Jaimini’s Chara Dasha My Approach Part 4 An Observation & Research By K.N.Rao, India.
. N. Rao needs no introduction, he runs K the biggest school of astrology in the world, has produced the highest number of top quality books which has cult following, and is known for his outstanding predictive ability. History acknowledges his contribution in popularizing Vargas usage in India & USA, Double Transit phenomenon & Chara Dasha. He is considered as the one who displayed for the first time in astrology what was termed spell bounding writing styles in Jyotish, using narratives with top class jyotish content, a style now adopted by many over the decades. It is often found that what he writes in one line is 15 page articles for others. For his articles visit www.journalofastrology.com
ach astrologer has his set of assumptions assimilated from his childhood days and, later from the surroundings which influenced him. The set of assumptions he has formulated affects his way of viewing reality and modifies his intellectual discipline. In the interaction between the astrologer and the persons coming to consult him, an intellectual or a mammon worshipper or a politician for whom sadomasochism is a necessary part of his living and thinking, new meaning of planetary combinations emerge out repeatedly. A realization dawns that Freudian theory of putting sexuality as most cherishable value of life or Darwinian sexual selection do dominate their thinking along with the religious genes buried beneath these two. Somewhere there is a desire to be an „achiever‟ „ achiever‟ in the society of success worshippers but his life is sinking into unredeemable ordinary life like millions of people around him. He knows English, is in the thrall of the values of the post Christian West and its thinking, though himself he is an Indian. The
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question of his questions is will he become an “achiever “ achiever”. ”. How does an astrologer tackle his question? A young Indian once asked me whether he could become the Bill Gates of India and a young Pakistani whether he could be Mukesh Ambani of Pakistan. A high ranking police officer with a wry sense of humour used to say some years ago, when we discussed astrology, “ young men these days want to become millionaires by next Monday.” And you have now to face the modern educated women who flirts with careers and then with suitable lovers whom she changes at a pace slower than men. Her emotional drive tells her that her catch must be a prized one and her biological urges that it should not be too late in her journey to motherhood. At a later stage she faces the problem of balancing motherhood with a career. Then she grows fat and asks the astrologer after listening to television astrologers prescribing mantras for all problems, for a mantra to reduce weight! But here let me me confine to the young young man of ambition. ambition. I solve this problem to some extent by looking at the meanings of Jaimini karakas combining or influencing each other. I replicate it if I find that I have arrived at a correct conclusion. Here is one such example. If Matrikaraka and Putrakaraka form relationship in the birth horoscope, not in navamsha, through conjunction or aspect and, come under the influence of Mars or Rahu/Ketu such a person, if a ruler, becomes very assertive or even a dictator is a question that needs to be observed on many horoscopes. The influence of Jupiter or even a benefic, tones down the aggressiveness of malefics. malefics . Jupiter in this combination must not be the Matrikaraka or Putrakaraka. I observed this in the horoscopes of many Indian politicians and of course, in those of both Hitler and Mussolini, among well known dictators, and of so many bureaucrats during my service career. Some of these bureaucrats were hated by their subordinates for their obdurate decisions, their unreasonableness, their tactless behaviour and remarks. Success is what they achieved because it became their sole aim in favourable periods. My line of reasoning has been: Matrikaraka represents the seat of power while Putrakaraka its dignity. Influence of Mars or RKA lends dictatorial dictatorial tendency, rashness and even tactlessness.. tactlessness Often, one of the karakas in this formation is Mars itself. Jupiter joining this combination, not as Matrikaraka or Putrakaraka, makes it idealistic.
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In the career of government officers, I found this observation unfailing. Even in a democracy like India, politicians in power, I have seen, show this tendency even in the brief period of their power holding. More often than not, when this influences the partnership, marriage or friendship or relationship area, the tendency to be fiercely possessive was also observed by me . If it influences the fourth house, there can be the well known problem with mother and mother in law, as is common in India. India . The ego of a possessive man when it gets hurt, do you know what it is--- the hurt is rather deeper and unsettling. Among sportsmen, I have seen this in the horoscope of Saurav Ganguly. We know of his dominating presence on the cricket field when he was the captain of the Indian Test side and had his famous brushes with Steve Waugh and later, coach Greig Chappel. A young Indian politician has this combination in his horoscope and he was in news in a very controversial way in the last Indian general elections. Such people are temperamentally not suited to be democrats. They are totally ill adjusted till the demands of their ego are met fully or partly. If Mars joins this combination there is violent expression of their feelings which produces tension . In the absence of Mars, it continues still in subtler ways but never vanishes. Jupiter joining this combination gives it sophistication and acceptability and even a tendency to be reconciliatory.
Apply these „At-A-Glance‟ rules Based on my research I have formulated the following rules for predicting the periods of good efforts and the periods of rise. 1.) When this occurs in 3/9 axis of a horoscope during the dasha operating, they make an effort to make a career or achieve something notable. 2.) When it occurs in a dasha from where it is the third or fifth house which gets the effects of MK and PK, it operates invariably is my observation. obse rvation. 3) When it operates on the 4th house which should have benefic planets or rajayogas of Jaimini, and the fifth or the ninth or the tenth houses are supportive, it is a favourable period even for leaders fighting democratic elections or dictators capturing power through democratic or undemocratic methods.
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Precautionary Note
hese are at-a-glance rules which should be applied initially but an important prediction should not be based on it. There are many other rules which I am not giving here not to make this at-a-glance approach cumbersome.
In the horoscopes of young men where I find this combination, I have seen them pursue their careers aggressively, with enormous ambition and even, rashness. This is both a source of their achievements and upsets. I am giving this combination after observing it the horoscopes for many decades. Such people are, what we call these days, “achievers achievers”. ”. They work hard to achieve their goals and become even overambitious. overambitious . Jaimini karakas and their influences in the vital areas of horoscope show the psychological side of a personality through subtlest hints. The dasha shows the time of their appearance, manifestation, fading and disappearance. In their lives come spells when they work hard to achieve their goals and have some notable achievements in favourable periods. periods . This is being discussed in the context of the rise of extremism all over the world after 11 September 2001 incident of New York. Hate mongers like Winston Churchill, Herr Hitler, Benito Mussolini and ZA Bhutto will always have a common and identical approach in their life and politics. Themselves extremist and populist, they succeed in gathering madcap fringes of imperialists, chauvinists, jingoists, racists and fundamentalists through their oratory, demagogy mostly. It gathers momentum. They grow powerful enough to capture power. A stage is ready for them generally after a disastrous war and the terrible problems and humiliation a nation faces during and after a war. Discontentment, unemployment, strikes and national humiliation is what they exploit with their gift of the gab and gather committed admirers and large number of followers to capture power. In this game they make sure that the army is with them. It is a common history of the world that after a war or an incident like September 11 of 2001 in USA, these movements gather strength, grow popular, become formidable forces in their countries. The “white man’s burden” (Rudyard Kipling‟s poem) was the British imperialist credo. Winston Churchill was its extreme symbol in his opposition to India‟s freedom
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Kampf, he detailed his belief that the German people needed Lebensraum ("living space", i.e. land and raw materials), and that it should be found in the East.” Revival of the ancient Roman Roman Empire was Mussolini‟s slogan and cause for rise. Unemployment, strikes and anarchical conditions in Italy of the twenties of the twentieth century was exploitable and he did it adroitly. Mussolini's slogan "to believe, to obey, to combat" symbolized the all-powerful all -powerful dictatorship that defines a fascist state.” state. ” Islamic socialism was Z.A.Bhutto‟s weapon in a country where Islamic fundamentalism had its roots deep enough for it to appeal. The humiliation of the defeat of Pakistan in the Indo-Pak war of 1971 opened out the opportunity for him to exploit with disgraced Yahya Khan stepping down and handing over power to him. Common to all of them was dramatic speaking style in their demagogy. After the first world war, fascism and communism rose in Russia (communism in 1917) Italy (fascism in 1922) and Germany (fascism in 1933). Nations like England, France, Spain and Portugal had their empires--all evil rules. Against them there had to be a popular freedom movements, which were noble in the colonies they ruled over, leading to rise of great men like Mahatma Gandhi. The world is passing through a situation similar to post first world war. There is rise of Eurocentric racism against immigrants, mainly targeting Muslims and in many Muslim countries against aga inst non Muslims. Samuel Huntington‟s popularised theory of clash of civilizations (or barbarisms ?) is threatening the world once again. This should be kept in the mind in following follow ing the discussion of the horoscopes of: 1) Winston Churchill 2) Herr Hitler 3) Benito Mussolini 4) Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto 5) Pervez Musharraf and 6) Lal Bahadur Shastri
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Winston Churchill: the dogged war hero (30 Nov 1874 to 7 April 1954)
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in Winston Churchill every difficulty.
he most overrated man of the twentieth century was Winston Churchill whose claim to greatness lay only on his war speeches: the second world war was won by the Soviet troops of Stalin which advanced towards Berlin leading to the suicide of Hitler: it swung against Germany when USA entered the war after the Pearl Harbour incident but it is Churchill on whom British history bestowed greatness and immortality. That is a quirk of destiny and of whimsical history of the twentieth century. The British electorate knew his worthlessness worthlessness for peace time time national effort for rebuilding battered Britain and voted him out of power in 1945. Clement Atlee who became the British prime minister in 1945 has been voted by some professors as the greatest prime minister of UK of the twentieth century. Yet, it is Churchill who is
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The same doggedness led to his very unpleasant outbursts against Mahatma Gandhi and India‟s freedom struggle. The immortal hero for England was also the most hated figure for India‟s patriots in the days of liberation struggle. Generations Indians remembered his outburst “India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.”” Equator. Though this obstinacy and heroism operated all through his life, three periods are significant: the first in childhood Kanya (1874 to 1885), later during the second world war (part of Karka mahadasha from 1940 to 1951 and last part of Simha dasha from 1951 to 1960). Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Vi: 1874-11-30 - 1885-11-29 Li: 1885-11-29 - 1886-11-29 Sc: 1886-11-29 - 1897-11-29 Sg: 1897-11-29 - 1907-12-01 Cp: 1907-12-01 - 1919-11-30 Aq: 1919-11-30 - 1920-11-30 Pi: 1920-11-30 - 1925-11-30 Ar: 1925-11-30 - 1930-11-30 Ta: 1930-11-30 - 1936-11-30 Ge: 1936-11-30 - 1940-11-30 Cn: 1940-11-30 - 1951-11-30 Le: 1951-11-30 - 1960-11-29
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The Churchill we in India of our generation in sub teens became aware of was the Churchill of his Karka dasha. The full bloom and might of a disbalanced mind ignoring history which shows lessons of vanished empires, were forgotten by him. “Leo Amery, his long-suffering secretary of state for India, recorded many Churchillian moments in his diary. One from September 1942 reads: "During my talk with Winston he burst out with, 'I hate Indians. They are a beastly people ....'." And we hated him as a beastly imperialist. He was opposed to Mahatma Gandhi, to Indian independence movement in the 1930s and had disliked the Round Table Conference. He wanted Mahatma Gandhi to die if he went on a hunger strike, was opposed to granting even Dominion status to India and even said, "Gandhi-ism and everything it stands for will have to be grappled with and crushed." We remembered his famous utterance “I have not become the King's First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. Empire.”” War Hero Karaka mahadasha (1940-51) “When the German armies conquered France and Britain faced the Blitz, Churchill embodied his country's will to resist. His oratory proved an inspiration. When asked exactly what Churchill did to win the war, Clement Atlee, the Labour leader who served in the coalition government, replied: "Talk about it." Churchill talked incessantly, in private as well as in public to the astonishment of his private secretary, Jock Colville, he once spent an entire luncheon addressing himself exclusively to the marmalade cat.”http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/archives/collections/churchill_papers/biography/ From Karka it operates in the five-seven axis, mind and war. There was the other greater side, the jingoist British imperialist thunder of
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“ Although Churchill's role in the Second World War had generated much support for him amongst the British population, he was defeated in the 1945 election. Many reasons for this have been given, key among them being that a desire for post-war reform was widespread amongst the population and that the man who had led Britain in war was not seen a s the man to lead the nation in peace” “The result of the election came as a major shock to the Conservatives, given the heroic status of Winston Churchill, but reflected the voters' belief that the Labour Party were better able to rebuild the country following the war than the Conservatives. Fights back to become PM again (Simha dasha 1951 to 1960) October 26, 1951 - Churchill wins general election It was Karka Karka Simha on this day From Karka this is happening in the fifth house and from Simha in the fourth house of parliamentary entry and sixth house of fight. The war hero was back in power at the ripe old age of seventy seven with his health about to fail but he fought back. From the internet "His obstinacy was exhausting," Harold Macmillan, a former Prime Minister, said on a television program tonight. But he went on to say that the other side of the coin was "undefeatable determination." “Winston Churchill Churchill rages against time and his own mortality in this tumultuous political drama of his last ten years of public life. Here is Churchill at his most outrageous, maddening, and devious— devious—but also at his most human, courageous, and defiant. This was how Winston Churchill described himself.
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Indians will perhaps agree with the following assessment of Churchill. From the Internet “The Spectator newspaper said of Churchill upon his appointment as First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911: "We cannot detect in his career any principles or even any constant outlook upon public affairs; his ear is always to the ground; he is the true demagogue. . . ." The great English classical liberal John Morley, after working with Churchill, passed a succinct appraisal of him, "Winston " he said, "has no principles." principles." A historian himself, Churchill had no sense of history and should have known that all empires vanish into the limbo of history. He lived for eighteen years after India became free and remained united and well governed. But what he had said with his imperial immaturity was: "----------Power "---------- Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air & water... would be taxed in India." The combination of MK and PK influenced by GK made him so immature in his judgements, his immature observations and rash pronouncements.
Hitler ( 1889-1945)
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Chara Dasha Lib 20-04-1889 Sco 20-04-1895 Sag 21-04-1900 Cap 20-04-1912 Aqu 21-04-1918 Pis 21-04-1926 Ari 21-04-1929 Tau 21-04-1941 Gem 21-04-1952 Three essential, historically tested elements go to compose a mass leader whether he becomes a Mahatma like Gandhiji or a dictator like Hitler. There is a mass of ideas which the nation accepts and sees glory in its implementation. In the case of Hitler it was his claim of Germans being the purest Aryans who should dominate the world for one hundred years. There is the second element, a leader of implementing it and it was Hitler. There had to be the might to capture power and there was the powerful German army. In the case of Hitler Jupiter Matrikaraka and Moon Putrakaraka combine, in the third house of valour with Ketu which is Mars like and the Jaimini rajayogas are in Mesha, in trikona from Dhanu. Jupiter himself joins this combination and there is no benefic influence on this combination to alleviate or tone down the doggedness visible here. This blossomed out in the Dhanu dasha from 1900 to 1912 but its first impact was known in the dasha of Kumbha (1918 to 1926) from where the PK MK combination aspects the fifth house. He made an unsuccessful attempt to capture power during this period but was arrested and sent to jail where he wrote his famous Mein Kampf - "My
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The Meena period (1926 to 1929) It was in this period that Germany, forced to pay war reparations to France and England imposed on it after the Treaty of Versailles, found itself unable to do so as the American loans it was getting to pay it were stopped after the depression of 1929. Germans wanted not a democracy but a strong dictatorship to help them overcome their difficulties and the army was prepared to help. In office 2 August 1934 – 30 April 1945 Himself Chancellor of Germany Whole of Aries period from 1929 to 1941 was the period of his great rise, great power and from Nazi point of view great glory whether western historians give him the rightful credit or not. Aries contains both Atmakaraka (Venus) Amatyakaraka (Mars) Gnathikaraka (Sun) and Darakaraka (Mercury). The next dasha of Taurus from 1941 to 1952, saw the decline, fall and death of the great dictator as it contains DKN about whose significance for both marriage and death has been referred to earlier. From Vrisha both the Matrikaraka and Putrakaraka fall in the eighth house showing his losses, losses , even loss of courage as the Soviet troops defeating his armies were advancing towards Berlin.
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No single factor can bring fame and no prediction or assessment should ever be done without proper synthesis. Now, what is the modern meaning of KL in Vrischika ? The textual implication is trouble from water and reptiles and will not have milk from the mother. mother . See the entire horoscope, as if it was a birth horoscope with Vrischika lagna and, you see that great historic personality called Hitler striking terror because of a brilliant sixth house here.
And from here, see Jupiter and Moon in his second house and remember his mesmeric oratory. We should also remember, when we talk of Hitler in India, that all that we know about him is from the Anglo American sources which can be prejudiced, distorted. See Saturn, a malefic in the third house in the swamsha showing a fighter and Jupiter and Moon in the tenth house. He had a cause to fight for and an idealism which inspired is the story his Swamsha tells. But the imperialist version about him given by the British then and now was that outside the imperial Britain, no virtue and scruple existed anywhere in the world, including India over which they ruled. Is there doubt that Hitler was a fanatical idealist? Then he was a painter, very much like Churchill and like the poetry producing Prime Ministers of India. V.P.Singh and Atal Behari Vajpai.
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There is a clear difference in the Matrikaraka and Putrakaraka combination with aspect of Mars in the case of Mussolini as it occurs here in the eighth house with Moon, MK and Saturn PK being combined unlike Churchill and Hitler. Matrikaraka Moon and Putrakaraka Saturn with Mars are in Vrisha and its effect was known only in the dasha of Meena from where it aspects the fifth house. This dasha of Meena was from 1920 to 1929.
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Started living together with Makara (DK in seventh and Mesha DKN in the seventh.
A question that must puzzle astrologers is whether to treat the time of living together when two people begin to live together, as an act nearly of a sacramental or legal or or marriage for the purpose of timing. It is so in the case of hundreds of horoscopes I have seen and is so in the case of Mussolini. In Vimshottari dasha, this period could be Rahu Venus Mars since the date of their decision to live together is not known. From a socialist to a fascist
ussolini starting his political career as a socialist where he got the platform to distinguish himself as a journalist and a fiery orator with his dramatic gestures as a rabble rouser had switched over to fascism. The rajayoga of the Matrikaraka and Putrakaraka in the eight house aspecting the tenth house is clearly indicative of what in democracies constitutes the combination for a turncoat. That Mussolini was when he was expelled from the socialist party because of his differences over whether Italy should join the first world war or not. He switched over the fascist side and carved out his place in Italian and world history. Like all those who rose from grass roots and established themselves in the forefront of political life of their country here too there were three essential elements to succeed There were the ideas of fascism which he spread through his writings in which Italians
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Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto January 5, 1928
April 4, 1979
t the beginning of his presidency, Bhutto had quoted Machiavelli to Oriana Fallachi while analyzing Ayub‟s downfall: “Wrong “Wrong political decisions are like tuberculosis, difficult to detect in the beginning but easy to cure, and, with the passage of time, easy to detect but difficult to cure.” Unknowingly, he had written his own obituary. Driven by a sense of destiny, Bhutto considered himself a poet and a revolutionary. But his prized collection of books was filled with volumes about Hitler, Mussolini and Napoleon. The Enigmatic Z. A. Bhutto By Dr Ahmad Faruqui Dansville, CA The three elements to make up a dictator like personality were present in the case of Bhutto also There was Islam accepted by masses and there he was to usher in Islamic socialism and he had the electoral mandate to implement it. In the case of ZA Bhutto the Putrakaraka (Mercury) and Matrikaraka (Sun) combination occurs with the aspect of Jupiter which shows why he came in power through democratic elections with no help of Mars. Bhutto‟s rule was for a brief period of four years. He was Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 14, 1973 – July 5, 1977
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Mithuna 05-01-1928 Vrisha 05-01-1934 Mesha 05-01-1940 Meena 05-01-1947 Kumbha 05-01-1959 Makara 04-01-1962 Dhanu 05-01-1964 Vrischika 05-01-1967 Tula 05-01-1979 Kanya 05-01-1980 His rise to power: Vrischika-Mesha-Dhanu August-September 1973 Vrischika has Mars, the Amatyakaraka. Mesha the sixth house in this dasha
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to a foreign dignitary as one who was so obedient that he would get up when asked to get up and sit down when asked to sit down. But what happened ? “Bhutto's authoritarian government came to an end after he was deposed by the army chief General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. Zia-ul-Haq. He was hanged in 1979.” There was an American journalist Clark who served as President Lyndon Johnson‟s attorney general from 1967-1969 1967 -1969 who said “As Americans, we must ask ourselves this: Is it possible that a rational military leader under the circumstances in Pakistan could have overthrown a constitutional government, without at least the tacit approval of the United States?”
Clark pointed pointed to the CIA‟s activities in Iran as evidence of its willingness to support dictators over democrats. On July 5, 1977 Bhutto and members of his cabinet were arrested by troops under the order of General Zia (Vrischika Dhanu and Dhanu is the rashi of rise and fall here
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Pervez Musharraf (1942......)
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verified with his life events which I did not have. On her insistence I made some readings in a vague sort of way with no self assurance. I wrote a non committal piece. Some years later, when I got some events of his life I fixed his birth year as 11 August 1942 with 13/31 as his birth time and made four successful published predictions on four occasions ending with a piece that he would not be able to stay in Pakistan...all in different issues of the Star Teller and on my website. Continuing the theme, here the MK Saturn aspects PK Moon and AmK which explained his rise and usurpation of power in a bloodless coup in the dasha of Makara and the antardasha of Mithuna and pratyantara dasha of Kumbha.
This happened after an eclipse and when Saturn Jupiter combined in Mesha, the development pment lagna of Pakistan, brought about this big change in Pakistan‟s politics. Such a develo is visible again at the end of 2011 or next year in Pakistan. In 2007-08 in the
, he took many
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Chara Dasha Dhanu 1904 to 1908 Vrischika 1908 to 1917 Tula 1917 to 1929 Kanya 1929 to 1941 Simha 1941 to 1952 Karka 1952 to 1962 Mithuna 1962 to 1965 Vrisha 1965 to 1970 Here also Matrikaraka Venus is aspecting the Putrakaraka Mars which however receives the beneficent aspect of Jupiter and the boldness-lending Bhatrikaraka, Saturn. He was an idealist but a very determined man who pursued his career in a dignified purely Gandhian way But first the controversy about his correct horoscope since the nation has been misled
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3) In 1925 he got the shastri degree. It was Tula Karka from where Jupiter aspects fifth house. Jupiter represents a classical degree. Rahu Venus in Vimshottari and Venus is aspecting the fifth house. The karakatwa (signification) of a planet aspecting the fifth house helps one see what subject one studied. Here it is Jupiter alone showing classical subjects, even history or literature etc . Nothing ever has been heard of about the academic distinction of LBS or any extracurricular brilliance.
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Homeget in touchmy interests who i am the kOUSHIKzWORLD blogknow and let people know…. July 14, 2009 PMO has a secret report on Lal Bahadur Bah adur Shastri’s death but won’t release it By koushikzworld The Government of India seems to have a knack for fermenting unwarranted mysteries. Nearly forty-five years after Lal Bahadur Shastri passed away in the erstwhile USSR, the Prime
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