USMLE STEP 2 CK Library Whoever edits this document, Plz make sure that you mention the modifcations in the comment below. >>I will start the chain and u guys add as many as u can, eel ree to edit and add more links. and comment comment what u have added in comments. comments. Lets kee! on hel!ing each other. "# >>$$ %!dated on &e! '(, )*'+" irstly I rearrange it by videos, books, -banks, ande!erience, ande!erience, /hen I checked most most o the links and I labled them asollow0 the green links are checked and working so ar , ar , the red links not working, working , the black didnt checked . 1.2. #31/ let links to become 2L%4 2L%4 by by !ressing 41/45, because it will change it is color, and you cant confrm it validity, instead co!y the link. Lastly !lease add your your links and share it again66 again66
PART ONE VIDEOs Kaplan videos 2! ( I think it is the last full explanation version from Kaplan, but still it is GOOD, 2012 2012 is high yiel only, an the 2010 version is inly for step 1!
"#DI$I%# 1 preventive mei&ine https'mega)&o)n*+-g0./gI-34561G72s8*3p$u9k7 2 eno&rine https'mega)&o)n*+-:;83I3;-e<=
https'mega)&o)n*+-: ;83I3;-e<=aa?p@"IA@t%i: aa?p@"IA@t%i: A rheumatology https'mega)&o)n*+-:o3*;D. https'mega)&o)n*+-:o 3*;D.$-.Bme=rr$e&f6 $-.Bme=rr$e&f6&p"4>g: &p"4>g: 4 gastroenterology gastroenterology https'mega)&o)n*+-ls.:36.-08:*0$AbClaxuI4G/tg E &ariology https'mega)&o)n*+-s:hDD@6-"%Bk"2B9y$&8IErp>Da9v; ? haematology https'mega)&o)n*+-"1xA/KKK-F https'mega)&o)n*+-"1 xA/KKK-Fypt/7A5m?/$7g>5> ypt/7A5m?/$7g>5>i&; i&; = infe&tious iseases
https'mega)&o)n*+-1.i8.;-u0H#$%DIvtf:Cl:O5a:*g H pulmonary https'mega)&o)n*+-llh3y7g.-9n%AOuBrI>C2n;4.ev>g 10 emergen&y mei&ine https'mega)&o)n*+-:h*
11 neurology https'mega)&o)n*+-14<07@-nImspKhOr6Kng@Ov?m.7g 12 ermatology https'mega)&o)n*+-7tx70a?-ByrA8CGtB@uCu15EEE: 1A raiology https'mega)&o)n*+-xp.k$.3->gK9A""CO&hmaOla.o: 14 opthalmology https'mega)&o)n*+-%:oA.bxF-&t;7.6"%p2/18e?7
Kaplan "# 2$2 videos ) (explains "3 step 2 $K! by $onra is&her
https':::)fa&ebook)&omgroups144EEA0EHE?=H0H14?H110=AAA2HHE ( ou :ill Jn another :or o& &ontain a lot of links but I inLt &he&k them !
$onrais&her &omprehensive 20 &ases) https':::)meiaJre)&omfoler*tmb4s4kv&?rk&ornalJs&her&omprehensive2 0&ases
PART T%O &OOKs' NOTEs $( )aplan 2$* le+,-re no,es
2( Mas,er ,.e boards s,ep 2 CK
https'mega)&o)n*+-72;KI-=%;foK&B%g&gG2O#5Dfhg A! "aster the boars step A https'mega)&o)n*+-72;KI-=%;foK&B%g&gG2O#5Dfhg
I.@ 7ID ; an 7 2n eition http':::)meiaJre)&omvie:oxteHfeeplEllA*Jrstai7M;step2&k)pf kaplan step 2 $K 200 200H ;3ook http':::)meiaJre)&omvie:xoalakguE:fAgllKaplan@tep2$K200C 200H;3ook)pf kaplan @tep 2 &k Bbook) epub Jle http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloaB0g*rs2oayuafBs/@"F#@tep2$K;book)epu b
@# / O /@"F# https':::)meiaJre)&omfoler4nrkHAA2pv?*r@#/series USMLE %ORLD NOTES
iki aka notes https':::)meiaJre)&omfolerualyfvlAs:l2Ikitakanotes "3 @tep 2 $K $ustom lash&ars http'Bui*let)&omhasano&torfolersmtbCstepC2C&k
11! I.@ 7ID to step 2 $K) th etion http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloa?2kB:phyi?B=2?irstN7iNforNtheN/@"F#N @tepN2N$KNN#)pf 12! I.@ 7ID O step 1 2014 http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloa<uivubH1AirstN7iNforNtheN/@"F#N@t epN1N2014)pf 1A! &urrent mei&al iagnosis an treatment 2014 epub Jle ) http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloaxht2hh0xies2=&$urrentN"ei&alNDiagnosisN anNreatmentN2014)epub
pf Jle https'mega)&o)n*+-xkkl;@p.Aptso9*G;3K$.D%O:66lmpE%o4B6s8kmF;7b>/
14! kathynotes https':::)fa&ebook)&omgroupsusmle2&ksear&hPBueryQkathynotes https':::)fa&ebook)&omgroups144EEA0EHE?=H0H14=AEHE21HE411A
1E! "ae easy series (in&lues $9., #$G, 73G, #&ho!
1?! irfan notes https'o&s)google)&omJle03EouO&13DF:<#A%2.i"D&t%*I2%y00%*#4Fg*"* /t"<&2<"4B0hG#xv.8"eitPuspQsharing 1! he $omplete Guie or /82014 Keys ))) #ite by "aeh "ohame http':::)4share)&omfoler6eh1aI2mylastkeysu:2014)html
PART T"REE / &ANKs U% 2$*
http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloa2l=m:*ifa?ixm/8201A)rar U% 2$0
http':::)meiaJre)&omo:nloaepa0pm?t?o*ot/82014pf)rar /8
https':::)meiaJre)&omfolerbu=A1rb*h41ye/@"F#201EOFI%# Kaplan /ban) 2$2
Kaplan B37%K 2014 @elf a&&essement exams @elf assesement 1 https':::)meiaJre)&omfolerl4hy04
orm 1 ;uestions https':::)fa&ebook)&omgroups144EEA0EHE?=H0H1404HE?1E0=A
7ns:ers' http'nbmeans:erkeys)blogspot)&om201204stepC2C&kCnbmeCformC1C oSineCans:er)html orm 2 ;uestions https':::)fa&ebook)&omgroups144EEA0EHE?=H0H1404H=2E==?2 7ns:ers http'nbmeans:erkeys)blogspot)in201204stepC2C&kCnbmeCformC2C oSineCans:er)html orm A ;uestions https':::)fa&ebook)&omo:nloa1EA4H=02H00E==4=%3"#T20A)rar 7ns:ers http'nbmeans:erkeys)blogspot)in201204stepC2C&kCnbmeCformCAC oSineCans:er)html orm 4 :ith ans:ers ;uestion an 7ns:ers' https':::)meiaJre)&omfoler
PART OUR E3perien+es
E3perien+es o4 .i5. s+orers o4 CK