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IRAT NL Optimization from TEOCO
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MAisctix sing NL
Chec Ch eck k Miss Missin ing g NL WC WCDM DMA A (usi (using ng Ac Acti tix x Tool Tool))
Description: Actix Tool is been used in the Claro Project Brazil to Route Analysis. In this case, the analysis is 1 Drop due Missing NL. Ac ti vity #1: Drop Analysis using the Actix Tool to check the covergare and EcNo on the region. Activity #2: Using to automatic Actix Feature to identify the Missing NL.
Activity #1: Actix Tool: Drop occurred between 2 Node´s B (APIN11 and APIN09) Follow the step using the Tool to find the cause of drop 1. Open the section Network Optmization:
2. The tool informed the possible cause of drop: Drop Call
3. Check Coverage 850MHz on the region: - Click on the option Radio Network Analysis - Analysis: UMTS Coverage - Device Type: Handset – 4414 - After selections: press
Check the EcNo on the region using Footprint Attribute EcNo
8. Select Coverage for both site APIN11C and APIN09B 850MHz (Before Selected Footprint : SC)
- On the screen we can check the instersection between 2 faces -It was check Missing NL between those 2 faces Resolution: Add NL APIN11C <> APIN09B (850MHz) Add NL APIN11K <> APIN09J (2100MHz)
Activity #2: Follow the sequence to use the automatic Actix Feature that indicate the Missing NL on the region
To view the Missing Neighbors feature follow the sequence: 1. Analysis = UMTS Missing Neighbors 2. Device Type = Scanner 4414 3. Footprint Attribute = EcNo 4. Check the botton Result: The shows a green li ne that indicate the Missing NL between two Faces