: Presently working as an operator in 110KV Substation Mattanchery from 25th une 200! onwar"s #KS$% on contract basis& Sponsore" 'inks: PROFESSIONAL PROFESS IONAL EXPERI EXPERIENCE ENCE
Preparation of Permit (orks )ssuing )solation *ertificate for +ee"ers Maintenance of ,r ,ransformersansformers- +ee"ers- %atteries an" .elay Panels/ .outine maintenance of .egisters an" ar ar" " $uipments/
As Operator with DNJ ENERGY LLC,Dubai • Planning, She!uling an! preparing wor" brea"!own struture liaising with appropriate #untions$ %anagers relate! to wor", organi&ation an! osts' • (onitoring o# wor" progress ) preparing the pro*ets wee"l+$ (onthl+ progress reports to %anage%ent ) lient' • Coor!ination between the lients, subontrators an! the pro*et tea% #or ti%el+ o%pletion o# pro*et' • Ensuring a!e-uate .A$ AC is arrie! out on all plans ) proe!ures' • Preparation an! %aintenane o# (anpower she!ule ) Resoures' • Coor!ination with the (anu#aturer, Site #or /i%el+ o%pletion o# pro*et' • (onitoring ) ontrolling o# substation As /ehniian Apprentie with 0SE1 0SE1 is utilit+ owne! b+ state go2ern%ent ha2ing generating stations, E34 ) 34 substations 5up to 677"48 an! !istribution networ" suppl+ing power to about 9 %illion onsu%ers in 0erala State, :n!ia' • /esting, o%%issioning an! trouble shooting o# Protetion Rela+s an! Control S+ste%s o# E34 substations an! #ee!ers up to ;;7"4 • Con#iguration, /esting an! o%%issioning o# nu%erial$stati$eletro%ehanial !istane rela+s, !i##erential rela+s, pilot wire protetion rela+s, o2er urrent rela+s et' o# 2arious %anu#aturers li"e ALS/O(, A11 Easun Re+rolle, Sie%ens, Alin! et • /esting an! o%%issioning o# C/s$4/s o# swithgear panels • Co%%issioning o# high :%pe!ane$ low i%pe!ane bus bar protetion she%e' • /rouble shooting Protetion S+ste% #or new Substations an! Power Generating stations • Design$Design re2iew o# Protetion S+ste% #or Substations an! Power Generating stations
• (aintenane o# Protetion S+ste% #or Substations an! Power Generating stations • Pri%ar+ :n*etion /esting o# C/s 5(agnetisation ur2e, 0nee point 2oltage, Class, 4A et8' • E34 an! 34 able seletion' • Re2iew o# Drawings an! alulations' • Preo%%issioning he"ing an! 2eri#+ing the le2el o# stan!ar! an! rating o# !e2ies an! instru%ents' • /ehnial orrespon!ene with ontrator an! o%pan+' • Preparing :nspetion reports an! #orwar! to the onerne! authorities' • Assisting testing o# 2arious Eletrial E-uip%ents li"e Power /rans#or%ers, 2arious t+pes o# Rela+s, Current trans#or%ers, Potential /rans#or%ers, o%%issioning wor" o# substation (a*or wor"s un!erta"en as Contrator • Eletri#iation o# 4arious %ultistorie! buil!ing un!er