MRO Standard Dictionar Cataloging Methodology for MRO Data IHS has the most widely used methodology for characterizing maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) master data, used daily by more than 3,000 industrial facilities in facilities in 35 35 countries and in 14 languages.
Mastering Your MRO Catalog IHS experts find that MRO materials information of many asset-intensive
The SMD enables our
organizations is composed of unstructured “free -form” text, entered in a variety
customers to realize cost
of ways, which results in product descriptions that are incomplete, inconsistent
savings through:
and non-comparable.
Identification of
IHS helps organizations resolve their MRO master data inconsistencies by
duplicate inventory
leveraging a methodology developed by industry and commodity domain
Simplification of inventory searches Reduction in equipment downtime Increased maintenance productivity Enhanced functionality to complement their ERP/EAM systems
experts with over 30 years of experience in support of MRO professionals who procure, manage, supply and utilize millions of MRO items on a daily basis. Once implemented, organizations begin realizing the benefits of structured, accurate and accessible product information. In addition, the SMD has been used by IHS data experts to standardize and enrich more than 50 million MRO item descriptions for over 300 companies.
A Proven Methodology TM
The Standard Modifier Dictionary (SMD) is a two-tiered classification schema with an optional third-tier “upper classification” level - that provides a consistent and repeatable set of rules to characterize and catalog MRO inventory. The SMD consists of a family of mutually-exclusive Nouns/Class (a proper name such as “Valve”) and Modifiers/Sub -Class (a descriptive word or phrase such as “Gate”), as well as associated Characteristics that describe general part attributes (such as “Size,” “Pressure Rating” and “Connection”) and Values which describe specific Characteristics (such as “6 -inch”).
MRO Standard Dictionary
SMD Specifications
The SMD may be tailored to meet the Modifier
needs of each customer. It is currently
comprised of over: Characteristic 1
Characteristic 2
Pressure rating
Characteristic n
The IHS cataloging methodology consists of Noun-Modifier pairs, along with associated characteristics and values.
2,500 Noun/Class-Modifier
15,000 Definitions & / Sub-Class Pairs Guidelines
2,000 Synonyms
29,000 Sample Values
9,000 Characteristics
1,000 Reference Images
Functional Differentiators Below are some of the key functional differentiators between the SMD and other cataloging methodologies. These user aids are presented in an easy-to-use, intuitive format and are paramount to future catalog
The SMD is also available in Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
management, authoring and user acceptance of the resultant MRO catalog. Classification Definitions and Guidelines
Technical and catalog management-based definitions to support the correct selection and application of each SMD Format Synonyms
Synonymous terms/alternate Nouns crossreferenced to Approved Noun Names to ensure successful search and prevention of duplicate items
Characteristic Definitions and Sample
The SMD is compatible with the le ading
Characteristic Values
ERP and EAM systems, such as MRO Software’s Maximo®, Indus Passport™,
Context specific definitions along with
PeopleSoft®/JDE, Oracle® and SAP
example ranges of Values to indicate
Materials Management (MM) Module.
acceptable Values
It is also compatible with upper-level
Item (Product) Images
classification schemas, such as UN/SPSC,
The SMD contains images for the top 80%
eClass and other emerging data exchange
of Nouns.
standards that form the backbone of curren and future web-based software
Search Capabilities
The SMD allows for parametric search,
communications, such as XML and CXML.
facilitating quick and accurate data queries.
ABOUT IHS IHS, Inc. www.ihs.com/mro Email:
[email protected]
IHS is a global information company with world-class experts in the pivotal areas shaping today’s business landscape: energy, economics, geopolitical risk, sustainability and supply chain management. We employ more than 8,000 people in more than 31 countries around the world.