Statutory Construction Case DigestsFull description
Statutory Construction Reviewer Notes
Statutory Compliance list
These notes are based on the Statutory Construction Book of Ruben E Agpalo, 2009 Edition which I outlined for my finals exam. I hope it works for you as much as it had worked for me.Full description
Please find attachment of Statutory Compliances included Meaning, Purpose, PF,ESI, Minimum Wages, BONUS,Gratituty, Paymt. of Wages
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statutory interpretation
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StatCon Agpalo Chapter 1
Statutory Construction AGPALOFull description
Statutory Construction - Case Digests
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Statutory Authority Any damage arising out of an act that the law prescribes or the statute authorises will never become actionable even though in absence of such statutory authority it is an offence in tort.
An act that is approved by the legislature or is done upon the direction of the legi le gisl slat atur uree is ex excu cuse sed d fr from om tor orttiou ouss lia iabi bili litty ev even en tho houg ugh h in no norm rmal al circumstances, it would have been a tort. When an act is done under the authority of an Act, it is a complete defence and the injured party has no remedy except that is prescribed by the statute.
In Vaughan vs Taff Valde Rail Co 1860 , sparks from an engine caused fire in appellant's woods that existed in his land adjoining the railway track. It was held that since the company was authoried to run the railway and since the company had taken proper care in running the railway, it was not liable for the damage.