administrative law : concept of delegated legilation in indiaFull description
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air leg
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talks about the theories of interpretation as they apply to the Constitution of IndiaFull description
Some aspects of Fisheries policy and legislation in India are discussed here.
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SOCIAL LEGISLATION Introduction: Social legislation means, society is union of individuals’ units existing together for the fulfillment of multiple need. This implies the existence of mutual dependence yet society forms itself into various groups with power to exploit the less powerful groups. Thus, social legislation especially in a democracy should be a living force and adjustable instrument satisfying the requirement of an ever changing society.
Definition: According to Oliver Wendell, legislation of today is to meet the social
needs of yesterdays. Traditionally law lags behind social opinion and the function of social legislation is continually to adjust the legal system to a society which is constantly out growing that system. Legislation calculated to bridge the gulf between the existing laws and the current needs of society may be called social legislation. Objectives: Social legislation attempts to achieve two objectives:
It seeks to establish order and provides justice as well as security. It anticipates social needs and provides for changes in social order.
SOCIAL JUSTICE Meaning: The word ‘Justice ‘Justice’’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘Dikaiosume ‘ Dikaiosume’,’, a wider term and Plato had used this term in a wider sense. If we take justice in modern sense of the term we will not be able to follow the fundamental fundamental principles of Platonic justice. According to Plato, the conception of justice was closely related to morality. In fact, Plato attached great importance to the concept of justice. It is evident from the fact that he subtitled his book
“Republic” as concerning justice. As a matter of fact, the discovery of the nature and habitation of justice is the fundamental issue of Republic.
SOCIAL POLICY Introduction: Social Policy is that written course of action which is formulated and implemented by government to achieve the pre-determined and well defined objective. It is the settled course of action adopted and followed by government or political party and is a part of planning process and social administration. administration. Social Policy is an instrument for bringing about structural and functional changes in the society so as to reach the desired goals. Social Policy may be defined as a process involving social, political and economic system in the governmental and non-governmental non-governmental institutions to achieve the desired objectives. Social Policy specifies the goals, the resources and the manner of their utilization to the attainment of these goals.
Need of Social Policy: The need of Social policy can be illustrated on the following grounds: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.
Social Policy can discharge the social services successfully. Social objectives can be achieved through Social Policy. Evaluation and assessment of Social services can be conducted on the basis of Social Policy. It prevents problems and mismanagement among the administrators. Long-term and short-term objectives are set-up by Social Policy. Social Policy takes into consideration the social situation prevailing in the country. A balanced socio-economic development is possible through formulating Social Policy. Social planning for development can be done on the basis of Social Policy.
Objectives of Social Policy: Some of objectives of social policy can be deduced as follows: a) Social policy aims at brining about social change. b) To help in proper redistribution of social resources. c) To improve the quality of life of people and protect the weaker sections of the society. d) To eradicate poverty and generate employment opportunities. e) To develop human resources. development process. f) To provide people’s participation in the development g) To minimize human suffering and maximize human welfare.