Spicejet - Test Plan
Spicejet 4.7
Revision History Reference
4.7_UseCases_TestCases_Featu res_Interim Build 9-24
Release ate
Total No. of !a"es Name
'( )ead
Reieed B% (!!roed
Version No.
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Ta$le of Contents
co!e of Testin"
T1T IT13
5.* . 5.2
Features to $e tested
Features Not to $e Tested
4. T1T TR(T16
4.*. Testin" T%!es 4.1.1 Functional Testing
. 7. 8.
T1T 1NVIR+N31NT 1F1CT (N()I (N C)+UR1 T1T U33(R (UT+3(TI+N T1TIN6
Understanding the product and verify the stability of the product: esign !uto"ation Fra"e#or$: eveloping proof of concept: esigned the !uto"ation Fra"e #or$: !uto"ation Fra"e #or$ i"ple"entation: evelop"ent and &'ecution of the (cript:
** *, 7 8 8 8 % % %
9.T1T 1)IV1R(B)1
*,. RI: (N C+NTIN61NCI1
** ;(R <(R1 (N +FT<(R1 R1'UIR131NT *2 R1+URC1 #)(N
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Introduction The Test )lan has been created to co""unicate the test approach to client and tea" "e"bers. *t includes the ob+ectives, scope, schedule, ris$s and approach. This docu"ent #ill clearly identify #hat the test deliverables #ill be and #hat is dee"ed in and out of scope.
1. Objective The pri"ary ob+ective of this docu"ent is to establish a Test )lan for the activities that #ill verify ()*-&&T as a high /uality product that "eets the needs of the ()*-&&T business co""unity. These activities #ill focus upon identifying the follo#ing: *te"s to be tested Testing approach 0 (trategy adopted Resource Re/uire"ents Roles and Responsibilities ilestones Ris$s and contingencies Test deliverables
1.1. Scope This docu"ent is a very high level vision of ho# ()*-&&T applications #ill be tested and #ill not ai" at providing any details about each testing engaged at various levels of testing.
Scope of Testing 1. Test cases identi2cation and docu"entation for the ne# features0use cases and 3FR . -reation of ne# test cases and updating e'isting test cases for all "odules 5. Functional Testing for the ne# functionalities3e# Features7 4. 3on Functional Re/uire"ent3FR7 testing)erfor"ance testing7 . Regression testing for the ()*-&&T functionalities 6. -o"plete ()*-&&T !pplication testing 9. Recording of bugs and veri2cation of resolved bugs for each build
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
2. Reference Documents The table belo# identi2es the docu"ents and their availability, used for developing the test plan
Created >
Receied >
(ut&or >
=Version > ate? Ho"epage (R( doc
Resource !
oo$ a ;ight (R(
doc 1
3. Test Items 3.1 .
Features to be tested
!ll change re/uests 0 enhance"ents 0 bug 2'es on above listed applications #ill be tested on need< asis: Test cases #ill be prepared based on the follo#ing docu"ents: Understanding Use -ase docu"ents (oft#are design docu"ents ata =alidation docu"ents
Business ReAuirements
3.2 .
Ref. No.
Functional !ecication
Features not to be tested
(ecurity Testing and perfor"ance testing are not part of the pro+ect delivery
4. Test Strateg 7
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
The ()*-&&T "odules and sub "odules testing #ill be perfor"ed #ith belo# testing types
Testing Tpes
Functional Testing
The pri"ary functional areas in various ()*-&&T "odules #ill be thoroughly tested according to the functional speci2cation docu"ent or understanding docu"ent or soft#are re/uire"ent speci2cation docu"ent. uring the testing phase, co"plete functionality #ill be tested at least t#o to three ti"es based on the co"plication involved in the application.
Test +$ectie
Com!letion Criteria
!ecial Considerations
&nsure that each function speci2ed in the functional docu"ent and (R( #or$s correctly #hile passing0retrieving para"eters #ithout data corruption. Test the each function by providing the valid and invalid input values and inspect the input data has been operated by the function, also inspect the output data as intended, and ensure that all i"ple"ented functions are processing the data properly or revie# the output data to ensure that the correct data #as retrieved. oth interfaces bac$
!. Test "nvironment The test environ"ent preparation step #ill ensure that hard#are, soft#are, and tools re/uired for testing #ill be available to the testing tea" #hen they are needed. This #ould involve co
perating syste"s, net#or$s, etc. achine type >( )rocessor e"ory Hard dis$ atabase ?eb server 8
: ?indo#s server &nterprise : ?indo#s : *ntel@ 'eon@ -)U : 4 A 0 .15 AHB : 1C A : icrosoft (DE (erver CC8 (tandard &dition : **( 9.C
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
-lient ro#ser7 : icrosoft *nternet &'plorer 8.C, Firefo', Aoogle-hro"e
#. $utomation Testing This section describes the strategy and the activities perfor"ed as part of the planned strategy for i"ple"enting the auto"ation of test scenarios. The follo#ing steps should be adopted as a part of strategy of i"ple"enting the test auto"ation
Understanding the product and verify the stability of the product: First analye the product and assess the feasibility of auto"ating the test scenarios identi2ed for application. *t i also ascertain that the future releases of the product #ould not undergo "a+or changes.
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Design Automation Frameor!: ased on the product , evaluation of various test auto"ation tools #ith an ob+ective to suggest a suitable auto"ation tool in all respects should underta$en.
Developing proof of concept: ! proof of concept developed to sho# the capabilities and co"putability of the tool #ith the application. *n the )>- #e have ta$en !>! and scenarios by covering the various veri2cation points and actions.
Design the Automation Frame or!: To design the Fra"e ?or$ #e use the ata riven !pproach as the applications are stable and no AU* changes are identi2ed and #hich #ould also cover !UT !pplication Under Test7.This also identi2es the various reusable action and co""on steps.
Automation Frame or! implementation: *n this all the identi2ed reusable function are i"ple"ented follo#ed by coding convention.
Development and "#ecution of the Script: The test scripts are developed based on design. Finally, a clear log report is produced covering all the veri2cation points. !dherence to the de2ne coding conventions and eli"ination of co""on coding.
(utomation D #&ases (utomation (ssessment
?al$through of re/uire"ents. ?al$through of syste"s. !nalye re/uire"ents fro" auto"ation perspective. Focused discussions < )reparing test cases < Test data re/uire"ent < Test data
Veradish Technologies Confidential
1)IV1R(B)1 •
Spicejet 4.7
Frameor@ esi"n
eelo!ment • •
(utomation •
conditioning < Technical aspects < )riorities < ?or$arounds *denti2cation of test scenarios for auto"ation. *denti2cation of Reusable co"ponents. )reparing esign docu"ent. )repare fra"e#or$ code -ode revie#s Testing fra"e#or$ evelop auto"ated script based on the fra"e#or$ developed Test data conditioning input 2le preparation Testing of the auto"ated script. )eer revie# of the scripts for adherence to standards. )repare User "anual guide. )ac$age the auto"ated scripts for release
• •
etailed design docu"ent Test (cenarios #ith coverageGs to be auto"ated.
aseline esign docu"ent Fra"e#or$ code
!uto"ated Test scripts !uto"ate anual User Auide.
Testin" Tool (eleniu"
Item &ass ' Fai( )riteria
efects #ill be classi2ed as follo#s according to severity of the i"pact on the syste":
Eeer it% )eel
e * - Bloc@er
escri!tion -alico (oft#are is not operational in production and a #or$< around is not available. -ritical &rrors include the follo#ing: -alico (oft#are "ay cause corruption or destruction of data The (yste" fails catastrophically CI or greater reduction of service7 T#o or "ore reboots of the (yste" per day
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
e 2 - 3aor
e 5 - 3inor
e 4 u""estion
! "a+or function in the -alico (oft#are is not operational and no acceptable #or$ne reboot per day of the (yste" There is a loss of a function or resource in -alico (oft#are that does not seriously aJect the -usto"erGs operation or schedules. ediu" &rrors include the follo#ing: *ssues associated #ith the installation of -alico (oft#are !ny K-riticalL or KHighL &rror that has been te"porarily solved #ith a #or$
*. Defect $na(sis and c(osure Follo#ing are the defect trac$ing activities till its closure. *t includes:
Eogging of defects
!nalysis of defects
Fi'ing of defects
Regression testing to ensure that 2'es have not i"pacted the original functionality. efect trac$ing till closure
+. T,e Test De(iverab(es-
Test strategy docu"ent
Test cases for the ne# features, , 3FR
Test results of the above "entioned test casesM7
Regression testplan0test case-o"plete ()*-&&T test cases7
Regression test results of the above "entioned test casesM47
Release notes #ith open issuesif any7
Veradish Technologies Confidential
Spicejet 4.7
Ris/s and )ontingencies
No 1
Ris@s )erson shortfall ill, "arriage leave
Contin"encies aintain buJer
!nalye re/uire"ent
Re/uire"ent -hanges Eac$ of peer revie#s
onitor peer revie#
;(R <(R1 (N +FT<(R1 R1'UIR131NT
R1+URC1 #)(N
3(NU() T1 (UT+3(TI+N 1N66 D
D *, /
#1RF+R3(NC1 1N66 - 2
Veradish Technologies Confidential