1. A client approa approached ched Archite Architect ct Ivy in order order to help him fnd a suitable suitable lot to situate a ew branch o his ood industry business. They agreed and made an agreement. What type o service will Ar. Ar. Ivy deliver? S !"1 # !.$ a. Sit Site e Selec Selectio tion n and Ana Analys lysis is b. %o %ons nsul ulta tati tion on c. &e &esea searc rch h and and rog rogram rammin ming g d. 'easibi easibilit lity y Studi Studies es !. Ar. Ar. &ocel &ocel was tas(ed tas(ed to create create )yers* miniature miniature model and presentation or or the roposed %ondominium ro+ect ro+ect in order to generate unds or its %onstruction. As per S ,ocument what type o service ser vice is he providing? S !"1 # !.1! a. -alue alue a ana nage geme ment nt b. r romo omotio tional nal Ser Servic vices es c. Addi Additi tion onal al Ser Servi vice ces s d. 'und &aisi &aising ng Servic Services es /. The Architec Architectt as the 00000000 00000000 is directly directly respons responsible ible to the wner wner on all aspects aspects o %onstruction wor(2 programming* coordination* 3uality and cost control and time management. S !"$#4 # !." a. ro+ ro+ec ectt an anag ager er b. %o %ons nsul ulta tant nt c. %o %onst nstruc ructi tion on an anag ager er d. %onstr %onstruct uction ion Advis Adviser er $. As per S ,ocument ,ocument !"$#4 !"$#4 indicat indicates es that %onstructi %onstruction on anager anager could either either be* e5cept. S !"1 6 7.! 89A:I'I%ATI;S a. A member member hir hired ed by by the %ont %ontrac ractor tor b. A membe memberr o the the sta< sta< o o the the owner owner c. An indepe independe ndent nt indivi individua duall d. A frm hired hired by the wner wner to manage manage the construct construction ion o the particu particular lar pro+ect. 7. As described unctions and ,escriptions o o Tas(. Tas(. The ollowing are the responsibilities responsibilities o %onstruction anager =%> including the unction o the %onstruction Supervision roup =%S>.=reerenc =%S> .=reerence e ,oc.!"$#A and Architect@s uidelines>. a. eeping eeping all &ecord ecords s b. Al Alll o o the the Abo Above ve c. %oord %oordina inatio tion n and Superv Supervisi ision on d. 8ualit 8uality y %ontr %ontrol ol o o Wor( Wor( B. The %onstructio %onstruction n Supervision Supervision roup roup =%S> =%S> is responsibl responsible e to the wner in what type services? S !"$#A 6 B :CA: &CS;SI4I:ITD a. Techn echnic ical al b. Ad Admi mini nist stra rati tive ve c. ;one ;one o o the the Abo Above ve d. AE4 F. ,oes the %onstruc %onstruction tion Supervisi Supervision on roup can can ma(e ma(e a decision decision on matter that are sole responsibility o the Architect o &ecords &ecords =A&>? S !"$#A 6 B.! :CA: &CS;SI4I:ITD a. Des b. ;o c. aybe d. I ,o ,on@t n@t (no (now w
G. 9nder S ,oc !"/ SpecialiHed Architectural Services. Item ;umber 1F =!"/.1F> The Architect in this area o ractice must have much more than the basic (nowledge o Specifcation Writing* Cstimation and 8uantity Survey* Architectural roduction* Architectural sotware* Architectural support services and contract document review. S ,oc !"/ SpecialiHed Architectural Services. Item ;umber 1F =!"/.1F> a. %ontract ,ocumentation and &eview Services b. ost design services =Including %onstruction services> c. reliminary Services d. ;one o the Above . 9nder Spp !"/ =!"/.1$>It is defned as an act or process o estimating value. The %onsulting Architect in this area o practice places value on the buildingJstructure condition and deects* and on its repair and maintenance* including the re3uired improvement. Spp !"/ =!"/.1$> a. 'orensic Architecture b. 4uilding Testing E %ommissioning c. 4uilding Appraisal d. 'acilities aintenance Support 1".The 4uilding environment rating system under S !"/ is needed to evaluate the perormance o a building to encourage mar(et migration towards sustainable design. The rating system must meet the criteria below in order have the certifcation. S !"/ 6 !"/.1! a. 'le5ible* such that pro+ects need not meet identical re3uirements to 3ualiy. b. All o the above c. %redit based* allowing pro+ects to earn points or environment#riendly use o the buildingJ structure and actions ta(en during planning* design* construction and occupancy. d. %onsensus#based and mar(et driven in order to accelerate the development and implementation o green building practices. 11.In this area o practice* the Architect recommends the systematic process o ensuring that a building J structure@s array o systems is planned* designed* installed and tested to perorm according to the design intent and the building@s operational needs. I the building materials* e3uipment and system are not installed properly or are not operating as intended* the e
b. 4uilding Appraisal c. 4uilding testing E commissioning d. Listoric and Leritage %onservation and lanning 1/.Stadia will all under what roup o ro+ect %lassifcation? S !"! 6 $.! &MC%T %:ASSI'I%ATI; a. roup ! b. roup / c. roup $ d. roup 1 1$.S%% acronym stands or? S !"! 6 !.! schematic design phase a. Statement o the robable ro+ect %onstruction %ost b. Statement o the robable ro+ect %onsultancy %ost c. Statement o the robable ro+ect %onstruction %oncept d. Statement o the robable ro+ect %onstruction %ode 17.This method o %ompensation is applied to government pro+ects* since they entail more paper wor( and time consuming e
,. roessional Advisor !".Specialist personnel who may be consulted by the Murors during the conduct o the A,% to permit them to obtain all necessary relevant inormation. S !"G 6 !.$ A. +ury 4. architect %. Technical Advisors ,. roessional Advisor !1. The body ormed by the wner and approved by the roessional Advisor* to assist the roessional Advisor and the Mury in the administrative conduct o the A,% S !"G 6 !.7 A. %ompetition Secretariat 4. %ompetitor Secretariat %. %ompetition Secretary ,. Mury !!.Is the personJfrm or corporation who provides the guarantee or the contractorNs bond 9A ,% /"1 6 1."G A. 4. %. ,.
Security Surety rincipal uarantor
!/.Which o the <. services is not perormed by the Architect under the design# build service by administration? S !"F 6 ! S%C ' ,CSI; 49I:, 4D A,I; A. repares schedule o wor(* construction program* construction estimate* bill o mat@ls* etc 4. eeps records and boo(s o accounts %. points construction superintendent* purchasing agent* time(eeper* property cler(s* etc. ,. Advances unding or payment o e5penditures connected with wor( !$.In a typical owner#architect agreement* which o the ollowing is generally ;T included? A. ,esign and placement o signs 4. wnership o documents %. :abor contingencies ,. Arbitration !7.Which o the ollowing activities is ;T within the scope o pro+ect management? S !"B 6 G./ A. rovides planning* programming* monitoring* advising activities on material costsJconstruction methods 4. Cconomic analysisJpro+ect easibility %. Segments* supplements* compliments unctions o Architects* Cngineers* and %ontractor@s
,. rovides overall control o construction activities !B.Which o the ollowing services are e5pected rom the architect serving as buildingJground administrator? S !"7 6 1.1./ A. 4uilding maintenance 4. ost#construction evaluation %. C3uipment maintenance ,. 4illing o tenants or rentalsJutilities !F.9nder the %ivil %ode* under what condition can the Architect or Cngineer be held liable or damages within fteen years ater pro+ect completion? A. ,ue to violation o terms o contract 4. Structure collapse due to aulty construction %. Structure collapse due to deects in plansJspecifcation ,. Structure collapse due to deective materials !G.What is the role o the pro+ect anager during the re#%onstruction phase o the pro+ect? S#!"B6 .! A. &ecommends early purchase o e3uipmentJmaterials re3uiring a long lead or procurement and delivery or e5pediency 4. bserves wor( in progress to assure compliance with drawingsJspecifcation %. anages general coordination and scheduling o wor( ,. &evise and refnes estimates as construction proceeds !.Which o the ollowing does ;T constitute the post#construction services o the architect? S !"7 A. &eal property evaluation 4. ost#construction evaluation %. 4uildingJground administration ,. 4uildingJe3uipment maintenance /".Within how many days rom the date a change is ordered shall any claim or ad+ustment involving 3uestions o acts be asserted? A. 7 days 4. 1" days %. 17 days ,. /" days