Introduction You're about to e mba rk 0 11 a jo urney fu Il ofdanger and exc iteme nt , in rr igue and c halle nge-a jo urney to t h e Shatt ered Gate s of Slaug hte rgard e! You'll face off aga in st si n isrer foe s fro m ram pag ing d rago ns to c alcu lati ng demo ns. As pan of a closc-k n u team of advent ure rs, yo u'll gro w in power an d k nowle dge. A nd you'l l e arn glory e nd accl ai m, as we ll as pile s of treasure. Bur to do a ll th at , you need a c ha racter. Th aI's whe re th is book comes in.Th is p/l1Ya's Gllillt' is a lin k bet wee n the 0 & 0 ru les a nd the ad venture you're abo ut ro unde rt a ke. He re yO ll can find all sons of advic e on how 10 make a memorable c h aracte r wh o can su rv ive th e r igors of Slaug luerga rde an d emerge victoriou s. O n ce the adve n t u re h as start ed, you 'll sul l find the Plll ycr's Cllidt' u se fu l. You r c h arac te r em acq ui re som e of t he m agi c items de tailed in thi s book. In t ime, you r PC mi g ht all y wi t h one or bo th of th e o rgan izat io ns de ta iled h er e- the Lu min ou s a rtie r a nd the Ebe n Ca ba l. Th e Pla ycr'sGuidl' tel ls you th e bene fits of th at affilia lion, including p restige cl as ses avail able on ly to member s of o ne of th ese gro ups. Share th e PIII.\'t'r's GuidI'arou nd the table as you u nder take the advent u re. That's what it's de signed for. Re fer to it as a rle n as you wi sh- the know ledge i n thi s book migh t save your ch arac ter' s life !
CREATING A CHARACIER You an d you r fri end s begin your ad ve nt ure s in t he Valle y of O bel isks , a r ugged land o n the fro n tier o f c iviliza tion . As you ge ne ra te a new Isr-level c ha ract er. co nsi de r the follow in g po in ts. The Va lley of O bel isks is a big p lace. Eve n a fasr r ider woul d take d ays to travel its len g t h by road , Th us, ne arl y any ch aracter you ca n imag ine ca n be from he re. Don 't be shy abou t tr y ing an u nu sual com bin ation or cla ss and race, or a typ e of c ha racter n ew to YO li . Your Dungeo n Ma ste r has all sorts of advent urematcria ls. but they requ ire a re aso na bly cohe sive cast of c h arac ters to spring ro life. Discu ss with you r fr iends wh at ki nd ofc h arac ter you're ma king. Th at w ay, you make su re you've go t th e basics covered-c-someone who ca n heal, so meone w ho ca n figh t, someo ne who is sk ille d w ith arca ne mag ic, and so me one w ho ca n de al w ith traps. Ideas that your fr ie nds h ave for their c ha racte rs mi g ht in sp ire yOll, An oth er way you can m ake th e DM 's li fe easier is by invc nti ng some sort of socia l co n nec tion be twee n your c ha racte r and at least one othe r I'C. Doing so pro vides a rea son yo ur c ha rac ters ar e togethe r, and it h elps mak e su re that everyone mak es ch arac ters th at wo rk w it h one a no t her. You don't have to play a c harac te r who's best frien ds wi th everyon e el se, of co urse, bUI 0 & 0 is a coope rative ga me, so you sho u ld n't playa com ple te mi santh rope eithe r. Root your c h arac te r in t he world-or at lea st plant some seeds tha i ca n grow roo ts in time. You shou ld be able to pick a com m u ni ty in th e Valle y of O belis ks that you r ch arac te r
c alls hom e, and you shou ld k now th e basics of how you r c harac te r gre w up, whet he r livi ng rela tives exis t, a nd so on . You do n't have to have a de tai led h isto ry unless you wa n t to. In fact , it's o fle n conven ie nt to leave so me pari s o f th e sto ry blan k in itia lly, so you ca n fill t hem in late r w ith det a ils t h at con nec t ro th e on going ca m pai gn . 1n an y case, you shou ld be able ta lk abo ut you r c hara cter in a way [h at doesn 't rel y on rac e, cl ass, and level.
RACES OF THE VALLEY Most co rnrnu ni ries in th e Valley of O belisks are we lco m ing to reside n ts of all rac es, but so me natu rall y attrac t more o f one race t han a no t her. Ot her s are t he hi stor ical home o f a spec ific race . \X:T hen yOll c hoose a race, you don 't n ecessa ril y have to be fro m one of the co m muni tie s descr ibed in rh nr race's sect ion. You ca n pic k a differenr se n lcment, decl ar e th at you're from a sma ll h am let or t ho rp that isn't shown on th e map, or eve n dec ide that you wa u r 10 play a visitor from a far-off
land. Dwa r f: Few o f the valley 's dw ar ves are farm e rs. In sread . the)' are arti sans in urban ce nte rs o r mi ners up in th e foo lhi lls a nd mou nt ai ns. CO"' UrIllllfifS: Dwarves dominate th e town of Krokar r an d (he su rro u nd ing Sardarian 1-1 ills. Recently, a dwarfc lan has moved to Hem yul nk. w here its membe rs are scour ing th e nearby mouu t nin s for ore. Elf: The e lves of the valle y call its ma ny fo rest s horn e. Elves spe nd t he ir tim e ten ding the grea t t ree s, hu nti ng, ga t her in g rare herbs, an d pe r fec ting wi zardry. COll l lll lll ll lit', : Built amo ng t he t ree s of the Oa kwoo d, t he tow n of s hu l She n ne k is t he larges t cl uster of e k es in th e valley. Sh ul Vaath in the Vaathwo od ru ns a close sec ond. Bo th [he O a kwood a nd t he Vaathwood haw smalle r elf ham lets as wel l. Elf co m m u ni tie s a re mo re spo radic in t he o t he r forests. and no elves live in the Forest o f Turlek . Werewolves w ipe d th em al l OUI. Gnome: Gno mes in the valley kee p to th eir ow n , living qui et ly i n thorps burro wed into t he hill s a nd ro ll ing past ures that c ha rac terize th e ce nt ral pa n of t he valley. M any are she pherd s ot vege table far mer s. Conmlllllitk s: Gnomes have a sig n ificant prese nce in Ri verbe nd , a nd t he Ri"erbend Carn ival is jus tly famo us for its sk ill ed, e nt erta in ing g nomes . Half-Elf: H al f-elves have a re putation as d iplo ma ts and sh rewd bargaine rs, so many gravitate to t he me rcha nt trades or other job s requ iring tr avel. COllll111l11 ilics: Those half-e lves of th e Vall ey o f Obe lisk s who live wi th e lves are usually fou nd in s h u I Shc n nck . Th ese in d ivid uals are t reated as fu ll-blo ode d elves in the co m m u n ity, set apart from the ot he rs onl y by the ir sho r t life spa n s. Si nce th e e lves of Shu I Vaet h di sdai n outs ide rs , • ha lf-e lves are rare am ong th em . H al f-e lves wh o live wi th their hum an ki n are usuall y residents of large se rtle ruen ts such as Su rnbcr ron. Half-Orc: Fu ll-blood ed orcs o nce com prise d t he majorit y of th e barbar ian tribes roam ing th e fringes o f t he valle y, bu t th ey began mi xing w irh humans lon g ago. Many of
these trib es are now mad e up ent irely of half-orcs. A few suc h tr ibes wand er the fri nges of the Valley of Obel isks, hu nt ing and gathe r ing when they can, and raidi ng nearby se ttle ments whe n they mu st. COl1 l11l1l1lilics: Th e mountain s nort h of th e VaHey ofO belisks an d th e headw aters of the Ma r ril ach River arc th e terr itor y of th e two larges t hal f-ore trib es. Ha lfl ing: Th e M nn-ilnch River that run s th roug h the hear t of the valley also ru ns th rough th e heart ofevery ha lfling , it is said. Th e vast majo rity of hal flings lives and work s wi thin a few miles of the r iver, many on th e ri ver boats that carr y goods back and for th betw een th e Valley of Obel isks and the rest of th e world. C O/ll I11tlllr ti CS: Three hal fling cl an s are pnrticu larly common in the valley. The Markt un scl hal flt ngs are h istoric ally from Sum berton; Lu kr im ar Keep is home to the H und ivarsr cla n; and the I ami nestri clan is fro m Jewel fon l. Halflings from all th ree clans, as well as a scatteri ng of "exten ded fam ily" from o ther cla ns, live any where w ithi n sight of the Marr ilach River. H u ma n: Th e dom ina nt race of the Valley of Obelisks, h um ans built th e roads an d erected the scttlern em s whe re most of the valley's res iden ts live. Hum an far mers m ake up the pr epond eran ce of th e valley's co mmon folk. COllllllllllitics: The city of Sum bc r tc n is th e largest settlement in the Valley of O belisks, and nearly ha lf of its pop ulation is h uma n . Jewcl ford is ano ther tow n tha t ha s a large hu ma n populat ion , and m any of the sma ller v illages and hamlets suc h as Dondu rran,'Iu lvercross,and Silver moru have a hu man m ajorit y.
CLASSES OF THE VALLEY It isn' t hard to j ust ify th e presen ce of any class w ith in th e com mu n ities of the Valley of Obelisks. Some classes na tu rally gr avitate to certa in occ upations an d locatio ns.
Barbarian Th e set tle d lands of th e Valley of Ob elisks ha ve few native barbarian s. Some tr ibes wander along the nort hern pe r iphery or the headwaters of th e Mar rt lach River. Occupations: Barbarians wh o come to th e valley fin d work as car avan guards or soldiers, or as band its wh o figh t car avan guar ds an d soldiers. c hara ct er Co n cep ts Th e berserke r who glares at everyone and let s an axe do rhc talking. The exot ic hu nt er-gath erer who's cu rio us but naive abo ut civiliz ation. The survivo r who lived rh rough a massacr e or disaster that wip ed out the tr ibe.
Bard The art of son g is partic ularly es teemed in th e Valley of Obelisks . Per form er s are co m mon, bur only the bes t can call themselves bard s. Oc cu pa t io ns: Every bard needs an audience, so the natural tende ncy is for bard s to gravit ate to larger cities suc h as
Sum be non and jewelford. The gno mes of Riverbend pro duce a nu mber of bards as well. many of wh om learn th eir craft in the travel ing Riverbc nd Carn ival. Cha ra ct er Co n cep t s Th e tale-spin ner wh o's eager to hit th e road, perform heroic dee ds, and tell stor ies abo ut th em. The fencer m ins trel wh o wie lds a rapier as well as he does a m and oli n. The dabbler who's fasci na ted by anc ien t lore, de lving into cru mbling ru ins and long-fo rgotten cry pts in sea rch of secre t k now ledge.
Cleric The folk of th e Valley of Obe lisk are cos mopo litan enoug h to toler ate the wors hi p of ,my no n-evil deity. \X'i th no sing le religion dom inating the area, clerics of m any faiths
Druid \\/ hi le the Valley of Obelisks is known as an agric ultura l region, m uch of its land has never felt th e touc h of a plow. But that doesn't mean suc h land isn't tended , for dr uid s watc h over the valley's wild places. Occu pations: Some dru ids are lone rs, safeg uarding th e wil derness as bes t they ca n. The majori ty of dr uids in th e valley belon g to one of three orders: the Druids of the Red Rock (And rail Forest), the Mahogany Circle (West Oakwoo d), an d the Vaa t ~1\"7ood Guard ians (va atbwood). Ch ar ac ter Co n cep t s The innocent who simply wan ts to see all th e splendors of the natura l wor ld, fro m th e hig hes t moun tains to the de epest caverns. Th e m ili tant who wants to prot ect the wilderness [rom th e tain t of evil-or th e corr uptio n of civilization. The myst ic who seeks to better u nderstand natu re and divi ne magic.
Fighter The Valle y of Obe lisks mi gh t be at peace , but it's far fro m peaceful. A stro ng swor d ar m is always an asse t, an d sk ill wi th , blade highl y pr ized. Occupations: Some figh ters are sold iers in the national ar my,qua rter ed in Su mbe rron or Castle Pend rant. Most are
m embers of local m ilit ias u nde r the com ma nd of a titled lord or ano the r member of the nobility. c h ar act er Concepts The glory hou nd who sees each battle as a test o f skill and a bu ild ing block of fame. Th e sold ier who's fascina ted with sm all-u nit ractics and apt to sugges t tech niques suc h as "pincer mo veme nt s" and "bou nd ing ovcrwn tch," Th e mys ter ious dri fter who does goo d deed s, then wan ders on in searc h of some thing-oraway from somet hi ng else.
Th e g ueri lla who learn ed how to usc ste alth and camouflage to reach beh ind ene my lines, set amb ushes, com m it sabotage , and fade int o the wil derness. The hunter who ta kes pr ide in stalking prey, th en di spatching it qui ckl y an d cleanly .
Rogu e \Vith so many com mu nities and ways of li fe in the vall ey, it's easy for a rog ue to m ake a mark or to blend in u nobtrusively. O cc u pat ions: The sk ills rog ues po ssess m ean th at a city life best su its most of them, but some rog ues are ba nd its or sco uts in th e track less w ilds.
Monk Valley reside nts rega rd th e marrial arts as exot ic, but a few u nders tand the power suc h d isciplin e offers. O ccu p at ion s: Man y mon ks receive their tr ain ing in on e of Su mberton's m onasteri es. 1\ few learned th eir art at a temple in Sek let ir or in foreign land s. c h a r ac te r C on ce pts The seeker who travels [rom place to place, finding adventu re almos t by accide nt. Th e conte mpla tive who uses marti al arts as a path to en ligh te n men t. Th e wou ld-be m aster who strives to best th e cha mpions o f other figh ti ng styles.
Paladin Ev ildoer s like to lur k o n civilization's fro ntier, so wh o better than a paladi n to m ake sure the Valle y of O belisks rema ins safe? Occu pat ion s: Th e temples of Surnber ton have paladin orders affi liated w ith them , an d many palad in s owe allegiance to the shri ne at Seklerir. Ch ar acter Concepts Th e cr usader who's a soldier with a ri ghteous cause tha r nothing can stand in the way of. Th e hono rable k n ight who t r ies to a live a life of vir tue as an exa mple ro oth ers. The re forme r who underta kes quest aft er quest in an effort to make up [or some past sin.
Ranger A ran ger's place is ou t on th e fro ntie r, and the Valley of O belisks offer s plent y of cha llen ges on the edge of civil ization . O ccu p ati o n s: Rangers arc more com m on in the valley's sma ller co m mu ni t ies th an in the big cities. Man y act as h unt ers, g uides , and scouts . Th e village of Hcrnyul ak in pa rti cular is know n for th e ran gers it produ ces. c har act er C once pts The wanderer wh o goes wh erever th e pa th leads, always eager to see Il{' W sig hts.
c h aract er Conce p t s Th e mi schi ef-maker wh o loves to em ba rrass auth ority figure s and do the impossible. The k iller train ed fro m ch ild hoo d to slay quick ly and silent ly. Th e deceiver wh o uses di sguise, stea lth, and other sk ills to act lik e a fant asy version of a mo dern spy.
Sorcerer The raw arca ne power o f th e sorce rer can manifest w itho ut warn ing. so memb er s of this class arc found th rou gh out the Valley of obeli sks. O ccupations: 1\ sorce rer or two can be fou nd in most valley commu nit ies, using th eir spells to keep [he peace, p rot ect others, or cause tro uble. Ch ar acte r C on cep ts Th e dra gon -descend ed who regard s spells as a birthright from d raco nic ances tors. The medi tator wh o's always tr yin g to un lock the arcane sec rets withi n th e souL Th e cu r ious free spirit wh o uses ex per ime nta tion and obser vation to m aster ne w spe lls.
Wizard Su ruber ton alone is big eno ugh to support an arcane college, so wizard s are un common in th e valley. Occupations: Most wizard s use th eir spe lls to ear n a livelihood , often as mem ber s o f the Scr ivene rs Guild in Su mberron. A few live elsewh ere, mostly as appre ntices to hermit wi zard s who came to th e valley to enjoy solitu de.
Character Concepts Th e scho lar who tr eats mag ic lik e a field of scien tific inquiry. The acquisitor wh o's always on the lookou t for new spells and magic item s. The intellec tual who uses intelligen ce and m agic to overco me phy sical frailt y or socia l stigma.
The Luminous Order As you discover the secre ts of Slaug hlergarde , rOll mi ght m eet agents o f a k n ightly or ga ni zation ca lle d th e Lumino us Order, whi ch is based in a castle ca lle d th e Shi n ing Citade l. O ver tim e, you can dew lop an affi liat ion with thi s group [h at leads to increasingly g reater re wards for yo u- if yOll co n ti nue to act in an appro pr iate manner. Fro m time to rime aft e r you become affiliate d with th e order, th e DM mi gh t [ell you that your affiliation sco re wi th in th e Lum in ous Order has in cr eased . As your affil iatio n sco re rises, you become entitle d to th e follo w ing rewa rds.
Affiliation Scor e 1 or lower
2- 4
5-8 9 or higher
Title: Ben efits and Duti es No ne. Kn ig ht lum inous or Lumin ary: You are
eligible for quests and can purc hase spe llcasting from the clerics of the order at reduce d cost. Luminary Capt ain: You receive a Luminary tabard and gain expanded access to the order's NPC spe llcast ers. Luminary Cham pion: You receive on e weapon af the celestial host (your choice). Gaining the title of Luminary champion en titles you to ente r the sola r cha nneler or se rene gua rdian pres tige class .
--:----.!-ELAYI t:S G A LUMlN ARY Wh en you're a Kni ght oft he Lum inou s O rde r-also kn ow n as a Kn ight Lum in ous or a l um inary- you're always on th e look out for evi l, especi al ly h idd en in iqu ity that m ight lead to grea ter woe down th e road. Th e Lu mi nous O rde r was c reate d to sto p a de mon ic invasion , so you 're part ic ularly co ncerned w it h a nv thing [hat lets ev il ga in a foothold suc h as a secre t demon ic cult en gag ing in fou l ri tes w ithi n a fores t or an ev il lycanth rope hid de n within a co m mu n ity. It doesn't have to be an oarr h-sha rre ri ng invas ion from th e Low er Pla ne s. Yo u str ike at any grow ing ev il , upro oti ng it befor e it c an be ar bitte r fru it. Th e Luminou s Order places grea t faith in th e sclf-rcha nee of its membe rs. If it acce pts you wit hi» its ranks. rhe ord e r is con fide nt th at you ta ke it s mi ssion to he art . T hu s the ord er dem and s few spec ific dut ies [rom yo u . If ev il shows its face, [he n the Lu ruinous O rder asks vol unteer s to van quish thar evi l. But the orde r's leaders rarely dem and that a spec ific agen t undertak e a spe cific mi ssion . The ord er 's leadershi p lik ewi se res pects th e lives of members be yo nd (he Sh ini ng Citadel's wall s. It 's co m mo n for Kni ghts Lum inou s to be away fro m th e citadel for month s at a ti me, even if th ey aren 't on a specific mi ssion for t he ord er. Join in g th e Lu m inous Order advan ce s your career as a hero; it doesn't co nstra in th ar ca reer. Combat: Cle r ics, fig h ters , and mon ks ar e th e mos t co mmon classes in (he lum in ou s Order, so mem be rs' tac tics va ry based o n [heir stre ng t hs . Some Kni gh ts Lum i nous stand toe 10 toe wi th e ne m ies, wh ile others hang back and cast spe lls. Supe rn atura l or magical e nem ies arc co u n te red
by su pe rn atu ral or magical respon ses, wh ethe r t h at's t ur nin g und ead or usin g dismissal on fiends. If Luminar ies h ave a weak ness, it's th at gi ven a choice bet ween prot ect ing rlieir co m rades and defeat ing a foe, th ey save th ei r fr iend s ever y time. C lever e nem ies are n't above exploitin g thi s se nse of hon or to ga in an ndvam age on (he battl e field-or at least to esca pe . Lumi n aries us ually ope ra te in sm all groups. O n th e ra re oc ca sions wh en a crusa de calls for lar ger groups, th ose sq uads organ ize li ke cava lry.The lead er of such a co m pan y (ofte n a Lum in ar y cap ta in) comma nds e igh t to ten ot he rs, a nd all o f t h em travel on light warh ors cs 10 arr ive at t he cr itica l poi nt of th e b attle as soo n as possi ble. Advance men t: T he Lu m inou s Orde r accepts roug h ly a dozen new mem be rs eac h year. Two bro ad cr ite ria are used to det ermi ne membershi p. First, th e Lu m in ous O rder wa nt s new k n igh ts who already have some experie nce battl ing evil , es pecia lly supe rnatu ral foes such as undead a nd ou ts ide rs. Seco nd, t h e orde r looks for recr uits wh o ha ve sk ills a nd talents that it does n't possess in abu nda nce . Strong sword arms are alw ays we lcome, of course, b ut to impress th e leader s of th e Lum i nous Order, you shou ld tr y to acco mp lis h so me t h i ng th at t hey h aven 't see n before. O nce you beco me a Kni gh t Lum in ous, you ha ve access to [he Sh in i ng Citad el an d t h e aid of pow er ful members of th e o rde r. You ca n lake liv in g qua rters at the strong ho ld if you w ish, or merely v isit when you want a ques t or ne ed t he order's J id . At th e Shi n ing Citade l. th e be st of th e best are know n as Lu min ar y cha m pions. 1f you become a cha m pion , you ca n sta rt to exert so me in fluence within th e ord er, decid ing on its overa ll directi on , prior itiz ing its m any co nce rns, and ass ign ing qu ests to oth er Lu m i naries. A po litica l role has mand atory duties, th ou g h. so don't tak e suc h a position if you don 't want th e respon sib il it y. Missions: Th e or igi na I purpose of the Lu ruinou s O rde r was to thwart a dem oni c in vasion , shou ld a no the r on e ever occur. Tha t hasn't happen ed in all the ce ntu ries of the or der 's ex iste nce; in [h e meant im e, th e org ntza tto n de als wi th th e frequ ent outbreak s of ev il a nd lawlessn ess in th e Valley o f O belisks as best it can. l ast year , for example, [h e Lu m inous Ord er's not able accom plis h me nts inclu de d p rotecting refugees flee in g t h e d rago n atta ck on And ru sh el , bre akin g th e gn oll sieg e o f Kel's Rise, uncove ri ng a grou p o f mi nd flaye rs h iding in a temple in jewcl ford , and en di ng Joll y M ara's vam p iric rei gn of terr or in Stu m p Flat s. Kni gh ts Lu m i nou s also travel into the Slaughrers ca r fro m time to time to c hec k (he undead pop ulati on. Curre n t Lu mi nary cham p io ns believe th at pe riodi c pat rol s are (he best way 10 keep th e und ead w it h in th e cra te r, rather th an see ing [h em sp il l out to menace th e nearby co u nt rys ide an d commu n ities . .. Respon si bi li ties: Th e luminous Order is un de rsrand ing of its me mbers' res po ns ib ilities to [ami ly, lord , an d co u ntry. You ca n spe nd u p to six m onths away from the Shi ning Citadel w it ho ut arousing worry in yo ur co mra des-a nd lo nge r than [h at if you're on or de r busin ess. As long as you don't be smi rc h the Lum inou s O rde r's goo d name, and you
figh t evil 10 the best of you r abili ty, the order is proud to call you a membe r.
N "You fig /I! !l'ell, llllt you're Il/JOll t 10collaJlse i/lll
Specia l: You m ust hav e an affiliat io n sc ore of9 o r highe r with in the Lu mino us O rde r to become a se ren e gua rdian. If yo ur affiliation sco re dro ps be low 9 afte r you ha ve become a sere ne gua rd ian, you ret ain all clas s fe atu res and the a bility to adva nce in th e clas s .
PilWXl'Sl1 1 of pl1 il1.
-c- H anoo the Blessed , ser ene g UJ rd ial1 The Lum inous Orde r teaches its sold iers some rud ime n tary me di tatio ns and co nce ntrat ion exerc ises, but th ese are ju st the t ip of the iceberg. Th ose who ma ster the esote ric, minden ha ncing tech ni ques of the Lu m ino us O rde r have ea rne d the right to call them selves sere ne g ua rd ians.
BECOMING A SERENE GUARDIAN If you have a d iscipl ined wo rldview and a cert ain level of com bat pro wess, and you have the tul e o f Lu m inary champion, the n becom ing a serene guard ian is simply a m atter of devoting th e necessary ti me to t ra in ing your m ind. SERENE GU A RDI AN E NT RY RE QUIRE ME NTS
Alignment: Any lawfu l. Th e Lum ino us O rder do e sn 't tolera te evil mem bers , and evil char acte rs a ren' t ac cepted among the or d er' s ra nks, but neve rthe less a se re ne gua rdian who fa lls from grace keep s th e powe rs of the ser en e gua rdia n class a nd ca n s till gain leve ls in the class . Base Attack Bo nus: +6.
Ba se Attack Bonus
H IT DIE: 08
Fort Ref Will Sa ve Save Save
2nd 3rd
+2 +3
+3 +3
+3 +3
+0 +1
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
+4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
+4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
+4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
+1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Spe cial Re so nance , pa infu l re lea se Da m aging relea se Mo nk ad va nce ment o r bo nus feat Stagge ring release G rea te r reso nance Trau m at ic release Im m une to fear Co nfou nd ing rele ase Uncl o uded min d So ul release
Clas s Skills (2 + Int modifier per leve l): Bala nce , Clim b, Co ncent rat ion , Craft, Esc ape Art ist , Hide , Int im idat e, Ju m p, Knowledge (religion) , Listen, Move Sile nt ly, Pro fess io n, Sens e Mo tive , Spot , Swim , Tu m ble.
Hanoo tbe Blessed releases resonance
CLASS FEATURES As a serene g uard ian, you deliver blows that establish ,I mystical reson an ce with in you r target. You also learn methods to release rh ar resonan ce in ways th at h arm you r enemi es. All th e fo llow ing are class featu res o f th e se re ne gua rd ian prestige class. Resona nce (Su): \X'hen yo u e nter the class, you be come ab le 10 establ ish resona nc e in your en em ies. \\:fhe nevcf r o ll deal damage to a foe two or more tim es in a single rou nd, you c reate 1 point of reso na nce in th at ene my. YOLI u su all y nee d to make a fu ll atta c k to create reson an ce, but a sing le arrack follow ed by a successfu l attack ofoppo r tu nity before yo ur next turn al so allows you to d o so. To prod uce an effec t, you must release the reson ance y O ll have establi she d . You ca n o n ly relea se resona nce in on e targe t at a rime. W he n you release resona nce in a foe, all th e resonan ce points you have created in that opp one n t arc loosed 10 produce rh e effect you c ho os e. Th e c hos e n effec t o nly affe cts the c reature from whi c h th e reso na nce was rele ased . O nce resona nce is released , th e target in wh ic h it was released retur n s to 0 reson a nce poi nr s; yo u haw 10 c reate reso nance in th at ene my again bcfoere you (;111 Pt'> duc e ano ther effe c t aga ins t it. At 5th level, your maste ry of resona nce inc reascs. I[ you d eal d ama ge to J foe th ree ti mes o r more in a single ro u nd , you c rea te 2 poin ts of reson ance in (h at oppon e nt. Painfu l Release (Su): As a sw ift ac tion , you C 111 release reson anc e in the for m of searin g pain th at flows th rou g hout you r targe t's bod y. For ea ch point of rcsona nee released , that foe takes a - 1 pen alt y on arrac k rolls :lI1 J saving th rows [o r a numbe r of rou nd s eq ual to th e nu mbe r o f reson a nce poi nt s released . T h is abilit y has no effe ct o n creatu res th at a re im mune to ex tra dam age from c ritical h its. Dam agin g Release (Su ): At 2n d level , yo u It-am how to da mage you r foe d irectl y with the power of reson an ce. As a swift ac tion , you G ill release th e re son an ce you haw ere.ncd within a target to deal that foe Id6 poi nts of dam age per po int of resonance released. Th is d ama ge doesn't h elp you c reate re so na nce in the target agai n. Mo nk Adva nce men t o r Bonus Feat: Most sere ne guardians we re once mo nk s, fighter s, or rangers, because it's easier for suc h c h aracters to dam age the same e ne my twice in th e sa me round . Begi n n i ng at 3rJ level. if you h ave levels in mon k, you C::J. n co u n t h al f your se re ne guardi an levels as monk level s for calc u latin g you r flu rr y o f blows atta ck bonus, Arm or C lass bo nu s, and un ar med damage. If you don 't have mon k levels, you can instead choos e any bon us fea t for whic h you meet th e prereq uisites from amo ng th e allo wed fight e r bonus fea ts (PH 38). Stagge r i ng Rel ea se (Su): At 4t h level, you learn hew to slow you r e ne my by releasing resona nce. As a swifr ac tion, you G ill release th e reson ance you have c reated within a targe t to reduce th at fo e's spe ed by 10 fee l in all mod es ptT poi nt of resona nce released .The effec t lasts for a nu mbe r of rou nds eq ua l to the nu mber of reso na nce poin ts released . Trau mat ic Release (Su ): At «th It-vel, your power over reso nance becomes more destructive. As a swift ac tion ,
you ca n release [h e resona nce with in a target to deal th ai foe 2d 6 points of d amage per point o f resonance relea sed. This d ama ge doesn't help you create resonan ce in the target aga in . I m m u ne to Fear (Ex): \X' he n yo u reach 7th leve l, your mi nd becomes so se rene th at fear be co mes a mere cb st racrion . You are im m u ne to fear, mag ica l or otherwise. Confou n di ng Release (Su) : At 8th level and hi gher, the resona nc e you rele ase ca n be fudd le th e mi nd . As a swift ac tio n, you can release th e resona nce you h aw created wit hin a target to affeCl lha t foe w it h wnfusioll, as th e spel l. T he effect lasts for a nu mbe r of roun d s eq ual to the numbe r o f reso nance points relea sed . U n cl o u ded M i n d (Ex): At 9th level and h igh e r. if you fail a \X'ill save, yOll can make a Co nce ntratio n chec k a nd u se th at c heck 's resul t as your save res u lt. Sou l Release (Su): At rorh level , your master y of resona nce is abso lute . Yo u GIn u se resonance to se parate your ene my's soul fro m h is body, killing h im in stantly.To atte rnpt a sou l rele ase, yo u must have created 1 poin t of reso nan ce in you r target for eve ry 2 H it Dice [hat en emy ha s. Th e n , as. a sw ift ac tion , you ca n release th at resonan ce, forcing th at roe 10 succeed on a Fort itud e save (DC 10 + your serene gua rdia n level + you r \V' is modi fier) or di e. T hi s is a deat h effec t.
PLAYING A SERENE GUARDIAN Th ey call you "sere ne" fora reason , Even whe n y O li seem over ma tched , you're unflappable in a figh t. Part of th e reason for yo ur coo l de me an or is thai you know you're qu ietl y cre ating reson anc e for a release move. Co m ba t : Th e l u m in ous Order o fle n assigns se re ne g uard ians to attack e ne my leaders a nd po werful indi vid unI mo n sters. Because of the way reso nance works, a sere ne g uard ian is less effec tive wh en he's co nsta ntly c hangi ng target s. O the r l u m inar ies know th at a sere ne gu ardia n wants to make fu ll att ack s e very rou nd , so th ey often tr y to d istr act th e guard ia n's target a nd othe rwise keep ene m ies off th e gua rdi an's bac k. Ad va nce me n t : Bein g rec ru ited i nto the ra n ks of the serene gu ardi an s requ ires p roving yours elf to the l um inous Orde r, th en sho wing tilt.' existing sere ne g ua rd ians that you have the ment al d isci plin e to jo in the m. Fur th er adva ncem ent is sim ply a matt er of unceasing p rac tice and profou nd rned irancn .
~__~SO~LARCHAN~ "Th c f ll erg)' of tIll' CO~ 1Il0S COUl'5t'S tllrollgll Illy wi us. An' lIol ll 'il tlfSSf S 10 ils Imnsf(l rHllI tit't'I'Oll'l'I"?"
Il 't'
- SlIl h ra C alada n , so la r c h an n eler
/;/ k
S utb r« Calddml
fake s 1iling ill bel' /
Good clerics and pow erful paladi ns who h ave reach ed Lumi nar y ch ampi on status with in th e Lumin ous O rde r should h ave no d ifficult y un dergoing the Ritual of Feath er s required to becom e a sola r cha n ne ler.
solar for m
Alignment: Any good .
Special: Ability to turn undea d as a Sth -level cleric. Specia l: Yo u mus t have an affiliation score of 9 or higher within the Lumino us Order to become a so lar channeler. If your affili ation sco re d rops below 9 afte r you have become a sola r channe ler, you reta in all class feat ures and the ab ility to advanc e in the class . Spe cial: Mus t participate in the Ritual of Feat he rs (see Advancemen t).
CLASS FEATURES Th e sola r cliannelcr learn s 10 ch annel po sitive energy for emergency he alin g and fa te mp ora ri ly be come a powerful tlyi ng creatu re akin to a solar. All the followin g are class features of th e solar cha n neler pre sti ge class. C h an n el H ealing (Su ): By ex pen d ing one d aily use of your ability to turn u nd ead and chan ne ling th at ene rgy toward a willi ng all y, you can cast any w rc spell as a sw ift actio n, or you can cas t a clI re spe ll on :1 target up to 30 [eel a\vay. You ca n do both in the same rou nd, bur doing so expends two daily uses of your ability to tur n und ead. Turn Un d ead (Su ): You add your sola r cha n ne ler level to yo ur effec tive level for turn in g und ead granted by any othe r class to det erm in e yo ur effe ctive level fo r tu rn ing undead. For exa mp le, if you're a zth-lcvcl clcr tc/ ts t-level paladi n/t st-level solar chan neler, yOll turn und ead as if you we re an Sth- lcvel cleric. Sp ellcast i ng: At ever y level except t sr, 5th, and 10th, you gain new spells per day and an incr ease in caster level (and spe lls k now n, if appl icab le) as if you had also gained a level in a d iv ine spel lcasting class to whic h you belo nged , .. ~ before add ing th e solar chan neler level. You do not, however, gai n any othe r benefit a ch arac ter of th at clas s wou ld h ave gain ed . If yO Ll h ad more th an on e d ivine spellcast ing class befor e becomin g a sola r cha n neler, yOll mus t decide to whi ch class to add each eligi ble solarc han neler level for th e purpose of dctcr m inin g spells per d ay,caster level, and sp ells kn own . lesser Ch an n el Solar (Su): Beginn ing at 5th level , you can expe nd o ne of you r dail y uses of your abili ty to turn undead as an immed iate acti on to tran sform into a power ful cre atur e tha t looks li ke a solar (lvfM ( 2). At the beginning of eac h of you r subseque nt turn s, you mus t use a swi ft act ion to ex pe nd one addition al daily lise of you r abil ity to tu rn und ead. If you do not or ca nn o t do so, you return to your normal form . w hil e you are in so lar form, your body and gear are repl aced by a body and a mag ic grearsword like those of a solar. You becom e a Medium cre ature (if you wer e of J differe n t size before), and you lose th e ab ility to cast spells and
• , .
.' "
Base Attack Bonus
15t 2nd 3rd 4t h 5th 6th 7th 8th 9t h 10th
+0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7
Fort Ref Will Save Save Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
+0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
+2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Chan ne l hea ling, tu rn undead
Spellc asting
+1 level of existing divine spellcasting class +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class Lesser channe l so lar +1 level of existing +1 level of existing +1 level of existing +1 level of existing
divine s pe llcasting divine s pellcasting divine s pe llcasting divine spe llcasting
class class class class
Greater channel solar
Class Skills (2 + Int mod ifie r per level): Conce ntratio n, Craft , Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (histo ry), Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (religion). Profession, Spellcraft. to use the class featu res of your normal form w hi le you're in solar form (except th at you can expend daily uses ofyour ability TO tu rn un dead in order to maintain the altered form ). For as long as yOll maintain solar form , you don' t have access to item s worn, he ld, or carr ied by )/ou r normal form, althoug h your AC rem ains rhc same. The grea tsword disappears if it leaves yOtl r grasp, bur you can spend a move act ion to make it rea pp ea r in your ha nds . Your at tack s, damage , and speed change as described on the following table. All o ther aspec ts o f your c haracter remain the same.
Greatsword Attacks
5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
+201+1 5/ +10 (2d6 +9/19-20) +21/ +16/+ 11 (2d6 +10/1 9-20) +22/+17/+ 12 (2d6+11/19-20) +23/ +18/ +13 (2d6 +12/19 -20) +24/ +19/ +14 (2d6+ 13/ 19- 20) +25/ +201+15 (2d6+14/19 -20)
Speed fly 90 ft. (goo d) fly 90 ft. (good) fly 90 ft. (goo d) fly 120 ft. (good) fly 120 ft. (good) fly 1SO ft. (good)
Greater Ch a n n el Sola r (Su): At 10th level, you can remain in so lar for m for 1 mi nute for each d ail y usc of your ability to turn undead th at you expend.
PLAYING A SOLAR CHANNELER You deal with c ha llenges the way you always have, bu t wh e n comba t turns for th e worst , you know t hat you've go t an angel in reserve , T he Lu mi nous Order regards irs solar chaunelers h igh ly-especially those who have reac hed 5th level or hi gh er. Your abil it)' to tu rn into a powerfu I a ngel is seen as a sign that the gods favor you. Co m b at : You can't tu rn into an angel whenever yOLl want , so you have to assess w he ther a given figh t requires the assis tance of your solar form. Becoming an angel is a do uble-e dged sword, because you wo n't be able ro hea l your all ies or cas t other spe lls until you ret urn to norma l. The l um in ou s Orde r often sends so lar channe lers int o th e Slaug hrerscar. Even ifyou can't tran sform into an angel , you're still remarkably effe c tive against the undead , Advanc ement: Those who meet the entry require ment s and wis h 10 do so are inv ited to take part in the day long
Ritua l of Feathe rs at the Shin ing Citadel. At rh e con clu sion of th is prayer-fi lled ceremony, an actua l solar briefly appears and wordlessly tou ches you wi th irs swo rd. From th at momen t forwa rd , you find th at th e gates on you r ab ility 10 chan ne l posi tive energ y have been opened. Taki ng on th e fo r m of a solar requires further pract ice and grea ter inner streng th .
Ebon Cabal Th e Lumin ous Order isn't the only powerful group working beh in d th e scenes i n the Valley of Obe lisks. 1\ grou p of ambitious sche mers- wizards mos tly-exists solel y to accum ulate more power for its members.T h is faction is th e Ebe n Ca bal , based in a fortress ca lled the Blac k Tower. The Ebe n Cabal isn't an ev il organiza tion, thou gh it probably h as a few evi l me mb ers wi thi n its ranks , It's defin itely "neu tr al amb itious ," how eve r, a nd its members have few scr uples abour seeking and taking what they want . Over the course of the adve nture , you migh t encoun ter the Ebon Caba l and become affilia ted wi th th e group . Fro m time to time af ter you become affil iated wi th the group, the 01\ 1 mig ht tell yo u tha t your affilianon score wi thin the Ebon Caba l has increased. As your affilia tion score rises, you be co me en ti the following rewa rds. Affiliation Score 1 or lower 2-4
Title: Benefit s and Duties None. Ebon Initiate: You are given a ce remonia l black robe and is eligible for quests. An Ebon initiate can buy mag ic items from the wizards of the Ebon Caba l at reduced cost. Ebon Factotum: You receive a cloak of the
Ebon Cobol. 9 or more
Ebon Mast er: You receive one rodofthe Tower (your choice), along with a diamondstudded black mask wo rth 500 gp oGaining the title of Ebo n master entitles you to enter the dark scho lar or twisted lord prestige class .
PLAYING AN _---::-----:--;--E BO~ CABA USI Joining forces w it h the Eben Cabal me ans th at you speak t he lan guage of power. You're co mfo rtable operatin g amo ng th e r uth less an d the ambitious-and those are vour il l/ it 'S. You m igh t p ro fess nobl e idea ls wh en it su its your o ver all plan, and you always h ave an ove ra ll pl an, b ut those id eal s Gi n be cas t as ide wh e never do i ng so gets yo u wha t you desire . Becau se th e Eb e n Ca ba l fu nc t io ns like J m u tu al
"\X1ou ld you li ke t he ser v ices of an assas sin an ytirne in t h e ne xt month ?" "One of the fragme nts of the Bal ur e rri a Tab let is being hel d in a m anor no rr h of j cwcl fcrd . let's ste al ir." " It wo u ld sui t m y purposes if a ce rt ai n army pa trol nea r th e head wate rs of th e M ar ril ach Rive r were de layed fro m ret u rnin g for th ree da ys." 'T he g re at dra gon O lt ha ma at h rnn has reopen ed negoti ation s wi th us, an d we ne ed attache s capable of surviving the journe y." "1 can cra ft powe rfu l sra ffs, and I'll do so for o n ly th e cos t of m ater ials. Sur e ly you'd like suc h a po tent weapon ?" Responsibilities: Yo u don't have to tak e every offe r pr esent ed by yo ur fellows, of co u rse. No caba list do es. Bur ot hers in th e caba l always re me mbe r th at you refused. Th ose who declin e to he lp t h ei r black-ro bed com rades too ofte n are eventually excluded fro m t h e m o re worthwhi le plot s. M ember s who co ntinually spu r n oth er s might find the doo rs of the Black Tower sh ut agai nst t hem on e (by.
_ _ _ _.J.<:D~AR.K SCt1Ql.AR ;'\'(flJ al's ill Illy spellboo k i51/1e ICllsI of YOllr tporries. f tralls/alefl
theCodex offhe Crunsnn Tm l1ct'. 1Cllll vccue the profanc Versesof AI-VIISIliral,. I've read Ihe _~ ' /(1 1 c/wJlte r of Nd Jll'rlO n'S C,rrmoirc, ill ll'hicll rO llr doom is fordo/d." - Sh inses tra Fi re plu m e , a dark sc holar Da rk sc hola rs are arca ni srs wh o have delved deepl y i nto tex ts reg arded as too revo lu ti ona ry or too dan gero us for o t hers. T he ir colleag ues an d men tors in t he Eben Caba l h ave sho wn them forbi dden lo re, and th at h as o n ly wh etted t he ir ap pet ite for m o re.
BECOMING A DARK SCHOLAR T he path to dark sc hola rs hi p is straig ht forward . You mu st be an arc an e spe llcnsrer wh o h as ma stered on e o r m a rc Knowled ge sk ills, and yo u must be co m e a n Ebe n m aster i n th e Ebon Cabal . D A RK S CH OLA R E NT RY R EQUIRE ME NTS
Sk ills : 10 ra nks in Know led ge (arcana ), Know ledge (h istor y), or Knowle d ge (t he plan e s). (Having 10 ra nks in m o re th a n on e of these ski lls is be neficial.] Spel1cast ing: Ability to cas t -lth-le ve! arcane s pell s. Special: Yo u mus t ha ve an affil iation s co re of9 o r hig he r w ithin the Ebo n Ca bal to beco me a da rk s ch olar. If yo u r affiliation sco re d ro ps be low 9 after yo u have become a d ar k schol a r, you reta in all class featu res but yo u can' t ad vance fu rther in t he class .
CLASS FEATURES As ,1 da rk sc ho lar, yo u m aster fo rbidden lor e a nd reap t he benefi ts of suc h delvi ng. All the followi ng art' c lass fe atures of th e dark sc ho lar prest ige clas s. Spells Per D ay : At every leve l be yo nd 1st, you gain new spe lls pe r day and a n increase in cas te r level (a nd spells k no wn, if app licab le) as if yo u had also gained a level in an arca ne spe llcas ting class to w h ich yo u be longed before
add ing the da rk scholar level. YOLI do no t, however,gain any other ben efit a charac ter of tha t class would have gained. I fyou had mo re than one arcane spcllcasn ng class before becom ing a dark scholar, you mu st decide to whi ch class to add each eligible dark scholar level for th e purpose of determ ining spells per day, cas ter level, and spells know n. Book Mas te ry (Ex): At every level but 2nd and 7th, your study results in the masterv of forbidden lore.
c hoos e o ne book for which you meet th e skill prerequisite from the followi ng table. Remember th at you gain new ski ll ra n ks before you gain class features, so as a erh-level dark scho lar you could pore nt iully gain you r t et h rank in Knowledge (h istor y) and im me di ately claim mastery of the LcxirOl l of rlu- Elder Gods. The books offorb idden lore, th e Knowledge requirement for each one, and th e ben efits you gain from readi ng th em, are as follows. Histories ofti,e Alad Empire, Vo l. II: Knowledge (histor y) 10 ra n ks; +2 insigh t bonu s on will saves. )l1 rm/llill! s Trials, Anllota/ed: Knowled ge (arcana) 10 ran ks; cast di vination and illu sion spells at +1 cas ter
level. Arrnurt of Yo rrell:: Knowledge (arcana) 12 ra n ks; +1 insigh t bon us on Reflex and Fort itude saves. Verses of AI ~vll slJ i nd~ ; Know ledge (the plan es) t 2 ran ks; +1 to the saving th row DCs of enc han tme nt and necro mancy spells. Boo l~ of tlu' SUI/cd "lOllgIlC: Knowled ge (history) 14- r<1 n1<5; cas t spells two o r mor e levels lower than your m aximum spell level wi th ou t verbal compone nts . Co.icv of tile Crmun u Tnut rr: Knowledge (arcana) 14 rank s; +4 in sight bonu s o n Conce nt ration chec ks. Ndllt' rioll's Grillloirc: Knowledge (the planes) 16 ranks; use bestow crme Il d ay as a spell-like ability. The Tl lO ll ~a ll d Unspca/wble Na!lh'S: Know led ge (arcana) 1G ra n ks; cas r co nju rat ion spells at +1 cas ter level. Lcxirou of lilt' Elder Gods: Knowledge (h isto ry) 16 ran ks; cast evocat io n spells at +t caste r level. The Ascellda l1cy Ml1!lll scrip/: Knowledge (the plan es) 18 ra n ks; use di vine scro lls as if you were a cler ic of your arca ne caster level. Tctur of Ullpll ral1dd PliisSlTIl CC: Kn owledg e (arca na) 18 ranks; Vday, all spe lls you cast Wi thin a to -m inu te pe riod arc at +1 caste r level. Among tlie Umgo lls: Knowledge (histor y) 18 ran ks;age one yea r for ever y two years th at pass. Scholarly Lo r e: At 2nd level, yO ll become a storeho use o f information beyond the lo re contained in your forbidde n manus cripts. YOl'! can attemp t to reca ll some relevant piece of info rmat ion abou t local not able people, lege ndary items, or notewort hy places as a bard does by using the bardic k nowledge class feature (PH 29). You add you r dark scholar level and you r Intelligence modifier to th e lore chec k. To ngues (Su ): At 7th level an d h igh er, you are co n tinuaIly und er the effects of longlles, as th e spel l.
Sbin sestr« bas ma stered m an)' forms offorb id den lore
Youare obsessed with knowledge, but your thirst [or lore has a decid ed ly practical min dset. If it d oesn't mak e you more p owe r fu l, you're a lot less in terested in stu dy ing it. You r efforts for the Ebe n Cabal probably involve acqu irin g new tom es of forbi dd en lore . W ho kn ows? If you br ing a tom e to the Black Tower so potent that other dark scho lars mu st study it. your in flucn cc on ly increases fu n her in rhcir deb t to yOll.
Leve l
151 2nd 3rd
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Bas e Att ack Bonu s +0
+1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5
Fo rt Ref Will Save Save Sa ve +0 +0 +2 +3 +0 +0
+1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
+1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
+3 +4 +4 +5 +5
+6 +6 +7
Special Bo o k m a stery Scho larly lo re Book m as ter y Book maste ry Bo o k m as te ry Book mastery
Tongues Boo k maste ry Book mas te ry Book mas te ry
Spellca stin g +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
leve l of exist ing leve l of exist ing level of exist ing leve l of exist ing level of exist ing lev el of existing level of existi ng leve l of existi ng level of existing
arcane a rcane a rcane arcane arcane a rcan e a rcane a rcane arca ne
spelkasnng spel lcasting spellcast ing spellcasting spellcast ing spe llcasting spellcast ing spellcasting spellca sting
class class class class class clas s class class class
Clas s Skills (2 + Int m od ifie r pe r level): Concent ration , Dec ip he r Script, Gathe r Info rm at io n , Knowledge (all ski lls taken ind ividually), Profession, Spea k Lang uage , Spellc raft , Us e Magic Device.
C o m bat : You co ntrol the b:ntleGeld the way you always havo-c-w ith magic. Your spe lls often have a lit tle extra kick due to you r research, however. \X!henyou reach the pi nnacle of your studic s, you are able to perfor m feats of m ag ic tha t no mere wi zard can match . Ad van cem en t: Dark scholars are all Ebon masters within the Eben Cabal. Most are wi zard s, although inte lligen t sorcerers can derive grea t benefi ts from this class as well. Resou r ce s: The books associa ted with th is class are n't in the Black Towe r's main library. You have convi nced a more powerful member of the Ebe n Cabal to let you read forbidden lore from J pr ivate collection. \x:rho knows wha t else yO ll m igh t find th ere?
"Do y Oll ,(, ll d 111 (' replilsivl'? \X'ilit 'Idl !lavl' yO II!' /Jlood a/l over Hit'. TItt'11 1'1I1oo/; 11111(11 lI'on l'." -Cerowa in th e Cau nt, tw iste d lo rd The stealthy assassins of the Ebe n Cabal, twisted lords can tu rn the ir visage s fearsom e at a mom ent' s no tice. They evenrually learn to in fuse their dirty tact ics with th e power of nig ht mare .
BECOMING A TWISTED LORD Existin g twisted lords have one word of advice for those who asp ire to their posi tion -c-r'Don'r!" Bur wit h in the Ebon Cabal, the infl uence that the twisted lord s wiel d is obv ious . Few hee d th e warnings. They instead par take of tw ist roo t from the Slnughterscar and begin the inev itable tra nsfer ma rion i n to tw isted lord s. T WI STED L ORD ENTR Y R EQ U I REM EN TS
Skills: Bluff9 ra nks , Intimidate 5 ranks. Sp e cial : You m ust h ave an affiliat ion sco re o f 9 or higher with in the Ebon Cabal to become a twisted lo rd . If yo ur affi liat ion score d rops below 9 after you have become a t wis ted lord , you reta in all class features and the abi lity to advance in th e class. Special: You m u s t ritual ist ically co ns um e tw istroot (see Advancem e nt).
HIT DI E: 0 6
Level 1st
2nd 3rd
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Bas e Attack Bonu s +0
+1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5
+6 +6 +7
Fort Ref Will Save Save Sa ve +0 +0 +2 +3 +0 +0
+1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
+3 +4 +4 +5 +5
+6 +6 +7
+1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Speci al Tw is te d fo rm +1d 6 sneak att ac k Im p roved Feint Pe riphe ra l invis ibility +2d6 sn eak att ac k Im p roved d e mora lize Tw ist t arg et +3d 6 snea k attack Twist p erce pt io ns Twist min d
Class Skills (8 + Int mod ifie r pe r level): Ap praise, Balance, Bluff, Climb , Craft , Deciphe r Script, Diploma cy, Disab le Dev ice , Disguise, Escape Artist , Forgery, Ga the r In for m atio n, Hid e, Intim idate , Jump, Know led ge (loca l), Listen , Move Silent ly, Open Lock, Pro fe s s io n, Search, Sense Mot ive, Sleight of Han d , Spot, Swim, Tum b le , Us e Magic Dev ice, Use Rop e.
CLASS FEATURES You became a tw isted lord by partaking of twistroot in a ce remony supervised by your peers at th e Black Tower .Th e first power you learn is the abil try to twist your form, turni ng yourse lf into a m isshapen, fearsome fig ure. Over tim e, you master the capabili ties of you r warped body, and you then tap into the powers of your distorted m ind.All the following are class features of the twisted lord prest ige class . Twi st ed Form (Ex): When you ente r thi s class. you gain the ability to adop t a tw isted form by laking a move action to do so. Your face takes on J sinister, m issh apen cast. Your limb s lengt hen and bend, and your spine SlOOpS. The sy m~ meuv of your body becomes a th ing of the past. Whi le in your twis ted form , you gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks to fein t in co mba t, J +4 bonus on .l ntim idntc chec ks to demorali ze an opponent, and a +4 bon us on Escape Art ist checks. You take a - 4 pen alt y on Diplom acy checks an d ot he r attemp ts to in flue nce an N l'C's attit ude. You CJn remain in your twisted form as long as you like. Many twisted lords find it more com fort able tha n the form they had before they pa rtook of rwisrroo t.
Sn eak Attack: Beginning at 2nd level, yOll deal ex tra da mage when you are flanki ng an opponen t or at any rime when th e target wou ld be denied its Dext erit y bonus. Thi s ex tra dam age o nly app lies to range d attacks if th e targe t is within 30 feet. See the rogue class featu re (PH 50). Your sneak
are adjacent to J sha ken foe , by tak ing a standard action, you ca n assume con tro l ofyou r enemy. You r targe t mus t make a \Xlil l save (DC to + your twisted lord level + your Cha mod ifier). If the save fails, you can co nt rol your enemy's ac tions on subseq uent rou nds , taki ng a standard action eac h round to do so. A t the end of each of your enemy's tu rn s, he can attemp t ano ther \X/ ill save to shake off control. He rema ins u nder your co mmand unti l h e succeeds on th e will save or un ti l you choose nor to spend a stan dard action controlling h im .
PLAYING ATWISTED LORD You've lived throug h a horr ify ing n igh rmare-the in itial expos ure to t wi sr ro or in the ceremony that allowed yOll to becom e a twi sted lord. You're comfortable in a for m tha t others find repuls ive, and you wouldn't h ave it any o t he r way. Yo u can prey on th e weak nesses of others' sensibilities, taki ng advantage of how th ey insta ntly recoi l when they sec you. You see ma ny of your peers in th e Eben Cabal shudde r wh en yOll pass, but you're more comfo rta ble with in th e s lack Tow er's wa lls , where a ru th less meri tocracy doesn't h ave room for dis tas te over someone's looks. Besides , you e m ass u me your natu ral for m whe never you need 10. C o m b at : H ow you fight as a twist ed lord depends a lot on your expe r ie nce. At low levels, you fight like a rogue , mov ing into position to us e your sneak attack. ln rime, periph eral inv isibi lity an d Imp ro ved Fein t give you new ways to deal sneak attack damage even when you aren't flan king your enemy. As you attain more levels , you face an inreresting tact ical choice bet ween using perip heral invisibiliry and Improved Feint to set up sneak at tacks or using imp ro ved demoralize to set up your supern atu ra l mind twis ts . The answer is situa tiona l. It depends on the nature ofyour foe and wh ether you're confiden t in your abili ty to demoralize him. Advancement: Anyone who h as earned the rank of Ebon m aster and has show n the abf lir y to m a n ip ui at e people by guile and coercion is eligib le to consume tw is troar fro m the Slaughtcrscar. I f do ne in ritua l Cash ion, tw istroot inges tion tu rn s yOll into a twisted lord. The process is not only pai nful, it's accompa nied by horrifying n ig htmares th at a few wou ld-be tw isted lord s find fata lly fr ighteni ng .
Cerrnvai" the Calwt 1fJfl1JtS to h'01V 1l,bat you're looking a t
Th e twisr roo r n igh tm ares leave persistent scars on yo ur psyc he that you eve ntu al ly learn to use as weapo ns. As <1 tw isted lord, you're probably in g rea t dem and as a spy an d assass in. Your colle ag ues in the Eb en Ca b<1 1 are eage r to sen d yo u off o n all sorts o f mi ssio n s in vo lvi ng stealth and sk u ldugg ery, and maybe eve n a few k n ives in th e d ark.
New Magic Items As yo u exp lore th e Shattered Gales of Sianghtcrganle, you mig h t COTIl e into po ssession of the followin g m ag ic item s. Some are granted through affiliation wit h the Lu m inous Order or the Ebo u Cabal. O thers migh t be in th e nex t treasure ches t you open.
LUMINARY TABARD \X! hen yo u do n th is tabard , yo ur sp ir it feels ligh ter and th e world less threaten ing. You relish the thought of I n ev ildoer t ry ing to fr igh ten you, for you wear th e silve ry em blem of th e l um in ous O rder, again st whi ch no ev il ca n stand . Lore: Th is tabard marks its weare r as a Kn igh t of th e Lu mi nous Orde r. (Knowledge [local] DC :2 0) D escription: Adark blue tabard, worn over the shou lders and cin ched 31 the waist, th is garme n t h as a silver tower insign ia on it and mor e silver em broidery at the hem. \X! hen it abso rbs a fear effec t, the tower glows and see m s to gro w slight ly larger for a mom en t. Act ivat io n: A LlH l1 illllrJ' ldbard func tions wh enever it's worn.Th e absorption effect happens as an im med iate action righ t after th e save. It takes up th e vest bod y slor. E ffec t : A LlI Hl ill(/ ry la/J ard gran ts yo u a +2 res istanc e bonu s on Reflex saves. Furt her)whe ne ver you succee d on a save agnt n sr a fear effec t. the tabard h ea ls yo u or a num ber of p oints o f da mag e eq u al to th e cas ter level o f th e e ffec t or th e H it Dice of the effec t's cre ator, wh ichever is lowe r. If yo u enco u nte r a pe rsi sten t fear effec t that req u ires a new savi ng th row eve ry rou nd , the h eali ng e ffec t of the tab ard [u n ct io n s only the first t ime yo u succeed on the save . Aura/ Cas te r Level: Moderate abjura tion; Cl l Oth. Co nst r uct ion : Craft \Vond rou s Item , affiliat ion score 5 w ith in the l umi no us Orde r, remove fcar, 1,50 0 gp, 1:2 0 XP, 3 days. W eig h t : Price: 3,00 0 g po
CLOAK OF THE EBON CABAL Th is cloak, woven by the un scrupu lou s mages of th e Ebon Cabal, is a badge of o ffice, bur it's more th an cere mo n ial. I t pro tect s you fro m ene my spc llcas rcrs and p rovid es an extra spark of vitalil y tha t mig ht be th e d ifferen ce bet ween life and death. Lore : Thi s cloak's borde re rnbr oidery marks its weare r as a membe r of the Eben Cabal. (Kn owledge [local] DC 25) Description: A series of golde n runes and sigils are emb ro idered in to the ins ide border of th is black cloak .
W henever you're w ithi n J quarte r-m ile of the Black Tower, the r unes start to g low and cr awl alo ng th e edge of th e cape. Activa t io n : The effects of a c1011 1~ of lilt' [ bon Cahill on ly last as long as yOll wea r it. Effec t : A c1oll l~ of lite Ebofl Ctlbal g rants you S tempo rary hi t po int s per day th at last for up ro 24 ho urs. You also gain a +1 resistan ce bonus on saving th rows again st spells an ti sp ell-lik e ab ilities. Aura/ Caster Leve l: Moderate abjuration; CllO th . Con st r u ct ion: Cr aft \X'ondro us Item , J ffi Iiarion score 5 with in the Ehon Cabal , ilispd llI agic, bear's CIldt mlflct', 1,500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days. Weig h t: 1 lb. Pr ice : 3,OOD gpo
DRAGON RIDER SHIELD Original ly designed for kn ight s th at rode fearsome dra gon s in to battl e, a dmgollritlcr shield pro tects you fro m ene my at tack s and a fatal plum met. D escripti o n : Th is heavy shi eld is made of black m etal an d h as J pr im iti ve pa in ri ng of a d rago n on the face. \Vh en the shi eld's fell/herfllU effect is active, the sh ield seems to fold down th e m iddle and flex back and fo rt h in an imitatio n of fligh t. \Vhen yO Li reach the grou nd, th e sh ield retu rns to its norm al sh ape. Ac t iva t ion: You recei ve the pro tect ive be nefit s of rhe shie ld when ever it's str appe d to your fo rear m . The ft'llih er fa ll effect fu nctions as an immed iate action when ever you start falli ng -yo u don 't have to do any th ing to acti vate it. .Effec t : A drago!lridcr shield is a +1 llt,Cll'}' sled sllicld th at absorbs 5 point s of energy damage per att ack. Th e type of energy abso rbe d depends on th e dragon depic ted on rho fro nt- red for fire, bl ue [or ele ctr ici ty, whi le fo r cold, or g reen [or acid. In addi tio n, th e sh ield ca n produce a fcalher fall effec t o n you once per day. Au ra /Caster Le vel: Fain t abjura tion; cr su. Con st r u ct ion : Craft Magic Ar ms and Armor, resisl cflergy, fC<1I JICI'f<1/1, 3,250 gp, 2(,() X P, 7 J ays. Weig ht: 15 lb. Price: 7,500 gpo
FERAL BRACERS Co mmo n ite ms amo ng dru ids of the Valley of O belisks, fer III llrt1(c rsare t ied to the sp irit ofa spe cific ki nd of anima l. They ma ke yOll tougher wh ile you're in tha t animal's form . Descr iption : Th ese bracers are usua lly fash ioned fro m th e h ide of a pred ator, with wolf skin an d bear skin bei ng co m mo n m ater ials. Teet h or claws dan gle fro m the edge of th e bracers closest to th e wr ists. Each se t of fe ml bJ't1ccrs is att u ned to a speci fic k ind of an ima l suc h as a dire wolf or a tiger. Prerequ is ite: Th e m ag ic o f fcml hrnccrs fun ctions on ly [or some one who can tran sform into an an ima l, whe ther by us ing w ild shape o r some ot her shapec h anging magic or abili ty. Act iva t io n: Feralllr(jccrs fu nc tion wh en ever worn. They re tain their artu nemen r whe n taken off.
Effect: W hen you don f~'ml bmo-rs, choose one anima l whose form you can take . Wh enever yOll take that shape, yOll gai n t temporary hit point per ch ar acter level. Th e temporary hit poin ts persist as lon g as you ret ain that form. Fu rt h e r, th e hair s o n rhe fm" bnro-rs s tan d on end wh en yOll are with in 60 feet an animal of the ki nd th e bracers are att uned 10. YO LI can change the anima l that the f1'ral bmct'J"5 are att uned 10 by med itati ng for I hou r in the proxim ity of a livi ng ex am ple of that anima l. Do in g so eras es any p revious art u nem enr and con nec rs the bracers 10 the spi rit of th e new kind of animal Aura/ Caster Le vel : M od erat e tran smutation; C L 7th. Co nstruc t io n : C raft Wond rou s Ite m , creato r m ust be a d rui d, n' ;IICt1 nll1/e, 1,250 gp , tOO XP, 3 days. Varia n ts: The greater version of the se br acers gr ants 2 tem porary hit poi nts per c ha rac te r lew I and CO SIS
Rod Sigil Button O ne Point ing +1 dagger finge r Closed f ist + 1 short sword
Op en palm +1buckler Fingers s pread
+1 spear
Button Two
Butt on Thr ee
scorching ray burning hands spider climb expeditious retreat invisibility obscuring mist scare rayof enfeeblement
Aura/ Cast er Level : Faint evoca tion (point ing finger), faint t ra n sm u tation (closed fist), faint ill usion (open palm ), fain r necr omancy (fingers spread); CL 5th. Co nstructio n: Cra ft Rod, effihariou score 9 wi th the Eb en Cabal, any spel ls cas t by th e spec ific rod, 3,50 0 gp , 280 xr, 7 da ys. Wei g h t: 5 lb. Pr ice: 7,0 00 gpo
10,000 gpo
w eigh t: I lb. Price: 2,50 0 gp o
ROD OF THE TOWER Th e Ebon Cabal pri zes versati lity, arid thu s the weapons granted 10 Ebon masters are an expression of that trair. E
Ilt' !,C,f "!' ~ &
These-weapons, issu ed to soldiers at the Battle of Slaugh terga rde, awai t new champ ions to claim them fro m the Shining C itadel's arsenal. The y offer magical enh an ce m ent ro horh your offense and defe nse. Lore: The di sriuctive feat he r y filigree on thi s weapo n marks its wearer as a Knight of the Lum inous O rder.(Knowledge [local] DC 20) Descriptio n : Th ese weapons, all two-ha nded melee weapon s, have fc.uherhkc decorat ion s on th em. Allwl' lll'ollS of 1111' celestill/ hosl glo w wh en wielded. They also cas t a direc tional beam of light at your co m mand (a s descr ibed below). Prerequ isite:The magic of a ll't'lll'01l oflilt' (t'll's/iI11hosl goes dorma nt if an ev il creature wield s it, rendering it merel y a masterwork weapo n. Activat ion: Th e weapon's enhancemen t and shield bonuses function wh enever ir is wielded. As a free action, you can m ake yo ur II't'al10 t! ofl/h·Ct'k stlil l hosl em it a beam of light. The beam rema ins unril you rake another free action to turn it off. Effect: A lI't'1I1lllll ofllll' cd es/ia l llOs/ provides a +I enhancement bon us on arrack rolls an d da mage roll s. Furth erm ore, it gra m s yOll J +1 sh ield bon us to Ar mor c lass. Th e beam of lig ht em irr ed by a H't'I1j101r of Hlt,(dt'stinl llOs! is cqu iva len t to a bullseye lanter n (1'1-1 126). Au ra/ Cas te r Level: Fai nt t ra nsrnutarion; CL 5th. Co nstruc tion: Craft M agic Arm s and Ar mor, creator can't be evil , slrid tl. 2,000 gp , 160 XP, 4 Ja ys. \X!ci gh t: Varies, depend ing on the weap on . Price: 4, 000 g p plus the cost of a masterwork two-handed melee weap on .
ll u I." !'s, D&I>, [) L'" c,r" " .\lAm . , d20, d20 Sy
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T E CH ~I CI A l'
Based on th e ori gina l D U l\(; U ) N S & D RAGo s s(1; r ules creat ed by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson , an d th e new game de signed by jo nat han Tweet, Mo nte Cook , Skip \'(' ill iallls, Richard Baker , and Peter Adki son.
Th is product uses upda ted ma teri al [rom the v.3.5 revision , Thi s 'VIZARDS or HIE Coesr ' game pro du ct contains no Open Game Cont ent. No portion of (h is wor k may be reproduced in any form wit hout wr itten permi ssion", To learn mo re about the O pen Gam ing License and the J 20 Syst em License, plea se vis it www.wi /d J u.
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::00-95'798740-001 E X Pleasekef!, the' ~ ddrcs, for yOl,r rceo,,!; 9 8 7' 6 r 4- j 1 1 Fim Print ing: Decembe r 2006 JSDX-B: 978 ·0-7869 -+196-4
DlT~G Eo:>", & n K ~GO~'S, D& D, Dll:>"GI'O:>" :\'!ASfU , ,120, <1 20 System , \\'17....KDS O~ 'run CO"'ST, 1'1 ,'rer's H;i'lJI'OoJ:, DII'Ig,'L't~ .\ /,"["r", l.IliJ,-,MOll,[rr .' I,HlIII,l, Sh,, ~ k,,-,1 C,lt", 11fsl'lI of Wi7..arJ , of ~he Coost, I l1c~ ill the U.S,,\. and oth~r counrncs. Thi , mater ial is prot ected under th e cOJ.}'righl laws of t he United Stat es of Ameri,·a. All)' reproduction or ul\~uthori'/.eJ ll><: of the materia l or artwor k COllta jm·d h,'rein is pro hibitcd with""t the (Xl'rr.... wr itte n permission of Wizards of th e Coast, Ill" . Thi , product is a work of f'i<:t ioll. Any similarit y to act ual pmplc. organizations, pla"es, or events is l'ur d r (."oi'H;jdenta l. I'r inted in th e US.A . 0 200 (, Wil.ards of [he Co:;m.i nc.
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_ _ _-----LltITRODUCTJQN Centu ries ngo.u n army of an gels an d good folk d efeat ed th e forces of darkne ss an d d isorde r, bl owi ng apa rt their fort ress -mo u n ta in of Slaugh re rgard e an d cas ti ng it bac k into th e I n fi n ite Layers of t he Abyss. A no ther dem onic in vasio n of th e world had bee n h alt ed , ano the r d am raised against the ride of evil. Bur a few frag me nts of Slau gh tergnrd e ne ver m ade it
back to th e Abyss; th ey were in stead embedd ed in the fabr-ic of th e M ateri al Plan e. Now th e de m on i nvas ion is be yond the memory of mo st elves, bur t hose frag men ts of Sla ug h tergarde stil l lin ger. Th e sh attere d gates that once connecte d Slaugh rerg ardc to th e Abyss re mai n a th reat to th e M at e rial Plan e. Ca n the h e roes of your ca mpaign p reve nt a n ew inv asio n of slaver in g de m on s fom ent ed by those with w icked am bit ions? Might th ey dest roy the ga tes once and for all? O r mi ght th ey usc th e powerof Slau ghr e rgard e to fu rt her the ir ow n e nds?
SLAUGHTERGARDE'S _ _ _ _ _ _ _tlISTORY Th e story of Slaugluerga rdc begi ns almos t a th ou sand years ago, when a so rcero us dem on pr ince named M u-Ialm Lao se t hi s sig h ts o n the mill ions of so u ls on th e M are ri a]
Plan e. As he gathe red demon hordes and depraved m ort als to h is laye r o f th e Ab yss, a pla ce k no w n as [h e Mou rirain s
o f So rrow Be yon d M easur e, he began pl an in g. Mu-Tah n Laa q u ick ly rea ched an impasse. T h e en e rg y requ ir ed to sus ta i n a gate 10 th e M a te r -i al Pla n e la rge e noug h to m ar ch a n ar my throu gh was in calc u lable. Eve n if h e cou ld acc u m u la te en o ug h po wer to c rea te s uc h a ga te, th e for ces of go o d cou ld quickl y th wart hi s Invasio n by a n ac kin g th e ga te o n th e M ate ri al Plan e, where de fendin g it wou ld b e diffi c u lt. Mu -Tahn Lun's f r us tra t io n was so great th at eve n t h e sc re a ms of th e inn ocent provided n o succor. H e b rooded on hi s black th ro n e, co nte mpla ti n g other mea ns to reach th e M ate ria l Pl an e. In a nas h of ins piration, .M u-Tah n Laa concei ved a fiendish plan . H e cast offh is desp ond en c y a n d sta rted
HOW TO USE THIS ADVENTURE The Shatt ered Gates ofSlaughtergarde adventu re is the la u nch pa d fo r a new D& D cam paign . Inside is e no ugh activi ty to t ake 1s t-leve l 0& 0 charac ter s to 7th level , as wel l as ple nty of raw mate rials you can use for fu rthe r e xplo ration. Th is book is for the Du n geo n Maste r. If you 're p lanning to enjoy Siaughterga rdc as a pla ye r, p u t this book down a nd g rab t he Player's Guide. No t h in g in that book s poils t h e su rpr ise s th at the adve n ture s have in store. Shatt ered Gates of Slaughtergarde contain s t hese six com ponen t s: 1. The Campaign Guide teac hes you about the Valley of O be lis ks , wher e th e advent ures take pla ce . Yo u'll read details on the ove ra ll plot an d ways you can custo mize Sia ug hte rga rde for yo ur frie nds. The second ha lf o f th is book det ails th e Siau ghte rga rd e Armo ry, th e fi nal ad ventu re site whe re the PCs m ig ht have a cha nce to deci de t he ulti mate fat e of t he s hatte red gates of Siaugh te rga rde. 2. Th e Adventure Sites book descr ibes th e firs t two se ct ion s of Sia ug ht erga rde -the labo rato ry, now t he la ir of a gang o f gob lin ban d it s, an d th e temple, which was recently take n over by dr ow. Whe n exp loring the go blin labora to ry, the PCs ' effo rt s aga inst th e bandits u ncover the s inister poss ibilit y of o ther s u rviving sec tio ns of Siaugh te rgarde. Whe n the char acter s tra ve l to th e d row tem ple , th ey lea rn mo re about Siau g hter gar d e an d t he da rk force s tr ying to corr upt the entire valley. Th e f irst two ad ventures are in a differ ent bo o k from t he Campaign Guide for a p ur pos e : When you sta rt t he ad ventu res,
yo u m ig ht fi nd you rself n eed ing to re fer t o the Cam paign Guide. The fact th at th e ope nin g en co un te rs an d the cam paign info rma tio n a re in sep ar ate bo ok s should save you so m e pa ge f lipping. 3. Th e Player'SGuide hel ps playe rs create cha racters gro unded in t he Valley of O be lis ks an d read y to brave t he da nger s of Sia u ghte rga rde . Ins id e a re de tails o f o rg aniz at io ns , p lac e s , a nd ma gic th at ch a ract e rs ca n joi n, exp lo re , or acqui re as th e ad ve n t u re unfol ds . 4. An eight -pa ge se t o f illus t ra tio n ha n d o ut s conta ins d ep ictions of many places an d o bjects t he playe r cha racters se e a s they exp lo re Sia u g hte rg ar d e. The ad ven ture text e xpla in s wh e n to use the p ic t ur e s , which a re la bel e d fo r yo u r re fe re n ce a s wel l. 5. A p os ter m ap containing de pic tions o f so m e of t he ad ve ntur e 's im po rta nt en co u nter s , done in m iniature s scal e so you can plac e you r D&D min iatu res d irectly on t he ma p. 6 . A folder to kee p th e book s a nd p o s ter map in . Th e fol d e r also pr o vid es enco u nte r ta bles for locales in t he Valley of Obel isks. If you 're t he OM , read t he firs t part o f t his Campaign Guide, the n fami liar ize yoursel f with t he Sia ughterga rde Labo rato ry descri bed in the init ial se cti on of t he Adventure Sites book. That 's whe re the player ch arac te rs un de rt ake their firs t ad ven tu re . You m ight also want to loo k at the Pla yer's Guide so you can help the player s create ch aracte rs later.
The tran sp osit ion wo uld be a one-way trip, so Mu-Tahn LOla beg an to hollow out a mountain , packi ng it wi th hi s arm ies and en ough supplies for a n extended cam paig n on the Material Plane. M indful o f rhe ri sk of failure. th e dem on pr in ce thou gh t it prudent to b uild so me sm aller gates con nec ti ng the m ou n tain-fo rt ress to th e Abyss. He co uld n't retreat an arm y back th rough th ose gates, but he and h is pe rso na l ret in ue sho uld be able to t ravel between th e two planes unimped ed . Afrer years of to il, M u-Tahn Lea's mou nt ain fo rtress, whic h he na me d Slaughrerga nlc. was read y. M orral cults , res pond ing 10 wh ispered pro mi ses of d ark power, began gathe r ing in a rem ote mou ntain valley. Dem ons we re com ing [Q th e Mate rial Plane, and they were co m in g to stay. Bur the force s of goo d were not as obliv ious as Mu-Tah n Laa had im ag in ed. Th e blind d warf sage Th crrn cskor had a vision of a mountain weeping blood . Elf m ystics fou nd th eir m ed itati o ns in ter r up ted by sim ilar sce nes. Hum an s native to o ne part icular m ou n tain valley begau ere cting black obelisks :lI the direction of the ir priest s, ofte n w ith the aid o f dwa rves J nd elves. O racu lar visions war ned angels rhar extr aplanar war was co m ing to th e Mat er ial Plan e. A celest ial arm y encamped o n the Plain o f Ida in th e Hero ic Domains of Ysgard recei ved a loathsome bu t ultirn atelv usefu l vis ito r- a jealo us lieur enanr o f Mu-Ta h n Laa nam ed Km hr ikki. Kurhri k ki reveal ed Mu-Tahn Lea's plan s ro the celcs nn ls. Th ey, in tu r n, hast ily m oved th ei r ho st to th e M ater ia] Plane and wo rked w ith the mo rt als th er e. \V'hen M u·Tah n Laa transp o sed Slaugb tergarde 10 th e Mater -ia] Plan e, he fou nd an army of elves, dwa rves, human s, an d angels waiting eagerl y to cas t h is invad ing force back to the Abyss. At first, th e prosp ec t of barrle deli ghted the d em on prince, an d he orde red his ar m ies forward int o ba tt le. It is said that the ver y sk y shook tha r day, and the M urr ilach River ran dark with mort al blood. celes tial essen ce, and d emo n ic icho r. As th e su n set on the first d ay of the ltatt le o f Slaug hrcrgard c, Mu -Tahn Lan not iced a fain t pull on th e eld r irch weavings resp on sible fo r Slaugh rergard e's transpo sit ion. Th e black obel isks were sip ho ni ng away the power o f th e demon pr ince's mag ic, th reaten ing 10 th row h is en tire fo rtr ess bac k to th e Abyss. ~t ll:ra hl1 Lau o rdere d h is sold iers 10 de stroy the obelisks q uick ly, les t hi s in vasion end in di saster. But M u-Tahn Lac's ho st was m ild wi th bloodlust, ami th e chaot ic warriors sc orned hi s o rders. As the obelis ks sipho ned mo re of irs power away, Slaugh ter garde hegan ro b reak apart . At first , it c ru mbled arou nd the ed ges, b ur as th e force s ofgood redoubl ed thei r effo rts. th e- enti re mou ntai n beg an [0 qu ak e as if abo u t [0 er upt. Before su n r ise, in an upheaval lou d enou gh 10 be heard across a co nt inent , Slaug h tergarde ex plod ed. T hl.?' m ajorit y o f its w reckage hu rtled across th e void betwee n the planes [0 its proper pl ace in th e Abyss.
Satisfied that th e Mater ial Plan e was safe, most mortals re tu r ne d to thei r homes. The celes tial host, aided by a few brave n at ives of the M ateria1Plan e, turned its effo rts toward tracking down st ragg le rs from !\.-I u-Tah n lila's hord e. No w, eigh t cent urt es aft e r th e Battie of Slaug h tcrgarde, th e only rem ind er s thai ir ever happ en ed are a si n isrer crater wh crc the transposed mountain br iefly stood an d a net wo rk of cr u m bli ng blac k obelisks . As for Mu-Tah n Laa, he never retu rned 10 the Mountains of Sorrow Beyo nd Measu re. H is fellow demon pr in ces gave him up fo r de ad. They th en fo ug h t OWl' h is vaca nt ho ld ings in th e Abyss. The o belisks d id th ei r job, bur th e dest r uction of Slauglu ergurde wasn't tora], nor was irs re rum to [he Abyss complete. A fevv ch un ks of Slaug htergarde retained enoug h of M u-Tahn LOla's transposition magic to embed them selves in the Ma ter ia] Plane permanent lv, There Ihe )' re m ain.
_ _ _ _ _.. . .,A.>o<.O-"-VffiTURE You need th e P/ll)' l' r 'S Htllhlhool; to r u n th is advent u re. T he encou nte rs provide most of rhe info rm ation you ne ed, but the DlIllgt'OJl Alllslt'r's Guidt' is also han dy. Creatur e statistics are provid ed wi th evcry enco u n ter. H oweve r, th e MOll stt'r ;\l im 1III I and other mon ster supplem ents are usefu l for learn ing mo re about the in habitan ts of Slaug hlergarde . Because it doesn't take lo ng ro m ake up tsr-level characrer s, the pl ayers ca n ge ne rate the ir pe s r igh r be fore y O li actua lly sta rr playi ng. They ca n cons ult with each other so th ar rh ey c reate a ba lanced part)' and they have some se ns e of wha t their comra d es are capable of. To make the party co hesive and g iw the charac ters a reason to wo rk together, th e "'aya 's Gllid,' ins tr uc ts t he player s to ma ke sur e eac h character knows at least o ne ot her m ember of th e group. \Xrhe n the y begin the adven tu re, the characters have littl e o r no k now led ge of Slaugh tergarde's h istory. I f the y g rew up in the va lley, rhey rake the black obe lisks for g ra nt ed , and they k now th e crater east of jewelford is an evil place. Beyond rhar much or the worl d has forgo tte n abo ur Slaught crgard e. So how do the pe s becom e invclvedi That's lip ro you and you r players, bur th is sectio n pro vides adve nt u re hooks. Mu ch of the ad ventu re is co nt aine d wi th in th ree section s of Slaug h rergarde. Th e goblin-in fested labora tory is an idea l adven tu re site for l SI· and znd- level cha racters.The temple site and its drow occupants are a goo d challenge fo r Srd-, -rrh-, and eventu ally 5lh-level pe s. And erh- and Zth-lcvel charac ters sho uld have th eir han d s fu ll th warting th e plan s o f th e monster s in Slaug h terga rde's ar rnorv, • Independ ent advent uri ng betwee n each o f the Sl;ug hrergarde sites is okay, I obod y knows you r playe rs be tter than you do, ;lI1 J you've got a good ou rlet for your creat ivity on ce the r e s have comp leted their tasks at th e laboratory, and aga in once they're d on e w ith t he temple, In th e Side
Treks sect ion (p age 6), you'll find some sugges tions and adventure hooks th at you CJn custom ize as you like.
SLAUGHTERGARDELABORATORY Th e jou rn ey to Slaug hrergarde beg ins with a simple job to recover a shi pme nt ofspices for th e Ch icane Guild of SUI,11berto n (the ci ty is pictured in th e illustration handouts). Descr ibe the cha rac ters mee ting Vint ra Markt un sel (see page 15) wherever you like in th e city, perha ps J taver n suc h as the Sly \Vin k. After ini tial pleasant ries are out of th e way, th e h alfl iu g gu'ildmas ter tells the PCs her plight: "Two days ago, gobli n and hobgoblin ba nd its raide d a Chi cane Guild ca ravan carr ying fr uit an d spices to Sumbcr ton . Th e spices in particular are key to us mee ting a qu ota set by ou r business partners in th e sou the rn cities. \X!e need them back. My g uild is wp ling 10 pay you each 200 gold fo r th is rec overy opera tion," she says. Vintra won't pay mo re. She's wi lling to part with hal f the money in advance if th e PCs fry to d rive a hard bargain . A sh rewd businesswoman, Vintra knows full well t hat th e spices can be sold for much more than she's paying the player characte rs. Anyo ne native to the valley knows it's no t w ise to cross the Ch icane Gui ld, so Vintra doesn't war n the PCs agains t doin g so. She doe s, however, answer some of their qu esti on s. Wll}' (m'" Illl' IIB/rtia hlJ~C (arc of 11? "Lord Cars tellan says th e robbe ry happe ned under rhe jur isd ict ion of Tulvercross. And the En trighan and the Perclek nrk fam ilies in Tulvercross say ir happened in Sumbe rron territor y," Vintra says wit h a tired sig h. "Wha t J usually do at th is poin t is ju st bribe one of the lords to take ca re of rhe prob lem. But I'm tired. of th at, so I'm spen ding th e br ibe money on yO Li instead ." She smirks slyly. Do IIICIlcetl llflyl llillg spaill/In collll'lctl' lIlt, lilsl.?"The spices are in crates marked with the Sumberton sig il (<1 crescen t moon and a sheaf of wheat).Those crates are bulky, so vou'll need some sort of pack anima l or wago n to bring them back to me. O th er than that, you'll be go ing und erground after those gob lins, and 1 expec t you're the expe rts on that subject." \Xll!erc arc tilt' gohlilJs? Vin tra explains that one of th e caravan's teamsters was captu red by th e goblins but escaped short ly before the goblins descended into their warren. "\Ve sent h im dow nriver yesterd ay, but I ca n sho w you where the warren is. Got a m ap?" Mark the correc t Spot on the playe rs' map (they've got one in th e P/llycr's C uide th at's muc h like yo urs). At t his point, the heroe s should be on th eir way to adventure. The gob li n lab is pr esented in [he first pan of t he AI/velltll re Sites book.
SLAUGHTERGARDE TEMPLE The dark cree per em issary in U 8 of the laboratory has a majo r elue- a I11 Jp that leads to the seco nd adven ture site. f or some D& 0 players, th e not io n of more ro be ex plored and th e hi nt th at th e vent ure m igh t be lucrative are en ough
to move the m along. Some players might stan asking questio ns about why a gobli n war ren was full of stra nge magic and fine stone work, an d. o thers cou ld have th ei r cu riosity piqu ed by a convers ation wi th the 111;:1 Ug in 1 9. A few players need stronger moti vation for mov ing on , though , and some grou ps migh t mi ss [he clu e ent ire ly. Ent er rhe Lum inou s O rder (see page 17). \x:' hen the PCs sell the tr easure from th e Slaugh tergardc labor atory back in Sum benon, they attr ac t the notice of the Kn ight s Lum inou s. So me of t he swords an d ar mo r from the lab are ant iques fro m the Bartle of Slanglue rgarde, and a practi ced eye ca n iden tify the m as such . \X/ hethef the PCs are going to find th e Sur rin ak hunt ing lodge or not, Lum inar y Captain Arm in H arra k (l G ma le human figh ter 2jpalad in 3) appro aches themH e can tell the PCs abou t [he Battle of Slaug htergardc, helpi ng them fig ure ou t that at least one sec tion of the demon ic for tress appa rently remained on the Mat erial Plane. "And if o ne parr of Slnug hrergarde survived, perh aps o the r pa rts did too," Ar m in muses. If the PCs don't have the Surriuak con nec tion, Arm in ca n po int the m in the rig ht di rect ion w ith evide nce the Lumino us O rde r has un covered in clas hes w irh vve rer urs in Su mberron . He explains the situation. "Mem bers of our order can' t strike di rectl y at the Surrin ak hold ings withou t possibly aro using ot her nobles against us. Bur if ind epe nden t agen ts can prove someth ing's rotten in Su n-ina k co untry, we can safely become involved and clea n it up . That's why I've come 10 yo u." "I f you f nd anot her part of Slaug hrerga rdc. wh ich I SlLSpee r you w ill, I im plore you to destro y any evil or tainted objec ts you come across . If you find somet h ing you can't dcstroy yourselves , brin g it ro th e Sh in ing Citadel when yo u're done ex plo ring th e situa tion and the site. I f worse com es to wo rst, on your reru m , tell me about objects you ha d to (cave at the site. I'll make ar range ments in suc h a cast' . "For your work, the o rder is w il ling to pay you each 800 pieces ofgo ld upo n your retu rn . In add ition , I'll give you a comme ndation to the Lum inar y champions, the leaders of our orde r." Tell the players th at the com me ndat ion ear ns th e m an affilianon sco re wit hin th e Lumi nous Order. Ar m in won't pay up fro nt, and h e ca n't be moved on this poin t, tho ugh he m ighr be persuad ed to pro vide some mund an e eq uipment . O nward to the temple of th e d raw !Th e rempie sec tio n is descr ibed begi n n ing o n page 28 of t he Adl'o Jl ul"c Sites book.
SLAUGHTERGARDE ARMORY After rhe PCs have defeated the rlrow, they sho uld retu rn to the Shin ing Citade l [or th ei r reward. \X!h ile the cha rac ters were away, th e clerics of rhe lu m in o us O rde r used divin ation magic ro ask of th e gods, "Do o ther intac t part s of Slaug h terga rde remai n?" The divina tio ns showe d the entra nce th e g nolls fo u nd an d cleared to the Slnughrcrgarde ar mory on th e edg e of
Slaugh rerscar. \X'orse , t h ou g h they do n't k now sp ec i fics, t he d iviners lear ned th at dark forces a re t ry in g to re pa ir a gIlit' to t he Abyss. T he order se nds tilt' c harac te rs o ff o n a quest to m ake su re th at galt· d oesn't o pe n . A rmin prom ise s 1O grant eac h PC wh o und ertake s t h is que st 1,50 0 g p a nd "t h e unending thank s of the entire ord er," The pl aye rs sh o u ld know t h at "u ne nd ing th ank s" t ransl ate s 1O a h igher a ffi lia t ion score. O nce aga i n, A rmin won't pay up fro nt. M atte rs a re co m plic ated a littl e, howeve r, by th e fact t hat the k n ig h ts a re n't the only ones look ing fo r the Sla ug h te r-
gan le armor vN arv ali a (C N female half-elfbard 5) of the Ebon Cabal (see page 19) approa ches the part y. She offers so m e or a ll o f t he c h arac te rs th e op tion to c ap t u re the gate a nd m ak e it fun ctiona l for th e wi zards of t he ca bal. Based on in fo r m ati o n from h er su pe r io rs, Naryalla k nows wha t it take s 1O m ake t he ga te wo rk ag ntn-c-tpagcs. used 1O fore tell t he stars"; "a force fo r good , bo und a nd reve rsed"; a nd " I h e mi ssing sig i l. resto red to its ng lnful place ." Sh e's w il li ng to pay 2,0 0 0 g p 1O eac h charac ter who help s the cabal. Now t h e PC s h ave two pat ro n s sen d ing t he m to th e Slaugh tergn rde Armory. T he p layers c an de c ide ho w rli eir c h a rac te rs ha n dle th is sit u at ion. You c an t u r n to page 20 o f th is book to start t h e adv en t ure.
(If sltlllg lllcrgllrdt' can acco m moda te ro ug h ly five encou n ters bet wee n the labo rator y am i th e temple , an d a no t he r five b et w ee n t h e temple and t he ar mory.T he t im e bet wee n th e ad ve ntu res is a good c ha nc e fo r yo u to as sess t he st re ng t h o f th e pe s. Se e whe ther they 're earn i ng level s at t h e r ig ht pace, a nd c heck to ma ke su re t hey have gea r ap pro pr iate 10 t he ir leve l. You sho u ld h ave j rd-level PC s at t he begi n n i ng of t he te m ple se ct io n and s th-level PC s for t he arm ory sec t io n. If yo u r ch a rac te rs are of a lowe r level Slllll lt'n,d Cl ites
th an t h at, o r if t he ir ge a r isn 't up
stan da rd (see C harac-
ter Wealth , D.\ fC 135), you can make up th e difference by us i ng ex tra en co u nt ers. One of the ea sie st ways to in corpora te ex tra encoun ters is sim ply to includ e so me ra n dom e nc ounters in t he wilder n e ss o n th e wa y to an d from rh c Slau ghrergarde si tes. You can al so play up so me of th e pl o t t h read s we 've intent io n a lly left dangling t h at you'l l learn about as yo u re ad t h is book, suc h as the we rerats in Sumberton , t h e gnoll s ncar Kel's Rise (w h ich cou ld be relat ed to C ashkarr a nd the Slaugh rer garde armo ry). o r th e "d ark pre sence" in the Vcnthwood . You ca n flesh o ut Castle Cr ie f in ro an adve nture o r sim ply add a few m ore roo ms to the Slau ghrergarde laboratory o r temple . Conversel y, t he adve nt u re plays just fi ne if yo u don't add ex tra encounte rs, as lo ng as t he c ha rac te rs are st ro ng e nough. I n fact , if yo u link LI S a nd 1'6 wi th a sta irc ase , t hen connect T 24 to i\ I by way o f a hi dde n tunne l. yo u ca n play Sia llglllcrglm k as o ne bi g du ngeon.
ENCOUNTER T he enc ou n te r de sc rip t io n s have t he follow ing st a nd ard e n t r ies. Ext ra sec t ions mi ght be prov ide d wh en th ey're 10 0 im p ortan t to a sp eci fic t'IlCOU11ler to [all unde r o ne of t h e o the r ca tegor ies. S uc h ex t ra s m ight i nclud e t raps o r addi t io na l g u idel i ne s [or r u n n i ng t he e ncou n te r.
SETUP Setup te lls you i n fo r m at io n yo u n eed to kn ow 10 sta rt the encounter. l r u sua lly sta tes how t h e occupants of a n area re act to th e PC s, along wi th i n fo rm at ion yo u ne ed to sta rt the enco u nte r. Cond it io ns t hat require co ns u lt i ng a creature's statis t ics block might be included . suc h as h ow
CAMPAIGN SETTINGS Sett ing the Shatt ered Gates of SJaughtergarde adven t ure in a publ ished ca m paign sett ing is ea sy. E BERRO N e Camp aign Setting: If you wa nt to se t t he adve ntures in Eberron , you can place the Valley of O be lisks in no rthern Bre land amid the Blackcaps , with the Marr ilach River runn ing southwest th rou gh the m ounta ins, t he n turn ing du e west to empt y into Silve r Lake . Cas tle Pen d rant ca n beco me Drum Keep, the ance stral hold ing of the ir' Oeska! famil y, and t he de pt hs of the Blackcaps can reta in the ir sinis ter m ien (see Xandr a r and the Blackcaps , Five Nations 64-65), Make Mu-Tahn Laa a dael kyr, so the Battle of Slaughtergar de happened 9,000 years ago at t he end of the Dae lkyr War. Drow ha ve a specia l ro le in Ebe rro n, be ing co nfine d to Xen'drik , an d o ne of th ree reasonab le altern at ives can be used to solve t he pro blem of t he d row in Siaughtergarde's temple sect ion, O ne poss ibility is that the da rk elves in the Slaught e rgar de labo ratory a re a s tra in of nor ma l elves so m e ho w co rrupt ed by Siaughte rga rde . A se con d o ption is to add a func-
tiona l two-way port al betwee n 117 an d T1. PCs who climb the stairway o ut of Tl find t he mselves su rrou nde d by t he t rac kless jungle s of Xen'd rik. learn ing jus t how wide ly Siaug htergarde scat te red whe n it explo ded. Th irdly, you co uld cha nge the draw to githyanki, but th is o ptio n involves more cus to miza tio n on your part. Small encl ave s of g ithyan ki a re co m mon enough in Khorv ai re (see Player's Guide to Eberron 123), and th ey wo uld have an inte res t in relics from t he realm ofXo ria t. F O RGOTT EN R EALMS" Ca mpaig n Sett ing: If you wa nt to set t he ad ve ntures in Fae run , a goo d place for the Valley of Ob e lisks is th e sou the rn edge of th e Nether Mou nta ins in the Silver March es. The Marri lach River runs so uth wes t into t he Ta lo ns, then south as a tributar y of th e River Delimbi yr. Turnsto ne Pass provide s a road out of the valley to Sunda bar, while the Marrilach River still provides pa ssage so uth. Mu-Tahn laa created Siaughterga rde to take ad vanta ge of the mac hinations of t he wizards of Ascal ho rn in 882 DR-a great s um mon ing of fien ds t hat led to the creation of Hellgate Keep,
a creature m igh t becom e aware of in tru ders or when and where it might h ide.
READ-ALOUD TEXT Parag raphs o r whol e sentences appea ring in italic type in side an enc ou nter are meant to help yo u describ e an area or featur e. Conditiona l statemen ts usually precede the readalou d text and sometimes sepa rate read-aloud state me n ts from one a no the r. \X1 hen the text's described co nd itio n is met, you can read or paraph rase wh at follows to the players. Parenth etical in formation in th e read-aloud text is to help you describe infor matio n th at depend s on PC o r c reature actions. Read-aloud text doesn't always in cl ude mention of a room's ex its. You GIn add th is info rma tion based on the charac ters ' poin t of entr y into each room .
CREATURES Any cre ature presen t in an enco u nte r' has an associate d statistics bloc k. Ever y stati stics block has a book and page refere nce so you can learn more abo ut th e cre at ure from other 0 & 0 books you own. Doing so isn't necessary to ru n the encounter, however. Creature possessions are an import an t so urce of treasure in these advent ures.
TACTICS How the in habitants of an area deal wi th in terlop ers is described in as muc h det ai l as needed in each enc ounter that incl ude s mon sters. 'Cl erics some t imes in clude contex tual statistica l informa tion on a creatu re's speci al mane uvers. Encounters that are straig htfor ward batt les migh t not inclu de thi s ent ry.
CONCLUSION An encou nter's conclu sion describ es th e effec ts that events in an enco un te r have on nearb y areas . It doe sn 't mentio n irre levant infor mat ion , suc h as those who migh t hear but ma ke no pr eparation s. For simplicity's sake, thi s section on ly describe s what happen s in areas tha t th e PCs ca n reasonably arr ive at next, un less a wide r react ion is
calleJ for.
TACTICAL MAP Each encou nte r has a detailed map of rhc area in wh ich th e en counter occurs. Such maps often in clud e in for m ation t hat's "DM on ly" to help you run th e en counter.
FEATURES OF THE ROOM The room 's o the r conten ts are descr ibed in a brief and orde rly fashion. Featu res mig ht incl ude illum in ation , door s, ter rain hazard s, sta irs, ches ts, or any th ing else an area holds. Co nrexrual stat istics and inform ation o n trcasure are included, as releva nt, in eac h featu re's ent ry.
The setting for th is ad ventu re is the Valley of Obel isks, named for the anc ient obelisks th at played an importa nt role in the Baltlc of Slaugh rerga rde and do t the cou n tryside to th is day. Th is temper ate valley ha s been and is an ag ricult ural province o n the fro nt ier far from the centers of govern me nt. It's tru e locat ion is pu rp ose fu lly vag ue so y~u can fit it j nrc your D&D ca mpa ign.
SETTLEMENTS The rich lands of th e valley suppo rt a w ide var iety of settleme nts. Castle Grief (H a m le t): Ca rtographers always place Castle Crief in the Paint ed Canyons wes t of th e M an-ilnch River. But no one in recent memory has traveled [0 the cas tle. Resident s of nearb y commu n ities, such as Krokar r and Sekletir, don't kno w mu ch abo ut it. That's because Castle Crie fis for you, th e D'M , to do w ith wh at you w ill . Jt's mar ked on th e map in th e pll1 yer's C l/illc, so it's on the map any PC cou ld buy in a gene ral store. Malee an adventu re our of it, o r leave it a myster y. Castle Pe n d ra n t (Ha m le t): Th e Pend rant fam ily has occu pied J cast le on the riverb an ks southwest ofjcwolford for cen rutie s. Lord Pend rant has bee n grante d th e autho rit y to tax r iver traffic that passes Cas tle Pcn d rant , and he wield s h is aurhori ty wi th g reat relish. Riverbo at captains hate Pend ran r's stre tch of river, and th ey sco r n Lord Pend ram . hi s fam ily, and anyone fro m the tow n aroun d the cas tle. Cas tle Surr-ina k (H a m let): low o n t he nonhern slopes of Mo unt Surr in ak in t he Tang lerufr Mou ntain s is th e ances tral home of an old and in sula r noble fam ily, the Surrinaks.Th eir castle overloo ks rich farm land and is protect ed fro m th e west by Rcdbark Grove, so the Sur rina ks are collec tively some of th e most power ful landowne rs in th e Val ley of O belisks. Trespassers arc treated harsh ly o n Su r rinak lan ds- their house guard is th e law for m iles beyond th eir castle. Du ring the cours e of the adve ntu re, th e PCs learn that th ese hum an s are sec retly all ied wi rh th e dro w that have raided Shu l Shc nnck. In fact, S0111e Surrinaks have even taken drow spo uses and had hal f-drew ch ild ren . Furt hermore, Slaug h rerga rde's temple sec tion lies on [he edge of Rcdb ark Grove un derneath th e Sun-inak hu nti ng lodge, a well appo inted cabin abo ut 5 m iles from th e castl e prop er. Dondurrnn (Vil lage): Dcndurra n's orchards are justly famo us, especi ally for their apples, pea rs, and che rr ies. The village has su ffered recently at th e hand s of gnolls marauding from t he mou nt ains to th e sout heas t. After a sho w of for ce by cavalr y from the valley's sa le city, Sum bc rron, th e g no ll s have n't been seen in seve ral mont hs. Residen ts are still suspicious of stra ngers, and th e village mili tia remai ns on g ua rd. H cmyula k (Vill age): H emyulak is a town th at grew up arou nd th e walls of Castle H emyulak, built cent u ries
ago to g uard a mo un tain pass Ih;H leads north our of th e Valle y of O bel isks. Hemyulak kers are know n as adep t at hun ters and fishers. Dwarf prosp ector s have recently started sco uting the h ill s north of I-I emyu lak, looki ng for vein s of silver and other preciou s met als. So far, no one has str uck it rich , and the pro spectors find the mon ster-in fested hi lis d i Ilicuh to ex plore. [ ewel fo rd (La rge Town): Seco nd in populat ion on ly 10 Sumbe non. jewclford is home 10 a mix of races. Halfl ings. g no mes, and huma ns ma ke up the bu lk of th e populace. Th e h;ilfli ngs are river traders predom inately of the Fam inestri cla n, the g no mes are m iners seeking gems in the nearby h ills, and [h e h umans are varied, fill ing many roles that help jewclford maintain its notable pro spcrt rv. Th e Martilach River is wide and shallow near [ewe lford, posing a navigation ch allen ge for riverboat captains who have 10 find the deepe st channels or r un aground. Across th e river from t he town is the Shin ing Citadel, Built by th e Luminous Order just after the Batt le of Slaug htergarde, the fort ress allows the Lumin aries to keep a watch on the Slaughrcrscar to th e ensr and rem ain alert for signs of the demons' retu rn. PCs who work for the Lum inous Order pro bably pass through Jewelford to go to the Shi ning Citadel. Kel's Ri se (Vi ll age): Ke l's Rise is more an ar me d camp than a pe aceful settleme nt. Most of t he residen ts have retre ated be h ind the walls of Castle Kel, fearful tha t gnol ls from beyond th e mou ntains migh r attack again. Th e in habitants survived several mo nth s under siege in th e cas tle, and they st ill fed nervous when they ste p beyond th e for tress's wall s. A road hea ds through a pass ove r the mountain s to th e sout he ast, but no traveler s have used the road since the siege. No o ne in Kel's Rise is sure wh ether th e road is safe, because the g nolls retreated dow n it. Krokarr (Sm a ll Town): Dwar ves from Krokarr have been working th e silver and iron mi nes in the nearby h ills forcenru ries, and they've always ca lled Krokarr Hom e. In the cen ter of Kro knr r is th e H,lI of th e Fell Beast, built around the rib cage of an immen se d ragon . \X1 ith in th is hall , th e leaders of nine promine nt dwarf clan s rule as an oligarchic town cou nci l. As be fits its min ing heritage, much of Krokarr is un dergro un d. T hose approach ing o n the road from Sumberron on ly see the H all of the f ell Beast, a few rampa rts, and some hum ble cotrages. Bcneath are cha mbers where nearly ~Jl I the citizens live. Th e sub terra nean st reets of Krokncr st retch for m iles, man y con necting to the min es in th e nearb y hi lls. Luk rim ar Ke ep (Ha m le t): Lu krim ar Keep is th e far the st up river the m ajorit y of rive rboa ts travel. It has a thriving com mun ity of halflings, espe cia lly those of th e Hu ndivarsr cla n. A loggi ng opera tion in the An drall Fo rest to the nort h supplies much of the timber for new riverboats. Riverbend (Sma ll Town): Downstream from Sumberton is Riverb en d, a tow n wh ere mo re than three-quarters
of the residents are gnomes. Thus, door s and furni tu re in Riverbcnd are somewhat awkw ard for the larger races. Rivcrb cnd is famous fora hometow n carn ival that spends abou t halfu s time on th e road, visiting other commun ities wi th in the Valley of O belisks. Those who go 10 the Riverbend Ca rnivaI \vhe n it's in tow n see spec tacular illusions, w itness feats of acro batics, and have thei r fort unes told. Maybe they also "forget" to br ing th eir co in pou ch es hom e w ith th em . Ru ins o f A n d rushel (H a m let): And rush el was an important bo rder fort ress and gua rdia n of the headw aters of the Marri lac h River. But a year ago, a flight of d rago ns destroyed the castl e. Rece ntl y, so me ::!oo soldiers and labor er s ret urned 10 th e sill', determ ined to rebuil d it. It rema ins a myster y why th e d ragon s at tacked. Sekler ir (Vil lage): Foun ded by religious pilgrims that ca me to the VJIIey of O belisks to bu ild an ideal co m munity of fait h. Sek let ir has a templ e to Pelor seco nd in size on ly to th e one in Su mberton. Because th e famous paladi n Brannock Proven nia is bu ried ben eath a monument in Sek letir. th e tow n still receives irs share of pilgri ms. Sbu l Sh cn n ek (Sm a ll Town): Mu ch of thi s town ex ists J hun d red fee t in the air. ncs rlcd among the massive bra nches of the t rees that give the O akwood its name. Th e houses, platfor ms, and magic elevators of Sin d She nn ek are a sigh r to beho ld, but they serve a pr actical pu rpose. Oa kwood is home to many dangero us mon sters, and the elve s of ShuI She n nek ca n turn their tow n into a for tress by retr acting the elevato rs and stairs that prov ide access from the ground. Mon sters aren' t the on ly concern. Drow raide rs have attacked ShuI Shen nek tw ice in the last decade- and for an elf, th at fall s into the category of "current events," Th e d rew co me fro m the sub ter ranean outpos t of Knrknn na Amon, and th ey're allie d w ith the Surri naks. So me of them now lurk at the Slaug hterga rd e temple co mplex to the north. Shul Vaath (Village): Shu l Vaath's elf in habitants are far more isolation ist than th ose of Sim i She n ne k. shun ning contact wi th the outside world and discou raging travelers from expl oring th e Vaath wood. Hum ans comi ng from the direct ion ofStump' Flat are parti cularl y scorned , if nor peppered with arro ws ou trig ht. Amo ng th e younge r elves of Shu l vaarh, however, are so me who wish to co nnec t w ith the w ider wo rld. Shul Van th isn't a treetop com mun ity like s hul Shc nnek. It's bu iIt on the forest floor amid cr umbling alabaster r uins fro m an elf kingdom th at's ancien t even by t he standards of th e elves, Ru mo rs abo und of a da rk presen ce wi th in the Vaarhwood . The presence m igh; have so me infl ue nce on t he .. gree n d ragon s th at have been troubling th e elves lately, but its actu al nature is fo r you to decide, If no thi ng else, th is problem is a good exc use fo r a PC from s h u! Van th to tr avel be yond the Vaathwood and co nso rt w ith the "yo unger races."
S ilver m o n t (Vi llage): Cold and silve r mi ner s ca ll the vi l lag e of Si lve rmon r hom e. Pr ices here fluctuate
depend ing on whe t he r mi ni ng has been goo d lately. II's very mu ch a co m pany town , with almo st every resid ent depe nd ent o n th e goodw ill ofHar unio Q uell, the mines' ow ne r. Even l ady A nd m Tenn eski r of Si lverm on t defers to
In the mo un tains north ofSilvermo n t is the Black Tow er, hom e of th e Ebo n Cabal. Resid ent s of Silvermon r all kn ow it's the re, b ut th ey believe it's bad luck to tal k about it. PCs wo rk ing for the Ebon Cabal mi ght pass throu gh Silverrn o n t to go £0 th e Black Tower. St u m p Flat (Vil lage):T his farmi ng com mu ni ty is hom e to a racetra ck that features week ly hor se races wi th a lor of ga m bling on th e side. Somet im es en tire acres o f far m land change hands based on the luck of;1da y at th e track. Relations between the h um an s of Stu m p Flat and the elve s of s hu I Vaath ar e poo r. The elves reme mbe r tha t the t own got its n :l1TIC whe n human woodcu t ters cleared th e eas ter n port ion of th e Vaat hwood . Su m bert o n (Sma ll City): The city ofSum berton is th e mo st im po rta n t trade cente r in th e Valley of Obelis ks. It's descr ibe d in derail start ing on page 12. Tu lv crcross (Sm a ll To w n ): Tulvercross boa st s some of th e best g rassland in th e Valley of Obe lisks , so ir has ho rse, shee p, and cat tle ranch es nearby rath er th an the farm s [hat domina te th e rest of the valley. Th e Perdekark and the En trig han noble fam il ies o f rh c town ha ve a r ivalry rhar sta rred as a d ispute over ran geland but qu ick ly becam e perso nalMembers o f th e tw o clans aren't always violenr reward one ano the r, but mi nor act s o f sabotage and in ti mi da tion are co mmon.
WILDERNESS Far m s an d orchards surrou nd each comm un ity in the Valley ofObelisks, Wir hi n twenty mi les of the Marri lach River is pastu re after pasture, far m after farm. But the vallov still has wild places whe re mo n strous creatures lu rk and villagers dare not go. As one navels closer 10 the mou ntains rh ar bou nd t he Valley o f O belisks , one find s fewer far ms , fewe r hamlet s, an d fewer sig ns o f civ iliza tion. \'Vhen the pes ex plore beyond th e se ttleme n ts marked o n th e m ap , here are some of th e locales they m ight find . An d r a ll Forest (sp ars e forest, average EL 2): Tended b y th e Dr uid s of the Red Rock, th e Andrall fore st is largely a pasto ra l place . The di re p red ators that roa m amo ng its tr ees ca n be dan gerou s. Aresh au Vall ey (gent le h ills, aver age E L 8); Aresh nu Valley is a hom e to og res , bur these rap acious g iants ar e sma rt ogre magi .Th ey have been secretly infiltrating some o f the band it gro ups in th e Valley of Obelisk s, look ing to hi re me rce nar ies to co me nor thwest to th e Aresh au Valley. Bur thei r leader, Drakk , isn't tell ing the rest of the tribe wh y they need me rce naries. Blackreach M o u n ta i ns (fo r bid d i n g mo unta ins , ave r ag e .EL 4): These mounta ins art' ind eed rich with silver and gold , but they've been known to harbor rroll s and the
occ asio na l dr agon as well. Resid en ts of Silvermon r ra rely [eave rhe safe ty of th eir gu ard ed m ines and wa lled tow n. O ne path w inds norr h th rough the Black rench Moun ta in s an d termi natcs at the Black Tower. Ch a nce Forest (med iu m forest , average EL 2): Many forest g no me co m m u n iries are sca tte red th rou gh out th e Chance Forest. Crigs also roam the tr ees. Un wary travelers are often subjec ted to confusing and humilia ting tr ick s, as well as illus ions th at prevent th em from reach in g their de stinations. c lo u d h o o fForest (sp ar se forest, average EL 5): Two cen tau r tribes, th e C urga n and the Srara kas ps, war u nd er th e bough s o f th e C loud hoof Fores t. Th e feud is bi tt er, but the cen taurs are otherwi se frie nd ly, Co nso rt ing wirh the C u rgan ea rns a visito r th e u ndying enm ity of th e S ta rnkasp s. and v ice ver sa. D ap plew ood (d en se for es t , averag e EL 4); Thi s forest is known for its strange ness and dan ger. Fierce owlbears rampage th ro ugh its thick vegetat ion, and ~1 pac k of vicious dire apes dw ells wi thin the Dapplewood as we ll. Fo r es t ofTurlek (m ed iu m fore st , average E L 3): O nce home to the elves o f Sh u}Turlek, thi s dark forest is now k no wn to be the lair of a m alicious band of werewolves. \X!er ewolves w iped our th e elves, and they harb or gr eater am bitions, Their how ls ca n be heard on still n ight s in Silver mo n r. Grove of Icicles (m ed iu m forest, av erage EL 2): Albin o wo lves of the Grove of Ic icles are gre atly prized by hunters . Their pelt s ar e valuable, bur live pups that can be train ed are more so. Headwater Hi lls (gen tl e hills, average EL 7): Srrnnge crea tures abo un d in th e hil ls th at sur round th e head waters of the Mani lach River. Bulerres, c hime ras, atlrach s . . , all these and m an y we ird er creatu res roam east of rh e ruin s of And ru shc l. Jurorakk Foothills (rugged h ills, average EL 4); Cnoll bandits from the far side of the moun tain pass are se tt ing up new ca m ps in the lower reaches o f Mo u nt j u ro rak k. th reaten ing Kel's Rise. Co uld rhey have so me relation ship 10 C nshkn rr's forces in the Slcughrergarde armory? Kurk le Ridge (gen tl e hills, average E L 2); Winding draws and sc r ubby vcgcmt to n along Kur kle Ridge mak e it a common hid eout for bandits that prey o n road traffic between Su mbe rro n, Tulverc ross, and Krokarr. River pi ra tes some ti mes hide alo ng Kurkl e Rid ge where they ca n waylay riverboa ts headi ng south fro m Su rnbe rro n. Th e en tra nce 10 the Slaugh tergarde labo rat or y lies in a bo x ca nyon on th e northern side of Kurk lc Ridge. Lau gh in g \\'oods (sp arse forest, average EL 6): These woods were nam ed for the jovial t rean ts tha t tend ed th is light forest's many flower-filled glades . Now the trcant s are be set by me naces from th e H ead water H ills, so the forest is n't as sa fe as it onc e was. Oakwood (m ed iu m forest, average EL 3): Home to the elves o f Sh ul She n nc k, Oa k wood is also know n for the M ed ium and Large mo nstrous spiders th at cas t th eir
web s amo ng its silent [fee s. \Vithin a few mil es of s h ul Shen ne k, however, no spiders live- the elves hunt th em relent lessly. A herd of unicorns runs th e casrer n ed ge of the fore st. Painted Ca nyon s (r ugged hills ,average EL 5): Many og re tribes call thi s spare land home, warring w ith each ot her and with an y trave lers th ey come across. Mo unt ain s to th e west ar e ho me to several wv vcrn ne sts, and og re an d hu man alike h ide when the y see wyverns am id the canyo ns. The Paint ed Ca nvon s ar e also ho me to the myster iou s Castle Gr ief. Redbark Grove (den se fore st, average EL 3): Redbark Grove ha s so me of the th ic kest vege tat ion in the Valley of Obelisk s, and it is home to d ryads and seve ral dangerous species of pla nt s, su ch as assassin vine s. The grove seems particularl y resistan t to the ef for ts of far rners to th e no rt hwest , many of wh om would like to carve ano the r acre of far mla nd out of th e wood s. Sur ri nak fores te rs patrol the southeaster n portion of th e fore st, and th e Sur rinaks claim at least th at part of th e woodland as a h unting reserve.
Sar d arta n Hills (rugged hills, average EL 3): Th ese h ills are dotted with aba ndo ned dwarf min es. By mi ni ng so extensively, the dwarves unwi tt ingly released ma ny u nderg roun d monsters onto the sur face wor ld, so the Sa rdn ria n H il ls are a good home for mon sters, su ch as ca rri on crawler s, th at don 't usually vent ure aboveg roun d.
Slau g hrerscar (batt lefiel d, average EL 6):Th is crater rem ain s a bleak testamen t to Mu-Tahu Lac's thwart ed ambitions. Slauglu ers ca r seems to have an inherent abi lit y to spawn und ead-mostly wig hts, shadows, wra ith s, and spe ct res. Th ey wand er Slaug h rcrscar in packs, slaying an ything living th ey can find . Vent ur esome folk have reason s to ente r Slaug hrerscar. th ou gh . Th ose wh o work for th e Lumin ou s O rder go to kee p the u nd ead in chec k. Slaug hte rsca r is also rhe o nly place in the Valle y of Obelisks wher e the twist roo t pla nt esteemed by th e Ebon Cabal grows. Un k now n to :111 at the beg inn ing of the PCs' adven tures, evil forces have uncovered th e Slaugh rergarde armo ry in the weste r n par t of Slaugh rers cur.
the Su rr ina ks, th e bugbears are co nte nt to protect their hunr in g grounds at higher elevatio ns.
Ti tan ia Fo ot hi lls (rugged hills, average EL 5): Moun t T ita nia , to the nort h , is a foreboding peak, and its fo oth il ls are near ly as da ngerous. H ill gian ts somerimes come from the Tit an ia Foo thills to pill age o rchards so ut hwest o f the Gro ve of Icicles, doin g so at the urgin g of fros t giants dee pe r in th e mou nta in s. The frost giants wonder wha t it wo u ld take to make a major raid in to the Valley of
Obe lisks. Vaa t hwood (d e n se fores t , average EL 5): Elves of Shu l Vaarh claim all the Vaathwood. and the ir r:m gc rs and druid s sta nd ready to "escor t" un we lcome t ravelers back beyond the fores t's border s. Bur the elves do n't have th e Vaarhwood fully under th eir control. t\ clutch of you ng and you nger g reen dragons has been givi ng them grea t trouble of late, and a sin ister pre sen ce see ms to stalk th e wood . Verm ilion Rid ge (gen t le hills, average EL 3): Na med tor the strange hu e of its soil. Vermi lion Ridge start s in rhe mou ntains to th e so ut h an d cuts north across the lower part of the Va lley of Obelisks. Hippogriffs arc often seen soaring and swoo ping over the ridge on w indy days. West Oakwood (med iu m for est, average EL 2): Saty rs and the d rui ds of th e Mahogany Circle play out a dead ly ri valry w ithi n th e bord ers of the Oakwood west of th e river. In th e nort hweste rn pan of th is fores t are river bandit en cam pments.
SUMBERTON Sm all City, Pop u lat io n 7,275 A Il'itlt' llt"lItl ill lIlt' Ala rr iltl(h Riper rcllt"ah (I S/!1(I 1/ />tyl' 011 a mel' r prolllOll ttlrY. Bril fgt' ~ [l"OSS till' r it'tT to lilt' north 11I111 50 11 111. U,'0I1 tlWll, 1t'llg0Pl lmffi( bustles 10 and f rotll thf [t1l'flIS of "it, Vallt")' of o l,dlSb. Drifting ht'IOI I' hr itfgt's arc rolorfill r;IIt'rlloltt~ Ithlm willi footl l,olllitl for tilt' cines of tIl l' 50 11 111 or fi " i~" t',l gO(ll l~ IIt'lllft'tf fo r tilt' 11I 1111)' Ilfll r"r {tm llillg vi llllgC~. Amitl til l' g lOOHI of t'llrly sprillg's O t !l'r(lI ~ 1 ~I~)', t Ilt' "Ill/IY hctlrt"~ li ll d friflH/ly fl1 (t' ~ of S II III /Jl'rt OIl h l'cI, Oll , lIS 110 lilt, (asb of ~p i(d alt' tllat art' 1I1i' cily\ claim to j;111 IC.
Streza bo Footh ills (ge n tl e hills, average EL 5): Daring h unters som etim es stalk th e dis plncer beasts of t h t.~ Strezabo Foo th ills, bur they often f nd them selves stalked in ret urn. Also livi ng here is a tribe of og res that was Cou gh! nearly to ex t inction after it attac ked Sh u l Shen nek. T Ill' og res' numbers are small, bu t th e ir hatred [or the elves is great, and th ey accept aid from any sour ce th at prom ises death to th e elves. Tan gl ctuft M ountains (r ugged m ountains, ave rage EL 3):Th ese mountain s rise at a steep pitch our of th e su rroundi ng plains- on e of the most str iking sights in the vall ey, Sur rina k ho ldings dot the Tmglenrfts, includ ing Castl e Surri nak in the no rthwest. an d S u n- in ak mountaineers patrol t he lowe r elevatio ns regularl y. A tribe of bugbears has sent raids agai nst isolated lowland farm s, but g iven the sw ift, br utal, and tena cious reta liation s of
Sum bc r to n is the t;n ly ur ban locale most reside nts of the Valley of Obelisks have ever seen . It's regarded as bot h sophisticated and bew ildering . Sin ce it's J city fou nded 011 the ri ver trade , Su mberton is indeed more cosmopolitan than th e r ural co m mun ities that su r round it. At th e heart of the city is Sum berto n Keep, an old fort ress bu ilt so that a lo ng-dead king co uld contro l and [ax the traffic on th e Marr ilach River. t\ setrlern enr g rew up arou nd the kee p and. w ith th e passin g of years, overwhelmed it. Wer e it not for the height of th e promonror y . on wh ich the fortress res ts, visito rs mig ht never know the keep is th ere. Two- and th ree-story bu ild in gs crowd the edges of the c ity's na rrow, wi nding streets, and eve n lifelong Sum be r ro nians have to th in k tw ice to avoid gt.>tring tu rned aro un d or lost.
Leaders hip: l ord Bariss Ca rsrcllan ha s been g rant ed taxi ng auth ori ty w ithin th e city li m its in exc h ang e for provid in g cit y services. An elde rly m an , Carsrellan is teachin g the ba sics of governan ce to hi s two sons, [arr ik an d Thra nn. Cit y bureauc rat s unde rst and that if lar r ik or Thrann wan t so me th in g, it's as goo d
Notable Features Su m bertou is kn own bo th as th e "Cit y of Aleh ouses" an d th e "C ity of Bri dge s." \Vhile both ap pellat ions are des erved , visitors in Su m be rton can find varied pla ces to spe n d th eir tim e. Blue H a n d cl asp : Su m berro n ha s temples to major religions alon g Pious Way, but in th eir sha do ws stan d th e old mon aster ies tha t first b rou ght pe opl e o f fait h 1O th e Valle y of Ob el isks . Many of th e mo nast eries ar e j ustl y famo us for their sp iced ale, eve n thou gh t he sec u lar brewe rie s arc responsib le for th e bu lk o f the city 's output. Blue H andcl asp was one o f those ale-prod uci ng m onasrcrics, b ut ir gave up its casks long ago. Now it's kno w n as a place to study esoter ic, medi tati ve di sciplines- studies th at ha ve se lf-defens e applicat ions . Th e blue-g loved mon ks of th e mon astery are un failin gly poli te when t raveling around th e ci ty on Blue Handclasp bu siness, but more than one ruffian ha s learn ed th at the monk s' abstra ct stud ies have very co ncre te an d very painful applications . Cars tell a n M a nor: Th e seat of gover n men t for Su mb err on (ancl by default th e entire Valley of O b el isks), Carsrcllan Man or is designed to d ispla y th e good fortune of its master, Lord Ca rs rel lan . In a nod 1O th e region's ag ricu ltural her itage, th e man or has ex tensive ga rde ns behind its iv y-cover ed wall s. The lord is an active horse breeder as well , and hi s prize steeds gra ze in many of th e past ures east of th e cit y. Cars rellnn, or one of hi s so ns, h olds cou rt near th e warmth of th e m anor's jet-bl ack firepla ce in th e w imer. Bur wh enever th e weath er is at all bearab le, th e lord
in vit es g ues ts to his su m mer pavili on ,
obelisk s gathered and ne utrali zed mu ch of the evil magic , event ually de stro ying t he fortress. Few beyond the h istor ians of th e Lum in o us Order and the sc holars o f the Ebon Caba l rem ember the true purpose beh ind the obelisks . They sta nd or, in some case s, lie as silen t guard ians agains t the re turn o f J horde from the Abyss. Sl y Wink: M arry of the city 's do zens of aleho uses claim ro se rve "Su mbcr ton's be st ale." In on ly on e case is th at claim tr ue- a nonde script. cozy alehouse on Co oper Stree t k nown as th e Sly \X!ink. The propriero r, O ld M an Sh iggetam , has an arr ange me n t with on e of the old ale-brewing mon asteri es on Pious Way to rent casks. Shi gge tam adds a blend of spic es that' s a "fam ily sec re t" ro th e all he fills rhe casks wi th . Th e resu lt, aft er proper aging, is ale rhar deli g hts th e se ns es even as it bafflesthe palate of th e most d isc ern in g dwarf. The Sly \X!ink is near en ou gh to thedocks to att rac t a rough-and -tumble crow d , b ur outr igh t brawl s and du els arc rare . The plac e h as a prominent street sign-one eye ope n , one eye closed - so it's easy to find . Storm Sewers: It rain s a lo t in th e Valley of O bel isks , and the Mnrti lach River flood s to a g reater or lesser extent every spri ng . Th us, the city has an ext en sive network of storm sewers. Sum berron's sewers are an alterna tive road g rid for a thieves' g uild kn own as th e Stil crto C rew and for othe r cr imi na ls. The stor m sewers arc also in fested with rats and , recen tly. wor se. From wi th in the sewers, wer era rs are spreading lycanth rop y. Th ey choose their victi ms wi th car e, try ing to in sert wererats into strateg ic posi tion s in t he city's power str uc tu re. Su m be n on's wcrcrats also have a co n nec tion to Slaug lu crgarde. The y're allied wi th d row who ar e seek ing as mu ch in for m ario n about the d emonic fonress as rhe y ca n find. Dark creeper s also serve th e drow- rhe werernrs migh t be aided by some of those sha dowy c reatu res. pe s batt le were rats in enc oun ter s Ti l and T14, and they m eet d ark cre epe rs in encou n ter U S . Dep end in g on the need s of you r ca mpa ign, the characters ca n dis co ver th e werera r co ns piracy in Sum be rron at any tim e. You then get addi tio nal use out of th e statistics provided in the enc ou nte rs menti on ed above. Su m b er t o n Ke ep: Th e m oldering stones of th is sma ll castle are tech n ically the highe st point in Sumbe rron , bu t th e winding ciry streets and tightly packed bui ldings mean th at res ide nts can't sec th e keep unless th ey're right ne xt to th e rock y hill ir sirs atop . The keep is a quiet, di scip]ined place-q uit e a co n trast to rhe bustle of Surnbcrton. At any g iven time, t he keep is home to about 100 sold iers u nder the com ma nd of Cap tain Donellgan . Anothe r 20 0 soldiers are elsewhere in th e V;] lley of Obeli sk s, training, par rolli ng the borders of the Slaughrcrsc ar, or m arching near th e wester n fron tier in a show o f forc e.
Notable NPCs Almost everyone in th e Valley ofObelisk s comes ro Su mherr on from tim e to tim e, even if it's just an an n ual trip
to sell the farm's app le harv est. As a D1.-1, you ha ve gre at free dom ro int roduce wha tever color ful N PCs you lik e. H ere arc a few notab le Sumberronians. Chcndrea t he W hite (N female hal f-clfwi zard 8):Chendre a is the city 's best -known arcani sr and g u ild m as ter o f th e Su mberton Scri ven ers . The g uild name is som ething of a mi sn omer; the Scrivene rs racklc all sorts of low-le vel arca ne duties. [rom aw mc IflCb and conlin llll! jlalll c spe lls to the crafti ng of pot io ns, scro lls, and wand s. An ivory-haired g raIHlmotherly type , Ch endrca is known fo r her blunt man ner. She is in frequ en t con tact with the Ebon Caba l, using lvlJ i~ pc rin g lPind for dai ly re po rts and asslgn lng a co u rie r for more imporran t missives. She's not officially a mem ber o f the Eben Cabal. bur she recog n izes rhnr it's important for the continued survival of her g uild ro Slay on the cabal's good sid e. rf th e pe s need rare materia l compo ne n ts, a quie t plac e to cra ft m ag ic items, o r informa tion about strange magic they've enco u n tered, Sumberro nt an s undo ub ted ly point th em Che ndrcn'sW
Buy ing and Selling in Sumbertan In a city devoted to t rade, almost nnything can be ha d if the price is rig ht. As t he pe s shop in Sumberton, they mi ght en co un ter th e fol lowing b usinesses.
Taverns Kenni ck's: Im m ense, crowded , and upsca le Th e Bloody N ose: A di ve favored by sailors Sly \V'in k: Sumberron's best ale Acco m m od a ti o ns Kennick's: Fancy rooms, pri ced at triple PH standard Sly \Xlink: Average rooms wi th good locks, p riced at PI J
H eart h Street Jewelers: The cit y's largest; overw helming sec u rity
Divine Sp el lc as ting Hi gh Pr iestess Bryanuu r: Up ( 0 Sth-lcvel spells; in sis ts on expe nsive "o fferings" Kind ly O llary: Wand er s Pious \'\/ay, healing all he
finds Hig h Priest Vul trarn : Has con nec tions to th e Lu minous O rde r
Ar ca ne Spellcas t ing Scrivener 's Cuildhouse: Comprehensive o ffer ing of
spells up ro 4t h level
stan da rd An chor's Rest Huge dockside boardinghouse th at features ho ur ly ra tes
51h level
Scrolls and Spe ll boo ks
Lashinara the Conjure r: Knows m any spells, but obtaining an audie nce is diffi cu lt
Scriveners' Cuild hous e: C o m p rehe n sive low -level selec tion Eli, Pu rveyor of Wonders: Eccen tr ic so rcerer ; shop is oflen closed while Eli n-avels Oracles ' Guild Ch apte rhouse: Spec ializes in d iv ination items
Weap ons and A rmor Dun-ik's Blade s: Dwarf sm ithy; lip to +3 en hanc em ent bo nuses on ar ms and ar m or Su mberron Surplus: Buys and sel ls ordinary weapons for a far-off \NiH effor t Justice Street Arms & Armor:Specializes in hea vy armor and ma rtial \veapons Other Magic Items Southern Skies Fab rics: Speciali zes in ma g ic cloaks, ro bes, and so on Poo r Tenn ison's Cu r ios ities: Sele ction varies widely; some junk, som e items of grea t pow er Sumberton Balm s and El ixi rs: Low-level divi n e potions
O racles ' Guild Chaptcrhouse: Divination spells up to
Steed s C arsrel lan Stables: Fine ho rses sold at monrhly nuction; no t always availa ble H interl and O utfi u ing: Basic steeds [or basic prices T herrick the Tam er: Ho rse breeder capable of Irain ing exo ric mou nts
E xped it ion Ge a r Hin terland Ourfitf ng : A large gen er al store co n rai n ing
all l'H good s Fam in cst r i Marine Supply: Hal fling-ru n riverboat equ ipm e n r and repair; fine rope Plarruy 's Guide and Taxidermy: Hunting g uide s that know th e rnoun tains well
Cloth ing Caprice Sis ter s: Fancy clot hing favo red by nobil ity Sou thern Skies Fabrics: Sells munda ne cloak s, robes, and so on Acorn Stamp: Simple garb known for durability
Leg al Troubl es , Al chemical Su p p li es Pure Rcngcnrs of Surnberron : Supplies ale spices , but d abbles in other goods Chimer a Ltd.: Good select ion, strange personnel
Bon-in Dautra m : Attorney for the defense Fyrona Vin-iel : Th ran n Carst ellan's para mour; lakes b ribes for her influence I1ya Mark tun sel: H al flin g riverboat captain; can get someone ou t of town , no questi on s
Art Objects Praehel ic n's: Snoo ty b ut weal t hy Rurik Fam ily: Runs rnonrh lv auctions Red Door An tiquities: Specializ es in older item s, doesn't ask many quest io ns
Jew elry Man-ike of the Discerning Eye: Gnome renowned for her gaudy sett ings Oak leaf Shoppe: Elf jewelers k nown to add m agi c to th eir wo rks
Illicit Goods and Co n trab an d Uth ra the H erbalist: Limited sup ply of po isons Tcnk lor H undivnrs r: Ha lfling sm uggler of untaxed ale O llie [he Shakes: Fences stolen goods for the Stiletto Crew
--:---::-_L11MIN GUS ORDER "This vllllcy is proof thaI no pInel' is safefrom llle touch of dl1rl~
!less. AllY plncc-lmd !l ily J h'(Jrt~((l1l .rind jtself 0 11 llic fronl IiJlt's of lilt' ['llttlC hetH'COI good and evil." -
Lum in a ry Cap tain Annin H Jrra~
The Luminou s O rd er is th e last remnan t of th e ho st tha t destroyed Slaug lue rgard e, an d it's still devoted to kee ping the VaIley of O bel isk s safe from evil. Members of th e or de r are kn ow n as Kn ights of the Luminou s O rd er, Kn ights lu m in ous, or Lumi na ries. Dem on s haven' t come bac k to th e vall ey, of co urse. but th e o rd e r h as kept b usy, p rotect ing th e region fro m mund an e ev il s.
Luminous Order Affiliation It's likely tha t th e pe s under take one or rnorc mi ssions on beh alf of the Luminous O rde r, a nd some c ha rac te rs mi gh t even aspire to kn ight h ood. The affil iation syste m descr ibed h ere is a way to m easure ho w t igh t the link be twe en a give n PC arid th e o rder is. (Player's lI ilflllbook 11 descr ibes a genera l affilia tion system yo u can us e for org an izations you c reat e, :llong w ith a gro up of sa mp le or gan ization s, sta rt ing on p3ge 163 of th at book.) pes C3n im prove th eir affiliation scores by co mp leti ng ce rta in obje ct ives. Tell the pla yer s wh e n ever th eir c ha rac te rs h ave earned affi liation points, an d [h ey ca n ke e p tr ack of h ow m an y po int s th ey've acc u mu lated. Th eir ince ntives for doing are th e rew ard s th ey ea r n wh en th ey reac h certai n th resh old s of affi liation, as det ail ed in th e Player's Guide a nd this sec tion. Th e Luminous O rder take s an in te rest in th e PCs wh en they retu rn wi th an tiquities fro m th e Slaughrergarde labora tory o r wh en they sta rt aski ng ques tio ns in Sumberron abo u t the hi sto ry of Slangluc rgarde . Modifie r Conditi on +1/ 2 PC' s level Cha racter leve l bo nus +1 Cle ric o r pala din of goo d-aligned deity +1 Discover Slaughterg ard e laborato ry Preve nt further acces s to Sia ughte rgarde laboratory +1 +1 Defeat we re rats infiltrating Sum be rto n +1 Des troy the a ltars in t he Slaughter garde te m ple +3 Dest roy the gate in the Siaugh tergarde arm ory -1 Let La urazhi esca pe from a rmory -4 Refuse to help the Luminous Ord er -8 Repair t he gat e in the Siaug htergarde arm ory -2 Lum inou s O rder learns PCs are workin g with the Ebon Cabal
N ote s: If you're add ing an adventure th at in volves defeatin g the forces of evi Les pecially supern atu ral a n tagon ists , you ca n add its succ ess fu l con cl usion as ;:1 l-po iru goal, rep lacing th e were rnt in filt rat ion goal. A ri val orga n iza tio n, t he Ebon Caba l, is describ ed Inte r. 1t vie s for the PCs' alleg ianc e an d offer s aff liation re wards as we ll. PCs ca n earn affiliarion points from bo th orga n izat ions, bu t doin g so is a dangerou s game. Th e Luminou s
O rder doe sn 't tr ust th e Ebe n Ca ba l, and the Eb e n Cab 31 doesn't tru st anyon e. As the ch aract ers earn affiliation poi nrs, th ey gain acce ss to spe lls , mag ic items, a nd po we rfu l wea pons. By th e time th ey reach the end of Shot/en'd Gates Slllllgillcrgardc, the PCs m ight be able to joi n pres tige clas ses dera iled in th e Player's Guidt'.
Affiliation Score 1 o r lowe r 2- 4
Title: Benefits and Dutie s' None. Knight Luminous or Luminary: Character is eligible for que sts an d ca n purchase s pellcas ting from the cleric s of the order at reduced cost. lumin ary Capta in: Characte r rece ives a 5- 8 Luminary tabard an d gains expa nde d acce ss to the order 's NPC s pe llcaste rs . 9 or highe r luminary Champion: Cha racte r receives o ne weapon of the celestial host (his or her choice). A Lumina ry cha m pion meets one of t he re quire me nts for ta king leve ls in the se re ne gua rdian and so lar chann ele r prestige classes. 1 Ite ms an d pres tige clas se s ment ioned her e a re descr ibed in the Player's Guide.
LUMINOUS ORDER BENEFITS In add it ion to th e specific rewards based o n th ei r affiliation scores, PCs re ceive a se t of gen era l ben efi ts fro m be in g in the orde r's go od grac es. Q u ests: As men tione d befor e, w he n th e pe s are done ex p lori ng th e s lau ghte rgard e labo ratory, a Lum in ary capta in n am ed Arm in Hanak co ntac ts th em . H e offers them th e cha nce to find a nd cl ear ou t Slaug h te rg arde 's temp le sec tio n , If th ey accep t, th e c harac te rs can jo in the Lumin ou s O rde r a nd ear n affi lia tion rew ar ds fro m it. \'\/h en th e pe s retu rn fro m the Slaugh tergarde templ e, Arm in offe rs th em an othe r qu est. \V'icked cr eatures are str iving ro rep air a g ate ro th e Aby ss deep wit hin th e Sla ug hte rga rde armory. Th is m u st b e sto p pe d, and th e pCs, as fam il iar as they are with Sb ug h te rga rde , arc p erfec t agents. \V'hi le th e ch aracters ar e bu sy, Ar mi n sends a co n ti ngent of Kni gh ts Lum in ou s to ma ke su re th e laboratory a nd temple are secu re and cleansed o f ev il. Th e Lum inous Orde r also co nt inu es work agai ns t th e ev ils o f th e va lley , in clud in g th e Sun-i n a ks . A ny suc h task s could in volve the PCs. Gear: Th e Shi ni ng Ci tadel , hom e o f th e Kni ghts Lum in ou s, is th e equ ivale n t of a sm all town (p ur ch ase lim it gOO gp), exce pt wh er e we apo ns a nd ar mor are co ncer ne d . Becau se it hou ses wha t is ess en t ially J militar y orga nization, the citadel h as a purch ase li m it of 3,000 g p for ar ms a nd arm or. 1n exc ha nge for a n approp ria te d on ation for the orde r's goo d wo rks , th e PCs ca n obtai n +1111CIlpOIl S, +1 5lJ idds, and +l l1 n llor [ro m th e Sh in in g C itade l's arsena ls. Some gea r th e order simp ly do esn 't h ave, suc h as unu sual m ag ic ite m s, 3S well as poi son s or an y sort of cont raban d ,
Let log ic be yo ur gu ide . The Sh in ing Citade l is a well stoc ked fo rt ress main tained o n th e edge of the wilder ness by an order ded icated to stamping O UI evil. It's nor a fullfledged com mun ity. Ser v ices: The most powerful spcl lcaste rs in the Lu minou s Order arc t j rh-level clerics, bur tbey're frequently on erra nds out side the Valley ofObelisks. A Zth-lcvel cle ric is always at th e citadel and willing to cast spe lls for the cost of th e materia l compo nen ts requ ired. Less powerful clerics are assig ned to help those wi th needs th at ca n be mer with lower-level spellcasting, but t he price doesn't cha nge. Charac ters who have earne d the ran k of Lum inar y captOl in or Luminarychamp ion can count on greater aid from more powe rful Lum inar ies. In any case, donations 10 the o rder are apprecia ted when suc h servi ces are re ndered . Information: Few in the Valley of O belisks know about the Bat tle of Slaug hrergarde . but every kn ig ht wi th in th e Shin ing Citade l's walls ca n recite th e story of th e c lash in derail . Once the PCs d iscover that pan of Slaughtergarde surv ives on the Mater ial Plane, rhe clerics of th e Luminous O rder start doing divina tions. T hus, they learn abo ut the temple section and the ar mor y. Access: Anyo ne on Lumin ou s O rde r busin es s-c-or rest ing afte r an orde r-com m ission ed qu esr- is welco me to the aus te re but clean quarte rs at th e Sh in ing Citadel. Th e stro nghold also hou ses a library detailin g th e events aro und the Battle of Slaug hrerg anlc and o ther demoni c Invasion s stretch ing back th ousand s of years. For mund ane need s, th e Lum inous Order rnain min s a staff of c rafrspersons, suc h as blacksmiths and car pente rs, usclu l ro a largd y self-sufficient bast ion . Stat us: T hose who have di sti ngu ished themselves in se rvice to the Lu m inou s O rde r can call the mselves Luminary captains. The term is one of ho nor, no t a specific rank w ithi n th e o rder, th ou gh such no table Lum inaries often lead other Knights Lum inous into batde. And th e greatest heroes of the Lumi nou s Order, t he Luminary champions , can haw a hand in leading th e wh ole order's efforts if they w ish.
LUMINOUS ORDER IN THE WORLD Utt'l"l' fl lllfu ',,)' ti Oll t' [lui/ding Dil l' sfrollglwltf wllt'll IIIl' KPIighls LllllliliOIlStll'l't'tlI"fI1. ridi IIg out of tilt, wesl. It tnru S(1 111 SOlllfO li C 1l'11S l\'lltchitlg the Slllllghlt'J'SCtl r lIfter 1 1/1." - Th rukala the Vampire
" W'e
\'(lith a broad man date and lack of speci fic d uties, the Lurn inou s O rder is a good patron fo r the I'Cs. T he o rde r sends capable age nts on inte res ting mi ssion s. It doesn't ask th e PCs to pu ll garr ison d uty or 10 do anyt hing that would-be he roes wo uldn't do an yway. The PCs ca n use the order's Shin ing Citadel usn safe base of ope ration s. Even when the PCs' advent ure s take them beyond the Valley of O belisks, th ey can always retur n to find camaraderie and aid wi thin the strong ho ld's walls. Organization : Current ly, a grou p of twelve Lumi nar y champions sets over all policy for th e Luminou s O rde r.
Bur one of th e o rder's precepts is that volun teer s ma ke th e best allies, so rhe twelve cha mpions offer qu ests to w ill ing agents before offic ially delegati ng the rusks to dut y-bou nd k n ig hts. A Lum inary captai n often makes the offer. The number of cha mpions on the ruli ng cou ncil flueruures as new membe rs become c hampio ns and old o nes reti re or un de rtake long mission s away from th e citadel. PCs who reach the ran k of Lum inary cha mpio n can join the r u ling cou ncil if they wish . But un hke th e rest of the Lumi nou s Order, the r uli ng co unc il is tied 10 the Sh in ing Citadel and th e mund ane tasks of r unning the order. Cou nci lor s arc suppose d to be available for cons ulta tion o n sho rr not ice. Ar any g iven time, abo ut a hund red Lumi naries are at the ci tadel , wi th tw ice tha t nu mbe r away on mi ssio ns o r off d uty. Th ose at the fort ress engage in weapo ns exerci ses, small-unit dr ills, and occas ional patro ls into the Slaughterscar to t he east. \'(Ihi le in that acc ursed place, rhey destroy any un dea d th ey find and watch for mon ste rs att rac ted to th e taint that still li ngers in till' area.
NPC Rea ct ions The Lum in ous O rde r is a sma ll for ce, but its memb er s are res pec ted be cause they're always wil lin g to aid th e co mmuniti es of the valley. If :1 haml et 's peopl e are su fferi ng from a maraud ing monster or unchecked ba nd it ry, they some t ime s send a messenger to the Sh in ing Citadel fo r aid. Th e kn igh ts that respond are usuall y equal to the task, and thu s th e Lumi nou s O rder earn s goodw ill acro ss the valley. Band its out in the lu ntcrlauds know what the order's tabard looks like, and they oft en flee rath er than rest the mettle ofa Lumi na ry. But Ironical ly, the appointed foes of the Lum inous Order-demons fro m th e Abyss-haven 't shown themselves in cighr ce ntu ries. The k nig hts that fou nde d the Sh in ing Citadel accepted the cha rge of g uarding th e VOl Il l' )' from further demon ic incursion shor tly afte r the Bartle of Slaughte rgan le. Th ey ne ver ima gined tha t ce ntu rie s could pass wi th ou t t he dem ons invad ing again.
LUM INOUS ORDE R LORE Cha rac ters w ith ran ks in Knowledge (local) can research the Lum in ous Order to learn more abou t it. W he n a ch aracter ma kes a sk ill chec k, th e follow ing lore is revealed . in cludin g the in format ion from lower DCs. DC 10 : "T he Lum inou s O rder? Yeah , it's a no ble sect of kni g hr s based somewhe re downriver, T hey have a castle called the Shining Citadel." D C 15: "Whenever rhe local lords have a mon ster or orhe r men ace th ey ca n't handle, out goes a call to the Shi ning Citadel , an d th e Knight s Lurninous arr ive soon after, bless 'em . Th e orde r's cas tle is across th e river from jewel ford ." D C 20: 'T he Shin ing Citadel was built and the Luminous O rde r founded to g uard against a demonic invasion. Th at's why th e kn igh ts patro l th e Slaug htersca r-c-thcv thin k de mon s m ight spawn fro m its tain ted gro und."
_....,.--,-_.,....--...,.....,-£BO N CABA L "Good and ('vii, ligh t (llld dllrl;- fllt')" rc jllst abstractio/1 s. Yfl l/ Imoll' 1I'lhlt\ cO/ lerde? Tire Wllll d 1'111 pointi l1g nt yOll rig/II 11 011'."
Ebon Fact o tum Narvalln . .
A myst eriou s faction, th e Eb on Caba l is an or gani zation devo ted to th e acqui sition of m ag ic power on beha lf o f irs m embers. T h o ugh it is cloaked in si n ister t rappin gs, th e caba l isn't ev il. But it is com ple tely amora l, wil lin g to do whatever m ust be don e to adva nce its collec tive po wer.
20 Su rv ival c h ec k an d an hour's tim e to find a rw isrro or plant . A sea rc her h as a 12% chance of e nco u n ter ing undead d uring tha t t im e. If you de sig n an adv enture th at i nvolves th e acqu isit ion of ma gical power, th e pes can earn Ebe n Ca bal affiliati on poin ts for it. Sim ply replac e the "rwi srroot' e n try on th e tab le wit h an e ntr y releva n t to yo ur adve nt u re. Affiliat ion Score 1 o r lowe r
Ebon Cabal Affiliation Th e Ebon C aba l respe c ts powe r, a nd eve n tu ally th e pe s come to th e atte nt ion of its ma ny agen ts. pe s wh o alig n them selves with th e cab oI and do th e group's bidding can ea rn a n aff liat ion sco re w ith in th e Eben Caba l. Esp eciall y for ambit ious pe s who want no parr of th e "do-goodcr" atti tude of t he Lu m inous O rde r, th e Eb en Ca bal can be a u sefu l patron. Ju st as wi th the Lu minou s O rde r, PCs ca n ca m an affiliation sco re with th e Ebe n Ca bal that e nt itle the m to ce rta in reward s. \V'hen th e pes c ha ng e th eir affiliat ion sco res , tell th e players so they ca n kee p trac k of it on th ei r ch arac te r shee ts. PC s can ea r n affiliatio n poin ts w ith both th e Lumin ou s O rde r an d th e Eben Ca bal, but it's h ard to keep bo th organiza t io ns h appy. Co nd it io n Mod ifie r +1/ 2 PC's level Ch aracter leve l bonu s +1 Char acter is a wiza rd , so rce re r, or rog ue +1 Circumspect when inqu iring about Siaughte rgarde +1'" Give an Ebon ca ba list so me twist root taken from Siaugh terscar Wo rking for th e Lum inous O rder -2 Ag ree to rep ort o n Lu m ino us Or de r act ivitie s +2 Des t roy th e gate in the Siau ghtergarde arm or y -6 Se cure the ar mor y gate for the Ebon Cabal +4 -Thts mod ifier can be earn ed o nly on ce , bu t the caba l app reciate s add ition al twistroot.
N o t es: T he "circ um spe c t" e n try refe rs LO ~Il1Y re sear ch [h e PCs do af te r th ey di scover th e laborator y a nd t he temple. PCs aren't bein g circ u ms pec t if th ey mar ch th ro ugh Su m be r ton annou nc ing. "Hey, we fo und thi s weird demon-for tr es s."Th ey' re bei ng circ u mspec t if th ey inquire d eli cately, ask ing so m eth ing like, "Have yo u see n thi s so rt of arch itec tu re befo re?" In th e eyes of th e Ebe n Ca bal, c ha rac te rs are worki ng for th e Lumi nous Order if a ny of the ir co m rades a re. But PCs can cancel out t hat pen alty if th ey fig u re ou t a way to keep N arva lln or anothe r cabali st up to spe ed on wh at the Lum in ous O rd er is doi ng . Such devious dupli cit y is respectable in an Eben caba lis t. Those worki ng for th e ca ba l qui ck ly IC3r n rh at m any m e mb er s value rw isrroo r. which grows on ly in Slaug hrersca r. Collec ti ng th e per ver se h er b is dangero us- it 's h ard to fi nd.a nd the undead a rc eve rywh ere. It ta kes a DC
5- 8
Title: Be nefits and Duties ' None. Ebo n Init iate : Character is give n a cere mon ia l b lack robe and is eligibl e for quests . An Ebon initiate can buy m ag ic item s from the wizar ds of the Ebon Cab al at redu ced co s t. Ebo n Factotu m: Charac t er recei ves a cloak of
the Ebon Cobol. 9 o r mo re
Ebo n Master: Cha racte r rece ives one rod of the Tower (his o r he r cho ice) , along with
a d iamond -s tudded black mas k wo rth SOD gp oAn Ebon m as ter me ets o ne of the requireme nts fo r t aking levels in the dark scholar a nd twisted lord prest ige class es. 1 Items and pres tige classes mentioned her e are de scribed in the Player's Guide.
EBON CABAL BENEFITS At its h eart , the Ebon Ca ba l is me rely a mutu al-aid soc iety for ambitious, amo ral spe llcas tc rs. T h ose wh o h ave just jo in ed the orga n iza tion don't sec most of th e benefit s, because th ey're largely be neath th e n otice of th e my ster ious w izard s t hat ru n th e cabal. All m embe rs ha ve acc ess to th e caba l's base, the Black Towe r. \V'h ile wizard s an d th e occasion al so rce rer ma ke up th e maj ori ty of th e Black Tow e r's reside nts , associa ti on is open to m ember s of ot h er cla sses. Ambitiou s c harac te rs who a re n't arc ani sts can st ill benefit [rom h avi ng pow erful wizards as pat ron s and allies. T h e Eb en Ca bal al so h as a n on spel lcasrer sec t of secret age n ts know n
asking pri ce is usua lly 80% of ma rker value. The item 's creator ce rta inly cons iders th e work a favor to the I'C. Convc rselv. nn Ebo n cabal ist m igh t ask a PC capable of suc h a task to faslu on a magic item . O ther cabalists expect a di scount , bu r the gap between crealion price and asking price is profi t. Deeper disco unts th an the usua l 20X, can earn PC cabalists mor e fa vor among their peers. Information: pe s seeking to delve into th e arca ne secret s of rhe uni verse can lea rn a great deal from th e Black Tower's mai n library,wh ich has a nu rnber ofimporrant text s about cosmology, arcan e magic, and anci ent hi story. Eb on cabalis ts gain +4 circ urns rance bonuses on Knowl edge (arcana), Kn owled ge (h istory), or Knowledge (the planes) chec ks if they spend a few hours resea rch ing ins ide th e Black Tower's main library. The ma ster spe llcasters of th e Eben Cabal have private libr aries as well. Access to th em is by invi tat ion on ly.Th ey hold book s that conr uin secre ts too esoteri c or too dangerou s to be she lved in th e main libr ar y. Access: The Black Tower is a fortress, altho ug h it relie s on the po tent spellcast ing of irs residents for protection, not traditio nal arm ed g uards. Tho se wear ing t he black rob es of the Eben Cabal have access to every pan of th e stro ng ho ld excep t the private apartmen ts reser ved for the sen ior w izards and th e roof Upon th e roof, the sen ior Eben mast ers meet and , it's said, perform ritua ls beyond th e ken of lesser arc anis ts. St at u s : Eben Cabal membersh ip isn't some th ing to be flaunt ed beyond th e walls of t he Black To wer. O n th e in sid e, a cold-bloo ded so rt of mer itocr acy has emerged. Th ose rising thro ugh th e ran ks of th e cabal quickl y learn th at t he masked masters arc on ly imp ressed by result s.
THE EBON CABAL IN THE WORLD 'T lwt black-rohi'tl lvizard Il'IJ sl' (11 1dl' wllefl tile dragolls Wl11C-
she prol1(1 /J ly SI1Ft'l 1 half the village. Blit afler tlJe figldi ng lPllS dOlle, silt, was HlO n' interested ill dissecti llgrt dragoll's corpse thall put t ing 0111 thefires ." - C 1ptain Yarrick , formerly of the And ru shel m ilit ia. Some player s chafe
fifty Ebon factotums, mostly low- to mid -level wi zard s, are o n hand. An other fift y or so are agents of the Ebon Cabal, but they live and sche me ou tside th e stro nghold walls .
NPC Reaction s The Ebe n Caba l is an arca ne organiza tion literally and figur atively. Ot her w izard colleges and sec ret soc ieties kn ow about it, and ma ny of th e nobl es in th e valle y have heard of th e Ebou Caba l, even if they dism iss the tales ,IS folklore. The tw isted lord s are occasionall y me ntione d as peerl ess assassins , but th ey're srill rega rded as th e stu ff of campfi re tales. The Lumi nou s O rder h as so me limi ted k no w ledge abo ut the Eb o n Cabal. Th ey know th at it's ma de lip of pow er-h un gry wiza rds a nd that it's based in th e Blac k Tower north of Silver rnon r. M an y Kni ght s lu m ino us suspec t th at th e Eben Cabal is capable of co nsor ting w ith dem on s, bu t no cl ear ev idenc e has surface d th at t he cabal is ac tu ally doi ng so.
EBON CABAL LORE c harac ters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research the Ebon Cabal to learn mo re abou t it. W he n a cha racte r makes a skill check, th e follow ing lore is revea led, including th e in for mation from lower DCs. DC 15: "That's J sec ret ive sect of wiza rds housed in the Black To wer ncar the headwaters of the M nrrt lach River." DC 20: 'T he Black Tower is nor th ofSilvermo nr.Th ose living there are w izards- scar y, t he lot of th em . O n a few occasions, mem bers of the Ebon Cabal have help ed th e people of th e valley. Some sho wed up when th e dr agon s at tack ed And t ushcl ." D C 25: 'T he cabal has assassin s an d spies w ith in its rank s. These twi sted lords, as they're called , are often pan of th e intr ig ue in th e sout he r n cities."
SLAUGHTERGARDE ----,-----".~---,---:-:------,-~A R.MQRY
The gnoll warch ief Cnshkar r and h is m in ions un covered t he Siaug htergarde arm or y on the edge of Slaugh tcrscar. Surro un ded by twi sted vegeta tion and tainted eart h, ,I dark cave ope ns int o th e wes tern side of th e crater, ,1I1d a ru nnel wind s downward (see below). Sign s of cxcnvatio u , suc h as pil es of dar k din , stan d nearby as proof to rece nt activi ty in the tunne l.
DUNGEON FEATURES \'\/hen th ey explore th e armory, th e pe s eventu ally sec fami liar architect ural elemen ts. Th e first pan of the adventure rake s place in the runn els the g no lls used to access the site. Spec ific room descriptions might derail cha nges from th ese gene ralu ics. Bn trv Turmcl: The tunnel spirals downward fro m th e su rfac e 'tor 500 feet unti l it reaches A I. It's steeply slope d and littered with gravel, so it takes 2 squares of movem en t
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to ascend each square. Creatures running or charg ing dow nh ill must succeed on a DC 15 Balance che ck , ending thei r movement ld 2X5 feet later if they fail. Tho se that fail by 5 or more fal l pro ne at th e end of th ai moveme n t. T he DC of Tumble checks increases by 5, and th e DC of Move Silenrly check s increases by 2. Creatures galn a +1 bon us on melee att ack rolls again st foes below them on the slope. Illuminat ion: Cashkarr and hi s gno Bs came upon a colony of giant fire beetles when the y explored th e armory. Th e beetles were docile due to Slaughr ergardc's lin gering magi c, so th e gno lls corralled and caged th e in sect s to use them for light rath er th an killing th em. While the gnolls can see in th e dark , the y prefer the light for various reasons, such as bei ng able to see enemies from a d istance near t he stocka de s. l ight changes as descri bed in each room . Most halls are unlit, except for ambie nt light from other areas. Cei li ngs: The ceil ings in and around the armory are composed of Slaughrergardcs typical gray or gr ay-gre en stone, but th ey vary in hei ght. As in the other rem nants of Slaug hrergardc. the ceili ngs are usually 15 feet hi gh . Th e entry ru n nels have ceili ngs of eart h and srone. Walls: Th e wall s are fin ished masonry (Climb DC 20) that is the color of th e ceilings. The se walls are usually 1 foot th ick (break DC 35, hardn ess 8, 90 h it poin ts), except for the tower rooms (AS, A(" A 10, and A 11 ), whic h are reinforced maso nry th at is 2 feet th ick (break DC 60 , ha rdne ss 8, 360 h it po i I1I S). Thos e walls were exposed when Slaughrergarde was int act. Beyond all th e maso nr y is solid eart h or sto ne. Room s AI , A2~ and 1\3 are natu ral earth anti stone cha mbers (Climb DC 15), alt hough the gnolls have done some excavat ion in these runnel s to impro ve them and ma ke th em easily traversable. Doors: Burn ished copper door s stand in some doorwa ys, wh ile dem on arch es leer over others. Fiery arches in the armory are part icu larly fearsome, but the gnolls uncovered a W
ORGANIZATION Cash ka rr 's min ion s are organ ized, an d 'IS derailed on the nex t page, th e armory is patrolled. However, the layout of the com plex and th e de mon arc hes make it di fficulr for the armory's inhabirant s to kn ow what's going on in area s other [han thei rs. Once the PCs reac h th e elevato r room (A-I-), they ca n easily reach th e cen tra l and sout hern room s. To ma ke it to th e more di fficult northern roo ms, th ough , they've go t to either dea l with th e fiery dem on arches on th e northe rn elevator s or fight their way thro ugh one of th e ce ntra l arsena ls (A7 th rough A9 and A12 through A H). If you want to cu stomi ze the armory, here arc some sugges t ions. Add An t agon is ts: Cushka rr and h is allies arc in con tro l of th e en tire ar mo ry. Thi s doe sn't have to be so. The easiest place to add ma rc rooms is alon g the long stairways he ad ing to and from th e western and eas tern arsenals. Creat e R iva lries: If th e players rel ish t he cha nc e to negot iate and wor k facti ons agai ns t one ano the r, antagoni sm a mo ng the den izen s of the ar mory can be fu n . Orcharix can be more of a free agent, vy ing for pO\\'l' r wit h Gash karr. .M aybe the de rro are drivi ng a hard bargain for the repai red gate sigil, and t hey've hired th e t roll mercen ar y in A 1S to keep the gn olls fro m taking it by force. How ever, such r ivalries aren't wo rt h the trouble if the PCs nrc going to be uniform ly host ile to the monster s. Cus to m ize th e Tr ea su re: The arsena ls are goo d places to add magic weapon s and armor. o f cou rse, th e gno lls or t roglod ytes are probably usin g such item s.
SlAUGHTERGARDE MEDALLIONS Many deni zens of the armory wear medal! ions rhar allow them to pass through the fiery arches in t he armory. Each is '1I1 elec trum cha in and a penda n t rh nr has
GNOl l PATROL eEL 7) By Cashkarr's or der, the arm or y com plex is patr olled at all times. A typical patro l includes a Oil1<.1 sold ier and two gno ll barbarians. Th e pat rol star ts in the elevator room
FLIN OBAR The flindbar is a set of iron bars linked by a chain, simi lar to a flail or nuncha ku. It's a o ne -ha nded exotic wea pon that de als 2d4 points of blud geon ing dama ge, has a threa t range of19-20, costs 30 gp , and weighs 2 pound s. When using a f1indbar, the wielde r gains a +2 bo nus o n op posed me lee att ack rolls made
"to disarm an enemy. A proficien t wielder that threatens a critica l hit wit h a flindbar ca n ma ke a free d isarm attem pt agai ns t the same foe be fore confirming the cr itica l hit. This disarm atte m pt doesn 't provo ke a n attack of oppo rt unity. Flinds treat the f1i nd ba r as a martial wea po n,
(A4), goe s down the northwes tern elevato r to c hec k on th e tro ll g uard ing th e foundr y (A 15), th en up th e stairs and th ro ugh A 14 , A 13, and Al2 . Then th e pat ro l con tinues ups tai rs to ch eck wi th the Emg dragon in A 10, ret u r n ing down to th e sou thwes tern ele vator. Tlw patrol then takes th e ele vator back down to A4. Fro m 1\4 , the patrol walks o ut to the entrance (A t), the n back to A4-. The pa tro l takes th e sou th easter n elevator to ch ec k on the half-fiend ogre (A5), th en head s down th e stairs to check on th e tro g lodyt es (A 7). Gno ll s on th e patrol shout to the trog lodyt es from the corridor- th ey don't wa nt to be closer to the troglod y tes than they have to. After th is, th ey h ead back upstai rs to the sou the aster n eleva tor and go back to A4. The fina l leg of the patrol pa ttern is a tr ip dow n th e no rt h eastern elevator to check on tho trog lod y tes in 1\9 and report to Cashlcu-r inA 19. Patro lling g no lls then head back to A4 to start the pro cess all over dgain. Th is rou te takes be tween 45 minutes an d 90 minutes to wa lk , de pe ndi ng on h ow mu ch t he pa tro llers sto p to talk. In the ory, you cou ld track w here th e patr o l is at all t im es , bu t it's n ot wor th th e tro uble. I n stead , if the PCs spe n d m ore t han 10 mi nute s in an y room , th ey have a 107"~ ch anc e to meet th e pa trol. Th e patro lle rs attack intr uders o n sig h t. I f th e pes leave carn age in room s alon g th e p atrol circu it, then th e patrol di sco ver s th at evidence 2d4 X1O minu tes later. Th ey report to Cashk arr irnrnedia tely (a 5minute tr ip), and he orders th em to pu t e\'e ryon e on alert. Th e p atr o l th en sp end s zdto minute s alerting crea tures from A 19 to where th e PCs are. Whe n th e pa trol find s th e PCs, it at tac k s. I f it doe sn't fin d the PC s, it resumes its norma l course. If th e pe s des troy the patro l, then Cash kurr becomes suspic ious 3d4-xto minutes later. He sends the me zzo loth in A19 to alert th e oth er ro om s, whic h works as it did wi th th e pa tro l exc ept that th e me zzolot h re turns to A19 if it doesn't Ii nd the PCs. Alerts last for 2 h ours, meas ured from the p oint th ar Cas hkar r hears abo ut or susp ec ts tro uble.
MM362 hp 50 (5 H D) Male f1 ind fighte r 3 CE Medium humanoid (gno ll) lnit +6; Sen ses dar kvision 60 ft.: Listen +6, Spot +6 Lan guages Common, Cnoll AC 20, touch 12, f lat-footed 18; Dodge, Mob ility Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +2 Spe ed 30 ft. (6 squares) Me lee +1Jlindbar +12 (2d 4+7/ 19- 20 ) Base Atk +4; Grp +10 Atk Op tion s free disa rm Combat Gear potion ofcurelight wounds
Abilities Str 22, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha g Feats Dodge". Imp roved Initiative, Mobility", Weapo n Focus (flind ba r) Skills Intimidate +5, Listen +6, Spot +6 Pos session s combat ge ar plus masterwork studded leathe r armor, + 7 heavy wooden shield, +1fl indbar, Siaughtergarde meda llion (eye) Free Disarm (Ex) With a flind ba r, a f1 ind so ldier that threatens a critical can make a free disarm attempt (+14 on the opposed attac k ro ll; PH 155) with out provoking an attac k of opportun ity 2 G NOLL BARBARIANS (RAGING) CR MM 130 hp 47 each (4 H D) Male gnoll bar ba rian 2 CE Medium humanoid Init +5; Se nses dar kvision 60 ft.: Listen +6, Spot +4 Lan gu ages Cno ll
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16; uncanny dodge Fort +11, Refs- l , Will +3 Spe ed 30 ft. in breastpla te (6 squares) , base s peed 40 ft. Melee mwk grea taxe +12 (l d12+lOj x 3) Bas e Atk +3; Grp +1 0 Spe cial Actio ns rage l j day (8 rounds) Comb at Ge ar potion of cure moderate wounds Abilities Str 24, Dex 13, Con 20, Int s, Wis 12, Cha 6 Fe at s Im proved Initiative, Weapon Focus (greataxe) Skills Intim idate +1, Liste n +6, Spot +4 Posses sions combat gear plus +7 breastplate, ma ste rwor k grea taxe When not raging: AC 18 , touch 11, flat-footed 18 hp 39 Fort +9, Will +1 Mele e mw k greataxe +10 (ld12+7/ x3) Grp +8 Abilities Str 20, Can 16
Encounter Level 6
SETUP I f the cha racters are tr yin g to be stealt hy in the ent ry tun nel (see Dungeon Features), th ey rake a - 2 pen alt y o n th eir M ove Silen tly chec ks du e to the rocky tun ne l floor. I f th ey beat th e g no lls' list en checks, th e b ar barian s (B) arc,:. s urp rised.
Rag in g im me d iate ly, the barbarians attack whe n th ey see th e pe s. A barbarian that's down to 15 h it poi nts take s a y-foo r step, then tak es out and drink s hi s ponon of cure moderate lVo lllhk W hen two gnolls here have 'gone down , the remaini ng barba rian flees toward A2, barr ing the stoc kade doo rs beh ind hi m if he has t ime .
When p es r each the entry tunnel's bottom, read:
1n the red glow isslling fro m a giant beetle ill a cage near tl'ellorth ern wall, yOll see threegnolls wearing breastplates and wielding greataxes. They stand in front ofa wooden stockade. DOllble doors that have massive'wooden handles are bllilt into the middle of the stockade. Those doors 110ve a stylized three-headed [la i/ painted across tllCln in red, along wI th the threat "TlI l"I1 back or die!" painted in Co,nlllO lL
MM 130 hp 47 eac h (4 H D)
Male gnoll barbarian 2 CE M ed iu m hum ano id Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.: Listen +6, Spot +4 Language s Gna ll
AC 16, touch 9, flat -fo oted 16; uncanny dod ge Fort +11, Ref +1, Will +3 Speed 30 ft. in bre ast plate (6 squa res). base speed 40 ft. Melee m wk greataxe +12 (l dI2+10/ x3) Base Ark +3; Grp +10 Special Action s ra ge ljd ay (8 ro und s) Combat Gear potion ofcure moderate wounds
•• "
1~ " AT lJ " " S 01' Til E
TIll,.' nmm i., tlll' foll ow i ll ~ fcatll rl.' ~. I llu m i na tion : F ire beetL t-a~c; 10 fee! nf b ri gh t illumin at io n ; 10 fe d of :;hiHlo wy illu llli llilti p n . TI IC ~ i '1H t fi re bedle is illi vl' ('\L\\ 2 8 5) an ll d oci le. Cei ling: TI ll,.' cl'i li ng h ere i:- 20 CL'd hi g.!1. S toc.l·a d c \Va lls: lla rdn c ~ " 5, 120 II p. 15 fee t hi gll;
Climb DC 2 1. \\'Toml c H Door:::: I l a rJ lI e ~ :- 5; 20 hI" O pe n we ~ lwilnl; ve rl ica l ll il t1 d le ~ 0 11 tl~l' ea :-te r n side o f 6q lh dlWri' u c a r W !H..Tl tlH.:'y m e et: iron IJrih:kl'b (1 11 t Ill' west. TIll'
. . ,.
Abilities St r 24, De x 13, Co n 20 , lnt 8, Wis 12,
Cha 6 Feats Im p roved Init iat ive, Weapon Focus (grea t axe) Skills Intim id a te +1, Lis te n +6, Spot +4 Possessions combat gea r plus +1 breastplate, maste rwo rk grea taxe When not raging: AC 18, to uch 11 , flat-footed 18 hp 39 Fort +9, Will +1 Melee mw k greataxe +10 (l d I2+7/x3) Grp +8 Abilities St r 20, Con 16
- ,
En cou n ter Level 7
The archers sho ot from cover (t 4 to AC, +2 on Reflex saves), -e, ' tr y ing to draw enemi es into the pir trap . They focus rheir A DC 10 l isten ch ec k is sufficie nt for th e g noll arch ers att acks on tho se who didn't fall in . (A) to hear a barrie on the ot her side of the stock ade If one arch er is down and the orher has 10 hi t "points in AI. If th e ch aracters h ave a light, th e gn olls eas ily or fewer, th at gnoll flees to A3, warn s th e mountain tro ll, sec them . goes down t he elevator,and warns the hill giant in A4-. He mak es his stan d with th e hi ll giant. W h en th e p e s enter, read:
More glowing beetles in cages li'le this broad hall, which leads to another wooele ll stodwde. This aile has a portw llis in Ihn enter. 1ivo gllolls aim their IO llgbows over the slocJwele at YOll.
CONCLUSION If the pes make it to t he western side of th e stockade in the midd le of the battle, describ e A3.The mou nt ain troll just cocks his head and listens to the ongoing fight. O nce combat is over, start th e enco unter in A3.
PITTRAP The pit has a dirt -covered wood en lid . If a PC moves into a pit square, don't reveal the en tire exten t of th e lid . Cam o u fl aged Pit Trap: CR 4; mecha n ical; location trigger; manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoid s; 40 ft. deep (4d 6, fall); multipl e targe ts; Se arch DC 25; D isable Device
DCI ? DC 15 Climb che cks arc required to scramble out of th e p it unaided .
CR 4
MM 130
hp 42 each (5 HD) M ale gno ll ranger 3
CE Medium humanoid Init +3; Se nses d ark vis ion 60 fr .: Lis te n +6, Spo t +7 Lan gu age s G no ll
AC 19, tou c h 13, flat-footed 16 Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee mwk longswo rd +8 (l d8+3j 19-20) Ranged mwk co m pos ite long bow +7/+ 7 (l d8+3/ x 3) o r Ranged mwk composite longbow +9 (l d8+3jx3) Base Atk +4; Grp +7 Atk Options favo red e ne my hu mans +2 Abilities Str 17, Dex 16 , Co n 16 , fnt 8, Wis 12, Cha 6 SQ wild e mpathy +1 (-3 magical beasts) Fe at s Endu ran ce". Im p roved Init iat ive, Rap id Sho t", Track ", Weap on Focu s (comp o site lon gb ow) Skills Hid e +5, Listen +6 , Move Silen tly +5, Spo t +7, Sur vival +4 Possess ions m ithra l b reast plate , mas ter wor k lo ng swo rd , m as te rwo rk comp os ite lo ngbow (+3 St r bo nus) with 40 ar rows
F E,\T UI' r.: S OF TI IE
r i.,
lJil ; ; tilL' f(llllJwin ~
fl.:,llure;;; .
Illuminati on : r::ire Il~etl c cages; LO feel of (,r ight illu min ati o n; J O fL'c[ of ;;; 1l<1l!r)\\,Y illum in a1itJn. T ile gia nt fi re bt'l'de" arc a live (M.\J 2 8 5)
Encounter Level 8
SETUP Describ e the area, th en h ave th e player s roll in itiaiive whil e
you do so forthe tr oll (T). You need to control the order of actions 35 t he pe s try to talk or sneak their way past the
monster. The troll doesn't listen to any smooth talking from t he pe s if a fleein g archer already war ned hi m. M ou ntai n tro lls are n orma lly Cha lle nge Rating 10. However, th is mountai n tro ll was left for d ead as ajuvenile. Gash karr rook hi m in and ra ised h im as a loyal gua rd ian,
but the troll lost his eyesight in his brush wit h death . So h e's bli nd , unarmed , and cha in ed to one spo t n ear th e wall,
as accoun ted for in his statistics. He's still a dead ly foe. The blue, green, an d red numbers marked on th e map are for your referen ce during any battle against the tro ll (sec Tactics). Don 't pu t them o n a map the players can see. Thi s area is pictu red in the illustration handouts. s how the illustration as you descr ibe the room.
CR 8
B LIN D M O UN TAIN TROLL MM3 180 hp 217 (15 HD); Fas t He aling 9 CE H uge giant Init +1; Sens es sce nt; Lis te n +21 Lan g uages Gno ll AC 19. to uch 6, flat -foot ed 19 Im mune gaze attacks , visua l effects, illusions Res is t +4 aga inst bu ll rus h and trip attempts Fort +19. Ref +6, Will +7 Weakness 50% miss chance (blind)
Sp eed 15 ft. (chained to wa ll, ca n' t move u nti l chai n b re aks) Me lee 2 claws +21 each (1d8+12 p lus knockdow n) and bite +16 (l d8 +6) Spac e 15 ft. ; Reac h 15 ft. Bas e Atk +11; Grp +31 Atk Optio ns Aweso me Blow, Cleave , Im proved Bull Rus h, knockdown, Power Att ack Abilitie s Str 35, Dex 12, Co n 31, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6 Fe at s Aweso me Blow, Cleave, Imp roved Bull Rus h, Iro n Will, Po we r Att ack, Skill Focu s (List en) Skills Li s ten +21 Posse ss ion s s tee l hel met with visor (riveted shut)
When the p e s can se e th e area , read :
A massive trail that has thie/l, gray skin is chained to the north ern wall. Its cla wed fists are each as big as a man, and its torso is II mountain of muscle. An iron helmet that has a closed visor and no eye slits covers Ole top of the troll's head and his eyes. The mons ter is manacled to the wa ll by an immensely thie/1 chain thai's too short to allow him to movefar. The floor behind the troll drops off; yOIl can't see how far. Near the northern wall, jt
A p w n l' 'ltla..: ke l" hikes il -+ penally on melee attac k ro ll s a ll J can on ly usc a c ro:,,, lhH\' o r ~ b ll r i k l'n fo r rall ~ l'(1 a l.l a ck s.
A pronl' lll·fl' lllle r l.,be;:; a--+ penalty to Arnwr cb,,:, ag., in"t me ll'l' alla.:k", bill gain" it +-+ I l l lll l l :' ( (1 AC
a move action, Wll idl al",) pnl\'oke,:: an atl<1..:k o f
oppo rtunitv.
After the pe s reach the western side of the stockade, unless he was already warn ed, the mountain troll doesn't know whet he r t hey're gnolls or enemies. He ca n be fooled by Bluf( Diplomacy, or Intimidate chec ks made by someone who ca n speak GnolI. St arti ng Att it nde: Unfriend ly. Modifier s: PCs are gentle in manner (-2); pe s ask questions the gnolls shou ld kn ow answers to (- 4); PCs feed t he ' troll (+2). If H o stile (4 or lower): Attacks imm ediately, howlin g in fu r". Iflinfriendly (5-t 5) or Indi fferen t (16-2 4): Says."You no come closer. \X!ait for other guys. Come soon. Th ey see who you be."The troll attacks ifhe senses anyone moving toward the elevator, but he gives anoth er warning before doing so if he's indifferen t. .:. ' If Fr ie nd ly (25 or more): Says, "Okay guys: you go down . Tell me what you kill. Good eats? C r u nc hi~s?" Th e tr oll works the elevator [or the pe s.
TACTICS T he mountain n oll atta cks when ever he th inks enem ies are w ith in reach . Sce nt allows him to k now whe n a creat u re is adjacent at the sta rr of his tu r n. If he ca ll, he attacks adjace nt targe ts. "If a target isn' t adjace nt to the [ro ll, rhep he take s a move ac tion to sn iff th e air. Doi ng so tells hi m th e genera l area h is foes are in- th e eas ter n area (3 gro up of squares surrou nde d by a dash-dot-dash line and con tain ing nu mbel'S I ro 12), the sout hern area (a g rou p of squares su r rou nded by. a dot ted lin e and contain ing n umb ers 1 to to ), or th e western
, :~:~:~""-Z~:::;~~~::~:21:!:~::t~j
area dashed (a gline ro upand of squa containing res surrou nunded mbe r~by1 ato l2). If th e rro ll can sme ll pe s in m ore than o ne are a, th en he prefers western to so uther n and southern to eastern. O nce he smells 3 foe an d h 3S chosen an area to attac k, he ran dom ly c hooses a square to att ack in that area (roll td t ? for square s in the wester n or easter n areas, or id i o fo r the ' sq uares in the sout her n area). Because he used 3 move action to sn iff the air, the t roll can on ly m ake a single claw arrack. Again st PCs in th e western area, th e tro ll rakes a - 4 penalt y on h is attack ro ll to use Awesome Blow. If th e t roll hi ts, th e blow deal s dam age norma lly. T hen th e str uck cha racter m ust succeed on a Reflex save that has a DC equ al to th e da mage dealt , If the PC fails t he save, th en the force of blow knocks that chara cter 10 feet backward an d dow n the 50-fOOl cliff (Sd6 point s of damage). Th e troll uses knockdown agains t foes in squa res with in the south er n and easter n areas. Ifh e hits wi th a claw attack , he dea ls damage and can make a f ree trip att emp t (+20; doesn 't provoke an arrack ofopport un ity), opposed by th e target's cho ice of a Streng th or Dexterity chec k. Tr ipp ed chara cters are kn ocked prone . If the trip att empt fails, th e troll ca n't be react ively tr ipped " If t he troll rakes dam age for 2 rounds in a row but can't sme ll any PCs withi n range, th en he sta r ts tr yin g to pull h is chain out of the wall. Doi ng so requ ires a DC 30 Stre ng th check, and th e troll h as a + 12 Streng th bonus, If he succeeds , he rampages arou nd the eas tern part of A3, th rash ing abo ut and sn iffing for en emies. Th e tro ll fight s unti l slain. H e becom es progressive ly an gri er u nt il he falls below 50 h it points. After th ar, he starts to wail piteou sly as he fight s"
F EAT IJI< ES O F TIl ERoml T Ill.' ro om 11a ,; ti ll,,' fol lo \\'ill ~ feat urus ,
IlIulIlin .-llio ll : Fire l,e l,tl e l",112e 5; 10 fed u f IHidlt min etion r H ) fc d of shadow v illu m in at io n . T h e ~·i a n t fir .., beel les arc a l ive (l\L\12 8 5) ~ tHI docile. ~ C e i li n ¢: T ile ce iling 11\.' l"e is 2 0 re ellli~ ll , so ii'" 70 fed ab o ve th...· floo r he vnnd til e cl i ff. C li ff : 11 '" a 50-'fulll Jmp t, J tile wes te r n part o f t he room . A fa ll fr lll1l tIl\.' t o p J l'a l", sd6 [wint" o f J allla ~ l" C lla rad el"s ill Lil\.' botto m i<1l'l' DC 20 Climb d l l'C!-:~ to scramble kl ck u p. E le va t o r: A nvoue c a n lower till' ell'va t n r to dH.' il oo r til l,,' c li f f in" OI H.' rounJ; the wincll is ra tch deJ so th e p1.1tfoCIll won" t ia lltoll fast. J\.l i:
L VA 0 E n counter Level 7
SETUP If the hi ll giant (G) succ eeds on a DC 15 li st~n chec k, h e h eard the ru cku s in A3 . I n th at case , or if an ar ch er ret reated here, he ex pe cts intrud er s an d watc hes th e sta irs clo sely. O therwise, th e g iant is jus t daydreaming, If a fiery demo n arc h scans for a medalli on or its flame s go out, he notices. You migh t need to k now where the elevator s are at a given moment du ring 3 com bat. Th ey're descr ibed in th e Featu res of the Room . Th is area is pic tured in the ill ustration handout s. Show the ill ust ra tion wh en the pe s reach the bottom of t he stairs.
When the pe s r each the bottom of the stairs, read:
Directly in fro11 t of you is the head ofa toppled statue-a !\Nlnior in hc(wy ar mor-a nd yo u fa ll sec tile other parts ofthestatuefarthe r uorth. Nca r the stairs, orb-shaped steel cages that contail1 fire/ ike radian ce hangfro m til e roo Ill's caverJ1 0USvaulted ceilil1g. A clw'lde/ierlil, e co nstructio l1 dangles fro ,r, tlte ceiling deeper ill theclta mber, its brighter bla ze casting ee rie slt ado ws on thefar wa ll. Demon arch es stand l1ear ea clt of the room's four corners, thick flames dan cing in them. Large braziers occupy niches in tlte walls between the arcltes, tlteir fires finislt ing offtlte weird interplay ofl ight ill this vast Itall. A stooped giant stands guard Il ea l'the western wall, !eani'lg on Itis massive cl ub.
CR 7
Hill GI ANT MM 123 hp 10 2 (12 HD)
. ,:.
T he gian t th rows roc ks unt il the pe s either engage h im in me lee or it becomes app ar ent th at h e's losin g a ranged battl e. H e can grab suitable rocks from ~ll1Y sq uare th at is wi th in reach and has r ubble in it. As he moves about the roo ~, th e hi ll gi ant mu st squeeze th ro ugh areas where th e statue pie ces only pro vide c-foor gap s. To do so, he m ust move at half speed and take a-4 pena lty on attack roll s and toAC. H e prefers not ro do th is if he can avoid it. If a PC wi nds up between th e h ill gian t and one of the fiery arches, the giant bull ru sh es that PC th rough the flames and into the elevator sha ft. The hil l giant ha s + LS on the opposed Strength check, cou nting the bonuses from h is size and from Imp roved Bull Ru sh . First, the h ill
CE Large giant Init -l ; Senses low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +6 Languages Giant AC 20 , to uc h 8 , flat-foot ed 20
Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +4 Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res) in hide armo r, base speed 40 ft. Me le e greatclub +16 (2d8 +10) Ranged roc k +8 (2d6+7) Space 10 fr.: Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +9: Grp +20 Atk Op tions Cleave, Improved Bull Rush , Improved Sund er, Power Att ack Abilities Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7 Feats Cleave, Improved Bull Rus h, Impr oved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub) Skills Climb +7, Jump +7, Listen +3, Spot +6 Possessions hide armo r, greatclub
giant moves into the PC's space, which doe sn't provoke an arrack of opporruui ry from t hat pc: 'It m ight provoke attack s of oppo rtun ity fro m o ther pes who th reaten t he giant, but pe s wh o take th ose att acks have a 25%chance of h ittin g a co m rade by m istak e. Th en the h ill g ian t and th e defende r make opposed Streng th chec ks. Th e defender's check is mod ified as follows: +4 for each size category above M ed ium , - 4 for each size categor y be low M ed iu m, +4 for more than two legs or exceptional stability. If th e h ill giant wins, he pushes the PC 5 feet backward. If th e giant moves with the defend er (up to h is movement li mi t), he pu shes . th e defender back an add itiona l 5 feet for each 5 poin ts by wh ich he won. If th e giant doesn 't win th e op pose d Streng th check, he mo ves back into the sq uare he sta rt ed in , falling prone if that square is occupied. If the h ill giant takes sign ifican t damage from a single PC's me lee at tack s, he attempts to sunder th at character's weapon . The hill giant and the PC make opposed atta c k rolls. For the pu rposes of th is roll , th e hi ll g iant ha s a +28 bon us agai ns t M ed ium PCs an d a +32 bo nus agairist Sma ll PCs. If th e hill giant win s, he deals 2d8 +10 poin ts of damage to the targeted weapon . See PH 158 for th e hardness an d hi t points of weapon s. Each +1 en ha ncement bonus add s 2 to th e weapon's hard ness and 10 to its h it points. I f a weapon is still intact afrer two su nder atte mpts, th e h ill giant give s lip on this tactic, proud to be part of Cash karr's "m igh ty ar my," th e gian t refu ses ( 0 su rrender flee. .
tk' ll tlllJ';c in tIl(' tlro w templ e is lJbv io llS to .1I1 YOIIC wl1(1 l' i.1 ::i
F EAT lI I< " S or T HE Ro o ~\ Tbe roorn 11<1:' tllC following fe
Iliumi uat ion : Four radi anl orbs
fltllJfi 10
fe e l ,.Jf
"llaJowy ill ullIi llill i' ll1. ~ il ..:l1 n f tiJc ;:e c o nst ruction s 11<1 : > a
bi nt aura
V iC\\'l, J
u"in g Jekct
(DC Ie). Sp ellc raft
check t o d e h ' n ni llc i t';: ovocati ou} , Lut it cea ses t o f ll Ucl iLlll
ii rClllllvcd
rr olll where it han g,;,
Wa ll Lrilziers; 2 0 feel (If h rj ~ h t ill lllll i nal-i,m ; 2 0 feet 0 1 sha do wy illum inat ion; f llncl i (ll~ libe tlw llrb s. D"llI oll a rCIll'''i 2 0 fe el o f bri ght illum inat i'ln ; 2 0 it'd 'If ,;h a Jo wy -illullIillil tio n . I f a n arch iii disabled, it sto p s "lled,l i l1 ~ lidlt. •
Cci l i l1 ~: ~Th e c c i l i l;~ 'Ill're is 5 0 it,d h i ~h . G r,Hlll-'<1 t ur~,: ga in il + l LOIIlI;: on nw le~ a ttack ro ll s eceinst fol..'" IJ~ low t1H:-m on till..' sroirs.
l~l1l)bl e : Bdw~e;l t1w 's t e t uc p i... ccs ,~ rc sq uares full o f r Ullbll.-'. Eac], S q ll MC mark cJ wit h rlll,ble cos ts 2 S qU'Hl.-'~ uf nllJVC Jl1 Cnt t'le llle r. l3al a tJce a nd T utt1h ll.-' DC;.: i n creo sc bv 5, a nJ ;\10\,(' 3i ll.-' ntl y DC:, in crcn s c !,y 2. . S la l u c P iec e s: O ne t' " l i kl'n~" " o f a lm lk illg hUJl1 at1oit.1 in ;:pike d pla te a r rnor, tI,i ,:; stctuo WM' a gia n t vers io n of t h l' onc Oil tIll' al!-ar ill '1'2 1. Eac h r iec e is 10 fe ,:t h igh a nd t a k~s DC 10 Climh c h~l'k;: t,l c latll lwl" a ll'p , T lw ::il..' at op tllL' sta lm' p i ~cl'" ga in il + 1 bo nu s 0 ]] me lee a tt ac k l"o lls ilgai n ,;t f"e s lllt til" f loor. F i~r\' l)clllol1 A rd lC';:Til e a rche :,over lh e l·lcva lo r/ J oo rwavs arcc<1rv~J to look Iibe the filcl' .1llt.l o pelt mout h of L.ltl ,,:ell Jenll)I~". E ve:' Oil eac h face d ow rcJ- orill1gc. Tl lick :,hcds of ffa me :::wa tlle e~cl, d O(H'w"y, hl,)~ki l1 g linL' ,J ;ig ht "mI t.l ea l in ~ 9 J 6 points ,If fi re J allh1~C h l .1 ttYOllC (l
see n t i,l' !a l lt· r. X P N'Jlc: \'clll' llcvcr t he P C s d is,)blc o r la b,~· Jama ge fw llt a spccitic fil'r y tlenl "l1 a rc l, fM th e f irst t im e t o pa;:s I h ro u ~ ll it, a wanl .15 if they o\'C I"I.' .l l11(' a CR6 l r-ap. E lev illo rs : Tlte four c lcv a hl rs in t h is room Ic,HI to fn u r lli Hl..' rcn l pla ce s. T lw y Il111Ve c ver y ro t!nt.l on in i tia l ive cou n t 0; ~oi n.g llP O il oJ d rounJ s alld llo wl1 on e vcn ro u nJ:;; . T lll'ir cn t j rc rno vem cn t occ u r-s Jurin ~ t heir tu rn . It '" vi;:ua llv o bv io us wl1el l1l' f a n t!1t.·val or platfor ;n is pr esent. A DC 20 l) isa blc Devic e elwl' b t lt.ll tabe :" 2 J 4 round ::; is suffic ient t o stop a n eleva l o r p la t form ':" m ovem ent. soutlli:osle m ,11/.1 S,wtll/{:csfern E Jevillors: Thc :"t~ clcv .1lo r " r-ise tow a rJ t he lower:" ill t Ill' sou lher n pa d q f l h,~ furtrc s::i , :"0 Wll" l1 t-1 ll' e levato r ,: arc u p, t llcse ele vato r::i a!"l' n't prese nt in A4. T hlJ::; e :" l.1t1l1i nti in o ne df th c ~c ::ib af Is when the e le va lor co m es (lmv ll takc 12d6 po in t " PI' d a m a gl' (IlO sa ye ). JVortlll!'lSlcrll .111..1JVordll t"csfc rll EJenlh1 rs: Th ese cl ev.1{(JrS t.lrllp h)warJ tile g.l le cha m !w r a 'Hl lh c foumlr y, respt'di ve!y, ;:0 wllc n t h ~ elevato r;.: arc clo wn , dlC Sl' clevalorl'l ':II"l.-' Il't pr e sent in .-'\4 . Snm eonl' whn c u le rs on e o f l-hc:-e "ha ft,:; wlll'n n o pla tf orm is pres en t fa ll;: 70 Feel tll t Ill' h ottom (7J6 point s
pf lLlIl1agt·) .
" ~'"
,': :
, ~
E ncou nter Level 6
SETUP J f th e ogre (0) he ars the pe s, he sto ps mo vin g ;m.d waits to see who 's coming. O therw ise, a DC 12 Listen check is su fficient for someo ne outside th e fier y arc h to hear him wor k ing and walk ing . The half-fiend attacks as soo n as he sees th e cha rac ters .
When the PC ca n see into this room, read:
A giant that has leathery wings, llas a disten ded jaw, and wears plate armor stands in the ccnrer of t1lis room. Standing skeletons ofIwrses line the 110rtl1em Ivall, mtd a jumblc ofbon cs shapcd like a hugc Iwrse lics ncar m; iron portwllis to tlte cast. Bcyond !flat gate is a jumble ofearth lJlld mek. Tlt e southcm wall supports a steep stairway leading up to copper doors that arc ba rred on this sidc.
TACTICS T he h al f-fiend ogre wa des d ir e c tl y in to t h e PC s, tly ing on ly to gain a good pos ition to ma ke full att acks. H e cas ts d £lrJ", CSS on h is falc hi o n if he fee ls do in g so gives lu m an advan tage agai nst tou gh pe s. B li nd~Figlu allows h im to . reroll the 20% mi ss cha nce. He might also try to bull ru sh (1'I I t 54) a PC throu gh the fie r y arch . If the half-fiend is red uced to 15 hit points or fewer, he flies to th e top of-the stairs an d casts a fl yblC55 on hi s
falch ion. H e then take s a rou nd to remo ve the bar o n th e d oub le d o o rs a n d o p e n th e d o or to le t th e rcdspawn fir ebelch er fro m A6 int o AS. After drinki ng h is potion of Cllrc mode ra te [VOllllel S, he rejo i n s th e fight, battli ng u n til he's slain. ;.,
HA LF-FI EN D O CR E CR 6 MM 147 an d 198 hp 53 (5 H D); DR 5j magie Male half-fiend og re fighter 1 CE Large o utsider (native) Init +2; Senses darkvis ion 60 ft., low-light vis io n; Listen + 8, Sp ot +8 Lan gu ages ( o m ma n, Giant AC 25, to uch 10 , f lat-foot ed 24 Imm une poiso n Re s is t aci d 10 , co ld 10, e lectr icity 10, fire 10 ; SR 14 Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +2 Speed 30 ft . in full p late (6 sq ua res, ru n at 3 x s peed), base speed 40 ft.. f ly 30 ft. (ave rage ) in full p late, base fly speed 40 ft. Me lee falchio n +15 (2d6+16 j18-2 0) and bite +11 (ld8 +5) o r Me lee 2 claws +13 eac h (ld 6+1O) an d bite +11 (ld8 +5) Space 10 ft.; Reac h 10 ft. Base Atk +4; G rp +18 Atk Options Blind -Fight, m agic strike , sm ite go od l jd ay (+5 da m age against go od foe ) Com bat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds Sp ell-Like Abilit ies (CL 4th):
3jday-darkness l/day- desecrate Abilities St r 30 , Dex 15, Co n 20 , Int 10 , Wis 12 , Cha 6 Feats Blind -Figh t , Multiattack, Weapon Focus [falchion} " Skills Bluff +1, Climb +12, Hide - 4, Int im id ate +2, Lis ten + 8, Move Silently +0, Ride + 6, Spot + 8 Possessio ns combat gea r plus +1 full plate, +1falchion, Siaugh te rgar de me da llion (claw) Magi c Strike (Su) A ha lf-fien d 's nat ura l att acks a re con side red m agic fo r the p urpo se of ove rcoming d a m age red uct io n.
. :.
FE AT URES OF T i lE Ro o st TIll' mo m 11<1,. tile ft11lp win ,;: fe"l ur e ~ . Illtl ll1ill
~Hc h ( ~I o w i n g l'ye,,:); 2 0 fe e l o f
hriglll ill u minati o n ; 2 0 [lo t-lo r ~h <1J ll W \' ill lllllilWt itll1 . l f t he arc b i "
lli "a bL.;,J,
th e area is
C l' ili n¢ : T I, L' l'{> il ill ~ bere is 3 0 fed h i ~ h in ilK' sect io n o f ti le roo m cn s! n f ti l e UJlp l' ) ".Ill l Y Llnd !"'r I-hill "l ory, hnv"ll( till' p Ol t...uIL", tilt.· ce i l ltl~ I .. 15 fel'l lll o1h F ie r y D e m on l\ r cl l : Tile a rcl l n vcr-dw west ern J Ullr wilv
. Si r(' n~t b dled~
to 6l'e ilk tbe IMr. A"ll he h l p Df dll' stai rs, a DC 22 Listen c1lCo.:k i", ",u [fi..: ienl to Ileal" t ll c slo w, stc'Hly b realhin ~ of tilt.' 1'l,J':'IMwn fi relJL'lclll'r
i" ca rve d 10 l'lOk li ke till' fa . ., t' a nd o pe n IlHl lll h of a fan~c~1 I~yc:; on ti le fa C l > dow reJ -lJr" I1k!c. Thict:: ,,[wet; (If flam e ,.watlw lh i" dotlr way,\] ock in g line :If "i ~hl and J ca1in~
J l ' ll ltl ll .
9(1 6 points ,,{ fire J ,1 1l1 il ~C
10 anyo n e Il<15 5i n g
ill A 6 . Port cull is: TI ll' win ch to o pe n tIlt.' portcull is is [u st south 'If it llll til l' w<\H.lllll ,\ pe llin~ illak c:;:. a DC 2 5 S trcnd h ch et:!":: perfol"llll,d a s a f ll ll - l'\1 ll n d ~il et i ll n. Dirt and stu lle: s larl l o
i t',
C rack ling frol11 till' [1.;p1 C" in crea ses duo' Li st en D C" Iwa r any t b ing bL'y
IhHlr in to till' r0 1l1l1 a" :,O IH I ,1 ':: thc portc ul li,::. hUJ itl'''' llint ing a t tlw tl i:;:. astt.'l" lo [(,!I(lW if tIll' :;a te is o pe ne d full y. If it is . afl c11 ar
min e it ':i ev oc a t io n ). \\,"1I11'n evcr a c r ea l urc st cps .u ljac en l l o an ilJ'clt. tlw eves o f til l' lle llHlIl ca st a spot ]i ~1ll o n t Ilat crea t u re's ches t, 1001..: ;n ~ fo r a Slallg11ler~anl~ flleJill li llll. l\ n v lllcJ"lli ,m worb. • If lhe crea t u re is-n' t we ar-inc a SI~lI ~h t-er~anl c med alli on t ile J isa ppea r:: a ft er'" few illlJ the remain s fie ry . Tlw ;:polli ghl tlo e;:n't co me ba cl..:: n11 ll'"," " lh e crea t u res ste ps a wa y ilnd mo ves '1l1jacl'nt to tlw 'lr ch a ~ il i ll. - If lllL' c rea h lfl' is wl'ilri n g a S l a llg hl l' r~a rJ ... m eLl <1-l lio n , till' ",plltli :;hl reDwin:; llll for a L.:'\\ , ;;e~o n J ; (u n l il in itia ti ve CO llll ~ 10 if a f igh l is goi ng lm ), t1len l hl' f b mcs tli:iappe
;:. ~'conJ s,
C rt..'a l u rc ", gai n.:l + I btl1lu ;:Oll lllc ll'e aU 'lck ro ll" a.,;!ai n:;t fo es . bcl o w l~ e m on t llC "la ir s, BIII'ni "ll c(1C o p pc r Do or:;:.: 1-l nrJ n e,:s 5 ; 60 11P l"l..::h. O pen c.:I ;:. l wa n l; vc r lic<11 1t.l 11Jles 0 11 Loth ,;ieles Ll [ bo th JOlH :' nca r Wl\l'l'e ll w y mee t. TIll' Jou r" a rc d o sed
r\ n l llll ~ th e old IJo ncs are "o lne cl lll s picllOU,:; lv nel\' OIlt' S
t11alll.:lVl' bllen ~lhl \\'e J ..::I ct1n- p roklbl y by l'he l roll in .A 3 . The;:e ne w {JO n e ,:; a re lh e r<'lllil in " of poor 'l~v ba 1L';, b orsc (sel' ' l~v ba 1t ill f\ 9 ), S teep S tai nt : [I l.:lkc ,:; 2 ,:;q U <1rl'S of lI111Vl' m e tt l to .u-cen Li L'<1c h sq ua re. C n'.llu re ,: . runll in ~ I n ' cha r~ i n~ d o wn "tl' e p slairs IllU :it s ucceed 1 111 il 10 [ja l a~Il <~ ~
"' ... ~ .........
dll' L·k , e l1lli ll~ t1ll' ir IlH1Vl' lllen t I J 2 x 5 fcd lal er if Lhey fa il. TIH;,;e tlli\ l fa il by 5 p r Il HI l'l' filiI prone a nd t all' I d 6 po in t ;: o f e!ama j,W .ll till' e llli (I f tha t m ov c mcn t. T Ill' D C llf T' Illll~le clll'ck" illo.: re a ,: . es by 5.
Il l ' " (I lI ol l 'l'
== 5
Encounter Level 6
SETUP The redspawn firebelcher here (R) is
When the pes op en the door s, read :
All ellormous red lizard hurls itself toward the doorway, smoke wrl illg from the IIostrilsabove its massivejaws. Charred fllYlliture litters II, ef loor. Arrow slits pierce the eastern walls, but beyolld them is mrth alld rock. III the northern part of the room is a badly burned rilld very big glloli.
TACTICS The firebe lchcr attacks anything that moves, focusing on whoever dea lt it the largest amount of damage du ring the previous round. It belc hes fire on the first round, targeting a cluster offoe s. Whenever it can af ter that, it be lche s fire at an enemy wit h one or more creatu res adjace nt. T he berse rk dragonblood fights until slain.
... --,.- '"" "
MM4154 hp 84 (8 HD) CE Large mag ical beast (dra gon blood , f ire) Init -l ; Senses darkvts ton 60 ft. , low-lig ht vision; Liste n +5 , Spot +6 Languages -
AC 18 . touch 8, flat- foote d 18 Immune f ire , para lysis , s leep Fort +11. Ref +5, Will +2 Weaknes s vulne ra b ility to co ld Speed 40 ft. (8 squa res) , sw im 30 ft . Me lee bite +12 (2d 6+6 plus 1d 6 fire ) Ranged belc h fire +7 (see be low) Space 10 ft. ; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +8; Grp +16 Atk Options Power Attack Abilities Str 19, De x 8 , Con 21, Int 1, Wis l l . Cha 6 Feats Power Attac k, Weapon Foc us (b ite), Wea po n Focus (ra nged touch) Skills Ju mp +8, Listen +5, Spot +6 , Sw im +12 Belch Fire (Su) 60 ·ft. (no ra nge inc re m e nt), 6d6 fire (no sa ve) ; c rea tu re s adjacen t to ta rg e t take 3d6 fire (Re flex DC 19 half).
FEAT URE S OF Til E Ro o ~1 TI, t.' ro o m J, <1~ ti,e fo llowin ,,;: ft.'<1 t lll'c:::. Illul11 i nati on: SJ,., dl)W\: ill tl lll i 11at inn co m c s tl,r, HI Q11t il(' opell lloor;: 15 fl,t.' t into tl'l ~ room if th e demo n a rc h;1l AS i s " d ive. It ';,: lLuk o tlw rw i;:.!"' . Arrow Slits: At one limc, tllt.'s e a r- row ;:1it s I' JOked out ove r c ue (If t he s rce t ram ps l1Hl. t [ed llo wtl fm m th e Ilt.'i gh l;; S latl~ hte r~ardl'~ Wrlll'll lhi;: sec t ion o f SJ i1l1~ hter~i1 rJt.' was lr.' I1 ~Pl ;';t't1 ll~ ep undl'rg ro lll1ll, lh e Lowe- r was 6:1rieJ~ ~ow l [Ie :::1it s 0 lh.'n to co u nt les s ya rds of Ci1 rt ll a l1ll st ouc . C or p se: Til e corpse is actua lly a fl inJ Lila! was a cas ualty o f t ilL' effo r l lo [llC k till' r etl::: pa wl1 fire6 clc he r ill thi:: roOI11. 3 in ce tile f ir ellt.'ldl er J oc::: n' l becnlll c 1 1ll n ~r vl it d id n'l C011sum c t he co r p;:e. j\ b;:. te n\'o rl~ st u ll'a-L1;c r ar m;) r a lIa a In a ;:. l'e n vo rk ;,:ll lIrt :::wo rd can be fn u lld O il th e b()(l.y . Bu t til L' 1lI0~t inte re st i ng it e m 011 the co rpse i ~ a scrap of pap e r illSilll' a ta llerc,l lea t lw r ::: atc he l. T Ilt.' noll.' co n tei ns d ir edi oll s for t l1C gllo ll pat ro ls tl1r(l ll ~ h th i;: sect io n (If S lall~ !J lc rgarde. Tra n::: la le d in to Co mmon, it rea d :::, ~ S b r t in L,j ev,' l,~r roo m , dH:,d.;:o f(l Unar V, .'
• ~~!~~ I
__-=~::JiJ~~:::::~~:~;: :-=5i:~~.
til ck drll up r;:. to O ix (be rc;;pl. ' c tfulen!),clw 1I1ell hacblOrInyJTh :th cctl cle valo o,rclw 10 rcnt. rencc, t hen
lip 10 tll c og rt.'..Go tllf(H1 ~h wea pol\,; area, bacb to I'lev.,tor;;, lOllt he r i1 rst.'n.,I , tl1C11 d ow n to Ga~ hka rr:
. '1.•
En cou n ter Level 6
The trog lody tes rage a t the sight of int ru de rs, each ex ud.~ •• {figsten ch as a free acti on on her tu rn. SETUP \'\!hen a tr oglodyte has no J!0tiOIlS of cu re moderate wounds Un less th ey expec t danger, the troglodytes here (T) are left and is reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, she dri nks her exa m in ing weapo n s. A DC 11 Listen che ck is sufficient potion of wa ter breathing and flees down into AS. to hear the m from beyon d th e demo n arch (DC 6 from underwater in AS). ~
..• .
W h en t h e pes en te r, read :
A cloying odo r surrounds the thre,e reptilian humanoids thatcrouch here. Racks of bladed weapo ns line the wall·s. Water rushesdo wn the eastern wall and flows over thefloor, and a darlz spot near the room's centerindicatesa water-filled hole.
BAR BA RI AN S (RAGING) M M 246 hp 51 e ach (4 H D)
Fema le troglodyte barbarian 2 CE Med ium hum anoid (re ptilian) Init +1; Senses da rkvision 90 Languages D raco nic
ft.; Liste n +5, Spot +0
AC 19, touch 12, fla t-fo o ted 19; Dod ge, unca nn y dodge Fort +12 , Ref +1, Will +2 Sp ee d 40 ft . (8 squ a res) Me lee 2 claws +8 eac h (l d4 +4) and bite +5 (ld4 +2) Base Atk +3; Grp +7
Sp eci al Act ion s st en ch, rage l jday (9 rou nds)
Com bat Gear 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of water breathing Abilities Str 18 , Dex 13, Con 22 , Int 10 , W is 10, Cha 8 Feat s Do d ge , Multlattack ". Weapo n Fo cu s (claw) Skills Climb +8, Lis ten +5, Spot +0, Swim + 8 Pos s es si on s comba t gea r p lus +1 studaed leather armor, Sia ughtergarde m ed allio n (claw )
If a bat tle occurs here, the t roglodytes in AS ascend th e stairs after th e cleric casts spells (see Tactics in AS), so they arrive at th e en d of th e fifth rou nd. Th ey rem ain in AS if the battle en ds before t hey ascend.
ru r Ro ml
TIll' nl llllll, 'lS tlll' Ll1 owjn ~ f..· ;llure" . Ill u m i n a t ion: D01l1 on ~rc h ( dow i n~ ey e :;)i 2 0 fl·et Df hri ~llt illumi nati on ; 2 0 fed of :,I~a dow; iliull1inati oll. D e ll lOIl , \ n .:ll: Th e ardl ov er dw wcslcrn doorway is carvell t o IOllk like th.. , f.ll:e a lll i ope n I1Illu t h a LmitcJ d CIllOl1. E ye 5 in till..' [a ce ~ Illw re d - oran ge, iln d a gla nll'r o f ,;w irl ill~ dark vin ld c ncrcv fi ll " t Ile llh lU d l. Till' ilf ch Ita" a lTWdcTilt e aura if vie wed u; i'ng Jeh>cl !/1i.1':Jic (D C 2 1 Sp cllcraft c hec h l o Jde rlllin0 it 's illus io n). A IllW h u m e lll ittl, J by the arcll in c r .... a :;.c:;. Li st e n DC:;."tll hear a nvt.l lil1~ h~~~m'J 'i l bv 10 . Sll<1l1ow \Va t er: Each ;:
into AS . T be sta irwell is d
Stench (Ex) 3o-ft. ra d ius, all living creatu res (bes ides t roglo dytes) mu st succee d o n a DC 17 Fo rt it ud e save o r be s icke ned . Succes s on t he save aga inst one trog lodyte 's sten ch confe rs im m u n it y to that trog lody te's s tench fo r 24 hours, but it doesn 't p rote ct aga inst the st ench o f othe r t rogl odytes . Creatu res im m une or res ist a nt to po ison are s imi larly resistant to th e s te nc h. Delay poison or neutralize poison re m o ve s th e effect from a s icke ned creatu re . Not rag ing : AC 21 , touch 11 , f la t-fo oted 21 hp 42 Fo rt +10, Will +0 Me lee 2 claw s +6 eac h (l d4+2) and bite +3 (ld4 +1) Grp + 5 Abilit ie s Str 14 , Con 18 Skills Climb +6, Hide +10 (+14 in rocky a reas) , Swim +6 Ste nc h (Ex) DC 15
LOODED En cou n t er Level 8
W he n the pes swim do wn into AS, read :
SETUP This room is completely under water) but th e troglodyt es (T ) are able to stay down here d ue to a IVl1 tcr hrcl1 thillg spell that the cleri c (C) cast a few minutes befor e th e pe s arrived (about 3 hour s of durat ion remai n for each tr oglodyte), Th: y'rc collec ting any bits of stee l they can find, but when th ey hear a battl e in 1\7 or A9, th ey swi m up the st airs and atta ck J S ind icated in those rooms. The pe s have to sw im here , ho lding their breath or using magic to facilitate breathi ng. Th ey might also have trou ble w ith light. Illumination th at reli es on fire doesn 't wor k unless it comes fro m a spell or sou rce that ind icates o therwise.
U 1\J) ER\V,ITE I~ A CT IO:" C retlh lre" l\'i dHHll a S wim "IWl,J h a ve to 1I1<1 1,,",Swi m d ll'l·k" c vcr v J"(l ll l1 J t o nro vc an nl 11d . A ,;11<:<: l',;",[u l DC 10 S\\ 'i m chccL (u 5a h le u n t r n i ne ll a,:: a St re ll ~ tl1 d ledd ld ,:: il crea l urc 111 0\'L' a t quarl er ", pee d a :; ,1 111(1 Vl' ac li o n or l' a lf s p ee d ,1:- a fu ll- ro u nJ octi o n . Arnw r c he.: k pen alti e,:: a rc J OIlble,1 fo r , tlt e Sw i m "k i l l. C reat'u r<.'" tllat fa i l ,1 Sw im chec k a rc fL, ili ng
a !Jtlul in t ill' wa ter. T hey 10,::e lIw i r Dl'xte rity b'Jllu" to .A rrn o r flle" cai n a +2 l,o ll u ", on a lta ck m il ", c ca in s l t lt e m . ·' ,
cla",:- , anJ
All ack roll", wit h "t, ,::hill ~ a ll(1 6 1 11 d ,;co ll in ~ Wl'a pOll'" b kl' -2 pClla lt y Illld l'J"\\'alo.2' r, '111el :md l a H ad ..,; d ea l l,., lf ,la l~la ge .
P ierc i n g wea po n " ( in ci ll d i l1~ dl \.' l rll~ lo "y te'"' c law ilUJ h il l) a Ha l,k ,,) (1lIlCt inn n o rm a ll y. T l l1"oll' l1 wea po n " a rc comp l,,'ll' ly i n o.2' ffl·..- tivc. A Uacl.. roll:" wit h o t!ll' r ran gl'll weapons lakc a fOl't' ve r y 5 fe el o f wa te r ti le SI101 Ihl;:':: o.2' S ll iro ug il l
-2 Jw n i1 11y
i n aclJ itill1l ttl n o r m al PL' llilll ic :" fo r ra n ge. Ii ol din ,;;:' Bl"c.1l b: A c re ature c a ll Illlld i ls 6ro.2'.1l h fll!' 2
roun J" per po int o f Co n ", t it llt io n
if i t c1 o e " lI11Lll in g o tl le r
t ha n la k e Il1OV<.' a c lion s a nd Ir e e ac tio n s. If it take" a sl.auJ nn llJl' f u ll - ro ll tlll qc t ion , it ex pl' ml" 2 rou nJ" o f Lreath. I-lave tIle player s keep t ra ck tJ h o w mu cl1 brealh lhe !r cl1a r-
ac t crs llilvl' ex pe n J l'l!. A c rcal u rc l11 L1 "l Illak c a D C 10 CO Il,;: l it ulio ll cl H:d -; e\'ery m u m l 'l ft e r it" breiltl1i" ex p~'lHl e(1,
dw DC lI r lilt' c1'l' ck in c ree se s by I e vcry s u lisc qucu t rll un J. F a illl r..· ilHli ca b.·" til l' cre atu re f,)lI,; u n co n s c ious . 1\ crcu t u rc d ial ra i l" u nconsc io us dro p s to -1 11p ill lhe bl' g in n in o;t o f i t " n c x t tu rn . If :-t ill ll nil ble t o breatlw at tlll' b L'~in Il i n ~ of t h e ;;u b5e'!u cll l lll r ll, t he c rc.i t urc di e" , ". a lll i
S NAL This room is completely fillcd with cold ,vatcr. _ Woodw ro cks on thc walls Itold unstrul1g bows al1d crossbows, bloal cd and warpcd by tltc watcr, along witlt tltcirammun ition. Anothcr staircasc Icads upumrd into a lit room , indicalcd by tltc brigltt patclt afwatcr ncar tltc cciling. I f t h e t ro gl o dyt es are still present, read :
Three rcptilial1 11IH/1O,!aids ill lcotltcrs swim ncorby. One It as a spcor, whife tltc othcr I,vo sccm to havc no WCOpoHS at all.
TROGLODYTE C LERIC CR M M 246 h p 56 (7 H D) Male t rog lodyte cle ric 5 CE Me d ium hu mano id (re ptilian) lnit +1; Se nse s dark vision 90 ft.; Listen +5, Spot +3 Languages Draco nic
AC 22 , ' o uch 12, flat-footed 21 Fort +10 , Ref +2, Will +7 Sp eed 30 fl. (6 squ ares) Me lee +1 spear +7 (ld8+2Jx3 ) and bite +3 (ld4) or Me lee 2 claws +5 eac h (ld 4+1) and bite +3 (l d4) Base Atk +4; Crp +5 Sp ecial Act io ns rebu ke undea d 2/day (- 1, 2d 6+4, 5th), s pon taneous cast ing (inflict s pe lls), stench Cler ic Sp ells Prep are d (CL 5th; 6t h for chaos an d evil spells): 3rd- bestow curse (DC 16), magic circle against goodD ,
water breathingi 2nd-cure moderate wounds, hold person (2; DC 15), shatterD (IK 15) 1st-cure ligh t wounds (2), protection from faw D, sanctuary (DC 14), shield affaith O ~ de t e c t magic (3), detect poison (2) D: Domai n spe ll. Domai ns: Chaos , Evil. i Alrea dy cas t. Abilities Str 13, De' 12, Can 16 , In ' 8, Wis 16 , Cha 8 Feat s At hlet ic , Brew Potion , Multiat tack'', Weapon Fo cus (spea r) Skills Conc ent ration +6 , Climb +3. H ide +8 (+12 in rocky areas), Listen +5, Spot +3, Swim +4 Posse ssion s +1 studded leather armor, +1 spear, ringof protection +1, Slaug hte rga rde med allio n (eye) Sten ch (Ex) Fort DC 14; d oe s n 't work underw ate r. See t rog lo dytes in A7 o r A9 if t he cleric f ights in one of those ro o m s.
TRO G LO DYT E TH U GS MM 246 h p 39 (5 H D) Male trog lody te rogue 3
CR 4
CE Medium humanoid (reptilian) Ini t +1; Senses darkvis io n 90 ft. ; Listen +6, Spo t +6 Languages D raco nic
AC 21, to uch 11, f lat-footed 20 Resi st evasio n Fo rt +7, Ref +4, Will +2 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Me le e 2 claws +7 eac h (ld 4+3) and bite +4 (l d 4+1) Base Atk +3; Grp + 6 Atk O ption s snea k attack +2d 6 S pec ia l Actions sten ch
.! I~-:--- ----",U4 (
Combat Gear potion ofcure moderate wounds
Abilities Str 16 , De x 12, Can 17, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8 SQ t rapfind ing, trap sense +1 . Fe at s Athle tic, Multia t tack ''. Wea pon Focu s (claw) Skill s Climb +9, H id e +8 (+12 i n roc ky areas). List en +6, M ove Silent ly +6 , Spot +6, Swim +9
_,I I
Posses sion s com bat gea r plus +1 leather armor, amulet of nat ural orm or +l, Siaughte rgarde me dallion (claw) Stench (Ex) Fo rt DC 14, doesn 't w ork un der wa ter. See t roglodytes in A7 o r A9 if t he thu gs fight in on e of those roo m s .
TACTICS Wh ether these troglodytes figh t here or move up to A7 or A9, they have several roun ds before th ey start fighting. The troglody te cleric casts some spells on hi mself beforeha nd , Round 1: Magiccircle agaimt good . Ronnd 2: slJlClti offailh, Ro u n d 3: Prolection from law. Th e tr oglodyte th ugs try to flank ene mies so they can deal snea k att ack damage. Th ey keep close to the cleric to take advan tage of th e magic eirclt.'. The cleric casts besloH' curse (-4 penalt y on all che cks, rolls, and saves) on t he PC who looks th e strongest. He stays close to the thu gs so he can heal them . \XThc n he th inks he is about to be attacked, he casts sand llnr)'. If a PC successfu lly attacks th e cleric, he respond s with /wld person, followed by a spear attack. As long as the cleric is up and present , the th ugs stand their grou nd .They're con fident h is healing Gin keep th em fightin g. A troglodyte flees if red uced to lO hit poin ts or fewer, ru n ning to wh ichever of A7 or A9 t he PCs d idn' t come from ,even if doing so means swim m ing back throu gh thi s room from ano ther.
l ~- · ·· · · ·"I
f-':.::.:r-" " , +if ' ~ ..+::-j-! .! :.. I _ .!
" '""'1'--'--J
--. ...
I~ E '\T lJl~ J:S 0 1' T ill, Ro o st T Ill' roum Il ils tllL' f(li l o w i,;~ fl' ill urc ".
IlIul1lin .l tion : It',:;: Jark Ll'rl' . -,: W.l lc r -F i lll.-·J l(oo m : T hl' I'l11l111 is filled willl wat e r. PC ~ wl10 l ilte t i m e t o o ll::'(' ]"\'l;' bit ~ o r r l oillil1 ~ llehri:" n o ticc tlMl tile wetcr i s ;; Iowly 111llv i n~. Il 's po uring in f r lllll A7 aIHI ou t l hrnll d l
F I(-J{H!e d S ta i rwavs: \'{'al c r ri s cs to a [e'l' inclu·,; ill;o v(' t ilt:' to p s te p of eaL" 1I : tai r way in lh i:;: ro om . De mo n a n.:lll':" l i ~ l, t rooru s A 7 a m I L\ 9 , hilt P C" pee ri nc up til l.-' st ei rs can se c only ston e wil li:=: and WCilpo n racks fr om tIll' l>nt to lll o f t he s l airs , \'('ca po n R.ld~5 : T ile rac k,:. a ~ ai ll st the wal l co nta in 101l gk m';:', c r o ,;;;!,p \\,,;,
En cou n ter Level 6
SETUP Bod ygu a rd s of the t ro gl odyt e cl er ic li ve here, 'g u ard in g the cleric's n ew prize po ssession -Tybalt. pe s m ight hear
the gua rds talk ing softly in Draconi c an d the occasion al cl in king of their ar mor by mak in g a DC 11 Listen check from beyond the dem on arch or a DC 7 Listen check from un derwater at the base of the stairs int o thi s room [rom A S.
The trogl ody te s (T) might h ear approa ching PC s n car
the demon arch , but they don't h ear an underwater battl e in AS. Even if th ey h ear a battle occurring in A7 through the wall (Liste n DC 8), t h ey prepare for a fig h t b ut d on't
invest igate. Th ey can't swim. well in th eir h eavy ar mor.
Wh en t h e pe s enter the room , read:
Two reptilia n humanoids in plate armorguard this room, Wooden racks containing warhammers, flails, and other bludgeoning weapoll s line the walls, A few inches of wa ter cover the whole floor, alld dark s)'ot under the water ncar the room's center indicates a hole there, Apparently 1IJ1 conscious, a human I1U1I1 in half-plate is tied to a rack il1 tile /lortlnt/estern coriley.
TACTICS Th ese trogl od ytes are con fident, and if th ey win initiative, each one steps back and takes a ready standard action to set her halberd again st cha rges. Each exudes stenc h as a free action on her tu rn . If a PC charges, the troglodyte can attack before th e ch arge is resolved, dealing doubledamage ifshe hit s. Her new initiative cou n t is just before rlie chatging PC' s, Ifnobody ch arges , the t roglo dy tes attack a n their
original in iriat ive cou nt during th e next round. They m igh t trip with their halberd s, making a m elee touch arrack and pitti ng a Streng rh 'ch eck agains t the victim's choice of a. Dex terity or Stre ng th check. If th e troglodyt e wins, th e ta rget is knocked pro ne. If th e target win s, the trog lodyte can drop h er halberd to avoid being tripped in return. She th en fights using her claws. If a soldier trips an oppone nt, she focus es her attacks on [hat foe unti l he manages to stand.
N 2
CR 4
T ROGLODYTE SOLD IE RS MM 246 hp 45 each (5 H D) Femal e t rog lo dyte fig hte r 3 CE Medium human oid (rep t ilia n) Init +5; Sen se s d ar kvision 90 ft.: Listen +3, Spot +1 Lan guages Dracon ic
AC 25 , to uc h 11, flat -footed 24 Fo rt +10, Ref +3, Will +3 Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squa res , ru n at 3 x s peed), ba se s pe ed 30 ft. Melee mwk ha lber d +9 (ld 8+4/ x3) an d bit e +6 (ld4 +1 ) o r Melee 2 claws +7 each (l d4+ 3) and bite +6 (ld4 +1 ) Base Atk +4; Grp +7 Atk Options Power Att ack Special Actio ns st enc h Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Ca n 17, Int 8 , Wis 12, Cha 8 Fe at s Im proved Init iative , Multi at tack'', Powe r Attack, We apo n Focus [bite }", Weapo n Fo cu s (ha lbe rd)" Skills Hid e +3 (+7 in rocky areas), Int im idate +2, Lis ten +3, Spot +1 Po sses sion s ma ste rwor k full plate armo r, masterw or k halberd , cloak of resistance +1, Siau ghter gard e m ed allion (claw) Stench (Ex) 30 -ft. rad ius, a ll living creatu res (besi des trog lodytes) mu st s ucceed on a DC 14 Fo rt itud e save o r be sickened . Success on the save against o ne trog lodyte's stenc h con fers im m un it y to that trog lodyte 's sten ch fo r 24 hours, but it does n't pro tec t agai nst the stench of other trog lody tes. Crea tu res im m une o r resistant to po ison are s im ila rly res is t an t to t he ste nc h. Delay poison or neutralize poison rem ove s the e ffect fro m a sickene d creatu re.
Against lightl y armo red or prone ene m ies, the tro glodyres maximi~e th eir Power Atta ck. They conti n ue to usc Power Arrack unn l the y m iss a foe twi ce in a row. Since th ey can't swim well inplate, th ey can't retrea t through AS. Th ey can't use the northeastern elevator to A4 witho ut eye meda llion s. Retreating toward A18 mean s showing th eir cowardice to the merciless Cashkarr. Given th ese factor s, the troglodyt es make a last stand here.
If a battl e occ urs here, the troglod yt es in AS ascen d th e sta irs after the cler ic casts spells (see Tactics In As), so the y arrive at the end of round 5.The y remain in A8 if the bat tle ends befor e they ascend.
CR 2
hp 19 (2 HD)
Male human fighter 2
NG M ed ium huma no id
Init +5; Sen ses Li sten +0 , Spot +0 Language s Com mon
AC 18, touch 11, flat-foot ed 17 Fort +5, Ref s-l , Will -l Speed 20 ft. in half-plate (4 squares , ru n at 3 x speed ); base s peed 30 ft . Base Atk +2; Grp +4 Atk Options Cleave , Powe r Att ack
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12 Feats Cleaves, Im proved Initiat ive, Power At tack", Weapo n
Focu s (g rea tswo rd) Skills Intim idate +3, Listen +0, Ride +4, Spo t +0 Posse ssions ha lf-plate
TYBALT Tybalt is un con scious .and tied
to the racks in th e no r thwestern corner of the room. The gnolls caught him near the armor y's entra nce yesterday, and after th ey beat him, . th ey am usedly give him ro the troglodytes.The t roglod yte cler ic hasn't decid ed wh at to do wi th hi s new slave yer. Tybalt is unconscious and stable at -4 hit points when the PCs find h im , obvious ly th e victim of cruelty. Lf th e ch arac ters bring him back to consc io usness, he's im mense ly grateful (init ial att itude friendly) and doe s an yth in g reaSOluble th at th e PCs ask. .H is first act is to inqu ire after hi s hor se, whic h was eaten by th e troll in A3 as evidence d by the bones in AS. H e also enqu ires after h is gre atsword, whi ch he trut hfu lly claims is an heirl oom and can be fou nd in A7. Tybalr is a native of Sumber ton who h as lon g dream ed ofjo in ing the Kn ights Luminou s. He th ou ght a on e-ma n cr usade into th e heart of the Slaughterscar wou ld impress th e leader s of the order. Clearly braver than he is sma rt, Tybalt is no match for th e ar mo ry 's ch all enges, a fact that sho u ld quick ly become appare nt to the pe s. T he unl uck y fighter can also be a so urce ofsome infor mation you wi sh to impart to th e players. i f nee ds be, you can replace Tybalt wi th a ne w Pc. Like Tyb alt's grearsword, th e equipme nt a new PC's ne ed s to be an effective party mem ber sho uld be kept nearby,
Till, Roml
T Ill:' room t,a::: L1le fo ll o wi ll ~ (eat m es. Ill u min ati on: D ellw ll a rell (glow in g eyes) ; 20 feet p f h ri ~ht illu mina t io n; 2 0 feel of ",h adowv ill u m in oltillll. l ) l'IIIOIl l\ rd .: T IlL' arch ove r till' ~\'e:'te r n J O()l'\vay is ca rv ea t o I' Hlk liLe tilL' LIce 'l m l o pe n mo ut h u f
10. Slla llow \'(faler: I~ a c h :,qu are co s l.s 2 ::: q uarc;:; o f nH~\'e men t . T umb le ami j\love Si !entl v D C !" in cr eas e hv 2. A stda Jv st rc.un ()f wate r a few inch e:;de'L'p p o ur " t11n Hlgjl ti le de l~lO;l Mch, casca d in:.1 J own t hL' stu ir s lp w,lrd A 1S. ~ \X" ca pon J~ ~(."I~ s : The rac 1.;,,,. aga inst t ill' wa ll co n ta in t wo of cadl llilldgctltling m elee weapUll in PH !\\o s t o f t ile wea p(Hl::: are size d for ]I'l ell iulll c re a t u res, hut scrrue weap o n ,; at-e fo r Lar~ e creat u res or Sm a ll crcatu rcs. F looJecl S ta irwm': C rl'd tll re ;;: Ila,'e [ (I swi m into AS. T Ile stairwe ll is d a rk . .
En cou n ter Level 6
SETUP O rcha rix found th e Slaughrergarde entra nce shortly after t h e g n oll s dug it, an d h e ag re ed to help d ue to Laurazh i's
gu ile. He wan ts to be part of the carnage that's bou nd to en sue when the gate in A 19 ope ns. The fang dragon (D) can sense throu gh th e fier y de mon arch , so he 's almost certa in ly ready [or th e pe s wh en th ey pass th rou gh it. A DC 12 listen chec k made by someo ne pausing at th e fiery arc h is sufficient to hear O rcha rix cast shield. Th ose wh o m ake the check by 10 or mor e can make subseque nt DC 16 Spe llcra ft checks to k now what spell was just cast. Aft er he casts the spel l, the fang d ragon chu ck les. H e's suprem ely self-assured and finds th e pe s' caut ion am usin g. Thi s area is pictu red in th e il lustrat ion handou t's . Sho w the illustrJtion when O rcharix attack s.
\Vhen the p es enter, rea d:
the cellter of thischamber is a gray-bro wII dragoll coated ill wicked spikes. The roolll othenvisc appea rsempty. A portcullis is ill the southcn! wall, but youcall see only rock and earth beyolld its bars. The westen! wall sU!'P0rts stairs that lead up to a pair ofclosed copper doors. III
TACTICS O rchartx uses the time [rom whe n he senses th e pe s to whe n they enter the roo m to cast sJlield. When ch arac ters enter, O rcharix sho uts in Dracon ic, "Leave th em to me! Don't inrerferelI t's not imm edi ately appa re nt whom he 's sho ut ing to, but th e tieflings in Al l hear h im . : i n batt le, O rcharix tr ies ro posit ion h imselfw ith as m any pe s in reach as possible; he wants to make a full attac k every round. Each tim e he h its wi th a claw or tail slap, he receives a free trip attemp t on the 'struck foe. Tha t's a +8 check (Str engt h bon us and an addi tional +4 for hi s size) again st the victi m's choice of J Dexter ity or Stre ngt h check. If O rchar ix win s, th e target is knocked pron e. If the target wins, not h ing happe ns. lf Orc har ix trip s an enemy, he focuses hi s attacks on th at foc, maxim izing hi s Power Atta ck. Th e dr agon reser ves dis pel magic for usc on ongoi ng spells that m ak e it h atd fo r h im to fig h t.
ORCH ARI X CR 6 Oraconomicon 159 hp 114 (12 HD) Ma le juvenile fang dr ago n CN La rge dragon (air) Init +0; Senses b lind sense 60 ft., da rkvision 120 ft ., keen s e nses ; Lis te n +19, Spot +19 La nguages Draconic AC 20, to uch 9, Flat-footed 20 Immun e pa ra lysis , sleep SR 16 Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10 Speed 60 ft. (12 squares) , fly 120 ft . (poo r) Mel ee bite +15 (2d8+4 plus ab ility drain ) and 2 claws +10 each (2d6 +2fl9-20 plus tr ip) and 2 wings +10 each (l d8+2) and tai l slap +10 (2d6 +6 plus trip) Space 10 ft. ; Re ach 10 ft. Base Atk +12; Grp +20 Atk Option s ability dra in, Cleave, Powe r Att ack, trip Spell-Like Abilities (Cl, 4th); At will-detect magic , read magic
2/day-shield l/day- dispel magic Abilities St r 19, Dex 10, Con 17, In t 10 , Wis 15, Cha 10 SQ sou nd im itation Fe at s Alertness, Cleave, Im proved Critica l (claw), Im p ro ved In it iat ive , Power Attack Skills Bluff +5, Dip lomacy +4 , Jum p +16, Knowledge (a rca na) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Lis ten +19, Sea rch +15, Sense Motive +7, Spo t +19 Abilit y Dra in (Su) Bite; Fo rt DC 16 negates ; 1d4 points of Consti tution drain. Sound Imit ati on (Ex) Can imitate any so und he has hea rd . Will DC 16 to detect the ruse.
At th e beginn ing of ro und 2, th e tieflings in A ll ope n th eir doors so they can watc h th eir mas ter fight the pe s. Yo u can lise th e read-alou d for enco unter Al l to describe them. They obey Orc ha rix's order 'n ot 10 interfere, but they take defen sive measures as show in Al l's Tactics sec t ion . If pe s attac k the' tieflin gs, O rcha rix focuses hi s fu ry on those charac ters, bel lowing in Draconic, "Fight :me, you cowards, not the bystanders!" . For all h is bravado, Orchar ix has a keen sense of selfprese rvation. If reduced to 50 hi t points or fewer, h"e orde rs the ncfl ings to attack, and he grabs the meda llion from his tr easu re pil e as soon as they do. He then heads down th e stairs toward th e sout hwester n elevator and eventua lly the surfac e.
The ro om b"" th e fo ll owin ~ feat ur e:'. Illuminat ion : D~nlOn <1rc h ; 2 0 feel n f lu·jght illu llli na t illlli 20 feet ;I f ,,11adlH\'Y illu mination . If tIll' ilr~ ll i, d i:'abLL
till· a rea
.. "';7,,' !
is d ark.
Cl' i l i l1~': T Ile cei ling her e i s 3 0 fcel ll igh in the se ct io n
'" T .
t he ro o m co st o f tIll' u pper 5It HY . l..Jn tlc r tlla l sto rv, Inwi1fl l
the {l,)rl culli s,lhc cei ling is 15 fed I,igh. F il,.· r\' DC llI on A l"l-,b : T he arch over the 1I,)rLlwfIl d o c r wov
is cMvl·:llo [oo k
like t IlL' fil l' t '
Eve:' 011 th e face ~ Io w n..d - nl"iln ~ e. Tl1ic1.. "heel ; o f f1 allll' s\\'~ t l1C tllis d (l()n~il V, bl (lcl<:in ~ line l,f ,;idll "Il J llc
l I L' l1wll .
DC" to hear il ny l h i n~ !lCYOlHl tllCIll by 10. Th c a rc h hn::, a ,;{mu g aurn if viewc J usin g }d.:cl 1II<19ic (DC 21 Sp ell craft c1ll'ck t o tlele n ni ne it '::, cvo cnlion }. \Y7!,ell l'ver a crca t u rc st ep s adj ac<:'nt tt l ,111 arc h , til e ('ye::, of tIll' tll'llloll ca::, t a sp :,tli ~ht o n tl la t c rca tu re'::, o.:; ]ll'::, t, It)(lk in g fur il Sl au~llte rganl (, meJa l1illl1. Any m ed all io n worlcs .
. II th e c reatu re isn't wcnrinc a S bu ghh'r giu·J l' mcJ ,.lI ion , t-Il e ,;po t! id l t di sappears ,Ifte r il few "t'c Olltls, anti till' arch rCllla in s' fi er y. r ill' ,,: pn t ligl lt t!o e,;n't co me bac k ull le,;s th e crcet urc s steps awa y <1I1J m oves a d ja cent to till' arch a ~ai ll . • I r til(> crl:~ lllrl' is weil rin ~ a S 1alld \h'r~a [(lc l1ll'd alliu ll, till' ::.pntli ghl rema i n s on ft; r a fl'''': :s(,cl~ lHl:, (u llti l inil.i nti ve co un t 10 if i\ fi gh t is go in g o n), tll ell thl' fl alll es J i,;appcar. Til l' flame s s ta y for 1 m u m L A DC 30 Di ,;aJl!e D l'v il-C dl <:'cI~ is su ff ic i('n l t o Ji ,;., hle dll' fl a mes. T1J..tlh l'se a rclw s arc coursinc a lllt mo rlJellL' rgy th elll tlllJs (,:' in tile tln l\\' t e m ple is lJbv il1lls to a nYll \W whu ha ,; s e e n ti le Intl e r. x t: M,lle; \y71l<:'Ill' ver the PC,; J i,;abl e or tuke llama .;: l' frllll1 a ,;peci fic fi er y tlemon a rcl, for tlll~ fir ,;t timc to ra ,;~ th rou~ll it, a wanl X P as if tlllJy ovc rc m uc a CR [) t r up. BUl'Il i:J ll,d C OPIll' r Door:': 1IaI'd nes s ,5; 60 IIp calCb. O PCIl iou li nvar J ; ve rtica l hamllc:, o n bull, sid t'5 of bolll
Olle s q ua ro
)lod cu ll i,;: T lw wil1c1ll o 0 P..:' ll till' pnr kulli " is jus t ;;outb ll f it uu til l' wa ll. 11IIt Opl';lin 'g it laLJ:S..'a DC 25 S tn.> ll~tll ~ l,Ill'..:: b perful'IlwJ as a fllll -w u nJ ad il~ l1. Dirt ,. u d s to nes sta rt t o p ou r into l!'e r oom a,: soon <1S th e por tcull is b uJ ~ l' ;; ' 11 in t i ll~ ill till' d i, l er t o fo llo w if th e ga le i:s open ed full y. If it i s, a ll c11arad er O' witllin 2 0 f,>d mu st ;;: uccel,d ort ,1 DC 16 [~ <:,fl e x save or t,. ke 3J6 po i nt s Ja 11lage fr o m a ll ,~va la lld le o f ea rl l" T Ilt' area with in 10 fed of t he portcull is become:: a IllIHlml n f ea d b aIlll s tone. It ta ke :: 2 squ a res Ill' move me nt to a sc"nJ {laCll ;:quare t here. C re a t u re:> run ll in ¢ or c h a r~ i llg JO\\'ll lli ll Illu ,;:t slIcee l,J O il a DC 15 Ba lanc e clll'cl.-:, ellltilI ~ t1ll'ir lllll VCl1l l'nl J J2x.5 feet later if th ev fa il. T lw ;;l' tlw.t fail ll\' 5. o r mo re fall pr one ilt t ill' l'IllI o f t1..1 l 1llllWl1ll'lIl. T ile of T umh le c1lCcbs ill cr c<1:oe " hv 5, <1 n J till' DC o f ~ Iov e S i ll' lIl1v dlc cks ill Crl'ilSl'5 bv 2. C rl'~lt l1 rc,:; i2a i n a +1 honU5 " ll m l,ll'~ att ack ro ll::, a~<1 i ll,:
I FLING Encou n ter Level 6
SETUP The tieflings he re are loyal serva nts of the fang dragon. Alt hough it' s ju st the three of th em , they call th emselves th e Order of the Fang. They might actua lly fight th e pe s in A lO, but if th e charac ters rus h up the stairs, the battl e occu rs here. W h en pes start up the st airs, r ead:
Three hllman oids that have short horus all their fo reheads glare mellacingly at you f rom atop tile stairs-aile female alld two males. The males arc wearillg stll dded leath er armor alld wield swords ill bot hhallds, while the fe male wea rs simple brown robes. Their tabard s de pict 11 stylized gray-browl1 operl maw. Be yond them, you call make out all austere chamber with arro w slits ill the southem wall. The slits are filled with dirt.
BLADE MASTERS MM 209 hp 19 each (3 HD) Ma le t iefl ing rogue 3
CR 3
CE Medium o uts ider (nat ive) Init +2; Senses darkvis ion 60 ft.: Liste n +7, Spot +7 Langu ages Common. D raco nic, Infernal
AC 16 , to uch 12, f lat-footed 14 Resist cold 5, evas ion, fi re 5, e lec t ricity 5 Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 Speed 30 ft . (6 squa res) Mele e mw k lo ngs wo rd +3 (ldS+2j19 -20) a nd mwk s ho rt s wo rd +3 (ld6 +1j 19-20) Base Ark +2; Grp +4 Ark O ption s Combat Reflexes , s neak attack +2d6 Combat Gear potion ofbarkskin +3 Sp ell-li ke Abilitie s (Cl 3rd) :
1jday- darkness Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14 , lnt 12, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feat s Combat Reflexes, Two-We a pon Fight ing Skills Balance +10 , Bluff +6, Diploma cy +2, Hid e +10, Jump +10, Li st e n +7, Move Silently +8 , Sense Mo t ive +7, Spot +7, Tu m ble +10 Posse ssion s com ba t gea r p lu s +1 studded leather, m as terwo rk lo ngswo rd , masterwo rk s hort swo rd , Siaug hte rgarde me dall ion (claw) , key to a footl ocke r
TIE FLl NG W IZAR D CR MM 209 hp 12 (3 HD) Female tiefli ng wizard 3 CE Med iu m outs ider (nat ive) Init +0 ; Sense s darkvision 60 ft.: Liste n +1, Sp ot +1 Lan gu age s Abyssa l, Com mon , Draconi c , Gno ll, Inferna l
AC 11 , tou ch 10 , flat-fo oted 11 Fo rt +2, Ref +1, Will +4 Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res ) Me lee mw k dagge r +2 (l d 4j 19- 20) Ran ge d mwk light cro ssbow +2 (ldS j19-20) Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Co m bat Gea r potion ofprotection from arrows 1Ojmagic, potion of spider climb, scro ll of alter self, sc ro ll of mage armor, 3 scro lls of protection from good Wizard Sp ells Pre pared (CL 3rd) : 2nd-flaming sphere (DC 15), scorching ray (+1 range d to uc h) 1s t- color spray (DC 14), magic missile, shield O-detect magic,j1are (2, DC 13), read magic Sp ell-Like Abilities (Cl 3rd) :
1jday- dorkness Abilities Str 10, De, 10 , Can 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Ch a 12 Feats Comba t Ca st ing , De ce it ful, Scr ibe Scro ll" Skills Bluff +3, Concentrati on +7 (+11 cast ing defens ively), Disg u ise +6 , Fo rge ry +&, H id e +2, Knowled ge (arcana) +9, Listen +1, Spellcraft +11, Spot +1 Pos se ss ion s com bat gear plus bra cers of armor +J. ma sterwork d ag ge r, ma sterw ork cr ossbow with 20 bo lts , Sia ug hte rga rde med a llio n (claw) , key to a foot locke r Spe llbook s pe lls prepa red plus O- a ll in PH; 1st-cause
fear, charm person, identify, mage armor, protectionfrom gaad; 2nd-alter self
O lm E I~ O F '1:1 11: E\ NG
A~ wr it len , tlle OrJ el' of th e Fa ne is just ar ninnr cu rio ::il v( idl i l1g~ in th e ~e{vice l1f a fan g Jra~l)[1. But if yo u're ilJ j i ng a n ele llw n l o f int risuc t o Yllll r ~il m e, tlll: O rJer o f tl1l~ Fau g c an se rve " " O rch a rix'~ eves illlll e a r:: in S Ul11 h e rl o ll . B v c xtc nsio n , tll ey bec u nll' G~$ll biHr'~ sp ies as well. T l1,ll's wh~. tlle/ n· ~O l ll n l1Hl a l clo thing in th e ir {ootlpcLer s. ' ~ T h e l i efl i n~" ca n 1url" in S ll rnlle r h lll witlwut lll'a w i ll ~ u ndu e notice . -If the PCs rcl re ,1t to S ll I1l1) dt o n ' l)Ct w L'L' 1~1 forays i n to tl1l' Slaug hte rgar Je armor y, til e ti efl ing" ca n aUad~ d lL'l.ll lJll ti lL' st rcc ls o f ti ll' ci tv o r at tem p t to nsscssi na tc th em wlH' n th ey [e t J llwn th eir glla n l i ll an inn . A Ile rn a t1vl'ly, von cun introdu ce tilt' t i eflill ~ s ll[ till' O rde r o f the r:;'lIl l1 ion ~ IH.·fore L11l' pe s make it tl~ tIlt· nrmorv. ;, ["0 le ft,lelilK'riltcl\' ulHlefi lleJ is tl te O rJl'r of t he P,1I1g's larger pUr p, j>,L· . On tl lL' ;OIH' h and, they "t Ully the combat 11nJe r O rcha rix's llllelaie. O n lIle o l lle r ha mL tl IL'),'re tid li ll ~;:. T he\' could he J ck ellllanbt ,If so m e tJf S1allt:ih lL·rt:ia nlt.~''; solJ iel's, ea~~r tl1 fn Uo\V in th e loot st c ps their t.fl' mo l~ jc nncc sl ors ,
TACTICS If they're watch ing O rc harix fight, the blademasrers (B) stand in [rom of the wizard (\XI). Th ey take out and dri nk their poliollS of barks kill on the first round , wh ile the wi zard d ri nks her potion of protectiOl Ifro III r1 IT Ol l 'S. Th e wi zard then does the foll ow ing. 'Ro u n d 1: Casts shield. • Rou nd 2: Takes OLIt and uses her scro ll of mage armo r. Round 3: Takes out and uses her scroll of protect iollfrom
good. If she has more tim e, she uses her remai n ing scro lls of prota jjoll fro lll good on the bladem astcr s. She also uses her porion of spidcrdimb,i.;l imbi ng to esc ape melee or m ancuvcr to a good position. If the t ieflings don't have time to prepare , they sti ll tr y to dri nk pot ions on th e first rou nd.Then they en ter the
fight. I n stead of pre par ing befor ehand, the w izard gets a few defenses up over the cour se of the battle, in the orde r described "earl ier.
1~I: xn) R E S O F T ilE
Rom l
TIH~ roo m h a ~ th e roll o \\'in ~ featu re", Il lu m in a t ion: Firc bCl' d~ ca~e; (0 fed o f br i~h l i 111I !1l i naLi on : 10 fed of "ll,l(lol\'\' illum inat ion. Tile ~iall l fin.- bl'etle i s ali vl' (M M 2 8 5) :' l' <1I"rl)W "lib l(lo be J out ov e r o n e o f t lH~ great ra m p>:, tl la l IcJ d,l\\'11 [ n.lI lt tile IlC i~ll l':: (If Sla lldll er~arJ l'. \\7111.' 11 t11i;; ,;e,... li o n o f S la udl t e r iOta n le wa " t ra ll::,pI;;;ed ll ~e Jl llnd e r~ ro u ll d , the t owe l' IVa " h: lr ielC i\o\\' t he "lit" op e n 10 co u nties:: YiHd:;; o f l'arlh a nJ ston e. ncds: T he beds Ile n .· a rc a m ess, since tht' t id Ji niOts ;,o k'l'p antI "il o n t hem . ~ Umlernealh lhe middle bed is a f.'m llt fOllt l'll·ker. TillS one ha;; a bm ken pad lock on l he liJ, I~l " i d e I::' a ta bar d wit h till' sa mc gray-aml- IHown m aw th at t he P C:; h a ve 'l ln 'a d y seen o n thc ti c fl i n ~ " a mI two lltIlCr c1ta nkte,:: (If d odl e:< .
Tilis f(1otloc kc ,~ 1lt'I O ll ~I.-, J
Pooi!.JckCl" 2: C lul h l Jl ~ ([(,llla lc, i ncluJ ing a co u rt ler '::, out fit), a l1Ooll..>ll cloa k, a ~pel l bonk ("N' tIl e t il,rJi ng wi 7.
fO llf d~ ITlclllLer uf tlll'
Ordcr o f lh e F a n g. \\:th e l'l ~ IH' di s'l ppeare([ Ju r in g a ~ py missi on in S Ulll lw rllHl , lit " o l he r t i (' f li n ~ s IHo be u pe n he r footl Llck l'r a nJ divideJ her va lua b les. ' F o o ti oc I.Wl"s: The :" e Linel' ,::mall fl11ltlI1c!"e r >:' h a ve t he person a l eHect:" of tile \id ling", lll l ) :"t1 y changes (1 1' ddt hill~, m e m en toes , an d so on , E a c h c11{.'~ 1 is lo cked ( DC 20 ), but it can he baZ' llcJ n pl'n (k u dl1l's:" 5, 2 0 hp) . t-VOtlllCk c I' I: C lotbill~ , a Ilooded cloak, twu tunic s marked wit ll tilt' cres t oflhe S Ul11 hl'rl o n city walc h, <111l1
35 gpo
The blademas ters ent er the fray by maki ng Tumb le che cks to move at half speed int o flank ing posit ion s (DC 15, chec k for eac h ene my passed , DC in cr eases by 2 per enem y after th e first). Success again st a part icular foe mean s th e tid ling doesn't provoke att acks ofopport un ity [rom tha t enemy. 1n com bat, the blndema srers snea k atta ck, each ma neu•s • • ver~ng to help the other. If th ey can't flank a foe, th ey m ight resort to making Bluff checks to fei nt . They on ly do so if they th ink it im proves their chances of en ding t he fight qu ickly. If the la ng d ragon is dead , the tieflin gs fig ht u ntil slain. Bur if th e dra gon fled an d two or more tie£lings are red uced to to hit poi nt s o r fewer, all th e t iefl in gs follow [heir maste r. T hey cast dar/mess on th e keys th ey have on ' their belts, subse quently tossin g them into various cor ners of the ro 0111 to improve their cha nces of escape .
. ':
OUTHWESTERN Encou n ter Leve l 6
SETUP If th ey heard a battle, the gno lls here arc silent and act ively listening, awaiti ng en emi es. I f they're un aware of intruders, they're going th rough the armor. As the gnolls r um mage, the pe s mig ht hear sporadic clan ks of me tal o n meta l. from beyond th e demo n arch , a DC 13 Listen check is sufficient. From A 13, it's a DC 3 Listen check. \X'hile the gnolls are bu sy, they aren't tota lly dist racted , and th ey mi ght he ar t he cha racters in tu r n. If they do, the g noll pr iestess starts to cast her preparator y spe lls. Hearing her do so requi res a DC 13 Listen check from pe s outs ide the demon arch (fro m within A I3, it's DC 3). A cha racte r who makes th e ch eck by 10 or mo re can make a Spellcrafr chec k (DC 15 + sp ell level) to tell wha t spe ll is bein g cast during a given round . Th rough this room 's wall, 3 DC 28 Listen check is sufficient to hear th e ch anting of th e sh ru n ken heads on the Ar'~ of !tl C RCSIl rgcllf lv10llllta ill (i f they're not stowe d).
MM3 62 hp 50 (5 HD) Male f1 ind fighter J CE Medium hum anoid (gno ll) Init +6; Sen ses darkvisio n 60 ft.: Listen +6, Spot +6 Langu ages Commo n, Gnc ll AC 20, to uch 12, flat-foote d 18; Dodge, Mobility Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +2 Spee d JO ft. (6 squa res) Melee +7flindb ar +12 (2d4+7{19-20) Base Atk +4; Grp +1 0 Atk Options free d isar m Combat Gear potion ofcure light wounds (2; 1d8+1) Abilities Str 22 , Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Feats Dodge", Impr oved Initiative, Mobility", Weapon Focus (f1i ndba r) Skills Intimidate +5, Listen +6, Spot +6 Posses sion s combat gea r plus maste rwork studded leather a rmor, +1 heavy wooden shield, +1f'indba r, Siaug hte rga rde meda llion (eye) Free Disar m (Ex) With a f1i ndbar, a flind so ldier that th reatens a critical ca n make a free d isa rm atte mpt (+14 on the opposed attack roll; PH 155) without provo king a n attack of oppo rtu nity
When t h e pes en ter, r ead :
A fema le gnoll hearillg a flail alld shield stallds ncar a red-furred, museu lar gnoll ill this rOOI1l, which is clearly used to store armor. Woodell racks 0 11 the walls hold greaves, epaulets, clwilltllail, lea ther leggillgs, and other nrmcr pieces. A stairway leads down from the nortlicrn part of this chamher.
If the g nolls hear intruders nearby, th e flind (F) ll}oves to where he th in ks he blocks a clea r movem ent to [he gnoll priestess (G). The cle ric th en does th e followi ng: Ro und 1: Casts shield offa iUl on hers elf. Round 2: Casts a il/il1t' favor on herself. Ro und 3: Cas ts Ivnr's clldllra nCi' o n h erself. Ro und 4: Takes out and uses her scroll ofbll/l's Sll"Cl lgll1 on t he fluid soldier.
Round 5: Cas ts protection frol11 good o n herself, O nce battle begins, th e pr iestess doesn't cast any of th e prepa ratory spells she m ight have. s he instead targets an arch er or spelkasrcr with spirillWl ll'WpOIl(a flail). She then casts aoolll on a dangerou s melee co mbata nt. Hold persoll she reser ves for later in combat, targeting whomever she feel s is her most dangerous foe. Th e fl ind sold ier ju st wh ales away wit h h is [lindbar. H e tri es to ke ep th e pri estess from being tied up in melee, bu t he doesn't risk attacks of o ppo rt un ity to do so. If either the pri estess or the so ldier is redu ced below 10 h it poi nts, both g no lls flee dow n th e stai rs in to A 13, wit hd raw ing if possible. The y W,Il1t to prot ect the ArJ~ of the RCSlI rgcnl AJolll1 tail1, bur th ey don 't want to d ie una ide d. Leaving the t1 1" ~ to retreat through the arch isn't an op rion eit her considers, however. . ::
GN O LL PR IESTESS M M 130 hp 41 (5 HD) Female gnoll cle ric 3 CE Medium humanoid Init +1; Senses darkvis ion 60 ft .: Listen + 6, Spo t +5 Langu ages Gnoll
CR 3
AC 18, touch 11 , flat-footed 17 Fort +9, Ref +2, W ill +6
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Me lee mwk flai l +8 (ld8+3)
Base Atk +3; Grp +6
Specia l Actions re buke undead 1/day (- 2, 2d6 +1, J rd). spontaneous cas ting (inj7ict spe lls) Com ba t Gear scroll of bull's strength Cleric Spe lls Prepa red (CL 3rd; 4th fo r evi l spe lls):
2nd-bear 's endurance, hold person (DC 15), spiritual weaponD
1st-divine favor, doom (DC 14), protection from goadD, shield offaith O-cure minor wounds (4)
D: Dom ain spell. Dom ains: Evil, War
Abilities Str 17, De x 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 6
Feats Combat Casti ng, Martial Weapon Proficiency (flail)'!, Sc ribe Scroll, Wea pon Focus {f1ail) B Skills Concentration +6 (+10 casti ng defensive ly), Lis te n + 6, Spot +5 Pos se s s io ns co m ba t gear p lus + 1 studded leather armor, heavy wooden shield , masterwor k flail , Siaughterga rde me dallion (claw)
CONCLUSION If a batt le occu rs here, the gn oll barbaria ns and [lind soldier in A13 start putting on their armor. It rakes the Iltnd 5 rounds to hastily don studded leather.The gnoll barbar ians take 1 min ute to hastily don their breastplates. If they're still doing thi s when the battl e ends , a DC 5 listen chec k is enough to hear them. If the battle cont inues for more than 1 round , rhe pr iestesses in A 14 hear it. They start dism ant li ng th e A rI~ of tIlt, Resu rgent MOl/nl /lin . a process that takes th em 1 min ute. Then they sta rt casting preparato ry spells as desc r ibed in th eir Tact ics. Jf th e gno lls are still casti ng when th e battle ends, the PCs might hear th em th rough th e wall by succeedi ng on DC 18 Listen checks . A ch aracter who makes the check by 10 at more can ma ke a Spel lcra ft check (DC 15 + spell level) to tell what spell is bein g cast. Tf 2 minutes pass after 't he end of a battle, and th e pe s sti ll haven't gone down the stairs, rhe gno lls and Hind in A 13 take time to properly don thei r armor. Th is takes 4 min utes. Then they head up th e stai rs to [hi s room and investigate.
F Ex r URES 0 1' Til E
Rom !
T llC ro om 11a'" dlC [{, llo \\'i ll~ L"'ltu rc s .
Ill u m i n a t io n : D e m o n : rc h ( ~ Iow in ~ cye s]: 20 fl-'d Ill'igbt ill ll l11 il1 a t illl1; 2 0 fed (If 51Hl Jowy illll m i nat il)ll. D elllo n A nJl : T he '1n ::h ove r the ce st ern lloo rwa.v is carv ed I.) lo ob lite [a ce ilnd O pC Il m o ul h 0 1 a LIl ~ l:d Li cm o n . Ev...· ~ i n Li1l.' [a ce glnw r c· a-ura l1~ c, a nd a da lllc r o f ;;wil'lin ~ a ~rb v iold en er~~' fill.: t hc·molll ll. T h l' a t:c L h i1 ~ a Il1()J c l"i1l ~ a ura if v i... w c U ~ill ~ ,/dl!d IlIlly ic ( DC -2J S pe ll nall dleck 10 d t·leJ" m illl' i l'~ ill;lsio n) . A lo w hUIll emi tte d !,y t he M CIt increa ses L i::; k n DC ~ 10 h e ar i1llvth i l1~ b e vull ll it bv 10.
Stee p St airs : It tak c s 2 sq lh1'res o f tIlu'vclll cnt t o a scen d c ilch sq u arc. C rea l u re:' run nin c o r dl '1f~ in g clo wn s teep "la ir" mu s t :,uccl'cd on a DC J 0 Bala nce clwck, cnd ing dH.-'ir Ill(~\,,,,'
fed late r if tlleVLl il. Tho"e Iha l fai l h v :3 o r fa ll pro ne illlli la k l' ttl(; poi nt s o f Li '1I1lagl' at tl~e I;';lll llf tl,.,l lll o v...m c n l.. The D C or Tumhle c he ck:: in cr ea s e s by rn c ut ] Li2x 5 m o re
5 . C reet urcs gai n a + 1 !w n m o n Ille]el' attil ck 1',,11 : ; a ~a i ll:!t roes },eluw l hem 0 11 Ihe st a i rs. Ar- m o r I~ a d ... s: T ht· rack.: asei net tIlt· wall co ntei u armo r l b a l t1w e vil a r mv (If .sbll ~ h l-... r~<1fd l' IIl' \'Cr cot
Encounter Level 7
SETU P The Hind (F) and gnoll s (G) in thi s room are using the magi c tables to main tain th eir armo r, having been helped in th e task by a dc rro from A 16. T hey have to ha st ily don that armo r whe n th ey hear battle in A12. Th is takes th e Bind 5 round s and the g noll ba rb arians 1 m inute. T heir stat istics assume the y don ned th eir armor in th is way, but in itial parenthetical value s show their AC if the gn olls had plent y of ti me to get ready. It's possible th at th e PCs reach this ro om befor e t he inhabi ta nt s have their armor on at all, in wh ich case they figh t wi thou t it and use the ir u narmored AC value. From th is room , a DC 13 listen chec k is sufficient to hear the cha n ting of th e shr unke n heads on the Arr. ofthe RC5lIrgcIl t Atfoll ll tnj n (i f th ey're n ot stowed). FUND SOLDIER MM362 hp 50 (5 HD ) Ma le fl ind fig hte r 3 CE Med iu m h u m a no id (gn o ll) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.: Listen +6, Spot + 6 Languages Common, Gnoll
CR 5
2 GN O L l BA RBAR IAN S ( R AG I N G) MM 130 hp 47 each (4 H D) Ma le gno ll barba rian 2 CE Me di um hum ano id Init +5; Senses da rkvis ion 60 ft.; Lis te n +6 , Spo t +4 Lan gu ages Gno ll
CR 3
AC 15 (16, 10 un armo red ), to uch 9. flat -foote d 15 (16, 10 u narm o red ); un ca nny do dge Fo rt +11, Ref +1, Will +3 Speed 30 ft. in bre astp late (6 s qua res) , bas e s pe ed 40 ft . Me lee m wk g reata xe +12 (l d12+10j x3) Base Atk +3; Grp +10 Special Act ions rag e 1j day (8 ro und s) Combat Ge ar potion of cure moderate wounds Ab ilities 5tr 24 , De , 13, Co n 20 , Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6 Fe at s Im p roved Init iative , Weapon Fo cu s (grea taxe) Sk ills Int im id at e +1, Li s te n +6 , Spot +4 Pos s es sion s co mba t gear plus +7 breastplate, m as te rwo rk g rea ta xe W he n no t ragin g: AC 17 (18, 12 un armored ), to uc h 11, flat -footed 17 (18, 12 un ar mo red) hp 39 Fo rt +9, Will +1 Me lee m w k greata xe +10 (l d12+7jx 3) Grp +8 Abilities Str 20 , Co n 16
AC 19 (20 , 14 u nar m o red), tou ch 12, flat-fo oted 18 (17, 12 unar m or ed); Dodge, Mobil it y Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +2 Speed 30 ft . (6 squares) Me lee +1 j1indbar +12 (2d4 +7j 19- 20) Base Atk +4; Grp +10 Atk O pti o ns free di sa rm Combat Gear potion ofcure light wounds Abilities Str 22 , De x 15, Con 18, lnt 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Fea ts Dod ge". Improved In itiative , Mo bility". Weap on Fo cus (flind ba r) Skills Int im id ate +5, Liste n +6, Sp ot +6 Pos s es sion s co mba t gea r p lus m aste rwo rk st udded leathe r armor, +1 heavy wooden shield, + 1f1indbar,
Siaughtergarde meda llion (eye) Free Disarm (Ex) With a flindbar, a fllnd so ldier that th reaten s a critic al can m ake a free disa rm attem pt (+14 o n t he oppos ed atta ck ro ll; PH 155) with o ut provoki ng an at ta ck of o p po rt un ity
When the pes descend the stai rs , read :
Two gnolls thai carry grcataxes share thischa mber with a big red-ftlrred gl1olI, and they all bare their Icc th at yotl. The mallYstone tables here have hammers, pliers, alld piles of 'lIlCOll11Ccted chaill lillks all them, as well as glowillg run es 0 11 their edges. All othe! stairway rises 10 a chamber above this aile.
TACTICS I f the pes descend the sta irs betw een the fift h round (when the flin d has armor on) an d the ten th rou n d (when the g nolls have ar mor on), th e Hind figh ts defensively and interposes him sel f between the pe s and the gnolls. In batt le, the flin d attac ks whoever appea rs. to be the strongest fighter. The g no 11 barba ri an s ju st rage and tear into which ever PC is close st.
.~ .
If a batt le occ urs her e, everyone that' s alive among th e gno lls and fl in ds in A12 and A 14 hears it . Th e pr iestesses in A14 start d ismantl ing the Ark of the Rcsurgcl1l M ountaill , or the cleric in A12 star ts casting her pr eparatory spells. O nce the (l rk is d isassembled, the priestesses in A 14 begin casting preparator y spe lls. Hearing th e spe llcasting com ing from "either room req uires a DC 3 Listen check. A ch aracter wh o makes the check by 10 or more can make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to tell wh at spell is being cast:
.. . :
OF T i l E I\ oml
TI lc room 11M' til(' 1
or bri dlt ili u m in a-
Lion: ] 0 fed o f sh nd o wy ill um i n al io n. T h e is a li ve (M M 285) ilnd el oci lc. S Ll· (;'·P Stairs:
u la k e " 2
p laced up on t11c m, give n pr ope r to o l" anJ ,;p a fl ' p ads. Olwillhl !'ii cal, th e I: ilble,;; Ila w fa in tl y glowing r un e s
~ i a:l1
fi re he et le
sq ua rus o f rn o vcm c n t t o .1,o ce ll J
l~ac ll :,qua rc. Cr cul n rc" r unniug o r cha rging J n wll s l ee p stair s must :::u ccced on a DC 10 Ba la nce c hec k, enJintt l lleil' m o vement I el 2 X5 fcd lale r i tlw v fa il. Thu"c ' t h at fail by 5 o r more fall p n~tl c .lml l ak e l d 6 po in ts o f lL:lllla gc at liw l'ml o f tl lal
l ilo l ,n o ven ll· n l. A ny d ama ged or inco m plete set o f armor
The DC .r '1; 1111 " le e lll'.:b by5. C reat ures gain il + 1 bo n u s o n m e lee al b ck wll;: as oins t f,H1s bel'l\v m o ve m e n t.
ri vd .., sea le s, and o1:lll' r parf. s arc p res e n t
in ti l l' co r-rect q ua n titics . S el l'di n g the ri gh t items t o pla ce o n t Ill' ta ble rcquires a C ra ft ( .:I r mor;:;lll i l h i n~ ) c111~ ck t llat'lla,,: I a D C 5 pl1 in lsl o wer tk m lhe D C to actu , 11 y re pa ir lh e a r mor. Tltell t he t., bk, a n in hl te d l1C ~oo h to d o t he job. T Ill' t.~,,;k tabes till' ta b le t wi ce a,; lo ng a s il wo ulJ lake a liv ing a rn lOrsl1lilh . E ae h ta ble Ila:: a Cra ft (a l"l~lw r~ lllitll ing) 11ll1lu ,,: llf + 15, but it c a ll on ly us c t h e sk iII for rcpc i r-s a n J
Tallie: Sqll .HC:; th al co s t
inc11111c a
2 "qU<1 re;:; o f mn vcmc nt to e nte r. A
crca t u r c ca n ju m p at op a ta ble, ~a i 11 in g a + I k HlllS O il melee aHack m Ils ecoi nst lI111:'e oll l llc floor. Do ill ~ so is a utl':llali c for so me one who t a ke:; a mo ve acti o n
f1'0 111 .l ll y iJ f
l he lahl e 's ,;q ll ,H e"" or it-
c an Il l' J o n e <1", pad o f ,1 la rge r 1I1 0 ve actio n wilh a D C 2 4 Jump cl1l''':J.., (DC
1 2 witll a 2 0-[0,1t ru n nin c s ta r t }. AtopLItelable:;
rL'al wIH1 Jer", . 'rhL'y've Ll'e n
e n;:;or-
lo slow ly rep a ir all)' armM
(arm o rsm ith in g) ",kill m u st be pr esent at t ll l: ,;tad o f lh e jpll to "l,led tIl e ri ~11 t • lLlols anJ m ake "uti 'ilH til(' chain lin'k",
inc re ases
Llll' 1ll on lhe s ta i rs.
placed 0 11 lh e
table is repaired . S OlllelHle witll t he C ra ft
[:=1~~~~~~t==1 ,.-
crcc e eit e m as.i n t e n a n c e. T he tahIL'" ca n't ro utl in Th e :;e ta llI,,;;weigll 2,0 00 pound s each .
f:Vl'1l if !ll(' PC " d m g tllClll o ut o f till-' roo m, lh e (,I"v ato l''' le.)ll in g tv A4 ca n' t car ry tilat lllllch weitth t. ~ \oving t1ll' m o ut o f sl.-tll t:hk rg.ll' d e i ~ possi bll' 6:11 U IIIi kl'ly. If t h e f-lC :; 111<1 11" 12<' t o ta kc t ill' t a ble t; lo the ,;ur face, t1lC)"r~ wu rth 500 g pOeach.
ORTHWESTERN Encounter Level 6
SETUP The gnolls (C) don't want the ArkoJthe ReslIrgent ~\lo (j n t(1ill to fall in to ene my ha nds. If they hear intruders com ing, they take th e sh run ken heads (wh ich bite and nip, so th e priestesses h ave to be careful) off hook s and stow them in drawe rs in the side of the platform. That don e, the gno lls store the obelisk ripon a shelfon the underside of the platform. Disma nt ling the ar/; in thi s way takes a m inute, so if danger is close, the g noll priestesses instead cast spells as indica ted in th e Tact ics section. From outs ide the demon arch , a DC 13 Listen check is enoug h to hear the shrunken heads on th e (11+ chanti ng, un less they're stowed. Hearing the gnoll priestesse s disassemblin g the ark or casting spells also requires a DC 13 Listen check. A character who m akes the check by 10 or more can make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to tell wha t spell is being cast during a given round. Th e ark is pict ured in the ill ustration handouts. Show the illustration when the pes see the ilrl;: in its assembled stare,
When the pe s en te r the room, read:
Three femal e gllolls ill thIS room Sllarl at yOIl as you enter, their flails alld shields at th e ready. Behind them, Ilext to the Ilorthen! wall, isa ca rved wooden platform that has long wooden halldles. If the gn olls h ad time to dismantle the ar/" read:
An iron framework has been built atop the platform. .:. If the gnolls d id n' t disman tl e the arh , re ad:
All iron framework has been blllit atop the platform, alld fro m it many distellded , slmmlu n heads hang. Theydumt in IIlli soll:speaking in a language yOIl don't uuderstand. Suspe nded ill midair above the cw ter offra mcwo r/l is the tip of aile of the obelisks you've seen througllOut your travels. Ii's floatillg Il psidedown .
GNOll PRIESTESSES MM 130 hp 41 eac h (5 HD) Femal e gn o ll cleri c 3 CE Medium human oid Init +1; Sens es darkvis ion 60 ft. ; List en +6, Sp ot +5 Language s Gn o ll
CR 3
AC 18, to uc h 11, f lat-footed 17 Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +6 Speed 30 ft . (6 squ a res) Melee mwk flail +7 (l d 8+3) Base Atk +3; Grp +6 Special Action s re buke unde ad l j day (- 2, 2d6+1, 3rd ), s po nt aneous cas ting (infl ict spe lls) Combat Gear Priestess 1: wand ofcure light wounds (9 ch arges) Priestess 2: sc roll o f hold person (DC 15) Priestess 3: sc ro ll of spiritual weapon Cleric Spells Prepared [Cl, 3rd ; 4t h wit h ev il s pe lls) :
2nd- bear's endurance, bull'sstrength, invisibilit yD 1st-divinefavor, doom (DC 14) , protectionf rom good D• shield of faith O- cure minor wounds (4) D: Do ma in s pe ll. Dom a ins: Evil. Tricker y Abilities Str 17, Dex 12, Co n 16 , Int 8 , Wis 16, Cha 6 Feats Co m ba t Casti ng, Mart ial Weap on Profi ciency (flail ) Skills Co ncent ratio n +6 (+10 ca s tin g defen s ively), l iste n +6, Spot +5 Posse ssion s co m bat gear plu s +1 studded fe ather armor, heavy wooden s hie ld, m as te rwo rk fl ail, Siaug hterga rde m eda llion (eye)
TACTICS Once the priestesses are done disman tli ng the Ar/; of the' Resurgent M Ol/lllniH, rhey cast some preparatory spells on themselves. , Ro und 1: silIcld offai t" . Round 2: Divilll' fa vor. Round 3: Benr's endurallce, Rou n d 4: Bull's strcnglil. \X!h en they fight the pe s, the two priestesses th at have scrolls quick ly use them. One priestess target s a-heavi ly ar med and armo red foe with Jwld prrscu, wh ile d;c oth er targets an archer or spellcaster with spiritlla l IVcapOl: (a fla(1). Each pr iestess also Gists doo1ll on a d ifferent opponent. Th en they enter me lee, but th e priestess that has the Ivand of {IIrc liglllwOlHlds keep s it handy to heal herself an d her comrades.
The priestesses stay near (he ilrl, at all t imes. If the PCs look lik e they're gett ing the upper hand, tw o cast invisibility on th em selves, while th e th ird casts i/lvisibilily on the Il rr.. The invisible gnolls pick up th e ad, a nd ru n down the stairs toward th e northwester n elevator to A4. If th ey make it, they flee to A19 with the ad,. Th ey stay in A19 if th ey make it,but Cash karr sends th e mezzoloth to kill the in truders. Covering their retreat as best she can , th e th ird priestess fights defensively (- 4 pen alty on attac k rolls, +2 to AC). She tries to block easy access to th e dem on arch.
..: .
Rom !
a (il.n ~L'll demo n. Ey,,-'s
i ll th e facL' d (lw rCll-'l r'l ll~l" anJ a dallIe r 5IVir l i t1~ dark vio let ctl(' rg~ fill ", the Illm:th.Till' a;dl 11 <1 :> a tlHl Jera t-e
S lee p St " i re: It l ake ;; 2 l l '1l.; !J " Clllol
11111 5t
mcnl rno re
Sq llil H' :' D r
rc-q ui re s J'l'l.:d~l1i zi ll~ it <1n J a
sllccesslul D C 20 S pell c ra ft
Ili um i ue ti o u: Dem on :m: h (~ I(}w-j n~ eve s]: 2 0 fed lli hridl l illumin ati on ; 2 0 [l'e1 .r :, I~ a aowv~ ill :lln in al ioll . 'D e lll o n A ,·e1I: TIll'arch ove r tIl(' l'a:'- I:~ r ll doorway is can'l"! <1 lHlll Pl't1 l1 WUtll ll f
If a battle occ urs here, th e Ilind and gnolls in A13 hastil y don their armor as descr ibed in tha t enco un teL If they 're still doin g thi s whe n th e battle ends, a DC 5 Listen check is enough to hear t hem . If the battle conti nues [or mor e th an 1 rou nd, th e gn olls in A12 hear it. The pr iestess th ere starts casting prep ara°tory spells as descri bed in Al l's Tactics. If she's still casting when the battle ends, th e PCs m ight hear her th rough the wall by succee di ng on DC 18 Listen chec ks. A chnrnctcr who makes th e chec k by 10 or more can ma ke a Spellcra ft check (DC 15 + spell level) to tell what spell is bein g cast.
Llr k
Til", roo m ba :;c til e f{l lll;,,' in~ fctl l Llre ~ .
l u [,lok Iike t he fa ce
If lhe pes w is h lo Jc;; tro\' tile Lnk, il hil i' 11.1fd ll ~ ;>s 10 ,1m! 200 h p . It cnn a lw bl' l! l. ~tr:lyeJ by ;> l1lil s!J in ~ Ill(' hea d;; (auIom e tic wit h a ny blow) il nJ till' olJl' l i= l~ p iece (11 a nl l1e;; ~ 8 , ..1-0 l1p ) , Ll, .win g t1l(' fr,11l1l' Wl)],k, 11 0\ \'evef ,
tl1l' Lnk
leavei' th e po ,,::ibilit y
bein ¢ l'l'lmilt.
movcrnc n t Lo <1::'Cl'l \l1
re. C rcalu res r uu tl i ll ~ or c h il r~i n g J o w n s t ccp s tairs
:; ucceed on ,1 DC 10 H
th at m ovement. Th e DC o f Tum hle cllCCb~ in cre nscs by 5 a + I IH 'llLb ()ll lllelee al b ck roll"
,)~niitz i'sll conju ~ tl H..' ark fur wll<1t it is requi res a s llccl,;;:.J u l Jeh.I\.l'c .- rminc rat ion) . DC 25 Spl,IL.:r,l fl clll~c k if i t '~ J.::'i'elil bled, o r il DC 30 Sp ell crcl{ t ... 11I.",J if il ':, J i:,a":'l'lll bica. 1\ l'<1 s "e mIJli]1 ~ till'
..... .. - ..
O "l' SI] U<1l'l'
o~ •
En cou nter Level 7
CR 7
MM 247 hp 106 (8 HD); Regen er ation S
SETUP The pes can hear the foundry from quit e a 'dista nce . Describe th e sounds to th e players as th e cha racte rs de scend the stairs toward the doors here . A tro ll mer cenary (1'), one of Cashkarr's favorite servants, guards the fou nd ry against anyon e bu t O rcha rix or Cashkarl'. Sharp-eyed , the troll also relie s on scent to iden ti fy intruders. No ise [rom th e foundry incre ases the DC of any Listen check the troll has to make by to, so she's un likel y to hear ste alt hy PCs. I f th e PCs ca rry lig h t, how ever, [h e
tro ll be come s suspicious (she kn ows the other membe rs of her gro up can See in the da rk) but waits to see if it's a patrol. She notices if the doors to the fou nd ry open .
Fema le troll fighter 2 C E La rge giant Init + 4; Senses d ark visio n 60 f t. , lo w-light vis io n, s ce nt ; List e n +0, 5 pot +9 Lan gu a ge s G ia nt , Gn o ll
HD 8 AC 23, to uc h 12, flat-foo ted 20
Fort +16. Ref +6. Will +2 Speed 20 ft. in breast plate (4 sq ua res) , bas e speed 30 ft. Me lee +1 greatsword +16/+11 (3d6+14/ 19-20) and bite +13 (ld6+4) o r Me le e 2 claw s +14 each (ld6+9 plu s rend) an d
bite +13 (ld 6+4) Ranged mw k com pos ite longbow +10 (2d6+9/ x3 ) Sp ace 10 ft.; Rea ch 10 ft. Base Atk + 6; Grp +19 At k Opti ons Clea ve , Pow er Att a ck, re nd
D ERIW CO:,\VE"SATI O:,\ S ta r t i ll~ 0 11 th e ro u lld 'l fter lite derro bar tIle J o,Jr, u., PCs be gin
11~~il rin~ tilt;'
m ati tl w
the ,,::I1.1r,1(,:tcr,:: are ru cank Lo lleilr- tlll' J e r r o ,lL"L' ye ll i ng. A Il i ~h , ~que'l k y vo ice work" \,'ell for L1le J erro , but fo llow yo u r o w n sense o f d a r k c omedy . 1 [ere is a ':: ol l1l p le co nv c rs e tion.
-o t,
Abilities 5t r 28 , De x 18 , Can 26 , Int 4 , Wis 10 , Ch a 6 Fe at s Cleave", Mu lt ia ttack , Power Attack ", Wea pon Fo c us (bite), Wea pon Fo c us (g reats word )
Skills Liste n +0, Speak Lan guage (Gnoll), Spot +9 Poss e s s ion s + 1 breastplate, +1 greatsword, m aste rwork co mposi te longbow (+9 St r bo nu s), Heward's handy haversack, 5 1aughtergarde me da llio n (eye ), 75 g p Reg en erati on (Ex) Fire an d acid d e a l no rma l da m a ge to a tro ll. Rend (Ex) If t he t ro ll me rce na ry hits wit h bo th claw att acks , s he latches o n a nd te a rs flesh , dealin g a n ex t ra 2d6+14 po int s of damage.
I tllink "Iw'" ce tinc 5(l llll'OIlL' ~"
"Fi vc go ld 0 11 th e t roll! ~ "Yo u're a azy! I t Lin k ", Lt' ju:>tlo st a li Ill L ~ " UT h ey 'rc ::, t ill f i g ll l i ll ~ o u t t1h.'re !" "If t hey heilt lwf' "llOulJ we let tlle lll i n ~( " "o f co u r se , hut u n l" i f tl w v kll tH:k ."
"Te n ~o l J 011 t he in t rud ers'! An v t'lkef s ! ~ "Th at\ wor-se t11 iln vou r fir st {Jfc r.~ ~ S he' ll win if "Iw j n c sn' l ~e l distracted by ea t i n g Iler k;ii,: ,: "l l"y, yo u! '( OLI o u t 1-]lerL'! I-lavin g f u n ~cl l i n g tw ll('tl o ve r? ~ ~ I s l!ta l tLe tro l1 screo ruiu g. o r o ne o f them? " "\\711l1'!:, d l' a ll ill ~ li p all tl1l.' "lllOJ? Nt)! .il! " "Sl1C'1I clL'a n it lip .. , well, s o rt of." Fe el frc e to i nv en t vour own J ia loiillc, o f cour sc. NO ll sequi t ur is just f in ...: fllr aJ- libbing=-t hc J {~ r ro art..' n uts . If 111e P C ,:: str ike lip il co uver sotion witll t Ile J crr o {Iuf ing 01'
"' ith il series of b i ~ h -p i lcL l'd il 1ltII'(' ceJ ill ~ g i ~ ~ l es f rolll ti l "': derro, followeJ b~, ominous sile ll..:e.
A DC 23 Listen check is sufficien t ro hear th e tro ll's ' heavy breath ing from around the corne r.over the foundry's mach inery. If pe s peek arou nd th e corner, pit th eir H ide checks agai nst th e troll's Spot check. The troll att acks a nyon e t h at d oesn't look like par t of the gn a l! b an d , but
it's possible to sur prise her. When the pes h e a r the fou n dry, r ea d:
You hear loud clanking and a sound li/w the': rhythmicand rapid brea thing ofsome IltIgcIieast.
When t h e pes round the corner, read :
that has gree n skin stands in frollt of fO ll r copper doo rs at the end of this wide hallway. s he has a great sword as tall as a mall ill her cl awed hands, and she's wearing a shining brea stplate. The sounds ' yo u've beet! hearing co me fro m beyolld the doors. A thin , wir y giant
.;.' -
Because the troll has regeneration , track lethal damage (fire and acid) separa tely' non lethal damage (everyt h ing else). She goes down when he r total damage exceeds her hit points. • She loves to maximi ze her Power Arrack, and she's dum b en ough to do so against heavily armored foes. If she m isses thre e ti mes in a row with that tact ic, t hough , she gives up an d m akes regu lar attacks. Th e tro ll Iighrs until slain. She th ink s she can bounce back f rom any thing th e pe s can dish alit.
CONCLUSION If a batt le occurs here, th e derro in A1 6 m ight hear it (Listen DC 5; Listen +1 ). If they do, they bar th e door s on ini tiative cou nt 0 du ri ng the next round. Then th ey start yell ing (see th e sidebar). If you real ly wan t to play out the derr o conversatio n detail ed in the sidebar, ins tead of rolling their l isten checks, just assu me the derro hear the bat tle.
OF T il E Rom l
Ti le room h a ~ l he fo l1 owill ~ feat u res. Illumillati on : F ire bed '!l' ca gl'; 10 fl'clofh rig ll t ill u m in etion : 10 red of Sll'l J t)\\'Y ill u mi na lio l1. The gia n l fir e beetl e is al ive (AiM 28 6) iJnJ llo.:: il l!. . Smo l"c S tai lJ5: A DC 15 S pot c1H.,d.. is :m Hicil' n t to l hal tile up p er m o s t few feet o f thl' co r r iJ o r wa ll:;: are J in gil'r lklll el:"l.'wlll,'re . A DC 10 S e<11'c11 c11cck ll1a.J e fr ulIl a O'quare alljace nl lo I he a po rO' revea lO' l h e presen ce o f ~O t.l ~ and ,;m oke s t n in s o n t h e rna son r v. BUl'IIi s.hc(1 C O P P~I' Door:;:: H a rJn c';5 5 ; 60 11 P ea.:k O pell wes t warJ; ve rt ica l llil llJ le:" o n Loll, sille 5 o f ho tl1 J oo rs 11 ("<11' wlw re tlleYm ee t. TIll' doo rs <11'1.' l·lusl' J hut un loc kl'll; lh e y h ave I W laldl o r loc k , hu t t he y mi gll t be ll mo be e m c J'g i n ~ fr o m ti le \:.'rack s IJetween ami ilrnllllll ;tllc (100 1';;'. A P C who Il
tu ud " Steep S t a i rs : Il lak \.' :" 2 squares \If m o vem e nt to as ce nd l'ilCh :"tj U<1l"l'. C rcat llrc~ r unn in g o r ch a rging down ste ep st ain must :> ucceed o n a DC 1 (1 Ba la n ce CllCCk, cn Ji ng lhcir mo vem cnt la2 x 5 fl.' l'll 'l ler if d H'V filiI. T lw:;:e tllilt filiI i . 5 ( 1 1' m o re fa ll pro ne
Encounter Level 6
D ERR O A RT ISAN S M M49 hp 21 each (4 H D)
CR 3
M ale der ro expert 1 CE Small m onstrous hum anoid lnit +6 ; Senses darkvision 60 ft .; Listen +1, Spot-3 Languages Com mon
Cash ka r r hir ed dena artisans-a min or m istal{c on h is part- to creare a replacement for the missi ng sig il on the gate in A19. The dcrro (D) havejust recently finished a sigil based on the designs show n in the Tome oIs ll1l1gtltc rganle, but the y haven't lefr the com plex. Instead, they're romping aro un d the found ry, unaware the fire eleme n tal that has powered the machinery for many lonely cen ruries has taken a liking to them.
AC 18, tou c h 13, f lat-footed 16 Im mune
confusio n, insanity
SR 1s Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +8 W eakness vulnerability to sunlight (1 Con/hou r)
Spe e d 20 ft. (4 squares ) Me lee sho rt sword +4 (ld4jl9-20)
If the derr o hearda battle in AI5 , they barred the doors
and taun ted the pe s. The n they hid . The pe s mu st beat down the door. Wh en you call for in itiative chec ks, remember that the bellows move on initiative co unts 10 an d 5, and the crane and cruc ible move on initi ative co un t O. Make thi s movement clear to the players so the y can tim e th ei r characters' actions appropriately,
Ranged re peating crossbow +6 (l d6fl 9-2 0 plus poiso n)
Bas e At k +3 ; Grp - 1 Atk Op tions Blind- Fight , poison (green blood oil; Fort
DC 13, 1 Conjl d 2 Co n), sneak attack +ld6 Spe ll. Like Abilities (Cl 3rd):
will-da rkness, ghost sound 1/day- daze, sound burst Abilit ies Str 11, Dex 14, Co n 13, Int 10 , Wis 5, Cha 16 At
SQ mad ness (use Charisma bonus on W ill saves) Feats Blind- Fight, Improved Initiative
When the PCs ope n t he do or s, rea d:
Skills Bluff +6 , Craft (,,) +6 , H ide +12, List e n +1, Move Silent ly +9, Spo t c- S * One de rro has Craft (armo rsm ithi ng), anot her Craft (mas o n ry), a nd the other Craft (b lacksmithing)
This IlLIge foulla ry is lit by the orange glow of the molle n nwterialthat must beco ntaillea in two rail-lillea pits cel1 te rea along the l1or!hem ana southern waHs. To eitherside of II,e doors Clre immel1 sefurnaces with attach ed bellows thai slowly compress, Ihm spril1g upward with great force. 011 thefar ena ofthe room are Iwo dnmJshaped (YIlcibl es. Above yO Il is a cmne that is slowly dippil1g an attachea bucker il1to the llorthem pit. A massive allvi! itl the cell terof the roo m appea rs to lwve a sronc atop it. .:.
Possessions m asterwork studde d leathe r armo r, short swo rd, repeat ing light crossbow w ith 5 poisoned bolts,
25 gp
Unders tand ing how the fou ndry works , the den a try lure pe s (o r bull rush Small opponent s, PI-l 154) in to , pos itions where they win d up catapu lted by the bell ows or covere d in magm a poured [rom a cruc ible. Da r/mess is their friend in-this too. pe s might in advertently m aneuver in to a dan gerous area in the dark Derro that are hard pressed might risk being catapulted by the bellows in hope s of grabbing onto the crane . See Furnaces and Bellows in the Featu res of the Room . W hile p lay ing' out th e combat, ad-lib th e d e rro's d ark hum or, even at their ow n m isfortu ne, Continue Jiang the lines of th e co nversation that occ urred in Al S. . to
Wh en th e pes see the d er ro, read:
Three blue dwarf1il~ e creatures arc here, each aiming a crossbo w al yo u.
TACTICS Th e der ro open w ith soulld bll·rst.They then move within 30 feet of nat-footed or stun ned foes and shoo t their crossbows as ranged sneak attacks. Avoidi ng melee as long as possible, the crazed creatures con tinue shooting poi soned bolts, If a derro is caught in mele e, another joins hi m so they can flank their foes and m ake sneak attack s. If pressed , they cast dar/mess on their swords and rely on Blind-Fight to let thein reroll the assoc iated 20% mi ss chance.
If on ly orie dena .rem ains co nscious, the en tire chamber starts to quake. Go to encou nter Al 7,
t o gr a b th e crane a,:: it c..u n e,; 'l loll~ th .:- tra ck. T llO:,e \\ ,110 fail fall int o 111l' m agm a pit 70 [cd Ilelow (7,,16 point;: of Jallla~c). Imt t:l1O ,< l' wi", ;:ucccctl can a tte m pt t o cl im b ,;afely onto th c
F E ,\T U I~ ES O F '1' 111: Roml TIll..' room 11 <1 5 tile io l1 l) \\' i ll ~ flla lul"l' '' . r lluill ill illi o n : G low in g'magma; the lII i1g llla pit;: pr o viJ e br id,l ill umina tio n t],roudlOut t1,i ; : room.
Ccilinli: TIll' o.:c i li l1 ~ Ilt.:I'(,
50 leetl,id,.
c rn uc.
B lll" n is I H~t1 CO P PCI'" 1)"01°:;;: Sec A 15 . ' Two iron bar;;: arc e it lw r I Ci1 l1 i ll ~ il~<1in :'1 th e \\'.111\ 0 th e .': lh'rtl l lIw Jno r:: (if the J e tTo <,;c l~ll<1W<1rC ) Of threaJed du ougl, tbe l,anJ lc:' (i f the d l~rr(lIH'i1nl ,1 rid,l in A 15). It ta l~C'" a 1lI 0\'C act io n to p ick up a h ill' and <111:;(her I t 1 lhn..'illl
t il'.' k'f
t1'fOUgl, ll,l' handles. If t ill' ([' Ill!" ;;: arc hil rre,!, it take:'-
a DC 3 0 Slrcn gtl, c11ccl~ to hrcak the hilr .l lltl llJll'll tl H.' lll . j\l.,gm il Pit s: The r~l i li ll g li ning , I,c,o c pit s ie iron, amI it p rovi des a +-+ circurn s lan cc h ll ll U ::" on ti, e Slrl'lldh c he c k h) re sis t bein g bll lll"l I"llcJ i nt o a pit (Pll154) . The-rail in ~ i;:II'l Il a r l1l l'cl by ,;lI111C One hein.: bull rll,;ll d l o ver it. . Fil l1ill~ in to onc o f t1H.: ;:<.' pit s Jca l" 2 J () poin !s of J<1Jl1a ~e fw m till.' 2o -foo l [all. C rl'~Lnrc ;: dlilt mefel v ll lllch tile l11
~ lo\'i llg th rl1ugh till.' ma cmo req ui rei' a DC ] 0 S wi m <.: IH:'0..:1 . C l im b ing h<1 e k lip to till.' [,mnd r y ta ke,: a DC 15 C lim b dll,d~ ". F urn a (." l.'a mi Bellow:::: TIll' ex le r io r o f L IH~ ,;e [urna Cl';; nrc pai n flill y Iwt t ll the Lou ch, (Icali 11 £ 1..1 6 point,: of fire J a nhl~l" To th e (' ,I" t o f tlHo' flll'll
clJ lIl prl' ~sed,
Frl lm till' cruru-, a DC IS Climh . :- hec k is ;:u H icie n t lo clam ber to til(' elHI. Dni n~ ':in gives t l1(' c1 imll er t ile opporl uni ty to jump to ;;a fc-t y wlll' n th e c l" a ne\' bu cket I l)\\'l~ r ;: to omp t y illt n <1 crucillle, 'A Ilv i I: Ti le mussivc al1v illlil,. u po n it a c1ll1nk o f st o ne t11i1( ha~ iI ::, i lve r ;:igi l on it- a repla cem en t par! fo r t lw d <1mil ~ l,J ~ al l' i n A19, T bt' 10-IWUl1 J " i~i ] ha;:a st roncaure if \'ie well using elekcf 1/1l19 ic ( DC 2 1 S lwll cra ft c1H~ ck t o t1 d efml lll' il '~ couju rntio n}. T he si f:il ha i' ll a rd nc ,;,: 10 a n d
-10 I' lL . C l'illle O11\(\ C r u c ib le,:: : Ove rhe ad in tll i;: ro om i s a cran e witl l almcket 111 at ..lip;: into till' macm n and f ills tlw c ru cib le,: in Lhe wes te r n part "f t ile room . Wi lle n f u ll , L IH:~ cruci bll's t il·:; ove r to Jump m agm a h acl~ in to till' ruogmo pit. The c rnnc ro!1ow5c sct pal l ern , a lwa y,; movin g o n init ia t ive co un t 0 , Ne7l/llJ I: C ra nc dUl11 ps ma gma i n to northe rn cru cible. NlYlIllJ 2: C ra ne "lu m p;: ma gma int o nll rth..:-rn c r uc ible, ReJ1IIIJ 3 : Nn r t11er n . :- n Kil,lc ti p ,: o ve r, dumping magma ha ck in to pit , C ra nc ;:Ilifl ,< to sout h er n "iJL' o f roOI11, C r uc ib le ri gllts it ;:L,If . NO/Ill} ·1: C ra ne dumps mo gm o in to so ut h ef n c r uc ible. Nl7/IIlJ 5: Cranc Jump,;: magm il illt n ::,outIH.'rn crul: ib le , NOllllelo: So ut he r n cr ucibl e t ip::, o ver , (lu mpi n g llIagm ,l iJ,ll-k inl o pit, C ra llL' ;:Ilift s (~llhlrlh efll ;:id c ,A m om . C r ul:ible r igllt ,: ilse l i. "I:" AllY .... re~ t llre i'tJ.n"li ng betw ee n th e LC ~ lI ~-i l) lc anJ t he pit wllell it ..lump,: lake ;: Sd6 pu inb o f f i re J i1l11a ~l' from t ]w ma gma
1" (-1=+~~~~=~S~E~J~~~~~lr~:L:;:::;::~::-"':'71
~ "X ~"". I
~rab ~~~~;:~~~~:'::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j 5
ch . TkIIO,;e fort te e15 n<.llhtl l to tileectrkac lll U,.tu nma k euanaDC R~efl e x ~ ave
lI e Stlllar\.,
{<.' cl
Encoun ter Level 7
When t h e shak ing stops, read:
SETUP Th e shaking that started dur ing encounter A16 conti nues into a seco nd rou nd . At th e start of t he th ird round , everyone in the room must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterit y check or fall prone, and throughout that round , spellcasters must succeed on Co ncentra tion chec ks (DC 20 + spell level) to cast a spell successfully. At the start of the fourth ro und, th e shak ing stops , th e machinery halts, the magm a starts to rise, and a Hu ge fire elemental emerge s from the magma . Th e fire eleme ntal (F) arises from the magma in the northern pit and imme diately starts climbing th e wall there. Roll initiative for it at tha t point. The magma in the magma pits starts to rise at th e be ginning of th is encounter. O n init iative cou nt 0, th e magma rises 2 feet. That means that at th e end of the elevent h round , magma covers th e floor of A16 and spi lls out into A15. To avoid taki ng damage from the magm a (see M agma Pits in the Features of the Room), the pe s mu st reach the stairs southeast of A15 by then . Anyone adjacent to a pit sees th at the magma has ri sen. O the rs know on ly th ar rhe light in th e roo m is becom in g bri ghter, and it's no r ju st the fire elem ental.
The bellows stopco mpressingand the cra lle halts. With a blast offlame, a 3D-foo t beillg of liuillg fire emerges fram the no rthem magma pit. It begins to clamber alit, bellowillg in a cracnlillg hiss, "Karna chaall ! Tlml fl ail nar na clwan!" (Anyone who speaks Ignan understands th is as, "M y tiny fr ien ds ! You killed m y ti ny fri ends!")
., ._
rt takes at least a standard action and a move acti on for the
fire elem ent al ro make two DC 15Climb checks to climb out of the magma pit (losing its Dexte rity bonu s to AC as it does so). On ce our of the pit, the eleme ntal moves to where it has as many foes as possible within its prodi giou s reach . Using Combat Reflexes, it can make up to eigh t attacks of op port uni ty per round, wh ich it uses pr im arily agains t foes th at try to close for melee combat. The elemen tal uses Dodge against whoever dealt it the largest amou nt ofdamage with a ranged or melee attack in the previous round. Tr uses Spri ng Attack to move toward th e closest enemy, attac k, and move again to keep its foes at reach . \Vith thi s tech n ique, it doesn't provoke attacks ofoppor tu nity from the opponen t it attacks, and Mobility gives it a +4 bon us ro AC agains t
15-foot-high hallways. .:
A c rea tu re lh at ca k lte ::. o n fi re from til(' ele m en liJ J'; atl 'h:LB ta ke!:' Id6 poi nts o f fir e d a l1l.J. ~c i tll llH'Ji nl cl y itl llJ h llr ll S fn r lip t o IJ 4 m u m l::. Eadl s u bse q uen t w n n J, d w b ll r l1ill ~ c re a t u re rnn st i:>uceeeJ (1 11 <1JlOtl ler D C 2 2R.efl e x S.J.\'C o r bl~e a n lJ l her 1,16 po i nt s o f [i re Jall1 :>. tu can s l h e fir e coos out, iln d th e c rea t nrc is no lon ge r o n li n,'. Rl,ll i ng (111 the ,;: rolln d to e xt i ngui :>ll t he fi re crouts a c rc e t urc a + 4 h om'[:" on t he sa ve. I f til(' c rea t u re i::, we<1t"ing fLlll 11l1 ilb le c1 (l t h i ll~ or eq u ip men t, a DC 2 2 l\ cfL..-x sa vc is req uired fo r l'iH::!l p i ~ce o f c q uipmcn t . Fa ilu re ind ica te ::: tile cq uipmc ut al::o t.J.L es IJ 6 poin t s o f fir e J alllage (llivi,leJ by 2 he f()r~ a pply i n g tlu' o bject ',,: h a nJ n l'::s ).
HUGE FIRE ELE MENTAL MM 98 hp 136 (16 H D); DR 5/-
CR 7
N Huge eleme nta l (fire) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft. ; Listen +11, Sp ot +12
Languages Ignan AC 19, to uch 15, f lat-footed 12; Dod ge, Mo bility Immune fi re
Fort +9, Ref +17, Will +7 Weak ness vu lne ra bility to co ld (+50% dam age) Sp eed 60 ft . (12 sq ua res) ; Spr ing Attack Me lee 2 slam s +17 (2d8 +4 pl us 2d8 f ire plus bu rn) Space 15 ft. ; Reac h 15 ft. Bas e Atk +12; Grp +24 At k Opt ions b u rn , Co m bat Reflexes
AbilCha iti es11 St r 18, Dex 25, Con 18 , Int 6, W is 11 , SQ eleme nt al t raits (MM 308) Feat s Alertne s s, Co mba t Reflexes , Do dge, Im p roved Ini tia tiv e", Iro n W ill, M ob ility , Spri ng Att ack, Weap on
Finesse" Skills Climb + 4, Listen +11, Spot +1 2
Burn (Ex) Those who st rike the elemen tal with nat ural wea po ns o r un a rm ed attac ks t ake 2d 8 points of flre dam age and might catch fire as if st ruck by a sla m. Thos e s t ruck by a sla m m us t succeed on a DC 22 Re flex s ave o r catch fire (see the Catch ing o n Fire s ide bar) .
CONCLUSION If th e pe s destroy th e fire elernenral, th en th e magma imm ediately starts to recede at a rate of 2 feet per roun d. Over the course of several hou rs it all see ps away, leaving two pits several h undred feet deep with a jumb le of ro ck at the bot tom. If th e magm a rises to the point where it spills on to the foundr y floor, then it stops rising. After 24 hours, it recedes at th e rate of 2 feet per hour u ntil it ret urn s to its original
level, 20 feet below the fl oor of the foundry.
Th e roorn l, a ~ t he ft,lI O\\' ill~ fC<1 lu re ~ . Il lu llli nat ion : Glow i ng'm agm a ; lhc 1l1 <1~ tJ1,l pil.s provi de lHigh t ill ull1inat i,}ll tluoll g holl t t h is room . Ce i l i n~: Tl, L' cc i li n ~ 11l;'rc is 50 leet h igl,.
B urni : IJCd C o pper DoOl"s: Se(' Al5 an d A 16 . j\1.1¢lIla P it ,;: Fa llin~ int o ,HlC pf tI, e ,;; ,-' pit s J ea ls 2 J 6 p oin t s of d.unecc from l]w 2 o-fo o l fa l l. C r0" l u r0s t1,al merelv t ou ch t], e ma~ ll1 <1 l'l ke 2c1 6 1h )jn b: o f fire d a tll a ~ e .
Inllll;r"etl cre<1turt'~ take 20tl6 poinl:':M fi~·t.'
tLl l1l'l ge 1; ('r
ro u ntl. Dameqc frolll 111 a ~ t1ltl contin ues for I l13 ro u nd s afh'l" 0x po sure c ('a ~e;': 1 bu l lb i; dama ge is o n ly I tl6 poi n ts o f fi re J a m a ge pel' 1"011 url (fo r a tOllch ) or I ocl6 po in t s llf fire tlalllag e per round (fo r im m crs ion}. ; . . . l ov in g l1n ougl, LI, t' 1l1i1~ l11a rcqui rcs a DC 10 Swi m
check. (' l i11l11 ill ~ hack up to LIlt' f'lU ndr y take,:: DC 15 Clim b d1ecl~::,. C rl',ll urt'':: wit ho ul a di mlJ s peed dim }) at qua r l c r :,pl'ptl- llaH ,::peeL! if LI leY a ccept a - 5 pena ll y on th e Clim b
dwck. a nd B,,-, llows: 'l' llC furna ce ::: sto p fun clioning c,>L,I off on cc d le elemental emerges. The bellow"
F II I"I1<1"-' l '
IOlll1t.' l". m o ve.
A Il~'i l : Tile
mass ive 'l\1vil ll<1 :i u pon it a c h u n k
urston e
tiM! (,a;:a ;:ilver sigil ~1l1 it - a replace men t pa d fo r Ih e J a rn-
a g"L! ~tlte in J\ 19. Th e l O- po ll ntl ;,:i ~ i l h a;: a 5lro ug ,1111'a if vi,' wetl u "ing J et.:cf IIl<1gic (DC 2 1 Spe lL,::ra[ llo J cl er mi llt, il's co njurat iou}. T hc ."i gil has ],a]"(ll1e;:;: 10 ilnJ 4 0 h p. Cr
mi g1, t :- t ill JI,WC m agma in it.
AE Encounter Level 7
SETUP Descr ibe the area, and let the cha racters do wha t they will.
When the pes look around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, read :
Directly ill froll t of yo II is a pool ofwater tllat stretcf/es beyolld til e crllmbling wall to the northwest. Sagging timbers brace the ceiling. Across tile pool isa bealltifll I woman in pllrple robes. She's standing next to a fire beetlecage. Behind her, to the cast, arcfOll r copper doors. "If yo II got tllisfar, yOll mll st be capable," slie says. "[ need capable allies." .
UNMASKING THE SUCCUBUS Luur azh i (5) is pre tending to be a sorceress who used "illusion magic " to sneak down th is far be cause she heard of a "gate of grea t pow er." T he pes have ways to learn th e tr ut h, th ou gh . • s he has ,1 strong evil au ra if viewed usin g detat evil. • A Spot check tha t beats Laur az.hi's Disgu ise chec k lets a PC k now she isn't hu man , bu t no more. Laurazh i take s a . - 2 pena lty on the Disg u ise chec k because she's di sguised as a differen t race. • s he ca n't actua lly cast spells. An obse r ver who beat s Laurazhi's Bluffcheck with a Spellcraft check (both checks made sec retly by you) knows t he succubus is faking her spe llcasti ng . If found out, Laura zhi adm its to being a demon. she says she "on ly wa nts ro return to the Abyss and 'couldn't care less abou t petty sq uabbles among childish morta ls." "
NEGOTIATION Laura zhi's prima ry goal is to get back to the Abyss. She's close, b ut Cas hkarr hJ Sint imnred th at she's going to have to "ear n" her wny back ho me: She's a demon in distress. Enter the PCs. They're capable of taking down th e g nolls and getti ng th e ad.,tome, and sigil required to reopen the gate. On the other hand , if Cas hkarr defeats the PCs , lau~ razh i wants cre dit for luring th em int o a tr ap. So Lau{'azh i is unsu re how mu ch help she sh ou ld pro vide. The PCs' negotiat ion s can sw ing he r atti tud e.
A Starting Att it u de: Ind iff erent. Modifiers: PCs have th e Ariz of tht' Rt'Slirgl.'llt Al01111 taln (+2); PCs have a sigil (+4); PCs look badly wounde dt-c): a PC is obviou sly a cler ic or paladin of a good deit y (- 2); a PC is obviously a cleric or paladin of a lawful deity (-4). If Unfriendly (l o r lower):"What you seek lies beyond the door. Do not tarry, lest th ey pr ep are for yo ur arrival." laura zhi says what ever it tak es to get the PCs past th e doors. Then she t urn s on the pe s when th ey app ea r vu lnerab le. If Indifferent (2- 14):.':The gate is restle ss now wi th the gnoll warchtef's meddlin g. Defeat the gua rdian and the war chicf and it's yours to do with wha t you wi ll." Laurnzlu tries to avoid antagon izing the PCs. O nce they enter A19, she stays out of the fight u ntil it's clear who's going to win. Then she joins the wi nning side. I f Friendly (15-29): "The gnoH and h is me zzolot h minion can manipu late rhe gare, bu t the y cu rren tly lack two items required to ope n it." Laum zhi br iefly explains how th e gate works with relation to th e A rI~ off ill.' Remrgcllt MOl/H tain and the m issing sigil (see l n racr Gate in A19's Feat ure s o'f the Room), but she leaves q~1t how t he ] oll1e of Slallgliterganle controls the gare. s he figh ts alongside the pes again st the mezz olo th and Cashkarr, and she tries to gr ab th e Tome of S/a ughtcrga rde fro m Cashkan- if she gets a ch an ce. If Helpful (30 or more): As frien dly, except t hat l aurazlu 3 150 expla in s that th e ToIII eof Slal/glJtt'rganle con tro ls the gate (but not how). After a battle again st the mezzoloth and Cashkarr in whi ch the pe s are victorious, sh e help s place th e sigil and th e {I r1~, and she volunteers to use the ' lome to close th e gate. She closes it all rig ht-from the oth er side, aft er she has absconded w ith the lome.
TACTICS Laura zh i k now s rha r a stand-up fight isn't her forre , so she avoids me lee. EJ IJerc(d Jaullt and greater teleport let her put di stance be twee n herself and her foes, and c/tarm mOlls ter and sugges tioll can get o the rs to fight on her be half:
CR 7
MM 47
hp 33 (6 HD); DR 10/cold iron or good CE Med ium outsi de r (chaot ic, extrap lana r, evil, ta nar 'ri) Jnit +1; Sen ses da rkvision 60 ft.: Listen +19, Spot +19 La ng uage s Abyssal, te lepathy 100 ft ., to ng ues AC 20, touch 11 , flat-foo ted 19; Dodge, Mobility Immune electric ity, po ison Resist acid 10, co ld 10, f ire 10; SR 18 Fort +6, Ref +6 , Will +7
Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uares), fly so ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +7 each (ld6+1) or Melee to uch +7 (sta rts gra pple to energy drain) Base Atk +6; Grp +7 Atk Option s aligned strike, energy dr ai n Special Act ion s sum mo n t anar'r i
Spe ll-Like Abilities (CL 12th): At will-cha rm monster (DC 22), detect good, detect thoughts (DC 20), etherealjount (self plus so lb.), suggestion (DC 21), greaterteleport (self plus so lb.) Abi lit ies Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, W is 14, Cha 26
SQ cha nge sha pe Feats Do dge, M o bilit y, Persuasive
Skills Bluff +19, Concentratio n +1 0, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +17 (+19 act ing), Escape Artist +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (the plane s) +12, Listen +19, Move Silently +10, Searc h +12, Spot +19, Survival +2 (+4 to follow tracks), Use Rop e +1 (+3 to escape bind ings) Aligned Strike (Su) A succu bus's natural attacks and any wea pon it wields are considered chaotic-a ligned and evil-aligned for th e purpose of overco ming damage reduction. Energy Drain (Su) Liv ing creatu res kissed by a succ ubus ga in on e negat ive level. A succubus must grapp le an unwilling ta rget, provoking an attack of opport unity. A DC 21 Fortitude save is requ ired to remove a negativ e level. The kiss also subjects the target to a suggestion to accep t anot her kiss from the succubus . A DC 21 Will save negates this effect. Summon Tanar'ri (Sp) A succubus can summon a vrock (MM 48) once pe r day with a 30% chance of s uccess . The vrock arrives the sa me round and serves for up to anhou r. It canno t use its su mmon 'ability du ring tha t ho ur. This ability is the eq uivalent of a Sed-level sp ell. Change Shape (Su) A succubus can assume the form of any Small or Med ium huma noid. +10 on Disguise checks when using this ability.
F EAT U 1< 1, 5 OF n il: Ro m! T he mom Iw;, tile foll ll\vill ';: fea tu re". Illu lII i n ot ion : Fi rc Ll'e tl e c a~e; I o fect 'I f b ri ~ !J t i llu III iu a ti on ; 10 feel o f ;:Ila tlo wv ilhll ll illa t i'lIl . T ile ~iallt fire bed Ie i" a live (AIM 285) al~J lloci le. " l ~ ll rn i ;; I H." li Co p pe r I) o o r ,;: H anlllL' ;'s 5 ; 60 11P l"1c11. O pe n eas lward ; ve rl ici\l llilndles oll llOl h si des o f IJOtll J nor " m-ar wlll' rl.' lh e)' m cc l . TI le do nI'S a rc c!n" ed hul unl'lck l.'lI ; t1~c v 11a \'e 110 latch o r lllc k. jJo o l: \\'?lt er runnin c d( )\Vll fro ll! A9 Sl'e ps ulld cr gr t.lll nJ attl1 i" poin t, and it h lla lt y o n a t tacks i1 ~ain s t cre al ures l hal are ll' t ,,1,,0 m ostly uIlll"rwatcr TIll' plIo l im pose" a - 2 circu mstc uc c pen a lt y 0 11 :-'lo vc Silently clw cl,;-.:: . TlI lllhli n ~ is il11 pn.:: .:: iblt· wit h in t h e pco ]. I)o .;: l.;:: T imber po st s llOl,l u jl tht' d la l11 LeI" " coilin g, whiell d ill .;:a~ " h) ouly 10 I"l'd ab ov e t-!',· P(hll. A c k n ad l' r c a ll st a nl l in th e samc squate as a post, ,.~il jn inot a +2 b,l11l1 S t o Ar mM C ia:;: :;: allll ,1 + 1 b'HltlS o n Refl ex "a ve" (as if i l wer e ,1 tree , D,\ JG 87). Ea dl pos t is AC -+ , 11 imlnt.·ss 5 , ,llld 75 hr. If o ne post is t1 e"tro)'l" l, ,Iu sl a nd pel,h le,; fa ll fro m t ill.' ce ili ng, am[ ;1IlL' remnini uc t imlll' r;: crl'a k mn i lloll~ ly. I f a :;l'colld po st fJII ", eVl'ry sq ua re ,1 J j<1ce n l tu a mI i llc l l/ J i n ~ a po st i s "u hjed t o a c<1 ve-i 11 (/)1\ 10 6 6 ). TI le room hl'COllle" i mpa :;:sa ble u n t i I it '" du g out . Becill/"e " I' th e r isk o f fulur e cnve- j n s, il ta ke s one p cr;;: {lll all 110U!' to clear " .1..11 S- fllll l: se c t io n of tll c room , [) ,Hlhll> th e d i g ';i ll ~ lirnc if th l" exca va t ors dCIIl' l ha ve pi cles 'l ml :;llovL· I".
.: .
~ < •
En counter Level 6
SETUP Encounters A19 and A20 take place in the same room , but the y're split up because th e pe s must tackle each of th em separately. Th e encou nter begins when th e pe s ope n the doors fro m the we stern corridor. The me zzoloth (.N1)immediately attac ks. The nearly intact gate is pictu red in th e illu stration handouts. Show th e illu stration when the pe s actu ally see the gate. Whe n t he PCs open the doors , r ead :
lipright imectile creature treads tl,e cCllter of this room, wielding a tridel1t with aile of Its two pairs of arms and calTying a large metal shield. In deep alcoves to the nortl, and so uth are immCllse, c1'llmbling gate arches like the ones you saw in the nun s inlwbited by the goblins and the drow. Similar alcoves are set in the northeastern and southeastern corn ers , but yOIl ca n't sec what's ill them.
Tl,e vallited ceiling is at least 100feet high. 11'011 spiral staircases ascel1d to a lit balcol1Y high on the eastern wall. M EZ Z O LO T H CR MM320 1 hp 95 (10 HD ); DR 10/g o od NE Me di u m o ut s id e r (evil, ext ra p lana r, yugol ot h) lnlt +S; Sen s es darkvisio n 60 ft. ; Lis ten +13, Spot +13 Lan gu ages Abys s al, Draco nic, Infe rnal , t ele pat hy 100 ft .
AC 21. to uch 11. fla t-fo oted 20 Immune ac id , po iso n Resi st co ld 10 , electr icity 10, fire 10; SR 22 Fort +12. Ref +8 . Will +7 Sp e ed 40 ft. (8 sq ua res ) Me lee +1 trident +15/+10 (l d8 +4/ 19- 20 ) o r Me lee 2 claws with produce J7ame +13 each (l d4+3 plus 1d 6+5 fire) Ranged +1 trident +13 (l d 8+4fl9 -2 0) o r Ranged produceJ7a me +11 tou ch (1d 6+S fi re) Base Atk +10 ; Gr p +13 Atk Optio ns a ligne d st rike, Powe r Atta ck Specia l Act ions s um mon yugo loth Spell. Like Abilities (Cl l Ot h]: At will -cause fear (DC 13), darkness, desecrate, produce
fl ame, see invisibility 2/day-c1oudkill (DC 17). dispel mogic, greater teleport (Cl 14th , s e lf plus 50 lb.)
US ING T il E TO ~ I E Th e "1 ~mle
4 S/'1II911f~'r9a rJc 11a " c xtcn sivc Iist s th at correlak
wil h il,;h(llo~ y, ilml d\l·lwok is decipherab le Ly ilnyon e wh o cnn f\'a d. Fi lHl i ll~ th e r i ~ llt l'(lln bina tio n
s igi I co m hiu a l io n s
t akes a ,;ucc6s ful DC 2 0 Int clli';:l'IKc c1wck. No CO HSl'qUClhX''; ex ist fllf Lilu re, s o cv en a p Cl'Sl;n o f a vcr a cc (nt ell igen l.'l'.:' a n cvcu t unl ly ( in(llh.... ri gllt corn billat i' lIl. C,1 11 ing out L!H.- sig i I:: req u ires 5 co u scc ut .ivc fnU Il"S of ca re fu l il1lnll ad~);l i (IIll' ;;igil glow", a ft er eac b w uml is co urplctc d . • C u ll i ll~ o ut tIl(' r i ~bl cr. m l)i na t io n witl lOUI th l' o tllCr "'-: 0 I11 IH1I1C I ~t5 rl'b b l'r J o es in t he nex t scene . TI l e con h-n t s the 111all'l'ia lizl'{! A bv5:> fu n ct io n ,1S thl' ht.->z roll in A2 0 J o es, bu l Ga511b rr ju st ~e ts luck y wlll' ll till' Ill'z rou 111 <1le ri a l izl' s. T Ile 1I11 1y co n st cn t is l hat a llY crcn turc (1,1rCC([ t Olllalc r ia lizl' bv tb c in l on aiion is llo t lHl:,-t ilc 10 tile inl on cr ,
Abilit ies Str 16. Dex 12. Ca n 21, Int 7, Wis 10 . Ch a 14 Feats Impro ved Critica l (tr ide nt), Improved In it iat ive , Pow er Att ack , Wea pon Foc us (t rid en t) Skills H id e +12, Intim idate +1S, Kno wled ge (t he plan e s) +11, Liste n +13, Move Silen tly +12, Sp o t +13 Po s s es si on s hea vy steel s hi eld , +1 trident, Sia ughter ga rd e me da llio n (e ye) Alig ne d St rike (Su) A me zzo loth 's na t ura l a tt ac ks an d any wea pon it w ie lds a re co ns ide re d e vil-a lig ned fo r the p u rp o se of over co m ing damage red uc tion . Su m mon Yugo lot h (Sp) A m e zzolo th ca n summo n a no ther m e zzolot h o nce pe r da y with a 40 % chance of success. Th e new m ezzo lot h a rrives t he s a me rou nd an d serves fo r u p to an ho ur. It can not use it s sum mo n ab ility d uring that hou r. Th is a bil ity is t he eq u ivalent o f a 3rd le ve l spe ll.
TACTICS ' Since it's immune to poison , th e mezzoloth centers cloll e/kill on itself first , filli ng a zu-foor-radius sp read ~vi t h gas th at ob scures all sight beyo nd 5 feet and provides conceal~ ment within 5 feet (20% mi ss cha nce). lt 's willin g to tak e the mis s chance beca use th ose within t he cloud tak e t d-t po ints of Constitution dam age (Fort itude DC 17 half). (If a PC is lower than 6th le vel, the save p r e vents death , a n d that ch aracter tak e Id4- poinrs of Constitutio n damage per ro und .) Th e clou d lasts for 10 minute s, an d it moves away
form th e mezzoloth at 10feet per round, but it can't climb stairs or sin k into water. The mezzolorh moves w it h the cloud. If the pe s manage to deal with the clow/kill, the mezzolorh can always use grcll ta trl cporl to get away, th en cast a second cloudkill to repeat th e tactic. If th e rnezzolot h is somehow disarmed or. elects fo thro w its +1 trident, it casts produce flaHl f. It then makes claw attacks or ranged att acks with th at spell. Each time it uses the ranged version, it spends 1 minu te of du ration. Th e mczzolorh can use irs claws without th e ext ra fire damage provided by produCt.' flmnc, but it usually just uses the spell-like ability again as needed . Again st a parry obViously dripp ing with pro tective magic, the mczzoloth uses an area dispel magic (Su-foor radius, Id 20 + 10 against 11 + caster level, elimina te up to one spell per creatu re or object,elirr:inate ongoi ng spells). It saves the other clisl'cl//wg ic in case it hee ds to get rid of some harmful ongoing spell th e pe s cast on it. O nce in t he fight, th e mezzcl orli migh t be foolish eno ugh to try «ruse ft·a;· agains t a I'C. It has to fail J DC 10
r E,\T LJRES O F Til E
T ill' ro om ha " th e fOll l1 Wil1 ~ fealur c;;. ill u m i na t ion : Fil"c lll'l.tL ca~ l' ''; 10 ft-'el o f JJ ri:::,Jlt iJlulll in e tio n : 10 feel of "h.,Jllw v iliumi nat ion . TIll' .-;ia J1 t f ire bc"t l,>;: a rc ali w (,\1M 2 ( 5 ) a niJ'lCil,> . Cc ili n ¢: TI H.~ c~.' i li ng Ilere i s 100 fl'el l, igh, hu t the ceil ing o f th e kllclHly is ,)n ly 10 fCl'lll igll. Btl rll i ~I l(,(1 C o p pe r Doors: S ec A 18. Nea rlv [nfa c t G a le : TIll' gate in th e rwrtl'l' ,l ;:ter n al cove i:m 't as J ~nh1 l:teJ <1 " tilt:'o th er : m e;:, olnJ the g11o \l;: o r- till' PC " m igh t gel i l ~:tH"kil1g . To lIll so: ' , S~ mell lle ntu;:t' re pl a ce tlw m issi ng s i~i l, l'i t lwr widl llle CllPY th e J er ro made in A 16 (1)" wit ll a piece lakl'l1 f wm tIll' ~atl' in T 2-!- . It l al"l':' iI DC 10 C ra ft [ma so n ry] d lt:'c k I II fil till' ~ Iyph into pla Cl' . • r\ "for ce uf ';O(lJ , hlllllHla lHI revt.'r ~eJ ~ 111U::il L(, bro udl t i nt o t l~ e v ici11 ilY till' ~a le. Th is is t be p ur posc o f t ill' A rk vi til<.' R esllr9,-'1I 1 M"ll1ll,l;ll. If l lll' ark i::n't ava ilable, ';:l1oJ-a li-.;ned cle ric o r pala din ca n be bm ug-Ilt, !)i:lI1H1 a n (C~a g~ ed , bt., fn rc t he ';:a k . • Fi nail l', so me o ne Oil ei lher :'i,le or l he ~a t l' mu st ca ll ,):,1 d ll' co ned c" m 6inat in n of ,;i ~ i l " . Tbi ,;com 6in <1 l io n chan¢e s Cllll ,;t ol lltl V, b'ls,J on tIll' il l i~ ll l11e n l" of t ill' st ars. Se c till' ~ i tl e bar 01 1 tlte ·I~ml<.' 0lSla/lgllla9adc. Once til l' ctl ml it io n:, have b" cll mc l
Intelligence check to do so. Th ose who are 6t h level or higher are im mu ne to th e ability. If the mezzolorh has to hi t points or fewer remaining, it casts tll1r1mcss on its shield (u nless it's still concealed by clol/tiki/I) and then uses grcl1 lcr telcporl to get away, It migh t return to Slaugh tergarde larer if you wish.
: ' CONCLUSION On th e thi rd round of t he figh t, Cashkarr begins cha nting while crouching on the balcony. The partia lly intact gate starts to respond . It takes a DC 15 l isten check for someone on the floor of the cha mber to notice the chanting over th e battle. A DC 15 Spot che ck is enough to see baleful flashes from the gare. I \X!h ile Cnsh karr doesn't have the gate work ing, the Tomc of SlatlglJ tcrganle can let him briefly transpose a bit of the Abyss onto the Materia] Plane, That's why he's chanting. He keeps cha nting un til the mezzoloth falls. Encou nter A20 starts when th at happens.
L 17 and T 2 '+. Despit e bein g bro kell, th e ~ <1te :.- Il,wl' fainl aurn s if vil'weJ usin g Jdecl n l<1:1ic (DC 2.+ Sp ell cr a ft e11 ec'" to ,ll'tl'rrn in e ii '" co n ju rat io n ), S pi ra l S ta i I"C <1;;6 : lllakes 2 squares o f moveme n t t o ascend ca d l ,:quare. C reatu re =, nl1l l~ i ll g J llwn tIle sta i r- s m us t succee J rm a D C 10 B alan c ~ check, CI1 (lilllO: t1w i"f m,h "'t-'Illent l J 2 x 5 feellal el" if th ey bi l. Tlw ,;e t lla t L~-i l l)y 5 or m o r e b l1 p ron e 'l ml ta l"l' 1d 6 po i nts o f Jallhl gc , gai n a + I b OllU S o lllllell"l'a tta ck- I"llll s agai n"t fo e,:; belo w ~he l~ on lhe st oirs. ! Bal n111)': Ga=11L-a rr, th e gnolJ war(·11ief, is Ui' her e ;:b til l' h'lllll' S/'11IgI1t.:~rf1,m.I<." PC " ca n't sec Ili III yet. Tile bal co llY i,; 90 led abll\'l' tile c1la l11ber [loor il 1H l lld5 no raili n lt. A fall from till' lop d eal ,:; 9d6 p(lil1~" ilr d am age. -
Encounter Level 9
SETUP Thi s encounter starts as soon as the pes finish fighting th e me zzolorh . O n in iti ative co unt 0, Gashkarr (G) fin ish es h is inton ing and ext ru des a sma ll pa rt of th e Abyss t h roug h the intact gate. The inre nr of the init ial parr of the encoun ter is to scare the players. Wh en the pe s see th e h ezro u (H ), a DC 2 1 Knowled ge (the planes) check is sufficie nt to ide ntify the crea tu re as a fie nd that is very powerful compared to the cha rac ters . The players sho uld then know their ch arac ters are overmatched, and if th ey're sm art enough to act on thei robservations, th ey won't conti nu e to engage the he zro u.
After the m ezzoloth falls or flees , re ad :
"If yOll can't go to tI,e Abyss, by Yeelloghll, brillg the Abyss to you!" bellowsa powerfu lly built gil011 who suddellly stands up atop the eastem balcolly, endillg his mnt with a howl ofdiabolic laughter. Then he beginsdwnting as he dlldls down again. Before you ca ll react, the remainillg sigils on the northeastern gateflash briefly. A blast offetid alld hot wind sla1tls into yon, carrying 0 11 it the srrernns of the toi·1tIetlted. In a wa velike nrn ss, a vast pile of skulls crasltes tltrough tlt e ga te. The skulls spill across a large portio n of the room, l1Iany crumbling to dust as tlu)' tumble. Amid all the skulls lurch es a l1I assive toadl il1e creature that Itas wicl1ed spines J'Iu l/1 ing do wn its baell. It rUl1lbles and growls, tum ing itsawful gaze on you as it exteuds its elawed finge rs. AflielleringV!lbble of tra nslucellt energy surrounds it and the sTw lls, and a tendril of the sal1l<' energycxtcnris barll into the c<' lIter of the gnte. \
TACTICS Cas hkar r has to ch ant to keep the hezrou o n the Material PLll1c 1 and he takes cover deeper on th e balcony so th e pe s no longer ha ve line of sight on him from the floor. H is summo ni ng fails afrer 4 roun ds anyway. The hezrou is actually still partly on th e Abyss; it can't move beyond th e squares th at have skulls in them. Init ial1y, sk ulls cover every sq uare wit h in 8 squares of th e north eastern gate. On in iti ative co unt 0 d uri ng every rou nd afte r the hezro u appea rs, th e sk ulls move back 10
HEZROU CR 11 MM 44 hp 138 (10 HD ); DR 10/ goo d CE Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extra plana r, tana r'r i) Init +0 ; Sense s darkvision 60 fr.: Lis te n +2 3, Spot +2 3 Langu ag e s Abys sal, Celestial, Draconic , telepathy 10 0 ft. AC 23, to uc h 9. flat -footed 23 Immune elect ricity, poison Resi st acid 10 , col d 10 , fire 10; SR 19 Fort +16 , Ref +7, Will +9 Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res) Mele e bite +14 (4d4+5) and 2 claws +9 each (ld8+2) Space 10 ft.: Reach 10 ft. Base Atk +10 ; Grp +19 Atk Option s aligne d strike, Blind -Fight, Cleave, imp roved grab, Power Att ack Sp eci al Acti on s s tench, s ummon tana r'r l Sp ell. Like Abiliti e s (CL Bth]: At will-chaos hammer (DC 18), greaterteleport (self plus 50 lb.). unholy blight (DC 18) 3/day-blasphemy (DC 21), gaseous form Abiliti es Str 21, De , 10, Can 29 , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18 Fe at s Blind -Fight, Cleave , Po wer Att a c k, Toughness Skill s Climb +18 , Concent ration +22, H id e +13, Escape Art ist +13, Int im id a te +17, Listen +23 , Move Silent ly +13, Sea rch +15, S pe llcraft +15, Spot +23 , Survival +2 (+4 fo llowing tracks), Us e Rope +0 (+2 with bindings) Aligned Strike (Su) A hezrou's natural attacks an d any weapo n it wields are conside red chaotic-al igned and ev il-aligned for the pu rpose of ove rcoming damage re duction. Improved Gr ab (Su) To use this ability, a he zr ou m ust hit a Me d iu m o r smalle r opponent with both claws . It can then a ttempt to start a grapple as a free ac tion without provo king a n a tt a ck of oppo rtu nity. St ench (ExI 10 -ft . rad ius, a ll living c reatures (besides demons) m us t succeed on a DC 24 Fort itude save o r be nausea ted as lo ng as they remain in the area and for 1d 4 ro und s afterward. Creatures that success fu lly save are sicken ed as long as they re m a in in the area. Th ose im m u ne o r re s is ta nt to p oison ar e simi larly resis tant to the ste nch. Delay poison o r neutralize poison re m ove s the effect from a sickened creatu re. Summon Tan ar 'ri [Sp] A hez rou can su mmon 4d 10 dretches (MM 42) o r anothe r hezrou once per day with a 35% cha nce of success. The s um moned creatu res arrive in the sa me rou nd and se rve for up to a n hour. The y can not use the ir summon abilities du ring that ho ur. Th is a bi lity is t he eq uivalent of a 4th-level spell.
fe e t toward t h e ga te. A fte r 4 rounds. t h e fie n d is fo rc e d ag a ins t th e ga te
ariel ~lIs t re tu rn to th e A byss along w ith
CR 9
MM H O hp 80 (10 H D) Male gno ll ra nger 5jb lackguar d 3 CE M edium humanoid Init +2; Senses darkv ision 60 ft. ; Listen +10, Spot +10
Aura despa ir Langu ages Common , Dracon ic, Giant, Gnoll
AC 19, to uch 12, flat -footed 17 Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +4 Sp eed 30 ft. (6 squares) Mel ee + 1 falchion +16/ +11 (2d4+10j15-20) Ranged + 1 composite longbow +10/+10/ +5 (ld8 +7jx3 [plus po is o n for 12 shots]) Bas e Atk +9 ; Grp +15 At k Option s Cleave, favo red enemy huma ns +4 , favo re d en e my elves +2, Im proved Su nder, po is o n (Large sco rp ion , DC 18, 1d 6 Con j1 d 6 Corl), Powe r Att ack, sm ite good l / day (+2 atta ck, +3 da m age) , Sp eci al Act ions reb uke und ead 5j day (+4 , 2d 6+3, 1st) Comb at Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of
to save him as a recurr in g villa in . I n that case, he might be ab le to use the tome in a way th at allow s h im to flee through th e gate. He co uld em erge fro m the Abyss m onth s or year s later, h orrib ly cha nge d by the demons th ere.
CONCLUSION W ith Casli karr out of the picture, the pe s con trol the
.~ . · ~tr.m o ry gate . \X'har th ey do to or w ith th e ancien t gateway
is up to th em . Destroyin g the gate is as easy as re mo ving and destroying its sigils (each h as hardne ss 10 and 40 h it po int s). The Tcntc of Sll1l1gl1 tcrgl1 rde is the real pro blem , since it co n ta ins ins truc tions on h ow to rebu ild an d work th e ga tes.
shield of faith Sp ell-li ke Abilit ies (CL 3rd ): At will -detect good Abilit ies St r 22 , Dex 14, Con 16 , Int 14, Wis 11 , Cha 14 SQ wild empa t hy +7 (+3 m agical beas ts ) Feats Cleave , Endurance", Im p roved Critica l (fa lch ion), Im proved Sun de r, Power Atta ck, Ra pid Sho t", Track" Skills H id e +10 , Intim id ate +8 , Know led ge (th e p lanes) +4 , Know ledg e (re ligion ) +5, Listen +10 , Move Sile nt ly +9, Spot +10 , Su rviva l +10 Po sses sions combat gear p lus +1 mithral chainmail, +1 falchion, + 1 composite longbow (+6 St r bo nus) with 12 po is o ned a rrows and 20 a rrows, gauntlets of ogre power, Tome of Slaughtergarde, Siaugh te rga rde me da llio n (eye) Aur a of De spair (SuJ Ene m ies with in 10 fe et ofGas hkarr ta ke a -2 pe nalty o n all s aves .
th e sk u lls. Th e sk u lls cr um ble in to d ust wh en steppe d o n. Th e hezrou exudes stench and attack s a PC every rou nd . It cas ts rlmos IUlIluncr or lllllwl)' blig/lf if th e PC s refuse to engage it in melee. It's aware its tim e is sho rt , so it doesn't use its su m m on or blasphellly abili ties. It wa n ts to k ill. C ashk ar r atracks the pe s as soon as th e hezro u is go ne . H e n o lo nger n eed s to cha nt. I fh e's st ill at range, h e fires po isone d arrows at th ose cl im bin g th e sta irs. Once melee is jo ine d , C ash ka rr uses Im p roved Su n der again st ca pable co mbatant s, g iving up if J wea pon is still intact aft er two su nde r attemp ts. H e mi g h t also try to bu ll r ush PCs off th e balcony. Gashk ar r is on th e cusp of reali zing hi s ev il d ream. He fights until slain , un less you want
PE X r UI< ES OF T i l E
TIle rO
SLAUGHTERGARDE --:-_ _.....,....-~l ABOR AIORY The en tranc e to th e Slaug htl'rga n le lab ora tory is in a box ca nyo n on Kurk le R idge. It's a ro ug h ope n ing see mingly hewn fro m th e gro un d, ;l11 J sig ns indi cate that it migh t have o nce been a nat ural fissure o r cra ck in the eart h. Arou nd the openi ng and abo ve the labo rator y, th e at mo sphcre feels taint ed w ith a hi n t of othe rwo rld ly evil, wh ich mi gh t expl ain why the go b linoi ds gathered h ere in the fir st place .
DUNGEON FEATURES T he labo rato ry com plex has several feature s rhar rem ain similar th rough out. Deviat ions fro m these n Or l115 are noted in th e descr ipti on of a part icu la r room. I ll u m i nation : Light cha nges as descr ibed in each room . H all s are un lit exce pt by am bient light fro m o ther are as. The goblino ids keep tor ch es lit in various chambers so th ey can sec co lo r tor their work o r play. Ce il in g s: Ce ilings are 15 feet high. Lt. l 2, and L13 h ave ceili ngs made o f earth and rock sh ored up wi th timbers. They m ight collapse, as detailed in the room descrip tion s. L9, 1I0, and LH have rock y and irregu larcei lings like those fou n d in any nat ura l cave rn . In o the r area s, th e ceili ngs are m ade of smoo th gray or gray-gree n sto ne . Th e stress of Slaug h terga rde 's des tr uct ion cracked th e sto ne enough th at it's po ssible for a skilled climber to cli m b up side -down on th e ceili ng by maki ng a DC 25 Cl imb che ck . Ceili ngs are unadorned, although smo ke sta ins and stra nge scorch marks appea r periodicall y th roughout the labormory. \Va lls: Roo m s th at have natu ral ce ili ngs also have nat ural rock walls (C limb DC 15). Co ns tru cted sec tions h ave walls of fini she d m ason ry (Clim b DC 20) s im ilar in co lor ( 0 (h e ce ili ngs . Th e wa lls are usually 1 foor th ick (b reak DC 35, h ard ness 8, vu h it point s), but beyond th e masonry is solid d irt or roc k, so b reaki ng a h ole in a wall rarely acco mplish es anyth in g. A few o f the wa lls are part ially caved in . Doors: Two s ig n ificant types o f doors exi st in the laboratory. Most com m on are se ts of burnished co ppe r d oor s engraved to depict lee r ing demonic faces. Ca rved arches tha t look li ke d emonic face s ado rn o th er d oo rways.These were onc e en so rce lled , b ur their mag ic d id n't su rv ive Slaug h tergarde's destr uction or the lon g yea rs of th e lab's existen ce o n th e Material Plane. Floors: Tht~ un worked cha mbe rs, such as L2, have floors o f packed d in, w ith occasio n al cl u mp s of light r ubb le o r othe r obstacle s. Int act section s of the Slaugh rerga rde labo rato ry h ave flagsro ne floo rs that h ave wea thered Siaug h rergardc's destruction an d tran sp osition into the M ateri al Plane wel l. Lingering Magic: When Mu-Tah n Laa ruled Slaughrergarde, h e em p loyed all so rts of da rk so rcery to kee p hi s inv adi ng ar my strong and ready for battl e. Most of th at mag ic faded wh en Slaug h rergarde was rent asu nder. O ne key b it rem ai n s.
\'('h ile withi n the Slaug h tcrgarde labo rato ry, incl ud ing th e exca vated and n atu ral cha mbers , living crea tu re s don't n eed to ea r or d r in k. Ap pe tite and th irst di sappear. Such creatu res can co n su me food and wa ter if they wi sh -raste and eli mi na tion are norm al. l fc reaturc s leave Slaug h tergardc. they regain th eir th ir st an d app etitc as if rh ey had eat en the mo men t they Ie f th e labor ato r y. The y are n't ins ta n tly ravenous and parch ed . Animals and ver m in , and other creatu res th at haw In telligence sco res of ::? or 100w r, are driven to ear by in st in ct. They so me t imes co ns u me food or att ac k prey eve n rhoug h th ey don 't need to.
ORGANIZATION Th e gcblinotds are bandi ts, and th ey're poorl y organ ize d. Therefo re, th ey do n't m ou n t an effect ive defen se of th ei r h ome. O n a room -by-room basis, the y figh t eftt.·c tive!y, bur they usu ally d on 't come to one an o th er's aid . Obst acles posed b y da nger ou s crea t u res and trea ch er ou s areas keep th e goblinoid s from moving around much . In ter neci n e fight s ar e co m mo n en ou gh that the so u nds of ban Ie don't nec essarily aro use sus p icion o r even cu r ios ity. The goblinoids k n ow th at spect ators are often d raw n into such con flicts. If th e p layers nee d an ex tra cha lle nge , or you wa n t (h e goblin oid s to be mo re orga n ized, go for it. It's you r ga me, and you can custo m ize Slaupluergardc as yo u li ke. H ere are some wa ys yo u ca n cha nge th e adven tu re to ma ke th e laboratory in to a more demanding ad ventu re site. Add a Patrol: Th ree go blin scro u ngers (EL I) m ake a go od patrol. Th e patrol's simple parh sta rts in L6, head s through 117 and U 6, th en turns so ut h all th e way to u s. It th en goes west pa st the ent ranc e rh ro ug h 1I 3 all the way to L9, th en no rth to 1 I I. T he patrol goes back along th e same path to th e begin n ing. Ass ume th at the patrollers have mu sh rooms to h old off the lizard in LI 3, an d th ey take th eir ti me in L 14. 1f yo u prefe r, th e patro l can in st ead ignore L 15 and leave the co mplex th ro ug h L18, rccn tcrtng throug h Li to p atrol L2, D . L5, L9. an d u 1. It's n ot wo rth the effo rt required to trac k th e location of the pa trol at all limes. Sim p ly stip u late th at th e PCs h ave a 10% chan ce of meeting the patrol for every 10 minu tes the characters spend in a ro om along th e patrol pat h. If th e patro llers meet the PCs, the y attac k. If th ey r un across ev ide nce ofi n tr usion , th ey run back to in for m their leader, rh e cler ic in L16. Ad d M o r e Rooms: If you'v e go t enc ou nter s yo u'd like to ad d to the Slnugh rerganlc laboratory, it's easies t to add them along th e wes tern edge of the map. If yo u wa nt more chamb ers th at th e goblin s excavated themselves, ex tend th e h allway from L3 we st beyond L9, add ing wh atever ,; you li ke. If you wa nt more in tact lab or ator y ro om s, co nnect them ro II I head ing west, L I5 hea ding east orso ur h, or Ls head ing north . Are as beyond LS p rob ab ly h ave n o go bli no ids, sinc e they fear th e howler.
AC E . . ~us
. ":.
T he chec k res ults do n't ma tter. Guards in L2 at the Laborator y inhabitan ts use th is steep tu nn el as rhei r main .~ . botto m of the tunnel are used to gobl in sCl"Ou ngers com ing entrance. Th e tu n nel is usua lly unoccup ied, but you m igh t •,tnd going, so they barely noti ce th e sound of footsteps and need 10 ru n a battle here if the characte rs retreat and the Clattering stones, Even a conversation, if it's reasonably gob lins pur sue. See the Tunnel in the fe atures of the quiet, won't alert the hobgobli ns. Sou nds in the tu nne l Room section. echo eno ugh that th e guards aren 't able to tell what lan\X'h en the characters arc 60 feet in , warn th em th at light guage they 're hearing. is di m ini sh ing and establish wha t light sources they're carrying, as well as what else the y have in hand. Refer t he When the p es peer down i nto the runnel, read: players to PH 164 if they need to know how goo d th eir . TIllS 10-foot-wide tunnel descen ds into the dar/mess. ligh ts are. Timbers shore 111' its walls and ceiling, and loose The pe s know th ey're going into danger, so they might sto ne litlers the floo r. A long rope has been attach ed try to be stealthy as th ey descend throu gh the tu nnel. No to the middle ofthe tunnel floor with pitons every mon sters are here, but th is is a good o pport un ity for th e 20 feet or so. players to make H ide and Move Sile ntly checks (basically fa build some tension).
l~ E , \T lJ " E S 0 1' Til E
TI ll:' r-oom kl S t he f(l tl (l \\'i n ~ fea l u res. I1 lum inal ion: T u n l1 el t:n tril ll.:e (only J lI r i n~ Jily li~ ll l) i 60 fl' d of br igllt i lIu mi netion : 60 feel skll.lowy illu minat ion. A t nii:' I'l , lilt' t Ulln el i s J ar k, ami ti le P C , m·('J li.-: hl if they J on't hav e da rk ,·i"iol1. . Ct·i l i niit: T he cei linl1 llCre i s 10 feelil id l . TUllllcl: T I,i" lunn~ l , stccpjy "lo pe d ~ lld lilt0l'l·J wid, ~ r,wt' L ,,;(lC" tlu wll wa n l from t ill' ,::u r Ln· [or 2 0 0 feel lln t il rl';l dl ~;;: L2. ll lakL'" 2 squa res ()[ mu vcm e nt t ll a :,ccml L>ach :'<]11.'1re. Creatures ruu uiuc or c h,lI"~ int tlo lV uh il1 must s ue ct.·ell (1 1l a DC 15 Ba la n ce chcck , e nt[ i ll~ t11c i r mo vem e n t IJ 2 x 5 reell al er if ti l l'\' f ail. Tlwse that fai l hv.3 o r m ore fall pfone at tlte L'm! of th a l llw Vc Illc n L TilL' o f Tumble dll'd~ " i n c re a s es bv 5, allt l Lilt' DC J'. love S ilent l\' clll' cb in crea scs bv 2. Cf~'iltu rl':' sein a + 1 Il Oil O" o n lll e!L:L' att ack roll,:: il ~ 'l in ; t foes he lm\' t1, ~m lH1 t ill' ~ In pe. Rop e: T he go61ino ill" llil\'\.' fa:'lelll' J 2 0 0 fel'l ,)!" IIl' lllpCn rn pl' (2 b p ; DC 23 St rcll~ th che ck tu lJ1'c"k ) to t il l' miJdl ,. o f lill' t u n lle l ',:: flo l}!" will, cl('~' L'n piton s. Cl"ca tll r~,:: lha t gra b onto tile 1'1) (1<:' h UIl1 an y ;;:quare next to it cai n a +2 6 1m u ;;: o n Ba l<1II C L' c1wc b i111J C
r --ll-_ ...J .
... r---+-_.l~ -""
En cou n ter Level 2
SETUP As soon as a PC round s th e cor ne r, describe the room , but don't sh ow the arc her (A). He tr ies to h ide from the in tru ders (see Tact ics), If the character doesn't peek far eno ugh aro und th e corner, don 't sho w th e alcove or th e ladder yet. Th e h obgoblins (H) attack anyone who isn't a memb er of their hand.
W h en a PC re aches the end of the tunnel, read:
The twm el opens into a roughly sq uure chambe r shored up by timbers. Four similar posts hold lip IllY ceiling, A torch set in a sconce to the enst ofthe doors lig/,Is the room. Two hobgoblin s in heavy armo r lean On thefa r wall, guarding bllm ished coppe r doors engraved will, leering demonic fa ces. Unlil,e Ihe eart hen walls in the other partsof Ihe room, the walls that flank the doorsare made ofgray-grew masonry, A hay bale is sel near theeastem wall, arrows s!icbng ali t of it. If a pl ayer asks about t h e ha y, read :
This bale of hay has tIme arrows sticking sideways oul of iI, Iheir fletch ing pointing west. At least two others are on the floor nearby.
TACTICS Th e impalers ch arge the nearest foe, or they move and attack if they can't charge. They don't lise the posts for cove r un ti l they sec' a PC do so (sec Posts in the Features of the
Room). Then they grun t (in Com mon),"Good idea!" Th ey th en figh t from a square t hat has a post if possible. The hobgoblin archer t ries to hide un til he has a cha nce to shoo t an arrow at someone wh o isn't in me lee. Sh adow y illumination is required for hi m to make a H ide check. If th e torch in this room is th e only light so urce, the alco ve is shadowy. !lut if the PCs bri ng a ligh t th at sheds br ight illum ination on the alcove, he do esn't have th e nece ssar y concealmen t to hid e. He can't effec tively hid e from characters who h ave da rkvisio n (PH 164).
HOBGOBLIN IMPALERS MM 153 hp 6 each (1 H O)
CR 1/ 2
Male hobgoblin warrio r 1 LE Medium humanoid (goblinoid) Init +1; Senses dar kvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +2 Langu ages Common, Go bli n
AC 19, to uch 10, f lat-fo oted 19 Fort + 4, Ref s-l, Will - l Speed 20 ft. in half-plate (4 sq ua res, ru n at 3 x speed), bas e sp eed 30 ft. Melee heavy pick +2 (ld6 +1/ x4) Base Ar k +1; Grp +2 Abilit ies St r 13, Dex 13, Co n 14, Int 10 , Wis 9, Ch a 8 Feat s Ale rtn es s Skills H ide - 7, Lis te n +2, Mov e Silently - 3, Spot +2 Pos ses s ions half-p la te ar mo r, heavy woo den shi e ld, he avy p ick
The archer prefers to sho ot at foes not engaged in melee. If li e makes melee attacks from the alcove against pe s on the floor, he gets a +1 bonus on h is attack rolls due to higher ground, Conversely.t he lip of the alcove affords him cover (+ 4 to AC, +2 on Reflex saves) agains t melee attacks [ro m t he gro und. • The archer's best defense is to take a move action to kick the ladder away from the alcove. He does th at as soo n as he thi n ks a foe migh t engage h im in melee. If a character is on the ladder, then th e archer provokes an arrack of opport un ity as h e kicks th e ladder away. Picking th e kicked ladder up and sett ing it in place takes two move act ions. Attacki ng [rom th e ladder causes J PC to lose h is Dexterit y bonus to AC, and a cli mbing charac- : tel' can't use a sh ield . If the character moves off the ladder into th e alcove, he provokes an attack of opport uni ty from the archer for movin g from one thre atened square to anot he r. ~ Clim bing into' the alcove withou t th e ladde r takes a DC 5 Cli mb check. \Vh ile doing so, a'cha racrer loses h is Dexter ity bon us to AC and provokes an attack ofoppo rt un ity from the archer. . " :.
CR 1/2
MM 153
I f a hobgoblin is down to 1 h it point and can arri ve at the copper doors in a Sing le move, that hobgoblin risks
hp 6
Male hobgoblin wa rrior 1 LE Mediu m humanoid (goblinoi d) lnit +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages Com mo n, Goblin
HD 1 AC 17, touc h 12, flat-footed 15
' ': .
Fo rt + 4, Ref +2 , Will -1 Speed 20 ft. in bre astp late (4 sq ua res) , base speed 30 ft. Me lee ha ndaxe +1 (l d 6/ x 3) Ran ged shortbow +4 (ld6/x3)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Abilities Str 11 , Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Feat s Weapo n Fo cus (sho rtbow) Skill s Hide - 1, Listen +0, Move Silent ly +3, Spot +0 Pos s e s sions b reas t plat e, handaxe, sHortbow w ith 12 a rrows
r:EXr lJ~ES OF T HE Rocm The room has the folllHvino"t il'
(,I f IH i ~ llt illumi nat ion ; 2 0 0 11 a wil li ;; ~~O JlL' e
fed o f :-haclnw y ill um inat io n . Th e l orc-h is
to th e ees t of tile 1lll d her n J o o!"s. Cc il i n¢: r i., <: l' i l i ll~ ben· is 1U feet high . B ll r n i,,!ll'll C o p pe r D oor;;: II arJ lle;;:,: 5; 60 IIp (,-',11..:11. O pe n 11 botl l si de;: o f 60 th door:, n e-a r W IH;'n.~ t hey m eet. T h e Jl}Or.;: are el l/sell bul u n lo c k t'll; thl'Y IIu. ve 11 0 la tell P )" Incl, . If t llC gol,li n,; in L3 aren't aware o f i Il1Jll'11lI i ll~ Jan,;;er , a DC 7 L i;;: tell ch ec k is .;: tl Hic i l~ n l to hea r till' clin k o f co iu s a nd t h" ~0 6 1 i ll:O ban ter i ll ~ in G l)Llill.
:'Outll\\'ilnL ve r l iCil l l1<1l1dl e:, 0
A DC 17 chl'c k allllw,;: till' li"lo.' ller In ad uallv Il ea r \\'1 1.11'.;: Iw in ~ :,aid, a nd t1lO:'C that milke :,uclt a 'c heck alltl s pec ie G ob li n
tk~ ~j)I) l in.;: arc
tulk i 11": ab llut ~ 1"0:' 1:': T im lw r pos ts hu ld up t ilt' ~c ntl' r t he chilm ber's cc i l: 11 '[1. A t:ll <1t"i1d c r ca n ;:ta nd i ll the sam e "q uil1"e n s t he post , ~ilin ill ¢ il +2 IWlItl:' t o Armo r c ia;:" iln d a + 1 bOlltl:' o n !,\ ·f]ex save s (a" if it we-re I,,'I H IW
the ~illl1l' tlle;/r!.' p l ily ill~.
a tre e,
DMG 8 7).
E ilch po s t is A C 4 , llil rJ nc .;:" 5, a n J 75 hp , I f ou e po"t is destroyed . d u ;:t iln d pelJhlcs fall fro m til(> c l· i l i l1~, ilnd t hl' rema in ing tim lwr " \Crea k 1.J 1IlillO I1:, l y~ If a :,ecOIH1 post fan .;: , eve ry sl/ua re aJja ..:'l't1t to a ll,l incl ud ing a post is "tlb jed hI a cave-in (D,\ fC{ (6 ). Till' room Leco n te" imp as:,ab le unt il it '" d tl~ out. Becau se till' risk o f flltlln~ c nvc - ms, it tak es o ne pe r::o n a n ho u r t o clea r
eac h 5-foot se c ti on o f th e roo m . D o u bl e tile Ji~ gi11 g t im e if till' ex cavatnrs J {ln'tl l
tile IM y h.1Ie. A r dlt·!" ::: A I(.'o "c: An a l" llve i" 6 fee L u p on t he west ern wall. T Ill' T act ic" sec tio n J t;ta il" till' aJ\'a nta'oics o f the 11001". A s m illila J Je r mal".c:, it eM V t o climb int o . "
L En cou n t er Levell
SETUP The goblins here (G) are wait ing [or som e co mrades to wake lip and join th em on a raid down in th e valley. \\7hile th ey wait, th ey're am using themselves w ith a Th ree-Dra gon Ante card game. If th e goblin scrounge rs are aware of the pe s from a battl e in L2, they're h iding in th e corners behind crates an d barr el s, as sho w n on the m ap. pe s wh o can se e into
the room must make Spot check s opposed by the goblins' Hid e chec ks. I f rhe pe s don't see the scro u ngc rs. th e goblin s can take one action each before the pe s can react (a sur prise round)- see Tactics. Then roll initiative; each PC is flat-foot ed until he acts. If the goblin s are n't expe cti ng danger, they're playing cards at the round table in the middle of th e room . Sneaky pes can pit the ir Mo ve Silently checks against the gobtin s' Listen checks. If th e pe s open th e doo rs withou t th e scroungers hearing them, the charac te rs are the ones who receive a sur pr ise round, and th e goblins are flat-foo ted unti l they acr. W hen the pes open the doors from L2, read:
Torchlight reveal sa wide and higl, chamber of gray-green stone. Chains and manacles hallgfrom the walls. A rOlllld wooden table sllrYOlmded by four chairs sits ill the middle, and copper doors are set in the northent wall beyond. Painted ill red across those doors is a word of some sort. (The word painted on the doors is skrlllln, whic h is Goblin for "danger.") W hen th e r es can se e the corners, read:
' :';.
Piled ill ti,e comers ofthe room are cratesalia burlap bags, someofthem marked with the same moon-and-sheaf sigil yOIl saw on the Sumberton city pennants. To the east and westiij-e passages;the arches over them-are fash.ioned to 1001, like demons' gapmg maws.
GOBLI N SC RO UNG ERS CR MM 133 hp 5 each (1 H D) Male goblin warrior 1 NE Sma ll hu man o id (gobl ino id) lnit +1; Senses darkv ision 60 ft.; Lis te n +2, Spo t +2 Lan g uages Go bl in
AC 15. touch 12. n at-fo oted 14 Fort +3, Ref +1. Will-l
Speed 30 ft. (6 s qua res ) Me lee sho rt sword +2 (l d4j I9 -20) Ra ng ed jave lin +3 ranged (1d 4) Base Atk +1; Grp - 3 Abilit ies Str 11, De x 13, Con 12, Int 10 , Wis 9, Cha 6 Fe at s Aler tn e s s Skills Hi de +5, Liste n +2, Move Silently +5, Spot +2 Possessions stu dded lea the r a rmor, short sword, 3 jave lins One o f th e gob lins ha s a ca rd (the d ru id) h idd e n in his s leeve (Search DC 11 to find ). Ano th er gob lin has the ke y t hat o pe ns foot locke r 2 in L7.
when the PCs see th e gobli ns r ead :
These goblins wear mismatched p'i~c'es of/ca ther, alld they carry javelins alld notched short swords. (Describe whether th e goblins are attacking, hiding, or playing cards.)
TACTICS If the r e s surprise the goblins, the scrou ngers figh t ho wever th ey're forced to , ganging lip on a single opponen t to gain nan kin g bonu ses if possible. They like to target whoever dealt th em the most damage in the previous ' rou nd, but t hey have a slight preference for taking ou t other Small characters. If t hey hid a;ld remain un seen , th e goblins wait un til th ey think everyone's in the room before th rowing their javelins from th~ cover of their hiding places (see Contain ers in t he Featu res of the Room). They keep th rowing javelin s u ntil th e characters engage them in melee, then the y figh t much as th ey would have had th ey been "~ su rprise d.
FE '\"n)R E~ 0 1' T il E
T Il(' roo m Ita,; l he ftl i low itl~ rea l tl rl' ~ . I liumi nation: Ton: ]l ; 2<1 fl'd 'If bri ~ll t i l1 uTll in nl ion, 20 fed I ll' ~Il ,l(low v illI1111illi1liotl. Th e tord 1 i'f. ( 111 a Willi sconc e t o t h e wes t
IA til(' IhlrtlH'rn (Ioo r s.
B Ul"Ili,;ll c cI CO P IH-'I"
Door" (IlOlh sc t s]: J-l il rJ n ~" s 5 ; 6 0
h p ca ell. Ope n :'lH,l ll\v i1rtl; ve dica l haI1l1 1~,:: 011 hodl ,.iJL'" wl H'!"c tlll'v meet. 1'111,.' (Lor" M I.-' dn,;cJ but u n [OI.:bc.l . till'\' b,w c no l ~l ch or lock. ,Vvri/Jem Do",;: S in ce till'" lla \,e n't (lis<1l"l11cJ till' t ra p in L4 , till: ~()I) l j ll':; pai p Ll'J Li;e war nin g ilnd h.or reJ d1l':'t' {loo !" s. A woO
• t . ... \
of Loil, door" I1I.-'a r
Ilfcak the ba r.
1 , bul t1H.'v' re Ililr'rn 11.' ''-''' . ~ C h a i n s: O n t il l' wall,. llf tl1is rornu a rc ei~ l l t pni rs o f d ark iron lll illlill::lcs a lta c111., a t o r ill tt" d r ivcn i nt o til l.' ::lLH1e. All ]1 <1\'0..' 11.1SP5 for ,1 pa J locb, Imt n on e arc ucl.uall v ll.c ke d . J'- lo"t 1: Tbe
.llltl a re iltt ilc hcd II fc d u p llll' \\'illl. The . . Ilains are 8 led lon 5,
.A lo p it <11"e ,1
fi llt' TIll'e e -D ra gon AJ~l~ <1 L'ck
(10 gp ) a lltl
150 ::' p. T IlL' d cc k 11 .1 5 six ty- n i ne Ctu J s, ea ch pa in t ell w it h a rcpre sc n t ution o f a a r ago n, dra gon de ity , or m ortal -lh e seve nti l'lh ciln l is in a iio blin 's " lel'vI:'. PC", re l. · o~ ni zc tile
Encounter Levell
SETUP \Xlhe n you provide th e players a map, don' t pu t 't he nu mber s shown on your map on the players' map. Descr ibe th e roo m, then wait for the pe s to move in. It's important that you know where th e pe s are stand ing whe n th ey're dealing wit h th e trap in t his cham ber. Thi s area is pict ured in the illu st rat ion h andout s. Show th e ill ustrat io n wh en the pe s tri gger the trap.
When t he pes open t he doors, read:
As the doors open, flame igniles atop six tiny copper braziers resting in holes wt il1tOand equal number of shor! partitionsjutting frolll the eastem and tveslern walls of this dusty room. In the illulllination they provide, you sec that roughly parallel scratcl1CS nllt along four sect ions ofthefloor, perpendicular to sets of co ppe r doors- one you entered through and anoth eracrossthe rooll!. The ceiling has four dark 510 15 wt into it along matching paths. You wn't sec into th e slots, which arc about 3 inches til ide and run the lengtl, ofthe room,
SCYTHE TRAP Th e trap tr iggers when someone ste ps into the room. \'\/ h CI1 th at happen s, roll tda three rimes and compa re th e resultin g numbers to th ose on the map. Scythe bl ades dro p out of th e slots in the in dicated colu m ns and swee p through those colum ns. The scvthcs swee p from nort h to sout h. If two or mor e PCs- are in th~ path of th e same scythe, t hen th e scythe attacks t he 'first one no rmally. If th e firs t cl1J ra~t~ r takes damage, pes farth er dow n that path gain a +4 bo n us to Arm or Class. T he nor th ernmost cha racter soaked up some of the scythe's mome ntum , providing cover to the othe rs. If th e same number comes up tw ice or th ree times, then just send th e scy the along th at path once. For exampl e, if all the di ce come up 1, a single scy the swings through th e thre e squa res along th e wester n wall-the colum n of squa res marked with a 1.
Each square of the floor is J pressure pla te th ur ca n activate the trap independently, and each plate resets automaticall y whe n weight is taken off it. If a PC steps into the room and tr iggers th e t rap, that square won't tri gger the tr ap again until th e charac ter steps out of that squa re and someone steps back into it. However.t he trap can't be triggered more th an once pec ro und. Scything Blade Trap: CR 1; mechan ical; location trigger; automa tic reset; Atk +S melee (l ds/x 3); Search DC 21, Disable Device DC 20 .
BEATI NG THE TifAP Th e PCs have lots of opt ions at the ir disposal to foil the tr ap. Disable Device: Someo ne that k now s thi s skill can use mat erials from L3 to imp rovi se sh ims to place in the cracks in the floor masonry. That kee ps the pressure plates beneath the floor fro m activat ing . One check take s 2d+ rounds an d is sufficient to di sarm th e triggers along a singlc path to the northern door s. Lu ck i n g Out: Th e PCs might jus t decid e to brave th e blad es. Th is isn't too risky excep t th at ilie no rt her n door s are barred from th e other side, so th echa racters have to break th em ope n. Cei li n g Slots: A perman ent image ofblack clouds block s the PCs' view of the scythe mechani sm, and simply poking up into [he slots won't damage the m achi nery. The slots have a moderate aura if viewed us ing dctccl lJl agic (DC 2 1 Spel lcraft check to det ermine it's illusion). Attack ing Scythes: Jfre s wan t to attack the scy thes wh en the blades swoop down , [hey can ready an act ion to do so. Th ose th at do can make a Sing le attack agains t one scy the wh ose path takes it adjacent to thar I'C. The scythes have AC S, hardness to , and 5 hi t poin ts. Blocking Scyth es : The PCs can scrou nge debris to place th e path of a scyt he. Thi s is tr ickier th an it sounds. because the scy thes don't arc down ward along exac tly the same pat h each time, as the scratches on the floor demonstrate. It takes abo u t 4 0 0 pounds of solid material to catch a scy the, preven ting it from continuing along it~-pJth o r retract ing back into the ceili ng. If the pe s ga the~ all th e co nte nts of L3 ~ they've got enough to block tw o 'scyt hes in thi s way.
Bypass Switch : Beh ind a concealed pan el (Search DC 25) to th e wes t of th e northern doors is a sim ple lever in the up position . If it's moved to th e dow n position, all the floor tr iggers are disabled .Th e pe s need to fin d th e switch ,
and they mu st open th e panel to flip t he lever.
battle. If the gob lins in L7 didn 't awake n to the sou nds of the trap, th ey do when th e nor th ern doo rs brea k o pen. It takes th e goblins in L7 6 rounds to ready for a fight- S ro unds to don ar mo r hastily and 1 round to ready the ir weapons. If th ey wait ma rc [h an a few min ut es for intr uders to show up , they spend another 5 rou nd s donning th eir armo r prop erl y.
If th e pe s set off thi s trap, th e hobgobli ns in L6 hear it, and it mig ht awaken th e gob lins in L7 (Listen DC 16; Listen +2), but anyo ne who hears ju st contin ues to li sten. Subse que ntly breaking open th e northern door s in thi s room alerts goblmoids that are awake, an d th ey prepare for
.. . ~
. '-
I ~ E xn m E 5 0 1: T i lE R()(m Ti le room 11<1 : 1 lhc fll (l()\\'i n ~ [,-,atun.''''' Il lulIli llol l ion: If citlwr set uf (loor" is op ened, th e eq uivalent of iI cOI/{i/l ua /Jlmllc spe ll spr ings fortll fro m cilch l)[ th e si x t iny ~' oppl' r bra zier s set in hl t bl' wall portitions , fill in g Lilt' ro om wit ll b r i~ht li12 ht. Edch lJrazier 11i1 ~ a fa int au ra if " iL' wl' t1 l1s i n~ dcf.::cf 1JI'~
1.4~·,. ' ~p
'" .... .
2 ....
~I . '"
Gnc Slf Uol '.C bar (f rom dlt:, bar.
- 4 -
. lIJ
.. ~
tlw ;;OU d l o n ly) or a DC25 SIrengtlll'heck t o llrca l~
NOl·tll.::m D'hm;: Open 11, IrLilwanl. A WOOLlen hal' is threaJL,J dlrou~ 11 dlc handl e::, 0 11 th c n' lrtllerIl ,:iJe. It lakc s a move ac t io n t o rernovc t ill' lhlc (fr um t be north only) or t1 DC 25 Strength cllL'ck to br ea k· till..' ku. A DC 13 L i5k n c1ll'ck is :'u ffi ci enl to h ear occ a ::' io n a l rnurmurinc fmm th e hobg oblins in L6 . If till' li :' ~etler ,:; peaks Oo illin, t11tll c11at'ader Illighllt ear ;;niltc he s p f ,1 co n versat io n abu ut arrow s I)y r'l lling .:l 2 3 nr 11 i ~I H" r Oil thc chec k . T he IltJbgolllins in L6 ar c Ilct d ling in t11 eir s pa rc t ime . S c ra k llCs: T ilL' sc ra tdw s a rv ab llul a quarte r-inch d eep at tllc ir de cpc"t. Nil i lllli\,id llal scratdl r u n" t he c nti rc l en~tll o f t hc flllo ri. 1ll 0::'t are IlCh \'l'en 5 ft'd an d 10 feet I LlIl ~.
. 0; •
En cou n ter Level l
SETUP Th e goblins (G)
W hen the pe s ca n sec In to t he room , read:
Lit by a gently flichering torch, tl,e "carby chamber is i"determinately widefrom your va "tage, You call see a heavilyarmored goblin. He's crouched, and J1e's piching up something and dropping it 0" the floor in front of/,im near a batt/eaxe. (If the pes continue to watch, tell the players that he's rolling dice.)
CR 1
MM 133 hp 12 eac h (1 H D) Male goblin fighte r 1 NE Sma ll hum anoid (gob lino id) Init +2; Sen se s dar kvision 60 ft.: Listen +4, Spot +4 Langu age s Gob lin AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 19 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 Speed 20 ft . in half-plate (4 squares, run at 3 x speed), ase s pee d 30 ft. Melee battl e axe +4 (ld6 +1Jx3 ) Bas e Atk +1; Grp - 2 Abilities Str 13. Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12. Cha 6 Feats Alertness , Weapon Focus" (batt leaxe) Skills Hide - 1, Listen +4, Move Silent ly - 1, Spot +4 Possess ion s half-plate a rmor, light stee l sh ield, batt leaxe (one has d ice)
CONC LUSION If eit he r goblin is red uce d to I h it point, he flees int o L9 and th e n L1 1. All the rem aini ng troopers ma ke a stand i nLll. ;.,
When t he pe s reach a doorway, read:
Similarly armed, -anothergoblin stands near crates and barrels on the southem wall. A row offOllr tripie-bulIiI beds lincs the "ortltcm wa ll.
F r:'\TlI l~ES O F r us Rom! T Ill' roo m h,,::, t hl' fnllowing fl'"lu n.': : . Illuminal io n: Torchi 2 0 fl'd Ll f bri ght. illu lll ina t illl1; 2 0 [cd of ;::!tallowy'illuminalion . TIle tnrdl i:::: 0 11 a w
look likc t.he fa c e alHl l)pe n mo ut. h of a f.'lngeJ J emon . BlI n l~ He ll ,,: ~t o;:: t mem lJe r :;: of die ~all ~ ;::(e:' p Ih' r e . Th e ': l~
a rc a u ll Je rs i~e
roomv fOI"
Sma ll o ne" . s ll, d iulll c rca tures mu st spe nd a 1l1O \,e (~ 'ci i (~n t o crawl 5 fe el t1H0l1~h lJl·J '::qua re :;:, p ro vobin g al.tac1 /)i' ,jf dp portuni l y f'H" J oing so. Sma ll crea tures can w''lll". CO il t ai n c rs: It Cll;:: l s 2 «rua res of movcment l o euler t1 ;::q th1l'e wl1l' re tile bdrrcl", :;:a ck,;, allli c re tce a rc pi ](,J in ll i,::a rray. O ne o pe n Lox c~lI1 ta i n ", t wo ",I1O\'cl ;: anJ two picles. A s m a ll ,:: t.ronglhlx tlw t. k l S a Ilfokcn paJl ock on it lwlJs 22 5 gpo
Tl lI'l-e t.Ile l1l issitl~ C l, icane Guild crates n rc .,1:;:0 herl-. E ach con t.nn s sp ices all .J \\'l'igh:;: 3 0 pouud s c--c D C 20 Appr ai se c hec k is suH icil·ilt to \.ell th e spi ces are wortl1 2 0 gp pe r p o u n d. I n tllt. a l, allllle oth er con f n i nc r s co mp r ise ab out
50 0 poun d" of t.·r
s q ua r e-'
= 3 {eel
. ':.
En cou n ter Level l
SETUP A batt le in L7, LS, or Lt 7, or th e sound ofa break ing door i n L4, alert s th e hobgobli n impalers (H) . O therwise , th ey're sitt ing 10 feet from th e clo sed doo rs, increasing th ei r Listen De s for heari ng sounds from beyond th ose doors by 6 . Goblins in L7 .I~igh t becom e involved in th is fight (see Conclusion).
When the pe s can see the roomvread :
F EXr!I I< I:S OF T i lE I~ O ml . T lle wpm I l " ~ lIH.' foll {l \\' i n ~ [t·ature,:. I1lulllin'1Lion: To rch; 20 feet ()f br ii1 ht illtl lllin ilt io n ; 20 red of Al.1Jtm·y illum inat ion . TIH..' I{l r~ll j " (JIl a w <1 II .::,c ol h .'(' OIl
li lt· eas tern \\'a lJ. ju sf
S\ lu tllll r
l he stei r e.
Cei lin¢ : T Ill.' cei li n~ Ill'rl> is 25 feet hi ~ h . H UI"lIi ,d, cd Coppt-· r )) o o r ;:: I brJIH';:;: 5 ; 60 I' jl L· a..: ], . Ope ll l'<1"L w.:I n!; vertical handl..;: on LtlLh ",ide" of both door" ncar when- t IH'Y m cc l . TIll' d o o r ;; arc they 11,w l~ 110 latc h o r J(le k .
hu t IItllockl'll
The ba!cL)IlV is 10 feet l,idl " nJ IlaS " ,:lunl", from ti l l' l o p Jeal ;: llle) points (;[ DC 2 0 Cli lll ]l d lCCb" are reqn ir ed to scale t he wall;
Two hobgoblins, each wearing half-plate and carrying a shield al1d pick, occupy this torch lit room . A table here has a stool at either end, as well as a pileofarrows atop it. Ull usual tools are ,nolHl ted all the walls, a bioodstai'l Y111111ingfrom each to the floor. Channels arOlHl d the edges of the room lead to a drain in the center. A railed balcony overlooks the 1I0rtinvesteril comer, explaining the I, igh ceiling.
1·<1i l in~. A fa ll
DC 15 ill till' Iw rt!1\Vc" ter n corner. S Ll..·L' P S ta i r;;: Il lake;: 2 ;:'I U
helow th:'1ll llll till:' stairs. Ta l,l,,-,: 1\ creatu rc CMl jum p on to tlle l a I, [e, but t he l abl e br ea k" if someone d,llS (UC J 5 J\.cfl..-x suvc ,'l" fall p ro n e ) , Jtlll1pi n ~ thi ~ WilY i~ automn tic as a t1~f)\'e 'a t li0n fmlll an a Jjacent ~qlla rt', or it cnn be JonI,.' a" parl of a la rger llI 'IV (' rO t';:
CR 1/2
MM 153 hp 6 eac h (1 HD) Ma le hobgobl in war rior 1 LE Medium hum anoid (gob lino id) Init +1; Sen ses darkvis io n 60 ft.: Li sten +2, Spot +2 Lang uages Co mm o n, Go blin
netion wil l, a DC 2.+ lum p d 1l'c k , .A l o p l !' c t able a re a IllllHl rl'l l fund ilmal
a IT , II" '; .
J) l'lI lOni l' I I1:,t n l lll l' n ls : '\ l'lun lell 011 th e wall:;: a rc ll i n.·c
AC 19, to uch 10, flat-footed 19 Fort +4. Ref +1, Will - 1
sca lpels, [o llr J agg l'r:" two [c reep s <1 mI tlm.: e Iigh t h .1 111 n~·c rs,
Spee d 20 ft. in ha lf-p late (4 sq uares, run at 3 x spe ed). base s peed 30 ft . Melee heavy pick +2 (ld 6+l / x4) Base Atk +1; Crp +2 Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Co n 14, Int 10; Wis 9, Cha 8 Feat s Alertness Skills Hide - 7, Listen +2, Move Silen tly - 3, Spot +2 (one has Hide - 8 an d Craft [fletch ing] +1) Possession s half plate armor , heavy woode n sh ield, he avy pick
1\ II an-
m a;: l c r wo rk, b ut till' ,;ca lpl'!" (2 5 0 gp cac b) .1llJ {c re ep s (15 0 gp l'ileh ) are n't Wl'apO I1;: . Th c;:e im plements sc...·r .1 few drops of IllooJ e iH:ll l1\1ur, so the gobIi1l0 ill,; til in k they're cu J, If v il'wetl t1::,il\~ ddl'C/ IIWg;C, each lia;: a fai n t a ura (DC 20 S pl'Il..· ra [t c1lt'ck to lle-
I" "...
o n j u m t
!fl ,, '"" ID/~ """
1'1/' " .
~ .,«
If a bat tle occu rs here, t he goblins in L7 wake an d read y [or banIe. It takes th em 6 rounds to do tha l- 5 rounds to do n arm or h asti ly an d 1 ro u n d to ready (heir weapons. Once th ey're ready, they th row javelins fro m the balcon y.
( )" l ' !c't] lI a '·l'
ALCONY Encounter Level 1
Ro o xt kl O' the fo ll (lw i n ~ feat u res .
F EAT URE S OF T i l E T Ilt>r oo m
SETUP Th e goblins here (G) are sleeping. Thei r statistics assume th ey don ned their armo r hastily af ter bein g awakened by a nearby disturbance, but initial parent he tical values show the same stat istics if t he goblins h ad plen ty of time. A n exce pt io na lly ste a lt hy party migh t s u rpr ise the g ob-
li ns in th eir sleep. In thi s case, th e goblins aren't wearing armor (use un arm ored AC). They surre nder and acqu iesce to reason able dem ands. When the pes can see onto the balcony, read :
A dozel1 simple bedro lls arcspread 011 the floor. Woodel1 railsguard balcol1 ies to the l10rthwest al1d sout/lCast. Four small footlockers are here as well.
(Add the goblins, sleeping or othe rwise, if they're still here.)
Ill um i nat io n : S llilJ tJI\·; ill ullll llali un frum lilt: tore!, ill L6 . 11':, d ark if Liwl lord~ is o ut. Dar kn ess per vad e:, tile 1l0 r t I1l1'c s l l' r n co r ncr 1)1" t11i:,; ro om rl'~<1l"J l c " s o f ~Ilat lordl. Bl1rn is llCti C o p pe r Doors: H arJ n cs :o: 0 ; 60 [ip l' a e]" O pe lll' a slw a rJ; Vl'd i';;ll h,I ndl,>;:. O Il LotlI side." o f IHJt h door,: ncar ", IJere "th e y rucct. Tlw {loo r" are
tIle\! 110ve
latdt or I(l<.:k.
GOBLIN SCROUNGERS MM 133 hp 5 ea ch (1 HD )
CR 1/3
climb do wn ; D.C 15 in
AC 14 (15, 12 u na rmored) , touch 12, flat-foot ed 13 (14, 11 u na rmo red) Fort +3, Ref s-l , Will - l
G 'lb lin c1otl,i n g amI a u ivor y figuri nc
(50 , 1') '
Footl,lCkl!r 2: G,) hlin and L2
M ale gob lin warrior 1
NE Sm a ll hu m a no id (gob lino id) Init +1; Senses darkv isio n 60 ft.: Listen +2, Spot +2 Languages Gobli n
~ p~
javelins (one has a key to footlocker 1)
TACTICS The gobli ns prefer to th row javelins from rhe balcony. Ifforced into melee, th ey flank enemies to bring down one at a time. They avoid putt in g th eir backs to the balcon ies' railin g wh ile figh tin g.
c1 o t h ill ~ , opa l e
(lao gp},
3: G oblin cl o thin g anti a porcel ain plnl.c
(350 ,1')'
r:;ootlocker ~/ : G ' lhl i n c10tlling an d 3 3 gpo Th is lucker's ow ne r is no t in tbe co m plex .
Speed 30 ft. (6 sq ua res) Melee s ho rt sword +2 (l d 4j 19-20) Ran ged jave lin +3 ranged (ld4) Bas eAtk +l ;Grp - 3 Abilities St r 11, De' 13, Co n 12, Int l O, Wis 9, Cha 6 Feats Alertne ss Skill s Hide +4 (+5, +6 unarmored), Listen +2, Move Silent ly +4 (+5, +6 una rm or ed ), Spot +2 Posses sions stu dded leather ar mo r, s hort swo rd , 3
J ill11
i{'l lconics: 1('" a lO-fo o t drop (lJ6 poin ts of
dCl\\'n j nt.;> L8 ami L6 . DC ·2 0
Fvotlockl!r I:
c105ctl lHit lI11 locb..·,1;
m ~
I' Ifll I...., ~. "~' f l/ '."c
G~ tv 'frJ-I;
~ '. '<1 0':- L,¥
CONCLUSION If a battle occ urs here, the hobgoblin s in L6 hear it if th ey're st ill alive, and they join the battl e im medi ately.
. ..
. .. En counter Level 3
SETUP If th e
PC s are carr y ing a ligh , or the h owler (1-1) becomes aware of th em , it att acks, howling as it goe s.Th e goblins in
1 7 mi gh t become involved in th is fig ht (see Co ncl us ion). This area is pictu red in th e illu stration handou ts. Sho w th e illu strati on whe,n'.!b e howler attacks.
W he n the pes can sec most of the room, re ad:
Tltis i,mllcllsc cltambcr's floo r is inscribcd with a maze/ikc pa ttcrn, tltc lillcs of wlticlt glow purplc. A largc dog likc mOll stcr that/lOSa manc of IOllg quills paccsj ll tltc cClltcr oft/,c pattcrn. ovcrtoobllg tltc SO IJtltcas tcrn portioll of thc rOo m is a ro ilcd baicollY.
TACTICS \X!hen th e howler moves, th e center point of irs min iature must follow th e path of th e howler trap on th e map exactly. Co nstrained by th e patt ern, th e howler tr ies to man eu ver so it's adjace n t to as m .my pe s as possible. If th e pe s retrea t and use ra ng ed weapons, the howler flees as far as it can.
• FEAT URES OF r un Ro o ~1 ·TI1l' room h as tile f(lll11w i n~ fl~atllrt' s .
. Illumi ll;11io n : S I1<1elo \\')-: illumina tio n l i ~ll ts th l' sq ua res til e 11O \\'1e r tr ap louc hes. It ';; J ark ot! lCrwi;:e. Cei ling: TIle ce i l in~ he re is 25 fcet llig h . S tee p S ta i r,;: Il takcs 2 sq ua rcs l)f movemen t to a;;.:c nJ l'ilch sq uare. Creatu res run ning o r c ha rg i Il ~ down stee p stairs mu st slIccl'ed on il DC 10 Ih la l1 Cl..' c1ll'c k, l'nJi pg t llCir m ovemcnt Id 2x 5 fed b tc r if t hey fai l. TIH,se that fai l by 5 or more fa ll pro lll' iln J [-ake I J6 poin ts of J a m a ~e a t t h e elill o f t hat m o vorn cn l. The DC o f T um ble chec ks iucrcescs by 5 . Creatures ~ai n a + 1 IHHlUs on lll el l'l~ a ttilc L· roll s ag'l ln st focs below t llc lU on t he stoi rs. H o w le r T ra p: The magic patte r n l rn ps the b owle r. If viewl, J using cldcd mi.l9ic, tll C patte rn has a ..lTon g aura (DC 2 1 Spl·llc raft c11l'ck to dete rm ine it 's a bju rat io n) . Bal<-'(lI1 Y: Th e bal cony tll at lealls 10 L7 is ·10 feet up an J has a ;;tll rJ y \\'o nd cn ra il i n g. A fa ll f ro m tlll' lo p J eal s I d6 po int " o f d a ma ~e. DC 20 Climb checks a re req ui re J t o scale tile wa ll; DC 15 illllll' sOllt lleas ter n co rner. Precipi ce: It's a 2o -fool drop t o L 12 - .1 fall fwm tile to p ,lea l" 2 J6 poi nts of dama,ge. C l1ar,lder s at tlH' bott o m fact' DC 2 0 C li mb d lCll:s to sc rarn b ll;' l) acl~ np . A b dJ er lead s d owlI l o L I 2 . Go in'g lip o r d o wn t h e lad ele r t a k e;; a DC 0 C li mb c1lCck ~ .': ..... C haracte rs can peer lloWI1 in to L I 2 fro m Ile re.
If a battle occu rs here, th e hobgoblins in L6 are aler ted, an d the gobli ns in L7 wake and read y for battle. It takes th em 5 rounds to don ar mor hastil y and 1 rou nd to read y their weapons. O nce they're ready, th ey th row javel ins at PC s h er e. HOWLER CR 3 MM 154 hp 39 (6 H D) CE Lar ge o ut sid er (chaotic, evil, extr a planar ) Init +7; Senses d arkvis io n 60 ft.; Lis ten +13, Spot +13 Lan guages und er s t and s Abyssa l
AC 17, to uc h 12, flat -footed 14 Fort +7, Ref +8 , Will +7 Speed 60 ft. (12 s qu ares) Mele e bite +10 (2d8+ 5) and 1d4 qu ills +5 (1d6+2 p lu s qu ills) Bas e Atk +6; Grp +15 Speci al Action s how l (free act ion ) Abilit ies St r 21, De x 17, Ca n 15, Int 6, Wis 14 , Cha 8 Feats Alert nes s , Co mb at Reflexes , Im prove d Initiative Skills Climb +14, Hid e +8 , Lis te n +13, Move Sile ntly +12, Searc h +7, Spo t +13, Su rvival +2 Quills (Ex) Tho s e hit by q uills m u s t succee d on a DC 16 Refle x s ave o r a q uill s tick s in t he vict im's flesh , im posin g a - 1 pena lty o n atta cks , saves, a nd c hec ks pe r q uill. A DC 20 Hea l che ck re m ove s t he qu ill w it ho ut it d ealing an other 1d6 point s of dam age as it 's rem oved . Howl lEx) 1 po int o f Wis d amage (Will DC 12 ne ga tes) if h eard for an ho ur o r longe r. Save req uired each ho ur .
{ 0 11<-' "'( 11l.1 /""...
..::: /.
-' cct
En counter Levcl t
SETUP This is th e norther n sec tion of a big cham be r (Liud escribes
the sout hern area). Show only as much of th e roo m as th e pe s CJn sec. If they head north, roll a Listen check every round for the d ire rats (R), adding 1 to th e DC for every 10 feet th e cha racters are fro m the rats. Once th e di re rats hear someone comi ng , they climb the cliff and atta ck nongoblinoids.
W h en t h e pes en te r, re ad:
A woodell plaHl1 bridge suspellded from posts leads iHtOthis Ilatl/ral cavern. YO I/ ca ll see rocks alld dirt
about 20 feet below the bridge. It looks like this ca verl1 stretches Ilorth and sO l/ th. RI/nnillg thro l/gh the middle is a raised eartheHpathway.
CONCLUSION pe s might decide to over nig ht here, since th is is one of the most defen sible rooms avai lable . A DC 15 Surv ival check is sufficient to dete rmine that removing the bridges ma kes th is room a go od place to rest.
If th e PC s wreck th e bridge s, then th e gobli ns don't
CR '/3
MM64 hp 5 each (l H D) N Sma ll anima l Init +3; Sen s e s low-Hght vision , sce nt; Listen +4, Spot +4 lan guage s -
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 For t +3, Ref +5, Will +3 Sp eed 40 ft. (8 squares) , climb 20 ft. Me lee bite +4 (ld4 plus disease) Bas e Atk +0; Grp - 4 Atk O pt ion s d isease Abilit ies Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4 Fe at s Aler t nes s , Weapo n Finesse" Skills Clim b +11, Hide +8 , Lis te n +4 , Move Sile nt ly +4, Spot +4 , Swim +11 Dis e as e (Su) Filth feve r; bite , Forti tude DC 11, incubat ion 1d J da ys, 1d J Dex and 1d J Con.
if th e goblins in that roo m wer e kill ed. 'The gua rds are three goblin scroungers , m uch li ke those in L3. Due to th e howler and the rn aug, they don 't rein force Lit even if the goblins there were slain . •:: ' If the PCs wreck the bridges bu t leave rop e, the goblins wait severa l hou rs th en send three goblin scroungcrs ro cli mb acro ss th e rope an d attack th e PCs.
. attemp t ro recla im t h is roo m . Th ey post g uard s in i s
F EAT U RES O F T i lE Rocm T he room h.1 ':: thc fnll owin ~ fcalun'".
i llll mi n a ~ i() l1 f ro m t he tore!' i n L5 exhm J " to III"t 1JL')'omlt he "outlll'.1:;lcl"ll suspe ns io n IJr iJ gc. Il 's d.1rk Lll herwi,::c. .: S u" p l' n "ioll Ih id gt'''; : The h r id ges Me sturdy ej h Jugll I llu m inat io n : Sl wJ Llw\:
"; l )
th al t hey im p os e no movem ent penal t y, a h ho ll~ h
th cv swav s li~bt lv \\,Ill' lle\,cf someone steps on them. T he r c~ O f tk,jr-foc; llli~ ht Ir v to al'S h~lV a bri ll ~ e . Do ins " ' I 111 L' il ns J iSC01l 11 l' d i n;: 'h \'l) n;{ll's ei lit er tl u tv i I~~ l llCtl l (I wo . fu ll- r(lun J o cti o ns th ai provo ke attac k" llf opport nnit y] or cut t in s tllL'1ll (lIL'a lin~ .:3 point s llf da t1l<1~{, wi d l a n attac k f ro lll a- 5 bs h i l1 ~' WCil P:l l1). I l i H i n ~ a ro pe ou l o ma tic: ius t ro ll (LllT1<1~ C . If ll Il I Y~ll l1 L' r,l!)(' i " J isLllI1 lled eJ , it labe " a DC 13 I-h la ncL' c hec k 10 CCPS S ,1 b ri J~e . E:acll success allo\\',,; a dlar.lder to mo ve ill ha Ir speed a" il full ro un d ac'l illl\ (' I' a l quart cr "pee d as a lllllVL' ac lion . 1\ fail..,J cllL'c k rucan e lIU p ro ~rl' '' '' ' Fa i l ll ~[: by 5 OJ' rnorc mean " ,1 fa ll int n t Ill' dl' pt k" of tll L' caver-n fo r
poi n t:.< of
Cliff,,: It'.;: a 20-fl1ot J rop (Iff l llL' r ui scli e arthe ll ll.ltlHV.1Y. A fa ll fw m till' t o p dea ls 2d 6 po int s (If J a l11 a ~ e: C llarade fs in t ile Iw U Ol11 filCL' DC 10 Cli m ll chec ks t o cla m l)L'f back u p.
En cou n ter Level 3
SETUP Th is encou nte r occ urs in part of th e same cha mber as L9. L9's dire rats fear t he ankheg (A), and th ey won 't co me near the midd en heap. The ank heg has rrcm or scn se (AI M 316), so it senses an y PC in con tac t wit h the,gro u nd who's wi thin 60 fe et . It 's used to gobli ns throwin g garbage here, so it doesn't attack th ose on the raised path unt il it's attac ked or some one . comes too close.
When the pe s pe er ov er the cliff to t he so u th, rea d:
Abou! 2'0 feet below.yoH isall illseclile creature that's 10feet IOllg, olld it has pillccrs as large as a l11m 101l ann. Thecreohtre sits half-buried ill a massive pile of debris-lots of rotted food, smoslled cmtcs, olld a few corpses. A ladder lies all the groulld nenr the edge of thecliff
TACTICS Th e ankheg prefers to bite, so it doesn't spit un less it has fewer than 15 h it poi nts left or can'r reach an yone to bite. If the PCs stay atop the ledge and make range d attac ks, th e ank hcg spits acid then burrows in to th e base of th e ear the n pa thway and lip to the pe s. It- rakes a ro und for th e nnkhcg to accom plish th is. \X/h en it reache s the rap , it eme rges and attacks.
AN KHEG M M 14 hp 28 (3 HD ) N'Large mag ical beas t In it +0 ; Sen s es darkvl sfon 60 ft ., low-lig ht vision, tremo rse nse 60 Ft.: Listen +6, Sp ot +3 Langu ages -
CR 3
AC 18 , to uch 9, flat- foo te d 18 For t +6 , Ref +3, Will +2 Sp eed 30 ft. (6 sq uares), b ur row 20 ft. Me lee bite +7 (2d 6+7 plu s l d 4 acid [if it hasn't s pit ac idJ) Base At k +3; Grp +12 At k Option s im pro ved gra b Sp eci al Act io ns s pit ac id Abiliti es Str 21, Dex 10, Co n 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6 Feat s Aler tn e s s, To ugh nes s Skills Climb +8 , Liste n +6, Spot +3 Improved Grab (Ex) To use t his a b ility, an a nkhe g mu s t h it a Med ium o r sm a lle r o p po nen t wit h a bite . It can then attempt to st art a grapp le as a free actio n withou t p rovo king an at ta ck of op po rtun ity. Sp it Acid (Ex) 30·ft. line, 1/ 6 ho u rs; 4d 4 acid (Reflex DC 14 half). Bite doesn't deal ac id da mage fo r 6 ho ur s afte r s pit.
It can't occupy enemy squa res , so it squeezes into a sma lle r space if it mu st (PH 148). It can occupy a space 2 squa res lon g and t wide, but doing so f orces it to rake a - 4 penalty to AC and on att ack rolls. If it can't find a su itable spac e, it co ntinues to burrow un til it can. Th e ankheg do esn't chase fleeing PCs_If it d rops to 5 h it points or fewer, it bu rr ows into the ground an d flees.
1~ E,\ T lJ R E S OF T i l E Roo ~ 1 The roo m Ita :" t he fL)II (l w i ll ~ fl'at ur c s.
Illuminat io n : IL ',,: ,la rk Iwre.
Cli ff :::: It'" a 2o- fooL dro p off tl,.., l'ili:"ed earl llL'l1 1)<\11I\\'<1Y. 1\ iall fro m ti,l' lnp tll'<'!;; 2 t1 c> po in t:" ll f d
En cou n ter Level 2
SETUP Th e gob lin s h ere only reac t to sou nds such as footstep s on the sta irs (or a fleein g fellow troop er fro m L5). A batt le in L9 caus es th em to assume th eir com rades arc up to m isch ief w ith th e d ire rats. They're assig ne d to make sure th e maug down in L1 2 doesn't leave that area, so th ey're focused on d oin g just that. 1[1' C5 en ter i1 2 and in terac t w ith th e m aug, make M ove Silen tly che cks for th e gobli n tro op ers an d positi on them in th e squares ma rk ed 13 on th e ma p. Make H ide ch ecks for th em th er e. If th e PCs don't beat the goblins' Move Silent ly and Hid e checks with respective li sten an d Spot chec ks, th e gobli ns receive a su rp rise ro und whe n th e charac ters climb the p rec ipice from L12 to Ll 1. If the pe s sneak up th e sta irs after fighting the dire rats in L9, pit th ei r Move Silen tly chec ks against th e goblins ' Listen checks. If the tro op ers don't hear the pCs, place th e gobli ns in th e squares marked A on th e map. Give th e pe s a surprise rou nd . If the gobli ns hear so meo ne com ing up th e stairs, they becom e susp icious. The y kno w o ther goblin s aren't suppos ed to com e here any t ime soo n, so [hey t ry to hi de and ambush intruder s as descri bed above. If the "intr uder" . turns o ut to be a trooper fro m Ls. all th e goblins that are here pr epare an ambush in the areas marked B.
W h en pes re ach t h e room , read:
FOllr mirrors thai have grecll, glOlvillgfmmes arc mO lllltea all Ih e lVeltem alla Ilorlhem walls. Most are cmclwa. The caslerll portioll ofthe room has no wall . IllSlcaa, Il,e precipice there apparelltly !.e,aas 10 a much larger room. A 10llg ladder liesflal Ileal' the edge. . Wh en PCs see th e gob li n s, read:
Two goblills ill half-plate ar1110r moue IowaI'd yOll witl1 grim resolve.
TACTICS \\{hether th e goblins wer e able to am bush [he pe s or no t, they flank th eir foes whe never possible, try ing to br ing dow n one enemy at a tim e. A troo per m ight try to bull ru sh a Sm all opponent off the pr ecipice (PH 154) into L12, hoping the m aug k ill s that I'C. The mau g won 't.
CR 1
MM 133 hp 12 ea ch (1 HD) Male gob lin fighter 1 NE Small humano id (goblinoid) Init +2; Se nse s da rkvision 60 ft.: Liste n +4, Spot +4 l an g uage s Go blin
AC 19, touch 11 , flat-foote d 19 Fo rt +4, Ref +2, Will +1 Speed 20 ft. in half-plat e (4 sq uares, run at 3 x s pe ed ), bas e
spee d 30 ft. Melee batt leaxe +4 (l d6+1/x3) Base Atk +1; Grp - 2
Abilities Str 13, De' 15, Can 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6 Fe at s Ale rt ness , Weap on Focu s" (bat tleaxe) Skills Hide - 1, li s ten +4, Move Sile nt ly - 1, Spot +4 Posses s io ns hal f-plate armo r, light st ee l shie ld , batt leaxe (o ne has the key that o pens footlock er 3 in L7 )
If a trooper is knocked down in to L12 and survives th e fall, he cowe rs at th e bottom of the precip ice, awaiti ng h is doom at th e h and s o f th e ma ug. Heavy armo r prevents th e trooper from climbing out of LL2. Th e.m aug does indeed arrack and kill the fallen gobli n, su bseque n tly tossi ng th e tro op er's bod y back tip into L l 1. • Un less they can retreat toward 1 9, th e gob lin s fight to the death . They fear the maug more th an an ything, so th ey won't ret reat th rough Lt Z. Jf th ey make it to L9, th ey try to cove r their escape by cutt ing th e suspe ns ion bridg e there (see L9).
CONCLUSION If a goblin actu ally escapes [h is chambe r, he r uns all th e ,vay to Na mbrak h in L1 6.The hobgobli n cleric th en warns the em issa ry in L18. A dark creeper th en bars th e door to LI B, and Namb rak h takes his skeleto ns to L7. Ifhe do esn 't find th e pe s th ere. he exits th rou gh Li S, reenters th e co mplex th roug h Ll , and heads for Lll , tr ying to fin d th e characters and ro using h is m in ion s along t he way. \'V' hen th is enco unter ends, flip ahea d to T25 and make a nore of th e cond ition the PCs leave 1 11 in. W hen they reac h T15, they have the chance to peer back i? to th is roo m.
f EAT lJlH: S OF T i lE
mum hil;; lite follo", in;;: fCiltl1 re~.
IlIulI1 i n al ion : O low i n g l~l irror f rnme s ; ~1lt1(lo wy illuminati on fill ... t he 1'00 111. Da rlm c s;: pt· rv
ll ';; it 2 U~f(ltlt d rl1p lo L 12 - a fall
[m ill tilL' t op llt·al s 2tl 6 poi nts of J am agc. C ha roctere at tlw bo tt om f., ce DC 20 C lim b ch<,'cb to sc ram ble ba ck u p.
It La kcs a t he cllgc a nJ
mO\'L' a c ti o n 10
il not hcr~}1~')Vc
£ra h
lad der at
.; ctio n to se ] it in
pla c e . O nce t11ill';; d o n~ , go i n§! u p o r dow n the
l.ul,lcl" tabc;: a DC 0 Climb check. C l1" ra dl' l':' can p el'[ J ow n i nt o
11I.~ re. S lt.-'c p S tei rs: It t a l~c 5 '2
;,:qL1 a r c ,:
t 12 of
rucu t 1:0 asce n d cac h 's q u a re . C rca t U J'L'''' run 11 i n g
o r c ba rgi ng d o wn ste ep "bir,;: m ust :;ucl,;l'ed 0 11 a DC 10 B.,bIH.:e Chl'ck, elltl ing l11l'ir m o ve -
rucn l ld2 [cet latfall er ifptrol~ lteve fail. "t faillJY 5 xo rS more iHlll take tlt IJ6 points ll[ d alll a ~c ot th e ellll of tllilt mo vem ent. Tlte D C o( T lllllIJlc- check" incrce scs by 5 . C re a t ures gein ,1 + 1 I, o nu ,;: o n IIwlc c at tac k roll" e ceinst [0 (' ';: bl,lnw tl ll' 111 on th e "tai f S. B ro ke n ;"li rror,,: Eac h m irror h a s a faint nur.i i f view(, d u "i n~ J ct t ro veJ wI,e n tile fl1rl res s " 'M tl lf :l apa; \' Ot hcr tI,an'l1wi r glow, tl~ey llo n't {Io an y d l ing.
(If yo u wisll, ylJlI cnn mal...e
n1l1 1'L' m i rrors here fUl1 c t io na l to for csl, ad o\\' other eve nt s i n yo ur en m pai gn O f to s i mply show ,.OI11 L' iut c rcsti u g sccn c.] Intold 1-1i r rl, r:;:: T wn rn ir ro rs are Ja m" ge(l bllt ,;: til1fun ctio n al. If d,ara cl e!'s spe nd
Looking into the mirror, you don't sec yOHr reflection, bHt instead yaH see a square room that has piles of rHilled armor 011 the floor. Sqllattillg
ill the center is a metallic beelle the size of a dog. Clowillg mirrors lim the walls. A corridor lcads to your right, alld a bright light comes from somewhere dowll that·passage. I [ a crea t .urc Sta l~l},. lJt' [ol'c tl li ,:; m ir;: ,!' a't the sam e lirn c
ahle t o sec a llJ tall" b , the L1t!lCr. T Ill' m ir ror 1" , :;: a st rong aura if vie wcJ usin c Jdcet lIla" ic (DC 20 Spe ll.::rafl check t nlldc l'ln ine il's aivi l~atiO Il). . ;
alw tllCr "la n as bef or e m irror 1 in T 25 , each is
,\ firror 2 : Tbi,;: m i rror was al so a comm uuic a li on J e \' ic e . T be room it C I Jll l1l'C\(' LI to wa.s J e,;: ! ro ved wit l, t he rcs l ,o f Slaugl'b;'rgal'(le, hilt t 1H.' m ir ror r<.lpL, y ;: c1i ,.l l1J' tc ll ima ge s o f til(' Ia", t th n 'c crca t urcs 10 use it. T h lE C who watc h th e mi rr o r fo r alwu t cl m in ut e se-ca "e au l if u l, black-Ita ir l,d woma n (DC 13 S pu l clw cL· to tell s ite';: nut- IHlln<1n; s u Il"eq nent D C J6 Kn o wleLi ge lt he pl.l1l l's] check t o t ell she',; <1 sllcc u lll l"), a ltl'llll ik c c rca l u re wh os e m a::s ivc llI a", lll'
au ra .
UMMONING Encounter Level 3
Th e enco unte r begins w it h the pe s standi ng above th e su m moni ng pi t on a ledge, eith er to the nort h (if th ey're in L s) or the west (if they're in lit). Place the m ,ug (M) as indicate d a ll the tactical map. \V hen it is not othe rw ise engag ed , the ma ug slowly walk s a patro l in this ro om , ci rcl ing clockw ise and always avoiding t he summo ning circles , not pausing even wh ile it talks to th e pe s. The maug fights on ly if res attac k it first or it has reason to believe th at the parry is in leagu e w ith dem ons. It th inks th e goblins are allies of dem ons, so it's suspicious ofa nyone who cooperates with them . Th is area is p ic tu red in th e illu strati on handou ts. Show th e illustration wh en t he h~wler at tack s.
\Vhcn the cha ra cte rs can see the ch am ber, r ea d :
Four circles of glowing red sigils arc carved on Ih e floor of the large chamber 20 fee l below yotl. A massive creattlre seemingly for med of sto lle walks arotllld Ih em, a two-bladed swo rd held ill its rock y gatmtlet. It patlses alld tllrns ils head to look at you, Ihen rcsurnes its walk amollg the glo wing circles. 0 11 thefa r stde of the chamber (speci fy "to th e north" or "to the west," as appropria te) is all other ledge IiI,e Ihe one YO ll're slalldillg 011.
Is T IIE i'1,\ UG H EI, E?
T h is mall': is a m c rcc ua rv from tl le plane (If Aclwnm , h ired b v tlle C l'I~, :' t i a l arm y fOf 'tll C IMUk, ~I la t l'nd cd witll 'Slalld ll~rcard e's de i! tru eti:Jll. (n d w m idd le o f th e battl c, till.' Il1 ~ LJ ~ wa ~ ll r Jer c J to gu a rd thi s chal11 l11~ r a gai n :'t :.: Ull1t11 0 Ile rS lh .; t rnid lt a r ri ve
D C r l'l~d i n ~ ou Y{)\lr sen se of t he dr am a l ic, you can pla y t ll<') ma u g as a p ati e n t if ::' o llll'w ila t w(n ill-wea r y ::, oI J ie r, a :' a mac hine li ke c re a t u re ll r ivcll mild Il\' it " l o n ~ wail in t ilt' Cll.l lll bcr/ o r 5(11llelh i ng i ll IJc l wl-·c lI. .
Fiend Folio 121 hp 41 (2 HD); rapid repa ir
LN Large const ruct (extra planar) lnit +2; Se nses da rkvision 60 ft.. low-light vision ; Liste n +7, Spot +7 Langu ages Common, Dracon ic, Giant AC 25, touch 10. flat-footed 24
Immun e abi lity da mage and drain, critical hits, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustio n and fat igue , For t save effects that don' t affec t obje cts , mind affecti ng spells a nd ab ilities , necromancy effects , non lethal damage , paralysis , pois on , s leep, st unn ing SR 14 . For t +0 , Ref +2, Will +0 Speed 40 ft. (8 squares, can't run) Melee mwk two -bladed swo rd +\ (2d6+S/ 19-20) o r Melee mwk two -bladed swo rd +3/+3 (2d6+\ / 19-20) o r Melee slam +6 (l d8+7) Space 10 ft. ; Reach 10 ft. Bas e Atk +1; Grp +10 Atk Options locking hand Abilities St r 20, Dex 15, Can - , Int 13, Wis 11 , Cha 12 SQ co nstruct traits Feats Alertness ", TWO-Weapon Fight ing Skills Intim idate +6, Listen +7, Professio n (soldier) +S, Spot +7, Surviva l +S Poss ession s masterwork full plate a rmo r, masterwork twobladed swo rd Rap id Repair [Ex] Repair 1 hp pe r hour when rest ing. Locking Hand (Ex) A ma ug gets a +S bo nus on rolls to avo id be ing disarm ed and catch itself whe n falling, on grap ple checks to maintain the grapp le, and on Climb checks to han g on when damaged while climbing.
NEGOTIATION The maug is focu sed on its dut y ofguard ing the sum moning circles, but if th e PCs want TO negot iate, it talks to th ose who aren't overtly th reaten ing. Let the conversation run as long as everyone seems int erested, th en call for the relevant skill chec k (usually Diplom acy), applying cir cu mstance mod ifiers an d results from the following informat ion. Starting At titude : Indi ffercn t. . ,. Modifier s: PC is obviously a paladin or cle ric ~f a neutra l go od, lawfu l goo d, or lawful n eu tr al dcitY' (+2); th e PCs foug h t th e go bli ns in LL 1 (+2); PCs tell m aug about the howler in L8 (+8); PCs demon strate that th e circl es are h arm less (+2); PC i s obviously a cleric of a chao tic neutral, ch aotic ev il, or neutra l evil de ity (- 4); PCs threa ten th e maug (-2); PCs urg e I11Ju g to desert its post (- 2); pes don't seem concerned about demonic invasion (- 2); pes de face
th e sum mon ing circl4s (- 4); maug sees th e PCs coo peruring w irh go bli ns (- 8).!
If Un f r ie n d ly (l or lower): Warn s pe s
to leave th e
ch am ber im m ed iately. If th ey tarr y, it att ac ks .
If I n d if fere n t (2-14): Says, "Do not interfere with my
11 11
m ission . You r presen ce will be reporr ed ."Then it resu mes its circ ui t aro u nd th e ch amber an d ignores furth er d ialogue. The pe s ca n move abo ut the c ha m ber fre ely. ,. I f Frien d ly (15- 29): Expla in s, " I was ordered by
1/ 11 1/
the Thu lkarr to gua rd th is cha mber again st int rusion du rin g th e bat tle th at dest royed m ost ofSlaug hre rgard c. I remain here u nt il the Thu lkarrorders m e othe r wise " The 111 3 Ug can also answer basic ques tio ns abou t the hi story of Slaug h te rgar de .
If Helpfu l (30 or m ore): Regards the pe s as all ies in th e war agains t rh~ demons. \Xlillin g to ass ist in a
batt le agains t th e ho wler in L8 or the goblins in U1, but it won't mov e an y farther away from th e su mmon ing ci rcles.
"=M , -j1l-t--
i~ G@~§;:~·~i--l-
,,~ iWT' ~·'c. , :~, \~
The m aug atta ck s a single foe unt il [ha t ene my goes down , then moves on to th e nex t. Given a ch oice, it attacks arche rs first , mele e combata nt s secon d , and
' ~A
spelle asrers last.
. :\
J-- L-
~ ,,~
'.':1==t--t----r--,r--~l--~1:I~~ ll' 'N
r '/~
Believin g th at the cir cle s might still func ti on , th e maug won 't enter any squa re thar has a su m mo n in g L: circle in it , even if ir sees others do so. lt doe sn 't chase toes beyo nd L12 , mind ful o f its orde rs.
F E '\TI I I~ E S 0 1' T H Ii R o ml
T il e ro o m hit>' tbt, followi ,~ ~ fe a ture ,,:.
CONCLUSION If th e pe s improve the rnau g's atti tu de
to friendly or
helpfu l, or th ey defeat it in combat, th en th ey earn full ex pe r ience, I f rh ey oth erwise bypa ss th e en counter wi th out d efeat ing the m aug, th en th ey earn n o ex per ience,
Illu ltli n.l 1io n : ~h,] J ow v illu mi n at iml"fi lis: tlw sunuuo nin c c irc le,,; witllin tll ci r hOll l1 j". It ';: d i1 rk ol h..-rwi sc. ~
Cci lillg: Thl' ce iling heft· i s 4 5 f('d [ Will til e f1l}Or. Prec ipice,;: It';: a 2 ()- foo l clilll h rrll lll L1 2 to L8 or to LI ] . A fall f n l l1l dlCtop deal" 2 £16 poi nt s of da l1lil~e. Cl1aractc rs i IJ tl,e bo t tom la ce DC 20 ci i III b checks Lo ;,;('" Ie; tIll'
W<111. 1\ ladtlel·lieii at dh.' lop ~J f dll' wall in L11 (s ee Prt-c,ip;'·e i ll Ll1 L <1 11( 1 '1Jh, th ~'r ladd er leatl" fro m L1 2 to L8 . G o in£! up or down a laJtler ta kes
Encounter Level 2
SETUP The monitor lizard (L) is ready for in tru der s u n less the pe s approach stea lth ily and wi thout light . When you descr ibe the room, don't sho w th e player s the Je ep mu d squa res.
W hen the pe s can see t he room, r ead :
The flagstone sflooring the passage give wa y to a natural cavern that hasa muddy floor. A fat green lizard almostfivefeet long rests in the mud 10 the west. Three timbers brace the ceiling. A pair of copper doors is sci into the so ulhem !Vall near Ihe
so utheas tem co rner.
M ON IT O R L IZARD MM 275 hp 22 (3 H D) N Med ium animal lnit +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages -
CR 2
AC 15, to uch 12, flat-foot e d 13
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 Speed 30 ft. (6 squ ares) , s wim 30 ft. Me lee b ite +5 (l d 8+4) Base Atk +2; Grp +5 Abilities 5tr 17, Dex 15, Co n 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Fe at s Aler tn e ss, G reat Fo rt it ude Skills Clim b +7, H ide +6, Listen +4, M ove Silently +6, Spot +4, Swim +11
TACTICS Th e lizard attacks an yone not beat ing gr ay tru ffle m ushroo ms, fighting un ti l slai n. It kn ows of and avoids th e dee p mud .
.F I' X r U RES or- THE
TIle m o m hi! :: tilt' fo llowi ll~ fc,1 1u res. Illu m in a t ion : It ';,; dt1rk Iwrc. Cc i l i ll ~: T ill' cl' j l i JJ ~ 11e re i " 10 fed hig ]l .
G "a" T ru ff le· !' l ll ;,; l~ rot) m l:' : A successful DC 2 0 Search
i~ su ff ici en t to n oti ce t he hutt on- si zed rlI11 SJ.l r ll ll1ll 3 ~row ill,;! i ll th e lllud n ea r the llo (wwtl\,s. T he m on it or lizard ~illl't :' t~1H1 d w smell o f t hc musl1rotlln ~, so it wnn 't ..: m >, s c itl 1l'r thrcshold illlli leavc l h l:' mo m . I ~ u rn i :.>h etl C l ip p e r Door,;;: H a nl llc ss 5 ; 6 0 IIp ca cll. Ope n ;;puth\\'a rd; vc rt ica l ha nd les on IJOth ,::i dcs o f bo t h ,Iuor" near where t he y m ccl . T Ilt' do or ,;; a rc do.:'c l! bu t unloa':e',!; t lll'v kWl' nl! L:tch or lo ck. • . Po "t :1-: T imll cr IHB t ,:: Ill,ld up t ill.' cc ute r nf thc d~a m hcr',::
l · ]WC ].;.
c l' i l i n ?:.
Deep Mud:TIle squarcs ll1arkl' ({ ,1;: d e e jl mud cos t 2 sq uare s ll r rn o vom ent Lo en l c r , ami t ill' DC o f Tumble checJ...s ill :'llc h
i ncrea scs by 2. '\ :" a m ov e acti o n, a PC ca ll pro d all adja ccn t ::, q ua re wi d l a l o n ~ i m p ll'llll' ll t l o se t' wlll' l1ll'Y il lJi15 J ee p IllUlI. }' l(l\' i n~ in to lill' SqlliHC gives till' S,I Ill C i nfn rma tio n , Ma rL.l'<1c h ,,:q ua re l.l f IJcep llIUlI ,1;' till' PC " di ':: co \' l~ r it.
S q ll ilr C:"
ch a ra.::: tt.'r c a ll :=: lan J i ll I h e snm c sq uare a s a po s i ,
ga ini ng a + 2 bmw ,:: hl Ar lll o r C la::'s ant! a +,;L bon us on I\ cflex e- aves (as if it wer e a l rcc , OMG 8 7 ). Gad1 pos t is AC 11aI'lLu.: s,: 5 , atHl 7 5 h p. l f o ne p l),;t is d e strn Yl>J, dm t a nd pebb les fall fr om till' t:l:'iling, and t he rcm oinin c t im be r ,;; c re a k om ino u sly. If a scco ntl pos t [,,11;;, cvcrv :,q uare aJ j,1 ce ntio ilnd i n d tlli i ng a post is :m ll jed t o a cove- in (l),\'G (6 ). The room l.cco mce impa s:.> abl e unt il it' :.> tlug ou t. B l' Ca l1;;l~ o f th c r isk o f fut u rc cave-jn s, it bkl..''; one p~ r,; o n a n 110 11 1' to clear eadl 5 - fo l,t sec tion Ill' dlL' ro om . D,lu J,le th c J i g~jn g ti me if I lll' ex cnvetors llon' l h ave piclcs a nd·s lw\'t'ls .
En cou nter Level 2
Rescuing whil e stan ding on the plank bridge takes a DC 20 Balance check. If the check fails by 1 to 4 , the rescu er .':. ·(·'!n't attemp t th e rescue th at round. Failure by 5 or mor e mean s the resc uer falls in too. Wi th it s stee ply slop ing southe r n ingr ess, thi s roo m is a dan gerous obstacle. A DC 8 Surv ival chec k is su fficien t to tell that th e water y mud here is li ke quicksa nd. When the pe s start hea di ng over th e planks, have th em roll ini tiaIf th e PCs head roward L1 6, and Narnb rakh is stil l th ere, tive so everyo ne act ~ inrurn . \X'h ere peopl e are stand ing th ey hear ch ant ing. It's a repe t itious intonation ofa couple is im po rta n t. sraremcn ts. PCs who make DC 10 Listen checks and speak Gobli n understand it as, "o h , M aglub iyet! Great Maglu W h en th e pes reach the edge of t he r oom, r ead: liiver!" Any PC who m akes th e l isten chec k and a DC 10 Little more thall a wiac spot ill thc'll arrow tU/lllel, Knowled ge (religio n) check ca n pick out "Mag lubiyct" and recall th at Maglub iyet is the evi l deit y of all goblino ids. this room's floor is nothing but watcry mud.
Rivilicis of water t lHl dowll the walls, A se rics of /larrow' plallb stretchcs across the mud to allothcr passagcway.
SINKING PIT Rickety plan ks cross this sink hole. Tools: Three shovels, three un lit tor ch es, and 20 feet of muddy rop e lie near the sout her n en tranc e. Plank Bridge: t\ DC 15 Balance check is requi red to walk along th e planks across th e mu d; eac h successful chec k let s a PC mo ve at half spee d for 1 round . PCs who ger a result betwe en 11 and 14 teeter preca rio usly and don't make any progress th at round. Tho se wh o fail by 5 or more fall into on e of th e sin king pit squ ares. Det ermine wh ich 011e by roll ing Id6 and consu lting th e map . Falling In: f\ character wh o falls into th e sin king pit can atte mpt J DC 10 Swi m chec k ever y roun d to stay at th e surface or a DC 15 Swim chec k to move 5 feet. Someo ne who fail s th e chec k by 1 to 4 ma kes no progress, bur a PC who fails by 5 or marc sinks below the surface and begins to d rown (see the Swim sk ill, PH 84). Rescuing: A rescu er need s a lon g tool that can reach th e victim. A DC 15 Streng th chec k is su fficient to pull an adjace nt victi m out, but the vic tim must succee d on a DC 10 Streng th che ck to h ang on . If th e Pc 's use a rope , othe rs ca n assist using th e aid anoth er actio n (DC to Streng th ch eck , +2 on the rescuer's chec k for each succ essfu l helper). If both rescu er and victim succeed, th e victi m moves 5 feet toward safety. If either check fails, the victim is still at the same place in the mud .
or T ilE ROmI
T I1 \;.' ro o m b a s
tilL' roll ' l w i [~ g
fc a l ures.
Ill u m i nat io n: It's J <11"k Ill'l"c. .~. Stee p S lope: T he silu ther n p<1 ';: ';: il ~e i:;: st ee ply :;:l o peJ It
lake s 2 squares of m nv emenl Io
ru nni n g o r c llar giu g d ow nhi ll must 5uccec,1 0 11 a DC. !O B al a nce d llo-·d -: , \;,' Il di n g t ll1:'ir rrrovemen l Id 2 x5 fe el [ a l ~r if LI le Y fa il. Th o se thal (ail by 5 (lr m ore fall pro ne a l tile 'e m l o f t k it m ove m e nt. T h c D C o f Tu mbl e c h ec ks in c rc cs es h y 2. C reat u res coin a + I h Olll ]s O il 1111.'leL' aH ilc k roll s a~a i l1 ,,; t foes tw lnw t[1c m o n tlH-' ;:.I o pe. C l' iHlll il l S lo pe : TI le IHJrtllef n pa ssa ge i;:. ", IIlIHo·- J h ut n ot cno u d llo
A En counter Level 2
SETUP Ran king membe rs of th e goblin band live in rhi schamber, but on ly th e goblin underboss, Brunralgoik (B), is her e now. Btunrnlgoik an swers solely to Nambrukh , the hobgobl in cleric currently in L1 6. The ot hers respect th e underboss because he h as a knack [or lead ing successfu l raid s. If he heard a battle in U 3 or a com mot ion in 114, he's sta nding in th e m iddl e of th e room with hi s hyen a (H) at hi s side. H e's expect ing an opportu n ity to ridicu le hi s und erlings for bumblin g abo ut in th e sink ing pit o r funnin g afou l of the monitor lizard . However, ifh e recogni zed th e so unds he heard as com ing from non goblinoid s, he's instead ready for battl e. In either case, he's arme d with hi s sci mitar and carry ing h is shield. O therwise, he's lounging in a hamm ock, amusing himself with th e pictu res on some of th e papers here. Hi s hyen a is resti ng u nderneath the hammock. In thi s latt er case , th e underboss and th e hyen a are surprised if th e pe s arri ve in th e roo m unheard.
When th e p e s en t er, r ea d :
Massive bookshel ves and bfl rgllndy carpet distinguish this c(wmberfro m othersYO II've see n. A felV books lie on the shelves, and 1'0 11 spya couple boxes lVlth the Sumberlon sigil on them. Papers arc sca tlered across the floor, alld the carpet has muddy tracks OJl it thai from a path through the room. Hammocks hl1J1g be tlVceu tllc bookshelves. (Based on th eir location, describe Brunralgoik, a stout goblin clad in chain and armed with a scimitar and shield, and his hyen a.) ,: '
CR 1
MM 133 hp 9 (1 HOI Ma le gob lin ra nger 1 N E Sm all hu m ano id (gobl ino id) Init +3; Senses darkv ision 60 ft.: Li s te n +5, Spot +5 Lan gu ages Goblin AC 19, to uch 14 , flat- foote d 16 For t +3, Re f +5, Will +1 Sp e ed 30 ft. (6 squares) Me lee mwk scimita r +5 (ld4 +1/18 -20) Ranged mw k s ho rtbow +6 (ld 6/ x3 ) Base Atk +1; Grp -2 Atk Optio ns favored en e my humans +2 Abilities SIr 13, Dex 16, Co n 13, Int 10 , Wis 12, Cha 6 SQ wild em pathy - 1 (-5 magica l beasts) Feats Track", Weapon Focus (scim it ar) S kills Ha ndle Animal +2, H ide +9, Lis te n +5, Mo ve Silent ly +9, Spot +5, Su rvival +5 Pos ses sio ns masterwo rk cha in sh irt , light s tee l shie ld, maste rwork scimita r, maste rwo rk s hortbow with 15 a rrows , po uch with gray t ruffle mus h rooms (whic h repe l the liza rd in 113)
CR 1
MM 274 hp 13 (2 H D) N Medi um anima l Init +2; Sen ses low-light vision, scent; Lis te n +6 , Spot +4 Langu ages AC 14 , to uch 12, flat-footed 12 Fo rt +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Sp eed 50 ft. (10 squares) Melee bite +3 (ld6+3 p lus free trip) Base Atk +1; Gr p +3 Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Fe at s Alertness Skills Hide +3, Listen +6, Spot +4 Tricks (Ex) This hyena unde rstan ds the attack , defe nd , dow n, guard , and track commands (PH 74).
P I\O ~ E
A p rol1t: .1tta...-:kt:r t.1k t.·~ a -4 llt.'ll illt y o n m el t;·t: al b ..-l, roll~
r\ pr'~l1 c- Jc-temler tal~t'~ a - ..J. p en al t y t o ~\ r m {l r Cl a ;; ~ acain st melee a l l a cb, IJu l ca ins a + 4 h..H111S to AC il ~a in5 l 'rang l.,1 a lb ck s. S l il llJi n ~~lIp is a move a c t.ion lilal pro volccs
Th e hyen a attacks once Bruntalgoik successfully handles It. b ur it figh ts back if it takes damage befo re it's succe ssSpeak ing in Gobl in and atrem pring a DC 10 H and le Ani m al check mad e as J move acti on, Bru ntalgoi k o rde rs fully hand led, It [hen engages whoeve r inj ure d it. th e hyen a to attack. The hyen a does so if th e check is S lICI f the h yen a h its with a bite, it dea ls nor m al dam age ccssful. Bruutalgoik conr inues to use move act ion s to order an d m akes a fre e trip arrack (PH 158), To d o so, it m ake s a th e h yena to atta ck until he succee ds. Str eng th check oppo sed by its target's cho ice ofa Strengrh 1f he goes first in the in itiative ord er, th e undcrboss uses or Dext er ity c heck. Ifth e hyen a w ins rh e op pos ed check a standard action to ready an at tack agai ns t the fir st PC .~ . -its target falls p rone. to app roach him. If hi s read ied attack happens, h is new H is reputat ion at sta ke, Br u nt algoi k g ri m ly figh ts to th e place in the initiati ve orde r becom es the co u nt on whic h death if he must. Th e hyen a won't leave its m ast er 's side. h is att ack oc cu rr ed. Bru nralgoik prefer s hum an targ ets for him self and hi s hyena. H e also pre fer s to atta ck pe s wh om th e hyen a has t ripped (see below).
.: .
T he pa rl y cnn in :'k ad <:nrty a1150 p O ll n"", of realling materia l a wa v to s ort il [a tc r. ;\ mo ue till' w,lrl h Ie;:; ,. a n d menu i nde,. s bit;; are ei;;:\l l r are h i,.l"ry te·xt:, (50 ~ p c ac h) uml ,1 :,pe·lIbook. TI, e :; p~, l lIwo k co u tains l'l1rllil1~7 11<111}", cause [..'<:1r, C/ 1.1I"1II p C/";5QII , e/1i/l ta ue/l, cum f.:m:l,C'".ll IJl9/1lI9CS, cndu re c/elllcllt:", 1I1<1~lic U'C, l{JOII, protection
t he foll o w i n ~ fe nt u n.' ,:: . 11I1l11lill.l t l01l : ·J~m.: h; 2 0 re d (If brio;ll t ill umillill ill ll; 20 ft'l,t o f ,,]l illl,l \\'V illum ina tio n. Tile t nn.:'ll is 'i ll a wall sco nc e ILl tllC l'a"l o f t1lC Ilo d llcr ll p<1 ,; ",a~e\\'i1Y, R ., m p : TIll' wes te r-n po ss ncc woy i s ,1 ro m p that is n't st eep e nou~ ll to a ffed move m e n t. Cn'at ure;:; sain a + 1 6,Hll1;:; on
Till' ro o m 11<1;;:
[rom gU()J. protection /mllllau:, my 0/ L'II!cc[,fcmelll, I'e d uce pl! r 30H,
lllel C'e ,'Hac k m ils aga inst fo..:s be low t llt.'m on tl ll' slo pe, Ca qJct : T he lihr<1rYhas wal1-lo-wil ll bu rgu ndy ca rpel t hat t he ~ohl in;:; k w c t ra.:k elllllllt[ ac ross, IlltJstl v bct wct' ll tIll' 111'0 d Oll:·way s,
COll l.. in c r,;: T Wll (If tIll' rnissinc C hi c<1ne G ui lJ c rn tcs are l hl' I,)\\'(>r she lvc:> of it !lOCJk~ b cl f. Eaell co nta i ns spicl:''' ilm! \\'l:'i~ ll"" 3 0 Illlu lH!,,- a DC 2 0 Approi s... dwek is ", u H icJc llt to tell ti, e spice s Me wo r d l 2 0 gp per pound. ;
A PC who h,,,, t Ill' Track fCilt \~l lll ;:;uceet" !" on a
Ill'rc on
Su rv i \' <1 [ clw ck ca ll lea ru till' fol ltJwi Jl~ in ror lll <1 1ion , i lle lllli i1l~ thal f W ill Imvcr DCs. ~ ~ DC /0: Lnt" or Sm all a nd l\le Jiulll erect urc s puss t h i;:; way . It looks lil~t, dH.'i r Im ot " a re llllllitly
bodJ ,lirl'ct illl1;:;. DC /5:" 1' ~" 'll a 1J
f rol ll sourccs ill
DC 20: SO IllCo r j\ lelliu lTl crce tu res arc ll ra .t>1 ill ~ thc ir red ,1'" if thcy' t" li r"J or woun cleJ . te ll till" PCs, bu t t ill' se arc zo m bie trucks). Bo o!..! ,;.,ml Pap er,;: TIll' library W,H loot eJ l o n ~ 6ef o rl' t llc goblin:; arrived, hut some valuables rem a i n . o.t, t[w"e wlto ca ll feuJ li lt.' A IJ\'"sa[
l <1 n ~u a ge cal~ tell w il a t'~ v,,[uu hle i1llWll~· ti,e
lllU llll aI ll' h o o k :;;
allli pa pe r", Iltd
a llY wi zanI c an
telll h.,l till' spe ll b,)ok i" pot c l1 l: i" l1 y lbL,ful. It tab·:;; on c PC 2 htlur" to check out tbe 1l1ateriaL: tlHlltld lUUt l ilt:' li lw a rv. Divide tIlL' l im e bv till' nU lll b~ r o f abk· PC s w l~~) takl' pert i n th e :,o; t ing.
• '''' ''', '"
' I',
" I
I E n cou n t er Level 4
SETUP Nambrakh (N) , the bandit gang's leader and ' priest, is chanting and pra ying loudly an d ecstat ically, so h e isn't m ak in g effective Listen chec ks. The embalming strips h anging f rom the ceiling might obstruc t h is sight eno ugh to allow th e pes to snea k very clo se (and the str ips might
N A MBRA KH MM 153 hp 23 (3 H D) Male ho bg obl in cler ic 3 LE Me d ium h u ma noid (go blinoid) Init +1; Sen ses d ar kvision 60 ft.: Listen +2, Spo t +2 Lang uages Com mon , Gob lin AC 15, touch 11, flat-foot ed 14 Fo rt +5, Ref +2, Will +5
affect combat as detailed in Features of the Room). Ordered
Sp e ed 30 ft. (6 sq ua res ) Me lee spo ntaneous inflict moderate wounds +4 touch (2d8+ 3, Will DC 14 ha lf) Me lee m wk heavy mace +5 (l d8+ 3 [use d twc -hande d j) Base Atk +2; G rp +4 Specia l Act io ns re bu ke un dead 4/d ay (+1, 2d6 +4, 3rd), spo ntan eous casti ng (inflict spells) Cle ric Spells Prep ar ed (CL 3rd; 4t h with ev il s pe lls): 2nd-anima te dead, hold person (DC 14), invisibility D l st- cause f ear (DC 13), cure light woun ds, protec tion from good', shield offaith O-cure mi nor wounds (3), guidance D: Doma in s pell. Dom a ins : Evil, Trickery
to attend him , the skeletons (S) aren't payin g att ention
to th eir surroundings eith er. Even if a battle occurr ed in 1 17 or a co m motion went on in L14, th e cleric didn't hear it . pe s receive a +10 bonus on their M ove Silent ly chec ks against the creat ures here, bu t Nam brak h an d his skeleto ns readily no tice an y'new light sou rces. I f the pe s arrive in the roo m withou t draw ing attent ion , th ey receive a su rprise round.
When the PCs enter the room , re ad :
Tile clwnt il1g you've been hearillg com esfrom tilis large chamber, whicll appears to be rougilly octago llal all d walled with worked red sto lle. A di", light issues from Ihe cas t. Stn ps of gauzyclolh Ihat look like balldages hallg fro m rows of iroll reels on ti,e ceiling, drapil1g down 10 thefloor in places. They form veritabl e CtIrtaim If embalming stri p s block line of sight to Nambrakh, read : '
The curtaills ofbandages block yo w' view of whoever is chall tillg here. When any PC can see Nambrakh, re ad : ,
A JlObgoblill III a chain shirt is ti,e chal1t's sOlirce; he holds a nmce aloft illfronl ofa bla ck altai' as he sways al1 d intones. Blacl, candles all ti,e altar fliclwr in ul1ison with his swayi ng. ~J:h ree hobgoblin sl,elelons in clwill shirts SlIITO,,"d Ii i"" holding spears up alld sile lltly moving tileir jaws as if joinillg il1 the IInholypraise. A pile of coim lies at the base of the altar.
CR 3
Abilities St r 14, Dex 12, Co n 15, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 12 Fe at s Combat Cast ing , Skill Focus (Conce nt rat ion) Skills Concent rat io n +9 (+13 cast ing defe ns ive ly), Li st en +2, Move Silent ly +4, Spot +2 Posse ss ion s chai n s h irt , maste rwo rk heav y ma ce
HOBGOBLI N SK EL ETON S CR MM 225 hp 6 ea ch (1 HD ); DR 5/b lud geo n ing NE Mediu m un dead Jnit +6 ; Se nses da rkvisio n 60 ft.: Li s ten +0 , Spo t +0 La nguages u nde rst and s cre ator 's comm a nd s
AC 19. to uch 12, Fl at-fo ote d 17 Im m u ne abi lity d a mage to physical ability sco res , a bilit y d ra in, co ld, cr itical hits , death effects, d isea se , e ne rgy d ra in, exhaust io n an d fatigue , Fo rt save ef fect s tha t d o n 't affect object s , m ind- affect ing spe lls a nd a b ilities, nonletha l d a mage , par a lysis, po ison, s le ep, s tu nn ing Fo rt +0, Ref +2 , Will +2 Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res) Me lee spear +1 (ld 6+1/ x 3) Base Atk +0 ; Grp +1 Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con - , Int - , Wis 10, Cha 1 SQ undead t raits Feat s Im p roved Initi ative Skills List e n +0 , Spot +0 Possession s cha in sh irt , ligh t st ee l s hie ld , s pear
\xr hen h e ha s taken 13 or m or e points ofdamage, Nam -
Skeletons int erp ose th emselves between the pe s and Na mbrakh , whom they're instr ucted to gua rd. Th ey att ack the closest ene my and provide th e cle ric wit h flank s. Na mbrak h casts shield of fililh, defensively if opponents beset him in mele e, th en protectioll fro m good ifhe thinks hr has t ime. If he sees J goo d cleric amo ng th e pe s, he cas ts /wld person on tha t charac ter. Hoping to 'prevent turning atte mp ts, he subsequently orde rs hi s ske letons to dest roy th e en emy cleric. He uses cause {l'ar on the most threatening
brakh casts CUrt' Jig/lt wou" ds on himself. If reduce d to
:, GONCLUSION Ira b attle occurs he re, th e dark cree pers in U S hear it. One bars th e copper door s [rom th e western side on in iti ative coun t 0 during th e th ird round ofcom bat. O nce th e doors are barred , a PC mu st ma ke a DC 25 Stre ngth check to break th e bar and open t hem from th e east.
melee combatant or a cleric against whom hold person failed. Afte r spo n taneously exch an ging nnunntr dead for inp icl moderl1/(' uo unds, he rc uch es a foe in me lee with him. He spe nds the rest of rhe'fighr u sing hi s mace tw o-hand ed.
DC 2 0 \Y'ill "av e is rcquireJ widl I'a cb u s c. Fa illir e P Il th e til(' cleri c <1 ne cati vc level tlhl.t ~ot':: .,wa y .,her 2 .+
savc sconts
T l1l' rllLJI11 h a,:: the l()ll ow in~ fe a t ure ".
huur". A I} rl) l~ l' l1 s tc t uct rc i s jus t nod], o f til(' a tta r. By takin ; a minute to piece till' statu e t te t o gctjrc r, a PC d i::covers tl1ilt
Ill um in at ion: C
Th e ca n d les a rc nn t ilt' illtar. . E mbalm iu g 5 t r ips: St rip" III dn tll ball ~ Fl'IJm the Cl·ilin g when · imli c"led a ll till' m ap. T]H:Y pro vid e wllc..:a lm c nt (2 0 %
it wn s a rolll'J figure wilh [nul' arms wi elllil1 ~ lu i" J.1 g ~er,:: . litis ste tuct te mate],c:" t1,e·"t alu e o n a ll. a ttar in T 11 in tile sLHl glltergaHle temple. .: • •Jn a p i Ie at til(' foot of the altar arc 355 ~p, 8 2 pp , 6 ],J.,ck ca ndle", a jaJ e br acelet (2 0 0 g p ). and th ree dec ora l ive silver
mi ss ch a nc e} for ilI1yon e behind t hem, b ut tlle y d o n' t o b '::l r u et IlIOVl'IllCllL
B u r n i,::I1l'J Co ppe r Doo r,::: l-Ia rJ ne;;: ,:: 5 ; 60 b p cacho Open
wl.'st wa n t; vc rt ic a l k lml16 ou bot h ,: idc,:: llf
11011, Illl Ors. nca r
dosl,d but
ulllu cL..,d ; th ey
meet. The d o or,:: <1rI'
lli1 vC no 'Iatell or lo eb , Illil l1wy m igllt be barrt·d Co nclu sion]. D Clllo n A reI, : Th e ar..:h o ve r th e nortlwrn d o or wa y i" Caf\'l,J t o look Ji].;.c til e fan., amI open mo ut h o f a
arrowllcaJ;; (no t weap on s, 50- gp ea ell ). U n d e r tIl e e,lin" i s a J ivin e ,::crllll tl,.:ll llas Jl,1.1Yplliselll ami fo'! s;sl c nefgy o n i l (cah er
f.:1I1 gcd llenw ll. A It.u : Atop l he alta r ar c two ca nd le,:: and a clay fi~nr il1l' l)f a lllu,:: de -llUullll ], oh~obl i ll. T I, e alton ha;;: a st ron g aura i[ vicwc(l using Jcfl!d 111<19;'- (DC 22 SpI·lt:,'r "h che ck to determ ine it's ue crorna nc y} , a m i it Ila s a st ron c (·vi l a u ra if viewe d us in s ..-IettY { .:ril. Ti,e altM l'atl~lJl' Je,::l rn y0d (hardn e,;; : : 2 50 h p ). D eal in g it half thi ,;; Illudl JUl11il ~e Jefa cc::: it l'llO lI ~ h to ruin it s lll.1 ?l ic. An y evil .:.:J eri c wl10 prep.HI·':: s pel l::: in front of
till' a lt a r ca n
hi t points or fewer after that, he casts invisibility and ma kes his escape. H e sneaks out of Slaug hrergarde an d does n't return. You can have h im make an appeara nce in a later advent ure if you wish.
pr epan.. ll e enJIlWUCY ,:: pell" a"
if lhe y
were on e le\ ·el lo\\,l·r. U sing till' power of tlH.' altar, Nillllbrakh pH·IMrc s ..ininiatc JC
( ) n c ;;q llare
{(.' cl
Encounter Level 2
CR 1/2
hp 16 eac h (2 HD); DR 5/slash ing NE M ed ium undead lnit +0 ; Senses dar kvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages underst ands creator 's commands
The zombies here (Z) serve Nambrakh, and they attack anyon e who isn't a goblinoid. Nambrakh sus pec ts that the shattered gate is import ant , so he keeps it und er guard. Th e gate is pictu red in th e illu stration han douts. Show the illustration whe n th e howler attacks.
AC 14, touch lo, flat-footed 14 Immune abili ty dam age to physical ability scores, ability d rai n , c ritica l hits, death effects, dise ase , en e rgy dra in , exhau stio n and fatigue , Fo rt save effects that don 't affect ob jec t s, m ind -affe ct ing s pe lls and ab ilities, no nlet hal damage , pa ralysis, poison, sleep , st un ning Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
W hen t he p e s re ach the room , read:
Four zombies, all obvio llsly onrc hobgobhl1 s, sllllffle listlessly acro ss the floor of this mom. An om ately carved arch takes up tl1 e el1 tire westen! wall. It's a larger, 111 0re detailed versiol1 of th e demoll archesYOH've see'l1 , but this arch doem '! jlls! has a blank wall beyond it. Two of the SIIlllller demol1 arel,es, ol1 e yOH came tl,rollgh, pierce the southern wall.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares, can' t run)
Melee batt leaxe +3 (ld8+2 / x3) Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Con - , Int - , Wis 10, Cha 1 SQ sing le actio ns, undead t raits Feat s Tou ghn e ss Skills Li ste n +0, Spot +0 Pos ses sion s leather armo r, battleaxe Single Acti ons (Ex) One m ove or atta ck action pe r round . Can mo ve it s speed and atta ck if charging.
CONCLUSION If a barrle occurs here, the hobgoblins in L6 hear it and pre-
pare as indicated in that encounter. Th"e;g~o~b;li;n;s""'~-'''-:;;:;:_Jq in L7 might hear it (Listen DC 12; r ' ," .;.. ..~ :]' Listen +2), awakeni ng and preparing :.~ -l.? c ~ . . for bat d e if they do. It ta kes th em 6 ~I ;~ '1 I' roun ds to prepare-5 rounds to don w ". ~ ,~ .".\ ' ! . d l i d d armo r iasr! ya n 1 rou n to rea Y ~~t~H their weapons. Once th ey're ready, 'I.::g;...... they hun ker down and await intrud[r-: ~.':';"; :.~:·.b~+----t--I.-ers , If they wait for more than few I:" \ mi nut es, the y take ano the r 5 rou nds to don th eir armor properly. If th e PCs head toward 116, and '-Na mb rak h is still th ere, they hear chanting. It's a repetitious intonation of a couple of statemen ts. pe s who make DC 10 Listen checks and speak Gobli n __ understand it as, "o h, Maglubiyet!Great Maglubiyer!"A PC who makes th~ Listen check and a DC 10Knowledge (religion) check can pick out "Maglubiyet" and recall that Maglubiyet is th e evil deity of all goblinoids.
-,' .. .""-,;
Ou e ;;q uare
Rom l The I:"'''' I"" the r"lIuwin, rea""e,. IlIulIlin al1o Jl: It 's d
, .~
Encounter Leve l s
Man euvering to pro vide eac h other flan ki ng, t he da rk
.~ • •c"[ee pe l's co n tin ue to figh t as lon g as they can ma ke sneak
SETUP O ne of the dark creepers (D) is an em issary from the d raw in the Slaugh rergar de temple, sent to lear n about th is part of Slaug htergarde. The other is hi s companio n and bodyg uard. Their work is;l'[ don e, so they don 't im m ed iately flee. W hen they hear.a.b att le in l1 6, one ba rs th e door s and t he ot he r dou ses tile cand le on th e desk. Th ey're cur iOllS as to what's going on, but th ey k no w the darkness is to the ir advantage.
attac ks. \Xfhen both are wound ed , they flee up the southwestern tunnel , withdrawing if po ssible (PH 143)." 1£ one dies, th e o ther tries to escape in the same manne r.
F I:,\'l'lm ES 01 ' T i l E
\Vh en t he pes bur st in', read :
The doon fly o!,en. to reveal a small, blockcloaked humanoid with !,o/lid Sb'l and sinister features. Next to him is a similar creature that appears to be female. Beyolld them is a room that contains a wooden desk olld a sillgle wide bedroll. IJI the southwestern come r is a narrow tUllnel
that leads upwani. By the smell of tile room, which is fresher tholl other areas of this fa rsolletl ruin, and the sl ight draft, you'd guess that tunllel leads to the surface. 2 D ARK C REEPERS
CR 3
Fiend Folio 38 hp S each (1 HD) eN Small huma noid Init +3; Sens e s blindsight 60
Til e ro om Ila;; til e f{l ll () \V i n ~ fealure ;;. Ill um ill a t ion : Can d le; feet o f ;;IWLlowy i ll u m in at io n. TIK' canJle is 0 11 tilt.' J t:~b . 1r n Jarb crcc pc r dOll 5eJ the ce ud ]c, it ';; ,Ia rb he re. De,:; I-: ; S q uar e;; t ha t inc ludL' t h e Je ;;k cos t 2 "q uar e:: o r mu vcru cn t [ o ente r, A crea t u re ca n ju m p at op lIw ,Le"k, ~aillinli i1 + 1 b u nu ;; 011 Illelee 'l lla cb roll ;; a ~,li l1 ~t t1 lO~C o n till' f1l1o r. Doi 11 ~ ,,0 is autom ot.ic for ;;Oll1 L'L;lIe wlto ta b et' a mo ve acti o n fr om allY'J f till' d e"b ';;squc rcs, { JI" it ca ll be don e as pa rt o r a larger move netio n wit h a DC 16 Jum p check (DC 8 with a 2 0 - fno t run ni n g sta rt} . Im ide t ile d c::k arc th irl L': n parchm e nt ~ hed " , a pe n, ch a lk a mi illl~ (l)f1 12 8 )..t\ lTl o ll ti tile par,:: lll11Cn b: a re two note" . O ne is a ;;kel ch of th e ;;hal tel"eq.i:at l' in L 17, wilh a no te th at rea (\':' ~ R u i m, d ! ]\,I() "a lv a g ea bl~ "i g'i ls.~ The lld lL' r is it ~bddlL, J Illap ma rkeJ ~ S u r r i n a k I I Ul1t i n ~ L){l~e~ sl10w;; a pa dl t1trOll~ ll lhe f(Jre ~t 10 a :oquare Illar ked u ca 6in ," th en it "cr,1\\l,a "t rapdoo r hearthdon e,n sta ir s lei1 L lin g d ,l\Vn, and a tlelll on an.:ll. Bllt ll n ot cs ar e in U ULlt.' rC()1ll1ll 0;1. ; "!"unllt-·I: T he ,::o utll\Ve" t L'r n t un n el is allout 3 feet Wi JL', ami gra Jually "lope s, winJin g its way up wa rd for 600 fed , wli e re it emerg es ill allOllow t rcc o n llw ;;urLc e. t= i ~ ll t i l1 g in tllC tunn el is unwise a llLI requires squ eezin g [o r ~l e(litllll a nJ Small creatu res (PH 1'+8 ). Cr ea ture s "t i ll g,l in a +1 Im lltls o ll ltle ll'e aH ack roll" ag ain st foe;; helow t he~ll on the slope.
It.: Lis te n +3, Spot +3
Langu ages Dar k O ne, Gob lin, Unde rcommon AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 Mis s Chance sha dow cloak Res ist evasio n Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +2 Wea kness light sensit ivity Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res) Melee dagger +2 (l d3+1) Ranged dagge r +4 (ld3 +1) Base Atk +0; Grp - 3 Atk O ptions snea k attack +2d6 Special Actions sha dow cloak Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10 Feats Lig htning Reflexes Skills Hide +8 (+1 6 in shadows), Listen +3, Move Silently +4 (+8 in shadows), Sleight of Hand +4, Speak Language (Gob lin), Spot +3. Tumble +4 Posses sions leather armor, 6 dagge rs The fema le has a filigreed gold ring (50 gp) and a naga bo ne ring (snake biting its tai l, 250 gp): the male has a plat inum ring set with a ruby (800 gp).
Shado w Cloak (Sui 3/day for 1 min ute; provides 20% miss chan ce in bright light and 40% miss chance in sh ado ws. Li ght Se nsitivity (Exl - 2 mo rale penalty on attacks , damage, saves, an d checks within sunlight or a daylight spe ll.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _IEMlll. In a copse abo u t 5 miles fro m Castle Sur rinak is a simple h u nt ing lodge that the Surri nak fam ily uses each aut um n. A few nob les u sed to co me here to brave th e dem onic ru in of Slau gh rergarde 's tem ple section, but now that the d ra w h JVCcome, the Surrinaks stay away un less they're ca lled. A few yo ung Su rr ina ks are work in g wi th the d rew, and once a week, a Sur rinak gu ard and a care taker check on the lodge, bu t it's otherw ise un visited. The lodge's fro n t door is unlocked , and t he ins ide is bare except for J sto ne heart h an d ch imney. It's cle an and mai n tained , bu t it feels cree py. Sur ri nak hu nt ers br ing th eir gear and fu rn iture wi th them wh en th ey plan on staying in the lod ge for a sign ifica nt amo un t of tim e. Access to th e tem ple is sim ple. The lodge's he arth is m ade ofan old m illstone tha t's h in ged and op en s ro revea l a st air way down to T t . A DC 15 Search chec k is su fficienr to no tice the unusua l plac em en t of the m ill stone, b ut th e PCs probably alre ady k now it's there from the informa tion fo und in L18. Th e staircase do wn is actually 50 feet long; the last 15 feet are in T1. ligh t from the demon arch in Tl can be see n from the top of the sta irs as a di m glow, b u t the staircase is d ark u nt il the pes ente r T t. Further, th ese stair s are steep. Tr tak es 2 squares of movem ent to asce nd each squ are. Creatu res ru n ning or cha rging dow n stee p stairs mus t succeed on a DC 10 Balan ce chec k, end ing th eir movem ent 1d2X5 feet later if they fail. Th ose that fail b y 5 or more fall pro ne and take 1d 6 points of damage at the end of th at m ovement. The DC of Tu mble checks increases by 5. C reatu res gain a + 1 bon us on m elee at tack rolls against foes below them on th e stai rs.
DUNGEON FEATURES W he n the PCs delve into Slnug h tcrgard e's tem ple section, som e of th e arc h ite ctu ral fea tu res seem fam iliar. Bur player s who exp ect the same exp erience are in for some surprise s. Changes fro m these norms are found in specific room des cr iptions. Illumination: Light ch ang es as d escr ibed in eac h room . H
come in t \V O varieties-ill uso ry cu rta ins and fiery curt ains. Th e arche s are descr ibed in det ail wh ere th ey ap pear. A fiery demon arch is pictu red in th e ill ustr at ion handou ts. Show th e illustration whe n the pe s firs t see an act ive fiery arc h. Flo o rs: The tem ple sect ion uses the same so rt of fL .gsronc flo ors th at the PCs saw in the labo rato ry sec tion. Some ch amb er s and co rr ido rs have an in laid m osaic of clawed footprints. \"'{' hen the temp le WJS an active par t of t he m ounruin-fortress. the mo sa ic was in tended ro gu ide wo rship er s from shr in e to sh rine and dire ct them away fro m off-lim its sectio ns of the temple. lingering Magic: As w ith the laboratory, livin g creatures do n't nee d to eat or d rin k with in the Slaugh tergar de tem ple . The spiders in T19, T20, and T21 still kill an d eat pr ey.
ORGANIZATION Th e d rew th in k they have the ru n of the place . They no w pr efer static gu ard s. and Lan rhu rra e. th eir pr iestess and leader , has d irec ted them to protect ce rt ain sections fro m int ru de rs. They reac t to ne arby battles by prep aring for battl e themselves, b ut the y don' t us ua lly leave th eir post s. Th e penalty for failur e is too d ire. The temple sec tion rad iates outward from a cen tra l point. I f yo u want ro tailor the temple, be carefu l to keep tougher enco un te rs on the outer edges of the ma p. You don't wa n t th e PCs stu mbli ng into suc h encou nters before they're rea dy. I f you wan t to tin ker with the dungeon , co ns ide r the fol lowin g op tions . Add a Pa trol: I f you wan t to keep the PCs from camping out in the tem ple, add a patrol tha t wa lk s th rough the rooms u nder d rew con tro l. A group of two arca ne g uard s or of three Lolrh 's stings (both EL 3) m akes a goo d patrol. The PCs have a 10% cha nce to m eet the patrol eve ry 10 m in ut es the characters spend in a roo m that th e d rew co ntro l. I f the patrol run s across evidence of in t rusio n, th ey war n Lant h u rr ae fir st, and she se nds th em to find the invaders. Add More.Rooms: If you wa nt to add mo re drew, the easiest place to do so is among the ba rr acks in the sout heastern cor ner of ihe map. Ityou want to add m ore dem onic stran ge nes s, any thi ng sour h of th e m agm a h urle r in T22 is fair ga m e. Cu s t o m ize t he Shri nes: Int ent ional vag uen ess ex ists abo ut j ust whom the shri nes in th is temple are devoted ro. They co u ld be d ed icated to obscu re de mon-p ri nc es, demi god s, or forgotten aspects of ex is ting gods. Th e altars mi gh t be places of wo rsh ip, or th ey m igh t j ust be monu m en ts to champ ions of evil. It 's up to you. Change the sh ri ne de co rat ion s to m atch th e chaot ic evil en ti ties in your camp aign .You cou ld even invent a ri tual that activates th e cro ne statues in T 16 and place that ritua l in ano the r adven ture-or thi s one .
. ':0•
Encou n ter Level 2
The pe s can see T1 [rom the final 15 feet of the stairs. I f th e guards (G) hear int rud ers, th ey load th eir bows to shoot as soo n as they sec enemies. A J emon a ~'ch th at·has violet energy in its arc hway is picture d in th e illustration ha ndou ts. Show the illu stration when th e pe s can s ~e '"th is room.
PE X !"lm ES OF T H E
Illuminatio n : Dem on ~ rc h (g l ow i n~ eyes); 2 0 [: l' d of
br i ~11t illulll inat ion ; 2 0 fed of ~h ,] (lowv il lu m in ation .
DeIlloll A r d l: T Ile aura if viewcd u "i n g L/dcd 1I1
About 15 fee t frolll the bo ttolll of the stairs, you pass beneath the ceiling of a roO Ill ofgray stone. Two dusky-skinncd warriors with longbows guard a dcmol1 arch that hasglowing eyes al1d a violet gas swirling in its mOl/th. Burnishcd coppcr double doors are set into the walls to the north 0I1d soutlL Tapestries JlOngillgfrom the walls in this roorn dcp ict horncd, crimson-skil1ncd l",mol1 oid warriors 1ll0rchil1g across volco nic 111OlII ltoins.
CONCLUSION If a battl e occ urs here, the gri mlocks in T2 hear it. On in it iative coun t 0 d ur ing th e th ird rou nd , one gri m lock bar s the so ut he rn doors. A PC m ust the n make a DC 30 Stre ngth chec k to break th e bar and ope n th e doors. Th e Lolrh's stings in T15 migh t hear (l isten DC 17; List en +7). If they do, they sneak in to th e hall toward T1 (H ide +7, M ove Silen tly +7), ret reat ing to 1'15 an d waiti ng
Ro ml
T he room 11<1.;: t he foll o\Vin ~ [c'l t un.'",. .
W hen t he pes near the bottom of the stai rs, read :
in ambush if t hey see intr uders. H owever, th e pe s m ight meet them in th e hall. .
room hil5 aleded lhclTl o r not . A DC 1 1 Li st en chec k is 5uHicieut to la'ar tl1(' qll ag go l h in T6 Im! a rp<: k cvcrv ot he r m u m!, bullh i:" :"o u;l d is hurd to j J ,' n t j f ~ il c ctlral~! y.· T a pc;;l r ic,;;: E igh t tope st rie s IIl~rc mens ure 15 reel h igll and 8 ncro ss; 1'<1 c11 is \\,(wt h 100 gp. Tlll' tap cetri cs weigll 100 pound",. each
CR 1
Races of FaerQn 62 hp 9 each (1 HD ) Ma le ha lf-d ra w ran ge r 1 CE Medium humano id (e lf) [nit +2; Senses darkvis ion 60 ft., lo w-light vis ion; Listen +6,
Spot +6 Language s Com mon, Elven AC 17. tou c h 12 , flat -footed 15 Immune s leep Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 Sp eed 20 ft. in breastplate (4 squa res) , base speed 30 ft. Melee mwk lo ngswor d +5 (l d8+2j 19-20) Ranged compos ite lo ngbow +3 (ld8+2 j x3) Base Atk +1; G rp +3 Atk Opti ons favored enemy e lves +2
Abilities St r 14 , Dex 15. Can 13, Int 10 , Wis 12. Cha 8 SQ wild empathy +0 (- 4 m a gic a l be ast s) Feats Track ", Weapon Fo cus (Iongsword) Skills Diplomacy +3, Gather Info rmation +1, Hide +3, Lis te n +6, Move Silen tly +3, Sea rch +1, Spot +6 , Su rvival +5 Pos s es sions m aste rwo rk breastplate, maste rwork longswo rd, composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) w ith 20 arrows
_. -
".- ,..,- 0
~q ll i1n..'
5 {c... l'f
-v - ,
CR 1
MM 140 hp 11 each (2 H D) N E M ed ium monstrous hum ano id Init +1; Senses blind sight 40 ft. , scent; Liste n +5 , Spot +3 Languages Common, Gr iml ock
En cou n ter Level 2
SETUP The g r im locks here (G) are filling conta iners for a» u pcom ing expedition. If the pe s battled in Tt, T6, or T22, th e grim locks ex pect tr ouble. from th e do ors ex iting T1 or1'22, a DC 6 listen chec k is sufficient hea r th e quaggoth in T6 break a rock eve ry other rou nd.
AC 15, touc h 11, flat -fo oted 14 Imm un e gaze attacks , visua l effec t s, illusi o n s For t +1, Ref +4, Will +2 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Me lee greataxe + 4 (l d 12+3j x 3) Base Ark +2; Grp + 4 Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6 Fe at s Aler tn es s , Trac k"
Skills Climb +4, Hide +3, Liste n +5, Spot +3 Possession s greata xe
When the pes can see the ce n t er of the roo m, read:
111 thecel1ter of this wide il1 tersection stand two muscular, gray-skil1ned humanoids ill loincloths, They have blank sockets wltere their eyes should be, and theycarry greataxes:
F L\T LJR ES 01 ' TH E
[n ll ()\Vin ~ fe ilhtr c :,. 11I1iITl ill .ll ion : D e m o n : rd, (glowing eves]: 2 0 feet o f IH id,l illulIli n ali nn; 2 0 f l' el u f "h'llltHn' ill uJ1I ina till l\-j u,;: t clll~ ug il t o n~vc il l tile po ol in ti ll.' l1l i d(ll ~, o f tI'l' i n cc tion . Hurn i ..hcd C o p p l-' r Doo rs (llOl h scts]: I Iar Jnc;:" 5; 60
Ti,e mom ha:' till'
. 11[1
eac h . Vert ic'll k\llJles .m 1)011, "ide,:: of bCOt!, L! oor" ncar \\·I, cI"(, they meet. T h(' ,Ioor" arc c1~) "e J lJl1l un locked; tlH.' Y
kwl' n o lak b u r
lo ..-: k . ,Vllrtll.:!rI/ Door,,: O pen ;:ol1l hwu n l. All iro n IJa r j ,. c it llcr
lea n in g aga ins t t], Cwa ll to
Ilh:k" a rc
tIle west II I tile doo r;: (i f tile ~ r i 1l1
u nawa re ] o r dHl'a J l·J
A mosaicofclawed footprints rullS IhrouglJ the Italhvay from east to west. The floor in the middle of tlte intersectioll slopes gel1tlydowl1ward to a pool of waterthat bubbles softly.
thro ugh the
action ttl pick u~' lhc 6a r .1J1l1 allod lC;·to threaJ tile b.1r tll rtlug ll tIlL'han dle" . If til l' dUM" are ll<1 lTcll. it t.1ke~E a DC 3U She ll,:tll ~ c heck hJ b rea k- th e l1ar ilJ1l1 ope n tllem. \\?c"i•.?nl [)O~Jr": Open eil~twilnl. "A II1U rial1l-T rua' ll il V
bv 10 . . Sp rin g': Tl w· lI a g:'ltJIlL' ll
hH' ill thi" room h a ;;: se Hle,1
rl·et and water ~e.:'Jl3 up t ln ' lu gll t h Z: c rac ks, c rcating a n ,l t u ra l ~ pr ing. At its llec Jle~t point, till' p~l o l i, a bo u t ,1 fo o t lle<:p. It costs 2 squa res o j movement to move in to a. p o ol ~q ll arl', amI tile DC o f Turn lJll' cl lc d,;;; i n ~L1c h ~qll<1l'l',; increases by 2. Fou r cenlccue .lnJ two ';'111a ll c<1;; b ar~ sCilll creJ 'lboul till' .... d gl',:. u r l hl' po o l.
by severa l
Encounter Level 2 .t ~ r; i\ T U I' E S 0 1: T il E
SETUP Fight ing in 1'2 alert ed th e guards here (G» bu t they don 't leave their pos t.
I (Iu lllill
\X!hen the pes come th rough the demon arch, read:
Cuarding this rooll;:are two dllsky-sbl1l1ed rncn wearil1g breastplaies al1d carryillg lO>Jgswords. Crates lil1e the eastem wall, al1d a rOlll1d table al1d fOllr chairssit ill the middle ofil,e'roOIl1 . 111 ihe sO ll ihwesiem cornerisml irollbolll1d ·chest il1l1t hasa glowil1g rWle all its top.
Sec T2 .
C rit Les : 01o s1 o f t h e se crc te e arL'1l11111J'1llL' ~noJ :;:-f(lo d, ckJ i n Ii 11k,;: for a rmor rc pa i r, har n e sse s fo r hca-sLs l)f bu rd cn, ami c xce vcti ou 10 01:::. N one l)f tIll' fo n d 11 .1 " IJ\~en OIH.~ I1 L, J or ea te n, Iw l il ',: a ll preserved "'0 it '", st ill ~op J .
A ll told, the,:: c ~O()Jt< wc i~11 .l hou t 2 00 pounJs anJ Me wortb .+0 0 ~p. A L)C 12 A~pprais e c hec k is :il"·ficienl t l; dde r llli ne ti l is, hut tIl at t.lke s 3 0 m inutes and rcqui res Sl)HIe of tbe c re t e s 10 be o pe ne d.
T aiJl l': SquuH' S t lhlt in c luJ l' lbe ta ble c ost 2 sq ua res of m o vem en t II ) en t er. A crea t u re c a n jump alop tile I.lble!
TACTICS If one guard goes down and th e situation look s hop eless) the other maneuvers toward th e warded che st. If h e arr ives at th e che st before the pe s srop him , he opens it and shou ts, "I'm taking you with me !" H is openi ng the che st provokes nil attac k ofopporruni ty-the glyph doesn't go off if such an attack kn ocks out or kills the gua rd . 2 SURRINAK HOUSE GUARDS
The mom k l,; till' rol1 o wi n ~ featu re,;
CR 1
Races of FaerQn 62 hp 9 each (1 H D) Male half-draw ranger 1 CE Medium huma noid (e lf) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.. low -light vision; List en +6, Sp ot +6 Languages Common, Elven AC 17, to uc h 12. flat-fo oted 15 Immune sleep Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
~ a il1 illg a + 1 b l ll l1 ,; o ll llle lce a tta c k roll,; a gnins lLho,;c 0 11 th t.· [JOll r. Doin s so is nuhuuutic for so rnc o nc WllO I'lbl''; .1 mov e act io n fr o;n any o f th e tabll.''' sq uare s, o r it ca ll he don e ns pa d o f a lar ger move act ion with a DC 24 [ um p c h c d~ . I w n llOu lHl C lte sl : T h e clll',;t is 11nIOl" k,·d ; it lIa:" lwrdne ss 10 iln d 60 IIp. It's warJe d with a 9~/P/J o! tc.1rdilJ!J t hai gllCS off if a nyllnc lltl ll'r t ha n Llnl hur rae lJp Cm it. view(',lming deted may;e, the ~ l y pll 11.1:' a bin i .1ura . (DC 18 Spell cra ft dll·(,.~k to dd ef m inc it's a hjurati on) . I f.:'"Slonw o lll' uses r(,.'a J Illa ~i c O il tIlt.· 9/YP/" a DC 13 Spe llcra ft c hec k is suffil"ic llL to illt>lll if v it and its effed (a ciJ IJ].",I ). 1l1::iillc the c he s t arc
Speed 20 ft. in breastp late (4 squares) , base speed 30 ft. Melee mwk lo ngswo rd +5 (l d 8+ 2/ 19-20) Ranged compos ite lo ngbow +3 (ld8 +2/ x3) Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Atk Options favored e nemy elves +2 Abilities St r 14 , De , 15, Can 13. Int f O, W is 12, Cha 8 SQ w ild empathy +0 (-4 magica l beasts) Feats Track ", Weapon Focus (Io ngs wo rd ) Skills Diplo m ac y +3, Gather Info rm atio n +1, Hid e +3, List e n + 6, Mov e Silent ly +3, Search +1, Spot +6, Surv ival +5 Possessions maste rw ork breastp late , mas terwork lo ngsword , compos ite lo ng bow (+2 Str bonu s) with 20 a rrows
, O IlC H J II.1I'C -
En counter Level 4
SETUP If the drew rid er (D) hears battle in Ti or T6, he rakes 3 rounds to sadd le up and ta ke a pos ition where he can charge those who enter t he roo m . H e re ma ins battle ready, hi s mou nt sadd led ,but he d ismounts after 10 m inutes ofsilence . He ca res abou t the lizard s (L), so he does n't leave them .
DRO W RIDER CR MM 10 3 h p 15 (2 H D) Ma le dr a w fig hte r 2 NE Med iu m h umano id (e lf) Init +3; Senses darkvi sion 120 ft.; Listen +3, Spot +3 Langu ages Ab yssal, Common , Elven, Un dercom m on
AC 19, to uch 11 , f lat-footed 1S Im m un e sleep SR 13
If the cha racte rs manage to snea k in to this room , the rider is adju sting the sadd le on th e riding lizard. It takes him a full-round action that provokes attacks ofopportu n iry to buckle rhe sadd le down . On rhe following round ,
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1; +2 against sp ells and spel l-like abilit ies Weakness light blindness
Sp e ed 20 feet in fu ll p late (4 sq ua res , run at 3 x speed ), base speed 30 ft.: Ride-By -Attack Me lee mwk la nce +6 (1dS +2Jx3) o r Me lee mw k longsword +5 (ldS+2 J19- 20) Reach 10 ft. with lance Base At k +2; Gr p +4 At k Options M ounted Com bat Co mb at Gea r potion of cure light wounds Sp ell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd ): 1jday-dancing lights, darkness, faeriefire
he attempts a fast mo un t as a free action (Ride DC 20), then
moves to attac k. Ifhe fails the Ride check, he has to lise a m ove action to m oun t up . .
When the p e s enter the room , read:
Thcc uprighl lizards thc sizc of lwrscs are tied to the northern wall, each nosing a pile of l11 usl,rooms on tile floor there. Anotl1 cr sta nds 11 en rby on ils powcrful hind legs, ridde" by a drow in henvy armor who's carrying a lan cc. A mosaic depictingclawcd foo tprints cmerges fro m wIder copper dOl/ble doors to Ihc cas l, 11 cads into the middlc of the room, thcn tl/nl SsO l/lh, where it disa ppears l/l1der dOl/ ble doors there.
Abilit ies 5t r 15, Dex 16, Con 11 , Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feat s Mou nted Co mb at ", Rid e-By At t ack", Wea pon Fo cu s (lance) Skills H and le Animal +5, Int im idate + 5, Listen +3, Ride +10, Search +3, Spot +3 Pos s e s sion s co m bat gea r plus masterwork fu ll p lat e, ma sterwo rk lance , masterwo rk lo ngswo rd , key (to fo ot lo cker 1 in Tl ) light Blindn es s [Ex] Blinded fo r 1 roun d in daylight, then d azz led wh ile s ti ll in daylight.
CR 2
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 308 h p 30 ea ch (4 HD ) N Large anima l Init +2; Sen se s low-ligh t visio n, scent; list e n +3, Spot +3 l an guag es . AC 14, touch 11, flat-fo ote d 12 Fo rt +7, Ref + 6, Will +2 Spe ed 40 ft . (S sq ua res), climb 40 ft. Me lee bite +6 (2d4 +4) and 2 claws +1 ea ch (1d3 +2) Sp ace 10 ft. ; Re ac h 5 ft. Base Atk +3; G rp +11 Abilities Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feats Ale rt nes s , Enduran ce Skills Climb +14, Hide +0, Jump +11, Li s te n +3, Spo t +3
Th e other th ree riding lizards are tied to spikes dri ven
by charg ing
into th e northern wall , an d they ign ore the fight unless
and th ereby dealing dou ble dam age wit h hi s lance . H e can charge wh ile mounted and move hi s moun t's speed
one of them is attacked . In th at case, the lizards attack th eir attacker if they can reach. The lends aro und th eir
after m ak ing the arrack , taking no attacks of op portunity
nec ks p reve nt them from m oving but don 't im pede them
Th e d ra w rid er prefers to in it iate co mbat
from th e foc at tacked (Ride-By-Arrack). On ce per round, in combat again st adjacent foes. A lizard can pull its lead loose by succeeding on a DC ·15 Streng th check. If th at th e rider can try to beat the attac k roll of someo ne who ' att acke d hi s m ount by m ak in g a Ride check, negati ng th e .~ •• h ap pen s, th e free lizard mo ves to keep fighting th ose who h it if he succeeds (Moun ted Co mbat). \X'hile he's mounted , lie gains a +1 bonu s on m elee atta ck rolls against M edi um an d sm aller foes on th e ground. H e reserves h is longsword for fig h tin g adjace n t foe s. Hi s riding lizar d i;' train ed for war , an d it att acks any enemy with in reach ~: It attacks on t he same initiative cou n t as but after the r ider, favoring th e target the ride r att acked.
attacked it. Th e r ider figh ts to t he death to p rot ect the li zard s from in tr uders. If re duc ed to 10 hit po int s or fewe r, a riding lizard th at has no rider instinc tively flees so uth to 1'6 and into the Underda rk through the tu n nel there.
arc ba rr ed , it t ab e,: ,1 DC 30 S t l"t' n~ lh chec k t(llm~,l k LIlt" ba r an ll o pen tl1t'11l. A DC 3 Li ,:; t ell chec k is "; lIf[ ic ient 1n llL'ill' till' lrlla ~g"t h in T6 brL'ilk a rocl~ cver y o lhe r ro u lltL U ml c nla r l~ i\ \o n.·I;;: T IH'5e l,t!ih le Illu;:! m,lom" are a sta ple (If till' r i llil1 ~ l izanl did , at;t1 two da y;: wort h of fecd is here (ei gh t d ay,. for a ;;i n~ le lizMJ). Th e l rf.inl~" are n'l h u n ~r y becau,;e l hey' re with in S Ltu gllk r~anl e, bllt t hey id ly nu zz I.., t ill' Ill U S IH Olllll ;; . They en joy tlle ,;mell, a nd it givos tl1em
r ur Roon
T Ile ro om h a ~ the fl) lIow i n~ fe'l l urc;;. Ill um i nal ion : De mon :lrc! l ( ~ l ll W i l1 ~ eves ]: 2 0 fcd 'Jf b ri d 1t ill u m inat io n; 2 0 fect PI' ,.11<1dowv i]]u mi llal ion . I)elll on A rell : TIle 'Hcb ove r t ill' \\'e.';t ~>fll J on rwav is Guved t o lou k li ke the face 'lIl d 0lw n mouth ,11a b ll ~e d dL':non. Eye~ in the fa ce g lo\\' red-llfa ll~e, JIltI a ~ Iame r llf sw irlitll2 llark vio let en crzv fi ll,. t Ile llHlI:1h. The, JI:L,11 11,1" a Illolle ratl' aura if viewed u',,'ing Jdcel maaic (DC 2 ] Sp ell cr ufl chec k t o de te rmi ne it '" illu,::ion). ,\ 1,,'0\' l1tlll1ellli t ted by dle arch increases Li",tl'll DC:, i (, IH~ersat illn in Co mmo n nil tbe te dio u'::lll'::" o f ttua n l aut y. If a righ t o,,:,,: u l"l'l,d hl'f l>ill T4 , Iw wl'ver , the J l>n ize llS of '1'5 are "ill>nl. S~Jlltl1.:'/'Il Do.Jr.;::; O pe n ,:uu tll ward . '\ 11 iron ba r Ica m ali;!a in"t dll' wall t o tlH' wes l o f t he d O
"'JIlldll i ll g to J o.
J <. r
I , J
, I I
En cou n t er Level 4
SETUP Unless th e pe s were quie t in T4, the drew arid hobgobli ns statio ned h ere are ready for th em .They prepare as described in Tact ics and stand in the ce nter of the in te rsection. Th e
read-aloud text assumes this. If the pes can catch th e guards un aware, the arcane g uard (A) is standing along t h e northeastern wa ll of t he int ersec tion , an d th e doom fist mon ks (D) are standing along the northwes ter n and sou thwes ter n walls. Thi s mea ns t hat pes com ing from T4 probably don't sec the monks from their in iti al vantage. When the pes op en the 400rs from T4 , r ead:
Twocorridors crass ahcad of you. Stand ing ill thc illtcrsed ion are two burly hobgoblills ill simplc rcd breeches alld tUll ics. Beyo nd thcm is n mal edra w ill a shillillgel1t1in shirt. He 11t11 a spiked chaill ill OIl C Iw nd all d a piecc of parchmcllt ill tI, e other. Mosaicfootprill ts lead from tl, e Ilorthcm passagcway into the illtcrlcction, wherc they t",." wcst alld hcad toward you.
CR 1
MM 153 hp 10 each (1 H D) Male ho bgobl in m onk 1 LE Med ium humanoid (goblino id) Init +7; Senses da rkvisio n 60 ft.; Listen +5, Spot +1 Langu ages Com mo n, Go blin AC 14, to uch 14, flat-foote d 11 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uar es) Me lee una rme d +2 (ld6 +2) o r Melee una rme d +0/ +0 (ld6 +2) Ranged mwk dagge r +4 (ld4+2) o r Ranged dagger +3 (ld4+2) Ba se Atk +0 ; Grp +2 Atk Options Stu nning Fist l / d ay (DC 11) Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of ma¥e
armor Abilitie s Str 15, Dex 16 , Con 15, In t 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Fe at s Im p roved In itiat ive , Stunn ing Fist" Skills H id e +7, Lis te n +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +1, Tumb le +7 Possess ions combat gear plus masterwork dagge r, 3 d aggers
eTO AR CAN E G UA RD CR 3 MM 103 hp 14 (2 H D) Male d raw fighter l jw iza rd 1 CE Med ium h umanoid (elf) Init +1; Senses dar kvision 120 ft .; Lis ten +5, Spot +5 l a nguages Abyssal, Common, Draw Sign Language , Elven , Unde rcomm on AC 15. touch 1" flat-footed 14 Imm un e sleep SR 13 Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 against spells and s pell-l ike ab ilities Weakness light blindness Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee mw k spiked chain +5 (2d 4+3) Reach 10 ft . with cha in (can attack ad jac ent) Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of
fi reball Wizard Spe lls Pre pared (Cl 1st ; 10% spell failure chance): 1st-expeditious retreat, ray of enfeeblement (+2 range d touch), shield
O-detect magic (3) Spell- Like Abilities (CL 2nd) :
1jday- dancing fights , darkness, faeriefire Abilit ies Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feats Exo t ic Weapon Profic iency (sp iked chain), Sc ribe Sc roll", Weapon Focus (spiked chain )" Skills Concentration +5, Listen +5, Sea rch +4, Spe llcraft +6 , Spot +5 Posse ss io ns combat gea r plus m it hral chain s hirt , maste rwork sp iked chai n, key (to b roke n foot locker in T8, where his spe llboo k is stored ) Spell book spe lls p repa red plus O-mending, message,
prestidigitation, read magic: 1st- cause fear, Tenser's fl oating disk Light Blind ness (Ex) Blinded for 1 ro u nd in daylight, then dazz led While still in daylight.
. :. '
If two of th e th ree N PCs here fall in batt le, th e third one withdraws to the sou th, k ick ing away t he m elted wax I f th e drew and hobgoblins hear a bat tle in T4, they preu nde r the dem on arch as a free action . This reign ites th e p'l re as follows. fier y curtain in th e arc h. T hen th at N PC join s the arcane Ro und 1: The arcane gua rd ca sts Sllid cl. Mon ks ta ke our gua rds in T7. and dr ink potions of lJ1(Jgc r muor, Ro u n d 2: Mon ks draw masterwork daggers.The a rca n~ g uard takes out h is scro ll offireblili. when th e pe s appear, the hobgoblin s th ro w their •• ~ • If a battl e occu rs here, the were rats in Tt l hear it. Th ey daggers if they must wait for th e arcane g uard to use th e observe the bat tle wh ile h iding in the in tersection nor th scroll o(~rcb(l ll . Safely usi ng th e scroll requ ires the g uard of TS (H ide +5), bu t they're too cowa rd ly to aid th e g uar ds. to ma ke a DC 6 level chec k, fo llowed by a DC 5 W isdom If the pe s th en head nort h , the wer erars shoot crossbows chec k if lie fails. f aili ng th e \'{Tisdam ch eck causes a bu rst down the hall , th en flee into Tl1. of illusor y blue fire eng ulf the intersec tio n harm lessly. W hen th e fireball go e ~o[f, the mo nks r us h int o mele e. O n rou nd 2 of batt le, the arcane guard casts r(lYo! e"fccblemellt on a strong Pc. Afte r [hat, he joi ns the m elee, tr ying • to d isa rm capable melee com bata n ts.' H e has J +11 bonu s for the op posed attac k roll to di sarm a foe.
FE,\T URES O F TilE I~ o m l Ti l l' room 11 ,1 ", d H:' fo lluwinit fea t ur e", . J IIU lll ill < o n : It '", Ja rb flc l'e . till' s o u d 1l'1'11 f ie ry tll' mo n ,u cb is rea ct ivated , it provides 20 feel of hri~ !lt illu m iJla t il)ll alll12 0 fed o f ", b aJ owv illumin'llion. F rom th e in le r"l.cti·oll, till' glo \\' o f t hc Fic r y a rc h a l. T ID is vis ible in t Ile llod l1t:'rIl l'll rrid or. It p ro vit le:, shadowy illu m iu a lion a lmost to tJ1 C intu r -cc t io n. B n rn is IH"ll Cop pe r 1)001" ';: (h o d l se ts ]: Hartlnes:, 5 ; 60 11Jl ea ch. Open we"l wa rJ; ve rt ica l han d le ,;: on bodl s iJes o f hoth d o or ,;: n ea r whe re tlle V meet. T ile ll l1\) rs a n : dO;;l·tl lml unl ockl'll ; th e v l,.1\'e n, ' l a t~ b or lock. F il'ry I )e m~ lll r\ rc h (I) isa !l!ell): T he ar ch ove r tile "ou thern door way i,;: ca r ved to IlhlL like t he b ce
Il h
explo re th i;; part {)j" Siau ght ergartle, I\I'l) of t he Melll'::- are t1 is'l bl c,!: t his o ne ,lilt! t he o ne in T 13 . If so rncone react ivate s th is ' JIlt' , ;; ~leet;; of fl am e "wadle the t1 oarw ay, block in g lin c or sight, anti a d e a l:, 2l (6 poin ts o f fi re (la ma ge to a n)'OI1 '" jlas,:: illg thrnu gh it (D i,::a ble De vice DC 14 ). T Ill:' act iva tc J arell 's flam es.e mit cr ack li n ~ th'lt iucrcoscs till' Li sten De s to hear a ny tiling bCYOllll t11 ~,1~1 by) o. A PC wl10 m a be,:: a SeMell P I' Di ~ a h l e D evi c e dl ecl~ o n OIlC of t ltl' ar ch es autom at icall y not ices if a ll otl lCr see ms 110tt er o r cP o!l· r. X fl Nl){": \,\' h cl1 <:,vc r t ill' PC;; disa.ble or t
. ':.
INE 0 Encounter Level 3
u us
Monsters of FaerCm 7S
hp 19 (3 HD)
If th e PCs bat tled in T 2 or n ,or they approach with a ligh t source , th e quagg orh (Q) expects th em. It 's breaking rock s, so it hears only th e noise of its work every other round.
When the p e s enter the ro om, rea d:
A tall gray-furrcd humano id that ha s an ursin c
hcad alld «rrrtes a lwmmcrlikc club is tl,is octagonal room's olily inhabitall !. It stallds amid crushed rock. lntcrtwinillg snakcs ofdiffcringsizes arc carvcd in relicf 011 thc walls and ceiling. A black lIl arble llltar is set against each of thc room's rcmain ing walls. Each altai' has" strallgc object on it. Mosaiccll11l!cd footprints lead from thc northern passagcway to tl1C ccntcr of thc chambcr, whcrc tllCy tUI'/1 wcst and head out of the 1'0 0 111 .
NE M edium mon st rous human oid Init +4; Senses da rk vision 60 ft ., scent ; Listen +5, Spot +3
Languages Undercomm on AC 14 (10 if raging). to uc h 10, flat-foote d 14 Immune fea r Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4 Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uares). climb 30 ft. Melee greatcl ub +7 (l dlO+6) or Melee 2 claws +7 each (+9 if raging) (ld4 +4 [+6 if ragingJ) and bite +2 (+4 if raging) (ld 4+2 [+3 if ragingJ) Special Actions rage Base Atk +3; Grp +7 (+9 if raging) Abilities St r 18 (22 if raging), De, 11. Can 1S. Int 7. Wis 12, Cha 10 Feat s Ale rt ness , Im prove d Initiative Skills Climb +12. Hide +2 (+4 in shad ows), Liste n +S. Spot +3, Survival +3 Possessions grea td ub Rage (Ex) A quaggoth has a 1 in 6 chance to rage at the start of its next turn when wounded. lfit does , it drops its greatclu b and uses its "if raging" stat istics. It can't voluntarily en d the rage; the rage ends when all foes are slain.
011 t he w ut lnvc,;tern albr. Tlte ,:: l' l)b k ct " a rc \Vorl l, 100 gp eac h (5 00 ~ p a s a "d) . TIll)
F EAT lJ RI: S OF T HE R OO,\I Th e roo m ha s t he fo ll l)\\' i n ~ featu res . Il lu mi n ati o n: It'" J <1rl~ here-, Cci lin¢: T Ile .:ci l ill~ lw re is 2 0 ieet
hidt. -Bu rJl i"llctl C( lpper Door,,: f lar,lne:':' 5; 6,0 h p ca c!" Open :,out hward; vcrti.:alilandll'::' 0 11 lwtll "ide,. o f ho t l, a lh lr E'
Tl«- a o nf:' cln:'ed but IInlocl.. ea; tllL'Y I,.we n ea r wlll' rc t hey meet.
1\ DC 9 Lis te ll ...J1C.:k i,; :,uff ic ie nt
hear occa5 iona l ~ f ll nt i' ll issl's f ro lll tilt" ritling liz
altar 11<1s t11 H't;' fi,,: l- sizeJ cscs. 0 11 the Ill1rt lH.'Mt crn a lbr i s ~ 11a,,:a lt ca rvius {)f ,1 ta nde o f ti ny snake;; in a hall ll,at vag u~ly r c ,,:em llle,; <1 humanoid 1 1l'<1
"i lv er
ey ed :,na kes ca rved in gra nik/ l'a cll ,, \\' allow i n~ tile ll l lll' r ',:; tai l. A n
ivory ,:;tatuc (If il snake skeletoll, ready 10 :,l r ikl', sits
co i ll.'ll as if
view~J u sing Jd ed
I1I<1~lic ( DC2 1 Spt.,llcraft clwc k tt l dete rm ine it',, ·
divination). Ea ch
can be lll.' st roYl,d (k udn es s
ar e
la tch or lock. to
fO-;~;j::t::F4=4.=+=i:~tl~":'Y;I:,"~,;'e~"~'[~in;,~aur'1 , , ,
8, 250 11p).
Di¢ Sil e: E,:'! Cll SgU,Ho.' lllarbeJ wit ll ruhhle cos I" 2 :"quare" of m o ve m ent t tl
en ter. Balance
TUlll Ilie DC" in crease by 6,alllI j\ l tlve Silei.l tlv De s incrcnsc by 2 . , . "lilllnel lo UJllI",nLul : Af tt.'r a lo - foot dro p, til e ,;o ut he r n t \l111lel d escl" Hl" in to lh l' L' ll lll' Hla rk . H l.'re
t ile drow :"CL u p a Illakl',:;h if 1 eleva tor ma de of rupc:! ilod a sto ne pla t fll]" m to ait.! i n l if t i ll ~ . ;\ bnut 40 m iles awa y, · tl lro tl ~ h lllilZl,like cavc'f lls/ [s
t hc'- drow o ut p os t
K'lrk.11l11a Amon.
En cou n t er Level s _: .
SETUP Two arca ne g uards (A) h ere are preparing [or all exped it ion
out of th e com plex. Th ey're ready for battle anyway, bu t th ey're awaiti ng trou?le if a battle occurred in T5. W hen the pe s op en.the door, read :
Two male dra w in ch ai/1 shirts glare at you, spiked chai/1s at the ready. Six heds take up 1110st of the ro0111, alld twofootlockers are set'agaim t the eas te nl wall .
Tf (hey have warn ing, the guards cast shield. Guard 1 moves •to cover the door with h is ch ain. \\7hen the pes enter, guard 2 unleashes th e scro ll of deep sJwIlbcr as soon as possible. Safely usin g the scro ll requ ires t h e gua rd to m ake a D C 4 leve l c heck, fo llowed by a DC 5 W isdom check if he fa i ls. Faili n g the Wisd om check mea ns the spell's burst is centere d on h im.
In subseque nt rou nds, gua rd 1 figh ts at'the door, disarm ing oppo nent s if h e can (+11 on th e opposed arrack roll). Guard 2 casts spells or uses his wan d, on ly join ing the melee whe n he has to. If th e situation looks hopeless, guard 1 uses hi s sc ro ll o ffircbaJl to eng ul f t h e w hole room .
He must make a level check (as above ) to do so. Faili ng the \X'isdom check deals him 3d6 points of fire damage.
CR 3
MM 103
h p 14 each (2 HD)
Male draw fighter l/wizard , CE Med ium humanoid (e lf) lni t +1; Senses darkvisio n 120 ft.: Listen +5, Spot +5 Languages Abyssa l, Com mo n, D raw Sign Language, Elven, Und erco m m o n
AC 15, touch 11 , flat-footed 14 Im mune sleep SR 13 Fort +3, Ref +1. Will +3; +2 against spe lls and spe ll-like
ab ilities Weak ness light blindness
Speed 30 ft . (6 squares) Melee mwk sp iked cha in +5 (2d4 +3)
Bn rn isllC a Co pper· nom: H a r d ne >' 5 5 ; 6 0 [ip . Opens l'iH'twunl; Vl., rt iICil l ha ndl es ;m the : lll ltl w rn ,;: ide of both ,;: ide:' of till' d o o r. T ill>do:)r is clo>'l'cl a n d un lli ckeJ; it b as n o btch
'H' lo,;k. Footloc! The [oo d,lc kl'r " are lo,;L.. J (O pen Loci.. DC 20). T!t"y can be !Ji\t-llCd lJpe ll (ililnln l':''' 5 , 2 0 IIp) ,
F..k,t/ocka I: D rl.HV cll)t hi llg and 1 70 gpo , poot/ocker 2: Dw w d ,)t h ing and ,1Il ivor y bru:-], (30 ~p ).
Reach 10 ft. with cha in (can attack adjacent) Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Co mbat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds Guard 1: scroll of fi reball Guard 2: scroll of deep slumber, wand ofmagic missile (25 charges)
Wizard Spe lls Prepared (CL 1st; 10% spe ll failure chance): 1st-expeditious retreat, ray of enfeeblement (+2 ranged touch), shield a-detect magic (3) Spe ll-Like Abilities (CL 2nd):
1jday- dancing lights , darkness ,faeriefire Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12, lnt 15, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feats Exoti c Weapon Proficiency (spiked cha in), Scribe Scroll", Weapon Focus (spiked chain] " Skills Concentration +5, Listen +5, Search +4, Spellcraft +6, Spot +5
Possessions combat gear plus mithra l cha in sh irt, masterwork sp iked cha in, trave l spell book Spellbook spe lls pre pared plus a-mending. message. prestidigitation , read magic; 1st-cause fear, Tenser's flaating disk Light Blindness (Exl Blinded for 1 roun d in daylight , then dazz led while still in daylight.
.0:. •
N En cou n t er Level 4
CR 4
hp 30 (full nor ma l 37) (4 HD); DR 10/ma gic
A gargoyle (G) recen tl y slipped in through the tunnel in bu rn ed by the fie r y arc h th er e. It has since been sneak ing around, taking wh atever it can . The ga rgoy le m igh t h ave heard a battle in T5 (Liste n DC 6), and it certa in ly heard one in T7. If so, it's hiding behind
no, an d it was sligh tly
th e tab le in th e nor thea ster n corne r (use the higher H ide bo nus). If not , th e pes m ight su rprise it pilfer ing the pew ter flatw are.
CE Med ium monstrous h um a no id (earth) lnit +2 ; Senses d a rkvis ion 60 ft.: Listen +4 , S pot +4 La ngu a ges Com mon , Te rr an
AC 16, to uch 12, flat-footed 14 For t +5, Ref + 6, Will +4
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (ave rage) Melee 2 claws +6 each (1 d4+2) and bite +4 (l d 6+1) and gore +4 (ld6 +1 ) Base Atk + 4; G rp +6
When the p es open the door, read:
Two beds are set against the northern wall of this small chamber, footlocliers at their feet, while three beds are set against the southern wall with no accompanyillg lockers. A rotmd table sits ill the northeastern corner. Time places all it are set with pewter j1atware. If the PCs su rpris e the gargoyle , read:
A grotesque, winged 11lImanoid that has stollY shill, claws, and horns stands next to the table. Over its shoulderis a leather satchel.
TACTICS Th e gargoy le prefers to attac k pe s who are blockinga clear path out of th e room . It kee ps figh ting un til it can flee, ma king for Ttu wheni t can. It doesn't fly while in T8, but as soon as it gets into the hall , it starts flying. .
Abilities St r 15, De x 14 , Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Ch a 7 SQ freeze Fe a t s Multiattack, To ug hne ss Ski lls Hid e +7 (+15 near stone), List en +4 , S po t + 4 Pos s es si o ns satche l (content s des cr ibed in Co ncl us io n) Fre e ze (Ex) A ga rgoy le c a n appea r to be a s ta tue; DC 20 Spot c he c k to te ll it' s no t.
CONCLUSION If th e gargoy le flees to TlO, it o nc e
arch , flees from th e dire bats, an d heads to the su rface. If th e PCs ta ke th e gargoyle's sat chel, th ey d iscover it conta ins two kr ts daggers (each has a J im evil aur a if viewed using delcd cvil), an arcane gu ard's travel spellbook (see th e stati stics in T7 for th e spells within), and 66 g p o
Roo »
Th e room h as th l: fnll o win g fea!. u rl:s. Illumin
;;p c adI.
I : ootlod~cr;;: One i s unlocke d and em p ty . Tltc o d lCr h a:' a b roke n lo ck and co nta ins J ro w d ut h es.
< ag ai n braves the fiery
I 5
. ':.
Encounter Level 2 • FEA T U I~ E S
SETUP Thi s room contai ns two zombies (Z) th at don 't react to occurre nces out side this cha mber un less they' re attacke d from the hallway- see Tactics. Since they 're better armed than typical zombies ; nd thi s unh oly room duplica tes th e effec ts ofa desecrate spell (see Features of the Room), these zombies are mo re of a·challenge. When t h e PCs op en the door, read :
Two draw "' i1 eavy armor, eacil caHyi ng a silield alld langslllord, guard til is cilamber. Tileir slllIffliligga it aIldJ il l se l tling pa llor 111 ark tilem clearly as ulldead . Beyond tilelll are five beds alollg tile sautilern wall and a 511I011 table tilot i10s a box on it.
TACTICS Th e zom bies just attack anyone that enters other than Lauthurrne or her aco lytes. If th ey're atta cked from the hallway, th ey fight back. They fight until slain , but they don 't leave the room to purs ue retreati ng pes. A zombie closes the door beh ind fleeing chara cters.
DROW ZOMBIES MM 265 hp 18 each (2 HD); DR 5jslash ing NE Med ium undead Init +0 ; Senses darkvision 60 ft .: Listen +0, Spot +0 Langua ges un d er sta nd s creator's co m mands
ell' T I l E Rocm
-.r. ' T he roo m h as th l' foll owin g rea tllrc ~. '1IIu m in a t io n : It' s dark Iler e. Burn ish ed Co p per Door: H a rd ness 5 ; 60 IIp . O pe ns slluthwil I'd; ved icill hil llClle,; on tIll' western side of lwtll sid es of th e door. T Ile door is d o sed and Ill1lo.. : keJ ; it Ila s no lat...:h o r Illek, I) c scl' rat c d : T h is roo m on ce IHlu st'J J elllo n ic pr iests an d lh e l'v il hl'J'(' i s pa lpilbl e. C h ari ,., rna c1wcl~.;: m ,ul e !L) turn lltltle,:ttI I'lkl>a -3 pr Dfill1 e penalty, 'l lHl ulld ead ga i n ,1 + 1 pror,1 1le bOll u::, on aHa ck ro lk da mage . roll s, um! "il" i l1 ~ t ll row ,; (inc luclcd in til e zo m b ie;;' st ti cs}. U n Jl'a J crca t~d her e, ~ ll dl a s lh e rlHltll'S gll.'led cl·il.
Tilhlc: T ll isla lJll' fun ct io ns lik-e till' onc in T8. A lo p till' taI ,le is a jewelry ]w x witll a p u zzle cla sp tbat in volv es prcssin c til e ei~ b l ,;l wl " o n t h e l id in a s pcci jic orJer. A DC 2 0 O pen L o ck e1wck is su ffic ien l to o Jlen it, o r it ca n !'l' s1l1 a ;;lll' J ( ha l"l[nl~s ;; 5 , 10 IIp). Tr yi n g all til l' Jlos sib le co rn 6ina tipll s
CR 1
AC 20, touch 10, flat -footed 20 Immune ab ility da mage to phys ical ab ility scores , ab ility d rain, critical hits , death effects , d isease , ene rgy drain, exhaus tion and fatigue, Fort save effects that don' t affect objects, m ind -affecting spe lls and abi lities , no nlethal damage , paralysis , poiso n, s leep, stunning
Fort +1, Ref+ l , Will +3 Speed 20 ft. in ha lf-plate (4 sq uares, can't ru n), base speed 30 ft. Melee longswo rd +4 (ld8+3j19-20) Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Can - , Int - , Wis 10 , Cha 1 SQ single act ions , undead traits Feats To ug hness Skills Listen +0, Spot +0 Possessions ha lf-plate armor, ligh t stee l sh ield, lo ngs wo rd Single Actions (EX) One move o r attack actio n per ro u nd. Ca n move it s s peed and attack if cha rg ing.
CR 2
MM6 2
hp 30 each (4 HD) N Large anim al Init + 6; Sen ses blin dsense 40 ft.; Listen +12, Spot +8
Encounter Level 4
AC20, tou ch 15, flat-footed 14 Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
SETUP Noise made near th e arch might alert th e dire bats (D). Th ey pay no att ent ion to sou nds that are farth er away
than rhar, When the pes come through the fi ery a r ch, read :
Clea rlysubject to a caue- ill, the eastern part ofthe room is cauc1ike. Two ho rse-sized bots hOllg tJure.
Spe ed 20 ft. (4 squa res). fly 40 ft. (good ) Melee bite +5 (ld8+ 4) Sp ace 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Base Atk +3; Gr p +10 Abilities Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17, lnt 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Feat s Alertness , Stealthy Skill s H ide + 4, Liste n +12, M ove Silent ly +11, Spot +8
. 't o
If 3 d ir e bat is. red uced to 10 hit poin ts or fewe r, it flee s th ro ugh th e tu nnel, revealing th e fissu re's presence.
TACTICS Th e bats hover (DM G 20) to fight.
r: E AT UI~ E S OF
ru n Roo»
The room l]il'" lite fnlllHving f('a l tl n' ~. Illumi nation : D em on a n.:I, ; 20 fl,et u f h r id lt illum in ,, li on ; 2 0 ((,locl o f s [,aJ lHvv iIlullIin a( inn. I r tilL' 'H ~ h is lli;: al11ea ,
th e area is Jurk. l::jcry D e m o n i \ fCIt: T h e arc h o ve r till' d o o rway is c a rve d It) 100 1..' like Lite face illH I open mout h of " frcd- orall ~\.' . If nonc ,)f ti, e otl1t.·1" fier v Jl~ lllllll arches h ave- been iH:ti vall'-J M Ji s,tb lt·tl (sec bell)w),;l,cd" ,)f f1all H.-' ::iwat hc th is dod!"w a v, hlock' i 11;: li ne (If :- igllt and d ea li ll~ . 3d6 po int s o f d .' l1l~ge to a l1 ; o l1e pa ss: ng th ru u gll i t~. Crad d i ng h llm t ile f l.1Il1t..' S increases lIle Li ;,: te n DC:;: to IteM illlv t l, in£ bl:v(md th e m bv 10. Ti,l' arch 11M a modera te
A DC 16 Di :;:a ble Dl'\'ice c1wck d isabl cs tl1i; iln:k subsequently in crce sinc the J
X P Nllte : w lll'l1cVCI" t hl' PC s d isab le ( I f take dall1cli!e f rolll a :-pcl: i fic fiery ,lem on arch lor tilL' fir :;:t tirn o t o pa:o: s tlll"oll ~h it, awanl X P a" if tlic y o vcrc nmc a CR 3 trap. C li ff: I t ',;: ,1 20 -f{lol dr op ln th e east e rn pn rl of tl lC m om . A fa ll frlllnthe t tl~ deal" 2 J 6 po int s ll f damage. C harad er,; in tIle Ih )Hom L,I:C DC 1 5 Clim!' clll' c bs [ 0 cl im b bach lip .
1\ lll, hle: ThL' a rea e" st of ti ll' clif f is a fie ld o f J cu,:: e f ubb le. E ach ,;quare l',l s1()f thc cliff co sts 2 "qlhll"l' :> o f m {~ vl'm l'l1 l to enter. 13ala l1.. -:l' amiTumbl... DC", i nc re as e by 5, dlHl Move S ill'n tl y DC,:: incrcesc h y 2 . • T UII Ill,l : ,\ l"lrc (If a natu ra l fi:;su re, till' I1 nrt k 'rn tunne l i;; about [5 fed wide in m ost pieces -c-i t was " l i ~ h t "qu cl'ze for lh..·clin · b.,b. FillJ in g it fromllJe fl oor requ ire " a DC 2 5 S earcll clwck. S ca l ing tbe 30 feel lip 1:0 till' tUl1nel c ut renee requi res DC 15 Climh d Jecks. A lall fro mlll at 11 l'iglll J ed L. 3 d6 p o i nf" o f J"m ., ~c. O nce in t-llC tll n Hel, chc1l"c1ders 11111 :'" It1<1 k ~~ DC 10 C lim b d lCCk:=: to l'l'c1 ch d ie "urfa ce a flc r 20 0 feeL Falls ill d1e lUIlI1 t' I.1I"t.' fo r
Id.+ x lO fed .
En cou n t er Level 4
If a wererat take s any dam age, he tries to withdraw throug h -: . ·the eastern doors , att acking anyone in the way rather than taking attac ks of opportunity. Th e wcr crar s (W) have be en pressed into gu ard ing T12. If they're somehow un aware of the pes, the y're watching Tt l , and the eastern doors are open . O th erwise, the doors are clo sed and the wcrcra•rs are aiming cross bows at' them. If a battle occu rs here , Caranaach in T i2 watches around
•. ;
the co rn er w ith glee (H ide +8) so th e pes migh t see her.
When the pe s enter, rea d:
Sec Se t up for T 12.
Two furry, rat-headed IHllnalloids armed with crossbows are here. Turned on it; siae ill the middle of the roOll1 is·a table surro11llaea by broken chairs alld other debris. Nearb y, a small lamp provides softl ight. A red stone altar is set against the westerII wall, topped by a fourarmea statue that 11a s wavy daggers. Red sto ne streaked with pllrplemakes up the walls, lookil1g disturb illgly like flesh . Mosaicfootprillts emergefrom the 1I0rthem hallway, pass IIl1der thedebris pile, alld head Oll t the door where yo u arc.
If the werera ts r un> the y flee t hrough 1'5, T4, and Tt to T1S. At T1S, th ey either joi n the Lolrh's st ings or make" last stand by them selves.
F i:AT LJ RI'S 0 1' r un Roost TI,l' ro om h 'h tl1\.' following fea lu re:;: . Ill u llI i n at ion: Filigrt.'l.J lam p (10 0 ;ip) ; 15 f eel of br igh t ill llmi n'l l ion i 30 fl.-,c l sh a J (lwy ill u m in a l io n . It's on till' tl Hlr n c nr tlle llebris. Cl'i lin¢ : T Ill' cei litl~ hl'r e i,. 2 0 feet h i ~h. BlIl'llishe(J Co ppl'r Do or,,: Set.' T5. BI'UI~ e ll Doors: Set· T 12.
I)cI Jl·j,,: T h i:;: m.ll~e: j, i f t fort sivcs ti, e we r e ra l.e cove r (+ 4
10 AC. +2 o n
CR 2
MM 171 hp 12 each (2 H D); DR 10/ silve r M ale wererat warrior 1
LE Medium hum anoid (human, shapechanger) Init +3; Senses low -Hght visio n, scent ; Listen +4, Spot + 4 Langua ges Comm on. rat emp athy
AC 16, tou ch 13, Fl at-footed 13; Dod ge Fort + 6, Ref +5, Will + 4 Speed 30 ft . (6 sq ua re s) Me lee ra p ie r +4 (l d 6+1/ 18-20) an d b ite - 1 (l d 6 plus d ise ase and cur se o f lycanthro py) Ranged light cross bo w +4 (1d8 /19 -20) Base At k +1; Grp +2 Atk O ptions curse of lycanthropy, disea se Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11 , Cha 8 SQ alternate form Feats Aler tn ess , Dodge, Iron WiII B, Weapon Finesse" Skills Climb +3, Hand le Animal +3, Hide +5, Li sten +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11 Pos sessions rap ier, light cross bow with 10 bo lts Rat Empathy (Ex) Com municate with rats and dire rats. +4 on Char ism a checks against them . Curse of tycanthropy (Su) A hu man o id o r giant bitt en by a wererat must make a DC 15 For titude save o r co ntract lycanthro py (wererat). Dise ase (Su) Filth fever ; bite, Fortitude DC 13, incubati on 1d3 days, 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. Alternate Form (Su) Can assume human form , hybrid form , and dire rat form (MM 173) .
Reflex "aves) 'lg<1 i~lS l illt~-.:1.; .frolll tilt' north.
DeLr i;: squa re ,. l u ndi l)1J like 'rubble ~quare s ill T I D. A h .n: A mar hlc stat ue l)f a c1 nakt.'(l, four -arm ed fi~ ure .'!l an d;; on t11 i;: a lt.u, wielJill g a kr is J aggl'r il1 l'acll hand. T ile altar Il
clwd.. ). Tile alt ar
can be J e;:lw ycd
(11anln cs ~ 8,2 50 hpj.
Encounter Level 4
SETUP Ca ranaa ch the dragon (D) and her adoptive Either, th e y uan-ti Sherin (see T13), di scovered the temple sec t ion of
Slaught ergarde before th e draw "arr ived. Th ey spe nt two months in blissfu l supplication in T6 before She ri n decided to withd raw to thi s area rath er than face [he enc roac hing
draw and thei r spiders. Garana ach watches the battle in T11, bur wh en the battle en ds, she mo ves to a spot along the north ern wall wh ere th e corners ncar th e southern entra nce provide en ough cover to enable a H ide check. The pe s might hear her mo ve, so
make a Move Silem ly check for her W h en the pes are about
she docs.
toen ter, read:
From thegloom com es a black dragon alm ost the size ofa man, its gullet wide open. Beyond the dragon is a room that has suffe red a ca ve-in along the northeYll wall. A passageway leaves tJ,e room to the cast, passing under a demon arch that has neither dark energ)' nor flames in it. The westeYll wall 11a s a f resco of a ziggtlrat, a starr)' 511 )' is pai nted on tlte so uthern !Va ll, and roiliJig clotlds a'ld liglttning adam the eastem !Vall. To tlte north, mosaic footpri'lts emerge from u11de r tons of rocl< and dirt, lt eadi11g soutlt ~ ~~ ~ u .
CR 4
GARANAACH M M 70 hp 52 (7 HD)
TACTICS Ca ra naach ini t iates comba t as SOO I1 as the first pe s reach the brok en doors (see the f eatures of the Room). SHe sta rts by brea thing a line of acid at th em , and she uses her breath weapon again when ever it's read y and she can hit two or more foes wit h the line. I f C aranaach aims the line along the bo rder betwee n two squares (d ue so uth, for ex am ple),
she effect ively makes a line t hat's 10 feet wide- the line affe cts ever y squa re' it touche s. Caranaach u ses Flyby Att ack to maneuve r int o good posi tions for using her breath wea po n. The teat allows her to rake a sta nd ard ac tion anywhere along the co urse of a move.
Female very young black dragon CE Small dr ago n (water) lnit +0; Se nses blind se ns e 60 ft., d a rkvisio n 120 ft., kee n s enses ; Lis te n +6, Spot +8 La ngu age s Draco nic AC 17, touc h 11, fla t-fo oted 17 Im m u ne acid, par alys is , s lee p Fo rt +6 , Ref +5, Will +5 Sp eed 60 ft. (12 sq ua res ), fty 100 ft. (ave rage), swim 60 ft . Me lee bite +9 (l d 6+1) an d 2 claws +7 each (l d4) Base Atk +7; Grp +4 Atk Optio ns Flyby Att ac k Specia l Act ions b reath wea po n Ab ilities St r 13, Dex 10 , Co n 13, Int 8 , Wis 11, Cha 8 SQ wa te r breath ing Feats Ability Fo c u s (breath wea pon), Flyby Att ac k, Multia t ta ek Ski lls H ide +8 , Int im idate +7, Lis ten +6, Move Silently +6, Sea rch +5, Sense Mot ive +6 , Spot +8, Swim +15 Breath Wea po n (Su) an -Ft. line , once eve ry l d 4 rou nd s , 4d4 acid, Refte x DC 16 ha lf. Water Breathing lEx) A black d rago n can brea t he underwater indefinite ly.
O n the wing, C aranaach can't hover and she mu st fly 50 feet per round to stay alo ft. s he can m ake 4S-degree turn s every 5 feet; s o-deg ree tu rn s cos t h er 5 feet of movement. She m ust fly level [or 5 feet before she can asce nd, an d vic e ver sa. She flies at half speed wh en ascendi ng. She rin in T13 certainl y hear s t he ban lc. Roll ini tia tive for h im . Sta rring in th e seco nd round , Shen n ob ser ves from arou nd th e co rner, fir st usi ng th e chameleoll pOllia
spell-like ability to receive, H ide bonu s of +20. IfCaranaach is 'reduced to 20 h it po in ts or fewer , She ri n beg in s cas ting ({lusefmr on his next nu-n , targeti ng th os e wh o look like they' re h ur ting Caranaach the m ost. He us es C(il/Sf fea r thre e time s before joining th e m elee. If redu ced to 10 hit poi nt s or [ewer, Carana ach flee s into
T t 3. There she figh ts alongside Shenn.
FEAT URES 0 1' T ilE
The room lla ~ dle rolltlwin~ fC
I f til e licr v
,Ahridlt il lumi nalilll1 clnd 20 fed of "hadow y illum-ination.
n rtJ l~ en D o ol's : T wo 11Ilr n i;;hcll co pp a J ll l1r,; lie in til(' ;;llll tl,ern tl l lOfW ilV. T h e \" ~c Iy ill~ 1l11L'VI..'ll ly a nd ;:Ilwotl, Je=,p il,' tile ~' n ~ ril\' i n~ on the m, :'0 m o viuc tlll"oll~J, dl{~ ~ qth1r(>~ dl cy ~lC CUpy n,,"juirc,,'a D C 1213,,1a nee Ch ,~c k. I:i er y I)em o n A rd 1 (I)i,:.,bl...d ): Till' ar ch ove r tile l'.l:';l cr ll,loo h~;a)' i,:: ca f vL' ,l lo !()(lk
,, : .... " .. ...... , .\
like the fa ce
Jisa6~ l 'J ~~~~~::"':_~~~~~~~i:~'::~~:l:.. _~"':~~~~~=:::~[ (i llH' '"
(lelllon. , lite yuan 13, lhi"arel,Sh1)YL'I111 . .: an·fullv JL'-lfili Ci llinT~ WIlW
rum-s ca n·'l.,l •.in t1~c f1l lor .; 1
tlHes ll'l)/J It ,;till
J,a ~ a
llhl d c rate nurn j r vi "'weJ usi Ilg Jch'.-l1ll(/!lic (DC 2 1 :::',wlluaft check tnll ~krl11jll e it ',,: evoc at io n ]. T ill· fil' ry J e lll o n all conn ec t t, l the sa me ..Iimini :,lwd c n crcv sou rcc --=-whc"n t1wv·re ·
wllrki ll ~, e'1l:h dea l:, 1,16 po int s n{f irc ..!anhl~e t o a llY:J1l l'
who pas ses LiHoll ~h . An .ll'l,II call hc "!i,:ab ll'''! Iw l'\l veril\~ llf th e fa in t-ru m' ,: on tIl ..' fl oor a t it:' tlln.:::lwl..! ( b a::;~ Di,:a lJle Device D C 12 ). \,!b cll all Mch is di :,allictl, how cver, more Cl1t' l" ~Y enter:' Li IC ot tll'r 0 111.';; , 1"=(1 1' ..' adl di :,a llletl an:1t, itdJ I t16 fin' t1allhl~e to th e L)t!l cr arcl te ;; a m i incrcn sc tIll' Di::ilhle Devi.:e DC-by 2, \\711t'1l tilt' PC", fir::'t cx plo re tlli" part o f Sln llg llt:l'l"~ardL" two of t ill.' arch c::, arv J i"nhl ed: thi,; ..m e
."OIl W
0 11(.' l"q u a n.'
= :5 f(.' d
SOl/diem \f"..tI/: A st.a rr y, clo tltll e:'::' "by is painb:.oJ o n thi" wall, ami som e o f the sto rs "..'e m t o l winkle or pu lsc, A D C
25 K ll owl eJ~e (arcene] clJet:k is ,:u H ic ie n l l l) reveal t llattb i" al"l"an ~e m e n t o f st a r s la ::t o..;c u r rt,d IlunJretl.:: of vc a rs neo ,:Ilo d f" be for t, L1H' Balli.." of ::: lat1~hl:er,;!arJe. :r111' j·re,:; o I~a; a L int a ura if v il>weJ usin g .Iet,,';f 1I1<1;;le (DC 18 Sp ell c rafl CllL'ck to J et ermin e it '" il1u;;io ll) , U'::-"./CrIl \f~tll: A mn ss jvc z igg u ra t "t ,lll tis in til l' m iJ dle of .1 creon pla in , '1ml t1wu"and ,; ·o f IHl tTldlls IJOW bt' fo r..:- it o r s tl~lIg g l L' t o move its final block s into pla ce. Nex t to tbt' zisgur.1t is a rellantl "t:aly h ipl,J.1::' Lall a" tll ~"'ii gg lirat -prohal;l y ;oc vL' ra l hUlldr L,J fed, i U{L~i n ~ from L1ll>size n f the hum an s. It 1,,\,:: win g::, ,lOti a ,:e r p l' n-li n ~ ta il, am\ it '::, Iw l,lin g a ~oltl L'n c.ips tonc iu st a bove dle st r ucturc . The wa ll ha,; bl't'll ~OIt .:cJ a\Val,' \\'111.' 1"1.' tile ~ i a tl t t:r e a l u re'" b eat! would be. D...I)J"i~ f ~·om l it is' ':: l'dillll tl~l' lh1inl i n;;: is'- ::,t i II 0 11 tIll' (Joor-Gt1fa n da ch
Jef'll:etl t1H~
A PC who lllilbe:- a SL'Meh or Di ,;abl t' De v i"::l' chec k nn o ne o f lh e ardll''' tl11lom at icall v lIo ti ee,;: if anot b e r "e e m ,; 110tter t ll' co{)le r. .
in Il a lf Wlll.'l1 3lau glllt'rgt1fJ e wa,:: tll' s:t roYl~J, TI le n o rt h er n wall i;o a mi x o f llatu ra l rock ami (lid ((limI J D C 15) ,
Not..:;: W'h enl' vcr lhe p e s tli "abl c or ~ake dal11a~e from a spe cif ic fier y l!l'11I0n arch fl1r tlwfirst t im e t o pa s" thwu gh it, 'lw,Htl X l' <1 " if t hey ()Verca tnl' a C R 3 lrap, \Va ll F rl' ,. coe~ : T he ea "te rn , ;;outhern, ami we ste rn will1,; hav e el.1611ral e f re scoL' s o n l lll'lll, E lsfcm \\7,.111: Dark ~ra\' cloml;; 'Hlorn tbe wa ll f WIll fl llor tn ce ilillg, a nd jtl gged ~rc j . l i g h t n i n ~ arc ,; outwtlr tl fl"lllll tilt:' llem on a rell. L i d l l ll i ll ~ 111,,\ ·1.' '' a cro s,. t ile wa l1 ami tlw cloml,: r, Jil Wl lL'll tlw j~ n1()n ~rc lt is ildi vL'. T h e f res co ha ,;: a fainl aura if v ie \\'..'.J u sin g J etecf lI1
i rc ,:: co. Cavc Mln: T ll i,. rO,}l11 W<1::' o nce Illudl lar~l'r, hut it IV a;; cut
En cou n ter Leve l s
SETUP Sherin t he yuan- n (Y) has been spendi ng h is rim e here plo tting what to do about the wererats and draw. H e p robab ly enrers t he fig h t in 1'13, b u t he co ns iders the pes possible tools, so he mi gh t not kill the m if it co mes
down to th at.
When pes arrive at the doo r w ay, read:
Beyond the demon arch is 11 snahe-headed man with a scimilar and shield, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. The roo m hegliards hasa lectem allh e 11 0rlhem el1d all dfO li r 10l1g pews. A tllnllclleads lipwa rd from the northtastem comer of the roo m, which apparell tly collapsed in tl'epast.
TACTICS It 's likely Shenn used «tnsc [Cal' during th e battle in 1'12. If
he has some «tu sc fear uses left, he employs them as soon as possible to split th e pe s up and attack them piecemeal. Then he take s a turn to acti vate product'acid. O nce engaged, Sherin makes J full attack every round he ca n, trying to poison all hi s foes. . If Curana ach fled here , she prefers to keep her di stan ce and use her breath weapon. Shen n orders her to escap e as soo n as he th inks he's go ing to lose the ba ttl e. She retreats through th e tunnel to the su rface . When redu ced to 10 h it points or fewer) shenn withdraw s ou t the tunnel to th e northeast. A s he leaves, if he believes one of the poisoned or severely inju red character s ha s a poor \XTill save)he uses suggestion on tha t PC)saying ) "You mus t s'ave yo urs elf Go back and surrender t~ t he first drow you can find." Shenn hop es that the characters wor r y abou t their com rade rather than pu rsuin g him. Jf Shenn doesn't th ink that mggcslioll can work , he cas ts tlccpcr dar/mess on hi s shi eld , hopi ng the 20% m iss ch ance provided by th e shadow y illumi n ation improves hi s odds of survivin g un til he ca n reac h th e surface. His Blindfight feat mea ns he can reroll h is mi ss chance, giving him an advan tage against pu rsuers. If tha t do esn't see m to be working, he transforms int o a T i r ry viper whi lc within the darkness and slithe rs away. If Shenn be lieves he ca n wi n, he offers (he PCs terms. If Cnranan ch [tas been killed , he onl y doe s so afte r taking at least oJ:1e PC down.
S H ENN CR 5 MM 264 hp 38 (7 HD) Male yuan-ti halfbl o od CE Med ium mo nst ro us hu mano id Init +5; Sen se s da rkvision 60 ft., sce nt; Listen +16, Spot +16 Langu age s Abyssal, Com mon , Drac o nic, Yuan-Ti AC 20, tou ch 11, f lat-footed 19; Do dg e S R 16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9 Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uares) Melee mw k sci m ita r +10/ +5 (ld6 +2/ 18- 20) and bite +4 (ld 4+1 plus poiso n) Ran ged mwk co m posite lo ngbow +9 (ld8+2/ x3 ) Base Atk +7; Grp +9 Atk Option s po iso n (DC 14; l d6 Co nfld 6 Con) Sp ecial Act ion s produceacid Spell- Li ke Abilit ies (Cl 8th ): 3/d ay-animal trance (DC 15), cause fe ar (DC 14), entangle (DC 14)
1jday- deeper darkness, neutralize poison, suggestion (DC 16) Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16 SQ alte rnate form, chameleon power, detect poison Fe at s Alert ne ss", Blind -Fight ", Com bat Expe rtise, Dod ge, Im p rove d Initiative Skills Co ncentratio n +11, Disab le Device +9, Hide +10, Knowled ge (arcan a) +14, Listen +16 , Sp ot +16 Posse ss ion s m aster wo rk stu dde d leathe r, ma st er wor k heavy s tee l sh ield , ma st erwor k sc imita r, ma s terwork com pos ite lo ngbow (+2 St r bo nus) with 20 ar rows Produ ce Acid (Sp) Sherin has the ability to psio nically exud e acid from his bod y, dea ling 3d 6 po int s of ac id damage to the next creature he to uches , includ ing a cre at ure hit by his bite att ack. lf Shen n is gra p pling o r pinn ing a fo e whe n he use s this po wer , his grasp de als 5d 6 po int s of ad d dam age. The acid be com es ine rt when it le ave s She rin's bo dy, and Shen n is im mun e to its effe ct s. Alte rna te Fo rm (Spi Shenn ca n assum e the fo rm o f a Tiny, Sm all, Medi um,' o r Large vipe r. Cham ele on Power (Sp) Shen n ca n psion ically change the co lor of his eq uipmen t and skin, grant ing him a +10 circu ms ta nce bo nus on Hid e chec ks.
She ri n d oesl~'r negoti ate in the traditional sense. 13m he ha s no love for the drew, and he's sma rt enough to reali ze t h at the pe s might be able to break the dark elves' grip on Slaughrergard es temple sec t ion. He wants th e characters to lea ve him alone a nd k ill th e d rew, If Caranaa ch is st ill
alive, the y unn-ti even offer s to use neutra lize poison on a PC he poison ed . .
She rin doesn 't kn ow anyt h ing abo ut Slaughrergard e's h istor y, nor do es he care over much . He just wants to pray w ith Caranaach at the snake shri ne in T6 unt il he learns where mor e dra gon eggs are located . She n n does kn ow or believe th e following. • "Ro ugh ly twent y draw n ow occupy th is ruin. There used to be mo re, but we have ki lled man y a foolish dark elf!" (T h is is an exaggeration; Sheri n and Caran aach k illed a few.) • 'T he drew high priestess is n amed Lanthur rae. She has recentl y used her dark power ro create und ead g ua rdians . She also travels wi th a fiery-eyed und ead creatu re." • "Most of the dro \y are war riors, but a few clerics and wiza rds arc among t hem . A co uple hobgoblins recently ar rived , and you've seen th at the drew have othe r allies." • "Spiders, accursed pet s of the acc ursed draw, occupy cha mbe rs to th e west. O ne amo ng th em is of im mense size an d supernatu ral orig in." • "At least th ree sh rines remain in the temple sec tio n, and they all retain a mt;asu re of th eir power from a bygon e age."
F EATUR ES ()I' T i l E RO O ~ 1 T IlL' 1"')OIll Il a" tile fo ll ow i ll ~ fc a t llre.;:. Ili u m i n a l ion : It'.;: ll.1rk ·b~rc. If the fil' rv J enw n arc h is re'1d ivalell. it provides 2 0 tel't pf Ilr i ~ h t illu m i llation a THI 2 0 feel of sll a Jowy ill u lllination. l ~ic l"Y 1) \,' lIlon A rc h (I) isa b ll'll): S l' l' T 12.
Pews: T he:-e wI")lle n pews provide cover (+4 to AC, +2 Rl, fl e x saves) for S ma ll PCs, but til l' \' lIlaL:l' mancuvc-riu c diffi.::ult. It t a bl'~ 2 squares of IlltJVCllll'~ll-l(l move t111"tl11~ll ~ pew "q u a re . A ~ o m o ve netion, a crea tu re ca ll st e p u p aud 0 11
stanJ o tt a p l'W. Creatu res O il til l' pew" ~il.i ll a +1 IH ' Il U S 1111 me lee attacb !"Oil" <1 ~ain s t (l'l~S o u tIl e fl.,pr. Lc c l ern : T Il(' ca;"c cl \\'on Jell Il·der n has a 11iJ J l'll dra wel" (Sca n:ll D C 10 ) . T Ill' dra we r is e m pty llnle ss yL)ll wa nt to pl a ce so me c r y p lic n otes 5111.'11 11 Ilas on a rago n :;: liv ing in tli o Vaatl1\"IItJlL Laugh i n g \Y'OI,J ", or Blackl" l'ach '\ lou n lai 11;; l,e rl" f-Iay ltl' tll(' yuan-t i i;; involveJ wi lh the d <11" k p rese nce ill 1Ill'
Vaa lhwonJ, o r h ~ kn ows about it. \\looJwl)]"t: i n ~ 0 11 t ile It..' d el"n is uicc e lloll ,dl a nJ t Ile WO llJ exotic l'no ug h tI;a l th e wllllll' p iec e is worl ll ~I O O c p, lm t th l' J l'lll nn ic icoll o grilpl,y mi ghlmake it llilnl to ;;ell. Il 's hulk y a nJ weighs 7 5 po un d s.
Ru l'!Jlc: Sq uercs llla rke (! 0 11 til(' 111<1 p and the l UHlle l to 1I'H"thl'ast kwe lno se mc k" Stl"l'W I1 o n the flonr. E.lcl, square lll .H k ~d wi tl , I" ubble cos ts 2 squarcs o f movemen t to lI l l '
Even ift he PCs agree to leave s hen n be and drive out the d raw , the yuan-ti uses sllggcs tioll to rei nforce his desires , saying , 'T h is is a goo d deal for you, and yo u sho uld fu lfill it to th e letter by killing all th e d raw and leaving th is place to m e."
0;: •
CONCLUSION °iTShen n escapes , he doesn't come back to Slaug htergarde. H ~'s ob sessed with dra gons and dragon eggs. U nl ess the PCs kill ed Caranaac h , he doesn 't let hi s personal desire s for revenge inte rfere wi th hi s obsess ion . But if your campaign needs J recu r ri ng villain , Sherin ha s th e power and mo tivation to make a goo d one.
en ter. l3ala nce ilnd T(\lll bl ~ De s i ncrease In' 5, ilnJ f-l u ve Si lentl y DC" in crea se by 2. . TUllllel: This tu n nel stre tc1le:i a bou t ..1 q uar t er -mil l' to tlw su rf ace. lt S! llp t>S up\\'<1rJ'gentl y, ",,0 no d im bing is rcq uireJ . Aho llt 5 fl'et in ll i a lll~'ler in most place;:-, the- tun nel so me timc s :'4 l\{'L' ze~ lt o wn to 2 teet wiJ e Il l" tall. •
. 'l.•
AMBE En cou n ter Level 4
hp 12 eac h (2 HD); DR lOl silver
The wererats here (\X') are trying to figure out how the be lls work, so th eir Listen chec k De s increase by 5. If the y heard a bat tle in 1'1 (lis ten DC 16) or T l 5 (Listen DC 20), or they hear noise near the
You face a demon arch , its cracklingcurtain of flam e cascading to the floor. Two empty glassvials lie abandoned on ti,e floor nearby. W hen the PC s p ass t hrough the a rc h , rea d :
Two furred humanoids that have the headsof ratsare using rapiers to poke ul'lvard at massive bells !ranging from two racks abo ut 10 feet offthe chamber floor. Woodell struts conn ect each bell to a du ster of levers on the far end of each rack. The northem end of the room angles to thenortJreast.
CR 2
MM 171
These wererars stay in hybrid form-c- rhei r best for m [or combat. One wererat rushes the PCs whileth e other shoots. ]f the wererats see a spe ll being cast, th e one hanging back star ts pu lling levers, n-yiug to deafen th e PCs (see Bell Mech an ism in Features of the Room ). If reduced to 6 h it point s or fewer, a wererat withdra ws th rough the fiery arc h to 1'1, then east toward h is bre thre n in 1'1L If th e PCs disabled the demon arch , th e retreat is stra ightforward . Bur if th e arc h is active, the wo un ded werer ar must take our and qua ff h is potion (a move action and a standa rd action, both of wh ich pro voke at tacks of opport u nity) and mak e for the arch on the following round.
Ma le we re ra t wa rrio r 1 LE Medi um humanoid (human, sh apechanger) lnit +3; Senses low-lig ht vision, scen t: Listen +4, Spot + 4 Langu ages Com m o n, rat empathy
AC 16, touc h 13, flat-footed 13; Dodge Fo rt +6 , Ref +5, Will +4
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee rapier +4 ( ld6+ 1/ 18 ~20) and bite - 1 (1d 6 p lus disease and cu rse of lycanth ropy)
Ranged light crossbow +4
(ld 8 / 1 9 ~20)
Bas e Atk +1; Grp +2 At k Opti on s curse of lycant h ro py, disease Comb at Ge ar potion of res ist energy (fire) Abilit ies Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 SQ alternate form Feat s Alertness, Do dge, Iro n Wi liB, Wea po n Finesse" Skills Climb +3, Ha nd le Animal +3, Hide +5, listen + 4, Move Silently + 4, Spot +4, Swim +11 Pos s es sion s co mbat gea r p lus rap ier, ligh t crossbow wit h
10 bolts Rat Empathy (Ex) Co m municate with rats and d ire rats. +4 on Charis m a checks against them . Cur s e of Lycan thropy [Su] A huma noid o r giant bitte n by a we re rat must make a DC 15 Fortitu de save o r con tract lyca n thro py (wererat) . Dis eas e (Su) Filth fever ; b ite, Fort itude DC 13, incubatio n
l d3 days, l dJ Dex and ld3 Con. Altern at e Form (Su) Can ass ume hu man fo rm , hyb rid fo rm, and dire rat form (MM 173).
CONCLUSION I f the bel ls reverberate (jus t ringing th em isn't enough), the sound alerts other inte llige nt deni zen s in Slaughrergardc. Th e gua rds in T3check on th e grim locks in T2, then return to 1'3 and anxiously await orders. In T4, the rider saddles tip and rema ins on ale rt for 10 mi nu tes. Guards from 1'5 do a quick walki ng patrol of roo ms T4, 1'11, an d the ope n area ou tside T7 before retu rn ing to their post. The rog ues in 1'15 snea k toward T14 (H ide +7, Mo ve Silently +7). If th ey see intr uders, they sneak back and tr y to ambus}{:a'nyone who comes into T15.
FEXn J f( I:S O F ru n Rom! TIlL' m om ha;: lI lt.'" f()ILwi l1 ~ feat u r e :" . Il lu m i n at ion : Dl'tl Wll <1l"c h ; 2 0 f<.' I.-·l o[ bri .;:ht ill u m in a ti on ; 20 [ (,:'\"'1 Llf :;h.lJo wv ill u m i na ti o n . tile i\r~ll is tli sabletl,
til(' a rea
i;: Ja rk.
Cc i l i ll~: TIll' ceili ng her e is 2 5 fed h igl] to acconu no defc l h e m a ssive 1,\,..1\ medlil ni':' lll bpiLccl lo it. Fi e rv D em o n t\ n : lt: TI lt.'" a n::ll ovcr the so Utlll' f n ,loor wilv i s C <1r \'L'~I I{l ]'10],.. Jibe l h e bel' a mi op c-n moutll a fanged
tilt.' la cl.-' dowr,>ll- llr a l1 >1e. I f non e o f till' ntlH:' 1" ardw" haveGcel1 ,K ti\'ale J ., ,li"aL1<.·J (sec b,·I,)\\'), "Iwets of flame "watlH-' t llj ;;: J ' h lrlVaV, 1,Iocbing line of ",i d l l J emon. E vei' Oil
fi"I'VJ C1I1 :J11
JL'a l i l1~ 3,16 poi ri l s o f f ire ll.lJ~lil ~e 10 a l~ yoll l' p a ;:;:;n g tlHOIl ~ll it. C.·,ll:k li l1~ l rolll till' 11 a rue s increa -c s L1 le Liste n D Cs lo heM any t il in g beyo ml tbe m by 10. Thl' arell k1 :-.:J. lllo ,le r a le a ur a if vie wcd u siuc ./etccf IIwgic (DC 21 S pd lcra ft . c\,ec k to d dcrm illl' it's cvoc ctiou] . A nc 16 J)i ~ "bll' De vin ' c heck ll i ".:J. b l e~ tll is ar ch, $uh ;:"qu ent ly in crcesin g till' dan ger pO;:l'd !)y t ile r"'maini ng a:tive 111ll' ::: . The fi er y d em on a rclw:o in LiIi ;; pad of Sla lh:~llkrgarJl' all co un cc t lo t lIe ;;aml' d i III ini slwd cu crcv so u rce-w hen lhl' v're .1 11 workin g, ca d1 J""l l:.- Ill6 jh)in t s lX fi re Jalll 'lg e lo "nY:Hll' ,,·ho pas sc s tluou gh. A n a rc ll ca n be lli;;ah led by cov c rinc ;;0111 1.' o f Lhe fai n t r-un es ou t ill' fl O M at i t s thn:·;:hoIJ (6a ;:e D isa ble Dev ic e DC 12 ). W he n a n M ch ., ll isah ll'J , ]"IWC V l' J', rnorc c uc r c v errl.ers lIl l' lither ouc s. r o r ea l,II Ji sab led a rch , ,Hid 1J6 fi;·(, J am " itl' [ 0 tl1 e (ltller ar ch " s a mi in crea sc till' Disal1 le De vic e D C~ by 2. Whe n tbe PC;; fil':::t explore tlli ,;: part o f ~lall ghterg ard (." tw o o f tile arc he ;: n rc di,;:aI11(.·J: <)IlC in T5 <1 m l n ne in T13 . A P C will) mak e ::: a S "arcb l l f D i:::abl e Dl'vi ,"e clwc k O tT o lle of tile ar ch e >, aUl om at ic all y ]JIll ice;; if a llo tllCr ;:Cl'lllS h OUl' r
• w h i Ie 1,,-,11;; re vc rbl..·ra tl' , anJ f~l r ] J-t. rlJtllHI;: t1lC re<1fter, a ll c rcaturcs in T I-t. Me d eafe llcJ . • At tllC e m l o f thc ri nccr's tu rn, be ll" fa ll of f: t hc rack. O nc be ll (all" llurin~ lhe fi r ,,' round tbe l)e IL, re\'l'rbl'ra lc , a mi t wo bell s fa ll '-'<1~b n llllu l afl er th a l. \\'7hCll a Iwl[ fall;:, roll III 12 a Illl c!J1l su it th e n u III hl'ri n ~ o n till' m ap t o J et er tll i11(" wil idl bell fa ll s. r\ crca l ur c in lI, a t "quare t ake;: 3dn point s of llam a,;:e fr olll th e heil v v irou 1,(,11 . (l~e f l ex DC 15 h a lf ). .... O nc('- s ix be lls 1l<1\'t~ (1(( a .:i,'e n ra e L- , till' rl' ve rb l'l'a -
li ol~
l'lUI". Tlw bell ;: ca n :::t ill to ll :,(ter t h a t , h ut tlH:,v'rc n o 1011 £er l
(cl;",\' DC 15).
. ,~ . '
.. ; : ,. . .
:,-;.1. ,.':ii :;:'2 " :'1···.,; f "2'-" ' . ~ .,.,' I
" ~~ ~ ' :
"3"";;ii,, ·, :/4 "
(s "-..i 1:'6"" : '. : :. ~. ,.
,': ; ,
~ _/
•• I
0 ,,(., ~(J Il<1 r(.' = 5
f ... ~ . ,. ,'
', ~ .. ,.' : f '.~ ~ . ,.,'
PTISMAL Encounter Level 4
SETUP The drow rogues here (R) are ca refully search ing th e
room, event ua lly int ending to disable the fiery arch , so
T 2
CR 2
hp 7 each (1 HD) Femal e drow rogu e 1
CE Medium hu manoid (elf)
th ey take a - 5 penalty on th eir Listen checks in add it ion to
Init +7; Senses d arkvision 120 ft .; Listen +7, Spot +7 Languages Abys s al, Common , Elven , Unde rcommo n
th e penalty from the arches. If they 're expe cting trouble, th ey have their hand crossbows out and are waiting to
AC 16, to uch 13, flat-footed 13
am b ush the PCs. If th ey're st ill wor ki ng, a DC 26 Listen check (from beyo nd th e southe r n arch) or a DC 25 Listen check (from beyond th e wes tern arch) is sufficient to hear
th em whispering. Succeedin g on the check by 10 or more allows a PC to discern th at the rog ues are conversing in Elven about their work and th e room. W he n the pe s en te r the room , read :
Two dyow ill studded leatft er armor CYO IICft ncar a delll oll arcft ill tfte sO ll tft westem come r of this yoo m. Tft ey ft ave rapiers alld flalld crossbows. 1n tfte middle ofthe roo m is a pool of still liqll id. The pool ft as an iridescent, oily sft een on tft e slIrface, and yOIl can't tell ft OIl' deep it is. In tft e northeastem and northlVestem co rners of tfte room arc massive sta tues of sinisterelephants. Their tn"'ks poillt downward, ending jllst above the sll rface of tft e water. They ft ave spiked collars ca rved arollnd their Il ecb.
TACTICS O n th e first roun d, th ese two rogues use th eir hand cross-
Immune slee p SR 12
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1; +2 aga inst spe lls a nd spell -like abil ities Weakness light blind ne ss
Speed 30 ft . (6 squa res) Melee mwk rapier +2 (ld6+1/18- 20) Ranged ha nd cross bow +3 (ld4 p lus po iso n) Bas e Atk +0; Grp +1 Atk Option s poison (drow sleep poiso n, DC 13, un co n sc iou sn es s/unco nscio us ne ss for 2d4 ho u rs) , sneak attack +l d6 Spell-Like Abilities (CL1st):
1/d ay- dancing lights, darkness, faeriefi re Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Can 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feat s Im p roved In it iat ive Skills Balance +7, Bluff +4 , Dis a ble Device +5, Hid e +7, Jum p +5, Listen +7, Move Silen t ly +7, Sea rch +3, Spot +7, Tu m ble +7 Po s s es s ion s maste rwork studded leat her, m as te rwo rk rapie r, han d cr o s sb ow with 4 po isoned bo lts light Blindn es s (Ex) Blinded fo r 1 ro und in daylight, t hen dazz led while sti ll in daylight.
of poison and Id 6 poin ts of sneak attack damage. Then th e)· flan k a foe and attack with their rapiers , maneuvering as necessary to main tain flan king positions a~ long as
If a batt le occu rs here, Lanrhur rue hears it from 1'16. She ' casts sllidd of fa ith the next round . If th e battl e is over, a DC 12 l isten check from near the fiery demon arch is sufficient to h~a r her doing so. A DC 22 Listcn check, fol-
po ssible. When one can't flan k, she m ight Bluff tsrandnrd
low ed
action agains t an oppon ent's Sense Mo tive) to deny he r oppone nt hi s Dexterity modifier to AC If she succee ds, she sneak attacks th at foe on her next ti-ii-n. If reduced to 2 hit poi nts or fewer, a rogue sho uts (in Blven),"Aid us, oh favored of lolth!" Due to the proximity of Lanthu rr ae, bot h rogues fight until slain.
bows against flat-foot ed PCs if possible, dea ling bot h , dose
by a successfu l DC t 6 Spe llcrafr chec k, is enough
know she cast sh ield offaith.
r: E AT U I~E S OF Ti l E R o ml TIll' room has till' f{lll {l w i n ~ feal ll n:~. Jllu I11 ill ,l l ion : Both J.. . l~WI1 archc·,,; 20 lu min 'lti tm ; 2 0 feel o f
S hil JO \\'V
lli;;a bletl, it stops ,, 1H., J d in~ ligllt.
Dl' in!.·inloi f rom the pooll1<1s t l, e salli e effeel a" wi llindv cul c ring it , 'a m l th os e wh o are fo rcc,l to ,Ir ink ca n feel o f
illu minati on. If
brii:'! ht ilall
lII 'l~ ic ,
Fie r .v Dem on A n..·h: T Ilt." arch o ver the western d o or wa .y
look Ji be L1w bel' il ntl (lIHm
montll o f a filllgL·J
tlt·moll. I~ ye;; 011 th e [ilce d ow J'{,"I-o r<1 n~l' .
If IW1Je o f t he O tl H.·f
i" car vl,J to
fier y J em on arch es hav\.'
Gc"macti vat etl :)1" tli :;:abll'll {sec bclnw). Ii llc oi ,;ig hl
sh e ds o f fl am e ::,wtltI1 (,.' l hi,; door way, block-i n§!
am! J t.'ul ill g 3d6 po i n ts o r f i r..· J allla ge to illl y OlH' pas sin g tlHl 'ug h it. C rac k li ng [ n u ll till.: fb1l1 c,; in c re ases l1w Lis l cn
D Cs til ]lear illl vlhill ~ hl'volHl dlL'1ll In' 10 . Tile ~rch 11.15 a m()d era~te at1!',1 if vieweJ lI~i n ~ defect 111I.1!} ic (DC 2 1 Spell craf t clll'ck tOll l'!t~rmine il '" illu ,:: ion ). A 11Iw h u m e m it t eJ bv tJl l' Mch i11l: rea"e,; L ist ell DCs [ 0 Ileal' ,~ nythi ng lH'yo ll,1 'it by
10. Pool: T ll is po oi
llf de mon ically tain teJ wale I' \\ ' <1':: llse tl to bapti ze Ilew dU illl s l)f ;\lll-Ta lll1 L 1<1 , It ',. 3 ft.etllecp a wl '::l i II rad iat es il ,:: trong ev il aur,l if viewl'tl u "in g detect eeil, a" well as- a s t l"(l n ~ ma gic allra if vil'wed usi ng del ecf mag iI-' (DC 2 1 S pl·lIe ra fl d wc k t o tlelcr min e it',. tr an.;:mulati o n) , If ,1 chara d eI' wi ll ill ~ l y s- tt ' ps inl o th e !w ol, I' cl llln te re J by r.:'JlIot·" cu r3e. '
lll a b~ ~
;:.a vin g thw\\' a" illlli cat l,{1 l·a r lier. The water tastes foul. A nyo ne who t1rinb" it is IhHIH'alcd for L mi u ut o an ,l ::;it.'kened for all o tllt'r. \Va ter t a kL·n f n H II till' 6apti,.m al pool is no lon ger
tI% bl- 05
EHed - 6 dec reas e to a rand om ab ili t y sco re {miu im nm 1) C b Macte r'" h a ir t ur ns wh ite C h arade r's sb in t u r lll' lHid ll red c I1aJ"act,' r'" eves turn \\'hit~ Charad l' r .:'p~aks Abys,;al ill ~ teil J ll f C o m mo n Cl1arad e r grows a "ixlh fi n gt.· r lH I e'le h 11all,1 C lla ra.:: le r'::: ca rs occa s ion a jly emit wisp s of st ea m C ll a racte r lea ves wet fl1 0tprinh c h aract er droo l;:. alltl spits c"ll1st a n tl y pe n alty 0 11 illl 'lCk.." sa ves , amI check;:.
06 - 25 26 --10 4 1-55 56 -65
66- 75 76- 85 86-90 9 1-95
96 -100
Durali oll 1 Illl ur
1 mo ill h I weel.· 1 m onth
1 wl'ek
1 week 1- mondl I week I week I ho u r
r:l e plt .llll S ta t ues: \X'h e n Siau gbter ganl" was a fUlldi oni ng fortress, th e ll'u nbs o n tbe s latuc s Illa~ it.'a ll v c irc u la te d tI, e wa te r ill 1I1l' bapti sma l I'l10\. T],,,, ma g i ~ fade'J sin cc Siaug hter garJ e wa s lle" t rl1ye J, ,.0 tilt.' water i ll dlC pool is st acn cn l..
.::. -:." ..
,.... ... R ~
\." ,
RI Encounter Level 6
SETUP Lanthu rrae (L), h igh priestess an d leader of th e drew exp lorer s, is tr yin g to act ivate th e alta rs here by pu ttin g offeri ngs in the bowls. If any disturbance happened nearb y, Lnruhurrae h as al read y c as t shield offoilh. Di sabli n g the fiery arc h bet ween T 1S and T 16 also alerts the priestess. O ther wise, stealthy PC s m ig ht surprise h er.
When the pe s enter t he room , read:
draw fel11a le wearing ci",inl11ail and elaborate robes stallds in the l11iddleof this octagol1
TACTICS . As soon as she sens es da nger is n ear, th e hig h pries tess cas ts sJlicld of fa ith. Th en she assesses her foes, cas ti ng contagioll (bli n d in g sick ness, DAIG 292) o n so meone w ho seems to be a rog ue o r afGIl1C spe llcas ter, and hestow curse on someone w ho loo k s li k e a fig hter. Sh e follows up b y c as t ing spiritl/al tvcapoll (crea tes a wh ip), favor ing a spel lcasrer as the target. H er Ivalld of sot/lT d burst is reser ved for clustered pe s she
ca n hit without har ming her bodyg uard s. s he uses IlOld persoll an d cmse fC(l r to bu y time and possib ly c rea te a good gro upi ng [or h er wand . • I n melee, Lant h urrae favo rs spontaneous ly cas ting in.Oiel spe lls, and her stat ist ics show the da mage she deals for exc ha ngi ng a spell slot of th e ind icated level for an illfIicl spell. H er dagger attac k is weak, and she k nows it. She can lise her smite power on th e first touch attack she m akes to d eli ver a n illfi ici spel l. La ~rhurra e also l ike s to k il l held
en emi es using her inflict spe lls . If red uced to 15 h it poi nts or fewer, th e high priestess casts illvisibility. She the n takes out her potion of cure ;notfcratewounds and d rin ks it. Then she flees th roug h T20 to T21.
HIGH PRIESTESS L AN T H U RRAE CR 6 MM 10 J hp n (5 HD) Female drew cleric 5 CE Medium huma noid (elf) Init +2; Sen ses da rkvision 120 ft.; Lis te n +5, Spot +5 Language s Abyssal , Common , Elven, Und e rco m rno n
AC 18 , touch 12, f lat-footed 16 Immun e s leep SR 16 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7; +2 against s pells and spe ll-like a bilities Weakness ligh t b lindness Sp e ed 20 ft. in cha in mai l (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. Mel ee s po ntaneous inflict sp e ll +5 touch (3rd 3d8 +5, Will DC 16 ha lf; 2nd 2d8 +S; Will DC 15 half; or 1st 1d8 +S, Will DC 14 ha lf) or Mele e mwk dagger +6 (1d4- 1/19-20) Base At k +3; Grp +2 Atk Option s sm ite l / d ay (melee attack, +4 attack, +5 d amage) Sp eci al Acti on s re bu ke undead S/day (+4, 2d6+7, 5t h), spontaneous casting (inflict spe lls) Combat Ge ar potion ofcure moderate wounds, pearl ofpower (1st), 2 sc rolls of resist energy (fire), wand ofsound burst (10 cha rges) Cler ic Sp ells Prep a red (Cl Sth): Jrd-bestow curse (DC 16), contagionD (DC 16), dispel
magic 2nd-hold person (2, DC 15), invisibilityD, spiritual weapon 1st- causef ear (2; DC 14), curelight wounds, inflict light woundsD, shieldoffaith O-detect magic (2), cure minor wounds (3) D: Doma in spel l. Domains: Destruction , Trickery Sp ell-Like Abilitie s (Cl Sth]:
l /day- dancing lights, darkness, faeriefi re Abilitie s St r 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16 , Cha 14 Feat s Combat Casting, Weapon Fine sse Skills Concentration +9 (+13 cas ting defens ively), Know led ge (relig io n) +9, Liste n +5, Sea rch +3, Spellcraft +9, Spot +S Pos se ssion s combat gea r p lus + 1 chainmail, maste rwo rk dagge r Light Blindness (Ex) Blinded for 1 ro u nd in daylight, the n dazz led while st ill in daylight.
The gr im locks (G) inter pose th em selves be twee n the pe s and the h igh priestess, protect ing he r as best rhey can. If an enemy is out of co m mission from hold perSOIl, the y .; prefer to arrack act ive foes. Th ey fight as long as Lnnrhurrae does, then th ey cover her retrea t even if it mean s th eir death s.
CR 1
hp 11 each (2 HD) N E Me d ium m o nst rous humanoid Init +1; Sen ses b lind s ight 40 ft., scent; Li s te n +5, Spot +3 Langu ages Commo n, Grim lock
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 Immune gaze attacks, visua l effects, illusio ns Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2 Sp eed 30 ft . (6 squares) Melee greata xe +4 (1d12+3j x3) Base Atk +2; Grp +4
CONCLUSION If a battle occ urs here, the drew in 1'15 (if th ey're still alive) hear it and start to di sable the fiery arch. Doing so takes th em 6 rou nds. They th en att ack intr uders still in thi s room or try sneak aro un d an d find intr uders elsewhe re in t he complex. If Lanthur rae m akes it to T21, she carefu lly moves past .~. -the floor webs and casts curt' fig/It tvounds on h erself if she n eed s to. She h opes t h e H uge fie n d is h s p ider can
in truder s who chase her.
Abilities St r 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8 , Cha 6 Feats Aler t nes s , Track "
Skills Climb +4, Hide +3, Listen +5, Spot +3 Possessi ons greataxe
F E,\Tl IRES 0 1'
r tu: Roml
Tlw m um 11<1'; tlle fnlt ;\\'ing [,' altl re;:. I llu minatio n: 0 " 111011 ,~rc b; 20 fed
of hri ;;:ht ill u m in ation; 2 0 {l'd of "lhlJo\Vv illumination. If l1w ':H~ll ii' Ji "'lbl"J, th e a rea is ,tu rk . . C ci l i n~: T he Cl·i l i ll~ 1lL'1'1' is 20 fed Ili~k P it.'ry Demo n ,\ rell: Sec T15 . ~ B lI l"IIi .~,J II-'ll C op per Door,; (ho d l sc t s]: ll anlll es:" 5 ; 60 h p c.h: h. O pen :,ou t ll'.\'ard; ve r tic a l lJ.l ncllc:" 0 11 IJlJlIl :, i Je~ (If b ll ll1 ,1'hll'S ncar wile r,,' d le V I11c d. T Ile d o or s a rc d o ,;cll b uL
unlnckeJ ; tlll:'Y ban~ no la t~ h <' 1' lock. Sc1JlllII:'r11 D
ti le \\,a[I Lo t he WC:, tll f th t.' lLot' :'. Il t ilLe:o ,1 111 0VC adi;l ll 10 p il:k up ti le h
A DC 15 L i stc ll l:h e cl~ is :" u ffic ic n t lo Ill.-'a r tile lo \\' r- umb lin~ of till.' Ilhll1lll'l l111r ler in T 22. I\Tle."lcrII D.ll1;.,,: A DC 22 L i5t l.' n .: hecl~ is 5tl fficic nllo Ill.'ilr 5 cllttlin ~ fWlll l llc sp id e rs in T I9
pr .
N.ntlleas.l.:m j\ TIl(:' crone is Iwlding 11L'r ri ~lll nrm nul wit h he r pa lm nu l a n d f in ger:;; curle,l in a d a w i ll ~ p0 5e . ITe r bn ~eJ
(4 00
Ill O Utll
i s O pl'll. Tlw I)()wl holJ ~ a ~ol ,I Ill-'c b l.:l,,·e wo rd,
S ll1ltll.>,1S/<-'n/ AIt<1r: The cronc i~ 11Oltlill >1 llCr erol,k out wit l, boll, ha ml" l i l~ e i l '~ a J ivin ill~ ]'{l'!. Il e~e eye~ M e wid e. T he bowlllOlll,; a via l of pre:'5u rize tl ull ~o l J u:'1 (i),\IG 297; in I1al(·J poi son , DC 15, i ni t i alllall1 i1 ~C 1 poinll lf Chari:Jl1 hl' secon dary ,l.ll11<1 gl' 1,16 po int :' nf C I1<1 ri ;:lll<1 plu s I po in t l1f
Cllar i"Ill,' ,Irain ) lh at n il':' into tile C1Cl' .r ti ll' Iwltll'r if i t' " o pened . Sl-ltItllII·cs.l..":m 51<111l c: TIl(: cr-nn e is c l l1 lc l lil1 ~ ht'1" Crtlllk lo Iwr d w s t witll bodl Ihlll,ls. Her ey,' "ocket:" a;e e m pt y. Tb l' b<,,,,llltJltl,, Lwo sapphi re r ing " ( ISO gp eac h) .l llt! 50 gr. E adl o f til e a ltar" 11 .1:' a s t ro n s a u ra if vil..'wt.'c1 H ,; i n ~ J d l'Cl mag ;c (DC 22 S pel lcr ar t d ll'cL: I O~ll cl(' r mi ne it':" co n jur~.1 tio n), l\ n ah a l' ca ll IlL' destro yed (ll a r d ne::,:, 8 , 25 0 II p). Dealing il 11 .1lf th i", l11u cb d a lll i1~C ll,·face:" i ll' noll~ h bJ ru in it s 1lli1 ~ i c.
. 't •
Encounter Level 3
CR 3
MM 2SS hp 26 (4 HOI
SETUP Lan th ur rae statione d a w igh t (W) here to watch T22. It ce rt ain ly hea rd any nea rby bat tles, but it doesn't leave irs post. If pe s appr oach fro m the north , it can hide at the nea rby cor ner, pot en tia lly surpr ising them . Th is area is pictured in the illustrat ion h and out s. Sho w the ill ustration whe n the pe s see the wight.
When the p es reach the alcove , read:
A pale drat\! that has !>um illg red eyes mellaces yOll fro m the comerofa siza!>le alcove il1 the t\!cslem wall. Beyolld the drow arc three large frescoes depictillg dislllr!>il1g images. A demo II arcl1filled with violet energy thrllms il1 Ihe wall 10 the casf. Clawcd mosaicfootp rillis n lll dotllll the hall's cCl1lcr.
CONCLUSION If a batt le occ urs here, th e acolytes in T18 an d Lanthu r rac in T16 hear it. They cast spells as shown in th eir Tact ics. A DC 12 Listen check outside th e dem on arc h is sufficient to hear the acolytes pre pa rin g for battle.A DC 22 1 isten ch eck is sufficient to actua lly ma ke out wh at they're casting, and a subsequent DC 16 Spellcraft check is enoug h to tell wh at
Tile room
h 'l S t h e fnll ~)\\' il1 i2 ' .
fe '11tlre".
I1lumi nal ion: DCITl Oll 'll' c1 1 (g ltlwi n~ eves }: 2 0 feel ,,f bridll i lll~lllillillioll; 2 0 fcel
(If ~kHI ~nv)'
illum in ati on . B ll l' n i';;!l c d C o p pl.·r D oor:;: (ho t Ii sc t s]: S ce
1' 16. Demon A'"l..'h: T lll:a]"ch o ver
is C
e a ster n tl,ulrwa )' [0
look likt' till'
fa . :: c a n d open mo ut ll o f a fall!:iellJelHon " Ii ycs i n tlw face glmv rc d -o re ug c, .111(1
LE Medi um undead Init +1; Senses darkv ision 60 ft.; Listen +10, Spot +10 Languages Com mo n, Elven, Underco mm on
AC 1S, la uch 11 , flat-footed 14 Immune ability da mage to phys ica l ability scores, ab ility d rain, cr itical hits, deat h effects, disease, energy dra in, exha ustio n an d fat igue, Fort save effects that d o n 't affect objects, m ind -a ffect ing s pe lls an d ab ilities , no n let ha l damage, pa ralysis , poison , sleep, st u n ning Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uares) Melee slam +3 (1d4+ 1 plus energy d rain) Base Atk +2; Crp +3 Attack Options ene rgy dra in Special Actions create spaw n Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Co n - , Int 11 , Wis 13, Cha 15 SQ u nd ead t ra its Feats Ale rtn ess , Blind -Fight Skills H ide +8, Liste n +10 , Move Silently +16, Spot +10 Energy Drain (Su) Bestows 1 negative leve l; gran ts wight 5 te m po ra ry hp . Create Spawn (Su) Hum ano id s s lain become wig hts in 1d4 ro un d s.
spells are be ing cas t on a given rou nd. A t the copper door, a DC 6 Listen chec k is sufficie nt to hear Lan thu r rae's casting (DC 16 to be able to m ak e the DC 16 Spellcrafr chec k).
<1 ~ I
t el t by lilt' arell in creo scs Li st en DC ,:: tIl Iwar a nylh iu g beyond
il. Lv 10. F rl.' se n e,:: T h e P<1ill ti ll ~ on Llll' llorl llWl>,::l t'r n wall J e p id s red t{ra gon,: a n J wiJ1~e J tll' lll o n s :;: ,.hlr ing ovcr a ci t y. O n l he wes te r n \\"all , two Jilar i l it ll J cnwl1 s (p ict u re ou M M -1- 11IlilW Lllei r arm" d llll t a ils interl win"J . A n~ l, l;; hal1~i n:;; ~i'nll1 ~il l I' HVS ,1ml c ha i ne d t o to rt u re r a ck s a rlo' ,:-Iw ;vn ' to -t he ,:o ut ll\v,'':l.
\'flwll cve r blo od is s p i lleJ wit hin 3 0 fe et o f th e fre,: c ~)l''::, the ll r.1 ~ nn;:: hrl·.ltlle l irc o n t Ile c it y, ~Ill.-' 1T1 <1f i l il hs wri the i n de ciJ (·Jl y t1 n l\'h ,) llJ~ lI l1 H., way,:, ,1nd till.-' angel" l wist i ll t11e i r 'nooslJ;; anJ st roin a ga inst t ill! r<1 ck~. Ea . -: Il ima c c h a s a s t ro nc a ur.i if v ie wet l tl si n ~ de led maq ic (D C 18 S PCj lUilf t d lt'ck t"o Jek r milll' i t ',: i " u,,~ioll ) . . r
En cou n t er Levcl s
TACTICS If.the acolytes have forewarning of intruders, they cast
.~ . ·~pell s on them selves, li m ited by th e ti me t hey have. .Round 1: Sl,icld of failh. If the pe s someho w arriv e here without alerting th e aco-
Ro und 2 : Divill c[cWO I'. Round 3: Pri1 tecliOll from good. I n a barrie, two rush forwa rd and attack wit h daggers , using thei r sm ite power on th e f rst attac k. Th e thi rd one hangs back, fir ing her hand cross bow. Desperate to impress th e hi gh priestess, they figh t until slain.
lytes, th e acolytes (A) are working on search ing th e room's pape rs for valu able inform ation . In that case, a DC 12 Listen check at the
W h en the pe s ente r th~ r-oom , r ead;
Three fema le drow in robes and chainmail siand b'efore ihe rqcks of scrolls that line the walls of this room. 0" the eastern wall is a massive iron chair, bolted to the floor and buttressed with thick beams. Loose pieces of pardllnent litter the floor. 3 DR OW A CO LYTES
. F E'\T U I~ E S OF T i l E
Th e room h a s lIw fll ll llw i l1~ featll l"l.' ''. I1lumi n al ion : Dcm on ~r.:: h (,;:do \\' i n~ eves]: 2 0 fc('t of b r i ~bl illumi n al ion ; 20 feet S I~ild (J\v ~ illu m in 'l t io ll . 'Dc m o n A loeb: Se e T 17 . .
Scmll R'ld.. s:Tile wulltlen ]",l ..:L~ IlOllt l1UlHlreJ s ~crolls uri gillilll y pLh"{'l1 here fo r lite nAer en ce of til e llem o n Io n] lll'
CR 2
MM 103 hp 9 eac h (l HD) Fem ale d ra w cleric 1
CE Med ium hum anoid (elf) Init +2; Senses darkvisio n 120 ft. ; Listen +4, Spot + 4 Languages Abyssal, Com mon, Elven, Und ercomm o n
AC 17. to uch 12. flat-footed 15 Imm un e s lee p SR 12
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4; +2 aga inst spe lls an d s pe ll. like ab ilities Wea kness light blind ne s s
Speed 20 ft. in chainma il (4 squares), base spee d 30 ft. Melee mwk dagger +2 (1d4+1)
Rang ed mw k han d crossbow +3 (l d4 p lus po iso n) Bas e Atk +0 ; Grp +1 Atk Option s po iso n (drow s lee p po is on , DC 13, unco nsc iousn ess/u nc onscious ness fo r 2d 4 ho urs), sm it e l / d ay (m e lee at tack, +4 attack, +1 d am ag e)
, r , .~
e €';)
Cleric Spe lls Prepared (CL t s t: 2nd with evil s pe lls):
1st- divine f avor, protection fro m goad D, shield affaith a-cure m inor wounds (2), message
Spell-Li ke Abilities (Cl 1st): l/day-dancing lights, darkness, faerie fi re Abilities Str 13, Dex 14. Co n 12. Int 12. Wis 15, Cha 10
Feat s Com bat Cast ing Sk ills Co ncent rati o n +5 (+9 cast ing defe ns ively), Know ledge (re ligion ) +5, Lis ten +4, Search +3, Sp ellcraft +5, Sp o t +4 Posse ssion s m ast e rwo rk chai nm ail. m aste rwork d agge r, maste rwo rk han d cross bo w with 4 po ison ed bo lts
Li ght Blindness (Ex) Blinded fo r 1 ro und in daylight, the n dazzled while st ill in daylight.
S , EJ
Speci al Actions re buke undead 3/d ay (+0. 2d 6+1. 1st), s po nta neo us casti ng (inflict spe lls)
D: Do m a in s pe ll. Do ma ins: Evil, Des tr uct io n
, , 'I
tJ& A
~ ~
tP I'
~ "
If! • ;
OLLA Encou n ter Level 3
F L IT UI' ES 0 1' T Ile room
r1lu lllill clti on : It ',;: cLu b ltert'.
Th eir tremorscnsc alerts th e spiders (5) to th e pe s right after th e characters come out ofTiG. Th ey don't attac k draw , so th ey wait to see wh o's com ing.
C .wc. l ll : T l1i,;: rtmm u"ed l(l be a lo t 6 i ~ g l' r, alld itl1a J mo re s tutucs . T he lhl rtl lCrn
nalura l w eL a mI
St a llll' : T lte stat ue in t l1(' ;:out ltea:::te fll pa rt (If LIl t' ro om dep icts a bal J, e lde r ly hlllll (, t11 cestc rn wa ll heh im l till' sta t ue rea d;;, ~ 8 1l<1 1111 B a ll b h llt L11l' ~ b J , A ro.:lti l l·d of S lau d l tergu nl e.~ u-l·ok e ;\ S l . Til l' li ~ ll t ru bbll' lll'lrk etl ol1 t ill' m a p in c rca scs t1 H.~ D C o f Ba lall ce ami T Ulll h l... c hec k-:: h y 2 . A n in scrip t io n in A hy:';;ill on t he wes le ru wa ll Ileal' the ,le h r i;; read ;:, ~~1illill1e l ltra t il t..' Br a ze ll, t:'1' r r u plM o f Sll LJ 1 :;;.~ In scr-ip t ion: C,u\'i.'(1 i nt o l he ma so n r ~', al l)l1 g til(' sl lu th er n Wil li i ll im po sing AIJy;:::
Mosaicfoo tprints depicting cl awed fcet run west toa wide t-intersection . There t/,ey turn soutll. When the, pe s reach the d oo r w ay, read:
Three spiders the size oflIIolvescreep "long the floor ofthischa mber, the northern C1Id ofw/'ich h"s clearly collapsed. Marble debris litters the southwestern corner, and a statue ofa robed Jllllrll1n male sittingcross-legged is in thesOll theastern w rllel: Carved into the southen l lIIa li arc illScriptioits ill a strallge /allgll age.
CONCLUSION If a batt le occu rs he re, you c all have th e spiders from T20 join the fighr . Roll in itiative for them at th e start of the th ird round, placin g th em in th e h all jusr outs ide T20.
\\,,111i, a m ix of
,Ii,'[ (Cl im b DC 15).
\Vhe ll the pe s leave T16, read:
ru n R Oml
11.1 " tIlL' f(ll1o wi n g featu res .
CR 1
MM 288 hp 11 ea ch (2 H D)
N M ediu m verm in Ini t +3; Senses dar kvision 60 ft ., trem orsense 60
ft.; Liste n +0, Spo t +8 Langua ges -
AC 14, touc h 13, flat-foote d 11
Immu ne mind -affecting spe lls and abilities Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0 Speed 40 ft. (8 squa res), clim b 20 ft .
Melee bite +4 (l d 6 plus poiso n) Base Atk +1; G rp +1
Atk Opti o ns poiso n (DC 12, 1d4 Strfl d 4 St r)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 2 SQ verm in tra it s Feats Wea po n Finesse" Skills Climb +11, Hide +7, Jum p +14, Li sten +0 , Sp ot +8
• •
-• O ne ;:qua re == :; reel
Encou n te r Level 3
These spiders try to entangle Small pe s first, and th en they -.:. ·nlOve in to bite entangled enemies. They don't risk att acks ot opporru n ity to do so, however. Hiding among the cobwebs are web-spin ni ng spiders. If the pe s don 't spot them , the spiders (S) receive a su rp rise round . li ke their cou sins in T t9, they wait until th ey see
int rud ers or sense a fight before att acking . I ~ E ;\T IJ I~ E S (IF T ilE
W he n t he pes n ear ~~he ro om , read:
Ti ll' room h a ,:: the fo ll(lw i n~ fcat ure ,;.
The hallway widens to reveal a roOm where cobwebs lwngfrol/l the ceiling, ,;/ld slightly stichy webbi l1g bl"nhets thefloor. To the ~ast arc pews running north-south. Despite the webbing, you [tJn sec that mosaic footprints conti"ue south through this roOm to a set ofcopper doors. When t he spide rs reveal t he mselves, ad d:
TIme spiders as big as dwarves sbtter out fro m beh i nd the cobwebs.
Illu mi nat io n : IL':, d ar k ]w re. I3I1J'ni::IIl.,(1 Co p p t.')' D o o r::: Il.uJn e,;,; 5 ; 6 0 li p e'1ch . O pe n ,;ou t!lWilr lli vl,rticat h amil l':' on bOl h ,::i JL'':: of boll, (lo or ::: Ileal' wh en' t lll'v m eet . Th e Jt),Jr;; a re c!o;;eJ bu t un lo ck el l; t1,1.:' Yh a ve 11\1 iat ch tH·loc k. A DC 23 Listen check i,: su ff ici e n t to llear l he ra,::py hre alhi ll~ llf l h e Hu ge ,;piJ er i ll T 2 1. C Ollwc b::: T lw :::l' ::hee l':: tlf wellili 11 ~ il rL' n ' l ,;ti ck y, hil t tl ll'Y o h,;lr ud vi sion . TIH'y provi de cnnc l'a l menl (20 q/o m iss c h allce) ftH anyo n c lw ll iml t h e m , but llll' y d Oll't o b:'lru cl m ove m ent . T h l' Y crc n't ruagic we b ,;,,.:o tlll'y d o n' l burn . Pe ws : T h e se w~HJlle ll p ew,; p ro v id e ,.-ovc r (+ -+ to AC, +2
on "t.'flt.'x saves] for SIll <1 11 PCs, lHll t h ey make m encuvcring
CR 1
M M2 88
hp 11 each (2 HD) N M ed ium vermin
Init +3; Sen ses da rkvision 60 ft., tre mo rse nse 60 ft.: Listen +0, Spot + 4 Langu ages -
AC 14, touch 13, flat -foo ted 11 Immun e mind-affecting spe lls and abilities Fo rt +4, Ref +3, Will +0 Speed 30 ft . (6 squares), climb 20 ft. Me lee bite +4 (ld 6 plus po iso n) Ran ged web +4 touch (entangle) Base Ark +1; G rp +1
Atk O pt ion s po iso n (DC 12, 1d4 StrJ1d4 Str) Abilit ies St r 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int - , Wis 10 , Cha 2 SQ ve rm in tra it s Fe at s Weapo n Fine s s e" Skills Climb +11, Hid e +7 (+11 in webs), Ju m p +0 , Lis te n +0 , Move Silently +3 (+11 in we bs) , Spot +4 We bs (Ex) A sp ide r can throw a we b up to eight ti mes per day. This is s im ilar to an attack with a ne t b ut has a m axim um range of 50 feet, with a range incre m ent o f 10 fe et , a nd is effective agai nst targets of up to Sma ll s ize. T he web anchors the targe t in place , a llow ing no movem e nt. An entangled cre atu re can esca pe with a DC 12 Esca pe Art ist chec k o r bu rs t t he web with a DC 16 St re ngth chec k. The we b has 6 hp.
diffi c u lt. It la l~e:'- 2 sq n a re s llf move men t to move tllfll tq~ll ,1 pe w sq ua rc. As il t110VC ac t ion , a c reat u re (;,111 s te p up and
st a nJ ou ajlt.'w . C rea l u re:' o n t h e pc wi:~~ai n a + 1 bonu ,; o n JIIL·ll-'!: illL1c l~ ro l\s a~a i ll :,- t fue ,:; ou th e fl oor. C o coon: I n : > iclc ill\leJ i1l 1l1 h UlllaJw id , hat1 ~ i n ~ upside ltowll.If till' pc :: cnt ope n till' webb i n~ (611 p), t1wy f illl[ tlll' co r pi't' o f a dru w llla lL-' wbo iln gL-'J'l·J L ,111 t11l1 J'r ae. I-It.' h ~ ,; a llla'::lc r\\'o rk rapi er, 1ll,1 ::> l L-' r worl~ s tmIJ(,J Il'a tl wr, allli a 'k l"'Y tkl t n lWlls f{lo Ll o c k.... r 2 i ll T7.
HRINE OF THE Encounter Level 7
SETU P The fiendish spide r here (5) doe sn't react to so unds out side the doors. When you show pes the map forthis roOID> don't show them the floor webbing marked on the map. See th e Floor Web s sectio n,
CR 7
MM 107 and 289 hp 52 (8 HD); DR 5jmagic N E H uge m agical be ast (au gme nted verm in , ext rap la na r) Init +3; Sen ses d arkvisio n 60 ft.. tremo rsens e 60 ft. ; Li st en +0, Spot +4 Lan guages -
AC 16, to uch 11, flat-footed 13 Immun e m ind -affe cti ng s pe lls a nd a bilities
When the PCs enter t h e roo m, read:
A rcd-eyed spider the size of a small hut crouches to the south. Beyond it, upon a black altar, an idol of a hulking figure wea ring spii
FLOOR WEBS Sticky webbing is spu n acro ss th e floor as marked on the map. When a charac ter is about to step into a squa re that has floor web s, have that PC make a DC 20 Spot check Sue-
. cess indicates the character catche s
Resist cold IO, fire 10; SR 13 For t +8, Ref +5. Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft. Melee bite +8 (2d6+6 plus poison) Ranged web +7 touch (en t an gle)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Base At k +6; Crp +18
Atk O ptions poison (DC 16, 1d8 Strjld8 Str), sm ite good 1jday (+8 dam age against good foe) Abilit ies Str 19, Dex 17, Con 14, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 2 SQ ve rm in traits Fea t s Skills Clim b +12, H ide - 1 (+7 in we bs) , Jum p +4 , Li st en +0, Move Sile nt ly +3 (+11 in webs ), Spot +4 We bs (Ex) A s pide r can t hrow a we b up to eight t imes per d ay. This is sim ilar to an atta ck with a ne t but has a m aximu m ran ge of 50 feet , with a ra nge incr em en t of 10 fee t, a nd is effective agains t targets of up to Large size . The web an c hors the t arget in place , a llowing no moveme nt. An e nt angl ed cre at ure can escape w ith a DC 16 Escap e Art ist ch eck o r b urst the we b with a DC 20
Strengt h check. The web has 14 hp.
TACTICS Th e fiendi sh sp ide r is a cun ning ki ller. On th e first round , it sk itt ers to one side of th e roo m, th en shoots an enta ngling web at th e nearest foe. During the seco nd ro und , it moves to the ot her- side, hoping to draw it s attac kers int o ano ther sec tion ~f floor web. Between th e floor webs and the web s it slings, the spid errries to keep the PCs split lip. It th en uses its superior reach and poten t poi son to tak e th em dow n one byone . Th e spider is smart eno ugh to fling th e doorsopen or slam them closed with its legs. .
TIle room h a ;: lhe f,)l1n win g L.·a lll res. Illumination: G l'l\vi ll~-i J,)I; 10 feet o f IHigh t illll min'l lio n; 10 feet o f "kl ll(lwV ill u m in a t io n . Cc i l ill ~: T he ceilill~' he re i s 2 0 feet hi~ l1. Bur n i sllcll CO P Pc l:-I)oor.:: St.'c T 20. \V.1I1 ~ : U n like till' rn a son r y pro m i n ent tlHOll ~Il
(CLml, DC 16). A !tar: TI ll' 'l ltar ratlia lt·::' a shonot a u ra if \, jl'w ed ll;:in~ .Ietcclllh19ic (DC 22 Spc lIcra fl .:hl'cl~ t~l ddl' r m iIll' it';: tl ivi Iltl~
tio n]. TIH.' al t ar ca n bi.' d;"::, lroyeJ (harJ ne;:s 8, 2 50 hpj . J)ealin ~ it
half tll i:, Illucll J allla ~ c J (J a.:e,;; it e ll() ll~ h t o ruin
its Illtlgic. A ny ev il cler ic wlw pr ep a res spell,; ill f ront of tlle a lLar can pn~pilre lli \,ina l ion :;: pell".)S if t hey wcrc nne le \'cll owcL In tile last few montll s, La llLllU rrae 11.1 " uSN I Lll e p m\'l'r of til e 'l ltM In pr e pare dil;i llz hle r~ a nle, a;: well iT S 111call ing lcs,;: /)1" 11IJlTloro us p ll~rase;:': fo r
eXtllllp lc: "Beware t lte Kni~ 111;: Lumin Oll", fo r tll CY see k t o I~eep 11 " Fore ver bu ri ed :
uBel1e,1 t ll til(' m a rb l,. J t bv l hi" J rc;JlI m ou n toiu , a JOOfwav IHllllC will O~lt::ll :10{l 1~: . uWiLllill Su m 6e don, a ten eh mll '; ev il ~ ro \\' s. S ee k .1llie;:
I II , l U I'
t here.~
~ The J~ e g<1li.:J. of tlH.' S crcamin .i So r.:c ref will one J a v be n' lIn itl'll, b: ,l o nly aft ef b i ~ ;:c Cl~ter is reir iev ,·J f rom 'lh e de pt hs llf til e Va a l h wood.~ ' .. " Hi'waf e lh e fl,J po p pies t llat t ra vel on the will J ~ ' ~ \\'7 I1l'n s'Hlgbi rJs fall fm m t he sky, sharpen your hL:Hle, a nJ ] O O ;:Cll your 6" Ob ," ' A top the a ltar a re 3 0 0 ~ p anJ si lver br acers t hai ar e in la id wit h jaJe (2 00 ~ p). Jf the P C~ takc t he it em s, the h albcrJi c r ,;ays, "Lcav,' t hl' lllllllage you 've pa iJ fo r fn f(.• ,;: i~ h t, or fa cc the f utu re withou t ImO\\l~d ~ e.~ T h i" sc r ves a" .,. hint tha t th e statue can spe ak Lut t hc llal benli er won' t :, pc
If alIJ r" sse ,l wit h a qu e s tio n about it s fu nct ion, lh e sta t ue j'e,,1 i cs, "0 \y ,;: igh t t ranscen d s time, bu t my advic,' come" o n ly \\'itll sac r ific,""
LL Encounter Level 4
SETUP Thi s is a room beyond rhe control of the drew-c-it's home to a m3gm~1 hu rle r (M) that has g uarded it since the destru ction of Slaughtergarde. The m agma hurler doesn't react to pe s until they enrer th e roo m o r attack it. Stealthy pe s migh t be able to surprise or sneak past the hu rler. Thi s area is picrured in the illustra tion handout s. Show th e illu stration as you describ e t he room. \XThen the p es have a good view of the room, read:
A figure made entirely out of moitelllaua strides amoJlg the statues in this room, leaving a pall of smoke behilld it. In tire Ilorthern section is a massive sarcophaglls with a marble statue atop it ofa cloaked figll re wieldillg a scythe and ridmg a horse that hasfiery IlOOveS. In the so utllern part is a collectioll of macabre statll es, most depicting fie nds. Two fiery demon arch es are ill tile southwes te rn corner. Near these appear to be ches ts and sca ttered coin s The mosaicfootprilltslead fro m the dO llble doors ill the east past tile sarcophagusall d Il l' the northern corridor.
TACTICS The magma hurler prefers to hurl its magm a balls) so it tak es 5-foo r steps to m ake its ranged attac k whil e avo iding
attacks of opport unity [rom melee combatan ts. l fi r would take an arrack of opp ortun it y for making a fanged arrack, it does so on ; 1 to 3 on a ds . If the pe s Ilee beyond the roo m, the m agl~ a: hurler doesn't chase them. It does keep hurl ing magmaba lls at th em as long as it has line of sight ro do so.
FALSE TREASURE FOUf chests of coins appear to be in th is room, two at the base of th e hczrou's statu e 'i n the northwestern corne r and two in th e southwe stern corner. Each is J lure for the unwa ry tha t th e ori ginal inhabitants of Slaughrergarde kn ew to avoid. Coins p icked up off th e fl oor (35 of th em are scattered ab o ut) d isappear in a fl ash of balefu l g reen li gh t
CR 4
Miniatures Handbook 65 hp 69 (6 HD) CE Medi u m e lem e ntal (ea rth , ext ra p lanar, fire) Init +5; Se nses da rkvision 60 ft. ; Listen +6, Spot +5 Lan gu age s Igna n AC 15, touch 11, flat -footed 14; can't be flanked Immun e critica l hits, fire, para lysis, poison , s leep, stunni ng For t +12, Ref +6 , Will +5 Weak ness vu lne rab le to co ld (+50% da m ag e)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Melee s lam +12 (ld6+12) Ranged magma ball +6 (Jd10+8 plus 1d6 fire) Base Atk + 4; Grp +12 Abilities St r 26 , Dex 13, Con 24 , Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 11 Feats Im p roved Initiative , Iro n Will, Wea pon Focus
(magma ball) Sk ills Liste n +6, Spo t +5 Magma Ball (Ex) A m agma hu rler ca n sp it a ball of mag m a into its hand as m o ve action ; it can th row the ball as sta nda rd act io n. Ran ge incre m e nt 30 feet (150 fee t maxi mum).
accompani ed by J scream of agon y. (f a ches t is opene d and the coi ns within touch ed , all it's con ten ts scream an d di sappear simila rly in a cascade of screa mi ng and light , c rea ting an effec t like a th und ersron c combined wi th a gliUndllsJ spell. Each character within a 1O,[00 tradi us spre ad m ust succeed on a DC 14 W ill save or be b lind ed an d tak e a - 4 0 p en al t y on Hi de chec ks for 10
rou nd s. Furth er, every crea tu re within a tu-foo r radi us mu st succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened . for 1 hou r. Th ese ch ests radiate a fain t au ra if viewed using detect magic (DC 16 Spe llcraft check to det ermi ne it's conju ration). No way exis ts to "disa rm" the coins, wh ich do not reappear once they go off. The chests are'ancient relics that might be wort h 50 gp each to a collecto r once their noisy contents have been removed.
. :. '
If a battl e occurs here, or screams issue from the room's strange treasure, th e acolytes in TI S hear it and Laruh urrae and her grim locks might hear it (T16; listen DC 7; Listen +5). Tho se -who hear cast th eir preparator y spells • as described in t heir Tactics.
• (J il l ' :i'l l tl
c 6
CR 1/2
STIRGES MM 23 6 hp 5 eac h (1 HD )
N Tiny magical beast Init + 4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low -light vision ; Listen + 4, Spo t +4 Languages -
AC 16 , to uch 16 , flat- footed 12 (AC 12 when attache d) Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilitie s Str 3, De x 19, Co n 10, lnt 1, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feats Alert ne s s, Wea po n Fine s se " Skills H ide +14, Listen +4, Spot +4
hIl s ti ll' i(J II
b r i ~ l, t il1lltTlitlillion ; 20 feet of "haJo wy illuminat ion. If ti,l.' iH~h is J isal,ll.'J,
DCllIon A rcll:
Neatly made bedslille this room's Il ortl,em alld southem walls_A padi/ea mall acle with a fo ur-foot elwill baited to thefloor is at thefoa t ofeach bed_ The weste rn wall is all avalallcheof rock alld dirt ullU ke the maS0/1ry on the other walk Strange crea tll res that look like bats wilh Il eedlelike snouts suddell ly f lyfrom a crevice there_
Ro ost
Ti,l-' r o om
tile a rea is
O ne st irge (5) is ju st insi de the t u nnel sho w n on the map , and if it no tices th e PCs, all t he srirgcs Oy into th e room. Stealthy groups witho ut light sources m ight avoid noti ce.
Whe n the PCs en ter the r o OID, r ead :
Speed 10 ft. (2 sq ua res ), fly 40 ft. (average) Mele e p incer s +7 m e lee to uc h (atta ch) Space 2-1/ 2 ft.: Rea ch 0 ft. Base Atk+1 ; Grp - 11 (+1 whe n attached ) Special Acti on s dr a in b lood (see Tact ics)
I~ E X r lJ R E S OF T I IE
Encounter Level 4
Set.>'1"22 .
C tlve. l n : T I,i,; was a rnth:h l ilf~ c r room bef or e Slau~ h t l'r ~ ,)fJ t' wa s ren t as u n de r . Th e WCSl-l'f ll wall i" amix o f n:1l ural
il ntl did (Cllm)J DC 15). RulJ blc: T]Je l igh t rubbl e 111 .:lfkeL! o n tile Illop in c rease s tlte DC IA Bulan , ,' all J Tumble clll'.:-les bv 2. "!; lII llcl: Tl lis tunn el is <1 fllot ill ,!i'll1 wt er. It ri~ l'::' "t~ eply, ; l1cb
Li¢I I L
n.'ocllin g ti le s u r fac e in ab md 2 0 0 feeL
Bcd,;: TllC bo..'L! " were for L! w ::,c wait in..; l o be sac r i fice d at o ne o f Sla ughlcrganlc '", .:l lL ats. By Mu=Talll1 Lau's.unlet, v ictims were kept co m fo r ta ble u nti l th eir t u r n . Sc~ve n set s lIf ;;; il L. s lH'(.'L,; 11('n' arc wo rLll 50 gp l'oeil, buL it Lak'cs a DC 2 0 A pp rci se dlcck to r e al iz e t hi s.
The su rges split up amo ng the PCs. Stirges have no reach , so th ey have to ent er their target 's sq~lJ re to arrack. PCs who aren't Hat-footed can mak e attac,ks of oppo rtu n ity against su rges th ar do so. Th e stirges can't hover, so they have to fly at half speed eac h round to stay aloft , possibly provo k ing attack s of op po rtu nity. If a stirge starts its turn attac hed to a PC I it autom ntically deals 1d4 points of Const ituri on damage. Even if th e dam age roll indicates a srtrge could deal more than 4 point s of Co ns titut ion dam age, no sing le srirge can deal more th an that- it's fu ll of blood. A stirge that has con sumed 4 poi nts of Cons titu tion det ach es and flies for the tu n nel, ' w ithd raw ing if possible.
RE,\IOI' ING ,\ ST IRGE C h tlracL-c r;: c an ~ ra p p l l' t1 l lac hl' a sti r";c,, o r att a cb Llr cm witll 111c 1,·,· Wl'ill)(IIlS. T lh l;;C wil lI Inabe a : uccess f llllllla n ne J me],..'l' hHlcll at t ac.k a ~ ai n" t a n a tlad lt" l ;:liq1l' Cilll llla k e ,1 ';~ r a p p le check t o ga i n ,1 h o ld. Attac11l'J stirccs Cilll' t ma ke all ac ks (I f o pport uni t y. A PC w1 1l1 h a ;: n !w l,! on a stirce ca n re move th ai s tirac by m abi nil ,1Ilo t!lt' r :.
. , := S [ccL
() u e ::,qua\l,:
Encounter Level 5
SETUP Th e whitespawn hordelin gs are incapable of moving or acti ng until the pe s free them . Th e Shatt ered Gate in Features of th e Room descr ibes how that migh t happ en . Th e gate is pictured in the ill ustrat ion handouts. Show t he illus tra t ion as Y9t1~descr i be th e ro om.
\Vhen the p es enter t he rOOIn , rcad :
A massive stonegate, like theolie yo u fO lilld among thegoblins, domilllltes the westem f lld of this roo m. Partsofthe II rch have sagged IIlld crllmbled, and elltlre blocks ure missi ng. This gntc has II shimmerjng gl'lly field. Blnck cracks mdiate alit from thecenter, making it look like an immense
shattered mirror. Four small figllres haveemerged Iwlfwa y fyom whateverlies beyond the gray field. They have dragOldike heads, white sealy skill, and stll bby wmgs. Ti,e floor is littered with CrII111blillg skele tOlls.
hp 13 each (2 H D)
CE Small monstrous huma noid (cold , dragonblood) Init +0; Sense s darkvis ion 60 ft.: Liste n - 1, Spot - 1 Langu ages Dra coni c
AC 13, tou ch 1" flat-foote d 13 Immune col d
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 We a kness vul ne rab ility to fire (+50 % d am age) Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) , fly 20 ft. (clumsy) Melee s hort swo rd +3 (ld 4/ 19-20) an d bite +1 (ld4) o r Melee s hor t swo rd +1/+1 (ld 4fl9 -20) and bite +1 (ld4) Ran ged da rt +3 11d3) Base Atk +2; Grp - 2 Speci al Actions breath weapon Abilities St r 11, Dex 10 , Con 14, Int 4, Wis 9, Cha 9 Feats Mult iatt ack, Two-Weapon Figh ting " Skills Bala nce +10 , Climb +5, Hid e +4, Ju m p +4, Listen - 1, Spot - l Pos sessions 2 s ho rt swords , 4 dart s Brea t h Wea po n (Su) Ju-ft. co ne , once eve ry l d4 ro und s , d amage 1d 6 cold, Reflex DC 13 ha lf.
CR 1
F I, xn :RES 01: rm: 'Tlw room
Ro m l
Ll ln\\'i n~ featllre~.
Il a :, the 11 111111 i lhl l in n : Sll ilH erea gate; 10 fed of Ilf igllt i Ilu m ilhltio u : 10 il'd o f sh al lo wy ill u mina ti on. S llilLlerc d G .l fe: The catc o n till' westcrn wa ll is i rrcl ric vab ly r u ill l'a, II', s un i 1M b-1 tilL' ~a l l''; ill L17 ami A 19. D espi te IJ l' in g Ilwlw n, it ha :, a fa inl a ura i f vicweJ usin g J d (!cf 1Il<19ic (DC 2 -1. Spell cr aft ch eck ( 0 J ch>l"minc it's couj u rntion} . T Il(' gilte h a s fOllr \\'h i te,;; paW l1 llOf(lc l i n~s ,;tic k ing holl[wa y out 'If it , C
the m . T Ill' [ai nle::,t amou nt o f ki nct ic en ergy f rc cs a whi l es pa wn h or llclin i!. rf illl vt hill ~ l 'Hlclll's o r aLlad"", d n e, it f ullv c m crcc s [r o ll1 llle- :, h'l lt ~ r(' J ~~t e alld a U ac k s. , P roximit y to all~ lln go i ll g ~p ell o r :;; pc ll -l i!..e 'l ilil it y .11::: 0 lrcc s a Wll i llo;:paw n IHJfll(Ain ~. If a PC s te ps adj acent t o a wl1itc"p + JO fIll" the ,li 'l' ol check'; lhe DC is 11 + tile' ,po ll ', ccsler level) . Ea ch :'llcce,;,,[u l d i;:pl'l ch . . ck l'ml" tile cUe d itlli :;; pl'l1l'J and fl"l' \~", on c wllit e"pawn horj el ill ~, Thi::, sh altered gat l' 11,1::' Ih~ si gil tbo:'a-t the cate ill A 19 b e!",;. It tak e:, a DC 10 C raf t ( m~ ';(J l11'Y ) chcct to remo ve ti ll' ~ Iy p h . s lwldoll$; TIll' "ke ldom were all :,oldi l'r ,:: who ver i;:hc(1 in a ~ rc ilt l'x plll"illll wl1etl lhc gak "h ilttl' J"\-,d . P C ::, wIlt) ln~l ke ::'U Cl~~;::::fll J D C 15 S pol- check" n otice thatlhl'y'rc all fa ~ i n ~ till' sante directi on and d w t m ull )' tl f t11e b\-HIt':' havc bee n ;:a wed apa rt (Il)' t ill' )., orr\-1r in T25) . ;\'o n l' a rc af n1eJ Of 'l r ll l\-1 rcd .
Ev ery "q U Ml' is fill e tl witll htlllc;:. T hey in crea se t Ile D C o f 13.1bn..·e alai Tu mhl e check:, hy 2, bul il lCy ju s t c r u m hle \\,IWll ste ppe d on .
Encou nter Level 4
SETUP Th e elec rrum clockwork hor ror (E) was trapped here after the fier y arch es stopped responding to its medalli on. It shoo ts any cre atu re that en ters . It's silent until it att acks, so it probably surprises th e cha racters. pe s wh o ma ke DC 15 Intelligen ce checks realize they saw thi s room th ro ugh th e mag ic m irror in I ll. \Vh en the pes move into t h e room, r ead:
III the renter oftne roo m isa metallic sca ra blil1e creature the size ofa dog. It squatsamollg several piles of metal. With a whi1; it lurcn es to life, a blade btlZzillg IIIhere its mouth should be. Tne corpse of a drow female ill studded leather armor liesat yo ur feet. Mirrors that have greell glolllillgfra mes lw llg fro m the 111011 5,
1-- EAT UI\ ES OF' Ti ll' room
T i lL::
I', O O ~ I
i . , tilt.' f~) I111\\' i nlit
o.; -"'(I' "
- /.l,.'L'!
.1/ (' = :)
IlIu l1I illa l io l1 : Demon a~rdl; 20 fcel of 6r i£llt illtlllli na tion: 20 fl'd "lladl)WVi Illlllli nnlion . If tIll' ar~h is (Ii ,.allled , it s to ps "hl' d dil1~ li~ lll. G l dWjl1~ '\ Iinnr Fraine,,; "kHlow v illulllindlioll fill" tIll' room if till: mirror fram l'::' are tile
Fie r\' D l,.·11l0 1l .\reb: See T2 2.
ELECTRU M CLOC KWOR K HORROR CR MM247 hp 32 (4 HD) LE Sm a ll const ruct Init +2; Se nses d ar kvis io n 60 ft.: Listen +2, Sp ot +2 Lan g uages Clockwo rk Ho rro r
J) ro~v Corpse: The cl~)cbwnrk 11Orror killed tlli" (!ro w. sllc k1E- m
till' fal len ", llIldl" af ter s lalldllc rt:al'llc'J d l,,,t ru d io n . It c u t most
AC 19. touch 12, flat -footed 18 Im m un e a b ility damage and drain, crit ical hits, death effect s, d ise as e . elect ricity, ene rgy d ra in, exhaustio n and fat igue, Fo rt save effec ts t hat do n 't affect objects , min d-affecting spe lls an d ab ilities, nec roma ncy effects, no nle th al damage, paralysis , po is on , s leep, stu nn ing SR17 Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3 Weakness shatter blinds it fo r 1d 4+1 rou nds
Speed 30 ft. (6 sq uares) Me lee ra zor saw +5 (ld 8+1) Ranged p res su re da rt +5 (2d 4+1) Bas e Atk +3; Grp +1
or tilt.' l11cl~1
pi,'cl'~ ' A l: reM t pldte , a
l1Ia"ll' rworl"
ro pier, a c !ta in "birl,
I" 2, . j\ l i lTor~: All t1l(~ mi rror:" d.:te cL lII <1gi c ill u :"io ll ) .
Ildve a fainlalll'<1 i f vi,'weJ usinc
(DC ] 8 S pl·lla alt ck'c k to delcrlllilH'
Ill ia d ~ I i r ro r: The m irror marb·tJ wit h a 1 fundioll ';. It In (lb int o L] 1. \\'7Ilt'1l someo ne IO(lb inlo it, read:
cracl1ed mirrors are /1lOlIIl ted on the wallsof a shadowy roan;, and each mirror hasa fram e glowing with grew light. TIIat glow is the on ly ilillminotion for the chamber. The room ends in a precipice fhat apparentlydrops il1to a much larger room. A long ladder lies flat near the'eage.
Abilities St r 12, Dex 13, Con - , Int 5, Wis 14 . Cha 5 SQ construct t raits Feats Poi nt Blan k Shot, Prec is e Sho t Skills Climb +8, Listen +2 , Spot +2 Pos s es si o ns bu ilt-in Slaughtergarde me da llio n (claw)
(Remember to add the condition in which the PCs left 111.)
111101),\ LLI() 1'\
Tlli" ro u nJ
piece of e led r ll lll lt.3';; <1 "ty lizeJ claw ,.igil o n it, is wo rt h 7 5 i:P, amI 11 <1 ;: a fai nt a n ra if Vi(;,Wl,J u sin g del ed lI/' l y ic ( D C 18 S pe llcr a ft chec k III J et eI'm i rn- it '" a bju rat io n ). If l he P C " ta ke dIe me d a ll io n , tJll~ V ca n usc i l i n t he S Llll g],-
tej"~a rd e a p n o j"Y.
1ACTICS The clockwork horr or continues firing press ure dan s until th e PCs engage it in melee. It prefers targets th at have metal armo r and weapons. !
D UM, H l: lcm, W n ARllS OF TIl E CO,IST, I'I"Y"'I 11.,,,,jl'LJj)I~, D lm g<'OliM. l\f a \ G il '.!.' ••\I."" ta .\ [;,,,,,,,I.SI,,,tlr m l G,lIe1 ofs l"ugl,I'·'!l.,nl", all othn Wizar d, of t ile Coa:'> t l'rOOun name" and their respective logos arc l rademarks of Wizard, of the Coo..';t, Inc., in th e U.S,A. J ild ot her countri es. Thi5 lllJt erial is protel'ted under t he copyright laws of the l'u ited State;; of Am erica. All)' reproduction or un" utl",rized u,e of t he material or artwork contai ned herein is prohi hitt d without the u l'rcs.swritt en perm ission of Wi7..ard, of t he Coa,t, I nc. Th i,; I'rOOlKt i, a work of fk tion. Any similar ky 10 actua l Jl<.'lll'lc, orh"'nizations, places , or cw nt, is purely coincidental. J'r illtc',] ill the U S,,\ . @2006 Wizard, of t he Coast, l,lt .
1A: Scytbe Room (A d u nture Sites page 8)
L8: Honder Trap (A d venture Sirr:s pag!:
Vio/~t EII~rg;'
'D emon Arcb (Adt'~lltll "~ Sites page 29)
A rcb (A dw!!llure S ites page 28)
A19: N early Inta ct Gate (Ca mpaig11 Guid e page 60)
Slonbert o11, City
of Bridges . . . fwd aiel (Cam paign Guide page Jj
.lI)O-'J) 79H 7..)1l·(JO~
Al0: Fang 'Dragon (Cam paign Guide page ";'1)
Ark of tbe Resurgent Af ' ollnta in (Campaign Guid e page f O) :lOO-9)7'1X7"0 -00~
Beti Ctmmier (A dve nture Sites page ~6)
T17: Li'L'iug Pi ctures (Ad~";e1Il1m! Sites Pdf}' J2)
L12: S ilmm oning 'Pit (A d rvet1lure Si tes pilge 18)
1.1;:· S hattered Gate (A
d-venll/ I·e Si tes pdf,£'
26) .' OO·'J5 7'l1i7"0 ·1)()4 U\
Al· Blind Tr ol/(Campaig,'l Gllide page 10)
A-i: Etevator Room (Cil1J1ptligl1 GlIide page 12)
T22: Statue flail (A dw lIture Sites page f8)
TN: Shattered Gate (A d vell/ure Sit es page 61) .1lWl-957LIX7-1lI-D(4 Er-.-
OREST ENCOUNTERS Whi le traveling through the woodla nd s in the Valley of O belisks, ch aracte rs have an 8%cha nc e per hour of h avin g an en co unter. Each forest h as a selectio n of possible e ncount ers below. Roll d% to determine what the pe s me et
Andrall Fo rest
Forest ofTu rlek
0 1- 20 l d 3 wo lves 21-3 0 I kre nsh ar
0 1- 10 Id4 +2 orc s 11- 20 t ogre
31-40 I black bear 41-60 1 boar 61-70 I dire bad ger 71-80 1 d ire wol veri n e 81-90 1 d ire wolf 9 1- 100 Id 3 rsr-level ha lf-elf d ru ids
21-3 0 I allip 31-4 0 l d 3gho u ls 41-50 1 gargoy le 51-60 Id 3 worgs 61-7 0 Id4 +2 wo lves 71-90 1 werewolf 9 1-100 Id3 we rew olves
Cha nce Fo rest 0 1- 10 Id 4+4 kob c lds 11- 20 Id 3 g rigs 21-3 0 tJ 3 wol ves 31-40 1 krenshar 41- 70 td 3 l st-leve l for est gno me bard s 71- 801 black bear 8 1-90 1 boar 91-100 1 d ryad Cloudhoo f Forest 01-10 1 pixie 11- 20 Id 3 dire wo lves 21- 30 Id 3 dire boars 31-4 0 t d j owlbears
41- 50 ld 3 black bear s 51-70 103 cen tau rs (Srarnkasps) 71-90 Id 3 centaurs (C u rganl 91- 100 gian t stag beet le Dap p lewood 0 1- 20 1d3 dire apes 21- 30104+2 wolves 31-40 Id 3 kren sha rs 41-50 Id 3 b lack bears 51- 60 I d ire wo lf 61-7 0 Id 3 boars 71-80 1 giant pra yin g m an tis 81- 100 I owlbea r
Gr ove of Icicles , 0 1- 10 Id 3 grigs J 1,- 30 I d 3 albino wol ves 31-4 0 t krenshar 41-5 0 I black bear 5 1- 60 I boar 61-70 1 Large monstrous spide r 71-80 1 dryad S 1- 90 1 assassin vine 9 1-100 1 albino dire wo lf
Red b ar k Grove 01-10 Id 3 grigs 11- 20 Id4 +2 wol ves 21-3 0 Id 3 kr en shars 31-40 Id 3 b lack bears 41-50 I dire wolf 51-60 Id 3 boars 6 I- 80 1 assassin vin e 81- 100 1 dryad
Vaa t hwo o d 01-10 l d 3 b lack bear s 11- 20 Id 3 dire wo lves 21-30 t tl3 d ire boars 31-40 Id 3 werewo lves 4 1-60 Id 4+2 t sr-Ievel elf ran ger s 61-70 Id 3 ow lbears 7 /-80 1 p ixie S /- 90 103 wyrm lin g gree n dr agon s 91- 100 1 yo ung gree n dragon
W es t Oa kwood Laughi ng Woods 0 1-10 f d j d ire wol ves
11- 20 Id 3 d ire boars 21-30 10 3 wereboars 31-40 ld3 p ixies 4 / ~5 0 1 pixie (h as O tto's rrrcmli/l/c t1iHJCC), 51-60 1 nymph 61- 90 1 trean t 91- 100 1 j uve n ile g reen dra go n O akwood 0 1-10 Id 3 g rigs 11- 20 1t13 wo lves 21-3 0 1 dire wolf 31-40 1 boar 41-60 103 t st-Ievel elf ranger s 61-80 Id3 Med ium mo nstro us sp ide rs 81-90 Id 2 Large mo nstrou s sp ide rs 91- 100 l J3 un ico rns
01-10 Id 3 grigs /1- 20 Id 3 wo lves 2 1-30 1 krenshar 31-40 I black bear 41-50 1 boar 51-(, 0 I Large mon st rous sp ide r 61-70 Id4+2 ban dit s ' 71-80 ld3 1st-level half-elf dru ids 81-90 1 satyr (no pip es) 9 1- 100 1 satyr (with pip es) 1 Bandit s arc oft..n t cr-l..vel h uman or gohlinotd warriors, hu t the y're occasio nally orcs and half-orcs
HILL AND MOUNTAIN ENCOUNTERS W h ile tr aveling th ro ugh th e hills and mou nta in s in th e Valley of Obelisk s, cha racter s h ave an 8% chanc e pe r h our of h avi ng an enco unter. In th e Slaugh terscar, this chance in creases to 12%. Each region h as a selec tion of possible enc o unt e rs det ailed below. Roll d% to d et er m in e wha t th e pe s m ee t. Ares h au Va lley 0 1-10 I J 4+2 d tsp lacc r beasts 11- 20 ld4+2 gr iffon s 21-3 0 1 bulen e 3 1-4 0 1 ch ime ra
41-50 51-60 6 1-70 71-80 81-90
1 og re bar ba rian Id 3 wyvern s I be h ir l d 3 gau ths t d 3 c n in s 9 1- 100 IJ 3 og re magi
Bla ckreach M oun t ain s 01- 10 l d 3 bu gbears 11- 20 Id 3 g ian t eag les 21-40 I ogr e 41- 50 1 disp lace r beast 5 1-60 1 et t in 6 1-8 0 I yo u ng w h ite d rago n 8 1- 100 I d 3 tro lls
Headwa t er H ills 0 1- 10 Id4+2 ogres 11- 20 l d 3 d isp lace r beasts 21-3 0 I d 3 griffons 31-40 1 wyvern 4 1-50 1 gaut h 51- 60 I beh ir 61-70 t ch ime ra 71-90 I b ulett e 9 1- 100 1 athach Jurorakk Fo othills 0 1- 10 Id 3 h ipp ogriffs 1 1- 20 I d isp lacc r be ast 21-60 IJ 4+2 gnolls 61- 70 I d4 +4 band its' 71-8 0 I ogre S 1- 90 1 p ha se spide r 9 1- 10 0 1 rasr
Kurk le Ridge 01- 10 I h ipp ogriff 11- 20 I d 3 ghou ls 21-30 I allip 3 1-4 0 Id 3 di re weasel s 41-80 td4+2 ban dits' 81-90 I d 3 wo lves 9 1- 10 0 1 og re
Painted Ca nyo ns 0 1- 10 Icl3 ogres
11- 20 Id 3 hippognffs 21-3 0 I d 3 d isp lacc r bea sts 3 1-40 I ph ase spide r 41-50 1 rast 5 1- 60 1 wyvern 6 1-7 0 1 ertin 71- 80 t gaut h 81-9 0 tJ++2 og res 9 1- 100 I d 3 wyvern s
Sardari an Hills 01- 10 I hi p pog rtff 11- 20 ld 3 gho uls 21-30 I og re 31-60 1<14+2 ba nd its' 61-7 0 Id4+2 dw arve s 71-80 I d 3 d ire weas els 81-90 1 sh adow 9 1- 100 1 carr io n cr awle r Sla ugh te rs car 0 1- 10 I d 3 allips 11- 20 1d++2 gha sts 21-3 0 Id 3 shado ws 31-50 l d 3 wight s 51-70 Icl3 vam p ire spaw n 7 1-8 0 td 3 wra ith s 81-90 1 spec tre ~ 1 -100 1 greate r sh adow
St r ezabo Fo othills 01-10 Id 3 og res 11- 20 Id 3 h ippogriffs 2 1-3 0 t d tsplace r beast 31-4 0 1 phase sp ider 4 1-50 1 fast 51-60 1 wyve rn 61-7 0 1 CHin 71-8 0 Lga ut ]i 81-90 l d 3 og res 9 1- 100 1d 3 d isp lace r beasts
Tangletuft M o u n tains 0 1-10 1 g lan r eagle 11- 30 t ogr e 31-70 I d 3+2 bugbears 71- 80 t displacer beast 8 1- 100 I c tri n Titania Foo th ills 0 1- 10 I d 3 ogres 11- 20 Id 3 hippognffs 21-3 0 1 displacer beast 3 1-40 1 ph ase sp id er 41-50 1 fast 51-6 0 1 wyvern 61-70 I gau th 71-8 0 t ettin 8 1- 100 I hill g ian t
Verm ilion Ridge 01- 20 Id 3 h ippogriffs 21-3 0 I d 3 ghou ls 3 1-4 0 t0 3 dire weasels 4 1-8 0 Id4+2 band its' SI-90 1d3 wo}ves 9 1- 100 1 ogre I Bandu s are ofte n ISI-!t.· \,d h uman or gobhncid war rior s, burt [",y"re occas ion ally o rcs and half-orcs.
SU9· Retail: U.S. 2495 CAN 32.95 Printed in the U.SA 957987400