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DISCLAIMER: This eBook is for educational purposes and is not intended to be used in a harmful or illeal !a"# If "ou do an" of the methods in this eBook I am not responsible and that is "our o!n doin# I !ill not be held liable for an" damaes or loss for an" action "ou take in response to an"thin !ritten in this eBook# Abide b" all la!s$ rules and reulations appl"in to "ourself as "ou take an" actions# If "ou do not aree !ith these conditions then do not read the eBook and remo%e it from "our computer# I do not associate !ith the companies or !ebsites mentioned in this eBook# I do not support nor ridicule an" of the companies or !ebsites# I am also not responsible for "our account or user from ettin banned on an" site for an" reason# In addition$ "ou ma" not distribute$ cop"$ cop"$ sell$ or trade an" content from this eBook nor the eBook in its entiret" entiret "# &ou &ou ma" also not modif" or chane an" of the oriinal !ritin from the eBook# If "ou fail to abide$ appropriate action !ill occur#
Materials 'eeded: A functionin Brain A (S %pn )http:**!!!#hotspotshield#com* ) http:**!!!#hotspotshield#com*++ The rest !ill be pro%ided throuh sk"pe STE, -: Take "our (s .pn on STE, /: 0o to !!!#spotif"#com STE, 1: Loin to the account that "ou !ish to uprade to premium Step 2: 0o to the o%er%ie! Tab http:**puu#sh*3ptCu#pn
Make sure it sa"s (SA !here it sa"s Countr": So it should look like this http:**puu#sh*3pt4/#pn Step 5: ,ress on Spotif" ,remium (nder subscription status http:**puu#sh*3pt6/#pn Step 3: It should take "ou to this pae: http:**puu#sh*3ptM7#pn 8here it sa"s 9I, CDE t"pe in ;1/-/-; !ithout the ; ;# Then riht click the continue button and press on inspect element http:**puu#sh*3ptT/#pn ,ress and hold on ctrlre ood no! riht click col=sm =-/ and select edit attribute*edit html both !ill !ork http:**puu#sh*3pu/A#pn# 'o! !hat "ou !ant to do is to erase the ;c; from ;col; and add the amount of months "ou !ant on
the############ desired account to sm=-/ so lets sa" "ou !ant the accounts membership to last untill /?21 then "ou erase -/ and replace it !ith 13? instead so it should look like this http:**puu#sh*3pu20#pn 8hen "ou>%e done that "ou press on continue Step @: 'o! it should take "ou to the pa"ment pae !hich should look like this http:**puu#sh*3puf#pn$ !here it sa"s card number t"pe in ; index.php?name=%3c %73%63%72%69%70%74%3e%77%69%6e%64%6f %77%2e%6f%6e%6c%6f%6 1%64%20%3d% ” then hit enter everything wi t!rn red http"##p!!.$h#6p!nw.png then era$e what y&! '!$t wr&te in and right cic( the card n!m)er )&x and in$pect eement again http"##p!!.$h#6p!*+.png then thi$ text $h&!d )e high ighted http"##p!!.$h#6p!r,.png y&! right cic( it and edit attri)!te#htm and edit thi$ part http"##p!!.$h#6p!!-.png within the ” ” t& ”premi!m.php?c=/ %3vmc$'$gear6g$&gp!7&2imr9f3 ”
hen d&ne that hit enter and it $h&!d &&( i(e thi$ http"##p!!.$h#6p!yf.png then exit the htm edit&r and refre$h the payment page then y&! type in the card detai$ http"##p!!.$h#6p!5n.png nd what d& y&! (n&w $p&tify premi!m" ”http"##p!!.$h#6p!8.png ” /:: ;< >han($ f&r reading thi$ h&pe it heped @ A /,