Send updates, new listings, corrections, complaints, and suggestions to:
[email protected] or FAX 972-404-0269
Have you been thinking about participating in the DARPA Grand Challenge this year? If so, don't forget that February 11 is the deadline for teams to complete part one of the five-part application process. Basic team information and certification of funding must be completed by the 11th. The deadline for the next part of the process is March 11th, when vehicle specifications and a video must be submitted. If you're not up for the Grand Challenge, don't worry. There are plenty of smaller robot events scheduled for the coming months. — R. Steven Rainwater For last minute updates and changes, you can always find the most recent version of the complete Robot Competition FAQ at
Fe b rua r y 2 00 5 4-6
Robotix IIT Khargpur, West Bengal, India Organized for students of IIT Khargpur, this contest includes events for both autonomous robots and radio-controlled machines. DPRG Table Top and Fire Fighting Competitions The Science Place, Dallas, TX The DPRG is combining their spring Table Top robotics event with the regional Trinity Fire Fighting Robot Competition this year. The Table Top contest offers a variety of events for small autonomous robots.
March 2005 6-10
The design problem for this contest is new and different each year. Check the website for the latest news and details.
19-20 Manitoba Robot Games Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada A variety of events, including sumo, a robot tractor pull, and Atomic Hockey.
24-27 ROBOlympics San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA Lots of events, including sumo, BEAM, Mindstorms, FIRA, and robot combat.
A p ril 2 0 0 5 9-10
12-14 DTU RoboCup Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark Imagine your typical line following contest. Now add forks in the line, ramps, stairs, gaps in the line, shifts from indoor to outdoor lighting, reversals of the line shading (white to black), and 50 cm "gates" though which the robot must pass.
Carnegie Mellon Mobot Races Wean Hall, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA The traditional Mobot slalom and MoboJoust events.
UC Davis Picnic Day Micromouse Contest University of California at Davis, CA Every year, UC-Davis has a campus-wide event
APEC Micromouse Contest Hilton Hotel, Austin, TX This will be the 18th annual APEC Micromouse event.
11-12 AMD Jerry Sanders Creative Design Contest University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
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Trinity College Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest Trinity College, Hartford, CT Could the fire have been set by a robot builder frustrated with the voluminous rules?