A simple and easy to make liquid soap project without any errors. enjoy:)Full description
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trading Book
Simple introduction to candle magick
Ноты Soap_and_Skin_-_Piano_Sheets. Загадочная австрийская девушка Аня Пляшг (Anja Plaschg) играет на своем фортепиано не менее загадочную музыку. Каждое прикосновение её нежных пальцев, как …Descripción completa
Ноты Soap_and_Skin_-_Piano_Sheets. Загадочная австрийская девушка Аня Пляшг (Anja Plaschg) играет на своем фортепиано не менее загадочную музыку. Каждое прикосновение её нежных пальцев, как слова и...
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a detailed investigatory project on the preparation of soap for class 12 final practical exam.. this project received full marks from the external examiner.Full description
Soap and Candle-Making Project
Group 5 members: Chayanin S.
Karin P.
Natnicha J.
Orawin B. 8E
How to Make Solid Soap Things you need: 1. 1 bag of tallow (animal fat-fat from beef) 2. 1 bag of caustic soda 3. Perfume (fragrance of your choice) 4. 2 medium-sized plastic bowls 5. Food coloring of your choice 6. Shape molder of your choice 7. 1 5 or 10 ML syringe 8. 1 knife
(Note: every time you stir; don’t stir too fast or too strong) 1. Put 4 tablespoons of caustic soda and 4 tablespoons of water into the bowl then stir until they are evenly mixed.
2. Get a separate bowl and put the tallow into it and add 4 tablespoons of water, then stir until they are evenly mixed.
3. Make sure both bowls have the same/identical measure of contents. Then wait for several minutes and check whether they have the same/identical temperature. If they do, pour them into one bowl and stir thoroughly.
4. Use the syringe; fill it with 0.3 ML of food coloring and 0.2 ML of perfume, one by one. Then stir thoroughly.
5. Stir until sticky or thick, and then put it into the shape molder. After pouring it into the shape molder, use the knife to smoothen the surface. Then wait for about 2-3 hours for it to harden. (For easy removal, put 0.3 ML of oil, not cooking oil, onto the sides until it i t comes off. Do not rub hard!)
How to Make a Candle Things you need: 1. 5 grams of Anti-Oxidant 2. 100 grams of Stearine 3. 100 grams of Microcry Stalling Wax 4. 1,120 grams of Paraffine Wax 5. 1 7 CM thick and 6 CM diameter plastic cup 6. 2 clothespins 7. 1 big pot 8. 1 small pot (small enough to fit into the big one) 9. 2 medium-sized bowls 10. 1 medium-sized aluminum tray 11. Coloring powders/liquids for candle of your choice 12. 1 11 CM wick (or 2 just to spare)
1. Put the Paraffine Wax into the small pot, then put water into the big pot. Put the small pot into the big pot, with the bog pot on the gas stove, then turn on the gas, make the temperature mild. Then start stirring. After stirring for about 1 minute, take the Microcry Wax and pour it into the small pot then mix/stir it. Then wait until the color of the mixture becomes a light yellow.
2. Take the plastic cup and put the wick in the middle, since you cannot hold the wick and pour the mixture into the glass at the same time, take the 2 clothespins and clip them to the wick side by side and let the clothespins stand each on each side of the plastic cup, enabling the wick to stand.
3. After the color of the mixture becomes yellow, take 2 tablespoons of food coloring/coloring powder for the candle and then stir.
4. Stir until everything in the pot is i s mixed, then move the wick so that you can pour the candle mixture into the plastic cup. Wait for about 3-4 hours to make sure that the candle has hardened.
5. After 3-4 hours, take the candle out by hitting the end of the plastic cup LIGHTLY until it loosens. Repeat this a few times but make sure you DO NOT hit it hard. This is i s your finished product.