Introducing... The Spiritualize Technique
Spiritualize your life and dissolve any challenge you face with this simple, yet incredibly powerful, technique! technique! Take the "#ay $hallenge! %ractice the Spiritualize technique for days. &eep a log of how your life improves and problems evaporate.
The Spiritualize technique transforms your life into a happier, more healthful, and more inspired reality. This article explains the entire technique so that you can begin using it right away but, first, let's examine the spiritual secrets behind this powerful technique. ou are about to be gi!en ways of reaching higher consciousness which are so effecti!e that, for centuries, they were suppressed and dri!en underground. Today, as we experience a world of rapid change and a planetary shift to higher consciousness, the secrets are out. They are a!ailable right now, without any barrier bloc"ing your way, and they are ready to help you transform your life for the better. This is a spiritual de!elopment technique that will act as an anchor of stability and inspiration in the fast#changing $%st century. The question is, are you ready for the transformational power of the Spiritualize technique& The one barrier that could still pre!ent you from gaining such spiritual growth is the one that you can erect yourself. an you belie!e the truth about the enormous spiritual power that resides within you& The truth is, we ()) ha!e that power within us. The deeper our sciences probe into the nature of physical matter, the more apparent it becomes that e!erything in this world is connected to e!erything else. To outward appearances, we ha!e indi!idual identity and appear to be separate from each other but, in reality, we are connected to all matter and to all people. This is because e!ery person is a unique facet of the same all# per!asi!e intelligence. ou are not connected to *od or the +(ll That s+ li"e an add#on module, you are *od are *od in expression because everything in existence is the mind of God. -e ha!e different !iewpoints of reality but we are all representations of the ne, the i!ine, or the great 0resence that exists within all things. our mind may need time to get used to the true nature of the i!inity within you, but that alone is no barrier to success. 0ractice the Spiritualize technique regardless of any temporary doubt you may harbor. 1ust do it regardless. )et it wor" for you and you will experience its transformati!e power. (s that happens, any doubt will e!aporate in the light of experience and you will ha!e the most powerful tool e!er for transforming your life into a happier, more healthful, and more inspired reality.
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When you enter a sufficiently higher state of consciousness, life’s challenges become transformed. 0roblem situations can become sol!ed through the correct practice of this technique in one of two ways: 2ither by being energetically healed and transformed or by an inspired solution becoming apparent. The primary purpose of the Spiritualize technique is to gi!e you a way to anchor your mind to the reality within at any time of the day. 3y attuning with your i!ine connection, you rise abo!e the turmoil and illusion of e!ents in the outside world. 4eality is within you. The more you connect with your higher consciousness, the more inspired and successful your life becomes. The main purpose of human life is spiritual growth. This is how you can ma"e your spiritual growth happen each and e!ery day.
%rinciples of the Spiritualize Technique %5 ou are one with *od. ou are an indi!idualized aspect of the consciousness of the reator charged with the mission of experiencing life from one unique point of !iew. 3y consciously aligning yourself with the i!ine 0resence, you in!o"e its transformati!e power. $5 The uni!erse is completely bene!olent. *od is good. (ny appearance of appearance of e!il in this world is caused by a lac" of spiritual light, 6ust as shadow or coldness is caused by a lac" of physical light. (ll beings are inherently drawn to finding their inner light and e!eryone succeeds in this, their primary moti!ation, sooner or later. 3y consciously realizing the goodness of *od, we open our eyes and see the see the light. The appearance of any dar"ness then disappears. 75 (ction creates results. Transformation occurs when you raise your consciousness sufficiently. -hen you ele!ate yourself into a state of higher consciousness through this technique, your situation becomes transformed by the goodness and harmony of *od's uni!ersal energies. The "ey point to realize is that the responsibility for action begins with you as the physical anchor within any situation. -hen you align yourself sufficiently with the presence of *od and the bene!olent nature of all reation, all things in your life can transform and become healed. t is the realization of your oneness with the i!ine and the realization of the goodness of *od that acts as a transformati!e power within your reality.
The Spiritualize Technique The Spiritualize technique contains powerful principles which help you to connect easily and quic"ly with the transformati!e power of the i!ine 0resence. nce you are thoroughly familiar
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8ocus on your breathing while your body relaxes and your mind settles into a reflecti!e state. Then, ta"e three heart-breaths as follows: n each inbreath, !isualize spiritual energy as an intense white light coming from the Sun, all the way through space and then filling your brain. n each outbreath, transfer that energy down the spine to the le!el of the heart, then send it out the front of your body into your heart cha"ra, which is a !ortex of energy located approximately four inches 9ten centimeters5 in front of the breastbone. our heart cha"ra is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. You connect to the God space through your heart space. Then, silently make these declarations: I am in God. God is in me. God and I are one.
8or a moment, thin" about these statements and what the realization of neness means to you. 8eel the closeness of the 0resence of *od with e!ery breath you ta"e and e!ery beat of your heart. Feel the the 0resence right there with you as a li!ing reality. ontinue to focus on the breath in order to reach the necessary state of peace and deep relaxation. otice how the breath brings a state of peace and serenity. nce you ha!e reached this peaceful state, you no longer focus on the breath. Stop thin"ing and listen.
(dopt a state of attenti!e silence. 3e 3e recepti!e recepti!e to the still, still, silent !oice !oice of inner inner awareness. awareness. t is important to be mentally still and allow the sense of the i!ine 0resence. nce you start acti!ely thin"ing again, the experience is o!er. ;ental chatter stops the process, so be attenti!e and adopt a state of expectancy. The secret is in the stillness. (t first, you you may not not hear anything, anything, but you will experience, experience, if only through through a deep deep breath or inner sigh, the 0resence. t is the moment of connection that is important. Then you ha!e completed the purpose of that session. ou may recei!e information and insights during the process or they may come later. (s you practice, you de!elop your ability to +hear+. Some people recei!e impressions as mental pictures, some hear them as mental words, but most people simply recei!e ideas as a sudden arri!al of understanding. The wisdom from your soul will be able to reach you either at this moment or at a later time while your attention is di!erted elsewhere. 3e especially attenti!e in the next few hours for any subtle idea that arises more than once. t is the repetiti!e occurrence of such thoughts into your conscious mind that alert you to the realization that you are recei!ing
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-hen you feel the peace of the 0resence, you ha!e opened yourself to *od as nfinite ntelligence. This nfinite ntelligence "nows your e!ery need and, by realizing this, you ha!e opened the doors for that realization to express tself. The Spiritualize technique fits into any busy schedule. 0ractice it at the start of e!ery day in order to prompt intuiti!e support for the day ahead.
The 'ssential Steps of the Spiritualize Technique %. 8ocus inward. ou must turn your attention within as *od is within you. othing is 'out there' except the illusion of matter and your outward performance in the theater of life.
$. 3reathe into your heart cha"ra. =eart#centered consciousness is the gateway to *od. f you use your intellect only, you will be unable to proceed to step 7.
7. onnect with *od. )ea!e behind all your cares and the issues of the day. 8ocus your thoughts only upon *od. Then stop thin"ing, be still, and listen. This will ha!e a transformati!e effect upon your situation and your life. Spiritualize your life and share this wonderful technique with others.