Table of Specifications for the Medical Technology Board Exam Revised Matrix/ Table of Specifications (TOS) for the icens!re Examination ("inali#ed $ith %&SMET' and %&MET) (released by the %R Board of Medical Technology)
Table of Specifications linical hemistry (*+,) * 0 1 .
; 8
Clinical Chemistry Specimen ollection nstr!mentation Reagent %reparation and aboratory mathematics 2!ality &ss!rance Meta Metabo boli lic c Blo Blood od Tests sts ( %rin %rinci cipl ples es33 %ro %roce ced! d!re res3 s3 4iseases/4isorders3 Reference 5al!es) .6-6 7ater balance and electrolytes .6*6 9%9 and other metabolic intermediaries and inorganic ions .606 carbohydrates .616 lipids and dysproteinemia .6.6 specific proteins .6:6 liver f!nction tests .6;6 linical en#ymology Endo Endocr crin inol olog ogy y and and Toxico xicolo logy gy (%ri (%rinc ncip iple les3 s3 %roc %roced ed!r !res es 3 4isease and Reference :6-6 Endocrinology :6-6-6 Thyroid 'ormones :6-6*6 Sex 'ormones :6-606 Other hormones (%it!itary and &drenal) :6*6 Toxicology and Therape!tic 4r!g Monitoring (T4M) :6*6-6 S!bstance of &b!se
:6*6*6 Other poisons / toxic agnets ( &lcohol3 carbond monoxide3 merc!ry and lead and arsenic :6*606 T4M anticonv!lsants and other dr!gs Bloo Blood d gas gas anal analys ysis is and and othe otherr test tests s (pri (princ ncip iple les3 s3 %roc %roced ed!r !res es33 diseases/disorders3 reference val!es) aboratory Safety TOT&
., ., ., -+, .+, 8, :, :, 8, :, :, 8, -:,
1, 0, 0, *, *, *, 1, ., -++,
Table of Specifications Microbiology and %arasitology (*+,) -
MICROBIOLOGY (70%) BCTERIOLOGY -6- ollection3 Transport 3 %rocessing and staining of
WEIGHT (%) !"% .,
specimens -6* !lt!re Media -606 Bacteria (&erobes) -606- Morphology and staining characteristics -606*6 c!lt!ral characteristics -60606 7or< !p for identification3 biochemical3 differential and confirmatory tests -60616 Serologic/molec!lar tests -606.6 S!sceptibility Tests -606:6 Bacteriologic examination of $ater3 food3 mil< and !tensils -616&naerobes -6. Mycobacteria -6:6 Other bacteria $ith !n!s!al gro$th re=!irements (Spirochetes3 hlamydia3 Mycoplasma3 Ric
eneral characteristics3 transmission of diseases 06*6 ollection3 transport and examination of clinical specimens E$I&ME'T ' I'TRME'TTIO' 16-6 Man!al 16*6 &!tomated $LITY R'CE ' +ETY .6-6 ollection of Specimen .6*6 2!ality ontrol .606 Safety %atient/Staff .616 Safety ? 7or
., ., ., -1, 0, 1, *, *, *, *, !%
*, *, !%
*, *, *%
0, *, ,%
*, *, *, *, 70% ./%
., ., ., ., -, ., *, *, -, 1,
86-6 ollection and %reservation of Specimen 86*6 2!ality ontrol S@BTOT& TOT&
*, *, -0% /00%
Table of Specifications linical Microscopy -
* 0
CLI'ICL MICROCO&Y @rine -6- &natomy and physiology of the astric "l!id and 4!odenal ontent 06.6 Sp!t!m and Bronchial 7ashings 06:6 Synovial "l!id 06;6 %eritoneal3 %le!ral and %ericardial "l!ids ollection3 preservation and 'andling of specimens Microscopic3 a!tomation and other instr!ments 2!ality ass!rance and laboratory safety Ttal
.0, ., -+, -8, -., *, 0, 0, *-, ., ., 0, *, *, *, *, -+, ., ., /00%
Table of Specifications 'istopathology and MT a$s
HITO&THOLOGY1 MT LW1 RELTE LW ' COE Hist2athl3y (4*%) 'istology and %athology -6-6 Terminologies -6*6 Etiology of disease -606 Signs3 symptoms and co!rse of disease -616 ell!lar and tiss!e changes 'istopathologic techni=!es and proced!res *6-6 %reservation and handling of specimen *6*6 Tiss!e %rocessing and %roced!res *6*6-6 Ro!tine Man!al *6*6*6 Ro!tine &!tomation
-+, 1, *, *, *, 0., -+, ;, .,
: ; 8 A
*6*606 Special *606 Staining *606-6 Ro!tine *606*6 Special (mm!nohistochemistry) ytologic Techni=!es and %roced!res 06-6 %reservation and handling of specimen 06*6 %rocessing 06*6-6 Man!al 06*6*6 &!tomation 0606 Staining &!topsy 16-6 Terminologies 16*6 'andling %rocessing and 4oc!mentation 2!ality &ss!rance BTOTL MT La5s Relate6 La5s an6 C6e Ethics MT a$s aboratory Management Related a$s ode of Ethics ncl!ding Bioethics BTOTL TOTL
0, ., ., 8, *, *, *, *, *, -, -, -+, 4*% -+, -+, -+, ., -*% /00%
Table of Specifications ? 'ematology *
HEMTOLOGY Blood ollection3 anticoag!lants and others 'ematology tests and proced!res *6-6 Ro!tine *6*6 &!tomation *606 Special 'ematopoeisis 06-6 'ematopoiesis in general 06*6 Erythropoiesis and RB 0606 e!
., 0+, -., -+, ., 1+, :, -*, -*, -+, *+, *, 8, -+, ., /00%
Table of Specificatons Blood Ban
-1 -. -: -; -8 -A *+
*** *0
Bl6 Ban8in3 (*0%) &BO and Rh Blood >ro!p System Other Maor Blood >ro!p SystemC DEll3 4!ffy3 Didd3 e$is3 M9Ss3 !theran3 %3 Minor Bloof >ro!p SystemsC 4iego3 art$right3 hido3 >3 Scianna3 >erbich3 Milton3 Dnops3 Bg3 ndian3 etc6 Basic >enetics Blood 4onor Selection and %rocessing Blood %reservation and ban
., 0, -, *, ., ., ., *, 0, 0, 8, 1, 1, *0%
* . 8 . * 0 -. . . * 0 0 . *0% /00%