace on our prophet Mohammed) when you send blessings and peace on him you remember his straightforwardness, you remember his love for Allah, you remember his righteousness, so if you take him as an example if you take him as your role model Allah will widen your provision. Ubayy ibn Ka`b relates: I said, "O Messenger of Allah, I send much blessings on you. What proportion of my prayer should I devote to you?" He said, "As much as you like." I said, "A quarter?" He said, "As much as you like, and if you increased it would only be better for you." I said, "Then a half?" He said, "As much as you like and if you increased then it would only be better for you." I said, "Then two thirds?" He said, "As much as you like and if you increased it would only be better for you." I said, "I'll devote all of my prayers to sending blessings on you." The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "In that case it will suffice you from your worries and your sins will be forgiven. " [Reported by Tirmidhi who declared it well authenticated]
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
14 Secret #11: Not Sleeping During the Time Between Fajr and Sunrise Dear brothers and sisters, one of the reasons for increasing provision is not sleeping directly after Fajr prayer and until sunrise, because the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Sleeping between Fajr Prayer and Sunrise prevents provision” [Source: Al Jaami’ Assagheer page/number:5129] Also the famous Hadeeth that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah.”[Ahmed]. One of Damascus scholars authored the largest Islamic Jurisprudence encyclopedia comprised of 20 parts in Islamic jurisprudence and the largest encyclopedia in Quran interpretation (Tafseer) he swore by Allah and told me that he authored these two huge books between 4:00 am and 8:00 am (it means daily during this time not in one day at once). And from my side I am telling you, by Allah sometimes what I accomplish after Fajr prayer until 8:00 am is 4 times more than what I accomplish the rest of the day. “Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah”. Get yourself used to sleeping early. Sleep early to wake up for Fajr prayer as powerful as a horse. This is the time of Barakah (blessing). The time of Mercy. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “And if they only knew what was in the prayers of ‘Isha’ and Subh [Fajr], they would come to them even if they had to crawl.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim] The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “WHOEVER PRAYS SALAT-UL-FAJR IS UNDER THE PROTECTION OF ALLAH, SO DO NOT FALL SHORT WITH REGARD TO THE RIGHTS OF ALLAH, FOR ANYONE WHO DOES THAT, ALLAAH WILL SEIZE HIM AND WILL THROW HIM ON HIS FACE INTO THE FIRE OF HELL.” Saheeh Muslim 657. One time I wanted to meet someone. He told me to meet him at 6:00 am in his office. What caught my attention is (6:00 am!) this is a time that people are not used to meet at. He said: “when I was a kid my father used to wake me up for late night prayer even if it’s only one Rak’aa so I got used to this. I wake up an hour before Fajr prayer and I stay up till the night and I sleep early”. If a man takes a decision to stay up late and he spends all his time in so and so said and so and so replied and useless talk, backbiting, slander until 1:00 AM most of the time he will miss Fajr prayer and if a man misses Fajr prayer Satan will pee in his ear. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him supplicated and said: “O Allah, bless my Ummah in its early hours”. This Ummah has been blessed in its early hours. Even if prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him wanted to send an army he would send them in the early hours. Don’t sleep in and skip seeking your provision in the time between Fajr prayer and sunrise. Seek your provision early in the morning.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
15 Secret #12: Good Manners In the books of Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah reported by A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) the Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: "Maintaining good ties with kinship, good manners, and being kind to neighbors brings blessings to the house hold and increases its life span".
16 Secret #13: Honesty Dear brothers and sisters, honesty pulls provision. Pay attention to this law: An honest man is trusted, people wish to be his partner, they give him their money to do business with. The largest fortune you might have at all is being honest. Your honesty is a reason behind abundance in your provision. In another Hadeeth: “Honesty is self-sufficiency” [Source: Al Jaami Assagheer]. In the materialistic sense it means that an honest employee is on demand, his salary is high, and his position is strong, and he keeps on growing.
17 Secret #14: Marriage Marriage is one of the reasons of increasing provision. One might not understand this concept, he might be in financial crisis. When you seek chastity through marriage Allah will open for you doors of provision. Your provision and that of your wife will come to you. Here are the proofs: 1. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And marry those among you who are single (male and female) and (also marry) the pious of your (male) slaves and maid-servant (female slaves). If they be poor, Allaah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allaah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knowing.” [Surah An-Noor, 32] 2. Aisha narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Marry women as they bring money” and the meaning is that Allah will increase your provision if you get married not that they bring money themselves. The meaning is that Allah will increase your provision if you get married regardless whether your wife is working or no. in other words, she comes along with her provision. 3. Abu Bakr As-Sadeeq is reported to have said, “Obey Allaah in what He commanded you to do by getting married; He will then fulfill His promise to you to make you rich.” He then recited the (above) verse. 4. Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab said. “Seek richness through marriage!“ 5. Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood said, “Find richness by getting married.“
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it 6. Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas said, “Allah has commanded (the Muslims) to get married, and He has encouraged and enticed them for it. So He has commanded to marry off their free-men and slaves (i.e., all those under their protection), and He has then promised them richness as a result.“ 7. It has been narated that ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab once remarked. “I have never seen any stranger than a man who does not seek richness through marriage, even though Allaah has promised, as a result of it (i.e., marriage) what He has promised: “…if they are poor, Allaah will enrich them out of His Bounty.“ 8. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: ”Three people have a right upon Allaah that he will help them: (a) the one who desires to get married, seeking chastity, (b) the slave that desires to be freed (by paying his master a pre-agreed amount of money), (c) and the fighter in the way of Allaah.” [Tirmidhi 1/311, who declared it hasan saheeh, Al-Haakim 2/160 who declared it saheeh and Adh-Dhahaabi agreed with him, and others. It was also declared hasan by Shaykh Al-Albaani in Ghaayat Al-Maraam 210] Seek she who has religion, seek she who has knowledge of Islam, seek she who applies Islam practically.
18 Secret #15: Immigration Immigration means to leave one country to another. One might travel for income and this is allowed. One might travel to save his Islamic faith and this is a great work that has its rewards, moreover he will survive the punishment of Allah in the judgment day because of such immigration. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves - [the angels] will say, "In what [condition] were you?" They will say, "We were oppressed in the land." The angels will say, "Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?" For those, their refuge is Hell - and evil it is as a destination.” (Annisaa – The Women 4:97). It’s disappointing that only for the money you stay somewhere where you lose your children, your family, your daughters… Just for the money!
18.1 The Most Miserable Person is He Who Gathered the Largest Fortune and Lost Hid Children Dear brothers and sisters, if one gathered the biggest fortune on earth and lost his children this makes him the most miserable person. Your children are an extension of you. Success is when you leave somewhere where your money keeps growing and your success keeps increasing but then you worry about your children and leave that place to raise them up in an Islamic environment.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Whoever lives with the Moshriks (idolaters/Polytheists) which prevents him from practicing Islam while he can live elsewhere where Islam is already established, where he can practice Islam freely then the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him is free from him. The Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him said: "I am free from any Muslim who lives among polytheists". [Abu Daawood and AlBayhaqi]. I traveled a lot, as for those who settled permanently in the western countries, whenever I mention their children to them they feel deep sorrow and agony. One time we were in a conference in one of the western countries and then a scholar stood up and said: “If you cannot guarantee that the son of your grandson will be a Muslim then you should not stay in this non-Muslim country”. Then later another conference was held for Syrian doctors. All the conference attendees were Syrian doctors living in United States of America, one of them got his daughter married and invited me to attend. So I gave a talk where I mentioned in front of those 100 attendees the statement of that scholar. After I finished my talk and after the conference was over, one of the doctors approached me with tears on his face and told me: “The son of my grandson?!” I said: “yes”. He said: “My first son is a non-Muslim! There is no need to say the son of my grandson, my own son is a non-Muslim!”.
18.2 Whoever Immigrates for the Sake of Allah, Allah has Promised Him a Huge Reward Allah has promised he who runs away from non-Muslim countries, in order to maintain his Islam and in order to maintain the Islamic faith of his children and in order to save his daughters and their future, and head towards a country or a town which might be a developing one that has uncountable problems and little income whoever immigrates such an immigration Allah promised him a reward in the following verse from the Quran: “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many [alternative] locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him - his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah . And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (Annisaa – The Women 4:100). Which means that Allah will reward him with abundance of wealth.
18.3 The Wise Man is He Who Balances Between this Life and the Hereafter not Between his Country and Another One of the reasons of increasing provision is to leave a country where you cannot practice Islam to a country where you can practice Islam. I’m telling those brothers and sisters who want to live permanently in the western countries, do not balance between those countries and your developing countries, balance between this life and the hereafter. Happiness will enter your heart when you see that your son is pious, performs the five daily prayers on time, proud of being a Muslim, glorifies the book of Allah, belongs to Islam, all of this will bring indescribable happiness to your heart.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it I’m telling you I traveled a lot, the corrupt life style in those western countries is stronger than any Dawa effort (calling to Allah). Wherever you go you find immorality, you find women who are dressed but still naked - note from the compiler/translater: the speaker means things like mini skirts, bikinis, naturalists, nudists and the like – it’s as if people are living like animals, there is no better word for globalization than animalization. Of course I’m not generalizing but this is the majority, it’s very difficult to be a modest moral practicing Muslim in those countries. Allah wants people to be modestly, decently and respectably dress up and Satan wants them to be naked. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness - that is best” (Al A’raf – The Heights 7:26). On the other hand Allah also said about the devil: “O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.” (Al A’raf – The Heights 7:27). By Allah dear brothers and sisters, during my many meetings with the Islamic communities in the west and in the east I heard the wonders of wonders. Even some Islamic communities when they were saying goodbye to me they told me: Inform our brothers that the garbage of the Muslim countries is better than the gardens of the non-Muslim countries. I said: “why?” they replied: “Because your son in Muslim countries is an extension of you, you are Muslim and he is Muslim, but our sons here in these nonMuslim countries although we are at the utmost level of alertness have a 50% chance of becoming atheists, there is also 50% chance that you might see him with an earring on the right ear and this has a very bad meaning. Another 50% chance of seeing him with an earring on the left ear and the meaning is 50% bad. But to see an earring on both ears then this is a disaster (that’s homosexuals and gays may Allah protect us from this).
18.4 Whoever Lives in a Country Where He Can Practice Islam Has Won This Life And The Afterlife Dear brothers and sisters, live in a country where you can practice Islam, live in a country where you can pray in the Masjid, where you can listen to Islamic speeches that fill your mind and your heart, live in a country where you can let your daughters wear the veil without being questioned, live in a country where those around you are like you good practicing Muslims, your brother, your sister, your son, your nephew, your uncle, all of them, Muslims who pray, their wives wear veils and they all believe in Allah. By Allah a brother from Australia swore by Allah and told me that the most strict Muslim there if he sees his daughter getting dressed up and putting make up will only advice her to only not get pregnant, they reached such a level! Can you believe that in those non-Muslim countries they legalized homosexuality. Who can believe that a male ambassador of one of the biggest countries in the world has a male-partner not a wife, this means that homosexuality entered legal recognition! You will never appreciate Muslim countries until you leave them.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
19 Secret #16: Sponsoring (Spending on) Students of Knowledge Dear brothers and sisters, one of the reasons for increasing provision is sponsoring students of knowledge either fully or partially or just by participating in sponsoring them. I have a story that I’ve heard few days ago, I remember it every single minute. A brother of ours constructed an Islamic high school; he kept on sponsoring it for years. Allah has granted him provision that covered all those costs, not only that but also multiples of provision. Allah blessed me and made me sponsor a student in this Masjid. Later I attended a major Islamic conference in Cairo in Egypt and then I gave a talk, all of a sudden I found that this student was sitting next to me. He happened to be sent as a representative for his country. He was just a student here, he went back to his country with a P.hD and climbed his way up to a high position, and the government of his country sent him as a representative to represent his country in this Islamic conference. So, if you sponsor a student of knowledge Allah will reward you in this life even before he rewards you in the afterlife. A student of knowledge from Africa, Asia, Turkey, from poor countries, if you make him live in a room, be generous to him, and take care of at least the minimum expenses that just cover his needs, you help him with some of the furniture, all of this will not be forgotten by Allah. The moral of all the above is that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him met two brothers, one of them used to come to attend prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him lessons and the other used to work and they both were partners. It seemed that the one who worked complained to the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him about his partner who did not work, so the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said to him: “Maybe Allah gives you your provision because of him” [Sunan Attirmithi, page/number: 2345, Hasan Saheeh]. This is the moral of the story: “Maybe Allah gives you your provision because of him”.
19.1 Honoring the Less Fortunate, the Weak and the Poor Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “You are provided for and granted victory due to the weak amongst you”. [Saheeh Al Bukhari]. If you want to be granted victory over someone stronger than you, then let your concern be honoring the poor and the weak and spending on them.
20 Secret #17: The Amazing Power of Charity [The section is written by Faisal Bin Ali Al Ba’dani. Source:] Money is the money of Allah glorified and exalted be he and he granted his slaves succession in it to see how will they act and then he will question them when they are present between his hands: Where did they earn it from and what did they spend it on? So, whoever earns it from Halal sources and spends it in the cause of Allah and in charity to attain Allah’s pleasure will be rewarded for his deeds and this will
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it be one of the reasons for his happiness. On the other hand whoever earns it from Haram sources and spends it in Haram ways will be punished and this will be one of the reasons for his misery (except if Allah grants him mercy). Knowing this, it became mandatory for one (if he wanted success) to take care of what Allah loves about dealing with his wealth which means that one should accustom himself to rushing towards spending wealth in every way that Islam recommends according to his ability and to accustom oneself to not spending wealth in any way that Islam forbade. One of the greatest things that Allah has legislated and urged his slaves to seek its rewards is: charity 1. Charity has been legislated for two noble reasons: 1. To fulfill Muslims needs. 2. To support Islam2. There are so many verses from the Quran and so many references from the Sunna of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that elaborate on the virtues of this act of worship (giving charity). These virtues are so many that they can fill an entire book let alone an article. That’s why I will mention the most important virtues of charity.
20.1 Charity’s High Status and the Elevation of the Charity Giver Charity is one of the best good deeds and one of the most beloved good deeds to Allah glorified and exalted be he. The proof for this is the Hadeeth narrated by Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “... and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt or stave away hunger from him.” 3 Also the Hadeeth: “One of the best deeds is that you bring happiness to a fellow Mumin (believer): pay off his debt, or fulfill one of his needs or relieve him from distress” 4. Moreover, Charity actually prides itself over other good deeds. Umar Bin Al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “Good deeds each pride themselves then charity says: ‘I’m the best of you’” 5. This high status of the charity elevates the charity giver along with it. The charity giver is on the top levels. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “This worldly life is for four types of people: (A) A slave whom Allah has granted money and knowledge so he fears Allah with them, maintains his
Charity is expenditure that you seek its rewards from Allah. Charity is a term given for obligatory charity as well as voluntarily charity however in Islamic Law the obligatory charity is called “Zakat” and the voluntarily charity is called “Sadaqa” 2 Jaami’ Al Bayan by Attabarani 3 Hasan by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 4 Saheeh by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 5 Saheeh Ibn Khuzaima
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it ties of kinship with them, and he knows that Allah has rights in them. This is the best of levels…” 6 He is the one who has the upper hand just like what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told in the Hadeeth: “The upper hand is better than the lower hand (the hand giving in charity is better than the one receiving it)” 7 and he is amongst the best of people because of the benefit he brings to the people. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The best of people is the one who brings benefit to the people” 8 and he is among the people of good in the afterlife, and this can be proved by what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “People of good in worldly life are people of good in the afterlife” 9 The high status of the charity giver is not obtained only in the afterlife it also includes this worldly life as whoever becomes generous will rule; and whoever becomes stingy will become dishonorable. Moreover, Mohammed Ibn Habban said: “All those who ruled either during the times of ignorance or during Islam until they became famous of their ruling, and their people obeyed them, and anyone far away or close by would approach them, they didn’t reach this level except by feeding people and honoring guests”.
20.2 Charity Protects its Giver from Trials, Tribulations and Hardships The charity giver never falls, and even if he falls he would fall on a cushion. Trials, tribulations and hardships never strike the charity giver as charity pushes away hardships, removes trials and tribulations and cures serious diseases. This has been proved by the Quran and the Sunna and it has also been proved by experience. One of the sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him which proves this is that he said: “Good deeds towards people protect from catastrophes and disasters and bad endings” 10. Also when people got frightened by the solar eclipse, prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told them: “If you see that then supplicate to Allah and glorify Allah (by saying Allahu Akbar) and pray and give charity” 11 Ibn Daqeeq said in his commentary on this Hadeeth: “This Hadeeth includes a proof that giving charity is recommended when you fear something in order to push away that which you fear”. Charity also saves the body and keeps its giver away from diseases and this is proved by what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Cure the sick amongst you by giving charity”12 Ibn Al Haj commented: “what’s meant by curing the sick by giving charity is that the sick person buys himself from Allah glorified and exalted be he with as much value as he thinks he’s worth. There is no doubt that
Jaami Atthirmithi [Hasan Saheeh] Saheeh Muslim 8 Shuab Al Iman by Al Baihaqi 9 Al Adab Al Mufrad by Al Bukhari 10 Saheeh by Al Albni [Saheeh Al Jaami’] 11 Saheeh Al Bukhari 12 Shuab Al Iman by Al Baihaqi 7
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it charity has its effect because it’s the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him who told us and the one who told prophet Mohammed is Allah glorified and exalted be he”. A man asked Ibn Al Mubarak about an ulcer in his knee that has been there for 7 years and doctors gave up trying to cure it. So, Ibn Al Mubarak suggested that the man digs a well that people can drink from and he said: I hope that a spring might flow out of it so that your disease might be cured. Also Abu Abdullah Al Hakim had ulcer on his face for a year so he asked the righteous people to pray for him and they prayed a lot. Then he made a drinking water source available for people as charity. After one week his ulcer was gone and his face was cured. Al Manawi also tried the cure of charity and they found out that spiritual medication does what physical medication cannot do. Not only that but also some of the Salaf - Salaf means the companions of the prophet Mohammed and two generations after them- they believed that charity pushes away catastrophes, disasters and hardships from its giver even if he were a wrongdoer. Ibrahim Annukh’e said: “they used to believe that charity protects even the wrongdoer”. On the other hand, not giving charity brings disasters and hardships to the one withholding from giving charity. Anas Bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said that Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) told Jacob (Ya’koup) –may peace be upon them allhe told him that Allah glorifed and exalted be he said: “Do you know why I have made you blind and bent your back and do you know why Joseph (Yusuf) brothers did what they did to him? Because you slaughtered a goat and then an orphan approached you while he was fasting and you never gave him anything out of it”.13
20.3 The Greatness and Multiplication of Charity Rewards Allah grows charity and multiplies its reward for the charity giver and uplifts him in ranks. Proof from the Quran that Allah multiplies the rewards for charity is what Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and [they who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.” (Al Hadid – The Iron 57:18). This verse shows that the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity do not keep on reminding those who received the charity with it. They don’t treat people this way. They just loan Allah and deal directly with him. So, what is a better motive for giving charity than knowing that you are actually loaning Allah the rich the all praiseworthy. What is a better motive for giving charity than knowing that you are dealing with the owner of existence? What is a better motive for giving charity than knowing that whatever you spend in charity will come back to you multiplied many folds. Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him 13
Al Mustadrak by Al Hakim made Saheeh by Ath’thahabi
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it you will be returned.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:245). Al Jassas said: “The reason behind calling charity as loan is to confirm that the reward is due to the charity giver as there is no loan without a payback”. Ibn Al Qayyem commented and said: “Whenever the charity giver knows that whatever he gives in charity must return to him, it will be easy for him to give out charity and whenever he knows that the one being loaned is already rich it will be much more easier for him to give out charity and he will “like it” to give out charity and whenever the charity giver knows that the one being loaned will actually grow this loan until it becomes many folds more then he will like giving charity even more and more. Finally if he knows that the one being loaned will return the loan back of the same type as well as of other types then he will never withhold himself from giving charity except for sickness in himself or stinginess or lack of trust in the guarantee of Allah glorified and exalted be he”. 14 Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:261). This verse has a great effect that pushes one to give charity as Allah multiplies without counting and this is because of his mercy and his unlimited provision. One of the sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that proves the greatness of the reward of charity is: “Abu Huraira ( may Allah be pleased with him ) related that Allah’s messenger ( may peace be upon him ) said : “Anyone who gives a charity even a date from lawful earning, Allah takes it with his right hand and make it grow for him as one of you takes care of his young horse or young camel and sees it grow, till that date or charity becomes like a mountain or even greater” [Narrated by Bokhari & Muslim]. Ibn Hajr said: “Charity is the cub of good deeds, and what a cub needs most is care, so if good care was taken it will eventually reach closer to perfection. Similarly are the good deeds of the son of Adam – especially charity – if one gives charity out of good halal earning, Allah will keep looking at it and keeps making it grow until its proportion to the original good deed becomes like that of the mountain to a date. It seems that what is meant by its greatness is that it becomes so great that it becomes heavy on the scale on the day of judgment. It’s also possible that this might be an expression of its rewards.” Also the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever spends something in the way of Allah it will be recorded for him 700 times” 15. Al Mubarkafori said: “and this is the least of the promise and Allah multiplies for whomever he wishes”. Also the Hadeeth of Abu Masud Al Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man came with a shecamel having a halter and said: “I will give this she-camel as charity” so the prophet Mohammed may
14 15
Tareeq Al Hijratain by Ibn Al Qayyem Al Musnad
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it peace be upon him replied: “You will be rewarded 700 she-camels all having halters on the day of judgment” 16 Also a poor man asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her for food) while she was having grapes in her hands, so she told someone: “take a grape and give it to him” so he kept looking at her and wondered, Aisha then said: “Do you wonder? Don’t you see how many atoms are there in this one grape?” 17 she was referring to the verse from the Quran: “So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it” (Azzalzala – The Earthquake 99:7). Yahya Ibn Muath said: “I never know of any grain that weighs as much as the mountains of this worldly life but a grain of charity”.
20.4 Charity Puts Out Sins and Erases Them Allah has made charity a reason for forgiving sins. This has been proved by verses from the Quran and the Sunna and amongst these verses is what Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds” (Hud 11:114). This is a general verse that includes every good deed and charity is one of the greatest good deeds. Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, THE CHARITABLE MEN AND THE CHARITABLE WOMEN, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.” (Al Ahzab – The Combined Forces 33:35). Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous (133) Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good (134)” (Al Imran – The Family of Imran 3:133-134) we can conclude from this verse that one of the first and most noble deeds that Allah forgives sins because of them is spending in the cause of Allah and giving charity. Also what proves that charity puts out sins and erases them is that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Give charity even if it’s half a date as it fulfills the hunger of a hungry person and puts out sin just like water puts out fire” “Give charity even if it’s half a date for it provides for a hungry person and puts out sin just like water puts out fire” 18 Also the hadeeth that was mentioned in Al Bukhari “Charity covers misdeeds just like snow covers the stones” 19 Also the Hadeeth in Al Bukhari
Muslim Al Muwatta’ 18 Saheeh by al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 19 Saheeh Ibn Habban 17
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it narrated by Huthaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) and it mentioned: “A man’s sin against his family, his wealth, his children and his neighbor is forgiven by prayer, charity and good deeds” 20 Also what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “O salesmen, Sin and Satan are present in sales transactions, so mix your sales with charity” 21 This means that a salesman might exaggerate in describing his goods until he speaks false things and he might even take a risk and swear by Allah just to market his product, so it is recommended to give charity to erase this. Mohammed Ibn Al Munkadir said: “one of the things that necessitates forgiveness is feeding a hungry Muslim” some of the scholars said: “Since Allah has forgiven someone who gave a dog water to drink because it was thirsty then what do you think about someone who gives thirsty people water to drink and gives hungry people food to eat and gives naked people clothes to wear”. Due to the large number of evidences (verses from the Quran and the Sunna) that prove that charity erases sins, some of the scholars recommended giving charity after every sin. Maybe they based their conclusion upon what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Follow a misdeed with a good deed and it will erase it” 22 Charity is amongst the greatest good deeds.
20.5 Charity Blesses Money and Increases Provision Charity protects money from disasters and corruption and it blesses money, charity is a reason for rewarding the charity giver with what’s more beneficial to him than his charity. Many verses from the Quran and the Sunna prove this and it’s also proven by tangible experience. Among the verses that prove that charity brings provision is the saying of the one whose repositories never end the saying of Allah glorified and exalted be he when he said and promised whoever gives charity with rewards, he said: “But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers." (Saba – Sheba 34:39) Ibn Ashura said in his interpretation of this verse: “Allah has confirmed and reassured that what he compensates is much better than what the charity giver spends in charity”. The famous scholar Assa’di said: “ Allah’s saying: ‘whatever thing you spend [in His cause]’ this is a general term for charity whether it’s a voluntarily one or an obligatory one, whether it’s charity for a person close to the charity giver or for a neighbor or for a poor or for an orphan or for anyone else, whatever charity it is, Allah will compensate it, so never think that spending in the cause of Allah reduces provision” 23 Also what proves that charity is a gate of provision and a reason for its abundance and its continuity and charity always gives the charity giver more and more, What Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor];” (Ibrahim – Abrahim 14:7) Giving charity is one of the highest levels of being grateful. Also Allah said in the divine hadeeth: “O son of Adam spend [in the
Al Bukhari Jaami’ Attirmithi 22 Jaami Attirmithi and Hasan by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 23 Taiseer Al Kareem Arrahman by Assa’di 21
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it cause of Allah] and I will spend on you” 24 also what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet said: Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allah! Destroy every miser'.(Bukhari). Also what proves that charity increases provision is what Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Once while a man was walking in the desert, he heard a voice in a cloud saying, 'Water the garden of so-and-so.' And that cloud went and poured out its water into a rocky area. There was a certain water channel which held all the water and he followed it and found a man standing in his garden directing the water with his spade. He said to him. 'Slave of Allah, what is your name?' He said, 'So-and-so' giving the same name he had heard from the cloud. The man then said to him, 'O slave of Allah, why did you ask me my name?' He said, 'I heard a voice in the cloud from which this water came say, "Water the garden of so-and-so" giving your name. What are you doing with it?' He said, 'Since you have said this, I will [say]. I wait and see what it produces and give a third of it away as charity, and my family and I eat from a third, and I reinvest a third back into it." [Muslim] On the other hand many verses from the Quran and the Sunnah came to reply for those types of people who think that charity reduces wealth and brings poverty and causes loss, so these verses came to prove that charity never reduces wealth and that stinginess and miserliness are the main cause of reduction and deprivation of blessings, tightening of provision and destruction of wealth and the main cause behind lack of growth in wealth. Amongst these verses is what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Charity never reduces wealth” 25 and also what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Three things that I swear to be true are that a man's property does not become less on account of (giving) charity; that when a man is wronged and bears it patiently, God will give him greater honor on that account; and that when a man (begs without dire need), God opens for him a door toward poverty."26 Also what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told Asma Bint Abi Bakr (may Allah be pleased with both of them) when she said to him: “I have no money except that which Azzubair brings in” so the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him replied: “Spend [i.e. in charity and in the cause of Allah] and don’t count lest Allah counts for you, and don’t hoard up lest Allah withhold from you.” 27 The tangible experience proves that: “Support from Allah comes in proportion to the needs of the slave” 28 and that provision of the slave comes to him from Allah in proportion to his expenditure in the cause of Allah, so whoever spends much in the cause of Allah, Allah will spend much on him, and whoever 24
Al Bukhari Muslim 26 Jaami’ Attirmithi 27 Al Bukhari 28 Saheeh by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 25
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it spends little in the cause of Allah, Allah will spend little on him, and whoever withholds from spending in the cause of Allah, Allah will withhold provision from him. Many people stated that this is tried and real, and also one of the proofs for that is the story of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that a poor man begged her when she was fasting and there was nothing in her house except bread. So, Aisha told her servant to give it to him. The servant replied: “you have nothing else to eat for you breakfast!”. Aisha replied: “just give it to him!” so the servant did give it to him. The servant said: “when the evening came, some people gifted us an entire goat so Aisha called me and said: ‘eat from this, this is better than your piece of bread’” 29 It’s all about faith and belief. It’s just like what Al Hasan Al Basri said: “Whoever was certain of the compensation would be generous in his charity”.
20.6 Charity Protects from Punishment and it is a Way to Enter Paradise Charity and spending in good causes is ransom from punishment just like what was mentioned in the Hadeeth: “…an example of a man who was captured by an enemy, they tied his hands with his neck, and they brought him forward to bash him and then he said: I would give ransom for myself with little and with much, so he freed himself from them by this ransom” 30 There are so many verses from the Quran and the Sunna that show that charity is a barrier between the slave and the wrath of Allah. Amongst these verses is the Hadeeth of Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) about proving the existence of grave punishment and grave pleasure where he said that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “When the deceased is placed in his grave and when his people depart and leave him, he hears their footsteps, so, if he is a believer his prayers will be next to his head, fasting will be to his right, zakah (obligatory charity) will be to his left and other good deeds (of charity, maintenance of ties of kinship and doing good to people..etc) will be next to his feet. Punishment then comes from the direction of his head then prayer says: “There is no entrance from my side”, then punishment comes from his right and fasting says: “There is no entrance from my side” then punishment comes from his left and Zakat says: “There is no entrance from my side” then punishment comes from the direction of his feet and good deeds says: “There is no entrance from my side” 31 There are also the sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that include warnings and threats to rich people. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Woe to rich people, except he who does like this and like this and like this (3 times) and he poured the soil with his
Al Muwatta by Malik Jaami’ Attirmithi, Saheeh by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ 31 Saheeh Ibn Habban, Al Mustadrak 30
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it hands towards his right and towards his left and in front of him and then said: and those are few” 32 (this means those who spend a lot in charity in all directions). Also the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever freed a Muslim slave it will be a release for him from hell fire an organ for an organ” 33 Also what Saeed Al Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “O women give charity as I saw that most of the people of hell fire are women” They said: “and why is that?” he replied: “You curse a lot and you deny good which is done unto you” 34 Ibn Hajr said in his commentary on this Hadeeth: “it shows that charity pushes away punishment and it conceals sins that happen between the creation”. Ashawkani also said when he listed the benefits of this Hadeeth: “it shows that charity is amongst the things that push away punishment because he said that the reason that most of the dwellers of hell fire are women is that they deny the blessings upon them” Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him urged his nation to protect themselves from the punishment of the afterlife by giving charity – no matter how small it is – Uday Bin Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “There is no one but that Allah will talk to him directly without a translator. So he ‘the person’ will look towards his right and he will see nothing but his deeds, and he will look towards his left and he will see nothing but his deeds, and he will look in front of him and he will see nothing but hell fire in front of his face. So protect yourselves from hell fire even if with half a date” 35 The effect of charity is not only limited to pushing away the heat of the graves and freeing from hell fire but it also includes pushing away fear and sadness from the charity giver and also charity is a reason for attaining security and amongst the great paths to enter paradise. Amongst the verses that prove this is the saying of Allah glorified and exalted be he: “Those who spend their wealth [in Allah 's way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly - they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:274). This includes all kinds of charity be it for the poor or for the needy or for supporting Islam at any point in time. Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous (133) Who spend [in the cause of Allah ] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;(134)” (Aal Imran – The Family of Imran 3:134). In this verse Allah glorified and exalted be he revealed the characteristics of the people of paradise and amongst the most noble characteristics that qualifies them for entering paradise is spending in the cause of Allah and giving charity and doing all kinds of good to Allah’s servants. 32
Al Musnad, Saheeh Al Musnad 34 Al Bukhari 35 Al Bukhari 33
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Amongst the verses from the Sunnah and way of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that proves that charity is one of the reasons for entering paradise is that he said: “There are 40 kinds of good deeds, the top of them is giving a goat to someone so that he may benefit from it (including its milk) for some time and then he gives it back to you. No one would perform any of those 40 kinds of good deeds hoping for their reward and believing in its promise but Allah will admit him into paradise because of them” 36 Again, the effect of charity is not only limited to this, it’s a very great deal. The angels who are the gate keepers of paradise rush to invite the charity giver to enter paradise from their gates. Paradise also has a gate called “The Gate of Charity”, those who give charity enter paradise from this gate. Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever spends a pair37 in the cause of Allah38 will be called from the gates of heaven to enter heaven. So, whoever was amongst the people of charity would enter heaven from the gate of charity” 39
Al Aini explained that what’s meant by charity here is the voluntary charity because the obligatory charity (Zakat) is a must anyway (a must for those who are qualified to pay Zakat) because if one doesn’t pay the obligatory charity (Zakat) one will be afraid that he might be called from the gates of hell.
20.7 Charity is a Proof for the Authenticity of Faith, Strength of Belief and Positive Thinking of Allah Money deviates the hearts away from Allah, because the self is inclined towards loving it and being stingy with it. So, if one feels good about spending money in charity and in the cause of Allah this will be a proof for the authenticity of his faith, and a proof for his belief in Allah’s promise and a proof for his love for Allah because he gave priority to the pleasure of Allah over the money which he ‘the slave’ was created inclined towards loving. This is proved by the saying of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him: “Charity is Proof”40 Which means that charity is a proof for the authenticity of the faith of the charity giver. A hypocrite would not give charity because he does not believe in it. So whoever gives charity, it will prove his faith. Giving charity while feeling good about it, gives the heart that sweet taste of faith and it deepens the belief in Allah glorified and exalted be he, and it makes reliance upon him sincere, and it enforces trust in Allah and positive thinking of him because whoever knows the richness and generosity of Allah and
Al Bukhari Pair means spending two things from the same kind of wealth in charity (e.g. two goats, two jackets, two houses…etc) 38 In the cause of Allah means all kinds of spending to do good 39 Al Bukhari 40 Muslim 37
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it whosever heart is enlightened will have greater hope and this first life (the life of this world) will be so small in his sight so he will spend much in charity and will never fear deprivation. This is proved by the saying of the strongest of the believers, the leader of those who rely upon Allah, the one who has the most positive thinking of Allah, that is the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him. He told Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) when he kept something for himself and didn’t spend it in charity, he told him: “Spend O Bilal [i.e. spend in charity], and don't ever have any fear of any reduction from the Master (Owner) of the throne."41 After Al Qurtubi explained that not spending in charity and having fear of reduction is considered bad negative thinking of Allah, Al Qurtubi then said: “If a slave has positive thinking about Allah he would never fear reduction because Allah always compensates because of charity as Allah said: ‘But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers’”.
20.8 Charity Purifies the Soul from Bad Traits and Beautifies it with Good Traits Charity purifies the soul from all bad traits and clears it from all catastrophes and it protects it from the Devil. Also charity keeps the charity giver away from the trait of miserliness that Allah said being protected from miserliness is a cause for success. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful.” (Al Hashr – The Exile 59:9). Allah cures with charity the diseases of “loving one’s own self” as well as the disease of pride. Charity also pushes away selfishness and it prevents from being a slave to money which the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him supplicated against he who becomes a slave of money, he said: “Perish the slave of Dinar, Dirham, Qatifa (thick soft cloth), and Khamisa (a garment), for if he is given, he is pleased; otherwise he is dissatisfied”42 On the other hand, charity beautifies manners as it includes training for generosity and it accustoms the charity giver to self-denial and it raises him and gives him victory over himself and it reigns his devil and gives him high aims because it connects the slave with his lord and connects him to the afterlife and weakens his attachment to this worldly life. This is proved by Allah in the verse from the Quran that says: “Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase” (Attawbah – The Repentance 9:103). Also what proves that charity purifies the soul is the saying of Allah glorified and exalted be he: “O you who have believed, when you [wish to] privately consult the Messenger, present before your consultation a charity. That is better for you and purer” (Al Mujadila – The Pleading Woman 58:12) [the charity meant in this verse is charity that the messenger of Allah will give to others, it’s not charity for
41 42
Al Mu’jam Al Awsat by Attabarani Narrated by Abu Huraira in Al Bukhari
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it him because the messenger of Allah is not allowed to take charity for himself] in this verse Allah showed that charity is a reason for attaining good and purity of the soul. And if charity had no benefits except that it attaches the soul to good deeds and makes the soul busy with acts of worship this would be enough. Some of the Salaf said: “A reward of a good deed is another good deed after it, and the reward of a misdeed is another misdeed after it”
20.9 Charity is a Gate for All Other Good Deeds Allah has made charity and spending in his cause a key to acts of good. This is because money is amongst the most beloved things to a person. So whoever gave priority to what Allah loves over what he loves and gave his money to the needy and used it to support Islam and give victory to it, Allah will guide him to righteous work and he will guide him to best of morals, the thing that doesn’t happen without charity. Allah will also give him all means of making his life easy in the sense that it will be easy for him to do other kinds of good deeds and it will never be difficult for him. This is proved by the saying of Allah glorified and exalted be he: “As for he who gives and fears Allah (5) And believes in the best [reward] (6) We will ease him toward ease (7)” (Al-Layl – The Night 92:5-7). Assa’di said in his interpretation of this verse: “’we will ease him toward ease’ means that we will make his affairs easy for him and we will make all good deeds easy for him and we will make abandoning sins easy for him because he did the means of ease so Allah made it easy for him” Allah also made this clear when he said: “Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it” (Al Imran – The Family of Imran 3:92). The companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him understood this verse very well so they were keen on giving the best of money in charity hoping for Allah’s reward. When their love for something increases they used to give it away in charity. For example Abu Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) was the richest amongst the Ansar and the most beloved part of his money to him was a garden of palm trees, so when this verse was revealed: “Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love” he went to the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him and said: “Allah says in his book ‘Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love’ and the most beloved part of my money to me is a garden of palm trees and I declared it as charity for the sake of Allah hoping for its reward from Allah so O messenger of Allah, put it wherever you wish…”43 Also when this verse was revealed Zaid Bin Haritha said: “O Allah you know that I have no money more beloved to me than my mare” so he went to the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him and told him: “This mare is a charity for the cause of Allah” prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him replied: “Allah has accepted it from you” 44 Also Abdullah Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with both of them)
43 44
Al Bukhari Tafseer Abdur Razzaq
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it was once riding a great camel, when he felt that he liked it, he stepped down and gave it away as charity for the cause of Allah. Also a lot of the righteous people of this nation walked on this path. For example whenever a beggar begged Arrabee Bin Khatheem he used to tell his wife: “O so and so, give the beggar sugar as I love sugar”. It was also said that Omar Bin Abdul Aziz used to buy sugar and give it away as charity. So, they told him: “Instead of giving sugar itself as charity why don’t you give the value of it in money as charity?” he replied: “Because sugar is more beloved to me than money, so I wanted to give charity from that which I love”. This was the way of the righteous people of past generations. So, is there anyone who will walk the same path!
20.10 The One Who Gives Charity Will Get The Same Rewards As The One Who Performs Good Deeds Because of Receiving This Charity How happy those who give charity are! Verses from the Quran and the Sunna proved that the one who gives charity gets the same rewards as the one who performs good deeds because of receiving this charity, as much rewards as much as he assisted him and this will not reduce the rewards of the one who performs the good deeds. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever gives someone fasting breakfast (either by giving him food or money with which to buy food) he will have the same rewards of the one who is fasting without any reduction” 45 And this is not limited to only fasting but it includes all kinds of good deeds. Whoever assists someone to perform a good deed will have the same rewards of the one who actually performs it. O you who can fast while eating and drinking, O you who can teach the Quran without teaching it yourself, O you who can spread good without doing it yourself, O you who can call and invite to Allah everywhere while you are at your home don’t deprive yourself of this reward and do the commandment of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him when he said: “Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death” (Narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim) Know for sure that money will definitely go away and the good deeds will remain as no one will live with his money forever, and money will not enter the grave along with its owner it’s just a trust with you and it must be taken back from you. So why do you neglect this?
20.11 The Reward for Charity is of the Same Type of the Charity Itself Whoever spends something in charity Allah will reward him with rewards that are of the same type of his charity but better than it. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever sets a 45
Al Musnad by Ahmed
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Muslim slave free, Allah will set his body parts free from hell fire, a part for a part even his private parts for his private parts”. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “he who covers up (the faults and sins) of a Muslim, Allah will cover up (his faults and sins) in this world and in the Hereafter”46 covering up here is holistic term that includes all the sins of a slave. Abu Saeed Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) also narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Whoever feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise; and whoever gives a drink to a thirsty believer, Allah will quench his thirst (on the Day of Judgment) with an exquisite drink of Paradise; and whoever clothes a believer, Allah will clothe him with a green robe of Paradise.”47 It is not only limited to rewarding for charity with something of its same type but it also exceeds this as the greatness of the reward is in proportion to how much happiness was brought to the one who received the charity, and how severe was the difficulty that the charity relieved him from. The one giving the charity will receive his rewards equally to that as well. The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “"He who relieves a hardship of this Dunya (this earthly life) for a believer, Allah will relieve a hardship of the Day of Resurrection for him; he who makes it easy for an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; Allah will be in the slave 's need, as long as the slave is in his (believing) brother's need…" [Saheeh Muslim] Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “Whoever meets a Muslim brother out of love ,purely to make him happy then Allah will make him happy on the day of judgment”48 The prophet Mohammed said that this already happened so he said: “There was a businessman who used to give credits to people, so whenever he found someone who cannot pay he would tell his people: forgive him, maybe Allah will forgive us. So Allah did forgive him”49 Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “There was a man who never did a good deed at all, and he used to give credits to people in business, so he would tell his messenger: Take money from he who can pay, and leave those who cannot, and forgive maybe Allah will forgive us. So when he died Allah told him: Have you ever performed any good? He said: no, except that I had someone who worked for me, and I used to give credits to people, so when I used to send him to collect my money I used to tell him: take money from he who can pay and leave those who cannot pay and forgive maybe Allah will forgive us. Allah replied: I forgive you”50
Muslim Sunan Abi Dawood 48 Al Mujam Assagheer by Attabarani 49 Al Bukhari 50 Saheeh by Muslim 47
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it Huthaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) also narrated that the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Allah brought one of his slaves whom he has given money and asked him: ‘What did you do in the first life (the life of this world)?’ he replied: I did nothing except that you gave me money and I used to do business with people and it was a trait of mine to make it easy for he who can pay and wait for he who cannot pay. Allah replied: I’m more worthy of this than you, leave my slave”51 So for those of you who recognize the greatness of their sins and their great shortage in obeying Allah, do give a lot of charity as ransom for yourselves, relief from your distress and a release from grave punishment. Today is only work without accounting and tomorrow is accounting without work.
20.12 Charity Shades its Giver in Judgment Day In judgment day there is unbelievable heat, and the all the slaves of Allah will remain in it for a long time that is estimated to be 50 thousand years without food and without drink. The sun is so close to their heads and the distance between them and the sun is only one mile. Earth will be quenched with their sweat. The sweat level of people will be according to their deeds. Some of them will have sweat reach up to their ankles, others will have sweat reach up to their knees, others will have sweat reach up to their waist, and some people’s sweat will cover their mouths52. While yet some others will never be affected, those are the ones who have a lot of good deeds and amongst them are the charitable people. Verses from the Quran and the Sunna proved that they will be covered under the shade of their charities which protects them from the extreme heat. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Everyone will be under the shade of his charity until people are judged”53 It doesn’t stop here, prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: 'I fear Allah', a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.' Narrated by Abu Hurairah & collected in Sahih al-Bukhari (english trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Sahih Muslim english trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248 The righteous people of past generations understood this very well, so they took maximum care of charity and they took care of spending in the cause of Allah and the instances in which they gave charity are uncountable. For example, Omar Bin Al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) sent 400 Dinars 51
Saheeh by Al Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’ Muslim 53 Al Musnad by Ahmed 52
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it with a servant to Abu Obaida and he told him: “wait for him until you see what he does with the money”, the servant took the money and went to Abu Obaida and he said: “Amir Al Mumineen [The commander of the believers] tells you use this money for your needs]. Abu Obaida said: “May Allah have mercy on him. O servant [calling his servant] take 7 of this money and give it to so and so and 5 to so and so” until he spent all the money in charity. So Omar servant went back to Omar and told him the story. Omar then gave the servant a similar amount and told him take this amount to Moath Bin Jabal and wait for him until you see what he does with it. The servant went to Moath and told him: “The commander of the believers [Amir Al Mumineen] tells you to use this money for your needs” Moath Bin Jabal replied and said: “May Allah have mercy on him, O servant [calling his servant] come take this amount to so and so, this amount to so and so and this amount to so and so” then his wife told him: “By Allah we are also poor so give us some” by that time there were only 2 Dinars left so he gave them to her. The servant went back to Omar and told him the story and Omar felt happy and said: “By Allah they are real brothers”54 Also here is another story of Marthad Al Mozani the great scholar, he never missed giving charity in any day and he never goes out to the Masjid without having something to give in charity sometimes money, sometimes bread, sometimes wheat sometimes even onion. So they once told him: “This will make your clothes stink” he replied: “I didn’t find anything in the house to give in charity but this onion, a companion of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told me once that he said: ‘the shade of the believer in the judgment day is his charity’”55
20.13 Voluntary Charity Completes What’s Missing From the Obligatory Charity (Zakat) Allah has made Zakat obligatory and made it the most important practical Islam pillar after Sala (prayer) as Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:43) and he considered not giving Zakat (obligatory charity) a trait of the hypocrites, Allah said: “And woe to those who associate others with Allah (6) Those who do not give zakah, and in the Hereafter they are disbelievers (7)” (Fussilat – Explained in Detail 4:6-7) Allah made serious threats and warnings to those who are stingy and don’t give out the obligatory charity, Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment (34) The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, [it will be said], "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard (35)” (Attawbah – The Repentance 9:34-45). The prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “Whoever is made wealthy by Allah and does not pay the Zakat of his wealth, then on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be made like a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two black spots over the eyes. The snake will encircle his neck 54 55
Azzuhd by Ibn Al Mubarak Saheeh Ibn Khuzaima
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it and bite his cheeks and say, ‘I am your wealth, I am your treasure.’” Then the Prophet recited the following holy verse: ‘And let not those who greedily withhold of the gifts which Allah has given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: soon shall the things which they greedily withheld be tied to their necks like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment. To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is well acquainted with all that you do” (Al Imran – The Family of Imran 3:180)” [Al-Bukhari, Volume 24, Hadith No 486.] It is still not only limited to this as Abdullah Bin Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “He who withholds the obligatory charity (Zakaat) is not a Muslim”56 Some scholars even went to the extent of saying that he who does not give obligatory charity (Zakat) out of stinginess and miserliness is a Kafir (non-believer) – Although this is against the opinion of the majority of the scholars – They based their conclusion on the verse from the Quran: “But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, then they are your brothers in religion;” (Attawbah – The Repentance 9:11). As long as Zakat has this much importance, and a slave is subject to falling short of fulfilling this obligation completely or by simply forgetting to give zakat or by having a mistake in calculating its amount Allah glorified and exalted be he (out of his mercy) legislated for his servants the voluntary charity so that it acts as a completion to the obligatory charity. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The first thing that a slave will be held accountable for is prayer, if he completed it, it will be recorded for him as complete but if he didn’t complete it Allah will tell his angels: ‘Are there any voluntary good deeds for my servant by which you can complete what he missed of his prayers?’ the same will also happen about Zakat and then the rest of the deeds”57
20.14 Charity is a Treasure for its Giver on The Day of Judgment Deeds will be weighed on judgment day and a slave on that day will need good deeds desperately to make his scale heavy so that he may become happy and successful. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] - it is they who are the successful (102) But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who have lost their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally (103).” (Al Muminun – The Believers 23:102-103). Also there are numerous verses from the Sunna that proves that charity is a treasure for its giver on the day of judgment. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Son of Adam says: 'My wealth, my wealth' Do you own of your wealth other than what you eat and consume, and what you wear and wear out, or what you give in Sadaqah (charity to those who deserve it) and that is what you will have in stock for yourself."58 Moreover, prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him made charity the real wealth of a person as he asked the companions: “Who amongst you loves the money of his inheritors more than his own 56
Al Musannaf by Ibn Abi Shaiba Sunan Abi Dawood 58 Muslim 57
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it money?" They replied, "O Messenger of Allah! There is no one of us except that he loves his own money more than he loves the money of his inheritors." So the Prophet (may peace be upon him) replied, "But his money is only that which he sent forth, and the money of his inheritors is what he left behind."59 The companions of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him understood this very well. Omar Bin Al Khattab said the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him has commanded us to spend in charity and I happened to have some money and I said to myself “Today I will precede Abubakr if I ever precede him” then I brought half of my money and the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked “what have you left for your family” he said “ a similar amount” and Abubakr brought all of his money and the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him asked “What have you left for your family?” Abubakr replied “I left for them Allah and his messenger” then Omar Bin Al Khattab said “By Allah I will never be able to precede you in anything”. Abubakr spent all of his money in charity. Also Abdur Rahman Bin Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) heard the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him urge people to give charity so he said: “O messenger of Allah, I have 4 thousand: I will give 2 thousand in charity and I will keep 2 thousand for my family” then he gave 40 thousand in charity, then 4 thousand Dinar, then he gave 500 mares in charity and then he gave 1500 camels in charity.60 So be smart and love your afterlife; it is way greater than this life.
20.15 The Rewards of Charity Continue Even After Your Death Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “When a Person Dies all his Good deeds Cease Except for Three: A continuous Act of Charity, Beneficial Knowledge, and Righteous child who Prays for Him”61 He also said: “Four things continue to reward a person even after his death; a man who dies on the true path, a good advise or knowledge given by him to someone who acts on that advice, an act of charity and a good son who prays for him and asks for forgiveness on his behalf.”62 Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “Among the good deeds that continue to benefit a believer after death are: a knowledge that he taught and disseminated, a righteous child who lived after him, a Qur'an book that he left as inheritance a masjid that he built, a house that he built for the two wayfarers, a stream that he ran, or a charity that he gave from his wealth during his healthy lifetime so that it would reach him (in rewards) after death”63
Al Bukhari Al Helya by Abi Na’eem 61 Muslim 62 Al Musnad by Ahmed 63 Sunan Ibn Majah 60
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it If charity had no benefit whatsoever except that it would keep rewarding the charity giver even after his death this would be enough a reason to give charity for he who uses his mind and he who wanted survival.
20.16 Gifting The Rewards of Charity to the Deceased Allah has made being kind to parents obligatory, and urged people to maintain their ties of kinship, and do good unto others. Among the greatest good deeds of being kind, doing good and maintaining ties of kinship is benefitting the deceased when he is put under his grave, when his earning stops and when his afterlife begins. The deceased is in desperate need for the rewards of good deeds. So when you do a good deed and have the intention of gifting its rewards to the deceased the rewards will reach the deceased. The Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told us that the rewards of good deeds do reach the deceased if you have this intention. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “A man came to the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him and said: ‘O messenger of Allah, my Mom passed away and she didn’t leave a will, I believe if she did she would have told us to give charity. Will she have rewards if I give charity on behalf of her’ He replied: yes”64 This is not only limited on the charity of a child on behalf of his parents but also if a friend gives charity on behalf of his deceased friend it would benefit him. Wathila Bin Al Asqa’ (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We were with the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him in the Battle of Tabuk, Some men from the tribe of Saleem came to him and said: ‘O messenger of Allah, a friend of ours passed away’ the messenger of Allah replied: ‘Free a slave on behalf of him and Allah will free for each body part a part of his from hell fire’”65 So, O you who have good manners, O you who never forget whoever does good unto you, return the good with a greater good. They are in a place of regret and the thing that they need the most is your good deeds on behalf of them. What goes around comes around. Just like you do good unto your parents and unto your relatives your children will do good unto you and your relatives will do good unto you and all those whom you had a favor upon will also do good unto you.
20.17 Charity Covers Up the Sins of a Slave and it Brings the Love of People, Praise and their Praying for Him Charity is a reason for gaining the love of people as the charitable person is praise worthy and loved by those close by and those far away alike. On the other hand the stingy or miser has no friends and with this stinginess and miserliness he brings anger and hatred to himself. Being charitable brings the love of people and is a reason for them to pray for you
64 65
Saheeh Al Bukhari Al Mustadrak by Al Hakim [Saheeh]
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Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
20.18 Charity is a Way to Gain the Love of Allah, his Mercy and his Pleasure Charity contains mercy and compassion that’s why it is a reason for gaining the love of Allah the Lord of the worlds. It’s a reason for gaining his mercy and his pleasure because Allah loves those who do good, and he has mercy upon those who have mercy upon others. The Quran and the Sunna proved that charity is one of the reasons that Allah loves his slave. Allah glorified and exalted be he says: “And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:195). Also prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him told us in many instances that Allah loves the charitable person and those who do good unto others. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The most beloved people to Allah are those who bring the most benefit to others”66 Also many sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him state that Allah has mercy upon those who have mercy and compassion upon others and this is a trait of the charitable person. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The Most Merciful (i.e. Allah) shows mercy to those who have mercy on others. So, have mercy on those who are on earth and the one in the heavens will have mercy on you”67 Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him also said: “Allah doesn’t have mercy on he who doesn’t have mercy on people”68 Among the sayings of the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him that prove that charity pushes away Allah’s wrath and his anger and brings his pleasure upon the slave is: “Charity given in secret extinguishes the anger of Allah”
20.19 Giving Charity Means Having Victory Over the Satan of Oneself Allah warned his servants from Satan, and showed them his enmity against them and showed them that Satan vowed deviating them from the true path. Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:168). Allah glorified and exalted be he also said: “[Satan] said, ‘Because You have sent me astray, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path (16) Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].(17)" (Al Aaraf –The Heights 7:16-17). When it comes to charity devils combine forces against he who intends giving charity calling him towards stinginess and miserliness and forbidding him from generosity as Allah glorified and exalted be he said: “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing” (Al Baqara – The Cow 2:268) so if one gives charity he actually defeats those devils and becomes victorious over them.
Hasan by Al Albani [Saheeh Al Jaami’] Al Musnad by Ahmed 68 Al Bukhari 67
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it This is proved by what the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said “No man gives something as charity but that he dismantles the jaws of seventy devils”69 Al Manawi said in his explanation of this Hadeeth: “This is because the purpose of charity is to gain the pleasure of Allah but Satan and devils aim is to prevent the human being from getting this noble level so they keep on urging him, convincing him and trying to force him into not giving charity. The self also supports the devils as money is a beloved thing to oneself. So, if one gives charity he will have victory over all those devils and over himself as well and this acts as a strong proof for his straightforwardness and for the authenticity of the sincerity of his intention”. So, for you who want to please Allah, for you who want to have victory over your enemies, for you who want to cause your devils to live a misery; Hasten to giving charity!
20.20 Charity Brings Peace of Mind and Happiness to its Giver Charity, doing good deeds unto the creation and being kind to them are reasons for heart pleasure, satisfaction, peace of mind and happiness. This is because the one who gives charity feels that he is obeying Allah (glorified and exalted be he) and frees himself from the slavery of money and helps others and bring them happiness. The stingy and miser however is on the opposite side, if he thinks about giving charity in any day he would feel depressed, and his hand would be closed out of fear of reduction in his wealth. Ibn Al Qayyem said: “The generous is the happiest of people, the one having the most tranquility in his heart. The stingy has no good in him, he is the most depressed of people having the greatest worry and anxiety” Ibn Al Uthaimeen said: “If a human gives something in charity –especially money- he will find happiness and this is something which is tried out but no one benefits from it except he who gives generously and at the same time feels good about it and he gives money out of his heart before he gives it out of his hand. However, he who gives money out of his hand but deep down in his heart he feels resentment and he feels bad about it will not benefit from this money” because he might have given it out of shyness from people or just to show off without having a correct intention. Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him gave an example for the tranquility of the heart of someone who gives charity and the depression of someone who is stingy, he said: ““The example of a miser and an alms-giver is like the example of two persons wearing two iron cloaks from their breasts to their collar bones; and when the alms-giver gives in charity, the cloak becomes capacious till it covers his whole body to such an extent that it hides his fingertips and covers his footprints (obliterates his tracks).And when the miser wants to spend, it (the iron cloak) sticks and (its) every ring gets stuck to its place, he tries to widen it, but it does not become wide.”70
69 70
Al Musnad by Ahmed Narrated by Bukhari in hadith no. 1443
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it So for you who want happiness, for you who want peace of mind, for you who want to enter from the gate of happiness, try it out and you will find happiness.
21 Secret #18: Drinking Zamzam Water – Manifestation of Your Needs, Dreams and Wishes [This section is collected from different articles and it’s not part of Dr. Annabulsi speech] Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “The water of Zamzam fulfills the purpose for which it has been drunk” [Musnad Ahmed] This is an authentic correct Hadeeth. It means that whoever drinks Zamzam water to get something he will get it. Scholars and righteous people tried it to get needs concerning the afterlife and needs concerning this life and they got them by the grace of Allah glorified and exalted be he. Following is a list of names of great scholars who drank Zamzam water while having the intention of fulfilling some needs and Allah fulfilled their needs for them. 1. The great Imam Mohammed Bin Is’haq Bin Khuzaima: He was once asked: “Where did you get your knowledge from?” he replied: “the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: ‘The water of Zamzam fulfills the purpose for which it has been drunk’ and when I drank it I asked Allah to grant me beneficial knowledge’ 2. The Imam Al Hakim Who Authored the Book of Al Mustadrak: He said: “I drank Zamzam water and I asked Allah to grant me good ability of categorization and collection’ and Allah did grant him those. 3. Al Khateeb Al Baghdadi: When Al Khateeb Al Baghdadi performed pilgrimage (Hajj) he drank Zamzam water for three purposes: “(A) to be able to tell the history of Baghdad, (B) to dictate in the Masjid of Al Mansoor, (C) to be buried in Bishr Al Hafi” and Allah gave him all three of them. 4. The Great Scholar Ibn Al Arabi Al Maliki The Famous Interpreter He said: “I was in Makkah in the year of 489 (After Hijra) and I used to drink Zazam water a lot, and every time I drank it I had the intention of attaining knowledge and faith, so Allah blessed me with knowledge but I forgot to drink Zamzam water for application of knowledge and I wish I did so that Allah blesses me with both but I forgot, so most of my young age was spent in attaining knowledge not in applying it. I ask Allah for protection and guidance” 5. Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani: He said that he drank Zamzam water to reach the level of the great scholar Athahabi in
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it memorization. He reached it and even exceeded it. He mentioned that he wasn’t very much focused on the Arabic language; Then he performed pilgrimage when his father was alive during the year of 787 (After Hijra) and he drank Zamzam water to understand the Arabic language, so when he came back he was addicted to studying the Arabic language until he became professional in it in a short period of time. 6. The Great Scholar Ahmed Bin Ibrahim Bin Abdul Ghany Ibn Abi Is’haq: He drank Zamzam water to become a judge and his wish was granted 7. The Great Scholar Ibn Al Qayyem: He said: “I tried (along with others) drinking Zamzam water to be cured from diseases and I found amazing wonders. I drank it to be cured from various diseases and I was cured by the grace of Allah. I saw those who drank Zamzam water for almost half a month or more without feeling hungry and some of them told me that 40 days may pass by and they would still have strength to have sexual intercourse with their wives as well as fast and do Tawaf”.
21.1 How To Drink From Zamzam Water Abi Malika said: “I was sitting with Ibn Abbas when a man came so he said: ‘where are you coming from?’ the man replied: ‘From Zamzam’ he said: ‘Did you drink from it in the right way?’ he said: ‘and what is the right way' he said: ‘When you’re about to drink from it, face the direction of the Qibla and then say ‘Bismillah – i.e. in the name of Allah-‘ three times and drink in three times and drink a lot until you are full and when you are done say ‘Alhamdu Lillah – i.e. praise is due to Allah – ‘ as the prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: ‘The sign that differentiates us from the hypocrites is that they don’t drink from Zamzam water until they are full’” This is a Saheeh Hadeeth. It was also narrated that Ibn Abbas told him: “say: ‘O Allah I ask you beneficial knowledge, spacious provision and healing from every disease’”. The great scholar Ibn Al Qayyem said: “I used to take a bowl of Zamzam water and recite Surat Al Fatiha (The Chapter: “The Opener” from Quran) on it many times then drink it, when I do that I find strength and benefit that I never found before in any medicine and it’s even greater than this, however it’s according to how much faith and belief you have” Prophet Mohammed may peace be upon him said: “Zamzam is a food that satisfies and a cure from illness” [Narrated by Abu Thar Al Ghifary, Source: It’haf Al Khiyara Al Mahara, Page/Number: 3/246]. So let he who drinks Zamzam until you he is full while having strong faith and belief, let him have the glad tidings of healing by the grace of Allah. On the other hand whoever drinks it while having doubts or negative thoughts and beliefs about Allah it will not benefit him unless Allah wills.
By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq) and How to Increase it
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By Dr. Mohammed Ratib Annabulsi