Combat Actions Free Actions Call A Shot Change Linked Device Mode Change Smartgun Mode Drop Object Drop Prone Eject Smartgun Clip Gesture Add Multiple Attacks Run Speak/Text/Transmit Phrase
Note Declare Called Shot with Attack for -4 Modifier Change Device Mode via Direct Neural Interface Fire Mode, Choke, etc. May damage object Avoids Suppressive Fire Mental Command Intuition (2) to interpret unknown gesture Split Attack Dice Pool to attack Multiple Targets Change Movement Speed
Simple Actions Change Device Mode Fire bow Fire Weapon (SA, SS, BF, FA) Insert or Remove Clip Observe in Detail Pick Up/Put Down Object Quick Draw Ready/Draw Weapon Nock Arrow Stand Up Take Aim Take Cover Throw Weapon Use Simple Device
Note Fire Mode, Choke, Vision System, disable wireless, etc. Only one Attack per Action Phase Only one Attack per Action Phase (c) Perception + Intuition [Mental] Without Damaging Object Weapon Skill + Reaction [Physical] (3) to Ready & Fire
From prone, Body + Willpower (2) if wounded +1 Modifier or Accuracy up to half Willpower Gain Cover Bonus Only one Attack per Action Phase Thumb Trigger, Single Key, Single Icon, Button, etc.
Complex Actions Fire Weapon (SB, LB, FA FB) Fire Mounted or Vehicle Weapon Melee Attack Reload Weapon Sprint Use Skill Interrupt Actions Block Dodge Full Defense Hit the Dirt Intercept Parry
Note Refer to Fire Mode Table Uses Gunnery Reach adds to Pool and/or Threat Range (belt) (b) (cy) (d) (m) (muzzle loader) (speed loader) Running + Strength [Physical] add meters
Initiative Cost 5 5 10 5 5 5
Bonus Unarmed Combat to next Melee Defense Gymnastics to next Melee Defense Willpower to All Defense until next Round Drop Prone to avoid Suppressive Fire Melee Attack against Passing For within Reach Melee Weapon Skill to next Melee Defense
Fire AP
Elemental Damage Type Acid Cold Electricity Falling Fatigue Fire
Source AP Open Flame -2 Spell Force Weapon -6
Combat Sequence Step Declare A ttack Defend Apply
Explanation Declare Attack & Defense Pools/Methods Attack Dice Pool vs. Defense Dice Pool. 0 means Grazing Stun if DV + Hits < Armor - AP, Roll Damage Resist Pool DV + Net Hits - Damage Resist Hits
Reloading Method Removable Clip (c) Speed Loader Filll Clip (c) Break Action (b) Belt Fed (belt) Fill Belt/Drum (belt)(d) Internal Magazine (m) Muzzle-Loader (ml) Cylinder (cy) Drum (d) Bow
Result Remove or Insert Clip Completely load gun Insert (Agility) rounds into clip Insert 2 rounds Remove or Insert Belt Insert (Agility) Rounds into belt/drum Insert (Agility) Rounds Load 1 Muzzle Tube Insert (Agility) Rounds Remove or Insert Drum Nock 1 Arrow
Combat Turns (3 Seconds) Action Phase Combinations 3 Free Actions 2 Free Actions, 1 Simple Action 1 Free Action, 2 Simple Actions 1 Free Action, 1 Complex Action
1. Roll Initiative Dice 2. Iniative Pass 2.1 Player Action Phase 2.1.1 Declare Movement Speed 2.1.2 Declare Actions 2.1.3 Resolve Actions 2.2 Next Action Phase 3. Initiatives -10 4. Step 2 if any Initiatives > 0 5. New Combat Turn
Movement Speed Walk Run Sprint
Rate 2 * Agility 4 * Agility +1 per hit for Dwarves/Trolls, +2 Elves, Humans & Orks
Subdue Action Grapple Break Grapple Improve Grip Inflict Stun Knock Down
Description Reduce Armor by 1 every rond & Cumulutive DV -1 every round Equipment Armor Tests (No Hits = Break, Glitch=Irreparable) -5 Initiative & -1 Modifier All Actions & Half Damage as Matrix for Equipment DV Meters AP-4 Resist Stun with Body + Willpower AV + Fire Reisist - Fire AP (Net Hits from Attack) to catch fire. DV 3 + 1 per Turn. Agility + Intuition (DV) to put out.
Effect Grappled if Strength + Net Hits > Physical Limit Unarmed Combat + Strength[Physical] Reduce Net Hits Unarmed Attack adds to Net Hits Immediate Stun DV STR. Resist as Normal Unarmed Attack + 2 & Strength + Net Hits > Physical Limit
Scatter Range Projectile Type Standard Grenade Aerodynmaic Grenade Grenade Launcher Missile Launcher Rocket Launcher
Distance (1D6 - Hits) meters (2D6 - Hits) meters (3D6 - Hits) meters (4D6 - Hits) meters (5D6 - Hits) meters
Common Dice Pools Pool Commmon Dice Pools Ranged Attack Weapon + Agility +/- Modifiers - (RC + (STR/3) + 1 first shot - cumulutive bullets fired) - Range - Wounds [Accuracy] Weapon Skill + Agility +/- Modifiers Modifiers - Wounds [Physical or Accuracy] Accuracy] Melee Attack Reaction + Intuition +/Modifiers +/Reach 1 per previous attack since Action Phase Wounds Defense Pool Body + Armor - AP Damage Resist First Aid + Logic + Medkit Rating +/- Modifiers [Mental] (2) First Aid First Aid/Medicine + Logic [Mental] (3) Stabilization Running + Strength [Physical] Sprinting Gymnastics + Agility [1.5 x Agility] Jumping Throwing Weapons + Agility +/- Modifiers - Wounds [Physical] (3) Throw Grenade
~Adragon202 - Alan
Healing Modifiers
Defenders Modifiers Situation Inside Moving Vehicle Prone Unaware of Attack Receiving Charge In Melee Targeted by Ranged Running Good Cover Partial Cover Area-Effect Attack
Modifier +3 -2 No Defense +1 -3 +2 +4 +2 -2
Attacker Modifiers
Situation Average Conditions Poor Conditions Bad Conditions Terrible Conditions No Medical Supplies Improvised Medical Supplies Wireless Medkit/autodoc Remote through Medkit/Autodoc Uncoopoerative Patient Patient is Awakened or Emerged Patient has implants
Modifier -1 -2 -3 -4 -3 -1 +Rating -2 -2 -2 -1 per 2 full points of lost Essence
Environmental Modifiers Visibility Light/Glare Wind Range Clear Full Light/No Glare None or Light Breeze Short Light Rain/Fog/Smoke Partial Light/Weak Glare Light Winds Medium Moderate Rain/Fog/Smoke Dim Light/Moderate Glare Moderate Winds Long Heavy Rain/Fog/Smoke Total Darkness/Blinding Glare Strong Winds Extreme Max Environmental Modifier
Modifier -1 -3 -6 -10
Ranged Situation Firing from Cover w/ Imaging Firing from Moving Vehicle In Melee Combat Running Using Off-Hand Weapon Blind Fire Called Shot Take Aim Wireless Smartgun
Melee Situation Charging Attack Attacker Prone Superior Position Off-Hand Weapon Called Shot Defender Receiving Charge Friends in Melee Defender Prone Touch-Only Attack
Modifier -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -6 -4 +1 Dice Pool or +1 Accuracy +1 (gear) or +2 (implanted) Modifier +2 -1 +2 -2 -4 +1 +1 or Teamwork +1 +2
Toxins Name CS/Tear Gas Gamma-Scopolamine Narcojet Nausea Gas Neuro-Stun Pepper Punch Seven-7
Speed 1 Combat Turn Immediate Immediate 3 Combat Turns 1 Combat Turn 1 Combat Turn 1 Combat Turn
Contact, Inhalation Injection Injection Inhalation Contact, Inhalation Contact, Inhalation Contact, Inhalation
Penetration 0 0 0 0 0 (-2 @ X) 0 -2
Power 8 12 15 9 15 11 12
Effect -2 to All Actions Vomiting (Incapacitated) if Power > Willpower Double Wound Modifiers Incapacitated if Power > Reaction -2 All Actions
Duration 10 Minutes 3 Combat Turns 10 Minutes 1 Hour 1 Hour
Weapon Fire Modes Mode Single-Shot (SS) Semi-Automatic (SA) Semi-Automatic Burst (SB) Burst Fire (BF) Long Burst (LB) Full Auto Long Burst (FA) Full Auto Full Burst (FA FB) Suppressive Fire
Action Simple Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Complex Complex
Defense Modifier 0 0 -2 -2 -5 -5 -9 Duck or Cover
Rounds Used 1 1 3 3 6 6 10 20
Shotgun Modes Mode Narrow Spread Medium Spread Medium Spread Medium Spread Medium Spread Wide Spread Wide Spread Wide Spread Wide Spread
Range All Short Medium Long Extreme Shot Medium Long Extreme
Duration 2 minutes 1 hour Immediate 2 minutes 1 minute (10 @ VII) Immediate 10 minutes
Called Shots
Conditions Name Disorientation Nausea
Effect Disorientation, Nausea, Stun Damage Paralysis, Truth-Serum Stun Damage Disorientation, Nausea Disorientation, Stun Damage Nausea, Stun Damage Physical Damage, Disorientation, Nausea
Target Blast Out of Hands Dirty Trick Harder Knock Knock Down (Melee Only) Shake Up Splitting the Damage Trick Shot Vitals
Effect Object Lands (Net Hits - 1) meters away -4 Modifier to Next Action Change Stun to Physical Strength + Net Hits > Physical Limit -5 Initiative Split Damage between Physical and Stun Net Hits add to Intimidation Modifier +2 DV
Notes No Cumulutive Recoil, No Multiple Attacks
Capacity Max: STR * 10 kg Carry More: STR + BOD Test Carrying - Max Physical Limit 15 No Recoil, No Multiple Attacks
Edge Defense Modifier -1 -3 -3 -3 -3 -5 -5 -5 -5
DV -1 -3 -5 -7 -3 -5 -7 -9
Accuracy Spread 2-meters 4-meters -1 6-meters -1 8-meters 3-meters 6-meters -1 9-meters -1 12-meters
Spending Result Push the Limit Add Edge Rating to Dice Pool with Rule of Six Second Chance Re-Roll Non-Hits Seize the Initiative (Carpe Initium) Go First Blitz 5 dice for Initiative Close Call Negate Glitch. Reduce Critical to Glitch Dead Man’s Trigger Body + Willpower (3) to spend remaining actions before blackout Burning Smackdown Not Dead Yet
Result Automatic 4 hits GM Forces Survival
~Adragon202 - Alan