Surgical procedures in pearl culture 1. Mantle Cavity Insertion 2. Mantle Tissue Implantation 3. Pre-operative Condition 4. Surgery 5. Post- operation care . !onadal Implantation ". Post- operative conditioning #. Surgery $. Post- operative care 1%. Preparation procedures
Mantle Cavity Insertion In t&is met&od' appropriate nuclei up to 1.% cm in si(e are placed in t&e mantle cavity o) pearl mussels * +. marginalis and +. corrianus,o) t&e si(e # to t&e 1% cm in s&ell lengt& and t&e implanted mussels are reared )or a period o) one year in pond culture environment. T&e products are generally s&ell- attac&ed' &al) round or design pearls' depending upon t&e s&ape o) t&e nucleus implanted. Mantle cavity insertion met&od is a simple tec&niue. Prior to surgery' t&e indigenous )res&ater mussel species +amellidens marginalis' +. corrianus and Parreysta corrugata o) reuired s&ell lengt& and et eig&t are collected. T&ey are care)ully opened /y t&e means o) speculum' 1 cm ide ' it&out causing in0ury to t&e adductor mussels and so)t parts o) t&e mussel. small area o) t&e mantle )rom t&e anterior side is detac&ed care)ully )rom t&e upper s&ell valve and a nucleus o) desired si(e and s&ape *upto 1 cm in si(e,is inserted sloly into t&e mantle cavity and is )urt&er pus&ed deep to avoid re0ection. T&e mussel is no turned over and similar implantations are made in t&e opposite mantle cavity. )ter implantation t&e mussels are ept in post operation care units. T&ese units consists o) errocement tans *2%% liter, )illed it& aged tap ater and 5% nylon /ags*12, arranged in to ros'suspended at %.2 m dept&. T&e units are daily eamined t&e dead mussels and t&e ones t&at re0ect t&e nucleus are removed. )ter post operation care t&ese mussels are t&en stoced in t&e ponds. T&e implanted mussels are placed in nylon /ags *1 cm mes&- 12, at t&e rate o) 2 mussels per /ag suspended at 1.% m dept& in culture ponds. T&e mussels can /e placed at deeper (ones *upto 2.% m, during &ot summer mont&s to avoid sur)ace &eating. T&e stocing density o) implanted mussels can /e 25%%%6%.4 &a.
Mantle Tissue Implantation T&is procedure involves placement o) t&e donor mantle gra)t *2 to 5 s. mm, in t&e space and inner epit&elial layers o) t&e le)t and rig&t mantle lo/es o) t&e recipient mussels *pre)era/ly o) $ to 1% cm in s&ell lengt&,. small nucleus */elo 2mm dia, may also /e placed along it& t &e gra)t depending on t&e si(e and development o) t&e mantle tissue o) t&e recipient mussels. T&e implanted mussels are trans)erred to t&e pond environment )or culture )or a period o) one year. T&e products are un-attac&ed irregular to oval gra)t pearl or nucleated' round cultured pearls. T&e )res&ater pearl mussel &as a complicated internal structure and virtually t&ere is no space le)t )or t&e insertion o) a )oreign /ody. 7oever' t&e mantle is t&e only structure t &at occupies t&e /ul' &aving to )olds on eit&er side o) t&e s&ell valves. 7ence in C&ina and 8apan t&is met&od o) implantation is adopted )or production o) mode pearls per mussels and also t&e stress on t&e animal is minimum in t&is met&od o) implantation.
Pre-operative Condition T&is indigenous pearl mussel species +amellidens marginalis and +.corrianus are collected )rom t&e )res&ater /odies and are su/0ected to pre-operative conditioning )or 2 to 3 days. T&ey are ept in erro cement tans *2%% liter, it& aged tap ater at a stocing density o) 1 muss l6liter o) ater. Preoperative conditioning ensures proper relaation o) adductor muscles in preparation )or surgery. T&is aspect is important in vie o) limited application o) narcoti(ing procedures as )olloed in marine pearl culture operations.
Surgery T&e mussels /e)ore surgery are segregated into to groups' t&e mussels to /e operated upon 9t&e operation mussel: or 9recipient mussel: and t&ose to /e sacri)iced' and t&e 9cell mussels: or t&e 9donor mussels;. T&e live donor mussel is sacri)iced and t&e pallial mantle ri//on o) %.5mm long is ide and ".%cm is collected on a pre cleared moist ooden /oard. T&e strip is< t&en cut into appropriate si(ed gra)t pieces *2-4 mm, and implanted alone or along it& small nucleus *2m dia,into t&e mantle tissue o) t&e recipient mussel. =sing a s&ell opener' t&e recipient mussel is care)ully opened *1.% cm ide,.T&e inner side o) t&e mantle is eposed /y gently pus&ing aside t&e gills and t&e )oot. >y means o) a speciali(ed needle )e pocets are cut in t&e inner mantle. T&e previously prepared live gra)t pieces are inserted it& care into t&ese pocets *one gra)t piece6pocet, it& t&e outer side o) t&e gra)t )acing t&e inner side o) t&e operation mussel s&ell. Suc& gra)ting is done on /ot& t&e side o) t&e mantle lo/es.
It &as /een o/served t&at t&e implanted mantle gra)t epit&elium leads to enveloping t&e nucleus in t&e )orm o) a pearl sac in a/out 15 days and t&e microvillus o) t&e pearl sac epit&elium constituted t&e. cellular /asis )or crystalli(ation o) aragonite calcium car/onate' t&e )irst step in pearl )ormation *8anai ?am @ !ayatri Misra 1$$",. T&e num/er o) implantations can vary /eteen 2-# depending upon t&e si(e and mantle t&icness o) t&e recipient mussel.In nucleated operations a small nucleus *less t&an 2 mm,is inserted along it& t&e live gra)t piece in close association into t&ese mantle pocets.
Post- operation care Immediately a)ter implantation' t&e mussels are ept in post operation care units consisting o) a series o) erro- cement tans*2%% 1 capacit y eac&,)illed it& aged tap ater and 5% nylon /ags *12,suspended at %.2m dept&. T&e implanted mussels are placed at t&e rate o) 2 mussels per /ag it& ventral side up position )or a period o) 1% days. T&e units are daily eamined t&e dead mussels and t&e ones t&at re0ected t &e nucleus and gra)t are removed. Treatment o) t&e ater in post-operative care units it& /road spectranti/iotic. C&loramp&enicol at t&e rate o) 1-2 ppm as a prop&ylactic measure is /ene)icial )or t&e survival and ound &ealing o) t&e implanted mussels. It is desira/le to add green ater*algae enric&ed,into t&ese units a)ter 3 to 4 days o) post operation care.
!onadal Implantation In t&is met&od o) surgery' t&e donor mantle gra)ts *2, along it& a nucleus *3 t o mm dia, are implanted into t&e gonad o) t&e recipient mussels. T&e gonad implanted mussels are maintained in post operative care units it& anti/iotic supplements )or a period o) " to 1e days to minimi(e t&e re0ection rate o) t&e implanted gra)t and nuclei /e)ore trans)erring to pond culture environment. T&e products are unattac&ed' regular' round culture pearls. T&e implantation o) gra)t and nucleus is a concept )olloed in pearl culture operations in t&e marine oysters. 7oever 8apan &as success)ully employed t&is met&od )or )res&ater culture pearl production. In India' gonadal implantation can also /e done in species suc& as +. marginalis and +. corrianus eercising caution and avoiding damages to t&e intestine lying deep inside t&e gonad. T&e riverine species Parreysia corrugata cannot it&stand intricate surgical intervention reuired )or gonadal implantation and t&us is unsuita/le )or t&is met&od o) implantation.
Post- operative conditioning >e)ore implantation t&e common )res&ater mussels +.marginalis and +. corrianus and +.corrugata o) #.%cm or a/ove in si(e and 5%g or a/ove in et eig&t are collected )rom t&e natural environment. T&e live mussels are trans)erred )or s&orter distances in split /am/oo or cane /asets or in open plastic
/ucets. 7oever )or longer duration o) transport, it is desira/le to provide moist pond soil in /eteen layers o) mussels. T&ese mussels are maintained in erro- cement tans it& aged tap ater )or a period o) 2 to 3 days at a stocing density o) 1 mussel61 liter o) ater. Croding o) mussels in suc& a ays )or s&orter periods ensures proper relaation o) t&e adductor muscles in preparation )or surgery.
Surgery )ter pre-operative conditioning t&e mussels are segregated into to groups. T&e larger' 1%.% cm and a/ove constitutes t&e *donor &ile t&e rest )orms t&e recipient stoc. T&e donor mussel is cut open t&roug& t&e adductor mussels it& a s&arp ni)e )olloing t&e ventral gap /eteen t&e to. S&ell valves it&out causing damages to t&e mantle on /ot& t&e valves. T&e< margin mantle 0ust a/ove and along t&e pallial line is t&en cut using a pair o) scissors or a gra)t ni)e. T&e cut out pallial mantle is gently li)ted )rom t&e posterior en.d it& a pair o) )orceps and trans)erred to a pre-cleaned moist ooden /loc ensuring t&at t&e inner side o) t&e cut out mantle ri//on )aces up ards. T&e mantle strip is gently iped clean it& a et sponge. T&e moist mantle strip is trimmed lengt& ise. on /ot& t&e sides employing t&e gra)t scalpel to o/tain a 2 to 3 mm ide pallial mantle ri//on. T&e trimmed pallial ri//on is turned up side don eposing t&e outer side o) t&e pallial mantle. T&e ri//on is again iped clean it& a et sponge. T&e ri//on is t&en cut into a num/er o) small pieces o) 2 t o 3 mm 2 it& t&e gra)t scalpel.T&e live gra)t pieces are ept moist till implantation. T&e mantle on ot&er side o) t&e sacri)iced donor can also /e processed as a/ove and used )or implantations. Ance t&e live gra)t pieces ready't&e recipient mussels are care)ully opened it& t&e s&ell opener inserted t&roug& t&e posterior aspect o) t&e ventral margin o) t &e s&ell. >y using t&e regulator ring o) t&e s&ell opener t&e recipient mussels is opened 1.% cm ide and is positioned on t&e clamped recipient mussel are gently pus&ed up it& a spatula and t&e operating gonad area is eposed. >y means o) a pair o) )orceps t&e )oot is stretc&ed to elevate t&e gonad. measured small incision is made /y means o) a special ni)e placed at t&e ot&er end o) t&e gra)t needleB under t&e outer mem/rane o) t&e gonad Care is to /e taen not to cut deep into t&e gonadal tissue to avoid damage to t&e intestine. live gra)t piece is piced up and is inserted sloly and care)ully t&roug& t&e incision maing sure t&at t&e outer side o) t&e gra)t ids ) acing t&e entry point. ucleus implantation is a delicate procedure )olloing gra)t insertion' t&e nucleus is piced up it& t&e moistened nuclear o) appropriate si(e and is pus&ed t&roug& t&e same incision cut )or t&e gra)t' till it comes in contact it& t&e implanted gra)t. T&e nucleus is released and t&e nucleus cup is t&en it&dran. Care must /e taen to ensure t&at t&e nucleus is in close contact it& t&e outer epit&elium o) t&e implanted gra)t. T&e margins o) t&e incision are smoot&ened it& t&e nucleus needle
cup to minimi(e t&e gap at t&e incision sit. T&e middle area o) t&e gonad is t&e possi/le site )or single implantation.
Post- operative care Post- operative care is an important step in )res& pearl culture operation &ic& is reuired )or t &e implanted mussels to recover. Immediately a)ter surgery restricted movement o) mussel is essential )or t&e retention o) t&e implanted gra)t and nucleus. T&us a)ter implantation' t&e mussels are ept post operation care units. T&ese units consists o) rectangular erro- cement tans *2%% liter, )illed it& aged tap ater and 5% nylon /ags *12 s. em,suspended at %.m dept& in to ros. Implanted mussels are placed at made in CM?I' Tuticorin to produce s&ell /eads )rom t&e sacred c&an s&ell *Dancus pyrum, &ic& are o/tained )rom t&e coastal aters o) Tamil adu' Eerala and !u0arat t&at reuires vigorous )ollo up action. In CI' >&u/anesar to types o) nuclear material &ave /een identi)ied t&at &as given success)ul results. T&e preparation procedure is simple and is easy to adopt' cost is lo and importantly its acceptance and uality o) pearl produced /y t&ese materials are )airly compara/le it& t&e imported s&ell /eads.
Preparation procedures T&e )irst type o) nucleus *stelon /eads,' is prepared /y using commercially availa/le sel)-cure acrylic repair material *poder and solvent, mostly reuired in dentistry. T&e second type o) nuclear material *s&ell /ead, is made )rom t&e dead s&ell pieces o) t&e )res&ater mussel +amellidens marginalis. or t&e preparation o) stelon nuclear material' reuired amount o) acrylic poder is taen in a glass container and sloly t&e solvent is added to it. *pre)era/ly t &roug& a syringe, &ic& is t&en mied t&oroug&ly to prepare a doug&. Immediately' nuclear material o) desired s&ape and si(e are prepared and alloed to air dry. +ater' t&ey are stored in dust )ree close containers.T&e nuclear material is /oiled in ater' air dried and cooled )e &ours prior to implantation. or t&e preparation o) t&e s&ell /ead nucleus'dead s&ell o) +amellidens marginalis are collected and su/0ected to t&oroug& as&ing in ater to remove dirt and sand particles. T&e dry )les& materials' i) present are scraped out. T&e s&ells are t &en dipped in 5%%% ppm o) c&lorine solution *5% gms o) /leac&ing poer containing 1%F c&lorine in %.1 liter o) ater, )or tenty )our &ours or )orty eig&t &ours i) reuired. T&e Completely lye- peeled s&ells are sorted out and are t&en continuously as&ed in tap ater. T&ey are t&en ept in an oven maintained at %GC' )or more t&an to &ours or can even /e sun dried' )or a longer duration to ensure t&e complete removal o) c&lorine )rom t&e treated s&ells. T&e dried s&ells are made into small pieces /y using a mortar and pestle and are t&en )inely podered /y means o) an electric grinder. T&e podered s&ells are t&en processed t&roug& a sieve o) %.%1 - %.%5 mm
mes& si(e. T&e commercial glue raldite &ardener and resin *t&at acts as a /inder, are mied in a ratio o) 11 to prepare a paste. To t&is paste t&e sieved s&ell poder is added gradually to prepare doug& o) t&ic consistency. T&e ratio o) t&e s&ells poder to t&e paste s&ould /e 51. Immediately' nuclei o) desired s&ape and si(e are prepared and t&en are air dried till t&ey /ecome &ard. Prior to implantation' t&e nuclei is /oiled in ater and cooled. T&e mussels can no /e suspended in t&e ponds )or pond culture.