Synthesis of Acetylsalicylic Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) Mary Coleen A. David, Eunice Mae D. del Valle, Sean Romeo . Desa!on, Maria Cauline M. "an!, #enicca $amela %. &o, #an Chr'tien M. &uillo Group 3, 2F-Pharmacy, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of anto !omas
ASRAC Acetlysalicylic acid, also no*n as Aspirin, is one of the most *idely used medications to reduce fever and is also used u sed as a pain iller. +t is an acetyl derivative of salicylic acid. he o-ectives of this eperiment are to calculate the percenta!e yield of aspirin and eplore the chemical process in the synthesis of aspirin. Aspirin is synthesi/ed via an esterification reaction et*een Salicylic Acid Acid and Acetic Anhydride in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid actin! as a catalyst. est for impurities impurities such as the "erric Chloride test, Starch test, and preparation of methyl salicylate *ere performed. +t *as concluded that impurities *ere present in the crude sample of Acetylsalicylic Acetylsalicylic Acid.
+0R1D2C+10 Aspirin, a common name for compound acetylsalicylic acid, is a prototypical anal!esic used in the treatment of mild to to moderate pain. +t is an acetyl derivative of salicylic acid. +t is a *hite, crystalline, *ealy acidic sustance *hich melts at 3456C (7886") and has a oilin! oilin! point of 39:6C (7;96"). he name, salicylic acid, came from the *ord ali" *hich ali" *hich is the *illo* family of plants. +t *as derived from *illo* ar etracts. +n fol medicine, *illo* ar teas *ere used as headache remedies and other tonics. o reduce irritation to the stomach, salicylic acid is no* administered in the form of aspirin rather than salicylic acid. Aspirin acts as an inhiitor of cyclooy!enase (C1<) *hich result in the inhiition of iosynthesis of prosta!landins. +t acts as a chelatin! a!ent *here an acetyl
!roup is covalently attached to a serine residue in the active site of the C1< en/yme. Salicylic acid is reacted *ith an ecess of acetic anhydride to prepare the aspirin. A small amount of a stron! acid is used as a catalyst *hich speeds up the reaction. he synthesis reaction of aspirin is sho*n elo*. A vine!ar=lie smell can e e oserved in formulations containin! hi!h concentrations of aspirin. his is due to the decomposition throu!h hydrolysis in moist conditions *hich can yield salicylic and acetic acid.
Crystalli/ation is chemical solid> li?uid separation techni?ue. +t is a process of crystal formation in a solution. +t is ased on the principle of soluility. Solutes can e more solule in hot li?uid solvents compared to cold li?uid solvents. $ure solid crystals after crystalli/ation process can e separated from the dissolved impurities y filtration. he ferric chloride test is used to determine the presence of salicylic acid in commercial aspirin. A purple color can e oserved *hen ferric chloride reacts *ith phenols. he starch test is used to determine the presence of starch. A purple=lac color can e oserved *hen there is an iodine solution reacts *ith starch. "or Aspirin, starch test is used to identify *hether the dru! contains pure aspirin or has used starch as an additive.
solution, and methyl alcohol are also the rea!ents used for this eperiment. ME1D After preparin! the materials needed for the eperiment, to synthesi/e aspirin, a 7:=ml eaer filled *ith three=fourths of tap *ater *as su-ected to oil. he eaer is supported y the iron rin! and iron stand. A 7:=ml plastic *ash ottle filled *ith distilled *ater *as paced ice *hich *as placed in a lar!er eaer. Fhile oilin!, eactly 7.:: ! salicylic acid *as tared in a *atch !lass throu!h the use of analytical alance and it *as transferred in a clean, dry 7:=cm test tue. .:: ml of acetic anhydride *as dispensed to the test tue and drops of concentrated sulfuric acid
( H SO ) 2
MAER+A@S he materials used in this eperiment areB analytical alance, hard !lass test tues (7:= 3:cm), !lass rod, eaer (3@, 7:m@, 3:m@), iron rin!tripod, plastic ottle, unsen urnerhot plate, clamp, $asteur pipette, microspatula, and *atch !lass. Salicylic acid, acetic anhydride, concentrated sulfuric acid *ere the rea!ents utili/ed. Commercial aspirin, en/oic acid, en/yl alcohol, 7 ferric chloride, iodine
*as added. 2sin! a stirrin! rod,
the miture *as stirred until the salicylic acid dissolved completely.
he urner *as turned off *hen the *ater in the eaer e!an to oil vi!orously. he test tue *as placed in a hot *ater ath to allo* the miture to react *ithin a temperature ran!e of 8:6C to ;:6C in 7:=4: minutes. he content of the test tue *as stirred *ell for 3 minute. he test tue *as then removed from the *ater ath and its contents *ere slo*ly and cautiously poured in a 3:=ml eaer filled *ith ml distilled *ater. 1nce the miture has susided, the miture *as stirred for a minute *hile room temperature *ater *as added slo*ly, a fe* drops at a time, a maimum of 9: drops *as reached or a cloudy solution *as formed. After *hich, the solution *as removed from the setup. hen the inner *alls of the eaer *as scratched !ently usin! the stirrin! rod to induce crystal formation. 1nce the crystals of aspirin has appeared, the test tue *as rinsed *ith a small volume of ice=cold *ater. A 7:=ml of ice cold *ater *as added into the 3:=ml eaer then the eaer *as paced in ice for at least 3: minutes to accumulate the crystals. he aspirin crystals *ere filtered usin! a pre=*ei!hed filter paper and *as dried overni!ht. hen, dried aspirin crystals *ere *ei!hed. Confirmatory tests *ere performed net. he crystals *ere first su-ected to ferric chloride test for salicylic acid. 5 test tues *ere prepared, each containin! 3m@ of *ater. Small amount of salicylic acid, po*dered commercial aspirin, synthesi/ed aspirin, en/oic acid, and 3m@ of en/oyl alcohol *ere each placed in their correspondin! test tues usin! the microspatula. he sith test tue filled *ith
3 ml *ater *as the controlled variale. All si tues *ere shaed and dissolved in 3 ml of *ater. hen, usin! a $asteur pipette, a drop of 7 a?ueous solution of ferric chloride *as added. he resultin! color *as oserved and noted. he second confirmatory test *as the starch test. hree 3:cm test tues, each containin! 7m@ of *ater *ere prepared. Small amount of prepared aspirin and commercially availale aspirin *ere each added to their correspondin! test tues. he third test tue filled *ith *ater *as the controlled variale. A drop of iodine solution *as added in each test tue. he resultin! color *as oserved and noted.
Methyl salicylate *as prepared in a similar manner as aspirin ut at a lo*er temperature. Eactly 3.:: ! of salicylic acid *as placed in a 7:=cm test tue. ml of methyl alcohol and 4 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid
( H SO ) 2
*as then added to
the test tue. he contents of the miture *ere stirred until a dissolution of salicylic acid in alcohol *as formed. he test tue *as then placed in a 8:6C *ater ath for 3 minutes. he mint aroma produced inferred the presence of methyl salicylate.
RES2@S A0D D+SC2SS+10 A.
Reaction of Acetic Anhydride and Salicylic Acid
Fei!ht of *atch !lass G salicylic acid
9H.8 !
Fei!ht of empty *atch !lass Fei!ht of salicylic acid Volume of acetic anhydride Volume of concentrated sulfuric acid Fei!ht of filter paper G product Fei!ht of dry filter paper Fei!ht of product
98.8 ! 7.:: ! .:: m@ drops 5.:: ! 4.:: ! 4.:: !
Synthesis of Acetylsalicylic AcidB
o calculate for the actual yield of synthesi/ed aspirin, the theoretical yield of acetylsalicylic acid *ill e ased on the limitin! rea!ent. he limitin! rea!ent in the reaction is salicylic acid. he purpose is to identify if the actual eperiment has
otained a complete reaction of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. "rom the calculation, 33 *as synthesi/ed aspirin *hich presents that the demonstrated eperiment has sli!ht impurities otained. hese impurities refer to the presence of salicylic acid.
CalculationsB Chemical E?uationB C 7 H 6 O3+ C 4 H 6 O 3 ⟶ C 9 H 9 O4 + CH 3 COOH @imitin! rea!entB Salicylic AcidB 2.00 g C 7 H 6 O 3 ×
1 mol 138.12 g C 7 H 6 O3
180.16 g C 9 H 9 O 4 1 mol
2.61 g C 9 H 9 O 4
Acetic AnhydrideB 5.00 ml C 4 H 6 O3 ×
1.082 g 1 ml
1 mol 102.09 g C 4 H 6 O3
180.16 g C 9 H 9 O 4 1 mol
g C 9 H 9 O 4
heoretical yieldB 2.00 g C 7 H 6 O 3 ×
1 mol 138.12 g C 7 H 6 O3
180.16 g C 9 H 9 O 4 1 mol
g C 9 H 9 O 4
$ercenta!e yieldB 3.00 g synthesized aspirin 2.6082 g C 9 H 9 O4
× 100
. "erric Chloride est "erric chloride is used for determination of purity of a sustance. +t is used to determine the presence or asence of phenols in a !iven sample. +llustration of the reaction of ferric chloride is sho*n elo*.
Test Tube
Salicylic acid Commercial aspirin Synthesi/ed aspirin en/oic acid
$urple solution $in solution $urple solution Clear solution *ith *hite crystalline ppt uly solution Colorless
(G) Salicylic acid present (>) 0o presence of salicylic acid (G) Salicylic acid present (>) 0o presence of salicylic acid
en/yl alcohol Control
he reaction of salicylic acid *ith
( Fe ( H O ) ) +3
a?ueous ferric
produced an intense purple color. he oy!en atoms of the caroylic acid !roup
(−COOH ) and hydroyl !roup (−OH ) on salicylic acid can form a comple !roup
( Fe ( H O ) )
(>) 0o presence of salicylic acid (>) 0o presence of salicylic acid
positive result. his means that commercial aspirin reacted to iodine and that it contains starch. 0o reaction occurred in the synthesi/ed aspirin and the controlled variale. he result inferred that there is no starch present in oth synthesi/ed aspirin and *ater. D. $reparation of Methyl Salicylate
*ith ferric
ion. he purple
color indicates the presence of salicylic acid. +n aspirin, the hydroyl !roup replaced y ester
(−OH ) *as
OCOC H 3) durin!
esterification and nucleophilic sustitution *hich prevents the comple or second ond formation. his *ill emanate a yello* solution.
Methyl alcohol *as used to dissolve salicylic acid. +t *as su-ected to *ater ath for it to produce an odor. he presence of methyl salicylic acid *as confirmed in the miture *hen it produced a mint=lie odor. Methyl salicylate and acetylsalicylic acid are derivatives of salicylic acid. +llustration for the reaction of methyl salicylate is sho*n elo*.
C. Starch est he iodine test or starch test is used to test for the presence of starch. Test Tube
Commercial aspirin Synthesi/ed aspirin Control
(G) $urple colored solution (>) 0o reaction (>) 0o reaction
Commercial aspirin formed a lue= lac colored solution *hich indicates a
3. Syntesis of Aspirin. Retrieved from httpBmason.!mu.eduI-schorniche m733laChem7:733= 7377:Aspirin.pdf 7. @ehman, #. (7::7). #ultiscale Operational Organic Chemistry$ % problem olving %pproach to the Laboratory Course& 0e* #erseyB $rentice all. $!. 9:=9;, 78=759, 4: 4. $avia, D., @ampman, &., Jri/, &., K En!el, R. (3HHH). 'ntro(uction to Organic Laboratory !echni)ues * % #icroscal %pproach +3r( e(&&
Saunders Colle!e $ulishin!. $!. 5:= 8:, 3::=3:H 9. Aspirin Synthesis. Retrieved from httpB***.lahc.educlasseschemistr yariasEp7:7:= 7:Aspirin"33.pdf 5. Loprin, ayer uffered Aspirin (aspirin) dosin! indications, adverse effects, and more. Medscape Reference. FeMD. Retrieved from httpBreference.medscape.comdru! /orprin=ayer=uffered=aspirin= 49478H