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AT K and K International College Department of Soial Wor!
S"#mitted $%&
Faculty Supervisor:- Sailendra Rai
Mr Sag%an Regmi
Agency Supervisor:- Smriti Karan'it
$ASW ( rd YEAR
K A)D K I)T*L COLLE+E Department of Soial Wor! )e, $ane-,or. Kat/mand" )epal
Traine Traineee would would like like to express express his profou profound nd grati gratitud tudee to his school school superviso supervisorr Mr. Sailendra ai for his constant supervision and providing valua!le suggestions throughout trainee"s field work. #ithout his assistance$ trainee would not have !een a!le to reach his o!%ectives o!%ectives and acco&plish acco&plish different activities. activities. Si&ilarly$ Si&ilarly$ trainee trainee would like to thank 'epart&ent of Social #ork for letting trainee get placed and learn !ut the issue. Also trainee is grateful to the 'epart&ent of Social #ork for placing trainee in this agency.
(ast !ut not least$ trainee thanks the staffs of the agency of the agency to create such a &eaningful environ&ent$ her co trainee for helping$ the residents and students for their respect respect and co-operation co-operation and all other related related persons persons for their kind support$ inspiration inspiration and cooperation.
Appro0al Letter
This Su&&ary eport su!&itted !y Sag%an Regmi of $ASW (rd Year$ as a part of his field work re*uire&ent for the session )+,,/$ has ! een approved !y the 'epart&ent of Social #ork$ 0 and 0 nternational 2ollege$ 3ew 4aneswor.
Mr Sailendra Rai
Mr $imal K/ad!a
Field S"per0i-or
Aademi Diretor
E2ternal E2aminer
Internal E2aminer
Ta#le Of Content
Page )o
34 A#o"t t/e organi5ation&
a. ntroduction of the organi6ation4
!. Structure of the organi6ation.
c. 7!%ectives of the organi6ation.
d. Activities of the organi6ation.
74 Program area in ,/i/ trainee ,a- plaed
(4 O#'eti0e- of t/e trainee4
94 Ati0itie- of t/e trainee4
64 O0erall learning4
;4 T/eor% Applied4
=4 Anal%-i- and Impre--ion4
:4 S"gge-tion or Reommendation4
<4 Conl"-ion4
384 Referene-4
a4 I)TRODUCTIO) 'epart&ent of social work was the first institute to offer 4achelor of Social #ork 4S#; course in 0 and 0 nternational 2ollege in )+,) 4.S. The 'epart&ent"s course design ena!les a student to get a!out 1)++ hours of fieldwork experience for <M$ )=+ hours for 4S#. >nder graduate students work with 3?7"s ?overn&ent Social #elfare Agencies. The depart&ent has an active place&ent cell that organi6es ca&pus recruit&ent and place&ent. The depart&ent of social work provides developed teaching$ research and extension in the chosen thrust areas social develop&ent and hu&an resource &anage&ent. ncorporating the need of develop&ent social work the depart&ent also started teaching$ social welfare ad&inistration and social work research. @ver since its inception the depart&ent with *ualified and experienced faculty has !een i&parting a *uality education and professional training in social work. The faculty has !een involved in research pu!lications and extension work$ !y undertaking services of activities and progra&&es in co&&unity work in colla!oration with the govern&ent depart&ents and 3?7"s. roviding the highest *uality education$ training and advocacy$ depart&ent is co&&itted to achieving social and econo&ic %ustice in accordance with 3AS# code of ethics. t helps to develop a greater understanding of co&plex social pro!le&s using an ecological fra&ework a&ong 4S# students. Students will learn a!out the strategies of e&power&ent that i&pact social change and to &axi&i6e *uality of social life. These social interventions focus at the &icro$ &esso and &acro level. t ai&s to &otivates students in identifying pro!le&s and solve the&.
@i-ion • •
2reation of learning environ&ents that value diversity and creativity for learners. @xcellence in social work education.
Buality education for social work practioners.
Successful advocacy for those who are oppressed and vulnera!le.
2ontri!ution to knowledge develop&ent.
2ritical thinking and !old action to address social pro!le&s.
Successful student transition to e&ploy&ent.
To work colla!oration with fa&ilies and health professionals to contri!ute to the psychosocial health and well!eing with particular reference to their social cultural$ econo&ic and political content.
To create a leader in pro&oting diverse co&&unities$ and an advocate for an integrated and inclusive &odel of social work$ all within a facility that supports the !est educational practices.
To provide the highest *uality education$ training and advocacy. To !e responsive and supportive to the needs of students.
To facilitate the process of o!taining the !est outco&e fro& students.
To !e co&&itted in excellence teaching$ scholarship$ and co&&unity leadership and service.
To foster social responsi!ility regarding social and econo&ic %ustice$ *uality of life and &ulticultural co&&unities$ !ased on e*uality for all people.
To e&power students to i&prove the *uality of life for their clients and for the&selves.
To develop ha!its of critical thinking and scholarship that lead to effective practice.
To develop ethical$ passionate$ and practical leadership.
@ngage in entry level social work activities that are infor&ed !y the !est availa!le evidence. >nderstand the i&pacts of culture$ oppression and h u&an diversity in a &ulti cultural society.
Apply social work ethical principles to guide their professional$ practice.
Advance social and econo&ic$ well !eing and deliver effective social work service through policy practice.
Apply knowledge of hu&an !ehavior and the social environ&ent to work with individuals$ groups$ fa&ilies$ organi6ation and co&&unities.
dentify as professional social worker and conduct the&selves accordingly.
>se policy practice skills to create and influence change.
Core 0al"e•
rogressive ideals of e*uality$ social and econo&ic %ustice$ cultural diversity and freedo&. Social work uni*ue focus on person in environ&ent as the central concept which shapes depart&ent curriculu& and practice.
@xcellence in the develop&ent of social work knowledge and its disse&ination to students$ co&&unities and policy &akers.
esponsi!ility for pro&oting social change and &ulti culturalis& in co&&unity$ and e&power&ent of the social work profession.
To provide students with *uality education which will prepare students to function as !eginning social work practioners at the generalist level in a variety of syste&s.
To provide students with *uality education which will prepare students to practice within the fra&ework of values and ethics of the profession.
To engage in the for&ulation and i&ple&entation of social policies$ services and progra&s that &eet !asic hu&an needs and support the develop&ent of hu&an capacities.
To develop and apply knowledge and skills to pro&ote social %ustice and social change that will !etter address poverty and oppression.
To educate students to !e effective practioners and leaders in the pu!lic and private sectors.
To advance social work knowledge through research$ scholarship and co&&unity activities.
d4Ati0itie- of t/e Organi5ation •
2onduct se&inars addressing social pro!le&s and issues.
2onduct health and hygiene ca&paign.
'istri!ution of clothes for &arginali6ed and other ethnic and vulnera!le groups.
2onduct dra&a$ stage progra&&es to encourage people for addressing social pro!le&s and issues.
@nhance&ent in presentation skills.
74 Program area in ,/i/ Trainee ,a- plaed 'epart&ent of Socail work is s&all organi6ation under 0 and 0 nterntional 2ollege. t is one of the non profita!le and non political organi6ation under 0 and 0 2ollege &anage&ent. ts ai&s to provide a co&&on space for it students$ staffs and supervisors. ts &ain issue was to how to handle the ad&inistrative works. 3ot only this its &ain issue was how to &ake the depar&ent work s&ooth and easier and tackle the o!stacles that is faced !y depart&ent such as in research pro%ect$ presentation and other various pro%ect so that depart&ent could provide *ualitative education to the student in the present and the co&ing future.
(4 O#'eti0e- of t/e Trainee •
To know the history of the depart&ent and how it works.
To learn a!out depart&ents internal and outgoing works.
To attend the discussion progra&&es and to develop interaction skills.
To attend in the progra& of college organi6ed !y different organi6ations.
To know how it is coordinating with the students and other staff &e&!ers in various progra&s. 1+
To understand the psycho cultural !ackground of the different issue.
To co&plete the assign&ents given to the trainee !y their external supervisor.
To develop interacting level.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
Trainee went to different organi6ations as trainee had to list the na&es of the &e&!ers of the different organi6ations child rights$ peace and advocacy progra&s. There trainee &et the staffs and tried to get the details. At first trainee found that the staffs were cooperative !ut later on when trainee asked for the list$ they were not ready to provide it. So trainee re*uestedD the& to give it to trainee to have its copy. So after long period they provided it. 4ut it was difficult to convince the&.
Learning- : •
(earned a!out the contri!ution of the organi6ations working for peace and hu&an rights.
(earned to interact with the staffs and other &e&!ers of the organi6ations.
$4 Too! orientation programme on /ild rig/t- and ot/er i--"e-& O#'eti0e-& •
To gain knowledge a!out child rights.
To know a!out its work and working pattern.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
First of all the introduction progra& was launched !etween the &e&!ers those who attended the progra&.The conte&porary issues of child rights and other issues of !onded la!our were faciliated. As trainee knew that depart&ent was creating a platfor& for social work students.
Learning- : •
(earned a!out its &ission$ vision and its ongoing progra&s and its structure and values.
(earned how it deals with the other social organi6ations.
C4 Admini-trati0e ,or! : 7!%ectives: •
To gain ad&inistrative knowledge.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
First of all trainee took out the !ooks fro& the !ook rack and slowly trainee arranged the !ooks related to different issues separately !y following its encoded nu&!ers. At first it was so confusing to arrange the !ooks. 4ut later on with the help of li!rarian it was easy for the trainee to arrange every !ook related to every issue.
Learning- : •
(earned to follow the encoded nu&!ers.
(earned a!out different issue such as hu&an rights post conflict and post &odern conflict.
(earned a!out pu!lication.
D4 Too! part in )ational Wor!-/op /eld in Staff College&
To visit national workshop and &eet different single wo&en.
Learning- :
0new a!out the workshop$ trainee learned how single wo&en get their right$ a!out single wo&en and the pro!le& faces and also so&e solution related to the&.
E4 Too! part in 388 t/ International Women*- da%B Rall%
O#'eti0e-& •
To attend the rally in . 0 2a&pus and to cele!rate wo&en"s day.
Fro& this rally trainee learned that ti&e has changed and now people should raise voices to take their rights. Man and wo&en have e*ual rights and we should not only change the way of people think !ut has also changed the way of people live. Trainee learned that &en and wo&en have e*ual right. Trainee also learned that it has not only changed the way of people live. Trainee learned that people should challenge their pro!le& and to &ove ahead. Trainee also learned that door to door ca&paign were initiated to !ring positive i&pacts within the co&&unity and this ca&paign helped not only the wo&en !ut the &e&!ers of their fa&ily and it !rings &ore change in the society.
F4 Too! orientation on C/ild Rig/t& O#'eti0e-& •
To get knowledge a!out child rights.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
Trainee attended the orientation on child rights. 2lass was 5 hour long. Mr 3awara%$ awareness progra& coordinator of A2 was the facilitator of the orientation progra&&e.
Learning- :
(earned a!out child rights. According to the convention there are 19 articles. These 19 articles can !e easily divided into 9groups and they are: a. Survival •
rotection fro& disease and health.
!. rotection •
3on 'iscri&ination
Must not show !ad !ehavior
Shouldn"t hate
c. articipation •
Should get participation in each and every child develop&ent discussion.
Should get opportunity to know a!out the child"s develop&ent discussion.
d. 'evelop&ent •
Sufficient education for physical$ &ental$ social and e&otional develop&ent.
+4 >ome @i-it& O#'eti0e- : •
To understand the fa&ily environ&ent and sociocultural aspect of child"s fa&ily
To o!serve child"s personal life fro& up close.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
Trainee visited the house of the student where trainee could o!serve and analy6es the environ&ent of the children. Trainee visited 5 children"s ho&e they are eshav Mallakar$ Sush&ita oudel and Shristi ?urung. They all live in 4asundhara.
Learning- : •
(earned that ho&e visit is good way of rapport !uilding with the fa&ily and the child as well.
(earned that all fa&ilies of children have the sa&e perception regarding their child"s disa!ility.
>4 Too! a,arene-- program on >ealt/ and Sanitation&
O#'eti0e- & •
To provide awareness to the local people a!out health and sanitation.
To for& working co&&ittee in the village.
To &aintain personal hygiene and good health of the co&&unity people.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
7ne of the activity trainee carried out during the field visit was took awareness progra& on health and sanitation. Trainee had to go Thakle village and give orientation classes a!out health and sanitation to the local people living in that area. The &ain o!%ective of the awareness progra& was to aware the local people a!out health and sanitation and especially a!out the !enefits of using latrine. There were a!out 5) houses in the Thalkle village and there were hardly one or two toilets in that area. The local people were unaware a!out the !enefits of using latrine facilities. So the &ain ai& of the trainee was to give orientation class and aware the local people.
Learning- : •
(earned to &anage the progra& and give orientation class.
(earned the techni*ues to run the awareness class to the co&&unity people.
I4 Partiipated in t/e 0"lt"re on-er0ation fe-ti0al:
O#'eti0e- : •
To know a!out the pro%ect and its o!%ective.
To learn a!out the pro%ect steps.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
Trainee got involved in the progra& called ulture conservation festival. t was a three days progra& which was held in 4asa 4asahi$ 3awalparasi 'istrict with a slogan G4e a part of
2ycling along the local trails and river !anks.
@xperience a thrilling experience of rafting.
4ird watching along the forest and !ank of a river.
ulture and its nest o!servation.
4each olley!all and Foot!all.
Tharu 2ultureal 'ance shows.
@xhi!ition of Tharu costu&es$ food and cultural tools.
ulture photo exhi!ition and painting co&petition.
'ocu&entary show.
Tented 2a&ping.
Learning- :
(earned a!out the vulture restaurant where people provide healthy food for the vultures.
(earned a!out the experience life of terai region.
(earned a!out &any &eans of recreational activities.
4 Partiipated in >I@ and AIDS orientation Programme-&
O#'eti0e-& •
To participate actively in the orientation progra&&e an d !e a!le to facilitate as a good facilitator in different school.
To learn new things a!out < and A'S and solve the *uiries.
Ati0itie- arried o"t&
The trainee participated in < and A'S orientation progra& facilitated !y ?auri Adhikari$ who works in rerana organi6ation. t was one day progra&&e fro& 1+ to =p& where trainee got facilitation skills in carrying out the awareness progra&&e in different schools of 0ath&andu alley.
Learning-& •
Trainee learned a!out < and A'S$ its causes$ sy&pto&s$ preventive &easures etc. which were very i&portant to the trainee while doing the presentation.
K4 Partiipated in t/e orientation ,or!-/op on CRC optional protool -/ado, reporting&
O#'eti0e-& •
To know the ai& of the orientation workshop and to participate actively.
To gain idea or infor&ation that how shadow reporting should !e done.
Ati0itie- arried o"t :
The orientation progra&&e was organi6ed at Save the 2hildren office in 2hinatown $ Sundhara. The progra&&e was conducted !y 0apil Aryal where he presented a!out the >3 syste&$ shadow reports and 22 optional protocols. The trainees actively participated in the workshop and had incredi!le learning.
Learning- : •
Trainee learned that the ai& of the workshop was to &ake people aware of 22 and &ake the& understand it.
64 O0erall Learning-: •
Trainee learned a!out the structure of the organi6ation.
Trainee also learnt to use different resources to search and gather infor&ation.
Trainee learned a!out child rights.
(earned to interact with the staffs and other &e&!ers of the organi6ations.
(earned a!out different issue such as hu&an rights post conflict and post &odern conflict.
Trainee learned how single wo&en get their right$ a!out single wo&en and the pro!le& faces and also so&e solution related to the&.
Trainee also learned that door to door ca&paign were initiated to !ring positive i&pacts within the co&&unity and this ca&paign helped not only the wo&en !ut the &e&!ers of their fa&ily and it !rings &ore change in the society.
Trainee learned that ho&e visit is good way of rapport !uilding with the fa&ily and the child as well.
(earned to &anage the progra& and give orientation class.
(earned the techni*ues to run the awareness class to the co&&unity people.
Trainee learned a!out the vulture restaurant where people provide healthy food for the vultures.
Trainee also learned a!out the experience life of terai region.
Trainee learned a!out &any &eans of recreational activities.
Trainee learned a!out < and A'S$ its causes$ sy&pto&s$ preventive &easures etc. which were very i&portant to the trainee while doing the presentation.
;4 T/eor% Applied& Trainee while working at the depart&ent$ interacting with the staffs and participating the progra&s &et different people and applied so&e theories of social work$ which are as follows: 1. rinciple of &eaningful relationship: #hile interacting with the staffs$ co-worker and local people of co&&unity trainee applied the principle of &eaningful relationship. Trainee always treated the& nicely and showed the e&pathy at the place where trainee have to.
). rinciple of acceptance: #hile working at the organi6ation trainee &et different culture at that ti&e trainee accepted the& as they are with their culture and tradition. Trainee stayed at their ho&e and learned their livelihood.
5. rinciple of 2onfidentiality: Trainee &aintained the confidentiality while working at the organi6ation. Those ter&s and condition which were discussed in the office were always kept confidence without sharing with others.
9. rinciple of non %udg&ental attitude: Trainee never %udged any activities that were done !y the people of the organi6ation. Trainee always followed the rules and regulation of the organi6ation without saying that is right or wrong.
=. rinciple of self deter&ination: Trainee always respect the decisions &ade !y the seniors and followed it. Trainee never tried to put own idea at any progra&&e. Trainee also let the local people do what they want to do.
,. eport writing: Trainee wrote reports of the progra&&e which trainee have attended in the organi6ation.
. Applying the code of ethics$ ethical standard and ethical principles: The social workers should pro&ote the general welfare of society. They should act to insure that all people have access to the resource$ services and opportunities that they re*uire.
/. Four ractice Syste&: •
2lient syste&
2hange agent syste&
Target syste&
Action syste&
Trainee worked as a change agent$ the we! of the patterned relationship !etween people.
=4 Anal%-i- and Impre--ion& First of all trainee o!served a!out the depart&ent as a non profita!le$ non political network. Trainee also o!served that depart&ent was conducting various activities !y sending !y sending their students in various progra&&es. Trainee analy6ed that the staffs and supervisors were really helpful and cooperative. 'epart&ent offers its services to the students who are active in social issues and in progra&&es. f we %oin there as a trainee we can develop the interacting skills and learn &any things realted to different social issues.
<4 S"gge-tion or Reommendation&
For the 'epart&ent: As it is a non profita!le and non political organi6ation it has a good network with the other organi6ation and 3?7"S which would help in the good rapport !uilding with other different organi6ation. Trainee felt that the organi6ation was really doing its task for which it was esta!lished for.
For the trainee: 'epart&ent of social work is a good platfor& to explore the capa!ilities of the trainees. 3ew trainees should !e punctual in the organi6ation and should use the dress code. Trainee has to visit different places and have to interact with the different people in different issues. The &ost essential thing is that new trainee should use proper language to deal with others.
<4 Conl"-ion& There are various organi6ations that are working in different other issues of the country. 'ifferent organi6ations are working in different issues such as for children$ <A'S$ for wo&en$ against drugs a!use and addiction. (ikewise 'epart&ent of social work is a s&all institution under 0 and 0 2ollege works for social issues. t is a good platfor& to explore the capacities of the trainees. t has good network with other ngos. As it is a non profita!le and non political organi6ation$ it is doing its task for which it was esta!lished. t was the great opportunity for the trainee to !e placed in this institution. f these types of non profita!le and non political organi6ation are esta!lished under college then country"s education will head towards develop&ent. t will develop the interaction skill with people in different issues. And lastly$ new trainee should !e cooperative$ hardworking and energetic.