MKTG 5007 OLB - Major Group Assignment Report
Marketing Plan for Laun!ing
"n Toronto# $ana%a
Report Prepared By: &arman%eep 'ing! ( Param)eer 'ing! ( *e)am &irpara ( +arn +arnika ika Ko!ar ( 'a)neet 'ing! ( $!an%ni Patel ,0.//1 ( ,0.1.7 ( ,025/17 ( ,073 ( ,0.2/22 ( ,01215
Ta4le of $ontents Executive Summary................................................................................................3 Overview of the Company................................ Company.................................................... ....................................................... ................................... 4 ar!et Overview.................................... Overview........................................................ ........................................................... ....................................... ...... " Situation #na$y%i%................................. #na$y%i%..................................................... ........................................ ............................................. ......................... 11 Product O&erin'............................................ O&erin'................................................................ ............................................... ........................... ......... 13 Channe$ Strate'y................................ Strate'y.................................................... ........................................ ........................................ ........................... ....... 1( ar!etin' O)*ective.............................. O)*ective.................................................. ....................................................... ................................... ......... 1+ ar!etin' Strate'y............................... Strate'y.................................................. ....................................... .............................................. .......................... 1+ i%%ion Statement................................. Statement..................................................... ....................................... ............................................ ......................... ,1 ar!etin' ix.................................. ix..................................................... ....................................... ................................................... ............................... ,3 Communication% ix.................................... ix........................................................ ......................................................... ..................................... ,4 Sa$e% Promotion%........................ Promotion%............................................ ....................................... ....................................... ................................. ................ ... ,( -inancia$ #na$y%i%................................... #na$y%i%....................................................... .............................................................. .......................................... . ," Reference%................... Reference%....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ........................................ ............................. ......... ,+
Ta4le of $ontents Executive Summary................................................................................................3 Overview of the Company................................ Company.................................................... ....................................................... ................................... 4 ar!et Overview.................................... Overview........................................................ ........................................................... ....................................... ...... " Situation #na$y%i%................................. #na$y%i%..................................................... ........................................ ............................................. ......................... 11 Product O&erin'............................................ O&erin'................................................................ ............................................... ........................... ......... 13 Channe$ Strate'y................................ Strate'y.................................................... ........................................ ........................................ ........................... ....... 1( ar!etin' O)*ective.............................. O)*ective.................................................. ....................................................... ................................... ......... 1+ ar!etin' Strate'y............................... Strate'y.................................................. ....................................... .............................................. .......................... 1+ i%%ion Statement................................. Statement..................................................... ....................................... ............................................ ......................... ,1 ar!etin' ix.................................. ix..................................................... ....................................... ................................................... ............................... ,3 Communication% ix.................................... ix........................................................ ......................................................... ..................................... ,4 Sa$e% Promotion%........................ Promotion%............................................ ....................................... ....................................... ................................. ................ ... ,( -inancia$ #na$y%i%................................... #na$y%i%....................................................... .............................................................. .......................................... . ," Reference%................... Reference%....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ........................................ ............................. ......... ,+
6euti)e 'ummar hi% report report hi'h$i'ht% hi'h$i'ht% how the o)*ective o)*ective of enterin' enterin' Canada Canada i% 'oin' 'oin' to )e a )ene/cia$ %tep for Sha!e Shac! 0nc. and how they can $evera'e upon their identity and o&erin'% to capture a %iea)$e part of the Canadian mar!et e%pecia$$y in the cate'ory of fat% ca%ua$. he report report draw% attention attention toward% toward% the current current %cenario in the fa%t food food mar!et in Canada and how the ma*or competitor% for Sha!e Shac! are performin' in the %en%e of the mar!et %hare each of them ac2uire. he report report a$%o throw% throw% $i'ht on on what %trate'ie% %trate'ie% Sha!e Sha!e Shac! can can adopt to emer'e a% a ma*or p$ayer in the mar!et and to pre%ent it%e$f to the tar'et mar!et a% we$$ a% the potentia$ tar'et%. 0n the $i'ht of a)ove mentioned the critica$ %ucce%% factor for Sha!e Shac! 0nc. in the Canadian mar!et wou$d )e to $evera'e on the product $ine it ha% to o&er a% it di&erentiate% them from the competitor% in a %i'ni/cant way. -urthermore the )u%ine%% conduct and the ethica$ procedure% fo$$owed )y the company 'ive% them a hu'e advanta'e vi%5vi% how they can immediate$y ma!e p$ace in the heart% of the Canadian con%umer%. he propo%ed propo%ed imp$ementatio imp$ementation n i% to expand expand in the Canadian mar!e mar!ett )y openin' a %tore in the heart of downtown oronto a% it ha% hi'h popu$ation den%ity ma!in' it ea%ier for the )rand to penetrate the mar!et.
O)er)ie8 of t!e $ompan A4out '!ake '!ak Sha!e Shac! i% a popu$ar #merican fa%t ca%ua$ re%taurant chain which i% )a%ed in 6ew 7or! City. 0t wa% founded )y 8anny eyer Chief Executive O9cer of the nion S2uare ;o%pita$ity
. -rom it% hum)$e )e'innin' in ,??1 in a hot do' cart $ocated in the heart of adi%on S2uare Par! in 6ew 7or! City Sha!e Shac! today ha% 'rown to over 1?? $ocation% and over ha$f a doen countrie% wor$dwide =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">. Sha!e Shac! i% !nown to %erve the modern day ARoad%ide )ur'er% the menu apart from de$iciou% )ur'er% a$%o inc$ude hot do'% froen cu%tard% %ha!e% inhou%e )eer wine and more =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">.
&istor 0t a$$ )e'an in ,??? when 6ew 7or! City )e'an the proce%% of re)ui$din' of adi%on S2uare Par!. 8anny eyer wa% invo$ved in the creation of the adi%on S2uare Par! Con%ervancy to redeve$op it. he /r%t pro*ect which the redeve$oped con%ervancy did wa% to ho%t an art exhi)it. o cater to the vi%itor% of the art exhi)it 8anny %et up a hot do' cart which wa% operated out of the !itchen of one of 8annyD% nion S2uare ;o%pita$ity operation% E$even adi%onF. he idea of the cart wa% hu'e$y %ucce%%fu$ and it %tayed in operation for over 3 year% =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">. he next %tep came in ,??4 when the city decided to invite for a !io%!%ty$e re%taurant in%ide the par!. 8anny %aw thi% a% a 'reat )u%ine%% opportunity and thu% )e'an the /r%t Sha!e Shac! =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">.
Management Team 8anny eyer Chairman of the Board of 8irector% Randy
=S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">
Tag Line “Stand for something good”
Pro%ut Line Sha!e Shac! product $ine inc$ude% the fo$$owin' product%:
Burgers: 1??I a$$ natura$ an'u% )eef 1??I a$$ natura$ ca'e free chic!en
9lat Top *ogs: 1??I a$$ natura$ Hienna )eef
9ries: Crin!$e cut 7u!on frie% and chee%e frie%
*rinks: Shac!made $emonade fre%h )rewed iced tea -iftyJ-ifty =;a$f $emonade;a$f 0ced tea> inhou%e )eer wine
*og 9oo%: Sha!e Shac! ha% a %pecia$ menu which inc$ude% )i%cuit% and cream%
=S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1"> =@ramer ,?1?>
Market O)er)ie8 Our re%earch and %tudy conc$ude% that im ;orton% and c8ona$dF% current$y have a ma*or %hare of the Canadian -a%t -ood ar!et in Canada. im ;orton% $ead% a$$ chart% with over ,".KI of mar!et %hare in ,?1(. 0t i% c$o%e$y fo$$owed )y c8ona$dF% with a mar!et %hare of around 14."I. he next cate'ory of )rand% with a %i'ni/cant %hare are Su)way with ".KI #L with 4.4I and @-C with ,."I.
im ;orton% had a year$y %a$e of """M.,? =C#8 i$$ion> in ,?1(. c8ona$dF% recoded the %econd hi'he%t %a$e% in term% of C#8 i$$ion in Canada in ,?1(. 0t% %a$e% were a$mo%t ha$f of the $eader im ;orton% with %a$e% of 3",M.1? =C#8 i$$ion>. hi% %how% u% the hu'e $ead im ;orton% en*oy% when it come% to %a$e% in Canada. Report% %u''e%t that Canadian% %pent a$mo%t K3+K.1 =C#8 i$$ion> in ,?1( on Bur'er fa%t food chain% in Canada. 1?"4.? =C#8 i$$ion> wa% a$%o %pent the %ame year on independent )ur'er fa%t food *oint% in Canada
$urrent Market '!are of 9ast 9oo% $!ains in $ana%a '= ,o / 3 5 2 7 1
Tim &ortons M*onal %>s 'u48a A?@ K9$ @en%>s Burger King &ar)e>s
2=/0 =.0 =0 -
2=0 =10 /=10 /=50 -
2=30 =.0 /=10 /=50 -
2=20 3=00 /=70 /=30 -
2=10 3=0 /=20 /=30 =30
2=10 3=30 /=20 /=0 =30
$ana%a $urrent Market '!are of 9ast 9oo% $!ains in $ana%a A"n PerentageB 3? ,( ,? 1( 1? ( ?
(Passport GMID)
Tim &ortons M*onal %>s 'u48a
Burger King
2#.= 30 #5=2 #/3/= #/3= #32= #50/= 0 00 .0 30 .0 #/2/=1 #5/= #3/0= #51= #2/2= 0 /0 50 70 .0 103=70 1/=.0 127=7 .=0 .15=2 0 0 22.=0 203=70 2=7 2=0 2/=3 0 0 5.=30 55=0 551=0 57=. 0 0 30= 0
2#227= /0 #2/7= 0 #213= 20 #01= 10 27=5 0 51=7 0 3=2 0
7.=.0 7.=/ 0
71=10 1/=/ 0
.0=1 0
(Passport GMID)
A)erage spen%ing on Amerian fast foo% in $ana%a $ATGOR < Asian 9ast 9oo% Baker Pro%ut 9ast 9oo% "n%epen% ent Baker Burger 9ast 9oo%
'ales "n 9ast 9oo% B $ategor "n $A* Millions /00 /0 /0/ /0 /03 /05 5..=3
"n%epen% ent Burger $!iken 9ast 9oo% $on)enie ne 'tore 9ast 9oo% Asian 9ast 9oo% Baker Pro%ut 9ast 9oo% "n%epen% ent Baker
'AL' ", 9A'T 9OO* B< $ATGOR< in $A* Millions 1,???
#%ian -a%t -ood
Ba!ery Product -a%t -ood
0ndependent Ba!ery
Bur'er -a%t -ood
0ndependent Bur'er
Chic!en -a%t -ood
Convenience Store -a%t -ood
#%ian -a%t -ood
Ba!ery Product -a%t -ood
0ndependent Ba!ery
'ituation Analsis '@OT Analsis 'trengt!s Bran% a8areness an% reognition Tren%setter in t!e Casual %iningD ategor 6ellent ustomer ser)ie 9res! ingre%ients an% foo% Eualit of pro%uts n)ironment frien%l 4ran% image •
• •
Opportunities OFer more !ealt!ier pro%uts "n)esting more in marketing Le)eraging t!e e6isting soial me%ia presene 6pan%ing to %e)eloping ountries like "n%ia an% $!ina= •
@eakness ;i'her price% Nac! of out$et% Nac! of out$et% $ead% to $on' $ine% and con%umer comp$aint% #%%ociated with fa%t food indu%try Nac! of hi'her mar!etin' )ud'et% • • •
P'T Analsis Politial $!ange in t!e go)ernment of ' Rapi% inrease in international tra%e agreements *e)eloping pu4li !ealt! poliies 'upport from go)ernment for glo4ali;ation 'ta4ilit in politial en)ironment in major markets onomial "nrease for t!e importane of sustaina4le 4usiness strategies Gro8t! in tra%e agreements Gro8t! of eonom in %e)eloping markets 'ta4le ' eonom •
'oial Chan'e in the $ife%ty$e of peop$e 0ncrea%in' trend% for hea$th con%ciou%ne%%
Te!nologial Boo%t in the %a$e% )y the u%e of mo)i$e app$ication% #n opportunity of increa%in' R8
Pro%ut OFering he Sha!e Shac! Product Nine inc$ude% the fo$$owin':
Burgers Sha!e Shac! i% !nown wor$d over for %ervin' 1??I a$$natura$ #n'u% )eef pattie%. 6o hormone% and no anti)iotic% ever. Sha!e Shac! ha% a proprietary Shac! )$end which i% fre%h$y 'round.
9or t!e +egetarians >'!room BurgerD - # Cri%pfried Porto)e$$o mu%hroom /$$ed with me$ted uen%ter and cheddar chee%e% topped with $ettuce tomato Shac!Sauce. 9lat Top *ogs: hi% i% a$$ where it )e'an from. 1??I a$$ natura$ Hienna )eef the%e %crumptiou% hot do'% are hard to i'nore.
9ries Crin!$e cut 7u!on frie%. #dd hot me$tin' chee%e to it to experience the %i'nature Sha!e Shac! chee%e frie%
Shac! #ttac! 14
La$$nut Street =BPC> e$$yF% Na%t 8onut =8> Broo!$yn Pie oh y =Broo!$yn Shac!%>
*rinks Shac!made $emonade fre%h )rewed iced tea -iftyJ-ifty =;a$f $emonade;a$f 0ced tea> inhou%e )eer and wine
*og 9oo%
Se$ect Sha!e Shac! out$et% have a %pecia$ menu for manF% )e%t friend% which inc$ude% )i%cuit% and cream%
Poo!-ini Shac!Bur'er do' )i%cuit% peanut )utter %auce and vani$$a cu%tard. 0nc$ude% dairy %u'ar and nut product%. Bag O> Bones - ( Shac!Bur'er do' )i%cuit% =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">
A sample menu from t!e Ma%ison 'Euare Park ,e8
'er)ie OFering 1M
#% 2uoted )y Ro) Brunner at the -a%t Company Sha!e Shac!F% cu%tomer %ervice i% what ma!e% it %tand out a% compared to it% competitor% in the indu%try. Since i% /r%t )e'an operation% in ,??4 Sha!e Shac! ha% !ept it% focu% more on 2ua$ity of the food )ein' %erved and $e%% on mar!etin'. 0t ha% %$ow$y and %teadi$y chan'ed the perception% a%%ociated with traditiona$ fa%t food with it% exce$$ent cu%tomer %ervice. Sha!e Shac! food preparation mode$ ha% chan'ed the opinion% of the con%umer that fa%t food ha% to )e %erved 2uic!$y and ha% to )e precoo!ed a% i% the ca%e with many current chain% now. Con%umer% are wi$$in' of wait a )it more for their food if they !now the food )ein' %erved come% with exce$$ent 2ua$ity of in'redient% and cu%tomer %ervice =NG ,?1(>
A4out t!e *Hor
Sha!e Shac! out$et% are de%i'ned to $oo! ed'y. hey have Qat wooden ta)$e% and modern interior%. hey o&er one of the )e%t dinin' experience in the cate'ory what ha% now come to )e !nown a% fa%t ca%ua$F =8# ,?1(>.
(Picture Courtesy: Joan oight! Campaign "S! May #$! %')
$!annel 'trateg Sha!e Shac! today ha% over 1?? $ocation% wor$dwide. 0t i% !nown for %e$$in' fre%h $oca$$y %ourced food in %u%taina)$y operated !itchen%. 0t pride% it%e$f on %ervin' product% made from a$$ natura$ in'redient%. Sha!e Shac! ha% )een %ucce%%fu$$y runnin' an internationa$ operation %ourcin' in'redient% from $oca$ farmer% and arti%an% )a!er%. # ma*or rea%on of the %ame i% that it come% it% menu %ma$$ %o that the companyF% %ourcin' team can )e active$y and re'u$ar$y en'a'ed with $oca$ %upp$ier%. he menu con%i%t% of (( to "? core in'redient% item%. =i$)er'% ,?1(> #% a part of it% current channe$ %trate'y Sha!e Shac! on$y u%e% ( di&erent %upp$ier% in the S# for it% )eef. Out of tho%e ( one %upp$ier a$one contri)ute% KKI 'round )eef pattie% u%ed in Sha!e Shac! out$et% in the wor$d. he cu%tard and potato )un are %ourced from one %in'$e %upp$ier each =@e$$ ,?1(>.
Supp$ier% and Hendor%
Sha!e Shac! Out$et%
Reent p%ate 0n order to e9cient$y mana'e it% channe$ %trate'y Sha!e Shac! ha% $icen%ed #rrowStream 0nc. for it% On8emand %oftware to he$p it )etter mana'e food %pend inventory $imitedtimeo&er =NO> trac!in' auditin' and contract mana'ement with it% %upp$ier% and di%tri)utor%. (S Maga*ine! Septem+er! %,)
Marketing O4jeti)e he main o)*ective for %ha!e %hac! to enter the Canadian mar!et i% expan%ion. Current$y the company i% %ervin' in nited State% apan idd$e Ea%t Ru%%ia ur!ey nited @in'dom and South @orea. But i% yet to enter the immediate nei'h)or mar!et of the p$ace where it ori'inated. -urthermore %tati%tic% %how that fa%t food ha% a 'ood mar!et in Canada. Sha!e Shac! )ein' a hi'h2ua$ity )rand with o&erin'% that are di&erent from the competitor%F who are current$y pre%ent in Canadian mar!et Sha!e Shac! ha% 'ood chance% of ac2uirin' of a )i' part of that ever'rowin' fa%t ca%ua$ cate'ory. #nother o)*ective i% to cater to the Canadian mar!et i% that many Canadian% who have vi%ited nited State% !now a)out Sha!e Shac! and $i!e it a% we$$ )ut do not have the mean% to 2uench that cravin'. hi% %tep wou$d mar! a %teppin' %tone to ma!e the entire Canadian mar!et fami$iar with what Sha!e Shac! i% a)out and why it i% %o 'ood.
Marketing 'trateg he !ey mar!etin' %trate'y wou$d )e to capita$ie on the fact that Sha!e Shac! o&er% product% that are a$$natura$ and no arti/cia$ in'redient% are u%ed 'iven how the Canadian mar!et i% )ecomin' hea$th con%ciou% with each pa%%in' day. #$%o the famou% cur$y frie% which i% one of the )e%t%e$$er% can )e u%ed for e&ective mar!etin' too$ a% it i% %omethin' di&erent which no competitor ha% to o&er. P$u% the uni2uene%% of the menu which a$%o ha% a do' food %e'ment can prove to )e a 'reat %trate'y to attract do' owner% even if they are not fa%t food $over% them%e$ve%. Sha!e Shac! ha% )een amon'%t the top 1? fa%te%t 'rowin' chain% in #merica with 1?? )ranche% acro%% the wor$d in ,?1". 0t i% exten%ive$y !nown for premium 2ua$ity )ur'er% and de$iciou% cu%tard%. he mo%t intere%tin' a%pect a)out Sha!e Shac!F% mar!etin' i% that they %pend very $itt$e on adverti%in' campai'n%. hey never had to %pend hu'e amount% to deve$op )randF% %tren'th throu'h adverti%in'. he company ha% achieved %u)%tantia$ fo$$ower% on variou% %ocia$ media networ!% 'atherin' their po%itive apprai%a$% from their cu%tomer%.
Sha!e Shac! doe% 6o raditiona$ ar!etin'F )ut ha% a very %o$id pre%ence on %ocia$ media which %pea!% to it% %i'ni/cance amon'%t the mi$$ennia$%. Sha!e Shac!F% %ocia$ media 'ame i% on Qee!. #ccordin' to ana$y%t Sha!e Shac!F% overa$$ %ucce%% i% throu'h it% experti%e in %ocia$ media. Le can fo$$ow the %ame concept at the time of $aunchin' %ha!e Shac! in Canada a% peop$e in Canada are active on %ocia$ media. Sha!e %hac!F% mar!etin' %trate'ie% are main$y on$ine re$ated to their %ocia$ media and networ!% on$ine review% and feed)ac!% and mar!etin' thou'h emai$%. heir attractive we)%ite havin' fa%cinatin' ima'e% of food i% very appea$in' to the vi%itor%. he de%i'n and the 'reen co$or of we)%ite repre%ent% hea$thine%% and a c$ean maintaina)$e environment. 0n addition it we)%ite a$%o ha% cu%tomer winnin' 'ift% coupon% for %tudent% !eep updated a)out the $ate%t event% etc. #$$ the%e feature% attract peop$e to the we)%ite. he%e a$$ factor% cou$d )e u%ed whi$e 'ettin' Sha!e Shac! to Canada. Lith the con%tant u%e of )rand 'raphic de%i'n ima'e% content and E commerce on it% we)%ite %ha!e Shac! %tren'then% it% mar!etin' me%%a'e. 0t i% very important to have cu%tomer% that are %ati%/ed with our food product% and %ervice% who wi$$ further )e our advocate% recommendin' their fami$y and friend% to try them. Lith a %tron' %ocia$ media %trate'y Sha!e Shac! ,3
can enter Canada )y /ndin' the ri'ht audience convert them into $oya$ cu%tomer% and further 'et referra$%. hin!in' of %ocia$ media a% word of mouth$ine wi$$ he$p u% to expand our )u%ine%%. Sha!e Shac!F% ma*or mar!etin' %trate'ie% which can )e u%ed whi$e $aunchin' in Canada: •
Socia$ media: Sha!e Shac! mana'e% it% %ocia$ media on variou% networ!% %uch a% -ace)oo! witter 0n%ta'ram
On$ine review%: Reviewin' cu%tomer%F feed)ac! matter% to every )u%ine%% )ecau%e it i% very important to !now what cu%tomer% fee$ a)out their product% or %ervice. Sha!e Shac! mana'e% it% review% on 7e$p rip #dvi%or
Emai$ mar!etin': Sha!e Shac! ha% three ma*or %ection% of their emai$ mar!etin' %tatu%: 1. he optin form they u%e ,. Emai$ de$ivery to their %u)%cri)er% 3. Emai$ per%ona$iation for their cu%tomer%
Mission 'tatement ALe %tand for %omethin' 'ood in everythin' we do. hat i% the mi%%ion %tatement Sha!e Shac! ho$d% for it%e$f a% it )e$ieve% in havin' 'ood %tandard% not *u%t of the 2ua$ity of the food they provide )ut a$%o of their )ehavior% and action% which they perform a% a part of the community. ,4
Sha!e Shac! ta!e% pride in u%in' 'ood in'redient% in their product% $i!e 1??I a$$ natura$ #n'u% and Hienna )eef and 1??I a$$ natura$ ca'efree chic!en and not u%in' any arti/cia$ in'redient% for their frie% or froen cu%tard%. Sha!e Shac! %tron'$y )e$ieve% in doin' 'ood for the environment a% they recyc$e a$$ )ott$e% and p$a%tic% and ma!e% %ure no recyc$a)$e materia$ end% up in $and/$$. here are many other way% in which the company he$p% the environment $i!e their 1I of a$$ the Shac!,O )ott$e% %upport% the Later!eeper #$$iance which focu%e% on c$eanup of water re%ource% around the '$o)e the merchandi%e %o$d i% made from or'anic cotton and recyc$ed po$ye%ter the choco$ate )ar% are %o$d in recyc$ed heavywei'ht paper wrapper %ome of the %hac!% u%e %o$ar roof% for e$ectricity 'eneration and many other initiative%. Sha!e Shac! a$%o achieve% their mi%%ion of )ein' 'oodF mem)er% of the community )y donatin' (I of the %a$e% to a $oca$ charity partner and they a$%o have a Shac!
Sha!e Shac! i% doin' a 'reat *o) vi%5vi% achievin' it% vi%ion. By providin' 'ood 2ua$ity of food and 'ivin' )ac! and doin' %o much for the community they are tru$y accomp$i%hin' what they %ay they %tand for and )e$ieve in. 0n the comin' year% we can %ee them doin' much more for the )etterment of the community and *u%tifyin' their mi%%ion %tatement of Bein'
Marketing Mi6 3 PDs of marketing for '!ake '!ak Pro%ut
,e)er Pre-ooke% T!e pro%uts sol% at '!ake '!ak are al8as fres!l ma%e
+ariet in menu like
Option to ustomi;e ea! pro%ut Menu inlu%es in !ouse 8ine an% 4eer
Naunch the /r%t out$et on @in' St Le%t and Spadina #venue in the heart of 8owntown # ma*or inter%ection in heart of downtown #rea vi%ited )y youn' adu$t% and mi$$ennia$% 8owntown oronto ha% hi'h popu$ation den%ity ma!in' it ea%ier for the )rand to penetrate the mar!et
A speial menu for %ogs
se out%oor me%ia like 4ill4oar%s# to 4e plae% aross ke loations in Toronto 'oial me%ia !annels like 9ae4ook# T8itter an%
-ir%t Sha!e Shac! to o&er com)o mea$% Competitive pricin' $i!e of other fa%t ca%ua$ re%taurant% in oronto Cu%tomi%ed menu with a new product tar'etin' the ,"
OFer intro%utor %isounts to ustomers
'ales Promotion
*iret 'elling
Canadian mar!et
$ommuniations Mi6 Sha!e Shac! a% )rand i% !nown to %pend $itt$e on adverti%in'. #% per report% it% adverti%in' co%t% for the year ,?13 were a)out S TM+4??? and for ,?1, 0 wa% T("4???. (Maureen Morrison! January -&! %') -or it% $aunch in oronto Canada fo$$owin' medium% wi$$ )e u%ed to communicate the information of the $aunch.
A%)ertising #dverti%in' %et% the foundation for communicatin' the )rand to the tar'et audience in a new mar!et. 0t he$p% u% to convey our me%%a'e to the con%umer. 0t i% the %tartin' point of creatin' a $on' term re$ation%hip with the con%umer%. he adverti%in' techni2ue% to )e emp$oyed in oronto are a% fo$$ow%: • • •
Print edia =)oard% and )i$$)oard%> E$ectronic edia Socia$ edia Campai'n%
'ales Promotions 0ntroducin' %pecia$ $imited time promotion% to create a )u in the mar!et.
9inanial Analsis Market Analsis Our re%earch and %tudy conc$ude% that the ma*or ri%! for Sha!e Shac! when enterin' the Canadian mar!et i% the exi%tin' competition. here are exi%tin' chain% who a$ready have a ma*or %hare in thi% mar!et. he chain% inc$ude im ;orton% c 8ona$d% and Su)way who have con%tant$y had a ma*or mar!et %hare in Canada for the year% ,?14 and ,?1(.
'= ,o
$ontingen Plan he mean% to miti'ate thi% pro)$em i% the uni2ue %e$$in' propo%ition that Sha!e %hac! ha%. -ir%t )ein' the c$a%%ic item% in their menu $i!e the cur$y chee%e frie% and 1??I #n'u% )eef pattie%. he other uni2ue %e$$in' point for them i% the avai$a)i$ity of in hou%e )eer and wine on their menu. #nother important factor which ma!e% Sha!e Shac! di&erent from it% competitor% i% the menu it ha% for our furry friend% a% we$$. Sha!e Shac! i% a fa%t ca%ua$ re%taurant chain and o&er% a )etter environment for it% cu%tomer% to en*oy their food.
'ales an% 9inanial Result Analsis Sha!e Shac!F% /nancia$ re%u$t% for the year ,?1( and /%ca$ year ended on 8ecem)er 31 ,?1( are a% fo$$ow%:
9inanial Results /05 •
ota$ revenue increa%ed "?.KI to T1+?." mi$$ion.
Shac! %a$e% increa%ed "3.(I to T1K3., mi$$ion.
6et 0ncome wa% T,.+ i$$ion. =S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">
Sha!e Shac!F% /nancia$ re%u$t% for the fourth 2uarter and /%ca$ year ended 8ec 3? ,?1( are a% fo$$ow%:
9inanial Results 9ourt! Iuarter •
ota$ Revenue increa%ed 4".KI to T(1.1 i$$ion =S>
Shac! Sa$e% increa%ed 4+.,I to T4+.3 i$$ion =S>
6et income wa% T1., mi$$ion
=S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">
-inancia$ re%u$t% for the Second 2uarter ended une ,+ ,?1" =13 wee!%>
9inanial Results 'eon% Iuarter# /02 •
ota$ Revenue increa%ed 3M.,I to T"".( i$$ion =S>
Shac! Sa$e% increa%ed 3K.3I to T"4.4 i$$ion =S>
6et 0ncome wa% T3.3 i$$ion. 3?
=S;#@E S;#C@ ,?1">
-rom the report of the pa%t %a$e% we can o)%erve a dec$ine in the tota$ revenue the rea%on )ehind the dec$ine i% the $ar'e amount of Sha!e Shac! %hare% which were avai$a)$e in the mar!et a% a part of it% %econdary o&erin'. Sha!e Shac! founder and CEO 8anny eyer wa% expected to reduced hi% $ot of 1.3 i$$ion %hare% to 3???? %hare% a$%o No% #n'e$e% )a%ed Private E2uity -irm Neonard
Market '!are 9oreast -rom the o)%ervation of the pa%t data we can %ure$y foreca%t an increa%e in %a$e% and tota$ revenue for Sha!e Shac!. he foreca%t i% a% fo$$ow%: •
Le can foreca%t an increa%e in ota$ revenue of at $ea%t T, mi$$ion do$$ar% for a new %tore in oronto. Le can %ure$y a%%ume the increment from T"".( i$$ion in ,?1" )y une to 'o a% hi'h a% a)out T"+.K i$$ion in their introductory year.
Reference% 8# . =,?1( -e)ruary ,">. .o/ Sha0e Shac0 /on o1er mi22ennia2s . Retrieved from di' http:JJdi'iday.comJ)rand%J%ha!e%hac!hitamon'mi$$ennia$%J @e$$ . =,?1( #7 14>. 3hy Sha0e Shac0 3i22 4e1er 5e McDona2d6s . Retrieved from http:JJfortune.comJ: http:JJfortune.comJ,?1(J?(J14J%ha!e%hac!mcdona$d%J @ramer @. =,?1? octo)er 1(>. Sha0e Shac0 7ounder 89pands .is 8mpire . Retrieved from cn)"M+,33 NG #. =,?1( *une ,,>. Sha0e Shac06s +iggest ad1antage has nothing to do /ith the food. Retrieved from ) http:JJwww.)u%ine%%in%ider.comJ%ha!e%hac!%cu%tomer%ervicepo$icy,?1(" i$)er'% . S. =,?1( #7 ,,>. Sha0e Shac06s supp2y chain guru on sourcing +etter +urgers. Retrieved from 'reen) http%:JJwww.'reen)i.comJartic$eJ%ha!e%hac!%%upp$ychain'uru%ourcin' )etter)ur'er% S.;8 S.C; . =,?1">. Retrieved from www.%ha!e%hac!.com: http%:JJwww.%ha!e%hac!.comJfoodanddrin!
S;#@E S;#C@. =,?1">. S.;8 S.C; . Retrieved from inve%tor.%ha!e%hac!.com: V http:JJinve%tor.%ha!e%hac!.comJinve%tor%overviewJnew%Jpre%%re$ea%e detai$%J,?1"JSha!eShac!#nnounce%SecondWuarter,?1"-inancia$ Re%u$t%Jdefau$t.a%px ///.